1 i v i H-A-XjILi 5c SLEDGE, proprietors. A. ITEWSP'A.FEI FOR THE PEOPLE. TERMS-2'M I'KR ANNUM IN ADVA NCK VOL. XIX. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, NO V EM B Kit 8, 1888. NO. 35. f T ft 1 1 "V V NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I W It V-airw. C.A EAMBRIU. Mr: Co. OUR PA.TE1TT ROLLEB ELOTJRS are miioufHuivU from tho CHOICEST WHEAT OBTAIN ABI.K f. r which Hnliimore as i market stands pre-eminent. Their superiority for l'NI FOKM ITY, KTKKNGTII and UNAPPROACHABLE FLAVOR las ling been acknowledged. The PATAPSCOSd'EULATlVK PATENT Ptand unrivalled. Ufa ik-h, Cna-ny Co), fuatidioua. IVAak yi Patapsoo Sup r'alive l'ati nt, l'ataHc,o Family Patent, Baldwin Family, C. A. (JAM BRILL M )12 1y. THE ONLY Brilliant Durable Economical Are Diamond Dyes. They excel all others In Strength, Purity and Fastness. None others are just is good. Ik ware of tm.tations--ttier are made of cheap and inferior materials and give poor, weak, crock colors. 36 colors ; to cents each. Sand pottal for Dye Rook, Sample, Can), direction! ter coloring Pbotoi., making ihi (tncsl Ink or Dluing (10 eta. a quart), etc. SM y Druggnu or by WELLS, RICHARDSON i CO., Burlington, Vt. For Gliding or Bromlng Fancy Art idea, USB DIAMOND PAINTS. Oold, IHvar, Browse, Cappr. Only 10 Crate, jau ll) ly C0flfll$$l0t PEFtCrltfTS, ROOMS 8 A 9 HARK BUILDING, NORFOLK, VA. MFMBKMor TUB . Y Ctrl m.N KXOIIAMJK. Special attention raid to the sale of Consignments T. -.1. .1 A R RATT & SON, COiVlMIISSIOlT MERCHA1TTS, PETERSBURG, VA. COTTON BAGGING and TIES. Havfna bunaht a lanre M ofhtetliix find tUa BKFiiUK THR RISK wc 'nn sell tlit'm i-hean. Alliance c,ilUn tn lU of lOulmk Mtioaor inure hin Rhipmenis of cotun and other produce aolii-iUil. made Any arrangements can tie made with tfVt. YY. FOE HALK BV T. N. on 14 ir THE PLACE TO GET VT LOWEST PRIOE& IS AT Dlt. A. R. ZOLLICOFFEU'S, WEST SIDE WASHINGTON W E L I) STOCK KEPT COMPLETE vraMCBIRIOR DKf ARTMKMT riLI.Il) rBESCBIPTIONS COilPOUNDKD rEBFCMEXY, STATIONERY, FA'KCY FANCT llHIIflll tkall lrt valsonaalwari TECE Premier Flour of America. PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS. ESTABLISHED--1774. r, it make, a Bread that will suit the or lit peer lor it. Rolando Choice Pntent, Orange (irove Extra, Maplctnn Family. ANTFACTTiUNO COM PA XV, 214 Commerce St , Baltimore, Md. 0- ,cj CELERY PamS COMPOUND CURES I PROOFS . . 'l'in'ClryCo. NOUrdlgO pound cured my ncrr- vti aick licadailiei." "--""a-awaiaw Mri. I, A. IIk in rNU, Nervous j..q.c,!. Prostration 1 1 AHr rrSn? "aHi iiwaiii Compound, l am cured ul rhtimlim." Rheumatlam X; " ll ha lion me more KiClnOy koh1 fur kidney diKat th in any other riedi Di 90&8Q9 tine " (lio. Abbott, Stout i it)-, Iowj. AHD "l'ain.'i Ceiry Com- pound ha 1 been of great All aLIVOT Unrfit Ut torpid liver, intl'fsdon, and biliout- Dlsorders r-" e Loai L, luti nee, V I. ruMHtM.V SO. 88 WALL STRKKT. NKW YORK. cotton and liberal advances made on all augltiHm. KM crt prajTQ A HA1.K w itli freight addtnl. Hlghtut rath prim ohbilnvd and prompt rvtunn Xli. Littleton, N. C. sepSfu STAINIUCK & CO. THE- AVE, OPPOSITE R. SHED. 0 N. N. C. BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. WITH Till BICT SIl.STt.D MATIRlAL.1i( AT ALL IIOL'KS WITH OltEAT CARE. 80A1-8, BRUS1IK8, ARTICLES, TOBACCO AND CIOAU& awalti roj at ZOLLICOFFEU'S. MORNING-GLORIES. She toolt no gold or precious stors Into that far-off land, Only tome morning-Klory seeds I shut within her bund. 1 thought the spirit of the flower Somehow with hers might rise, And quicken Into life and bloom Tbe aolt of FaradUe. It fteemed so far for her to go Alone, to that itrange place, Where every thing waa great and grand, With no lamlllar face. But if ahe had tbete bloaaoms there She'd feel at home I knew. For mund our door they alwaya hung Their bells of pink and biun. She loved them so they were the first We planted when the earne, A glrlibh bride, to ah ore my home, My hearth, my heart, my nutne. And always when I came she stood To meet me tn the door, Where morning-glories twined, and threw Light shadow 1 on tbe floor. The angeii through these trumpets brigo Rome tneiwiife mar Mxak- She uned to nay, and held tnem up 10 brow, and Hp, and cheek. I umlled at her quaint fnncy then, Hut now, when come a stir Among the leaves, my heart grows atitt To bear some word from her. For yonder, where the eat Ik brlbt Where inornmirirUirtpn fiitr. I know (the waits for nn the samo L'lKjn the threshold then1. Alttivn Mary Ftlhw$,in I mtiunapolia Journal A FRIENDLY SCHEME. The Successful Way In Whioo Erlde Was Won. I think It's too bad," anid Charlie Oxford. What's too bad ?" nsked liia friend, Joo Waillolch. Why, that I um no poor mid lmiiiien to bo In lovo with a rich girl." Nothing bad about that." Hut there in, under the circumHtun- ces. II citlior I were not poor or Alice not rich, old Mr. Tlmyof would give his consent." Why, tlio obstinate old gentleman! And you can't persuade him, with all your logic ?" I'ersuado him ! He won't listen to me. Why, he angrily ordered me never to enter his house ugnin 'darken my doors' wna the exact expression ; but ho shall not blight her life and mine by his heartless obstinni y ? Ho shall not 1 I defy him ! We'll elope ! Hut, I harlle, anld Joe, "It would be (ar more desirable to marry Alice with the consent of lior (uther, and if you will confidingly place your case In my hands and do just as I tell you, without asking any questions, I will en- gnge to have you married to Alleo Thayer within three months, If desir able, with tlio unqualified approval of her father." Very good then ; I become your cliont at once. I know you wouldn't deceive me. Now what shall I do ?" Well do nothing. (;o about your usual business and do not go near Mr. Thayer's house or try to sou Alice clan destinely. I.onvo all to me. Hut when you meet tlio old gcntleinun anywhere merely greet him with lormal and dig nified politeness and pass on. Then re port each meeting to mo." "I will follow your Instructions." And the two friends parted. Charlie Oxford, who was a newspaper rcHrtor, had only lived a year In tho little Western city of C ; but that was quite long enough to allow him to (all in lovo with Alice Thayer, the pet tiest and best girl in the place, and tho laughter of a lending nnd wealthy citi zen. Joe Wadletgh was a clerk in Mr. Thayer's business establishment, and a very shrewd fellow he was. A week after his conversation with his Iriend, Charlie Oxford met Mr. Thayer in the street Remembering his instructions, he bowed coldly, when, much to his aston ishment, the old gentleman smiled and said "tiood morning," with unmistak able cheerfulness. Charlie would have passed ou, but Mr. Thayer stopped him with : "Oh, by the way, a word, Mr. Ox- lord." 'Certainly," replied Charlie, with dig nity. The fact is," said Mr. Thayer, "I tear you think I huveUi-ninb-ntionully rude towards you. You see, I am nat ural) impulsive, and had not given the matter u thought. 1 was not aware of that is, I wou'-d say," stammered Mr. Thayer, with the air i( one who nar rowly escaes saying something acci dentally which he would not say for worlds," the fact is, since I have thought on tho subject, I cor 'hide there Is no reason why you should not be consid ered A Iriend of the family. So, forget the past, call at my house as often ns you con make It convenient, and you sha'l alwaya be welcome 1 know you and Alice are fond of each other, and I th ink It would not be right forcibly to separata you. And the meeting terminated. That evening he reported all tn Joe. "It w orks charmingly," wax the brief comment. Why, what ran lie working this great change f" asked Charlie. "Can be be mad t" "No -though he may tome day. He li perfectly aane, and means all be says. Avail yourself of his present friendli ness ; go to bis house ; be agreeuble. though reticent ; marry Alice as soon as convenient Then I will explain." It was a very stylish wedding that took place just (our weeks later. The ceremony ns performed at the Thayer mansion, and the elite were present Everybody was happy, and none ap peared more so than the bride'a father. Mr. Thayer remarked, good humor edly, that he wasn't going to give bride away for nothing, and he handed Charlie his check lor r.V.UW. aud cer tain deeds making him the owner of handsome residence and other real tate. It wna nearly half a year before Brn Jaraln Thayer began to entertain a faint glimmering of the fact that It was just possible for a certain utter to have been a fabrication. It was a letter which, about all weeks before his daughter's marriage, had In some inscrutable way got mixed with his own mail matter, and which, al though it wsj addressed to "Charles Oxford," he had opened and rodd per- baps without noticing that It was not addressed to himself. Hut even If he had discerned this fact ho might only hnve been prompted by n commendable desire to discover some thing unfavorable In the antecedents or connections of ono who aspired to his daughter's hand, and who might be a mere adventurer. Stray lettoiB often make such disclosures. Hut tho letter happened to read as fol lows, word lor word : Ni w Yoh. jBien Is . "Your Lonlthlp 1 have Juki relumed from Engliuil. irter placing jur ettstei In th? hindi of nw itnwnril, h. you ilciiril OnmaUln Inorouxn lnvt',llKil!on. I r.1i,eoverd thai lour lordship's fo'in-r slfWunl. Canny, hud iquatv dereduuly 3 10' ir 14.0 0, whu-ta WIN not so bad s thrre wa. reaton to unp.cl. Uut there ta no knowing- what he mlfrhl have done hS'l ht not been ,uddonljr checked la his reckless ca reer. "Of your revenue., for last year. i'M.ono are placed to your credit In the Hank of Knglnnd, and I havu Itive.ted s like amount for you In American railroad hondi. The ill! no which yourl'.rtWhip annually give, to the poor I care fully distributed lor you. SB you directed. "I trust that your lordship's health la good, Slid that you may not uu-k cnoynvnt. 1 (eel deeply lutereatcd In your scheme to secure a wife who tr ay marry you without being aware ot your hfL'h position. On the devotion of such a one, when you have secured her. you can ai ways rely. Hut It does seem odd to m . the idea of your lordship assuming the hitmlil" rolo of a newspaper reporter, and the plain nume ol Charles Oxford. No doubt you feel the incon venience of the situation, but 1 sincerely hope your lordship will eventually bo rewarded by the love of a lovely womun. Pray do not hesitate ro command me when ever I can serve your lord.hlp tn the slightest degree. Your obedient servant. KliWAPu Kino. Attorney at taw. Louts tVllllam Charlemagne Oxford, Karl of Oreatwlck " II this letter really was a fabrication. it must have been the work of that tin- scrupu'ous little Joo Wadleigh. Hut no matter, what was done could not be undone, and old HcnThaver was atrific too sensible to innko a noise about that might present himself to the public in a ridiculous light So, alter leeling just a little vicious for a day or two, he concluded to make the best of It, and consoled himself with the reflection that. If he did not get a "distinguished nobleman" lor a son-in-law, as he ha I once thought, ho ut least got a noble man, since distinguished In jourtiullsm. if. Y. Evening World. VICTOR HUGO'S MANNERS. A r.n.rteturs of th. Or.rat.at Novelist of th. N!net..uth C.ntury. Ho returned to Farls in 1871, nnd en couraged his compatriots during tho seige by his cheerful courage, exhorting them to persevere in their gallant re sistance. Little (ieorges and Jeanne, his grandchildren, lived with him, and great was his anxiety when tho priva tions told on Jeanne's health. How bcttutilully ho has writton about these children! Ho was never" old in spirit though he lived to be eighty-thrco. On tbe lop of mi omnibus without a great coat, going up in a balloon, making ex cursions alMiut l'aris, he is frollcsomu and delighted with every thing, liko boy. On Muv 1:1, li. he died, his last word, his last conscious net, being for his grandchildren. And we all recollect what a funeral his country men gave him! Who will cast the first, stone? He had faults. Some limes ho "tMised. At ono point or another, what amount of genius (which, by itself, even weak ens) mttv ennblo n man or woman to eseapo the malicious, ironical, impish taint ol inferiority shall we suy, folly? Tho wiso nnd kindly may regard theso signs nnd svmbols of our common hu manity in no ungi'iioroi'S temper, xr ith a certain pitving, amused atTeetloniitc tol erance rather. Nomcliody hns said how fortunatoweure In having a few details about tho private lite of Shukcspero fortunate, yes, if we am "valets" toour "heroes"; othorwlso Mjrhaps hardly. Hugo's theatricality was only super ficial. These all have their "treasure In earthen vessels." Ah! and most of us have so much enrthen vessel, so lit tle treasure! Well, when I hud tho honor of being presented to the master in the Avenue d'Kylau, when) ho lat terly lived, I nutieod that the room was hung with gorgeous hangings of crim son, brocaded velvet and gold, and that the only thing in form of a statue or a bust w as a statuette of tho poet him self. Hut this, of course, w as not his private room; and what impressed mo fur more was tho master's unaffected, unassuming, and genial cordiality, tho raie charm ol his manner. He neither preached nor soliloquised, moreover. but conversed. This ruler over hearts and minds was possessed of an ability to set loyal and devoted subjects at their case, which many merely heredi tary monnrehs might envy. All who came in contact with him (Charles Dicsens among the number) testify to his singular iersonul charm; the old man's face was magnificent Kotlcn Aoe, irt Lumlua AemUmg. - An eccentric and domineering vlcar nt Hurtialilswick, 1 orkshire. hug., at tempted to run things all by himself, When a funeral procession reached tho irate a short time afterward it found them locked, while the hells were ring lug fur a wedding. The grave was dug too shallow, and In n north and south position, and In attempting to lower the of!ln tho vlcar and his boy let It fall with a crash to the bottom. He offered V Hip new pi-HVe, hot th rl'iflve vencluded thut he hud done ha m vnettgh already, nnd the exercises were temporarily concluded. Goorge Wis an Old Settler. "I wits sitting in the l'lillade'phla depot waiting for the train that brought me here," said a Phllodol- phiun to a Mtrty of New York friends tho othor duy, "when a particularly o d and decrepit netrro caaje and sal dowu by my side. When he had gath ered In sufficient breath ti insure an ability to answer, I asked him what his name was." "Georgo Washington, snh," he re plied. " 'Georgo Washington?" I said, in a playful way, 'the name sounds strange ly familiar. I believe I have heard it before.1 " 'I spot's yo' has, boss said the old man, proudly, i has been 'round those parts er good manjf yenhs, I has.' " JV. Y. Sun. "But the worst of all Isms," said a lecturer on sectarianism, "is ptigll Ism. "I know a worse one than that, aid a lame man In the back of the hall. "What U UP'' "RheumatUm." GLADSTONE TALKING. H. Is th. Moat Faarluatlna Coaveraatlon Hat in th. World. There remains to this generation one talker who may bo likened to Mucnu lay. I meijn Mr. Gladstone. To write about a living celebrity us freely us about ono who already belongs to his tory Is impossible; it Is equally Impos sible to give in a few sentences a com plete account of Mr. Gladstone's char acteristics us a talker. 1 nume him not us u type, but us an anti-typo. His manner belongs to a period that is past, II that can bo said to belong to any petiod which Is in fuct entirely in dividual. If I liken him to Mucuuluy, It is because he also has in a degree that habit ol monulogue which Mucuu luy had, and with him other less lu mous personages of his time. His talk Is u stream; a stream like the Oxus in Arnold's verse: 'Brimming and bright and large " Nor does anybody, like Horace's rus tic, wait lor it to Now out; H 1 ustreum you would like to flow on forover. Mucuuluy I never heurd; he hud car ried his talk elsewhither before I camo to Knglnnd. Mr. Gladstone I huvu heard often, and if Mucuuluy was ut ull like him all tho jealous criticism of his contemporaries who survived him, and who say he would now be thought a bore is sheer nonsense. Hut there must have been points of contrast between tho methods of these two gre:'.t talkers not less sharp than between the men themselves. Roughly BpeaUing, Mucuuluy passed his life among books, Mr. Gladstone has passed his in ulTairs. Man of the world in one sense he is not; but pre eminently a man of utTuirs, ul English affairs, ull his life long engaged in the transaction ot tho weightiest public business. His conversation reflects the hubit of mind which all this con tinuing experience has formed. No ono ever lived who knew the political history ot his own time so well, and Knglish statesman ever hud so many Interests outside of statesman ship, literary, religious and tho rest. There is no subject on which he will not talk. Ills memory is the marvel ol every body who has been his asso cinle or ucquuintunce. Searcoatoprc cun be started on which he has not a store of foots. He takes little thought of his uudienco or of what may bo supposed to interest them. His sub ject Interests him, and it never occurs to him that it may not Interest others. And ho is quite right. In his hands, whatever It may be, it is interesting. He has been known to discourse to his neighlMir through the greuter part of a long dinner on the ductrine of copyright mid of international copy right. His neighbor was a beautiful woman, who cures no more for copy right than for the Cberokees. Sho listened to him throughout with un failing delight. There was n critical moment In tho history of Mr. Gladstone's Government trom IXMO to 1KH4 when tho fute of his ministry seemed likely to turn on tho success or failure of the expedition for tho rescuo of Gordon. He was stay ing in u house in Scotland It was the time of the third Midlothian campaign and grave news had just come from the Soudan. Whoever listened to him at dinner would hnvo said that tho Prime Minister had never heard of tho Soudan. The nil sunsets of that sum mer were being discussed and the scientific guess that they were caused by the Java earthquake of the year before. Off went Mr. Gladstone on earthquakes. Trte Dutch Government had sent out a commission of Inquiry; eighteen months hud passed; the coin- mission had made no report, and Mr. Gladstone's impatieneo to be in pos session of the reitort of the commis sion of the Dutch Government on tho Java earthquake was uncontrollttble. He wanted tho facts; he wanted the theory of this convulsion ol nature; ho wanted the statistics of tho loss of life nnd the destruction ol property. They hud iH'cn promised; they hud not boon given. Did any Italy know when they were likely to be given or from what other sourse they could be obtained? The cares of an empire sat so lightly on these Atluntenn shoulders thut for hnlf an hour this problem of the Java earthquake entirely possessed his mind: that, and fbat only, was of eon- i'ti to him or to thu human ruce in general. hut choice tiuve you out to give yourself up to the influence of an intellect h ct irn:unding. with this unia.itig power ot hcing totully ab sorbed in the one subject on which it Is fixed for the time being? There is but one word for such talk, the fascin ation of it is Irresistible. AonrfoM Cor lltnton firrattt. The Fun of Dictionaries. There Is no end to the involuntary humor of dictionaries. The Hostou (Kngluml) corporation records of l.r7M contain the entry: "That it dlctlonaryo shall be bought for the scollers of the Free Scoole, and the same Itoko to be tycd In a cheyne. and set upon u desko in the M'hoolc, w herinnto nay scoller may have aeeesse as o.-ussion ehaU serve." I'ossihlv tbev oblitined Kioh urd Hulote's "Alwceilitrium" which tells us thut a ". is kutryce" "is a ser pent called the kvnge ol scrpentes, whoso nature is to ky 11 with hysslngo only." But even Italley's famous dic tionary, which Is the foundation of Johnson's, tells us that the loriot or golden nurlole Is "a bird that being looked upon, by one who has the yel low jaundice, cures the person, and dies himself." Kdward Phillips, though a nephew of John Milton, defines In his dictionary of lti.M a gallon as "a measure containing two quarts," nnd again, B quaver is stated to bo "a measure of time In musick, being the half of a crotchet, ns a crotchet tho half ftf a quaver." And Webster, In 4ils first issue, has some furious mis takes in cricketing terms. The wick et-keeper, he says, is "a plnyor in cricket who stands with a bat to pro tect the wicket from tho ball," and a long-stop Is "one sent to stop balls sent a long distance." An anonymous lexicographer of 16X9 derives hassock "from the Teutonic Hare, an hare, and Socks; beeuuso hare-skins are some time wore Instead of socks, to keep the feet warm In winter," Boston Bea con. CALEDONIAN CANAL. A Hid. Anions; Ptetureatiu. Islands ana A we- luaplrlus- Hounlalna. At last, us day begun to wane, wo passed through l.och Alice mid the Corraii narrows Into Loch l.luulie. And here the mighty spirit of the lukes aud mountains took possession of us ull and held that boatload of merry pooplc silent and spell-bound. It wits us If wu were lietn;j borne onward, swiftly and noiselessly. Into the Inmost holy of holies. Kven the captain nnd the very deckhands stood like men en tranced, over helmed by the surpass ing splendor. Any thing so grand, so weird, so magical, can hardiv he Im agined, much less described. The ruin of two hours before had left the uir heavy with vapor, through which tho sun now thone gloriously, producing the most marvelous clfeets. "You might make this trip u hundred times. ladies," said the citptitin. us he stood uncovered, "and not get the half of what you are getting lo-dny-no, nor the tenth of it." 1 quote this lest some of our dear wandering kinsfolk who have been "down the Caledonian canal" on some dull, gray day, when the Scotch mists hemmed them ill on all sides, and they could ee;ti ly .eo beyond the decKs, should cry out: "How that woman exaggerates!" Hut we have ull seen transformation scenes on the stage where the otToet ol light and color, of rapidly dissolving views and of seemingly supernntiirul revela tions filled us with wordless uwc. Sow make the stage one vast punoriuuu of shining, sparkling water, us still us n sheet of silver. Dot the surface with Islands, dark masses o( verdure rising out of the depths, and often pictures quely beautiful with ivy-grown mold ering towers, broken arches, and here and there a stately monument. Let the nearer hills, sloping from the shore, be cultivated and clothed with living green more than halfwny up; make them gentle and homelike by building stately mansions on the broad terraces and letting small gray cottages, like birds' nests, perch on the sightly cliffs; then, stretching fur above these human habitations, let the purple of the wild heather, blend ing with the soft olives of ferns and mosses, climb to their very tops. Be yond them, tier on tier, not in regular ranges, but jutting out edgewise and crosswise and allwi" e, let the mightier hills stretch upward and onward, ap pearing und disappearing: now loom ing up out of the vitpor In cold, blue splendor, then suddenly vanishing liko pallid ghosts; changing every mo ment; presenting constantly new vis tas, new cloud marvels and new open ings into far radiant reaches, through which you seem to see Heaven itself. 1 hrow over all this light vails of mist, that soften rather than obscure pale. gmv, dazzling silver, soft roso, trans lucent amber, purple amethyst -vails that float und lift und waver with every breath and with every motion of the boat, und you will have somo faint idea of what our eyes beheld one Au gust evening as wo crossed Loch Llnnhe und passed into Loch Leven, pausing for u few moments at Bulla ciiulish, and then, turning into I.innhe again, swept on our downward way to ward Obnn. Hut you must do still more. You must imagine ull this magnificence of cloud and mountain and island so porf. ctly mirrored in tlio clear, still walersof the lake-that even the changing splendor of color was du plicated, and Heaven was below as well as above us. It grew dark and chill at last. The overpowering glory died und earth was earth once more, but the effect remained. Young nien and maidens, old men and children, were content to sit in silence, or to speak in subdued whsspers. us we watched for the first gleum of the semi-circular cor don of lights Hint guard the bay of Oban. Alln nfic .WnnfViIi. Auto-lnocuUtion of Bolls. Those w-ho are ever troubled with boils know as Job did, that it is com mon to have a crop of boils. This is doubtless due to impurities circulating in the blood; it is also supposed that it Is possible to got a crop of bolls from one by what is called uuto-inoeu-lation. Which means that the dis charge from one boil if curried by lingers or dressings to u healthy por tion of the skia, may plant tho seeds of another one. To avoid this auto inoculutiou it is well to use the precau tion of antisepsis, or in short to disin fect the emanations from the boil by frequent applications, both before and nfter it opens, of a solution of boric ncid and absolute alcohol. This affords a pretty short menus of preventing a reH'tition or increase of boils by auto inoeulittion, and where there is ten dene) to recurrence In spite of such precaution, thorough constitutional trcatnetit for the bltsid is certainly advisable. - Vr. f'uuh-'a IkntUi Munlhly. . m -The lap of Dame Nature ll probably located in the Pyrenees I'iltilurijh Vhrvmrtr. - - MK. .(AUKS 11. Ht.AINK, Jit, lls liroiichl mil airainsl the uncrowned linn lor damages l'-r all niMinj Iter hiishaod's i.fT c let". She aavs h"r huhand lltr.ni'jh th ' infill, nrc of his father and tin the r Kill not ere it writs- to licr. The old pi o,ile were opposed to the marriage in the beginning. Ititrklen's Arnlra Halve. Tho Itcst Salve in tho world fur Cuts, Uruises, Siires.l'lccrs. Salt Hhcnm.Fcvcr SiiicsTctter, Chapped hands, Chi'illainB (!orn and all skin eruptions.and positive ly cures Piles, or no pay r quired. It ii guaranti ed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per bui. For sale by drm-gists at Weldon, Brown .V Carrawny, Halilai, Dr. J A MeUwigsn. Knfield. All wool cr,'ea liti inch wide at 25 o nt. M. F- Hart. Just recrivixl a car lejii of furniture which we Oder at low figures. I'. N. KTAIKHAt lt 4 CO. All new things in drees goods just opened at M. F. Hart's. All wool nudershirU tlM per pair at H F. Hart's. ADVKHTISKMKNTS. TORPID LIVER la known by theau marked pacullarilleii 1. A fwiluu of wcurlutnuanJ pttlui in the llmlm. 2. ltmt In ruth, tinil tfwU) lu tho mouth, itii'l hit f it tongue, 8, Ciiiiit'uii.m, with ocetuilonal attacks nfilliinlHi'it. 4, llfuiliK he. In the front of tho head: niuni'ii, .llzxiiki-iui, and yvllowuvas of skin. R. HenrUmrii, l.tfta of np)H1 lie, , lMnl. ui ion of lltuatoiuiiCliar.nl bowels by whul. T, Ih'pri'Huion of nplrltK, nnd itroat melan choly, with lHHiaMu.il and a dtKpoalUua to Uavut viT llilug for to-morruw. A natural flow nt til from the Llvar ta ! 1 1 wt to b;imhI health. Whvu this U ul-alrucli'd It rvnultaln BILIOUSNESS, whh h. If hPitlcftrd. aoon lcmln tnarlous diai'MiM'H, Hiininoiii l.lvcr Ui'KHlntore xru a mi l ti lli'lloHn InflufiK-covt-ri-vcry kind of MIIovihim wi. It reftlorv the Uvcr to iirnvrr Km king ordi-r, rvKuliUea tin ncre llnn of blli iitut iuU thu (liicvatlve organs In um h roii'litlnii thi.l tin yean do their beat work, Aft r tnk iik I hU medicine uo uuo will uy, "1 um lillioua.'1 "1 Sjv Iih-h MiWrt m it vf r pIU of Con- IMtmn of the l.ivcr, atiit have bcrn in the habit of Uk frum 1 1, to i gum, nf calmd whu h fn rally Uiilme up fuf I lire nr four dayi.. Lately 1 have wrn lakinu Si m mom Liver Regulator, whuh gate ti rrTief without any Interruption ta tHtiincii 'J HiL.u, l!dtlleuM, Uhio. o.x V 'tiEjrrtjrE as rftfj tump In rrd on front of Wrappaf J. Il.i.lllu Co., FhlUail.lphla, fa, DeeH lv. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. W MAMIX, A 7'7'OA 7.')' .1 T I.A If, li u.ysiii nil, N. I' l'inc llcos In tiip I'eiot" f JTirlliaint'toti and IjoiliuiR I'euiit.c, alsi in ilia l-Vdcral and Su pre-nit- courts. w. (' How K.N, A TTdHSh'.Y- AT-l.A II JAI'K-OX, N t:. I'rarlicL-s la lie' Suiwrwr, sutf and Frdrral 'iirls. Cxllei-teiii a ssi'kfillv. isihirsea into. .r;7vii'A7:iv.ir;..iir, Mi'i:Kiu:i'.Miolto, s, i'. office, days iu Wins en tvi-ry M.iiel.y. I'roo tieu lu llu st in- ait I !-Y1itI t'eiim. l'roiopl ailcnli'in 1 1 s'l iui-i.' ,.,c ilrus'i d e us. Leans tlt'i;et;at 'il SPIER WHIIAKER, F. W WHITIKER, sai i:;i.n, x i.. im.iiAX . s. e W 11 I T A K KK A W 11 IT A K Kit. .4 TTOhWKrs A T LA W HAIJl'AX, N. C. Vtu tire in the Suuurioraiid nupreina t-ourti ol llio .-lali! and iu th t-'vth'ral cuurUt, tur 16 if w. A, DUNS ATl'OKMJr AT LA Willi. AND NK k, . C. t'rarlirrs whrreerlia acrvicea are required he at lUliffti un th tint and acOond aloudayt in oat h umnth, Jau 1, lr7- JAMS H. Ml l.LKN, WALTKB B. aaSIBL. I1AHIIL, M1' A 77'OA'AA'l'ii A 1' LA Y, WELDON, N. C. Pnu ttre In tlu courU of Hulifsi andNortham Uili and in the Supreiiir and Federal eourts. Col lection! made In alttarlauf .Nnb Carolina. Branch office at Haiifas, N. C, ipun cicry Mon day. J" 1 1J V. H. likBEE, s. H. aasn H jr. KAUBlttK, M. T. SUUTLAaDSSCm,. 0 B l' SB 1 1 SMITH. Mr P. H. ttnsls-e and Ut. B tl Smllli.Jr,, foua H-leri at Law, hare frnir a limited nartuerahij r.,r the firai tlt-e of las In Holifas eoabty. Mr Ititsbce s-illatteiHt tliereiirUiifHalifaxreirulary, .ml willaliovtaitlbaruuntj wheQevarhiaserrtes srr reiinm-it. oct II ly H O kl A S N HILL, Atturney at Law, II IFAX, K. r. PratMlrf In Halifax and adieiulngcountlea anil rVderal aat Supreme nmrti. au, a tf. w. THORN K, ATTOliSKY AT LAW, KsriKLn,. c. rrartires In thr rourts of Ualifat and adjalaiof rountiMStid in the Hi pre me eourt. ('olhviioni made anywhere tu tht Htatt, anJrs- tiirns promptly maie. w W BALL, Attoraey at Law, WILDOK, K.C. Rperlal alU-ntloo tiTtntooullKtlMa aa rtatlt; Unrea rmsaptly aaoda. aiar 1 W. j II W A It ll T. CUs E, ATTORSEY AT LAW, IIAI M AX, N. c. Prai Hera wherever hi aiTvloes are retjulr4. I mieetton ofi-laima given ininilaitRl.on. may SI ly K. 8 HI KLPi, Surgeon DentlaL, Having rnneatlylfBeatd tn Weldor.,eanba fhund at hit offlea iu Daniel a Brick Building at all li nea except w hen aliaent on profeaaioaal tmalnpsa t 'art ful attention given to all hranrhesofthe pro folon. rartiea visited at thsir homes whan ds Irad. July li ly, K. L. 10MT1I Rurge.a Dentist. 3 tMltakadatUiaflaalaaU. Para NHrmas OtMs Ow sVAIw fs4silskrU n i or rasu saway m ssss, jtS)t NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. Iff mm fmv Zur i r,r 4'l.''?lLi-'?'(;v 1 !im$i$ j 0 MY STOCK Oh' 0 FULL MW!h:T:-OLU3!RK tTiivli,:-, .-ii ' I 4,lldNnliy I'ti? tltu-H of inula ever almw ii l.i tills t . t.uuit; iili-l hcu NEW STYLES. OMK AM) KLKCT THE NKW KST NOV KLllKS. t-HutUTirk'N imtu riiH tinlcrud v.he:i rli-sfrud 'noitK'H i-lHW' l'runii il Uaiiy out: mi rcruM of i i u.iia lr pwUnii M lis. 1 . A. 1.KW1S, oci4 ly W.lduii, M. C. ILM1SWTOS ANI WKLIXJN KAJ A .Mi JtKA.V ilt-S i m.tu-whi.-ii iM'lieiiiiie. THA1.NA i.ulSt. am J 11. No l, .Vi latrd Jan. mil 11 u.wy UhI timi! No 1ft, daily tinny. U-ave Wfldon vr i.in'S) Mount . ,r litrln.ro ia'lri'ro, t rrive Wilw.n 1.1-i.u- VWImiii .... I' M ! A 4 t M " I 10U UI I 7 lj. " . 17 , 1131" , . 'A ilT' . . lid Arrive ruyt;e (Mr, 7 i.'i " . I.- the H urMitt ; l. .! " i.'w M.iKii .iiM ... " i trrut VS kihii tl"N I 7 i " j Hi ' . u ;w " 11 to" '1UAIN I.Mi NUltTII Ni. it, Nil i.; tUil) iiuhy iluily ex. I I I Miuaay. , l.'OniM i tn. am j ;i i ui ! I ;i - ; Hi :; " I ft " Leave V llmtuKti n I - -.' V;iuii"Iih I ,.- , f rir-n ,rr-w -I.'-I.i. . IU-,llr 13. I 11 ' .. j'MS." 10 ' ti ll, i e -i'iiiih .... mK tU'ii ... 1 i-Kie YYiin-u . trie ii ky M i ie 't aritirrti.. 1 18 l tw j HiH I 1 ' I Ml 11 ' " I I I'l.-CflM 1 ! i l"im l.i'ine IhtIh'Io Arrive rtflu.-li I I " exi i M Miinlitv . 1 ruin ii vi;nt,i . k Itram h Kiuu leaves MhIiIii for - ui If in! Ni k ut k 0 in Kcluriitug mvi j. ftldii i Mvk ul l .ij a. iu tUily utet Suinluy. l imn leine1nrt., r, N C , via Aloeuuirlc and Uitlt iiil ':. U li.nly ex ti'i Miiiitny lino Km, uh.lti) ni) i in . rtirivc . illuin-l'.u N. l . 8 10 ii. tu . ii K' a n. K luni'i'i '.'uvea V illiutiiatoii, N. ..itailj e!V(il Mion.i) 7 tin ui Suiiiiwy U0i, i arrive l iHli,-ro, t l . a ni n ;u a. ni Tri'i.ioii Mi 'laud N. lir.tm h levvia (iolda ir. r , tinii) t- v . . mnli.j h ;i rt. , arm lull., Held, N t l"i-tia m. IU un mug leaves -uiithlie(l. N V., 1 0 S i a. in , a me (ioltinhor ', N truiu'ou NnitiviHf Brum li leavrt Iltwltr? Mount Hi 00 in , nrHiea at .NafliVille 4 4U p. in us Hope i lfit. m Kftiiiiiiiic Lavea I'Tiiu Hone m 40 n. m . nishville 1 1 i'j a. ni . Ku'ky Mount il ifi a, in diuly pit.i Suminy. i rniii on t i.iutiii rram n M-rivtn mhihuw ut lintuii drtily eiictol iiinliiy. nt ii t 0 n. n. lie' iiiriiinit It r 1 1 lli.u n m h a in e iinet ui at narHKM Willi 1 1 aim Hi. imtlilHiiiod traiiM'ti Wilm.u and Kvi tleville iron' 1 1 ia Nti. 51. Nttrthbound la , 0. 'Haily ei- t Siui' Uy. rain No. i" S' tith a Ml onlv at.-n at Wilnon. iilltlhtMMUInl Murih Iih, l mm i iH ntakt't rioHC eonnectiiiii at Vtelnon f.-rall pi-ima North tlmly. All rail ia Kit l.uu.itd tlirl ui i ly eaeept Mlmlny via lUy l ino 1 nulls uiakea eh I'oiiliei'thiil f r all liitS Norih via Hit huioud ami WmmmikI' Ii All trail) run a lnl L teen ilminatnn and vatitnvtn aud tiavu runtuau I'av.ati; aieriHrs tltai hed K KEM.Y, J r 11VINK. Kuit't Trail tieneial miiu'L T. U KMKItsON, l.et. 1 Fawetifer AvM. WELDON1, N. C. FAMILY GROCERIESr VKUKTAHI.KS, ? l.iyidllS. L'HiAKS. b.MOKIN(I , AND C'liKWING TOBACCO I am now prepared to sell at luwe'' cash prit'is (iron ties of all kinds, W int t; Lirjiiors, Tibiu-cn, Cigius, Snuff, Xc, A will also keep on hand a full surply"-. fresh Vegetable of every variety, wtiich will be s-ild clx-ap. PATltONAGE SOLICITED. E. A. ITTHRKLL, l'iw Siiecl, W tldua, A. (', sea 153m. Till American Prtective and Dnsi- am Association of Chicago, III., for the detection of crimes and criminals of ill natures, snd the colleciionof debts, are disiroiiB of securing a live man in every town and c't ' in ih- I'nitcd Slates to act at their (gent. To auch a uan I golden opportunity is opeu to uiaks t good lir- lug in Ins town. I Ins Association IM estalilishi d in 1SS0 and it hns grown ia the space of eight years to be ono of lb' leading detective Associations of A-'tt- This is the only Aivociationcfrli in America that does not charge Ka membership. For further particulars address JOHN T. JAMKS, General Southern agcnl, 109 Main street, Norfolk, Vt. V. 8. A. 11 V ?T '"nit eilit la thonaanits I'IjIjI nrfnrms.bstarB anrrsiaw-d by the E. A. Guthrell, Erofllahle work that can be done while llvltiB at p em. shnnlil at nm-e sent! llieir addreM tn Hailett -A Co , runlaiiit.Maiiienid recelrr frre,full infnr matlon how ellherai-i. nf ail as-i-a, can earn frnm tMoamS per dar and npwards wlirreverthey IMS, yllte. j Honit i w.rk You are surtist iree tiiai am n-quireo. have made over M In a simile day at Ihla wsrk All enorMi INVENTION the laat half rwnrury. "nt lnaat haa reToliiHrwi)r th world dnrfnf the laat half rwnrury. "t lwaat among ths ntr 6m of Inventive profreH fa a mt thod aud ait ten of work that tan bt perforvtAd all over tM ronntry without aeirattiw lh wirker frm their home. Fay llltal; any one rn do th wor-; either yonnf or ohl: no apcelal ahility rV quired (?ut thli out and ntum m ns and wf wlllaend you frfe.som-thlrwt ffreat iiBKrtfW toro. that will aUrt yoo In ftttalneat, whk will bring yoii In ranre money riitht awy, a sny tiling sddratsTri imb4 Ct Aujuata ilatnc V of i4 Ax' A I-JsyII;la(.i5t'w,' "'if -l!'irijWFf.'i"l,

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