a. iLT 'WSaik Tfftk Iff i Vf 'PNHHI I HjXjL & SLEJJQ-E, PROPRIETORS. -A. 3T IB "W SP APEE IF O IR, THE PBOPL IB. TEBMS--11" 1KK AXM'.M IN ADV. Ml, VOL. XIX. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1SS8. NO. 36. 1 1 . I NEW ADVEUTISEMENTS. r a VCAuUaBRIUfrWCn. OUR PATENT ROLLER FLOURS are manufactured from llie CHOICEST WHEAT OUTAINARLK for which Baltimore as a market stands pre-eminent. Their superiority I'ur UNIFORMITY, STRENGTH aud UNA PPItOACII A HI.E FLAVOR has Ii.dk Urn acknowledged. The PATAPSCOSl'PEULATIVE PATENT Stands unrivallitl. Of a rich, Crtamy Colcr, r asttdious. Mr Ask jour Lr im lor it. Petapsco Sup r'ativc Patent, Holando Choice Patent, Patapsoo Family Patent, Orange (irove Extra, Baldwin Family, Maplcton Family. C. A. GAM BRILL MANI'FACTl'lUNU COMPANY, 214 Commerce St., Baltimore, Md. aug12 1y. PoMHHt tuauy Important Advantage over til oilier prepared KuoUa, i BABIES CRY FOR IT. MAUDS RELISH IT. Makae Plump, Laughing, Health, Bablae. sulataa the ttomaoh and aowala. Bold by J)nifl.i. as.., sue, ai.oo. WCLU. BICHiOMO.Miuariy. Babv Portraits. A PoKJollOOf LcAlltlfill t-atiV tkiMf.ll. nrintaxt Mi Bac plate lr by pttUiu i.l.oto twicem. mi Xvery Mother wants Him- pictures; H'Uii at uuee. Give liohy's uame and at!. WILLS, RICHARDSON 4 CO., P.opr, Buriinon, Vt, jao 10 ly trvw hi runnier ui nny iuiiit nortl Wit 111!) a Vcar, Everett Bros., Gnu k l1o., JJOOMS 8 4 9 HARE BUILDING, NORFOLK, VA. WT.wmni. m Tiir isiani.Hi.v N. Y cum KXCHAXUK. Mr-Special attention raid to tho Bale of Consignment. T. J. CO-iVEMISSIOlT MERCHANTS, PETERSBURG, VA. COTTON BAGGING and TIES. flavins bons-M a lanre lc.l cf twmilui and IU" BKFtiK K TIIK RWK we enn h II lliwn rhcan. Alliance ooltun In luUuf im baleiur more SOLD Shipments of cotton snd other prtHlure sollrltt'il. imaie. Any arranjfmentsrantwmi.U with W. FOE BALK IY 1". N. art 14 If a "J THE PLACE TO GET -AT LO WEST IS JLT DR. A. K. ZOLLICOFFER'S, WEST SIDE WASHINGTON WELDON. N. C. STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. aarricaciiPTioit dipartuixt filliu FRE8CRIPTIONS COMPOCNDKD AT ALL HOURS WITH GREAT CARE. PI BFDMEST, STATIONERY, FANCY SOArS, BRUBHF.S, FANCY ARTICLW, TOBACCO AND CIOAR8. IMIMII1 Mutakarti walamaalwara awaltajtn al ZOLLICOFFEU'S, THE Premier Flour of America 111 PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS. ESTA.BLISE:EID1774. it makci a Bread tint will tuit the It's Easy to Dye M. ITU DlJlMOHDDffS Superior IN Strength, Fastness, Beauty, AND Simplicity. Warranted tO eu nr Uiont ffnttH Ihain nnv Atl.u dye ever made, and to give more brilliant and durai.lt colora. Ask fur the lhamund, ami Ui WELLS, RICHARDSOIIi CO., Burlington, ft Fur Gilding or B routing Fancy Articles, UBK DIAMOND PAINTS. old, Siiv.r, Brmt, Copp.r, Only 10 Caata. Ml SS WALL STHKKT. NKW YORK cotton and liberal advance made on all aug lli 3m. ATT & SON KOIt 5Q CENTS A llAl'Kwl(!,rrpKi'i'l'l'l Hilii'itrii.ih prices oLttalued rihI prompt return I,OXli, Lltttittin. N C. sepeetu STAINBACK & CO. TIIK- PRICES, AVE, OPPOSITE R. SHED. with the best bii.wtid matirial-m I I iWt KISSES. Kitwps wliicli una a tea's in ilurknuha, And in dnrliue" gfts afiuio Ttivwan they thut tlirill true loven ; One flume warms and I'ml tlie twain- AnximiH, full uf Htranjfc furclHitliugH, Kotil, thy joy in mont like imin, Mfin'ry's busy with tliy pant Thy future, mm or ruin? When the lip art'liiitl top-tlicr, l)ppp the thuuhUt tli.it Htir the hrciwt ; Im it wwy, mm I, Ut mnile tln'tl? We 1 1, W(ft freely, it in hent. Ht'RHIIINt,. Htimc may jiruy to the Minion im, Others to Peter and I'uul ; Til pray to thee, to thee only, The prettiest gill of till. (live me thy kiiwes, sweet kisses, He gracious and kind in heart, llnglueHt staratuong tne maidens, Fairet maiden 'nioiig the staid. HER HERO, OR tiik iMtoMnr. oi' i n ic nr. ad. Feliee they culled her, Minifying ''hup niiifH, tiut in name only she knew it now. Shu had just lost her father, who had died uf a wound made by a Pru&iun bullet. The war wan over, but what was peaec to the orphan gill an the fat in I lie humble Paiii lodging and thought of the father who would never elafji her in his anus aHin. Hi lure ho had died he had exaeted from Feliee a prouiiae lhat the would never marry a man uulim French blood mingled III Ins Venn, utile did I he uwr girl think of mirriigj or love iu tlume dark hours. Her little hoaid of money was spent, und she found herself facing the wolf of starvation. She spent her days searching vainly for work, and one night she fainted in the slrevt (rem huugrrand weakness. A young man who wai passing assis ted her to her lodgings and there, heard the sail story of her loss and consispieut want. Finding nut that she understood singing he promised to scud her some pupil? nnd left acveral gold picees to bind the bargain. Alter Mark Liston had gone away alio fell on her knees in ccslaey of thanks giving for having birn saved from sui cide. He was true to his promise in bringing her pupils, and she louud her self in diuforublu circumstances. Liston who has beeu drawn to Felice by the lies uf sympathy, soon found her memory grow dearer every day. One day when he overheard the neighbors gossiping about his frequent visits the fire Mouldering in his breast burst into flame. II' if Felice loved Iiiui, or he might h'ljie to teach her a lesson, lie would give her his name and his protec tion, and so prove to the world his honor andhistiuth. If Felice loved him! With bated breath, with flushed cheek, with kindling eye, she listened to tha few tweet, manly words in which he asked her to become his wife. Ah! she hid not thought of tliis. What had she done to deseive of Heaven such ei.iii-ite happiness? He was her hero and lie lured her. She would hare beeu his slave, and he asked In r to beeomo his ueeii. Then, ere she had time to an swer, she saw I he gates of heaven close in hir very face. What was he saying? "We will leave France where you have suffered so much, my own, and I will take you home to my own country and to niy own family." Your own oouutry!" the faltered, the color fading from her check and lips. Is not France your country ?" "No, dear. 1 aiu an American. Had I never told you before ? But what mutters it .' We can return lo r ranee when you will.'' "Oh, father! father!" thought the girl, with the memory of his dying com mand and hir olemu vow, "you could n t have foreseen this day, or you would not have wrecked your child's life." lean never marry you, Mr. Liston," he then aaid aloul, very sally, very slowly, striving lo cheek the lining al; but they would n it b suppress-1 . They overwhelmed her, lllestor II of her passion shakiug Iter like a reed. Feliee, what is it ? You du n il lvc me. lul me dear, the truih. And looking into his pyca she dared not antwir falsely. With her head buried in her anus she faltered nut the atory. "Were father alive, you think he would hold you to your oath ? he iUi tioned. But she was immovable. "I cannot, I dare Dot," she aaid. "Oh, Mark, leave ne, and forever." "Never," he aaid. "Felice," (a aud den light dawned upon him), "your oath was this, that you should never marry a man unless French blood mingled in hia veins." With those words he drew a penknife from hia pocket. Was he going to mur der her? Death would be sweet by h aide. Passively aha let him take her hand. The next moment she felt the aharp steel penetrate, her flesh. "Look!" he commanded. On her white flesh trlnkled a little stream of blood. Then she that on his own arm was the eaTC. The next tDouit Dt ho had prtwwd lnr liund against liU wound that the Mood might enter it whkh flowed from hers. "FeUce!'' he cried, who dun say now there is not French blood in my veins? Come, Jar- IiiiLr, Mauri) the wounds and with tbetu W us heal all else." And Felice, half doubting, wholly Imp- py, obeyn liim, who luneeiVirlh is to be the ruler and arbiter of her life. Huh- umtid SV(. BLOODTHIRSTY. Wurde, the actor, tells a good story His, 1 suppose, a chestnut, 1 never heard a theatrical story that was not. What proves it to be an old one is that Warde names the place it occurred in. He was playing Virginius in some small place. Y'ou will remember that Appius Claudius's client, who docs the dirty work, corn's on in the last act, has a few words with Appius Claudius in pris on and then goes oil'. That is the last that is seem of him iu that play. When the curtain fell on this performance of "Virginius" in this small place Warde retired to lii.s dressing room and proceed ed to become the Frederick Warde of ever day life. The manager came in. "Mr. Warde, the audience has not gone." "Well, I can't help that. The play is done. There ixu't any more of it in the book." "But they don't go." 'Turn down the footlights." "No use. They won't stir. Won't you go and speak to them? ' "What! (io and tell them the play's over? Kgnd I will. That will be a funny experience." Warde stepped in front of til 'curtain; there the audience sat ipiite still. ' Ladies and gentlemen: The play is over. Virgiuia is dead; Dcntatiis is dead; I am dead; Appius Claudius is dead." Just then a voice sang out from the gallery: "What did you do with that other sun of a gun?'' San Francisco Chtiittit'le. FARMER JONES' SAYINGS Alaaost kills no man. The rich widow's tears soon dry. A rich wife is a source ofiiiarrel. Liberal hands make many friends. Riches breed care, pover.y is safe. F.vil is soon done, but slowly mended. The upright never grows rich in n hurry. An evil deed has a witness in the bosom . Riches are often abused, but never re fused. An ill tempered woman is the devil's d inr nail. A clean hand moves freely through the luu 1. A royal heart is often Lid undir a tattered cloak. A fool is like oilier men as loag as lie is silent. It is hard to glean after a niggardly husbauduian. A man's character reaches ground be fore his wrson. The uew is always liked, though the old is often belter. A man is bound by his word, un ox with a hempen cord. l uworthy offspring brag tho injst uf their Worthy descent. He that performs his own errand saves the meK.-enger's hire. A'l tiuplcasant guest is as unwelcome as salt in a sore eye. When everyone niuiU hia own busi ness the work ia done. When the sword ia io the mouth you must caress the s Uvula The mouse iim mid a bole, be the room ever so fait of cats. The raven alw thinks that Inr young ones are the whitest. Iletweeo evil tmiuatca and evil ears, tlicri! is iMHumg tu choose That which has been thrown away has often to be begged for atntin A bad wife wi-hea her hushand'i hcil turned homewards, and not his toe. When lazy horses begin Ui start, old women to dance, and wliito clouds to rain there is no stopping them. HUH Ahead. Persona desiring Safe and Cheap In. surance will do well to are an agent of tho Valley Mutual Life Association of Virgiuia. Il has members in nearly ev cry county from the mountains to tho sea and they recognixe the fact that they have reliable and aafe insurance and are paying up their assessments promptly and willingly. Agents wanted in every county. Liberal terms offered to live men. Addresa BsRKSi.iri Arm all, 8outhcrn Managers, Raleigh, N, C. ADVICE TO BRIDES. Three kindly hearted women of house keeping experience have been moved to scud some advice to brides. iety, Den t fix things any more than you can help. Don't use cool fire in the summer, when oil is cheaper, cleaner and cooler. Always have everything on the table or on a small table close at your hand when you sit duwn to a lueul. Let your common sense interpret your cook book. Remember that variety is the best sauce for appetite. Always have a cleun cloth on your table, even if you have buined your bread or boi led your coffee. Do not cut more bread than you need for a meal. Never serve cold sliced meat for break fast. Always have your warmed-over dishes served as nicely as if they were original at the lime. Put vegetables in hot water to cook. Don't forget to salt the water in which potatoes are put to boil. Wear a big white apron when at your baking table. Remember that punctuality is as nec essary for the li um keeper as for tho bus iness man. Never under any cir umstaucei try to imitate your hu&band's m tier. Love her, if possible, but don't try to e.ok like her. Insist on yourself, and prea eutlyyour husband will hj fiun liHotii your cookery. FOR ADMISSION. "My son," said an Indiana man to his nine-year old boy, "you are about to enter into the mysteries of the great world around you. Before doing so it will be necessary to pass a searching ordeal. Are you ready for the trial "Yes, sir." "Where have you been today?" "11. en fidiin,'." (Murmurs of applius..' frj:n his fond mother. ) "Did you run mv.iv I'rjji sjluj! ?" "Yes, sir." "ILivejoti been inside the reboot boils,' for the past week?" "No, ir." "What did you do yistenlay ?" "Slide some lead pipe uuj sold it to the junk shop for money to buy a mati nee ticket." "Dj you gn to the theitre nl'teu ?" "Twice a week." "My son, the examination is satisfac tory. I have now the pleasure of pre senting to you one of the emblems ol your future profession iu ibis world as llie boss hone.-t boy of the city. It is a little hatchet. What will you do with Trade it off' for a pint of peanuts and two lire balloons." Correit. The candidate is ready for initiation. His mother will rowdc Inr self with it skate stiap and take him into the bath room and admiuister to him llie first degree. No other bus'iiess being now bef.are the lodge I declare it closed until the tiext regular Hireling." INCONSISTENCY. There are many peojile wlio pride llumselvcs on what tluy cull their cuu sisteney; wlio claim liiat llie- "never change their minds," but that, as lluy are now, they were in the beginning, aud ever shall be. These self stylcd consistent people (who aro always tho mo it ignorant as well as the vainest of mankind) are, in truth, the most inconsistent mortals, inas much as consistency is rhown in nothing more than in change aud improvement. When a man says. "Sir, I thiuk now just as I did twenty years ago; I never change my opinion,, sir!" ytu miy salc ly write that man down as an ass who is laboring under the hallucination that he is an or icle of wisdom. Although a sensible man is not given to h lionets, he is ever growing in know' eilge and coustsnily modifying his opin. ions, as a mighty lin r turns nil Ii ils h.inu.l an! tli. r. lv k..iii.l..!ii a ig..r ous : n I liea'iht'iicurn ni; nut your "un changing ' mill, whoe cnmpo-ilioii if conceit nnd ignorant" is stereotyped, is no better than a sullen pool festering in the sun and feeding upon its own stag nation. Catarrh Can't be Cured. With LOCAL APPLICATION, as tin y cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional dis ease, and in order to cure it you have to take internal remedies. Haifa Catarrh Cure is taken internally, an 1 acta directly on the blocd and mucus surface. Hall s Catarrh Cure it no ipiack mediein1. It was pies, ribed by one of the best physi cians in this eountty for years, and is a regular prescription. It i. composed of the best tunica known, conilnneil with the best b'ood purifiers, acting directly i n tha mtieiH siirfara. The perfcH com bination of the two ingredients ia what produces such wonderful results in cur ing catarrh. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHKNKV A CO , Proprietors Toledo, 0. Sold by all druggists, price 75 cents. nor M m, IT WAS DULL. Uegi.t iff ut iho D. and M. ! t lln other ilnv, lunkiil around "itli s ineiinx 1 and tin n asked a polii email ; "Anyb-idy going lo be hung today?' "Nubody! sir -Any big fires ni-im; .' ' "No." "Any tints iiround .'" "Haven't heard of any." "Any priae Gghtaor hois' r.nis?' "No'" "No runaways, boiler explosions i falling from fourth story windows?" ' There's none on the logramuic." "Might be some slabbing affrays or saloon tights?" "es, but I don't think so." "Humph! Detroit must he a nice place to live in ! If that's all it amounts to I'll sit down here and go back by the next train." A ml, as the policeman sob mniy affirms, he sal down iu the wailing room for four straight hours ami took a train home without having left the building. Fur .-.. A FARMER CETS MIXED. Firs'. Fanner: "1 hear lhat you have a baby at y.iiir house." Second Farmer: "Yes, and Polly's got ii fine mule colt, too." First Farmer: "Y'our wife?" Second Farmer: "No, my roan mare. The doctor says it wou't live." First Farmer: "Which, the mule colt ?" heeond Farmer: "No, the baby. And I've been offered fifty dollars for it." First Farmer - "Fifty dollars for the biby?" Second Farmer ; "No, llie Celt, tell you it looks just like me." I'i-st Farmer ; "Tho mule eolt 1" Second Farimr : "No the l aby. guess I'll take fill" dollars for it." First Farmer : ' See here, my friend, why don't you talk mule or baby if you don't want to get a fel'ow trixed up?" Second Farmer : "That's what I'm trying to do. You see I think a heap i t that mule eolt and baby. Old Bill Simp son's Jack is the siio of it. WHOLESOME ADVICE. The Luf kin, Texas, Leader, gives this advice to fanners : liaise figs. And grapes, And pears. A id plums, A ',d apples, An I apricots, And quinces, And peaches. And lo'iiatoes, And watermelons, And bees, And silkworms, And broomcorn, And rice, And fine cattle, Aud fine horses, And h"gs, And more corn and small grain, And less cotton, Aud you will find farming more profi table in t his country. an rvkiM) n r. lie hsjked rndly at the pie on the boardiug house table and seemed to be much affected. The landlady at first thought he was mad and was prepared for some remonstrance. Hut he said iiulhing, only looked sad. "What is the matter, Mr. Jones?" "M.ulaui, this touches me." "What?" "This pie. It looks so much like one of the es my anther made thirty years ago." "Well, Mr. Joaes, I'm sure I appreci ate the compliment." "Yes, madam, I believe ibis is one, of the pica my dear uinlher made me thirty years ago." She raised his rent the next month. ( (HH MITIOI Ht'KKI.Y CI HKI). T,i Til K KhlloR. I'lrase inrorm your rtMilcrs that 1 h ive 11 ssolie ronieilv l"r the atsive uaitieil ttiseasu. J t y lis liint-le u. tliotlsanils orhoM-less cas,w have ttee,t permanently eiirril. I shall lie glail to sellit Imo Ik.111,1. ort lellltli ftlthh 1,111,1V ii yrtiir reielers win, have cousiint),tion il'lhcy will st'inl me their mpress nnil rswtolfiet, uilitrcss. Kespeetttilly, T .. SMK'I M. M. ('. octi.V t jr. 1 HI l'earl st. New York. A bright liltle Western In y was on visit to his grandma in Connecticut. lie fore leaving home he hud gone thmugli the ordeal of Wing vaccinated twice and heard the subject thoroughly discussed One day his grandma asked him if he had been baptised, whereupon the little fellow thinking she meant vaccination, promptly replied: "Yes. ma'am; I have been bap tised twice, hut it didn't take." llurklen'a Arulra Halve. The llcst Salve in the world for Catv, llruiaea, Sonsj.Clccrs, Salt Khcum,Fsnr SoieaTetter, Chapped hands, Chilbraiar Corns. and all s'.in cruptions,and poailrftt ly cures Piles, or no pay required. Il guaranteed to give ra'rfect satisfactioo, or money refunded. Price 25 eenta per box. For sale by druggiata at Weidon, Browu k Carrawaj, Halifai, Dr. J A McQwigan, Kofleld. AliVKHTlSHMKNT.S. CUiiiiiiTiON S -till.-,l li,, K'l n( I IM Ill'," hi!- ii ii'i'il Mini HiifiUijIi I n 1 1 ? t lie s Klein I 1 1-i'linHS LMM'H in . 'I mi.' -i'"U' nialliT I...W. . It I-. t-iHlM.'.l il i iimU::!i lul,- l.flhK (i!im1 Im . rm In CO i ii-. in, ! I-, ui ueiuily r!i IV. till-. a.i ' i- Wlih li -il rei. thf ui. -ori-i...'i tin- n-U-Dll. n. I tl. III f1iln:ii'ii itnJ l-y a 'lot jit.i l.iM'i . i I'Xt'M'lril lliilti 1 In Nil I li .Mil,. Loss of Appolitc, Sick Headache, Bad Breath, otc. Tlif triMliiii iil uf mimM mi ivly til 'I hi' liii'ill'iin inii. tU.'.lml i..'ulmtc: ItftiT II- Um' tin ;tli I i I'iil imi iloi'H not nMnt: tlx- Iiowi-Ih. ui v in imu iii-km I, i. tnl mil imiiliu'o im ii -w. '1 n.(M-uru it regular Im tnl i.i ImhI w n hunt rlijinglug I he UU'l. ir ilinnraiilum tin- r-ynUiu "My .!ctu;..i!. ;.fiL-r I. ifTrrii : with Cnnstips ,:ie.l I.i Siniiii'.ni :il ..limrtt evi:ry 1 lirst look a lion l.rl. i.rlhrtv(ji,,.i, L... T K n ,1... r. i,. ,1. !...v.. 1. rtw vive. I...;. .1 i.i iiy ; .sl." -'.il .i.i a'., rs. ...I. e. '--i :..M' t.i.ua . r o.,.i ii, i n i, , i i ... v, I'" HI. unci it .",1 I I I... kl..L my 1. .... .- ...:,! w 1 1 l.ul V tin n.c i t 41. il Imi ii. i:. i Sims, Ai.'i 1 l.-ik .Siij.co.ir ii h u ..1. i.i tll.ll t 1 k- . it In , iiii.l.m li.ive i .m. w. niiiiiCu , lis. Take only tin titnulne, Which lul tin the 'r:iiicr the red TracU. mark and Signature of J. II. ZKI1.1N & CO Dec 8 ly. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. I. W MASIIX, A TToKSKY A T-l. i it-. liAKYsttl lii;, X I' I'mctit'M inthi eo arts of Ni.rtliiiin.ton ami IJoiiiiiig eniiuties, also in tliu FeiltTiil anil tju- ir,'uit' ci'iirls. C. IIDWKN, ATtoUSF.V-AT-l.AW JAI'KSIlN, X ('. rrat-1 lees In Dip Sn;nTi.ir, Stale ami KP'icral Colirls. t'.ilk'i ti.ins a sis-i'ialtv. ATTtifit:rsM -la ir, MI'KKItKK-HIIRO, N.t', Office .lav in Wins' mi every Mnlidny. lice In llie tite and Fi'ilcTal ('uu.-'.s, lUonU'iu tn ail lj.iin'"K I'lHni!!':! in ut l'rac I'rninjU l.rmtiR m'gutlatrd SHIR WHITAKER, f. W WH I TAKER, i,Ai.r.:i.n. s. r. Halifax . v. v. II I T A K E It A W II I T A K K K, ATTOKXKYS AT LA W u.vi.ir.vx, . c. rr lice in llie Siierlnr and S,i jireait; courts " tliu Stale und in llie Federal cnnris. uir IS If Arron.i:r at la w, J-u.ll.i.M.1 M K , M.l', Practices whcrnferliia scnicet are rc(iiired Will In-at llalifttoiitbellrslaiidieci.-iid Mundtyl in each niou in, Jan. 1, l7. HUE M. m i l F.N. WAITER I. OASIIL. U A N 1 K I., I L 1. K IS tV ATTOKSKYS AT LA II', WELDON, N. C. I'rac tire in tliccnurtsnf llalifat BiidSi'rUiani tnn and in llie SiiirMiie and Fpileral court!. t!ol lecik.n made in aliparinot Nnh CaruLna. Branch office at Halifai, N. C, vwu every Mon day. Jb715 V. U. BUaIKE, K. H. SMITH Jr. IAI 14. f, tKUTLAUD K1CI, H. 0 B tSBEB A SMITH Mr. F II. Bull, anil Mr R It Smithjr,, t'oua 1 lor al I jiw, ha.f rcirmtsA ItrnUPd jiartnerthlp fur the praeliee of law In Halifax eoanty. Ur. UuiUre willansiiil Ibf couruofllalifaa refularT, and will alaoTUitlbr county wheneferhliiacvlea are required. oetts ly I'lloais N. HILL, Atturney at Law, HALIFAX. H. r. Practical In Halifai and a.tjolninf oounll. and Federal aad auprraie eonrta. atif . a. y c. r 11 o 1 1, ATTORNEY AT LAW, r.sriKi.n. n. r. rrartii-N tn thsciMtrta at Halifai and adjalallf potintisa and ia th Suprsase cotirt. r.illseilnn, mads anywhere In lha Suta, andrt tiirnl promplly made! W HALL, Attorney at I. aw, WELIlOM, K. C Special alUintton given U ooUw-Uoaa and rantt; tanrei raa,Hly aaaate. may 1 tt Ji l W A R I) T IM. A R K, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HALIFAX. X. V. rraelirea wliere.er lo.aerTlrea aiensiitirtw. ( ollreli-in ofelaim. ai.cn pnimptaiteatlitn. may II ly 1) K, J, B. Dill K LD8, Mm r (c it OentUto llavlnf permaawtlj- lorated la Welder, can ha found al hlanfflee in llaniel a Hrlck Rmldliif atall It ne eteeil Sen alenton prorefMiunainn.lBt'ai isan-n,! attention (Wen to all branrhtaortue pro f.aion. Partleariaitoa at tlialr humus whvo ila lreil. Inly 1' ly. 10 R. B. L, HUNTER inreea lentiat. naabatbattdataiioacaln SnflaUi. irar. muvn vim vm iu. ,vb U f of TmUi alwara e kaitd. iaaai Ihira Nltntn Otta uaa IbKiha Palnltt. Kxtrtt N KV A D X KllT IS E M EN TS. v .T.'ikwa.-f JT'..".rj2y? -"M? MI 'iO U MY STOCK OF-0 FALL AiiO WINTER FfllLLINtRY I HrriviiiK. hii 1 I will ili-splay tin- tluest lino of K'xiiiricM-r bIi..wiiiii this inwn t'unii mi'l wo Un- NEW STYLES. COMK AND SKLKCT TIIK NKW F.ST NOVKLT1KS. (,,. lluttt rii k M iiiittt riiK urilt rod when (Icxiroii I' liMii-iii iilaic Im Withlnl to nny um' nil ivcc-ijit uf It Cl lU.-s Inr tKtlili;i'. MRS. P. A. LKWIS, oet4 ly Weidon, N. C. W U.MlNMToN ASI WKUHrN UAII.KOAD ASH ii KANrtiKS t'oiitieuscd chf dnle. TRAINS (.itUMi SiHTU. I No. Hi, I No It:, I No IS, Dated Jan. Mh lv lJuily I last in nil duily lainvc Wcldnii Ar Km ky Mminl.. at Trtrlront I.eHVt I urunro Arrivu WiUnn. I-cu o WiUiit ,. . . 1MIIV. IJXM1U i It i.'.i-M i j i i i' m ji oiuia i;i7 " i ; i.." I III -rfl AM . . . . I 14 10" j .. 7 IS I pSelma ! liiy.l'e . .', IU I 7 I., I I I . 40 . ! .IS " II .)' Nn (IU daily ex. holiday. ;' i, p m fi i " U t " Ill, ,.ls! I.ciut' Wiirsurt- Leave MiiiinJiu Arrive W iiihittnti 'I KA I NS i l ii 0'. (0 ! 7 40 " y..n " liiMi N.K I H. I Nn n. No ;:; dtulj. dmiy LctlVv' W i 1 1 : t i i : n t 1 1 l."!t MHimhu l.Oll VI W Hl'Sw U-u. ' I'aj. lU Vllle I ...me M-tiua j Arine Wilsmi , .... L-vc lis. all A VI Arrive l.ncky M.mi.l I m ;o-' i in ;i i n4H 1 1- - j.4 i ll M lil!Y i jij 1 1,11 I " :k"i' rs'.i I $ w ftf m I &. Arrive inn..,r,' m.hi Lcavp luili"in 0 ;4J a.H , Arrive Wei Imi 1 " ; i'nn J U" lijily cxu-il MilnUy, I ram i. i Mini Aoi L ..ranch Kntid Inavta 11 tltl.u f r M' -ii.-iid Nt-i'k ni.in.' n iu Keliirniii( Iravt s -.'.itluu t .Nt u al'.' a. iu,,iiftily eict-pt Sunday. Trn:ii I'itvei Tnrli. rn N ('., via Alnemitrlo and Ha!cii,li 11- Il I'aiiy exi epl fuiid;iv li i"J p, IU , t ii'idity i t) t. in , arriu1 William tnn N. V. 8 10 , l i:i , i v h in. Ketitriiliik' leaven W illiatntn. N, 5- ' i'., lit.ily t-Tcfpl .-und.iy 7 loa. m. Mimluy yi"0a. u. r.invc Tin linn i. N ( , !M' a. in,, 1 1 :.0 a, in Ttiiuiuii Mi Miiud N C. llniiii h leaven "inld- -htini Nr, tl.iiiy cM-cj-i Miiniiiy y- :i a. m . arrive " , Mimiitield, N t .innua. ui. l;etnrnwK leavea sin it iiicltl. N. ('., nil", a. in., arrive bnldi-tMir, N '., 1J in p. iu. "-' Train on N hvill(l Ftraiieh IcaTf-s liocky Mnunt ftH 00 p in., ai rives at Nnslivilie 4 4n p. in , 'rmir H.iit 15 jt. in. KfiinniiiK 1-avet firi!is; l(n'e m w a. in . jvaoiiville li Lj u. in., -cky Jioinii ii :t;i a, m. ;miy ceeH Mintiity. '1 rani on rlmlnii Itnincli leaves Warsaw for ("Hiilnn. tUily cic..l iiiiday. M 0 CO p. m. He- uiriiiii u-u vc i iinicii m 4., a m cuiijieiiii g at WHt-saw wiili w. ami t.. hoiilhliuuiiil train nn Wil.Min and Kit vet t evil le Mrant ti m No. 01. Nnrllilnjimd is if). 1'aily ex I SmiCMy. i rain No. .'7 s uth w ill only uteri at Wilsou, nldstatmaitd MbihiIih. TiHin Nn. 7.s nialie elose cniincclinii ul Weidon for.". 1 1 i.niiim Nnrili daily. Ail rail via Hiehuiond l ti.uiy L-nein Minday via lfa Line. mini malifucl.we eniinrrhoii fur nil iiu(l - North via Kirh;mmd and WaAtiuift.-n All trains mil a lid lnicen W mniiiftnn and Watnnti..n aud have I'lllmau I'alaec Mcctcn atiarhrrt J R KI'.NI V J r. WVINK. Min i 1 rat, i (icneiitl Mitt. T. M KTKUS'j.N, (Jen 1 1'aateugcr Akjcnt. WELDON, N. C. FAMILY GROCERIES," VKGKTAIII.KS, Llyl OKS, CKiAKS, SMOK1NC. ANDCHKWISO TOBACCO, I am now prepared to sell at lowot cash prices (iroc ries of all kiuds. Winct J Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars, Suuff, Ac, sa will also keep on hand a full supply fresh Vegetables of every variety, whfcdi will be sold cheap. PATHOXA(ii:SOI.lt'lTi:i. E. A. Cl'TIIHKLL, First Street, Weidon, N. C. Sep 1J 3m. ' -l lUM, Tint American Detective and Busi- i nesa Association of Chicago, 111., forth dettH-iioii of ciiiina and criminals of all naiures, and ibe eulleeiion of debts, are desirous of securing a live man in every town slid c tv in ih ' I'nilid Stain to act aa their sgent. To such n man a golden otifsorlotoly i ojvr, to rp-.;. g pocd lit- ' iug in bis town. This Assmiation waa csubli-hid in lSl) and it h . grown in tho spaw of eight yei.rs to be ono of ' leading deteilivo Associations of A'" This is the only Aaso iation of tt0." in America that does not charge far a membership. For further particulars address JOHN T. JAMES, General Southern agent, 109 Main street, Norfolk, Va. U. 8. A. pi . Sea Womtert eilit In thousand! J 1 l a 1 , 1 of form,, hat are nirneiieil hy tha marrelaof in.enlin,,. 1 linae who are in neeilnt Kra,alil, work that ran lie ilone while llrlnr al unie aholilil at once semi their adilroMtn Pallet! Aro, P..rllaii'l.M.ine,ainl receive leee.fn l Infnr niatioti how eltlieraa. nrall area, eati earn from fa Ui It ' per ilay and npwant. wherever Ihey Ihe. You are atarleit free Oaplial nol requirerl. Soma nave aiaoeoyrr asiin a aiiMt'e. o.y a, inta wwisr All aiusieod INVENTI ON5S .IS f the laal half century. Not Icaat amont the writ tleit ofiimoiillvt) (HTHtre-i I a mi'Dn.d au.d tji-' U'Ui of work tna aan ie (K-nunneti an over in 4Huiitry wttliotit aenannlnn tho w-ulfeni from their hnmea. ray Jtueiaj; any one can tin thk Viiir ; either yiHig or td.t; no apwla, aMlt f re qnfmt Cut ihta out and ivlnni to na rnd will MMid you frt1fora-thii)rot(('tmt itiijwjfUrtCf to you. that will url you iu tauinr, vthleh will 'H-ing you tn wore m-mey iicni nk jT, aaythiiu ulaelD the World. Grand 'tuult 4411 ITU 9HQ LV., AUMUAia Haib ) 1 1 i V . i