III feii rTI IIA.LL & SLE3DO-E, l'liOI'UIETOKS. .A. NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPL E. TERMS-'-'IMI I'KK ANNUM IN ADVANCE. VOL. XIX. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1SS8. NO. 40. NEW ADVE ItT IS KM KX TS. WHIPPED A BEAR. AMELIE RIVES' HOME. A RATTLINC FIGHT. .HVIIIti'ISEM KNT; V J F PATENT G.AGAMBKIIiMf;Co. OUR PATENT ROLLER FLOURS urn manufactured frm tho CHOICEST WHEAT OUTAINAHI.K f,r which Baliiinuro UK a market stands pre-eminent. Thrir hii ti rii y fur I'X I KOHM ITY, 8TUEXUTII and UNAPPKOACHAIil.K l-'LA VOIt Ui I. ng hern acknowledged. The PATArSCOSri'Kltt.ATl VK PATKNT Stands unrivalled Fastidious. Of tieh, Cnamy Cult WAsk Patapaeo Sii rlativo Palml, Pata;sco Family Patent, Baldwin Family, C. A. GAMHKIU M aitj 12 It. Fth'ui many Iii!v.rtnit Advti.iuges over all ttluT rt j it red r'ikU. DA31ES CHY fOU IT. INVALIDS RELISH IT. Mtkss Plumot Laughing, Ha.-illhy Bilblsa. ReHuluttta the Stomach and bonela. hi'lil t.y IlniRKlMB. !a.Vt-., 50.., VI. 00. WELLS. riCHSR'JS: X I Cfl , rjii0TO,T. Baby Portraits. A Poril"'io-if t .'..utinil li .jr t..irnli, vintcd on IIim-i.l.'iir pii-r t.y -x, ni -Vt.. it hvb-.. n ut five to ..i.ttlii r t u" 1t.t:.y um wntiin n uur fcu-ry M' (ltT an Hi.-K' ucmrc; M-ud at uuce. IiiVl- liitl)'ii itAji.r i. ,. (!,. MlLLS, Hr.HAHDAN 4 CO., P opt., BtiHington, Vt. jan Iy Everett Coflpissiojl f fc47-s; ROOMS 8 &9 II AH IC HIJILDIXG, NOltl'OI.K, VA. Mranrniior nil l'ii:MinTY N. V I'lll Til.N K' H.tSliK. Ml WWU.I. STRKI.I , SKW VllllK. WSpirial attt'Dtiott uid to tlie sale uf Cultun and libcr.il iidtuiKTH mail.' on all Conninmenta auK Hi m. T. J. J AEHATT & SON, CO-MIIMISSIOIT MERCHANTS, PETERSBURG, VA. COTTON BAGGING and TIES. HavlitxtMHiKnt a law lot of hajtuti'tr and tlen ilKK'MtK Til K lllK we can aell tliein ehean. Alhatieeeotton In loujof I'M Uleur more SOI.DFOH 5QCENTSA 1,AI'K,u,tl roiglU aMed. PhlpruetiUofcoUim and oilier rodiu e aulU itisl. tas.ie Any arrangemeulsfan r made with -W. W. rut 8ALE BY P. N. Oct It 1, Light Runnii Domestic Sewing Machine THE PLACE TO GET moi 9 mmmmm, AT THE LOWEST PRICES, IS AT DR. A. R. ZOLLICOFFER'S, WEST SIDE WASHINGTON WEL 1) STOCK KEPT COMPLETE arpanoRimoN uwartmint hi.lkd PRESCRIPTI0N8 COMl'OUNDED AT ALL HOCKS WITH GKEAT CARE. PSSFUMERT, BTATIONEKY, FANCY HOAl'H, BRUSHES, FANCY ARTICLES, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. Iimmil Ikal artr wttum alvart aw.ln foa al ZOLLICOFFER'S. PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS. ESTAB"LIGI3:EID1774. r, it makei a Pro id that will suit (hi Vi.nr dr wit lor it. llolaiidn Choice Patent, Orange (liove Extra, Mapleton Family AMTAC'iTltlNd COMPANY, 21 i Con rce St., Baltimore, Mil. It's Easy to Dye l n it DvuBSDyT5 ,.JX Superior IN Strength, Fastness, if Beauty, J AND Simplicity. warrBiiU'il In color mor irotHln thnn nnv nth.'f ilyic cvirmiiiK, aiiil to give more l.tiiiini-t Hint .liinit.il' color Ak for Hip ' m.nl, and lako ii'MiiiuT. 36 colon ; 10 cents each. WELLS, RICHARDSON CO.. Burlington, t Ftii Gilding or Broniing Fancy Articles, USB DIAMOND PAINTS. Gold, BUvar, Bronit, Coppsr. Only 19 Call. lll;tifiit i-uhIi rices ohtaiiu d atul prompt returns UlUctun, X. C. stpOfm STAINBACK & CO. AVE, OPPOSITE R. S..ED. 0 N. N. C. BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. with the bbit silkctid matkriau-m L fife Ire,, Gibn i Co, IN THE CONSERVATORY. But we must return ! What will they say? Yea, know it's awful nice, In the window here, from the others away, With the taste, now ami then, of the ice, Ami now and then ofOh, you wretch! It wasn't ut nil require.! That yon should illustrate little with a sketch, The speech that of course you admired. ''Nn nutter how naughty. Th'ro you Imvo Kjniilt-d The M;t'ii'.il (irt'i iitn knot.' In wlmh you like :ny hair to 1m i-oili-d, Ami I really don't kn.tw wh.tt Other mischief you haven't done ? You're Jual KimI naughty ! You wpipeze liki a vim1! Why ean't you take n.oinehinn on trust, A iitl he ni ire d tiitty iiu.l nice? "There! I'm ready, now. What! just one more? Oh! im-n't you it darling tease? And love im so? one, two, three, four! There! come now, dearest. ph,u! I'm alni'i't al'r.iid of tltr pnhir Ure ; When tli 'y at my tiwy'II see The kUfs tihiti tli'-'U "'"No, not there; Hut, sweet, in your eyes tnayhr." A CAROLINA CI RL OF CRIT HHK KTKAI.S llt.lt l.dVKll KIlllM HIS K.VIIini AMI MllVtS IIIMTI1T1IE I'ABWiN. Fr.m. tlic T'lnriuiiville i-S.r I FrU'iift. Tiilk about your It male j;rit plui-ky irls juiir Uir In roiiun but l.r ginu im.' int. l jii and in.-t Mr. I iKu ruiina timi, Mija Ni'tlic Mclloe of tlie Hardin Hoi'tiiiii, is tntitltfd tu wii.r tlio luuri'k Ni'ttii' in tliu daulitrr id' Farmrr l'li'im iint Mi liiT. and i. onl' fi:lnn, but tin i wi'll dt Vi'lnprtl ami true b!u' IVmiii the ri'iind up. Mh' i baiulM nii'ly li rim fl. and bus ii pri'llj law adiiutd villi a bi niti biu suiilii. Dm uf ilii' mari'st ni-ijililmra tu Xi'ttii,,a faibrr in II. J. Julli')'. wliiui'siio. Jii di, is abuul ixtot'ii yeaiM old. Jnst'i'li is inite iniinl' lor niu' id hia ynirs, but not aiti.'.jlj, r pi'rifttrnt in bis couitsbip as wjs bis f.uln-r, wlio disfilayi'd i.iu-h a ib'ri'o nf i ncrv in pursuit of hi laM wil'o lliat it wa.s tidi raplu'd I'rimi oni' cml ol'tl.i' coniiiiiiit to t he iitlur, and t'Vtii i-al.U tl aciusH tbo Atlantic. Tor a l.inj: timo .losi pli and Ni tiii' have Im n last I'riinds, an I lattcily tln ir i'rii'i:d.iliiii riiniiid inin true love. ISotli loved aidi nllj and tln-v ngn-cd to liiarrv, but tlio young; man's lather objiTted to the uuiuu i n aeeuunt i f his son 8 yuuili. Several tiuiex liny laid uut plana for a elaudestiiie union, but u'd nun Jo!l y VfoulJ always ml the wind ill time to head tLc n off at suine ciTin r r other. On a reeeiit oeeasion tlu-y thought to creep up on ilui blind fide of llie old man by meeting nt Hardin Cliuri li and g ilin- the Kev. .Mi. liirks to do I Kiln up. lie found it nut and li rbuile Mr. Hula performing the ceremony. The many obstacles which the young couple have had to encounter in the course of their courtship, if ali tabs be true, is sufficient, indeed, to coinineo tlicni that the. "p.ith u.'tiue low n 'Vt-r riinssnio nh " Rut tiny are happy at last, which is due tu the piuiL and dctumiiialii u of the eir'. On Thursday, the Sth inst , tliere was a Cetlou picking at old man .Mcliec's, and young Jollcy atleiided. ldiriug the day Nettie j roposed an cl peinetit, and h consented Thai night, after the veil ofdatkinss bad spread over ihe face of nature and ipiieted all about the premises, Nettie stole away tn her fath cr's stable, and, c itching the horse, !mr- nessid him to the Inigvy, Mounting the vehicle, she grasped ibe reins, and soon drew up at a spot near the risidmce ul old man Jollcy. Three long, sbrid whislles. whi. h was the signal previously agreed upon, siK ii brou.ln lh r lovir li I. or side. The zirl bade biiu mount the buggy without delay, as she feared their absence would be detected by their par ents and tin ir plans frustrated. Joseph obeyed the cnmtiiaud, and Nt ttit) drew up the reins and applied the whip.. Tl.c steed pliingid It iliMiigh the ilarknos, ami soon drew llie ba p) pail up in front of the r.si.l. ll. e of Kev. M. ltussell Hill. Calling the parson out, Nellie told hiiu (bat fbe wauled him to Uiako her Joe's wile, "(let down and e. me in," said the g' ud uatured parmiu. They alighted from the btiULfV and went in, and Mr Hill struck a light and polih il up bit spectacle and tied the connubial knot The young wife thanked the parson lor his kinduesa and 'lien tisik her husband up beside her and drove back home, where she introduced tn her parenta their Dewly made sod in law and proceeded the ordinary family legiilationa. mill Ahead. l'ersoiis deairing Safe and Cheap In aurance will do well to see an agent of the Valley .Mutual Life Association of Virginia. It has members io Dearly ev ery county from the mountains tu the tea and they recogniie the fact that they have reliable and aafc insurance and are paying up their asseasmenta promptly and willingly. Agents wanted in every county. Liberal terms offered to lire ae.i. Address Bbrkblky & Arnaix, Southern Managers, Stleigb, N.C. A V I HI 1 1 N I A N SA1IHIM Illll II' A nr.AU IN A FEW Illil NIW. From Hie New Turk World. While tho I'uitcd States Court was iu session at ,tlie other day several old residents of the back counties were in attendance on the court. Among them were two brothers, Samuel ami James Uano, who bad come from Suiith l'ork, I'cndlctou County. They were typical old school Virginians, and around llie hotel lire at night they loll to reminiscing about the old days of their youth and the men of nerve mid inusclothcy bud knuwn. Finally ihu conversation drifted to a dis cussion of a hysical giant named Frank Sutherland, and of this bistotic charactir Samuel Uaun told this story : " I ve seen some pretty powerful men in my time, began llie venerable Virgin ian, "but that man Sulbi'ilniid beat them ail. Frank always said he believed he could whip a bear uith bis lis!; hut nolle of us ever thought he would have much of a show in such a boxing inati h, be cause we all knew the hi ar.s around the iiiouiilains wire pretty quick and struck terribly heavy blows wiib their hairy lists Hut Sutherland got mi opportuni ty tot-.st bis piowess iu this direction just when ho waMi't looking for it. One afternoon, while he was out dcirhunting, he shut a deer and woiindid it. Tie ib'er sprsng into the laurel and went crashing down the mountainside. Think ing be hud killed the buck, Sutherland started after the animal without reioadit g his l'uu. "lie had gone le.il a few yards when he i nlerid a small opn.ii:g in ihe limb r-bru-b, and light in the untie of it. curled up in a hole at the fi ot ol a fallen trie, lay a tri uicndotis black bear. The bear had been taking a nap. and was rudely awakened by Sutherland's shot, for be was just rising to his It 1 1 when Sutlur land came opposite him. For a lew si c omls Sutherland thought first of reload ing his gun, but that was impossible. Then he clubbed bis nlle and nwaiiid the bear's attack, liifore l'rtiin bad fully made up his mind what dn the thought slunk Snt hoi l:i mi that he bad oftt n bea.-ttil that hccoiildwhip a bear with bis lists, and hi re was the oppor tunity. iou wcut the gun and off went Sutbirlaud's hunting jacket. The bear got up on his bind feet and ciinie slowly up with his paws hanging down iu front and his little eyes daucing with mischief. 'Sutherland had the longest arms 1 ever saw, and ibis length of reach n 'W stood him in good play. As soon as the bear got close cuough the hunter struck straight out from the shoulder and hit him a terrible r.ip on the in sc. The uose is the tuidcrest purt of a bear's auatomy, and ihe blow must have hurt him tenibly, lor he drupp 'd on all fours and whinul, but ho was up mid at it again in a few secouds, madib-r than ever This tiui'i Sutherland got in a good blow on the bear's right ear and lauded an other on his left eye. Hown went the hear again, knocked lt.it this time, but he wasn't whippe I by a long sh it, lie got up and went ovt r in Sutherland's corner, moving his short forearms, with their long claws opening aud closing in a vi- ci his uiuiincr. Sutherland waitcj until h.' was close enough, when he struck him in the side with ail his force, but unfor tunately the hunter's l'i..t slipped, and before he could recover the bear gave him a smashing blow on the shou der, which knocked him down. The bear was ion badly wound d by the huntei's iast bl w to take advantage uf hissucces before his antagonist could get t-n his feet. 'Su Jierliiiid was noir as ma 1 as the bear, bill he had also Icarucd caiiiioii. The two cum'jatauts slowly appnuched each other, when the hunter iiuickly feintid with his left and, before the bear could recover, let hi iu have another blow wuh his light on the Uose. - This whs a stunner, and before bruin kmw it h - had rtsrived half a it. i n blows over the eyes, iu the side and an oilier on the ihroat. whi. h made hi. teeth eh. 00 r. Tlie Ih'hi diopped upon all fours, walked oil a few yaol. mid lay down whining like a wh pp d child. Siiiher laud waited a moment and, soring no in dications of a resumption on the part of .lieLsr wiik...( . 1 1 ih -ini ii il nnd pnV.-il It i in with his g in Tue w.nily pugiii-t sot slowly upon Ids feet, looked doubtfully at Ins antago nist and eoiieludud to try one in ire round. This round was the last. Sutherland stru' k the creature nn bis tender spot the n s" with his lel'i, and, putiiii.' iu all his f.,rcc, bin led his rinlit on the aui mul's jaw, completely cmahin'i it. This was en ugh for theleir. Iledioppel upon his lour fe.-t and tried to make otf. Sutherland, Having fairly whipped hiiu ill a sipiaie lo.-ht, didn't propose to lose his meat, and before the animal eould get many yards away in his weak aud an i batten d eoinliii-.n he had reloaded his lifle and shot hiiu Ihroii'.'h th head ' siutlnrland earth d that bear, which weighed about tlir-e hundred and fifty pounds, over ha'f a mile tu our house, and threw him d wn in the yard. "I helped skin that aniiu il," comilu ded Mr Oano, "an J I am free tn say that I never saw as many bruised in Dry life. Why, the beast was one mass uf black and red spots. His jaw was cer tainly broken, and two of his ribs oared in. No wonder he didn't want to Ight tBJ mors." A miter in the lla'.liiuore Sim gives an elaborate sketch of the auecstry and home of Amcliu Ilives Cbanler, whose novel, ' I he Q lick or the Dead,,' made her world famous in a day, as it were. Alfred 1.. Hives, the lathe' of the au thoress, says the writer, had the rare good full u lie, wheti in I'aris, where he was born, to be admitted to the famous French school nf engineering, the I'lcole d l'onts et ChaiHsces. Thus prepared, he enti red upon an unusually brilliant carei r as cneincer, was a colonel of th it branch in the Confederate army, iind is now head of the Panama railroad, lie married a lovely grand daughter of Hi-hop Moore. He resides at Ca.tle Hi 1, where he maintains the lavish bospitaii ty uf the old Virginia gentleman. His only surviving sistir, Miss Mlla UiveM, lives with him, devoting hetself to works ol' charity and benevolence. Another sistir. Mr-. Sigoiiruey. perished with h r h'jband, chi! In n and suv.ints iu the villc de Havre. The e.-!;tte, consi.-ting originally of ma ny thousand acres, has hem again and again divided, l ist alter the death of Mr. V. C. Hives. Tii ! homo place, Castle Hill, noiv lielougi in Col. Alfred L. Hives, the father of Mrs ('hauler, and his sis ter; another pa: I, Ciiiliau, is tin; Virgin ia cou'i r, feat of Mr. W. C, Hives, Jr. The bouse is roomy, and, thanks to the present owner's great skill and his charming wife's remarkable, t i.-te, one of the most perfivt of S lulhern hoiii.-s. To the left lie the parlor and seviral guest chambers, before which the csieii-ive green houses form a chaiuiing si reen; i n the right lh.; dining-room, the former private room, ami the library of Mr. V. C. Hives, Sr , and llie conveniences con- iieetnl with c uiulortable iliuing rooms Iu sinuiiitr and in wiutir ihe hall forms a la e where all assemble, the magnili c nt healing uj aralus giving t i the whole .house the Mine tcllipelalltle A broad coml'ortalile staircase leadi fruin h re to the upper rooms, mostly dumb is, and among them the studio of the auth oress, who is a tiainti r and sculptor, as well ;'s wrilt r. In the r ar i f the Ionise a large, will keptg.ild.ii nlir.ii.ts alleiitloii, and pro vides an abundance for the open, hospit able table; on the right ill ' admirable sta bles, with many a well bred horse in stall or I. .use box, ainmig them the pets of the aullioress and of In r younger sister whose great beauty is enhanced when on horseback by her exijiiisiie grace and rire kill. Hogs of eh in I re -ds ileum I. and the f 'X bound's ib . p cry is often beard in llie adj -.ining ti-lds and lowland meadows. Though .-li" had governesses, it may he said wuh truth tint she rdueated le-r-self. The sup.-rli ability with which she draws lliose pictures of a certain plus- uf Knglish life as it vvi- ci'ntnri-s ago has astoni-h. d her read' r-; h-r aeeuraey has been the subject of much comment. II. r tiaiiiing in thi- r-gatd w.h th-r ituh and ardii His. II fore she had emnpl-ted li T sit''eiith year .-be hid read all the old Kilgli-h dr.unati-ts. ll.r capacity for work isVirygre.it, and when she has conceived a story or poem she w-rks steulily until it is lini-li-ed. She has been writing ever sin e he was a bit of a girl, and h-r enthusiasm has ure l her on until it is sai I lh.it -he has a mass of work ah only ce otnpli-hed willl which t i meet lhegrc.it d -uiand for her poems, dramas, Ae. When the uli t,.r of a well known uiagaiin i visited her at Casile Illll with a viciv of puieh.i.iog ..mi-ul Her iilerary wares sn nrougni out a great pise of uianuscri ts which she helii't ibeni.-d worth :- li ling to lh,' uia- izines, from wbi. h he s-l -cted st,,n -s, Ac, to the value of Sl,."l. A friend was at Castle Hill s -vcr.il years before she beciine fain his. She. Ii.in l.d hiiu anile sonnets which sh.1 tea l with gr.-il delight, bit e.iu'd not bc!i -ve ih.i: ih-y were hers. Sh- wis Im: a girl t'l.n, and thigre.it beauty of these speei n nsufu ditlicult species uf cotnfio-i.i n sc ne.l to bespeak an older cr-al-r. 'I'll-p ibli hcd portr.iils of Mrs. Hives Cbanler h iw lh it she i a bc iulil'iil wo man. and ill t-e wh i h ice : hi h -t know that they do li. r no iu -re th.ru justice. II T II .,,r,. VW .r;'.w. ..ne i s..n.sr!'ll unw irtliy of h T fa-e, is tinier rilher than above the medium bei-ht. 1 1 r features are ci'piMie, this must be s.ii'l witlm it ipnlili -ati hi II r ii-s " i aliaht ly a piiline, with lh- thin n istrils of hitih brivding. II -r m mth is p I feet in shape, anl is d. s rib 'I by an a luiir. r as of "moist ruby;" her complexion, nf the elearest and in ist transparent white, min gled with carmine, whila occasionally her cheeks hive a heoiij flush upon them Her forehead is Very much like that of Can ova' Venus, an 1 her hair is of au at tractive golden hue. 1'OXs.t'HPriON ITBIJ.V t t Ill ll. Tti Til K KniTiiu. ricase iiiforin your rentiers that i have positive reiuctly lr the alsivenamwl disease. Ily its luncl.v ma ttitins-iiuls ol' litipelissa itases have liccn perinaneuily rurctl. I shall lie glad lo aeiitl two bullies of my reintsl) fkkk to any of your reaHora who have eoiuuiiuptiuu it they will send ma their express anil posUiflicc tjldress. I!esiectfullv, T. A HIXX'tlU, M. C. jt 2i 1 yr. 181 rrl sk New Vork. JOHN BUN YAH. The Ne-.v Vork Cltri-ltun .Vlfimtr lias uu article on llimy.in. the 'Z mth nn-nlvi-rviry ot' wl.u e de.t'u was .e. -cried August 111, ISsv Though he vv.s i.h ie.it a colleg ' eilu at': .n. It - w s scarcely 1 :ss p ipuhir as a pi.'idiT ibaii as a writ, r : ''Four yt an after Hunyaii's death, in the Strug-ler, publi hed l y Ch'ir'.s line, it is sai I tli.it vv'i u Mr. Il injati pr .nlod in I. ni 1 ni, if iher w 're but "ii- d.,'s noli - given, tbere wo i!.l be in r p oj le come loetlier to hear btm pr -a- h than ti e ii. o ting l.o ise could h 1 1. I have h n to hear him pr'iieh.by my c unpuliition, to about 1 -III! people at a inorei'i- lec ture at 7 o'.'ioek on a d itk m .r ,i:i - in winter 1 a!-o I'o'upiitel ab ' it three tho isaiul that came to h -ar hitu on- I, Td's d iy at I. ni .1 in at Towus.-ii 1 meet in.: boils ', s i that, h ili' w. r : fain to go hack again f.r win! !' m , and tint be biaiself w is fii.i 1 1 g - .hi ov r tie- p- p'e I i ib p ii t li bv a l.iek d -r. I Tlie II ra III: .11 i. . br- i l,i nt. ih it ' K n- Ch.ul 8 II. a-k"d a ceit.iin d .el ,r how he, W'lio hid so linlch I arniog. j C.liltil go to II 'ill' a tllltii I preach, In which the doctor r-pli -d : 'May it pie ise your iu ij sty, h 1 1 i the inker's abiliii s for preacbin-, I would most gladly r. liii'piish all my l-aruing.' Ban yan died of fever contracted by riding f ,rty inilrs on his journey fro-u Head in' to London inn dreaehiug r.iiu. John liiinyan wrote sixty books and lived six ty yi ars. The Pilgrim's Progress his h -en translated into seventy two distinct languages and dialects, and ha had a vvi I. r circulation and has b en read more than any book, next to the S. rip tur s " THE BLISS OF ICNORANCE She walked into a fashionable shoe store and said lo the p ilile cb rk. ' Vou may sh-iw me a pair of walkiug bool.s, N t. I I u-ed to w-ar li s hut I go iu lor solid comfort now." The del k tried the boot bin they would not go on ' Strange." sh : murmured, ''it tnii-l be rheumatism. Try I's, 11 wi 1th. I know I can swim in tbcui. but my fe.-t are so tender." While llie clerk was getting them on she said: ''1 used to have u beautiful foot, not small, but such a good shape. I never had a small loot, hut 1 wore - si'i -s for years, until 1 walked so much ami grew heavier." 'Vo'.ir foot is a peculiar shape, the in step is so high that is why you rupiire a large si,-'," said th- ci.-rk, who had no lear of An mias b-'fore bis eyes. ' I've beard," she said, "that the Vi llus dee Medeeehy wears No. 0, and she is a model of true pmpoition." "Kxactl;," said the clerk, growing, r-d in the laeo a- he pulled and lugged to g 't th en on. He hid never h-ard of '-dee Medeeehy," but b" was up to a trick or two himself. '-After all," be said ' tins-.' are too large. You'll find the I's just right." lie was only gone a tie in nt, In.t in that time he had erase I oK fr in lh inside of a pair of shoes and substitute! 111. There. I lb uuht it was s:r.iiig" she siid when they w re on and pai l f r. "vvhv. these are ju-t a- i-a-v a my ,11 ones 1 believe I eould ju-t as well have had l!'s after ail." An 1 the young-man without a cotiscieiii'': went hack lo bis iluii's with theairof one w-11 sa'tsliod wilh himself. BROKEN LAWS. 1 1 is easier to see the barm il'iie by alui-r or violence than that product d by over-work or over in liilg nee. ' know some of the ell -els of dccepiioii or slan der, while we do uot know what Inay follow fr all oiil'vbv I physical system. t In- thing. liowt'Vt r, we do know, lha1 every broken law brings its penalty, uot only to the transgressor, but through hiiu to llie world , and the laws of our bodies form no cxceplion. We oficn heir it said : '1 might not I.i have gone out so 'thinly clad'' ' I ought not to have Worked so protractedly." ' I ought ll I tu have rattn ;u.h ali-1 .-u.'h things, or at sii.h and such times," utid y.-t l-ui little shame is feit at such eontcssious. and hut litl'c, if any, reproach is incurred, yet, as soon as we know what we ought to do or to avoid, we incur aetu il guilt in taking the nppo-ite e ourse. The very expression of llie word "ought" admits this, although we lis- it a-ain and agiin wilh regard to physical transgressions without feeling disgraced. IiAlUKD will find relief from their eo -livene.ss, Swimming in the Head, Colic, Sour Stomal h, Ileadat he, Kidney trou bles, etc., by taking a dose of Simmons l.ivrr Regulator aOer dinner or supper so as tu move the bowels once a day. Moth rs will have belter health and the babies will glow iut-r.' robust by using (ho Regulator. If an infant shows signs of Colie, nothing like a few drops in wa ter for lelicf. The genuine has the led Z on front of wrapper. dot Mm. 'I'he Cincinnati A'."iuVe' has a Vin ceinies(lndl special describing a rat llilli tight belwe II tivo slitiii .IIS. 'fie- annuals were bi ing i xbiliited at a !';. r wh ii a team ol hor-es jtu ir.viy and darted among the blooded st.uk. In stantlvall was commotion. The blot ded mares begin in ighinir, which tivi sia! lions iseeuii d to illterplet us a sort ill battle cry They broke away from their keep r and da b -d at cell i lli-r like lea I I! ah snorted lell.-.L . ;i I ll-. tire scene"! t I ti l ll freu lie 11' ' ) es Wi.h open jaws they bit eaeli oile r's necks, pawing and leaiing up ihe -round for a .-pace of r.v aiiy I'.'ei. At la.t, by Men means i h-y got ..s.' I i a- li ba.kin-a few f et. lh y whii'.el 111,0 cotiiui' ic c I ki.iug each itiur Tl-' shaip corks on the' bind shoes drew bloi.d from the 11 .liks.of e:n ll, anl lel'l en-f moils Weilsaud tuts. Th. it one ul lh in. with an i:e-tiiiet tlitt e, t i l 1 blltliall -u i 1 ') wt.ii Yd 1. 1 tiie n.iit no i -,r I' ll- 'i n -S -'j-j' -Hell! t'V III 0 - . ir l-. :-! til saw ii.ii to g. i ,. i r - i- t up-o. hi.- shou, i n I'hey siragi. d and sirug gled and struggled, lh: s.at and blood pouring Si nn llicii' vv -uiids Toe taiiueis ulj nit were paiii : sTieken A couple t.f cow Ij.y.- got su-ul lopes and tri.d to lass . tin in. 'fills WjS uo easy clfort, anl attcuded with con-id-rable danger. H.-lore it was accomplished the anituals in.tilc a li rial vi.i iu.s dash ut csi h other, un 1 while liiikel ill ca ll oilici's ferocious em! race the cowboys gt in their Work and Miccceded in securing tbclll. Tll.y Were delivered to the keep crs, vvhol 'd lh -m away covered wiih blood, limping, lame aud s re. OVER REACHINC HORSES. Tin (ItT'i ai tiwn 7'tt'jr'tfih givim tin' iulliivviti rci.it'tly it r thLs ddtjut in A ftin. w.iy I'-r rci-nviiij; tl.is tin plcitsiiiit faiiin in tin iiiiivctiicuts i-i' a Imrs: it) u tnnjo'ity tif t'iiwK, is to shorten the toe of the hind shoes, langcmeiit the horse will I5y tlii-i nr jiick up l.i ftirc ffct quicker w liii liitiJ Wi felnwt r, lhi- :iirij:tiiiiihi ju.'-t what is waiititl If a iii:ii'!tT uf u i.vtHl i f time iIi-tc b paiticil, O.w i't.t J-'t-t will lit clear out ul Im way ul' tli- bind fuof, y'uh its t'li-nitti'd tm. (iwii d a v.thiublt? liore unci' .ii!tjt'i l o over ri-afliinp;. lie was taken in b.tnl by several expf rienefd .-1iuit, utid evry t lie a-liijitcd tlie enni m. 'li eiruliL'ous lne' litJs. Kt-iu iu tin stable riiic d;iy. We .-::t tlnwn np-tii a chair after exiiiniiiin tin shees tu devi.Mi! st ine witj In cure tbo uui mi1 ul'the (lefi'L-t, and tlie ciidufi'li we u lived at lid tu in-i-tin' ii;-'h the sh it r it'llnwiiii; uur in-strtieti-iiis. Tlie re ult tit' ii was a eum jileti' 'iiceos Now and tlien a new sbnt r WMiid nut be awar: ul this over reiK-liiiij, and wuul . .-hoe the old way, win n the uver reai hin was as bad us ever till ihe first hi tea w re removed. We badaiiiither b' e t iired in ihe same way. as bad at lb; t time litany other jtersuns. Indeed, e have never Lnin thi- tneth-id t i laii when j,r-'Ju-rly f'ol b.wetl. KINDNESSES. p is e 'iiipiriiiv -ly ea-y to d- i n itu poll lilt ad of helleVol. net', but to colllill ue day by day aud year all. r year show ing int' rest in other- by what appear in signilieiiit acts demands protracted elfoit To coii -i 1 r the Ir-mliit s of utle rs around us an 1 try to aileviite them, to lake u. e i.- ires to allow servants nppoit iui-i s i' r fr'-h air and ovr i-' reer-ati-n. and self ini-rovi-ni'-ut. to tui li-t-r, as far as wee.iii.t-i ui'-inh.-rs u' 1 li. ir faaiil a when ih-'va cin sickness or s rroiv, to lie ii-. igbboily, in the wi lcsl sense nf ihe word, to lliose among wh, in we dwell yet n .I to neglect our horn, s or ur social r l.ni -us. to cii'tivate our iu li J' aud any gill wc may posseas: all these duties lake t ass - anden-'rgv; bill inih -ir perforin incc lie happiness and a cure for tint unrest which preys on th: unoccupied. It r.'ipiires pu-h lo succeed in business, win-til 'r il b running a newspaper, keep in i e.-iorry r-, -r wh"Hn s bi'-y carri ige. Why is it daii-froiM lo gn out iu spring? llccause the trees shoot, llie flowers hsvc pistils and the bull rush is out. It all depends un the way it said. It inakm a great difference whether you call s man s "slick citn-n" or a"polishcd genlleuian." Itiirklen Arnira Malve. Tho Best Salve in (he world for Cut", Bruises, Sorea.l'lccni, Salt Hhcuni, Fever Soica, Tetter, Chapicd hands, Chilblains Corns, snd all akin cniptions,and positive ly cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by druggists at Weldon, Brown ACarrawsy, Halifax, Dr. J A McGwigio, KnBold. dm TORPID LIVER Ih U hum ii !iy Uim; iutii'Ui l p(Mtilluritltai 1. A f' Wxvi "r w.-urliu (itiautl nhis In lh 2. Itii l hn ii'li, bint tisHlit In the tin m tit, no. I i i . i'i 1 1 tiiiiLfnt'. 3. ''.o1-! i' il n 'Ii, W Mil (M'Ctttiilllul filttwkt 1 li I if l'. . i'i Hi" f if ni nf tho iH'ftfl: liiiO.t'li, tH;-fi, UtKl C'lloVIU'Ma uf H;im. l. H.'iirllntni. Ionk t,rlili '1 He. t). t I -1 i.i on ir Uu- Niuni;iiti mid tmwola t.y ' ol. 7, In 'iiri"isin of KiirllK, ii-nl yrrut inclnn- I'liulv, Mil h 111-'1 Hull It Mil l llO-IttrHiliuU io 1 uccvtr Sliiim It if lii-mt.rn-w. A nntiimi t'.tw of Itil from I In' t.fvi-r Iw fi.,'iitlHl (o yt lit ullh. Wlit ll LUIS Ih obe-triu ttd it riMills in BILIOUSNESS, which, if iH'v.li'ctt'd. Win ii l.'.titH toacrhma tlist ii., Hlo.iimns l,lvcr ili'iiiiliilorcxcrla li mo Li IV Mi 1 1 ' un 1 1 1 ll lie 1 1 'o i I'ft'Vt'ry klmt til l.iM'iii-iic.u. It. rest-it i'x Hut JiIvit to iirnp'T wo'K!hlj unlor, ivwolulrH the n'crt tlon nf ti!;r imil .iitn ttio (li.:ctlvij iriitm In ii''h f-Jinh: ion iliitt th.-vcun dntlit.tr lifeit wiir!:, , 'i. r ta kin.; tl:i luedtulnc UO UI1U Will HUJ, "1 Ul.l liillifUH.'' ! t t v vcrc f-pclU pf Con--, a :n! Ii.tvc liven in tlit habit otf . f.'iit ff enl.'tnrl whirli ncn i tl.iTi- rr fniir ii..t. l.atrly I ; .-tt'.TT.fm l.ivrr U emulator, i'-f vmiifnit any mlf rrupuon 10 t. Miaikp,rt, Uliio. ftttinn (if li' erll .,i.li.it. tiif have bt' n t..i.i ttllli.h j,.TVC I'-t- t' tufneH'-J. lh has our J5f, n'.amp in red on frost of Wrapp J. li. -'Illll & Co., l'lillsilelphli, I m. Pec!) ly. PROFtSSIONAL CARDS. T. W.J1A.-II .1 TTIiSSKY A T LA IC, IIAKYSM Ml, N.C. Piartices ill Liu- nulls of Nerlhaini.ton and a'tjoiiiiag isiuiilms, sis- in Uie Kcilcra) and &u-irs-iiie is mils. w. ('. 1S"Y, EN, AVHHISEY-A TLA W J At K-ON, X ('. PnioLlccn in t!iv S;ii;ri-r, Stute ami Federal fnlirt. foll'.'i-lioll! rt . t.iiflU YIN INliliKNKi Ui.O atihi:.i:ys at i.. ii; Ml liKlii.i-siuiiiii, s.r. Ii.liec day. in VViiis'.in every Monti iy. I'rflu t;ee in tlit- si it., ami f ederal Coitr.a. rroniit stli-iitioti l-i nil lea.in -ssea'.riis'.t'd to tta. Loans lU'S-liilUel SPIER W.IITSKHn, F. W- WrtlTAKER, " llAi.l.liai, S. C. IIAI.1KAX, N. c. y-y II I T A K K it 4 W II I T A K K R, ATTOHSEYS AT LAW H.VI.irAX, N. c. rrjctirc in tl c Superior aiitl Hupa-mc eotirts o( lli iuk uu tl In ihe i't'vlcmi court-. nir 15 If A T TUIISICY I T LA , IM) vLi K, X. C. eon I'rai tiers hcrevvrliis utTVUfs sro required Will tx'tit Htiliiaji on Uu tiibluntliu'ceiKl Mcudays In v ieli tn-aiUi. J'Ui 1, lfs7. M1 ATTuJiSKYS ATLAW, WELDON, N.C. I'rai -the in ilici-'iuns tif Ilttlifat andNortltiinii loiiHtiil in tlie Siiirtn:e Atul Ki-tlcrml cciirts. Uol leclioim nimk' in alijuiriiiiif Norllt Curolliiii. Uritrirli oll'ief hi lUiltiix, ti,, (ien every Mim itny. j it n 7 ly K. H. t.JH H jr. BMXrLAMOf sTMft.K.0 t RA LKluB, If. C, 811 S B A SMITH Mr F II r.iiklfr snd Mr. R H Sintth.Jr,, Coun nc1i' ttt Ias , hsve ftirnit-l t limited partnrahip for ilit iTKCtiet.' ofltw in Italiflix couotjr. Ut lliiAi.ec will ..lU'Uil the c.airtaof Halilux rcgulsry, rf riml will tiN'i vlivit the roiinty whenever hlsservfoi urt- n-'iuirt'tl. net 1 ly.' y HO M A h aN. Ul LL, Atlorney at Law, H ALIFAX, N. r. rrai tlict In Iljil'fiix hu-1 sdjoinltikrcninile uid Ketli-ml sii.l Wui,n'Tiic ceurls. as if.. T HORN E, ATToh'XEr AT LAW. KSFIKl.tl, N. ('. Practice in the murls nf llnlifm sua mo . (oiliUleit mid in llie Miprcine cimrt. t'ollr'ciiniiii niMdc miy where In the SWte, tildr turitH inmitl)' nisiiic. W HALL, Attorney at Law, WM.lKiN, K.C. Sparlal atU'titlttn iriven lo o4'erUorii and rem It tanrea proaaptljr aiada, aaay 1 SL . y li W A K ll T. C I A ft K, A TTOltSF.Y AT LAW, ii i.ir.x, n. c. I'rai-llri a wln'rr.or liU asrvtre. art risaiiind. , ('.-.:. . i.-.l, ... . ...tu. li.MlH.tM'IIUsMi maj 11 ly JR. J, E. S II 1 1 1. 1)8, Burgeon leull.U HitIhhj permnet!y toeted ti WfMnr., en ht i fbuml st bis office In IMnM's ftrictt Building ttsll i tl im eic4tt hen slent nn pnftii luisltiesi (ireful Attention fire lo ill bnoi-hesof the to- ffMioD. Parties visited M their Jiomwwben ' sired. July 12 1. M. L. BUKTtt Surgeon Dentist. Oaa bs Sound at bia once In Kaflelal Pure Nitrons Orttle IMa Ihr tha Hanlaa, 111)1 u?m iwatB avail fan 1 im as I 5 ..i ' i i

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