I HALL &c SLBDQE, PROPRIETORS. 3 A IT 13 "W SP APER FOB TUB PEOPL E. TBEMS-I100 1ER ANNUM IN ADVANCK VOL. XIX. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 1889. NO 42. NEW ADVKRTISEMENTS. THE Premier Floor of America, -PATENT OUB PATENT ROLLER ELOTJKS are manufactured from the CHOICEST WHEAT 0BTA1NABLK for which llaltimoro as n market stands pre-eminent. Their superiority lor UNIFORMITY, ST11KNUTII and UN APPROACH ABLE FLAVOR has long been acknowledged. Tho PATAPSCOSUPERLATIVE PATENT Stands unrivalled. Of a lit-h, Cnamy Color, it maket a Bread (hot will suit tho Fastidious. fair Ask your Cr ccr fur it. Patapsoo Supi rlativc l'ad ill, Rolando Choice Patent, l'atapsco Family Patent, Orange Grovo Extra, Baldwin Family, Mapleton Family. C. A. GAM BRILL MANUFACTURING COMPANY", 211 Commerce St., Baltimore, Md. aug 12 ly. If You Are Sick With Headache, Neuralgia, Rtuumatism Dyspep sia, IMlioiuuL'Si. Illood Humors, Kldue)' Disease, Obstipation, yciaitlo Troubles, Fever and Ague, SIccpltuNueis, Partial Paralysis, or Nunuui 1 "ros tral lau, iuw ittlne's Celery Compound and bo cured. In cAcb of these tho cause U mental or physical overwork, anxiety, exjMurc or malaria, the ciTeel of which U to weaken the nervous iys tem, remit Ins; luouc of those diseases. Hcuiuve the c tBE with that great Nerve Toole, aud the iihult will disappear. Paine's Celery Compound J.vn. L, Bowks. r-prlnitfleld, Miikm., write: " i'riiiic's Celery l tiiiKMiml ctuniut lie excelled iw a N'TVtt 'ionic, lu my ease it Mingle lxttlit wrought a (jrt'ftt clinngc. My nirrvniisin'w entirely dirtfipiK'Arcd, and with It the resulting alleeilon of the KioiiiRch. heart and liver, ami the whole tone of tho iiyrttcin was wouderi'mly uivlgnrHted. 1 tell my friend-, tfstel. as I liuvu been, Pulne's t'eiery Compound Will Cure You! Potd by dnigrlits. fl : nix for tV. Prepared only ly Wax i a, Uicuakuion A Co., liurlUigtn, Vt, For the Aged, Nervous. Debilitated. jao 111 Ij T.X JAERATT & SON, OOJIMiiESSIOlsr MERCHANTS, PETERSBURG, VA. COTTON BAGGING and TIES. Having bmiicht a Urge I'd of ha in; hit; and lien HI! K HtK Til K ItlKK wo cmi sell litem cheap. Alliance outturn in UUof HW bules or umrc SoM'r'Ult 50 CENTS A 1,AI'Kw fre,K"1 '1Jed. HhiproenU of cotton and other pnnluec will el ted. High.nt cli prices obtained and prompt return made Auy arrangement! can 1w marie with ts) W. V. I A) SO, Lluk-bm, N. C. up Cm Light Running DoincsticSowinsc Maclimc FOR HALS BY T. N. or Kir THE PLACE TO GET AT THE - LOWEST PRICES, IS AT DR. A. It. ZOLLICOFFER'S, WEST SIDE WASHINCTON AVE, OPPOSITE R. SHED W ELDO N. N. C. STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. VrtaMMIFTIOH DaTASTUIHT FIUID WITH THI BrMT HKLKTltD MATERIAL.- PRBSCBIPTIONS COMPOUNDED AT ALL 1I0UK8 WITH GREAT CARE. FGBFUMBRT, STATIONERY, FAKCY BOAPS, BRUSHK8, f FANCY ARTICLES, TOBACCO AND CIOAB& l H 1 Ikalakaart; waloamialwan awaltoron ZOLLICOFFER'S. TT?17TRm Woadora exist In thousands JL'ljli L of forsss. bat are aurpasacd b) the laarvalso itiTHitlou. Tht who are In ueedol prjflUhU work that can be dona while living at .' horns should at one tend their addreas to Hallett Co., rorUand.alalnt.ind receive free.futl lufor- ' aiaUon how rttharaex, of all sges, can earn from ' lair per day and upwards whertver they Uvt. ' Yo artiurUd frea Capital not required. tona ? adOTMMtaaaiiitni dajr at ifala rrk PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS. EST-BIjISH:EID1774:. Warranted In color mom poo.1 thnn any other dvt'ii ever mnde, and to give more brilliant ami diirnhh colors. Ask for ttio Vuimotut, untl tuku uo oilier. A Dress Dyed A Coat Colored j n l " FOR 10 varmenis nenewea j CENTS. A Child can use them ! Unequalled for all Fancy and Art Work. At dniKplsl, and Merchant. Uye book free. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO,, Prop,., BurllnftM, Vt, STAINBACK & CO. illillll, INV.ENTI()NI tho lnit litlf renlurjr. Not leant among the won- denof Inventive progrrt, la a mylliod and aya- tvu of work lint van ba pcrtormed all over Ilia Hriialrv without .enaratlnf the worker, from Ihelr liointa. l'ay liberal; any one ran do the wor ; either young or old; no ipeeial ability re quired. Cut this out and return to ui and we will Bend you rree.eomethhigorgreatlinpurtarjce to you, that will alert you In builnce, whlea will brfug yoa la raoreaioDey right away, auythlaf elae la the world. Grand outfit free Aaaiaei True and Ca Auiaala, Haiaa A KISS. BY MARY A- 111' ELI.. Ionic thing imirio of uolliing, tiiatiiig very sweet; A ruoat delicious compound, with ingre dient complete; Hut if, as on ocawion, the heart nnd mind are (tour, It luw no great nignilicfiuce, it Iowa half its power. Something uuilo of tiotliing, an J never twice the Ha mo, Though 'tin known lu every country where love m a name; It is clearly men tit fur giving, though 'tis sonicliinea bought uml aolri, And, like coflee and potatoes, la not ho good when cold. It oft (ippeiwes discords, when words have failed to pleane, Whether bestowed curcpsingly or given just to tense; For a laugh will often save one from doing something worse, And the lips tluit taste this Hwcclncss are B- hlom heard to curse. Tis the xlrnngest, oddest mix lure, thin something made of naught, Vl:ich in never etcn nor lnuutlcd, ul though 'tis ofteu Citught; Which will notapoil in kei ping whatever lc the I'liinc, For tin Mmiclhing made ol nothing wilt stand t he teat of time. A FEMALE MASON. MTIATItiN OF A WOMAN W.-fi WAS CAIH1HT KAVKSDUOl'l'lNO. ' The publication several dujs ajj of an arlielc from tho i'ull Mull (luztltc (;iv- in-j tlic AcltW of an cauapadc of two wo met) iu Glasgow, Scotland, who overheard part of the ceremony and proceedings of Masonic lodije while in sea-ion recalls a end tif a woman who was once upou a ime iuiiialed into the order. The lion. Mrs. Aldworth ia the heroine of this leg end. Sho is paid to have received, about the j'-ur 1 ",'!.', tho first aud second de grees of Freemasonry in Lodge No. 44, Dutieraile, Ireland. Mrs. Aldworth, nee Elizabeth St. Led ger, was the youngest child and only daughter of the first Viscount Doneraile of Ireland. The lodge in which she was sitting i nun ply ol the gentry and tnoi-t respectab'e and wealthy inhabitants of the country around Doncrailu. The com munications were usually held iu town, but during the nnstershipof Lord Done raile, briither of Mrs Aldwoitb, the meet ings were held at Donerailo 1 louse, bis residence. Speucer relates the story of a nlTair.- "lt baipened on ibis particular occa sion that the bulge was bold in a room separated from anolbei by stud and bliek work. The young lady, being giddy anil thoughllc-s, determined to gratify her eu rioHly, and made arrangi meiits accord ingly. With a pair of scissors (us she bcrrclf relatid to the mot her of our in !ur;ii;ml ) she removed a portion of the brick from thu wall, and placed herself so as to command a full view of ever)lhiug which occurred in the next reom. She thus witnessed the first two degrets in Masonry, which was the extc nt of ihe proceedings of the lodge that night. Heconiing aware Irotn what she heard that the brethren were about to separat sho felt alive to the awkwardness i.nd dang r of her situation, aud began to consider how sho could retire without observation. She trccame nervous and ag itated and nearly fainted, hut so far re covered herself as to be fully aware of the necessity of withdrawing as cpiickly as possible. Being iu the dark she stumbled and overthrew something a chair or some oruauienlul piece of furniture. Tho crash was loud, and the tyler, who was on the lobby or landing on which o(k ncd the doors built of the lodge ruuiu and that where the young lady was, gave the alarm, burst open the doot, and, with a liL'ht iu one hand a sword in the other, appeared to tho terrified and fainting la dy, lie was soon joined by the members of the lodge present, and luckily, for it is asserted but for tho appearauee of her brother, Lord Doucrnilc, aud other cool iDcuibcra, her life would have fallen a sac rifice, to what was then esteemed her criuie. The first care of Lord Uonoruili was to resuscitato the uuforiuiiatn lady without alarming tho house, tod endeav or Ui learn frotu her an explanation of hat had occurred. Having done this many of the members being furious at tho transaction, she was placed under guard uf the tyler and a member in the room where (he was found. The mem bers re assembled aud deliberated as to what was to be dune, "For over two hour she could hear the angry discussion and her death delib erately proposed and seconded. At length the good sense of the majotiiy succeeded in calming in some measure the angry and irritated feelings of the members. It was resolved to give her the option of submitting to the Masonic ordeal to the ex'ent she lad witnessed (fellowcraft) and if she refused the breth ren wore again to oonsult. Miss St. Led ger, exhausted and terrified by the stortni nessof the debate, gladly and unhesitating ly accepted the offor and was initiated. " Biaitoek ofoTtrcoata wkltb Bust be old. M f. tUrV 6 -M.AJJ. THOMAS L. EMRT. SENATOR T. L. EftW. The subject of ibis sketch was born in l'etcrsburg, Va , on December I Sib, 1842. In his early youth he bad to contend with all the adverse circumstances that beset a child left an orphan and penniless at six years of age. Hut iu the boy there were the germs that have since developed into the successful busiuess man ; and, impelled by the desire to excel, which is the marked characteristic of the man, we soon see him, alone ami unsup ported, beginning life's battle. Gener ous and impulsive he soon began to make friends, and to his credit bo it said his earliest one is to-day bis truest fiiend. Iu 1S5U Major Kniry moved tu Hali fax in this county and engaged in the 1 1 ado of a tinner, having before then served an apprcmictsbip at tho same in bis native city under Messrs. Hooth aud Soiutuers. Hut he was not long to re main in bis new home. On the 20th day of December lSuO South Carolina severed her connection with tho I'uion The tocsin of war was heard wilbin her borders, nnd Tom Etnry, then a mere boy, juiutd I ho tith South Carolina Hegi ment, aud in ranks was preseut and wit nessed tho bombardment of Sumter. In July IStll his regiment was ordered to Virgiuia and reached the battlo field of Manassas on the evening of July 22nd, just as the I'uion army was swallowed up in confusion and defeat. With the tith South Carolina he afterwards participa ted in the fight at Drancsvillc and with that regiment took his share of the beat ing revived by his command. In the full of 1S01 be asked and ob tained a trauslVr to the 2nd, afterwards the 12th, N. C, Col. Sol. Williams' regi ment, and rejoiued tho Halifax Light Infautry, it volunteer organization lu which ho belonged prior to the war. With the 12th N. C, he remained till disabled by wounds and assigned tu de tail duty. With ihe 12lb N. C , he en gaged ill the fighls around liiohmond, known iu history as the seven days bal tin In ono of these battles, Malvern Hill, be was commended on tho field by his Urigadior General, (lurland, (wh fell at Soulh Mountain) lor his conspic uous gallantry. He was then promoted and in special orders was congratulated in front of bis regirueut for gallant con duet, flic following is an extract from general orders : "It is gMtifyingtoknow that the bravery of some was without precedent. The noble daring of private T. L. Kiury won ihe admiration of all bis command, be having seized the flag nnd rushed through a shower of bullets to the brow of the hill and there stood defiant ly waving it in the enemy's face until it and staff were cc in letely riddled with bullets." This order was signed by Col. U. 0. Wade, tommandiug the regiment, and John T. Gregory ailing adjutant Gen. Garland's order was still more com pliuj- ntary. In the rest of the war Ik was on light duties, having bo;u inca pacitated for tetive service by wouuds. In IStio ha returned to Halil'nx and engaged in a general mercantile busiuess, aud began the battlo of peaco with the lime emrgy and pluck he had given to the battles of bis native South. lu 1MII9 ho came to Wcldon and be came from ihu day of his arrival one of her leading spirits iu every euterpriie ten-ling to build up (lie tualciiul prosper it)- of thu lowu. Ho has been Mayor ol Weldun siuee IHTd, except one term, being supp Tied by her citizens wirh an unanimity almost unheard of and with out regard to oo'or or polities. In lonti Major Kiury was olootud by thu Hoard of Magistrates one of the County Com missiuners, which position he held till called by the unauimous Voice of the Dctuucracy of the county to lea l v hat most men considered a forlorn ho; e against the cntrcached legions of Ucpubncauisut. But the word fail is not found in Major Entry's vocabulary. Ho went into the fight to win, aud the majority rolled up f T the Democratic ticket tells how well his work was doue; aud ouht to leach our party friends everywhere how much may be accomplished by work persistently and tntclligcnlly performed. Major Kuiry is fresideut of the Roa noke & Tar Uiver Agricultural Society, which, uni- lis management, continues its ways of prosperity and usefulness first given it by its first President, U II. En itb, Sr., Ej , ud bis tuocctsora, W In the new field of legislation wo pre dict for Major Kinry tho success and usefulness that liavo attended his other undertakings. First, last and all the time u Democrat uf the strictest sect,, our interests are safe in his hands, nnd we congratulate Halifax county and the State that we have a man of brains, en ergy and parts u guard and guide our interests. WHAT HE ENDURES. Pull MalKliu llo. Hero are some the questions that nro asked the captain at tho table of n big C'unarder: How long have you been a sailor? How many times have you crossed the Atlantic? Have you ever been shipwrecked? Were you ever drowued? Are you paid by the trip or by tho yeurr What does the company pay you? What was your business before 'you became n captain? How did you get that Bear on your nose? Were you over seasick? Do you tako a bath crery day? How much did ibis steamer cost? Do you think wo shall have storms ? any What time will the steamer reach New York ? Do you think we shall hare any fogs on tho banks? Shall we see any icebergs? How much did your uniforms cost? How much coal do you burn iu a year? Are you a married ninn? Have you got any children? Does your w ife miss you dreadfully? Does you wile care or got jealous of other women? What do you do while the steamer is ia port? It must be real uiee to be a captain, Un't it? Do yuu think we will see any whahs? HIS CAREER. Some five years ago uniuy people who happened to pass a certain newspaper ofhee might have noticed a bright faced lad of about 12 years of age. who kept his eye on lire entrance to the counting room. Whenever any oue issued from die ofliec, if a growu person, thu boy would address him, with an eager glance: "Are you lookin' for a boy, sir?" Ho came ou duly every morning early, fresh, bright, cheerful, and apparently undismayed by the uubrokeu current uf "noes'' that flowed by him. In a week ho disappeared. Last week, while the miter was cbaltiug with the manager of one of the largest wholesale establishments in the west, a bright, active young fel low, with checks full of color and eyes shining with good uaturc nnd eagerness, caino up and handed the manager a pa per. It was the lad who had atoorl be fore the newspaper office in search of a man who wauled a boy. "Who ia lhat lad ? He teems above the aviiiiiio." "1 picked bitu off the sidewalk in front of a newspajicr office, lie is one of the brightest, quickest and most faithful of the boys iu ibis cstabli-hmcnt. Some day he will be at the head of some big busin as He is of Iii.-h pan mage, and supports a widowed mother and a brother and si.-ter." Chicago (Unix, llurklen's Anilra Halve. Tho Best Salvo in tho world for Cuts, Brutes, 3uri's,U!ccr.i, Salt Hhcutn.Kcvcr Sol es,Tcttor, Chapped bunds, Chilblains Curns.and all skin eruptions,;ind positive ly cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cctils per box For sale by druggists at Woldon, Brown iCairuway, Ilalilux.Dr. J A McGwigau, Gufield. The Best Tiiinu Anoivr a Giri.. The best thing about a gill is cheerful ness. No matter how ruddy her check may be, or how velvety her lips, if sh wears a scowl even her friends will con sider her ill looking; while the young lad who illuminates her countenance with siuilos will be icgarded as handsome, though her cumplexioti be coarse enough togiiud nutmegs on. Aa perfume is to the rote, so is good Datura to the lovely, JOURNALISTS. BY nil I, NYE, Taking off the coat and vest and let ting down tho suspenders in ord -r to write burning thoughts is gradually be coming uiorc obsolete as Women koeomo more and more identified with journal ism. A man may, if he will, just as easily sit erect, throw out his elioit, and pull in his tongue, as lo cultivate oooen trii'illes and seek to attract ulteution by assuming odd altitudes while at work. I know a good, scathing writer who goes into bis office about ten o'clock, locks the door, takes off most of bis clothes, being wrapped up in thought most exclusively, sits on the fourth lumbar vertebra, braces his heels against tho wall little above bis head, and as he works he screws the nails of his boot heels into the hard wall harder and harder as he goes on. One day last summer, while working with un usual vigor ou an editorial in relation to the over attractive, bright oyed earner iu tho Crowti Prince's throat, he wassur prised to see thirty or forty g ild coins fall on his table like a blessed advance in his sj'ary. Looking up he discovered that with bis heel he had bored a hole into the vault uf the First .National Bank, next room. Carefully poking back the money, he pasted a sheet of paper over the hole and marking it "Opened by mis take," he put his heels against the drum of a light sorrel coal stove aud went on with his work. NUCCETS. The lay of the land is what darkness broods ove r. l'asw ngers mustn't expect to bear the jiti bourn in calm Weather. It makes a general mad to sec the battle Sag before it is won. Bills that didn't pass Congress are not neccsarily counterfeit. Experts at picking locks wig-makers' "All that -glitters is not gold," and all that blisters is not mustard. Many a man has a pail appearance after leaving a bucket shop. The amateur canoeist often gets a tip" without asking fur it. Children shrink front being washed. The sumu may bo said of socks. Though a ship may not have a single vehicle in its cargo, it ulwtiys has a cab in Talk is cheap, except when you biro a lawyer to do it for you. Lawyers ought to be good poet; they write lots of "versus." . A doctor isn't a man who "ducks " He always presents the whole bill. THE WANT OF ALL ACES. It is a man's destiny still to lo roug ing for something, and tho gratification of one set, of wishes but prepares the un- iiitislicd soul for tho conception of anolh er. The child of a year wants little food and sleep, nnd no sooner is ho supplied ith a sufficient allowance of either than ho lienors whimpering, or yelling it may be, for the other. At three the young urchin becomes enamored of sugar plums, applu pics and confectionery. At six bis imagination runs upon kites, marbles and play time. At ten the boy wants to leave school and have nothing to do but go bird nesting and blackberry burning. At fifteen ho wants a beard, a watch and a pair of Wellington boots. At twenty he wishes to cut a figure aud ride horses; sometimes his thirst for di-play breaks out iu dandyism, and sometimes in poetry; ho wants sadly to bo in love and takes it for granted all the ladies arc dyiug for him. The young man of twenty-live wants a wife; and at Ih'uty he longs to be single again. From thir ty to forty ho wants to be rich, aud thinks more of making money than spend in" it. At fifty ho wants excellent din ners and capital wine, and a nap in the afternoon. The respectable old geu tleman of sixty wants to retire from bus iness with a snug independence, to marry off his daughters and live in the country; and then fur the rest of his life he wants lube youug again. A PLAIN TRUTH. How strange it is that men, and wo men, too, are oftencst ashamed of what is bo.( in thorn, and nr ignobly eorttent. ed with the world's approval of things discreditable to their humanity. One stmts sometimes with horror to see the heauliful and the true recklessly thrust ia the background, that deformity may he decked and garlanded, and paraded in its place. Only by long chosen associa with those who have themselves succeed ed in doing it does it grow fainter and fainter, lo be heard never again till the soul rouses itself horror truck at the mis apeut past and tho hopeless future. Few there are, among men er womcu, who can boldly assert themselves, at those moments when they are nearest heaven, in ibe face of dissent, or indilTerenca, or ridicule. Too often our good angul covers bis face and retires, that a mocking fiend may clap us approviugly on the back, CARRIER'S ADDRESS. A merry Christmas to you, Friend, And a happy New Year, too; May you enjoy all they send, Is my hearty wisll for you. This joyous lime has once more Come round to ns ugain; Ami it comes ulike to rich and poor, As the sunshine and the ntiu. To some, willr joy 'mill ever Oil, A life already full, And make the Kir III sei-in brighter still, When ne'er ynt 'twas dull. To others 'tis an oasis grneii, In the world's drill stony soil, And marking only a rcsliug-pluco, In a lite of barren toil. This year has lives! its numbered days, Ail I joined time's endless store; And its grid's and joys arc added too, To those that are gone bct'oro. Our grand and gloriuns Clevelaud, A Kina; ol' Naturu's make, Has saeiiliccd llis party, For truth and honor's suko. All honor to liirn, all llru same, He did as be thought rilit; He's a partner in his country's fame, And renders it more bright. All honor to Ihe Old North State, From mountains to Hie sea, .She's proved her sons wero liemocruts Whate'er else they lie. Ho we'll sing the uld year to its rest, And give welcome to tho new. We'll laugh and shout with boyish zest, And welcome Christmas too. If you nro fortune-favored, friend, And oil Christmas joys revel, Spare a moment, now and then, To think of the printer's "devil." Every week of Hie dying year, Has fuund him serving yotl, And now he comes with Christmas cheer, To see what you will do. If you, like him, have worked for nought, And have no cash to pay, Return his greeting as you ought, And Bend him on his way. But if you can afford a mite, No matter what it is, May fortune make your Christmas bright, As you will brighten his. KRNKsT L. IIAYWARD, CsnalEK. DON'T RIDICULE THEM. There is so great a charm in the spor tive play of fancy and wit that there is no danger of their being neglected or un dervalucd, or that the native talent fur I hem will remain undeveloped; our chid solicitude must bo lo keep them, even in their wildest flights, still in subjection to duty nnd benevolence. We must not ul low ourselves to be betrayed into an op proving smile at cny effusions of wil and humor tinctured in the slightest degre by ill natuie. A child will wakh the expntsii n c our couulitiancc to ste how far lie may venture, and if he Cud (bat he Iras tli power to amuse us in spite of ourselves, we have no lunger any hold ovi r liirn from respect, and ho will go rioting ou in his rallies until he is tired, and seek ut ovcry future opportunity to renew bis triumphs. Wit, undirected by binevohncc, gtn crally falls into ptrtonal satire the ktcn est instrument of unkindncss; it is so easy to laugh at the expense of our friends and neighbors they furnish uch ready materials for our wil, lhat all ihe mora! forces should he arrayed against the pro Density, aud its earliest indications checked Wo may satirize error, but we must compassionate erring, and this we must always teach by example to children, not only in what we say of otherr before them, but in our treatment of themselves. We should never use ridicule toward llieui, except when it isetidently so gooi n itured that its nature cannot be mist ken. Thu agony which a sensitive child feels on beili'' held un before others as an object of ridicule, even fur a trifling error, a mistake or peculiarity, is not soon for cotton nor easily forgiven. Y hen we wish, therefore, to oxcite contrition for serious fault, ridicule should never bo employed, as the feelings il raises are di reedy opposed to self -reproach. " MAXIMS. Despair ia the gateway to insanity, Wo never thoroughly know a until we hear him laugh Truo and unit'oitu politeness is th glory of any young man. . Originality is the faculty of adapting en old iden In a new occasion. Fame, like lightning, generally strikes tho man who is not expecting it. A man's bearing wins ten superior womcu where his boots and brains w one. If a man stands before a woman with respect for himself and fearlessness her his suit ia half won. Argument will pull a wise man down to the level of a tool, but it never raises a fool up to the plant of a wise man. Thorough appreciation of a good wo man on the part of a young msu is one of the strogest recouinicndalious to favor. When a man ventures an opinion will find some one who opposes it. Hence a 'man without opposition ia a man wi: oui opinions. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BEWAREI BE PRUDENT' When the proprietors ol a blood remedy tell you that iisliile of potash is a poison simply because their opponents use it, their assertions are made to ceive, anil your use of lio bottles ol Inert Mint their object Iodide of potash I, a, essential to a ue blood remedy, as pure blood Iseasentt-I to good health. NO remedy lias proven QUICKCURE'"11 eslo,si and wu t an eradicator of nicrcurlal, syphilitic, scrofuWi i malarial or other poison, lor clgit t-j health, that gets Into bono and bluet, when oil else (alls as 11, 11. II. :;oml lo Mood Calm to., Atlanta, tin., fur Illustrated "Hook of WomlL-iV with convincing prooi of rjltlt'K CI-Huh of Mieluingly Incurable cases. A. F. Ilrllton. Jackson, Tenn., writes: "I con- led malaria in tho swamp, of Louisiana while working for the telettraph company, end u -ed every kind of medicine I could hear ol without n .k-i. I r.l List succeeded In breaking tie fever POISON bul ltcost nw over lt.l,;.ad linn my system was prostrated raid satu rated with poison and I became almost hclpk-.s. 1 ,nallv ciniu lieic. n,v mouth tu tilled with sole, that I could scarcely eat, and my tongue raw and filled with little knots. Various remedies were re sorted to without cHect. I bousht two bottle of U. B. U. and It has cured and strengthened me. All sores ol my mouth are healed and mytonjiiacnliro. ly clear ol knots and soreness, and I feel like a new man." It it. Sautter, Athens, Ga., write, : "I liava been abided with Catarrh tor many )cars, altlioujh ull sort, of medicines and several doctors did their best to cure me. M y blood was very Impure, and noth- In2 ever h-d any e!.. Lt upon the CATARRH oisKlie un,;1 1 uscd 'a3' reat ulooa Kcmeuy Known as u. u. a few bottles of which cftccted an entire cure. I recommend It to all who have Catarrh. I refer to any merchant or banker of Athens, Ga., and will reply to any inquiries." Bcnj. Morris, Atlanta, Ga., write, : "I bad no appetite, my kidney, felt Sore Tonsils ",v ,hroai wasuiomiv' - cu and my urcast a mass or running sores. Seven bottles of D. U. U., entirely cured me," (') PROFESSIONAL CARDS. rV YV. MASON, A nvK.er-A t-la , UAUYsnrnu, N.c. rrui liccs In tho court, of Northampton end adjoining eourillee, also iu the Federal aud Su preme courts. w. C. BOWES, ATTUllttF.Y-AT-l.AW JACKSON, N C. 1'ruetii-es In the superior, stato and federal Courts. Collections a specialty. "y 1.NI10KSE4 BKO,, ATTORXEYS-AT-LAW, Mritt-'KEE-SBORO, M. C. Ofliec day, in Winston every Monday. I'r,r tlee In the Slate nnd Federal f'ourta, I'rompt attention to all business entrusted lo us. Usui, negotiated. SPIER WHITIKEA, F. W- WHITHXEiT" - saleiuii, s. e. HAurax, s.c. 11 1 T A K E It at W II I T A K K II, ATTORSEYS AT LAW . I1AI.1I AX, N. C. practice In thu Superior and Supreme court, ol Urn Htuto and lo the Federal courts. mrlftlf im. Hei.l,as, watTxaa. DASilL. ILl N ss DANIEL, A TTOJiXEYS A T LA II', WELDON, N.C. Practice in thveimrU of lUlifai andNortbamp ton md in the 8u.renio and Fodaral courts. Col lections made iu all parti i if North Carollua. ttraueh oll.ee at llallfm. M. C. onou avenr Hon day. jan 7 ly THOMAS N, U I LU L Attorney at I. aw, UAMKAX, M. 0. Practices. In Ilaliftti aud adjolulng ouuntiaa ant Fcderaland Hnpretuc courts. aug. m v, w. T H O R K B, A TTOItSEY A T LA W, ENFIELD, N. 0. rnu-lleea In the courts orilaliraiaud adjotiile counties end la the Supreme court. t'olleetloiis made euy where In the Stete. atse,- turus promptly made. Y I W A K l T. CLARK, A TTOKXEY AT LAW, HALIFAX, N.C. Praclfrca wheremr hi services arcrequirml, Cullt'i'tHHi uf I'Ulmtt (i ven prompt itUttiitiun, may 31 ly llOniM WELDON, N. C.V FAMILY GROCERIES, VKGBTABLKS, LIQUORS, CIGARS, SMOKING ANDCHKWING TOBACCO. I am now prepared to sell at lowest cash prices Groceries of all kinds, Wines, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, &c, an1' will also keep on hand a full Bupply fresh Vegetables of every variety, wh will be sold cheap. I'ATKONAGE SOLICITED. E. A. CUTHRKLL, First Street, Wcldoa, N. C. sop 13 ' (SHAS. fII.IER wrAisii, yOCKAIlK lUAHBLK IT ORES, SOUTH SYCAMORE STREET, l'ETKRSBURG, VA. Monuments, Headstones, Tombs, Tablets, Lowest cash prices guaranteed. ) work warranted satisfactory. MaT"A beautiful calendar fojr sent to any addresa ou receipt of slay fur postago. 5V CHARLES M. W 1 oct ui. ' : i: "3