; HI"-. " SS i. i HALL & SLETJG-IEE!, I'lioi'iUKToiis. -A. ITEWSP'-A.P'EK, FOE THE PEOPL IE. TEH!MIS 1'f ANN I'M IN ADYAN.C : VOL. XIX. WELDON, N. C, TI1UIISDAY, JANUARY 10, 188!). NO. 43. -jiiah iiiii (dj itiih YmM ' IS BSL JjgS mST fi &mwri R Nam n iflf im I laH.' ft,, W- VI I his na &.a K-rk W (Si sa f Sol i 1 V NKW ADVKKTISKMKNTS. ass&, Phii vo. .f vt.. rrtirtrouu i-luumimu mills. OTJE PATENT BOLLEB FLOTJES arc manufactured from the CIIOICKST W II HAT OliTAIN.UII.F, for wliicli llaltimorc an a market stand pre-eminent. Their aupcriorily I'nr I N I l'OUM ITY, HTKKNUTIl and UNAri,l(OAniAlll,Kl''l1AV01!luisUKbwnni'linowUwd. The TATA I'SCOSI'I'Kllli ATI VEl'ATKXT Stands unrivallisl. Of a tich, Cruttny Cohr, it makei a Ilrcid lliut will suit the Fastidious. WrAsk your (iricor for it. I'atiipsco Snpi rlalive Patent, Rolando Choice l'ateut, l'atapsej Family l'ateut, Orani! drove K.tra, ltahhvin Family, Mnplcton Family. C. A. (JAM lil'.UJi M ANTFACTrUINij COMPANY, 214 Commerce St., Ilalliuiore, Md. anj; 12 1y. JW THE ONLY d: 1 1 ; . iuiiiicu.il, C. Durable Economical Are DiamonJ Dyes. Tticy excel nil others hi Strength, I'ufiiy and FaMnes. None utlicr re jul at kphI. Jteware of iiiiihitinm-they ire m.itle of cheap aiiil itifciior material and give poor, wrak, crucky colors. 36 colors ; to cents each. Stint pfHUl for l- Il.'ut;, S.iTttjili! t'.tfil, itirrciiuiii (or col. .ru g ni.iLiiv 1nial Ink or hlumg ((.ell qitjri), mc. tuid liy 1tujik or ly WELLS. RICHARDSON & CO.. Burlington. Vt. For Gilding or Brominj Taney Articles, USL. DIAMOND PAINTS. Gold, Silver, Uronie, Capper, Only to C?nti. T. J. .TAERATT & SON, COJVJIMISSIOIT MEK,CIIA.lSrTS, PETERSBURG, VA. COTTON BAGGING and TIES. lUvliijt bitiiKlit ft largo tit 1 if tmraiiiK nml tit" rWKnkK TMK IttSK we mil u-U llu-m AUim-vi;aum hi !Uof hft Ulen or iiiorc SUl.Kult eQ QJ v ItAI.Knttti frciKlit utltloil. Hhijmit.TitJMif cotton MiKluLlior pHHlucc tuilit itivl. nude Any ftrr.uigementscaii tio miiik1 with W. W, FOR SAUt BY P. N. not 14 If Light Running UomosticScwino; Mac line Seeds and PlantscSLtoho South. Vjhsii' Clover Seeda, . Grass Seeds, Seed Potatoes, Seed Qrnin, Carefully solcitcd Seeds of the best quality. Write for Prices and Descriptive Catalogue. JFir nnt. T. W.WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, rIchmondI'va. Jan lU'Jiu THE PLACE TO GET AT TUB ' LOWEST PRICES, IS AT DIt. A. It. ZOLLICOFFElt'S, WEST SIDE WASHINGTON AVE, OPPOSITE R. SHED. WEL D 0 N. N. C. STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. ' rrSMIPTIOK DKMHTKKNT FILLKU WITH Till BKHT 8ILKCTZD MATERIAL.- . ' PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED AT ALL HOt'liS WITH GREAT CARE. PERFUMERY, STATIONERY, FANCY 8OAP8, BRUSHES, , PANCY ARTICLES, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. I M I M I B Ula kMitjr wlcoBialwTi twain roa t ZOLUCOFFER'S. THE cr Flour of America. nlTlnnnn n n., r, . . , ...... A,,w. 1 CELERY ?aineS COMPOUND CURES PROP FS t . " C'lie'i l.'ili ry l um Kourr.l."la ..j Wr- I - .111. j. k I,,!.,.!,-.." " " .Ml.. I. A I'.ufvi :. Norvo'jD Pre ctratlcn TZZ'SUZ 1 id. I .im.urcil -I 1 .in." Rheumatism ,ij''j Xlclnoy ii""i I'li'Llii'i'v'.',".'" DibOUSOS ii"- " 'l'.'". AiiMi'r. SI...., I 11,, I,.,..,. ami r.,,.,' t.-iny i i.iiiin.i li.i. l.i ..-ii 1 1 -ii-at All Llvor it 1..1M.1 ii.". llllliL't-Hmit), .(11(1 IHllOll', Disorders ?r" kuhblhic. Hi)hO!.L ciiyli priroi ulitntik') nml proinpt Muriw l.OSti, MuU'tmi, N. C. m'ptifm STAINBACK & CO. Adapted 1' r' Garden Seeds, Vo.otniiln and F'oweriug rinnts, Etc. fvVrl.()C.lJK of tested hceu.i, iovelucs, etc., tnd roiiuining aluaMc infor tn .ti it MaiKd I'rec. HYMN. 1: 1. 1 k 11 t: r e K s 11 . I acknowleilye I did wnniK Slayeil in tin: wililei'lleHM hiom' too lolly ; Hut I'M niy hand tir ile(!oiel plow, An' I'll take my Ktart ler tilery now. Now ilii t'iti'inii;h ter lleavi'ii'a ilo' Ain't wini' loo.se iti.s jilow nu mo'. I acknowledge I dill wt'oi Hut now I'm swine whar I li'lonj; lr I'll lay my hand 011 de Chn.lun lino All' 1 nin't j;wine let 1111 nieanneiM row. lliiedisrow to lieaveu'K do' Ain't pvine loiwe di.s hoe 110 mo'. I acknowledge I did wron duel I W1I7. iliiin' a lialijn.song ; Hut I'll fill my hand wid de (impel need, An1 I'll now ho Illicit I'M elioke dc weed, lllap delii Hced-H ler Heaven'. do' Ain't W ine coiwe dein weds ter mow. I acknowledge I did wrong Stayed in do sinner ui ino' too long, Hut I'll take niy fork in harve' time, An' I'll Hint; my hum ufiir lieliine. I'll fork an' pilch ter lleaven'H do' When 1 git dar I'll work no inn.1 THE POSADAS.' A I'ttTLIAlt CI'KTOH OK MKXIlO. We arc under obligations to Judge Walter Clark for a lato cniy of 7'ic Tien Iti plil!i-, a daily paper published at the city of .Mexico. It in printed in Kuglir.1i and in very interesting. In general ap pearance it resembles papers of the same sij;' (fix column folio) published iu the I'uitcd States. Among other items it contains a description of "Posadas," a pu euliar custiuihuf old Spanish lulc which has remained in the country. The "Po sadas" (inns) commemorate the nine days journey of the Blessed Virgin and St. Jo seph from Nasarcth to Bethlehem on the eve of the birth of Clui-t, when the mother of Jesus tried to find an inn in which shelter could ho obtained. When lightly eclchiatcd the entire houc is illuminated with candles, tapers, cte. 1 l.e lamily and invited friends commence to march in procession from some given room, and they walk through the corridors and hallways, holding light ed a t ipers and singing lilanien. Figures are eanied representing St. Joseph and the Virgin Mary, and even sometimes a oiikcy is pressed into service to repre sent 1 lie faithful beast of burden which earried the Holy Family in some of its journeying. As the proccsMoii passes ftom door to door, the travellers knock, and having been refused admittance, at several uftbe rooms ihey ate at last allowed to liter 11 room where they are greet 'd with singing, the Holy le.'ures are then put iway iu a corner of the room lor the next day, and the fun of the evening commeuccs-thc breaking of the "pinata." The "pinata" is an carthcrn jar band onu ly dieorated and covered with bright ornaments It is lillid with candy and toothsome delicacies and is suspended from the ceiling in the centre of the room. The children, armed with sticks are allowed to try to break it. Once bro ken the contents fall to 1I10 children, af ter which gifts and refreshments are handed around. Tkere is now less style and elegauie in the matter of gifts than in (lie olilcn days when two thousand dollars would be spent on a "posada" and gills of gold and silver would be dis tiibultd. The "posadas" of Christmas eve arc slightly dill'ereut from those of the pre vious nights. A room is selected gener ally to represent the stable in Bethle hem and the guests are expected to be present there about the supposul time of Christ's birth. Previous to this hour supper is served at which fish and salads and "revutillu" predominate. The latter is a spicy thirst provoking dish. Wine in plenitude follows the supper. The young people then are expected to choi.H" partners, for the danee. During the nine days balls will be held nightly at the plae"S wh.;re "posadas" are set up. CAUCHT HIM. A burglar enternl a house at Water fn.d, Ireland, and alter purloining every thing he could find he prepared to re move a large pholugr ipbie camera thai was standing on a table. In some way he touched off a magnesium flash light attachment that was part of the machine, and did precipitately when the tiling flared up. Tluu. it J..y it Mas found that the camera h id taken the photo graph of the burglar. The negative was placed in the hands of the police, and by its aid they quickly nabbed their man. It showed the burglar with a jimmy in one hand and a box containing jewelry under his arm, while he carried a sack over his shoulder with valuable pieces uf plate, books, etc., and wag gazing at the flash light in opeu tnouthed auiau nieut. CONSUMPTION UKi;l.Y CURKI). To the Eiutok. Please inform your ranters that I have a piisitive remedy lor the above named disease. Hy its timely use thousands 01' hopeless eases have been permanently cured. 1 shall be glad Ui send two bottles of my remedy fhkk Ui any of year readers who have consumption if they will send me their express aud poatoltica address. Respectfully, T. A.SIAKJUM, M. C. oet'Wlyr. lHlPearl tt. New York. Speak table. not of dd man at the NO ANCELS. Col. Bob. Ingersoll insists that there are no angels, lie is mistaken. They have appeared on earth many a time and oft. A New York paper gives an ac count of one of which was observed on an elevated car in that city only last week. A newsboy slipped into a seat at one of the stations and fell asleep. Ilis feet were bare and Iih hat hail fallen off. Presently a charming creature entered the car and sat opposite him. A few moments later she leaned over and placed her 111 u IT under the little fellow's diity cheek. All old gentleman in the next seat smiled at the act, and without say ing anything held out a iuarter with u nod toward the. hoy; the girl hesitated a moment and then reached for it. The next man just as silently offered a dime, a woman across the aisle held cut some pennies, and before she knew it the girl with flaming checks had taken money from every passenger iu that eud of the car. She quietly slid the amount into the sleeping lad's pocket, gently removed her muff from under his head without rousing him and got off at tweiity-thitd street, including all ol the passengers in a pretty little inclination of the head that seemed full of thanks and u common scciet. Now how could .Mr. Ingersoll luve convinced thai boy when he awoke that there were no angels? HOUSEHOLD HINTS. Io not try to keep your house warm by getting a new mortgage on it. Avoid waste. Keep your match stubs until miiuo leisure day when you and your hoy may whittle them into tooth picks. Keep your woodpile indoors. Wood piles ure frequently warped by the night air if tell outdoois. A good way to cool champagne is to place it in the coal chute on a snowy night and leave the coal hole open. no one falls on it aud breaks it it will be nicely frapped before morning. A nice, harmless home gauio for these winter evenings is prognssive guessing, in which you and your wife ami invited friends try to guess bow many pounds there are iu the last ton of coal you re ceived. If you w ish to ntainyoiir rqiianiinily always " ''own your front slops on your feet. j habit some met) have of sli ding down the steps on cold winter morn ings is, to nay the least, not dignified. Voting and timid wives will be pleased to know that Mr. F.disun is perfecting a trigger attachsieiit for Hals and bonus, by pulling which the cook iniiy bo dis charged without any unpleasantness. II time hangs heavy 011 your hauib buy n chatelaine watch. They arc ex treiuely fast and inexpensive. THEY WERE SPARED. When Mr. Cole, a well known circus proprietor in the south, sold his stock in New Orleans, three dull ring horses that he had owned for years went with the others by mistake. Mr. Cole at ome bought theiu back, raying that he would uevir consent to have the In rst s become the properly of any one who Would make them work, and he had ibciibd to put tin 111 to a piiinhss ih alb. He pnqoscd bleeding l ln-iii lo K tit I), but W. B. Leo nard, a liveryman, suggested that the use of chloroform would be a better and less painful mode. This was fiually de- ti led upon, and a reliable man procured who Was to have p.'rfonucd the opera tion. They were all col'icted ill the circus tent. There was Cole, Leonard, the riders and the clowns, the ringmaster, the tumblers and the leapers aud the three pet duns. Calling the little mare by name, he t-ild her to kiss them all good-hy. The intelligent animal, stretch ing lorward her head, kissed each one. This was more than they could stand, and the saerili 'e was put off. Cole had no place to take tliiiu to, so Mr. Leoiiaid promised to find some one who would assume 1 h.irge of lb, 111, under a guaran tee Ill-Ver to Work lllelll, but lo keep I hem iu good ordei unlil death slum J claim them for iho grave. St. Louis A'i jtuUtf-. A 11 ostein man came to see Longfel low's liouce, which had been (Icmral Washington's headquarters during the War of Independence, and when he was taking leave uf the venerable poet, who had most courteously shown him over the place, shook hands and said : "Well, good by, tirm ral; am proud to see you looking so hale at your advanced age." Ilurkleu's Arulra Siatve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores.Ulcers, Salt ltheuin, Fever Soies.Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains Corns.and all skin erupt ions. and positive ly cures Piles, or no pay required. It ia guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For salo by druggists at Wcldon, llrown iCarraway, Halifax, Dr. J A MoQwigao, Eafield. The dog gnawa the booe because 1 e caouot iwallow it, CHARACTER IN WALKING Negroes all toe out; Indians nil toe in. Women, if healthy, toe out; mint lie n toe in a little, at least with the light foot. Notice yourselves ami see. The passionate and strong wear the inner or outer rim of the heil off, hut men more frequently the outer and wo men the inner. A man going plai idly along, his nose a little elevated, alert, with his hat tipped straight back, is generally found to be observant; if a woman, self conscious and proud. An observant, keenly watchful man. 11 tnougniiui nun imaginative, oitcn guts gazing at the ground before him, willi a slow, listless pace, seeing only the fiagile castles of fancy. Ifwcseea man walking, and notic furlive side glances, if his walk is sbutlling or sly, we will find a deceitful wretch; or if better educated, a somewhat cunning man, or better still, a man secretive and observant. If in a woman, the base is vanity or love of praise. The "bearing of a prin V means m. thing more, physically, than a finely formed athletic man using all his locomo tive muscles na1 orally, but the "regal car riage of a queen" means little more than the eloquent curves of back, neck and beautiful poise of the head. SUPERSTITIONS. ll' the broom falls acroFs the domway a stranger is announced. The hearth has from antiquity been the most Faired corner of ihe house. Hindoos and Mohammedans cannot die in bed, and the dying Brahmins must be earried to the hanks of the sacred Ganges. The aticicntq dropped a hoking-glass into the watir, and divined the fate of a sick person by the reflection of bis countenance. The bridal bed must, in many parts of ti. rtnany, he made out of the wood of living trees, dead wood being ominous of evil influences. Sometimes a door will silently open of itself without any visible cause. The Vnsgictis consider this an otneii of death to someone in the house. The Devonshire maiden still stands be fore the mirror, with a candle in her baud eating an apple, and beholds therein the face of her future spouse. It is held in Devonshire to be disas trous to anyone sleeping on a feather bed thai has been 'turned" i ll Sunday, nod housewives carefully refrain from doing so. As to the deathbed, there is a super stition in Yorkshire that no one can die comfortably in bed, and dying persons have been dragged out and laid 011 the floor to insure tbeui an easy death. HUMAN AND DIVINE LOVE After all the thousind daily distrac tions and perplexities and wearing frets of the house mother are summoned U it is no small satisfaction to her to know that she is the dispen-ing centre of hap piness to so many dependent oties. True all over the house resounds unceasingly the crv, "where 's mother?" but what a blessed thing to he a mother! II quickly, wheu a little head is laid upon the lap, and bright eyes look up into hers, does she forget alt her weariness and sleepless nights of care, or not for getting, accept them cheerfully for their sweet sakes. She who does not fe 1 this, to whom it is all drudgery and no delight, has our sineerest pity; for noth ing else, surely, could lighten ihcincvila hly wearing duties of her position. Aud how mercifully it is ordained that the sickliest and mi st h. lplc.-a child, with all its diseased irritation, should often be loved in proportion to the anxiety it calls forth. And yet when we have measured the height and depth of this beautiful self forgetting devotion, how immeasura bly docs it fall short of I he forbearance, all forgiving hive and sleepless watchful-ne-s of "Our Father !" HATCHED ON AN ENCINE. A young man in Mcadiille, Pa., thought he would like to be a locomotive fireman. He made his application tothe ew York, Peiin.vlvunin nrnl Ohi-i r"id and was sent out to learn the rupis. Thinking he might git hungry before Ilis return he put a dozen raw eggs in a tin pail which he placed in the tank Ihix. The trip was such un eventful and hu-y one that the eggs were forgoltcu, and as it was the bust "run" of the would be fireman, who became disgusted with the life he wanted tu lead, the pail and its contents were left in the tank box Three weeks later, when the engineer went to the box for some tools, he discovered a new dinner pail, which ho appropriated. Taking hi; find to the engine he removed the cover, aud lo and behold! there lay nine lovely young thickens, only three of the eggs having failed to hatch in their patcotlcss incubator. In proof of the tory he exhibits the. fowls in his hen nery. 1'hildelphia Timn. Thi daintiei of the groat are the tears if the J wr, ENCLISH APPLE LORE. Iu F.uglaml and ill Scotland the apple is a very popular divining medium in love mailers. In Lincolnshire a very eouinion reme dy for weak eyes is 11 poultice made of rotten apples. It used to be the cllito n iu HeVoll- hire and the oile r western f'ruil produc ing lOiiiitii-s ol I'.nglaiid to perfi rm a saeriliee Id the apple tree oil twelllll night. Horace tuciitioic the u-te of apple pips iu love affairs. A lover would lake a pip between the linger and ihiiuib and shoot it up to the ceiling, and, if it struck it, his or her wish would be aceoinpli-bed, (lay mentions the very common amuse ment of paring an apple without breaking the peel and iheti throwing the strip over the left shoulder, to see the initial letter of the lover's name formed by the shape the paring takes upon the ground. A DEATH BED SALUTE. It was the custom among the Hoiiiiiim to give the dying a last ki.-s, in order, as they thought, to catch the parting breath. Spenser, in his pastoral elegy on the death ol Sir Philip Sidney, mentions It as a circumstance which renders the loss of bis illustrious friend more to be la mented, that no one was nigh to elsoe his eyelids "and kiss his lips." A little after he uoliecs the ''dearest love" of the deceased weeping over him. When Lord Nelson was dying on board his flagship he took leave of his faithful flieiid Hardy by kissing him. "Kiss me, Hardy." he said, and these were the last words he uttered. And so, too, Sir Walti r Scott, when dyin kissed Loekbart, saying, "He good, my dear, be good." CULINARY MAXIMS. Living is the best revenge. Another's bread costs dear. All griefs with bread ate less. Flics trouble not the boiling pot. A little with quiet is the only diet. Kvery day brings its bread wilh it. A little kitchen makelh a large hum lie that eats the hard shall cat the ripe. All things require skill, but an appe Cincinnati ladies just now have a era for the divided skirt "leglets" they are called. A young man who with any degree of earnestness declares that he never intend to marry confesses to a brutal naturu ol perverted morals. The more of a man Von become, and the more of manliness you are eapabl' uf exhibiting iu your associations with women, the better wife you will be able to obtain. A lady who had quarreled with he ailed lover said, in dismissing bun. "What is delightful about you, my friend is that 1 have not the trouble of sendin; you back any liK-ks of hair." PROFESSIONAL CARDS. 'jl W. MASON, .tnvu!.v.r.tr-..tir, OAKVSIU till, N.r. I'luelicrs lu Ihe ceiim uf .N,.rlliaiullili and a,lj..ttiitic eiiiintiei. slsii 111 His Ki'ilersl sad Mu lireiue courts. c. howes, .f7T(i;.'.7.r-.tr-;..f ir JAI'ksoN, N C. 1'nietlce. In the SiiinTier, SLto and Federal Courls. Oilleetinus .is-emlty. yy imiounka mill., ArroKsnysAT i.a; Ml ItfttKhsnoltil, X. I'. (illiee dHys lu Win.liiii eveiy M.nut.y. Tnto- ttetf in the Slate and Fe'lertl I'niirU. Pnimiil attelitlmi to all tn tilcMcutrliali'd to in. laisui ncKOlinlcil, SPIER WHITsKER, F. W- WHITHER. R 1.1:1.. 11, s. e. luursx, K. c. ly II 1 T A K K It 4 W II I T A K E K, A TWKXErs A T LA W HALIFAX, N. C. I'rtc 11,-0 In llie SiiHTi.ir and Snnrene enuru ot lllv sl.Ui, and lu Hie Ke.lerl enilrw. nir IS If JAUKS M. Ml I.I i:S I L L K N WALTsa B. DAN1SL. Ii A N 1 K I., HI ATTOJiXEVSATLAK f- P, N tl M I'ractlre iu thrcourti of lUltftit and North tmp- tou anil in tliu Snprvuie and 'i-ilvrml courts. Col- climntnle In nil part of North rarulhi. Uranrh uflke at Halifkx. N. C. owa tctt Hon titty. ) 7 ly rpOMiH N. BILL, Attorney at LW UAMFAX, N.C. PncilOM In lUllfcx ami tdjoinlnj eouati ud Federal and Hupreme court. y 0. THORN K, ATTQKSLY AT LAW, ENKIKI.O, N. C. PrartirM In the oourti of Halifax and adjolnltit enmities and in the Biiprame court. I'ollerilons rnede anywhere lu ihe State, and re turns promptly made. i; U W A R D T. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HALIFAX, N.C. Practices whererer Mm serrlcee are require. CollNJtton claims liven proroiH attention, may Illy NKW ADVKKTIHK.MIiNTS. TRUTH. TTsiins strands that anyone will ron I liuue to seller from the iliei t of in.i I l;lli.l,liliHid poison, soreness ol the liver Mid kiilneis, rlienmal!s:a, lie., when there is .1 1 ore within the leach el aH. It has never lail (I to ;;ive conipl I satisfaction, curing s .l. K, simt-Iv :inil xi i . I.ly every Vint 'torn nf ill lo.illli r. suit in;; I mm a state of lilnivl iripniity. I'loni il., use piniilia and son s r tpM! .- .-t well, at hi s ami pains I", w.'.ikn- still loir,!.., Kuoll'-n ilv p 'I' 1. H-.utl uf iijip'-tito all ilis- ipl kt.! i". It 1.1 1 .tli. 11 I'l'iLimi rii'fid lialm, ii.u!' t.i Atlanta, 1 .a., ana has I hvvn .)n: favorit r.-tn -ly ! lv: South. It is a yv-rfiuly i, tlV 1 Im't 1 r t.i !)' and general tuni'-, aa I nunh qui. l:i r ia its action than modioli" ii.u:'.lly ;nlniiistfrutl l-y uhysi- u.wi:, j ,r wiui' iUFiiy lay same mgro ilk'iits ;'' In- pri'Srribci.l, it hardly possi-bl'l'iL- ia.'ictli.'nts in llic strum-th and iviww ntiav.titv Tfw.'V 1; its.-d ; and h'Tcrn i-; t!u s.i; ri'ii ity uf ii. II. Ii. over all Uoi 1 i:'.fi,ii i:i.:, i i t,ic world, as is evi denced by tVj rental k:iUi: testimony eivun by thosj who have been cured even when all otlt! r treatment ul.-rly fa'd.-d. Read the loiiov.'iiij; : 1 1 ms-si u Tills i.. 10 l-it in bad heall lryh- live - II wKisvii.uC..., Feb. IM, 1SS7. rtilv that my wilt has bet alth for crjht years. Aft' I or tors and six or seven weakness : , tics of your II. 11. 1'.. has cured her. J AMI'S W . LASl'ASTIi'l. B. B. B. Ksnxvii.1.1:. Ti.nx,. fulv 2. 1K87. I have had catarrh of the head for six years. 1 wee.t to a noted doctor and lie treated me (or it. but could not cure me, he said. I was over fifty years old, and 1 gave up to die. 1 had distressing PATADDU cou" ; '"' L''ts wcrc " swollen, anil ameon- fiiilcnt 1 could not have lived without a change. 1 eiit and got one liottlc ot vmir medicine, used it, and fdt lietler. Then 1 got four more, and, thank (lull, it cured me. L'se this any way you may wish for tin good of sufferers. .MltS. .MATILIIA Mciioi.s, l' lorida Street. B. B. B. Maxkt.Oa.. tan. :i. ltisil. T10R twelve years I sintered from H s. i oiulary and tertiary blood poison. I Mv face and shoulders Wt amp a nuss of corruption and the discAse hee.au to ;at my skull bones. Itwas said I must suicly die, but 1 tried a bottle II. II. II, with lieiKlit, and using eight or ten bottles mi re t liecame sound aud well, and have been so for twelve months. Hundreds D! rvon nmenw of sears can me. and I extend heartfelt thanks for val table a rtniedv. Kdiikkt Warm. U e know Kolicrt Waril and that he has been cured by llotauic Wood Itahn. A. r. Ilrightwcll. W. (.'. Itirchmore, & Co., j. n. iirigniwcn, jonn l. nan, w, b, Campbell. B. B. B. Wavnksuouo, Miss., July 1 1, 1S87. Y sister was alilictert for a number of years with boils scattered about all over her person. Tliev would make their appearance every sprm1' and l ist through the summer anil late m the Mil. t'er health was sadly im- pr.II jvd, losing ilesh and strength wv'1- ei v' :uv: in tact, tliev were sapping her lite I i;ave her one Mottle ol l. II. It., ami the effect was like niaeic produc ing a complete cure ami restoring her health. To-dav she is perfectly sound and her health fully restored. H is without doubt the best ud most valuable lllood Puriher now on the market. 1). M. M-.Kai; B. B. B. Ituffercd untold misery for years from inflammatory rheumatism, and could hud nothing to cure or relieve me. 1 finally made up my mind to make RHEUMATISM r;rs of the terrible aillictioa, and it now affords m.r the greatest pleasure of my life to state to t!i-e citizens of Smith county that I am entirely cured, with no trace of the disease letl.' ami all ettected by the magic healing properties of H. 11. 11., which 1 consider the grandest, purest and most powerlul blood remedy known to man. I have been subject to imllamma tvry attacks since ten years ot age. John M. Mavis, Tyler, Texas. B. B. B. FOR five years I have been suffer ing wit'a a weak back from result of an injury received, attended by rheu matism. I had to give up niy regular busi ness and t.ik:- the position of night-watchman. 1 have derived great reliel ami bene fit bv using Uotanic lllood llalm,and have regained my strength suihciently to re sume my regular work. I think Itotanic ift a 1 i- a rs Hlood llalm has WEAK BACK ,,iv(. ,c ,,.tma. nent relief. I am now able to per form work that I have not had strength to to do for live years, and cheer fully endorse . 11. I'., which has proven to be the only medicine that will give me relief. Ouvr.K Sf.cor. H I Streeper St., llaltimore. Md. B. B. B. Ai.ai'Aiia, (1a., June ii, 18(17. sutfered from dvspepsia, for had pltecn years, ami during that 1 time tried cvervthimr I could hear of, over iud spent over $-!tl 1 ia doctors' bills without I'lTcivinjj the slightest benclit. Indeed, I loalinued to Krmv worse. Finally, attir I despaired of obtaining re lief, a friend r.Tomtni'inled 11. Jt. 11. (Ilol.mii' llliHid Halm), and I liegan miiui it : not, b.owever.expei ting to be lienelittcd. After using . i ball bonl: 1 wassatistied nvcDrociA 1 w:1 Ma UISrLrSlft beili''ted.aildwbcn the sivtli Isittle uasl.ilii'ii . .,-lt like a new man. I would not take ai.lssl for the good It !::ts don? "ic: in fact, the relief I dciiv cd from it is priceless. I tirmly believe that 1 would have died had I not taken it. (8) Thomas I'aulk. (11HK HflltKR 1ITAIJ'll, ,U( KAHK iVlAltlll.K IT OKKS, SOUTH SYCAMUliE STREET, rUTKUSm'RO.VA. Monuments, Headstones, Tombs, Tablets, ic. Lowest cash prices guaranteed. All work warranted satisfactory. Mr A beautiful calendar for 1889 sent tn any address on receipt of stamp for postage ClI AULKS M. WALSH. oct 11 ly. ADVERTISEMENTS IK yoiJ WANT Til E KAIi'lU, TAKK THE WORLD. It is fill ii oh t the Name thing. Ni firriiiiilinM! Sit f pticinl iiUVrn; Nit f'ut ralo; lint Tito I tent nml itftCKoat NEWSPAPER On tln Nnrili AmiTli iiii. (.'DiilliU'lit. 12 lurj-t' iSK'' ami SI long ciiliiiiMm, A INH'i'UR NVKL I'uMltthei In Rtttl nlveii w lili uueb Imuq of die Wm-kly Ktlltlim ltit(iiiiilnic to-ilay tun I colitliiuing llitTtufle", T H K Hultl.lt, Hill print with i-Heh IwtlK' a roiii ilif novel ly a fHijMiliir author. Aiilii tlm vtrlteniwill tie: Wiilter Itesaiit, W ilkie CoilniN, Kohl Itlll'llHIlHIl k. 1,. Slf vtniMJH, It 1.. Kim-ji'iiii, I hniiiiui iUroy, .luliuii lUvvihiiriic, K . UoliiiiMtii, Kill! If (ittlinrilltl, Jolctt Verm h, Win. lihiek, The Put liffti, Mm. AU'kiiiiflcT, J. hti H W ' Henry WivmI, M. h Hruililoll, Klori'iiee wmiU'ii, Mry Cecil liny. lii'Mim m. ciay, Annie i-iIwhuIh hliotiti HroUKi'lon, F. C ThillipH. Then Novtlt) will he tlie lut'.Ht worki uf the b- nl writcru as they ere imbllfthtfl-ttitL' hhlh whichereryhody In utkhitf about. Notlthig but thu very bunt will be atluilttud into the Woild'n Siaiidiirtl l.ilirary uf Fiction. This Library of Fiction will be Kui.plicd tu feuLmcnbeni only. No extra copies will be ptinted. No back numbers can bo furnished ami no Mingle copieu will be sold. If you wih the series complete at onco. One year numbers) t; ti months (2ti tiumUrn) ftile.; ,i months (1 numbers) iic. Address, THE WOULD, New York City. THE 1 889 WEEKLY HERALD 1889 ONK DOLLAR A YKAK. Tu keep ohu-i on the NfWkiof the entire World Hill. nerl he for the XKW YORK WEEKLY HERALD- It in Hiul Hill cunllmif to he the i iViUest nnd Clieapest Fatnily JuuruaL In tlip rniti'il HlaU's. Y Th- coiuiiiK yvr r mii-.es to be nr.iwtJe'l with -urnnm-vcnm, 111 the Ihllted-SUU-s tlieeiiliitli'T nf lu-w inUeii t il'-Hie t"lilical urriin Iuim Im n 1'miIIowciI by n liiuiKiMif Ailminiiilr.aioii. Itill tlni:rL'iil fc.ii ".n ie nili'iitloii mi whli-h l!i im r:i on iti liinicl in ull unx'tla'tl uiul ltMM.Iiiiiiiii i ii iv ininmittcd t a (V)iitf-osH h1 in .-it eiinlly divi.trl Wtwecn du'ivv.t griint oirties Kur.te i n v tst nunr'. Ari"y eorpN putnt thn :r..nlLurs,tiiii million!.. f m,.. uwiill the nimif 1 :or tin, must tit uiie wr tlie wnrld luw ever neeit. Thy Hmui.h' lu-w KtilheriitH mnohluery U une.niillftl. Iisrtirri'-iimnlenUilot the habita iile (tlol'f. Nodilng eim ewan' their viidtHHee, -md no expeinit! in nnretl in BpreatUnn the rusults ol their elloru ijernru the II Kit alu's renders. ALI.TIIU NKW OF THK WOULP. rt ill l foumletich week in the II Miti.n, while H FOUKIMN UKl'A KTMKNT Aill eonUiiiH naunramn ofthe Old World, tUsh e.l under ihe xennver the COMMKHCIAIs t'AHI.KH, PI'BCIAL KKATfKKH. I'rectieul liirmliiK, I'ronresri in Seieiiee, Wonmn's work. N.ilKhle I'liljiit Utteranees, LiUruture and Art.Klorii'shy nut Bent Autliorn. INFORMATION uM ALL snUKt"K. tress, Jamv ihiHiiiiN Ui:ssrrr, NKW YORK I1KRAI.I. ' New York lily. A pamphlet . tttnjr forth the truth ibout NORTH CAROLINA TROOPS AT TIIK- 1IATTI.K OK liKTTVSIIIilttl. By W. It. Houd, late Cntuio, Hrigado Staff Army of Northern Virginia, PRICE 25 CENTS. Can be hud at this office or will ba nni'e I postage paid to any address on re ceipt of price. Address ' k SLKDGK, 1 HALL & Publishers, . ickctf- Or .J i