V -i .) V, . .... zjk. - T-., L v. HALL & SLEDGE, propbietors. A. NEWSPAPER FOE THE PEOPLE. TE3nyi:s-a.oo PEK annum in advance. V VOL. XIX. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1889. NO. 44. J ' Sjjl 1 P if v-a J I'i 3- 1 ; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. sgfLJi- THE &gjj& Premier Flour of America. li.A-bAMBHIU. Mrs Co. OTJP- PATENT ROLLER FLOURS re manufactured from the CHOICEST WHEAT OBTAINABLE f..r which Baltimore an a market ntnnN pro-eminent. Their miporinrity fur l'NIK()KMIT , STUKNUTH anil I'NAITHOAl'll ABLE ILAYOK Las lung been acknowledged. Th. j'ATAWCOSITKitLATIVEl'ATKNT Hlamls unrivallod. Of a tii:li, Cnamy Cob r, it makes a Broad tliat will suit the Eaalidioua. tajrAsk your Grnir fur it. 1'atapsco Sup r'atiru I'atrnt, Kulando Choice Patent, Patapsoo Family Patent, Drango Grove Extra, Baldwin Family, Mapleton Family. C. A. UAMIS1ULL M A N I' FA UT I ' UI NO COMPANY, 214 Commerce St., Baltimore, Md. aug 12 ly. Possesses many Important Advantage over til other prepared Foods. . BABIES en FOR IT. MAUDS RELISH IT. Mak.a plump. Laughing, Healthy Bablaa. Rsgulat.i tha Stomach and Bowela. Holil tiy IiniRKtsU. doc, gl.oo. . MIH, r.lCHARDSGIt I CO.. lumnOTOIMT, Baby Portraits. A Portfolio of beautiful baby prtrniti, printed on flnr plate paper by patent photo process, urnt free u Mother of any Unity bom within a year Kvcry Mother wunu l hew pictures; send ut once. Hire Haby's name and age. WILLS, RICHARDSON k CO., P.epi., Burlington, Vt. jan 19 ly T. J. JAEEATT & SON, COJVTriSSIOlT MERCHANTS, PETERSBURG, VA. COTTON BAGGING and TIES. Having bought a large lot nfhmrgdiir and tics HKFOltR THE RISK we onn aril thi-m cheap. Alliance (JutUJli In lota of HX) bale or more Hol.D KuR 5QQ("J"5A KALKutth ircight added. Hhlpinenti of cotton and other produce solicited. ntae Any arrangements can bo made with 9fV. W. roi bali it T. N. act 14 It Seeds and Plaiits Clover Seeds, Seed Potatoes, S.eed Grain, Carefully selected Seeds of the best quality. Write for Trices and Descriptive Catalogue. j 9Kf T. W. WOOD & SONS, Jan 102m Light Running Uomecwm Macliinc THE PLAGE TO GET -AT LOWEST IS AT DR. A. R. ZOLLICOFFER'S, WEST SIDE WASHINGTON AVE, OPPOSITE It. 8HED. WELDON. N. C. STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. M-rtMOmlPTIOK DETARTHKNT K1L1.ID WITH THI BEST 8I1.KTID MATERIAL. H I PBESCRIPTION8 COMPOUNDED AT ALL IIOUK8 WITH GREAT CARE. ' PERFUMEET, STATIONERY, FANCY SOAPS, BRUSHES, 1 a ,. FANCY ARTICLES, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. ptlatllltlK tkala kuauty watoomtalwajm awalta roa at ZOLLICOFFER'S. 1 '-v 4 PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS. ESTABLISHED--1774. It's Easy to Dye t ITII PiimohjDyTs M4- Superior iMl Strength, Fastness, Beauty, AND Simplicity. Warranted to color iimw nrwiithni- .....r k.,. dye ever miiilo, und to give more brUlitint ami dnrublu colors. Auk for (lie Ih-imund, aud lake) no other. 36 colors; to cent each. WELLS. RICHARDSON i CO.. Burlington. t Fur Gilding or Broming Fancy Article!, USK DIAMOND PAINTS. Gold, BUvtr, Bronte, Copper. Only iq Cent. Higlu'st ruvli priees obtained and prompt returns LONG, LittU tuu, N. C, st'pOfm STAINBACK & CO. SSitno South. Gardeo Seeda, Vegetable and Powering Plants, Etc. CATU.OOUK. of tested Seeds, No elties, etc., tnd co:itaininp; valuable infor mr.ti n Mailed Free. ruivan. Seedsmen, r c H M 0 N D, VA. TIIK- PRICES, THORNS. J "The heart Hint Is ftouuen uwake to tlie flow pre Is uIwnyM the first to Iw touched by tlio thorn." The liourt that awakens to love' highest N)WUI1 Is hIwii.va th llrst Hint in bittcrnem. mourn. Cold heart tliut to uiwioit run never awnkt'ti Ki'Wio all tint ills tlitaiMiiiitiurnt mil lirijijr, They k-iIIht m nwii-the Ioihtn they have taken Ami never a thorn lor them li-rive u HtiiiK. The nt'inf of hliw, uml the vale (if tuie Burrow, Arc known Imt.to hearts rcHnetl to cx- The Hunliylit'of lure mime Mhadow inunt borrow, Ami tear drops oft follow hive's I'umlcst en rem Yet who w.tnld forego th? thorm of our sorrow, When roHen may scatter their petals of love ? If grief come to-day, joy waits for the morrow And suducH 011 earth ends in gladneHR above. BABY'S STOCKING. A yt BER HIT (IK CHAHACTKR FROM TH E KECOIUI8 OK A l'OI.I E COI'RT. From th ri'troit Fn-c I'rt'flB. If you were a wryeant at the deak of the Central Station you, too, would seem lti i in and hard-hearted to un uutider. They aee to uimh eriluc ihey ee so many phasoa ot it they hear the same cie-upoa over and over until they seem to lu.se all faith in and all hopu fur those who tin. Their hearts grow hardened, tho well springs of ruerey dry up, and you sec no pity in their glances. And yet it needs but a sentiment to break through the crust. The uther night a woman was brought in staggering drunk. She had a face that was pinched and drawn, and it was plain that woiry and hunger made her look years older than she was. You and I would have looked into her face and Aaid that she had some excuse for tempo rarily seeking to forget her identity. The grim old Sergeant only saw an in fraction of the law, and he frowned upon her as she stood clutching the desk. Here was a living hook which recorded tweuty years of worry, suffering, heart aches, poverty, woe aud want, but he refused to turn the pages, lie had no suriosity; he had uo pity. ''Name!'' he sharply demanded. She gave it. "What have you got in that parcel?" "I'll never give it up !"she exclaimed. It was something wrapped iu au old handkerchief, and she clung to it the tighter. You and I would liavo won dered if it wasn't a bit of money she had there, but the Sergeant thought of poi son or some other danger aud ordered it hauded up. It took two men to release her grasp, and wheo the parcel was un done, what do you suppose they found iu it? A wee little stocking, such as a child a couple of years old might wear. The big toe of the wearer had uiade a e, and the heel had been worn thin, and the bright red color had faded away as the glow fades from the summer sky when the twilight comes down. The Sergeant help it up not in mock ery and ridicule out as H it were a lender thing. The grimncss went out of his face, a softness replaced the frown, and, as the womau bi lit her head aud sobbed, he said : "It is the relic of her dead child! I'oor, uuforluuate r olher!" "You won't lake it from me?" she gasped. "Potior tue world! urn you go home ?" ' I I guess so. I feel stronger." "Then go, and may all men and women ha merciful to you." The spring uf mercy had been touched, As the grim old Sergeant held up that taded stocking he remembered that lie had relics at hum" iclics of children who had danced on his kuec in the sun shine uf the past, but who now moldered in the dust. Not fr all the mouey in the world would he have brought one more burden to that soul. STILL, A MAN. Who forgets tho auecdoto of Napo- eon and the village bells of Brienue? lie was riding late one day over a battle field, gazing, stem and unmoved, on the dying and tho dead that strewed the ground by thousands about him, when suddenly "those evening bells" struck up a merry peal. The emperor paused to listen; bia heart had softened; memory was busy with the past; ha was no longer the oonipieMr of Austcrlita, but the inno cent, happy school boy at Bricnne; and, dismounting from his horse he seated himself on the stump of an old tree, and burst into tears. The rock was smitten, and living waters came gushiug from it. Man is a violin, and it is only when the last chord u broken that he becomes piece of wood. WILL YOU BE THERE ? KXTItAl'T FOHM KKV. 1K. TAI.MAdK's flllllKTMAH 8EKMI1N. "Oil, heaven, liouvcn, heaven! Ixhall meet you there. After nil our imperfec tions are pnie I phall meet you there. 1 look out to day, through the uiir-t of yenrH, through tlio fog that liaea froiu the elod Jordan, through the wide open door of solid pearl, to that reunion. I cxpeet to nee you there an ecilainly an 1 Men you What u lime we ahall have in high converse, talking over mis pardoned, and sorrows comforted, and buttles triumphant ! I am going ill. t am going to tuke all my lamily Willi me, I am going to take all mv church will) inc. I am going to take all my friends and neighbors with me. 1 nave ao much laitli iu manger and cross I feel sure of it. 1 am going to coax you in. I am going to push you in. By holy strategem I am g"ing to surprise you in. Yea, with all the con centrated energy of my nature physi cal, mental, spiritual and immortal I am going to compel you to go in. 1 like you so well I want to spend eternity wilh you ! Some of your children have already gone. Sometime ago I buried otic if them, and though people passing along the street and seeing white crape on the doorbell may have said : "It is only a child," yet when the broken headed father came to solicit my service ho said: "Come around and comfort us, for though she was only fifteen months old we loved her so much." Ah ! it does not take long for a child to get its arms around the pareut's whole uaturo. What a Christmas morning it will make when those with whom you used to keep the holidays are all around you in heaven ! Silver haired old father young again, und mother who hud to many aches aud pains und dccrepitiidis well again, and all your brothers and sisters and the little oues. How glad they will be to see you ! They have been waiting. The last time they saw your face it was covered with tears and distress, and palid from long watcliing, and one ot tnem 1 can imagine to-day, with one hand -holding fast the shining gate, and the other hand swung out toward you, saying ; steer tills wny, frailer, slcer ntrntaht f jr me; llt-re Mile hi lu-aveu I am wnitinx for thee Oh ! those Bethlehem angels, when Ihey went back after the concert that night over the hills, forgot to shut the dour. All the secret is out. reo inure use of trying to hide from us the glories to come. It is too late to shut the uutc. It is blocked wide ojicn with hosanuas marching this way and hallelujahs inarch ing that way. What almost unmans me is the thought that it is provided for such sin ners as you and I have been. If it had been provided only fur those who had always thought right, and spoken right and acted right, you and I would have had no interest in it, had no share in it; you and I would have stuck to the raft mid ocean, aud let the ship sail by, carry ing perfect passengers from a perfect life on earth to a perfect life ill heaven. Oh! I have heard the Commander of that ship is tho same great und glorious and sympathetic tine who hushed the tempest around the boat on liatitcc, und I have heard that all the passengers on the ship are sinners saved by grace. And bo we hail the ship, and it bears down this way, and we come by the side of it and u"k the Captain two i)uestiuns "Who ait Thou ? and whence ?" and 1I says: "1 am I aptatn ot Salvation, und I am from the manger." Oh ! bright Chri.-tmas morning uf my soul's delight. Chime all the bells. Wreath all the garlands. Rouse all the anthems. Shake hands in all the congratulations. Merry Christmas! Merry with the thought of sins forgiven, merry with the idea of sorrows comforted, merry wilh the raptunw to come. Oh ! lilt thai Christ fro'U the manger und lsy lliui dowu in all our hearts. We may not briug to lliui as costly a present as the magi brought, !.ot we bring 1 1 His ie t and to the uiuiger to day the frankin cense of our joy, tho pearl of our tears, the kiss uf our love, the prostratioii of our worship. A TOUCH RAT STORY. A naval officer says: I have always felt some regard for a rat since my cruise iu the Constellation. We wero lilting for Bca at Norfulk, aud t.A'uig in water and provisions; a plank was resting on the sill of one of the parts which couimu nicuted wilh the wharf. On a brigl t moonlight evening we discovered two rats on the plank coming into the ship. Tho foremost was leading the other by a straw, one end of which each held in his mouth. We managed to capture them both, and found, to our surprise, that the one led by the other waa stone blind. His faithful friend was trying to get him on board wheru he would have eomforta ble quarters during a three years' cruise. We felt do disposition to kill either, and landed them on the wharf. How I many there are in this world to whom I he fidelity of that rat readeth lesson I A CEM OF ORATORY. At a social party given to the mem bers of the bench and bar, nt Jackson, Tcnn., during a session of tho Supreme Court, Col. I.andon C. Haynes littered the following gem of oratory, lluring the evening Gen. N. 11. Forrest arose and suid : (lenllenien. I propuse tho health of the eluiiii nt gentleman from V.twl Ten nessee, a mutiny sometimes culled the "(Jud forsaken.'1 "Mr. Chairman und (IcntlciiMii. I plead guilty Iu the 'soli impeachment.' I was born in !)::! Tennessee, on the batiks of the Watauga, whic!. in the In dian vernacular, means 'beaulil'ul river,' and beautiful river it is. I have stood upon its banks in my childhood and looked down through its glassy waters and have seen a heavcu below, und then looked up and beheld a heaven irbovc re flecting, like two mirrors, each in the other, its moons and planets and trem bling stars. Awav from its banks of rock and cliff, hemlock and laurel, pine aud cedar, stretches a vale buck to the distant niuuntaius as beautiful and ex quisite as any in Italy or Switzerland. There stand the great I'naka, the treat Kuan, the great Black, and the great Smoky Mount .ius, among the loftiest in America, un whose summits the clouds gather uf their own accord even on the brightest day. "There I have seen tho great spirit of the sturiu, after noontide, go and take his i vcuing nap in his pavilion of dark ness and of clouds. I have seiu him aroused at midnight as it giant, refrished by slumber, and cover the heavens with gliHiui and darkness; have seen him uwake the tempest, let louse the red lightnings that ran along the mountain tups fur a thousand mih s, swifter thau an eagle's flight in In aveii Then I have seen them stand up and dance like angels of light in the c!oud, to tho music of that grand organ of nature, who.e keys seemed to have been touched by the fingers of the llivinity in the hall of eternity, that responded iu nod s of thornier, that re sounded through the universe. Then I have seen the darkness drift away be yond the hofiz 'ii, and the moon get up from lit r saffron lied like a epieen, put un het riih.-s of liht com tort li from her palace in the sun, aud st md tiptoe en the misty mountain top, ami while night lied from belore her glorious face to his bed chamber at tin-pole, she lighted the green vale uml beaulil'ul river, where I was born and played in childhood, with a smile of suusbine. "0! beautiful land of moutitains, with thy sun painted cliffs, how can I ever forget thee ?" (Sen. l'orrest stond stupefied while Col. Haynes pronounced these marvel ous setitenves, and said he would not have been more amazed if ho hud been struck by the lightning's flash from the summit of Smoky Muuntuin. NOT SO BAD AS WE SEEM It is true that iu those curlier ugis men died lor faith, principle, ideas; but so do they die fur them in this uge. '.very day tlimiiohuut the world men urc taking flying leaps to death because ot tlieir fidelity to ideas. J he pour switchman that last week leaped on the railroad track iu from of the rapidly moving truiu aud flung two little chil dren fruiu it but lint his own death under tin; murderous wheels uf'the pun deruus machine, died because of his idea of duty. It was not his duty to fling away his own life fur that of ethers, but he thought it was, und ho did it. Self sacrifice, uo-eili.hne.-s of tin' highest and uublest surt, is not of any particular age, hut of all ages. The spirit of cuinpro mise is the spirit of selli.-hness, aud it is not un exclusive growth of the present time. Indeed, it Would be difficult, if nut im- possible, to find any other period of the world's histoty in which the spirit of charity, ut good will toward men, was more si'titient or active than it is to day, 'i is nut univ in this ei iintrv, but in all countries, i hat lii'ncvuieiiee tluas in a steady stream from theriehlo the y, The laml is thick with great charilies, We need liut look iituuit any great illy like this to ncogiiiio how strung and hruad and ehep the stream of charity flows. It is cpilomig 'd iu si'ures uf in aUlUtloliA k'pl uiiee at a iiun.1 elioiinoua cost for the helping of those! who need help; there urc hospitals, homos, asylums, rd'uge'S, schools numberless, which atl represent the world's unselfi-hness, its liberality and charily. This age is not worse but better, than those which went before it, beeaus .' there is ever a potent spirit abroad iu it helping and improving it. Religion, education, social usages, are all employed in shaping the world to better ends, and they are doing it effect ually. l'hilaelclphia 71 iVotuii. (DNXIIMIM ION Ml ltl:l.Y l i lt --.. To THK r.hlTol!. I'li'iise intorm your readers that I have a positive remeely lor the above named disease. Hy its timely use thousands of hopclesw e-jises have, been permanently cured. 1 shall tie alad to send two bottles of my reiniHly RUB to any of your nwlera who have consumption if they will send me their express and postofnee address. Respectfully, T. A.SI.OCUM, M. C. Oct 23 1 jr. 181 Pearl st- New York. VALUABLE DISCOVERY. A Ijl ll'K AMI INKXI'ENSIVE WAY 1 TII.IZK. RAMIE. A discovery which premises to be of the utmost importance to the southern States lias been niiule by llr. C. K. I'ank Din, of Charleston. It is not ptaclicable ut this time to give the eletails, but suffi cient can be suid to show the nature of the discovery aud ils value. At different times many experiments looking to (he cultivation uf ramie have been made in the sutilh, and the plant, it has he-en found, can he grown without difficulty. It will grow anywhere that lotton grows, ut no expense whatever for cultivation It grows like n w, cd, und is nut subject tolhe ravages uf worms, nor is it liable to any of the other maludics to which the more te nder cotton is sub ject. Uumie, then, can bo grown with out difficulty. The Iruuble hitherto has b m to find a quick and inexpensive way in which the bark uf lip ratuie plant could be prej ared for manufacture with out injury tu the peculiar quality nud value ot the htirc. it is such a process as that which has been so lung suught which Dr. I 'an L n i ii has discovered. W ithout any mechanical process of consiqucnce, and by a simple chemical treatment, occupying in all from 48 to tiO hours, the burk uf the ramie is brought into condition to be curded and spun, so that iu this conditiun it is available fir all the various use's fur the different tex tile materials, such as the finest cotton and silk. Dr. I'anknin has been engag ed on his experiment for a considerubb time, and has now brought it to a satis factory conclusion. The process is of the simplest possible character. Ramie is cultivated aud man ufactured fur use in fiuc domestic gords, linens and similar cloths, but the process is kept secret, and the right to make use of it is not sold. Tha specimens of the ramie stuck subjected to treatment by Dr- I'anknin shuw the utter destruction of the skin or bark of the plant, und of vis cous or glutinous matter which hulelH the fibres together. The fibre is ready for spinning. The. cost of preparing the plant is said tu be trifling. A QUEEN'S THOUCHTS. I'urilH'U Sjlva tuily well (ho human butt)', the mind is not fur I'tV. Beware of a uiiiri who Ht'i'UiH to doubt your married hapjint'8H. If wo are crt'iili-d nftt-r the iiwiL'e of (lud, we must in our turn bit crouton. Contradiction animate!) convcrsiitiiin t hat in why Courts are cncrall)' monoto nous. One nerds a knowledge of mankind before oue can be Mily and n holly umwlf. Some people can defend themselves with the horna of a hull, others have but ?n.iiln' hums. A jinnee has, in reality, lie d but of eves and ears; his mouth only serves hitn for Mulling. Wheti we wirdi to ulVirm anything it is easy to call on dud as n witness, for lie never contradicts. .Alan h honor wears armor, ami carries u niaee woman's honor has only M-ft hreeZi'S and perfumes. Animals iir? hoc in (heir -.wn element does our (slavery ante from our hein; rarely in our element? I'rinees are brought up to live with all the woild all the world ouu'ht to be brought up to live with princes. To have received many wounds will make you a hero in the eves of some, while others will regard you as an invalid Many persons criticise in orth ruotto seem innoranl; (hey d not know that indu''iiee is a mark of the hi-ihest cut ture. Man is an enigma fruui his birth to his de-atli; one thinks to understand hitn by dissi'ctiuii a child breaks his tuy to se'e tvhat is inside. An as-scinblage of men is an accutuula tiuu of .Tiolian harps, whoso Uutes are discordant or hariuuniotis according to the way the wind llowa. These words of the liilde are often quoted, 'Tut nut juur Itusl in ptince's," hut the end of the sentence is furgotlen "further are but men." One must be l itheT pious eir philesuph ieal, nnd either say, ' l. ird, Thy will he done," or "Nature, I accept thy laws, even though they crush inc." lobe t tic Iricnei ot a sovereign one must be wlihout passion, without atnbl tion, without selfishne'sa furesering and clear gesdng in short, neit a man. To all luurtals is uiven a tongue, and sometimes a pen, with whieh to defend themselves. .Suvere'igns alone aro ex peetcd to be liko tioel, and allow llie-m- selrra to be spoken ill of without making T'J' llurklen! Ariilra Halve Tho Best Salvo in tho world for Cuts, Bruises, Sorcs.Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever SoiC8,TctteT, Chapped hands, Chilblains Corna,and all skin eruptions, and positive ly cure Piles, or no pay required. It la guaranteed to give perfcett satisfaction, or money refunded. - Trice 25 cents per box For sale by druggists at Weldon, Brown & Caraway, Halifax, Dr. J A McOwigan, Enfiold. V NKW ADVKKTISKMKNT8. It Has Never Failed. Uoumc ttluod lialin, (It. 11. Ii ) cureu nun rfri-rl fjf t.ae ot Scrofula, Eciema and othtr conta gums liltxxl disejKt, liter other treatment had been t anei jlIcX You do yuurwli and (iimi.y ureal lnjuv.Lu unk'H you gtveth1 ex (.client remadyt trl.tl. l-i-mi tu Li loud lUlni Lu Atlanta, (a.,fuC lllie.tr.iti-tl " Uoknf WotxWi" liilird with letter! troi.i (K'liuii) luictl 1y It. li It. Mil M.J, llomiAN, ( rwn-.boni, Gx, writes ' 1 Iuvi a lady friend lig U. been rntin ly curvd SCROFULA of an ui;ly tcr'.lutoiii lrtakin out ot tin1 bain.nrnt tlit'tnc of two buttle, of II. II, : lit tevrr.il tueei 1 1 Hie use ot II. 11. l! II, 1 kTV-l Tinm.iv U. li. l ,ty used Ii, -.ti.... iiMitti throat and received more benefit from Ut ui tlnn all other SORE THROAT remedies they ever used. A. It. N it hols, 110 1. ray Atlanta, Ga writes: My v. if fir severr.l yc.-.rs h.n been !u. riiiy wil'i physicians term lxzcr.:., iil.cct'.nj l.cr wJ-.de-Uy, li:;i!jsi.nd sctiji. 1 1 ;i;i;ieircQ t;i..t l.cr w.-.ola s!;:nvon:j tliid o:i in sc.! u'.o',.t c:io a week, leavinj t!u surf.ice red and UtiJ r, :.nj stimetiiri cracl;t-..I( : n. Her gcnir..! Iu I'.t'.i '..iVd, Lr.d f ,r a while it v.'a tiiouylit s'.;t! wt 1 jto, ai s-veril doc tors and numerous p:ttcnt r.iLtliciixs Lik-J t igive CP7CMA anyrc-"f' Mykrothcrin-law, Mr. J LULblYi A n.Cummimjt, was selling t'..u U.H.fl and insisted th;it I should try It on my wile. I did so, and to our utter astonishment she commenced Ifpruviiifj at -ince, and three bottles, co-itln or.ly effected an entira cure. It Is wonderfully quick In action." U. M. McRab, Waynesboro, Miss,, writes: "Mj Dflll 0 sisterwasanlctouwithboilswhichsadl) DUlLO mpaired her health, and she lest HfVi and strength each day. One bottled H Ii. U.actel like magic and produced a complete cure." ( 9) flHASS. LUCKAUK MII.I.KR AK1II.K OKKS, norm sycamoke sthkkt, l'ETEHSIH'KG, VA. Monuments, Headstones, Tombs, Tablets, 4e Lowest cash prices guaranteed. All work warranted satisfactory. taJ-A beautiful calendar for 1SH9 sent to any address on receipt of tjtauip fur postage CHAttl.ES 51. W.VI.SH. oct 11 ly. THE BEST FAMILY SOAP IN THE WORLD. It is Strictly Pure. Uniform in Quality. T HE original formul.i for whiih wc paid (Uo.ooo tivtniy Vfii'ldv never wen nxuiincd or ctniigrd in the l nhirM. Tlilw norm Is lilontirnl In iinnllty tolay wilh llinl miifle tw-nly yenrs mgo. T com.iin tinililna; thitl run In 7. Jtire Hie llnMt fubrlr. li bright- nrt nnel I, lei c he wli.trv kv.ihei ft-initeh and blanltets a no other toap the witm Uoe wnlunit kliritiking leaving nit ana wnite an.i nxe new. , READ THIS TWICE WHERE it a mrrnt nmvinm of time, of labor. J ef toap. of fuel, anl ( the fjtinc, where Dob hint' Hettnc So.ip u used nrrrtliic lo4lr 0'R trtnl will demonMrate its great merit, will pay ye.ii In fn.tkr tint trial. T im-. ii npHi tiiiiiKt, it n extetuivciy J" tatctl Ulii Couilltfkilta. peware of Imitations. TNSIST upon nahhliifS Electric. lWl takl .M.i.-net Heciro Mabic. Plulaelnhi. Electric, ir civ nitier fr.iinl, iiinply bcc.iuie it it cheap. They M..i iiuti ci tnci, anil arc ocar at any pr.ee. au hh ,mi! takr no other. Nearly every jjrfxer from M.iitve to Me'mrn keeps it in nock u yuiin nasu i will nr Icr from hi nearrtt whnlesjle crccer. TJl- AI) carefully the inn.le wrajn.tr :irounel eack J bar, ami be careful tu follow direction ob ea. !i emtinle wrapper Vnu rnnnol nlforl t Wail Muger tefire trying for youncLf this oiJ, reliabla inii truly wotuicriui Dobbins' Electric Soap. jan il ly Of Interest to ladies. Ww4llaBd a FftE ( 6AMf-Lf ofnnr woaeinrfnt poeittc for fi mai. ci.tuplaniu lo auy Uelr whm to tft lUAcuo7l)ror" uurchitkirif hnel tou; (or PMUe, ULR RiUiOT C0.,Boxl0i, Buialo.B.t. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. SPIER WHITIKER, F. W WHITIKER, llAl.Klttll, N. V. IlillUX.N, c. 7 11 I T A K E H A W 11 I T A K K tt. A TTUKXfjrs A T l.A W HALIFAX. N.C. Irteti,'e In the SnH-rir ami Sniiri'ma rnuru ol tin seate net tn ttit Federal courla. air It if U A N 1 K L, ATTURSKYSAT LAW, WELDON, N. C. I'rartlee In theconris of HsHftn andSorthamp t..uiiJ iu Utw .nipinuL' iid FilHt ouru. tvl leetlons made in all parts of North Carolina. U ranch ofnet at Halirai, M. C, open every Mon day. Jn 7 ly HO at A 8 N HILL. Attorney nt Law, HALIFAX, M.C. Pmctteea In HalisVx and adjolulng ooontltt and Federal nnd Supreme court. aug. M tf. yy c. r h o a w , ATTORNEY AT LAW, ENFIELD, N. C. Praxtlca in the courts of Halirai nnd adjoining etmntle nnd in the Supreme court. Collections made anywhere tn the Bute, and re turns promptly made. DW AID T. CLASH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. Tracttevi wherever hliserrlrea arerwinired. (!ollfelionorclatauBtTefi proniitaitcattoa. maylllx ADVERTISEMENTS. IF I'OII WANT THE EARTH, TAKE THE WORLD. It U salmoKt tho same thing. No premiums: No special ulTr; No Cut rattt; but Tli bmt and Uiwtt N EW9PAPER On the North American! Cuuuuetu. 12 la rite jihkui and HI loiif coliimin, A I'OI'IXAH KdVKL I'ubllriliL'd In and kIv-ii with acli lasue cif ih Wenttly Kdlllun . Bt'fiiinlui; to-liny ami continuing llu'retrlK, 1 if k WuliJ l, will rint with eit'Hliut' a'cum tlei nuvel by a popniaj-- author. Am.ji.g tliu ' h nirr will ti Walter lifhHiit, Hitkl CmIIihh, li'-lil. Hut llllIIHIl h 1.- .-.'.Wiis.iH, K 1 ruivjfuu, I Ii 1111111 Hurily, Julian lUwlliomu, W. hcbiiiKtm, Kin II-1 mliuriuu, J"U'i Venim, Win. Hlaek, The lxichesi, Int. A Ifiimdcr, H.hnh Winter, ileliry Wood, M. K llruddon, KU.renee ttardcu. Mary Cecil Hay. IHTtllH i ft H. ( lay. A link- Idwardi hiindu tin million, K. C I'liiltiiw. Tht'M Novi-ls will be the litt'.-Nt works of the best writer ai they are publi shod the luniks whichever)' ImhJj- talking uliout. Nothiug but the very btM. will be admitted into the World s Standard Library of Fit tlou. This Library of r'ictiou will be supplied to Hubscribcra only. No extra copies will be punted. N'o back nuuibirscan bo furnished and no single copies will be sold. If you wish the series complete at once. One year (32 numbersj fl; C months (2G numbers; title; .i months (12 numbers) Address, TUE WOULD, New York City. THE 1889 WEEKLY HERALD 1889 rtSKIHH.LAR A YEAR. To keep piwiod on the News uf the entire World subscribe fur the NEW YOUK WEEKLY 11 Ell AU). His and nill ctnitimic tube tha Greutcut and Clirapcht Family JournaL In the United SUtes. Thv! coming year promises to be crowded with KtlrritiK events. In the United states the entrance of uew Issues intothe political arena has been fsollowed by 'Range or Atiniiiistratloii. Itiit the great econ omic tiut'siiiH) on which the eampaign luraed is sttlluintitticd. and It solution Is now committed tu a Con Kress aim out equally divided between the two great pur ties. Enrol Is n vnxt camp. Arirty corps patrol the frontiers, and millions of men await the signal fur the mot tit tnie wHr the world has ever seen. The Hut vi.n's news gathering machinery Is unefinnlled. Iu oirreMUideaui dot the habit-bit-globe. Nothing eiini'scaiH; their Tigilance, and no es peine Im spired in spreading the result ol their ellortu before the Hv:ii.Ln".sreadeni. Al.l.TIIENKW OK THK WORLD, uill la fnundeiich week fn the Hkkai.d, white ih FOREIUX UEI'AHTMENT will eoniaiii u pauoramn of the Old World, Hash ed under the sen over the COMMERCIAL CAHLE3. Si BriAI. FEATI RES. rractienl farming, l'mgress in Science, Woman's work, Notable I'nlpit I'tteraneei, Literature aud Art.StorieKby out Kent Authors. INFORMATION ON ALL SUBJECTS. Address, Jamks Oohixin Hknsktt, NEW YOUK HERALD, New York City. l A pamphlet setting forth the truth about NORTH CAROLINA TROOPS -AT Til K- UATTLK OF (IKTTVSHIIItG. By W. It. Bond, late CapUin, Brigado Staff Army of Northern Virginia. PRICE 25 CENTS. Can be had at thia office or will be mailed postage paid to any addreaa on re ceipt of price. Address IUU 4 SLEDGE,, PublWwra, Weldon, tmmt? aHiss;r .syg?' ettiffrcw ' 4 .Itr.i to i( il ? th : i:;: ) k 'I tai , ' a ntt 'ef km, Iff S'li lr.. iBjooir- s