,1 HALL & SLEIDC3-B, I'kopriktobs. -A. 1ST IB "W" SP APER FOR THE PEOPL E. TERMS-!-'1"! PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. VOL. XIX. WELDON, N. C, TIIURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 1885). NO. 4, .h 4 . just fori honij nti partini theni Willow: pons! lo no Ju )R CloiriueL . NEW ADVEHTISEMKXTS. -PATENT C.flBAMBRILL Mrs Co. OUR ROLLER FLOURS ro inanufwlurol frmn the CltOK'KST WHEAT OIITAINAW.F, fcr wbieb Haltinmre ns ti market stiimN pro-eminent. Their wiperintity for FN I FORM IT V ST It KNOT 1 1 and FNAITKOAI'II AHI.F FLA YOU ban UK been aeknuwle.l.-ed. Tbo h I'ATAI'SCOSrrEI'iI.ATlVK l'ATENT Stands unrivalled. Of a tieh, Cnainy Cukr, it make, a Broad that will suit the Fastidious. loTA-k your (ineer for it. I'atapsco Sup. r'ntive l'atent, Rolando Choice l'atent, l'atapsco Family l'atent, Oranpo (irove F.xtru, Baldwin Family, Mupletun Family. C. A. UAMHKIIX MANI FAl'Tl'ltlNO COMPANY', 121 I Commerce St., Baltimore, Md. aug 12 ly. My Poor Back! Thai's the common Mclnmatii.n of ilir.se sulk-tiii with rheumatism nr Hlney trouMes. In eitherdi.sca.se l".iiiie's Celery CoinjMumi. will .-urely eiha a me, nn.l there will i.ohnLer 1 nny cause to conipUiin of ImU" I! mi-Irt-.U i.f testimonials like tin- fullow- ing confirm our chums for that wmA M Yy rtiue.lv, h.inV Cilery im.l : I wo weeks aj, I tvuM r.. -It,;, Was constipated and kidney did lit t ait, 1 hack. Since 1 too!; I'ainc's Celery W mid I can sleep like a ihihl." Zens U llaviii" hem tn.u!,h-l with rheumatism (' lo yet an ui.d, mi I was very often con J have used ue.irly all medicines itnriin.i! .e, tai'e. llain" seen l'miie's Ceierv Com med onlv one U.tlto and :irn m-rfcitlv lively as a Loy." 'r;:..k C'ari.li, Kuril.., Nevada. rot. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Proprietors. BURLINGTON, VERMONT. jau IS ly T. J. JAEKATT & SON, CO-MilMISSIOISr MERCHANTS, PETERSBURG, VA. COTTON BAGGING and TIES. Hiring bought a lame hat of bailing and ti .IKFoRK TIIK RISK we cun tell them cheap. Alliance cutUm In 1U of loo bales or more Sold) 1'OK Qf J HALL with frelslit added SlilnmcntM nfeutlou and other (irodueeit'iUt-lled. niati Any arraniceiiieutx-aii ; made wtlh i'W. W. FOB BALK BY P. N. Seeds and Plants Clover Seeds, GrasB Seeds, Seed Potatoes, Seed Grain, Carefully selected Seeds of the best quality. Write Light RnDningUomcsticScwinjcMachinc . for Trices and Descriptive Catalogue. T. W. WOOD & SONS, J.n 102ui THE PLAGE TO GET AT THE - LO WEST PKICES, IS AT DR. A. It. ZOLLICOFFEli'S, WEST IIDEWASHINCTON AVE, OPPOSITE R. SHED. W E L 1) 0 N. N. C. STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. V-PtUUBimON DKPARTH1OT FILLED WITH THE BEST SEI.HTID IUTIRIAL.-C PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED AT ALL HOURS WITH GREAT CARE. PERFUMERY, STATIONERY, FANCY FANCY M I M II ft tkttt kMrtr wloMMtlmr PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS. ESTABLISHED-1774. "v kii h.-ur at a time uny ni-ht, f mA had a w vl dc.il of t-.iui in the Couii.n.m.l the rain has left my hack Sunders, Vet Windsor, Yermtv .1 f r five t-ar-. I w:n iihnnst ttn.il hie lined t'i my U-.l for week at n time. I besides outside ntlvices, l.nt In no ndvnn- advi rli .ed, I -avv it a trial, I have cured. I cun now jump nrouiid and feel 'in', $t Sir f- r $y.oo. 8 www. Ti-sTiMost.vi. Pi Ilinln'Kl rush price ohtidned and roniit returns I.oNti, l-itlh'tmt, X. C, xepOfm STAINBACK & CO. 2wto South. Garden Seeds, Vegetable aud F'owcring Plantg, Etc, CVrVlXKUTEof tested Sect!.?, Novelties, etc., tnd roiUiining valuable infor mat it n Mailed Free. Seedsmen, rInKva SOAPS, BRUSHES, ARTICLES, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. ! roa M ZOLLICOFFER'S. "MARSE CHAN." Written after hearing Nelon Page : read his iuimitaMe story. A wul, sweet tale of other diiyn we lieind, To which there eltinii the charm of van ished years ; By tliOMC I'tiaint ncreittull our heattH were stirred, And inuny nil rye half wully tilled with ti-ars. NotHinee liimn toiiehetl his niK' d w ant lyre Till ihen imidr llirillcd the won I of man, Haw a rude Inninie told the heart's de- si in In more pathetic words than thine, "Mitrso Clmn.M To ns of younger years that wul romance Read like mime legend of the days ol old, As when King Arthur ami his knighta drew lance K'er yet the llame of chivalry grew cold. To older hearts it brings u joy half pain, gleam of Morrow's shadow darkly erwwed, As if the ghost of youth came hack again To vex us with the things that we have lost. Hy 'Tnelc Kemii!iM told, our South bind lore Has charmed the listening ear of old and young, With those quaint, legeiidaiy tales, that bore The music of the plantation tongue. Out since these faiuuus (lavs ''before the war," No voice save thine has told, or ever can Veil the full charm of riavs that are no more, As in thoHO wondrous tales of thine. ''Manic Chan.' Alston M Dkaiiman. THE LITTLE HICH CHAIR. A SAh si'ENE AT 11XS OF THE AI CTION ROOMS IN liETUOIT. Tliere was an auetion at olio of the du'vn tuwu auction lmusen reeently. A pale, saj I'aeeJ wuiiiau, ill a plain calico gown, MnoJ in a crowd. Tbe loud voiced aiieliomvr finally came to a lot of plain and .somewhat worn I'urnituro. It had belonged to the plain woman, and was bein: .sold to satisfy (lie morto on it. One hy one the articles were sold, the old bureau to one, the easy rocker to an other and a ked.-tcad to a third. Finally the auctioneer hauhd out a child's high chair. It was old and rick ety, and as the auctioneer held it up everybody laughed everybody excrpt- iiij the pale laced woman. A tear trickled down her check. The auctioneer saw it, and somehow a lump seemed to conic up in bis throat and his gruff voice grew soft, lie remembered a little high chair at home, and bow it had once Glled bis life with sunshine. It was etnpiy now. The baby laugh, (lie two little hands that were once held out to greet "pa" from that high chair were goue I'orevir. lie saw tbo pale faced woman's piteous looks and knew what it meant; knew that in her eye the little rickety high chair was more precious thau if it hud been made of gold aud studded with diamonds, lu iiuagina lion he could see the little dimpled cherub which it once held; cuuld see the chubby little list grasping ihc tin rattle hoi aud pounding the ihair full ol uicks; could sec the little frit which bad rubbrd iheiaint nil' of ibe legt; could bear the crowing and luugbing in glee and now, tbe little high chair was empty. He knew there was an aching Void in the pale faced womau's heart ; there was in his own. Somehow the day may come aud go, but yet you never get over it. There is no one lo dress in the morning, no one to put to bed at night "Hou't laugh," daid the auctioneer, softly, as somebody facetiously offeicd ten cent; "ninny of you have little empty high chaiis at home which money would Dot tempt you to part with." Then he handed tbe clerk a bill out of bis own pocket and remarked. ''Sold to the lady light there" aud as tbe pale faced wouian walked out with tbo liltla high chair clasped in her arms, mid tears stiraming down her cheeks, the crowd stood back resKctl'ully aud there was a suspkious moisture in the eyra of the man who bad bid ten cents. llelroil Free I'rfiu. WE MAY NEVER KNOW. We may ncvir kiowuf the anguish bidden beneath smiling ryes. Wc may uever k now of th weqry hearts bctidt us day by day, whose prayer Is for strength to wait till God shall say, "Well done." We uiay sit down at the aame liiuside, clasp hands at the same social board, look into each other's facer, but we cannot sec the heart. And who may tell of the sad failures, the soul sick pining for father's hand to lead beside I he still waters of peace and rest. Ah I never till we soar beyond the stars and all the tears be wiped from our eyes, shall we understand that inscrutable mystery the human heart 1 Ah I dn pair not when life seems hard and dreary; by and by the shadows will fall apart, the fetters that bind us will be severed, the burden be removed, the tired hands be folded and sleep, with her healing wings, (hall hover over us and rest be won, LIVINC ON WATER ONLY. A IIKAITIKI'I. IIIKt. 1V1IO It AS NOT TAST ED KMIIl flllt SKVF.X VKAI1S. A dispatch from l.cwiston, Me , says: Josephine lledard is a pretty, dark eyed, vivacious French Canadian gill who has been on a Christmas visit to her uncle and cousina at -7 llirch street, Lcwistoii, for the past few days. If her storv is true, she has fasted mnre thau '1,'t'iU days, having ueiiher eaten nor de sired to cat, nor tasted food in any form for that length of lime. When the re porter called upon her today and intro duced himself through an interpreter, she being unable to converse in Fnglisb. it was at tbe dinner hour, and while her relatives Were partaking of the uoon re past she was leisurely reclining in a rock ing chair, apparently deeply interested in a work on history. Her story, as told by herself, was that she was born on her father's farm in Tingwiek, a small agricultuial town in Canada, in 1ST'.'. Her mother was strL'kcn with a disease which terminated fatally when Josephine was but three mouths old. As a child she grew robust and strong. She attended a country school a short time, and olUrwards as sistcd in the household duties at home Oil Christmas day, 1881, shs was vio lently attacked with diphtheria, and for three weeks she was between life aud death. From this sickness begins the date of her prolonged aud curious last. and to day, as for years, her means of sustenance is derived from water only, which she drinks as people drink ordina rily. No form of edibles can arouse lur sleeping apetite, and the most delicious fruits are no temptation to her. Ill ap pearance she is of medium height, weigh ing lj pounds, with a symctrical figure, intellectual head, and what is called a pretty face, with sparkling brown eyes, and short, coal-black hair. She is a fas cinating brunette of demure countenance, and modest bearing. "She never eat something," said one of the family, ''all zee time she be here." Tim remark caused Josephiue to smile, showing a set of even, pearl-white teeth, aud at the same time revealing a set of dimples which might arou-e the jealousy of all ordinary society girl. Mr. Hedirl said that when in Canada, in order to re move tbe doubts of a few skeptical nr sous. Josephine was locked in a room for lil'lceu days, as a test, with no nourish ment but water and that she came out at tbe end of that liuie without experienc ing the slightest illness, the fact that B'ir is very loud of books and spends most of her spare monunls in reuding and s'.udy would sum to indicate that her mind has a literary inclination. At pres ent she enjoys perfect health, ur.d head aches and ailments that 6VI1 is heir to are entirely unknown to her. She be lieves in amusemeuts aud when at home participates with the other boys aud girls of tbe neighborluHjd in tbiir coun try festivities. 'LADIES MEN." By his air and gait, the ultra-fashiona hie style of his clothing, the killing cull ot Ins mustache, (he "look ainl die ex pression of his simpering face, his stream of small talk, and sundry other signs and tokens of a plethora of vanity, aud a lack of soul and brain, you may dislingui.-h at a glance the individual who plumes himself upon being a "lady's man." His belief in his own irresistibility is written all over him; and to say the truth, your ladits' men have some grounds for their self conceit. It is indubitable that girls do sometimes fall in love or what they suppose to bo love with fellows who look as if they bad walkid out of tailors' fashion plates creatures that by tbe aid of ibe various artists who contribute to the "make up" of human popinjays hive been converted into supeib exam pies of what art can effort in tbe way of giving men an unmanly appearance. Tin wo.uan who inariies oue of these ftutti r- ers is to be pitied, for if she has any glim merings ot common sense, and a heart unter her lusliee, she will s ion ill-cover that lur daiutv hthaiid has no more of a man's spirit in hint thau an aulomalic figure cn a Savoyard's hand organ. But a woman worth a true man's love is never rnught by such a specimen of ornaiueuul hollow waie. A sen-able wo man is, in fact, a terror to ladies' men, fur they uiu uwure that her penetrating eye hsiks through theiu and sounds the depths of iheir euipliiiins. She knows the man indeed from the trumpery cuuu trrfiit, and has no touch of the macker el proH'nsitics to jump at a flashy bait in her wholesome conposition. The laily's man should be ieruiittrd to live and die a bachelor. His vocation is to dangle alter the sex, to talk soft noti senso, to curry shawls and fans, to nr ,n in, boarding school misses, and to kindle love flames as evanescent aud harmless as as the twinkle of a hghtuinf; bug. If, however, ho must needs become a bene dict, let him be yoked with some vain and ailly flirt, his natural counterpart. So shall the law ol fitness not be outraged. A rattlesnake bite on a Virginia toy haa been cuf(g bj.tbe use of mud. BEEN STEALING PICKLES. THK 5IINISTEI1 AM) T1IK l'AKKOT THE LATTER MAKES A REMARK THAT TAt'SEli CllNSTER.SATlON. t tuo day, when she was in her ninety sixth year, Aunt II was visited by a Boston clergyman, who, in Ibe course of a brisk conversation, ventured to tell her the story of the monkey aud the. parrot 111 illustration ol some point that was made. That live anecdote was new to Aunt II , and tbe people present were wondering a little with what local remi niscence she could possibly match it. She heard the story with unruffled vis age, and then remarked : 'That must have been a very remarka ble parrot, hut it seems to me he hardly comes up to Deacon Staples' parrot after all." "What did 1'eacon Staples' parrot do?" "One time tbe deacon's wife was put ting up cucumber pickles in the kitchen, and the parrot he was a very knowing bird, and bad been piously brought up in the deacon's family was fitting on tbe back of a chair watching the opera tion. Presently, when tbe deacon's wife's back was turned, tbe parrot slipped up aud stole one ol the pickles out of the dish. She turned around in time, how ever, to catch htm at it, and threw her knife at him with such for.'cthat if took all the feathers smoothly off the top of the bird's head." "The parrot flew around for some days in distress at the loss of bis top knot, but recovered it in the course of time. One lay, some little time after this incident, a minister who bad exchanged with our mini-ter came to spend the Sabbath at Deacon Staples'. The parrot was in the dining room wluii the family and tbe minister came into breakfast. The clergyman was Very bald; his head fairly shoue. He hadn't more than got sealed at tbe table before the parrot, fixing bis gaze upon the min ister, screamed out : " 'lla ! you darned old scamp ! Ueen ste.ihn' pickles!" Boston Tnnucrlpt. MISTAKES IN LANCUACE. The professor of Knglish literature at Wellesly College has prepared the follow ing list of wi ids aud phrases to be avoided in conversation and writing: (luess, for suppose or think. Fix, fot arrange it prepare. Bide and drive, interchangeably. Heal, as all adverb, instead of really, as real good. Some, for somewhat. I have studied some. Some ten days, for about ten days. Storms, for rains. Try an experiment, for make an ex periment. Singular subject with contracted plu ral verb, as she don't skate well. l'hiral pronoun wilh singular antcce- denl; every man or Woman should do their duty. Kxpect, for suspect. First rate, as an adverb. Had rather, for would rather. Bight away, lor immediately. 1 'arty, for person, l'loinix', for assure, l'osted. for informed, l'ost graduate, for graduate. Depot, for stalion. Nice, indiscriminately. Stopping, for staying. Try nnd do, for trying to do. Cunning, for small. Cute, fur accute. Funny, for odd. Above, for foregoing. Looks good enough, for well enough. Somebody else's, for somebisly's else. Like, fi ras. Not as good, lor uot so good. Feci badly, for feel bad. Fro good, for feel well. Bet wedi scvin, for among seven. Seldom or ever, tor seldom if ever, or seldom or uever. More than you thiuk for, for more than you think. These kind, for this kind. Nicely, in reply to inquiring for brahh. Healthy, for wholesale. Just as soon, for just as lief. Kind of, to iudieale a moderate de gree. The matter of, instead of the mailer with. "What is all orphan?" naked the teacher of the class iu definitions. Nobody seemed to know. "Well, I'm an orphan," said the toucher, seeking an illustration that would not reveal too much. At this a band popped up, uod the wuer of it exclaimed, "An orphau is a woman that wauls to get married and can 't." CONSUMPTION HI HI'.I.V Uni'.l). To Tint Elinoli. Plense inform your reudera that 1 have a positive remedy lor the ttlioYo named distune. By its timely use thousands of hopeless rases have been permanently rurrd. 1 shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy fkrk to any of your renders who have consumption tl'they will send me their axprese and poatoffiee (ddrew. Respectfully, T. A.ttMJCUM, M. C. set tU t yr. 1SI Pearl at. New York. 'TAKE A SHEEP. A farmer once employed a young man to labor upon his farm without inquiring as to his habits, aud upon learning that he was addicted somewhat to drinking, the farmer offered him as n rewurd a choice sheep if he would refrain fn.m drinking during the season. A grown son of the fanner, on hearing this, said; ' l'a, will you give me a sheep, too, if I will not 1I1 111k this season ': "Yes," replied the fuller, "you may have a sheen. Then a little son -poke up and said "l'a, will you give Hie a sheep too, I'll not drink '!'' "Y'es, son. you shall have a she ep. also." After a moment's pause the little boy turned to bis father and said : "l'a, hadn't you better take a sheep, too ?" There are a good many fathers who should "take a sheep." AMERICAN VERSATILITY. Is there anything more sublime than the way in which the American can combine the sacred and the profane? Why, he is a greater adept at it than John Bull. On board the steamer, wc had a party o" Americans who passed seven days of the voyage playing poker. The smoking room rang from morning to night with the oaths that they uttered every time that they threw a card on the table. They were su fluent with tbeuj that they hardly used the same twice in an hour. Their stock seemed inexhaus tible. On Sunday, after breakfast, a young lady sat down to the piano and ;an playiug hymns. What happeued then ? Our poker party gathered round the young lady, and for two hours sang psalms and holy tunes to the edification of the other occupants of the saloon, was dumbfounded. In France, we havi men who swear and also men who sin; hymns. But I believe that the Anglo- Saxon race alone eati furnish men who do both with cijual facility and gu-to. Forum. HOW TEACHERS KISS. IN "SM.UKINCI I'EHAdtllll L'S. "Kiss is a conjunction because it con nects. It's a verb because it sinities to act and be acted upon It's a preposi tiou, because it shows that the person kissed is no relation. It s an interjec tion at least it sounds like one, and a pronoun, because she always stands for the noun. It is also a noun, because it is the osculatory acti 'ii both common and proper second p'rson necessary l'lural number, because tin re ale always more than one. In gender, masculine and feminine mixed. Frequently tin case, and is governed by circumstances and light, according to rule first, "It he smite thee on one check, turn the other ulso." It should always In with a capital lettir, be oltcn repeated, continued as long as possible, and endid with a period." Yum, Yum. X. C. 7efleier. A VALUABLE COW. UK wol I.11SEI.L HER AT A OIIEVT ll.Vf.- OAIN TO HIMSELF. "Owing to ill health 1 will sell at my residence iu town -!l range 18 west, ac cording to government survey, one crushed raspberry colored eow. aged eight years She is not afraid of cars 1 anything else. She is of iindaunti courage aud gives milk freiiuentlv. To a man who does n it fear death in any form she would be a great boon. She is very much attached to her home at pres ent by means of a trace chain, but sin will be Bold to anyone who will agree l( treat her right. She is one-fourth short horn and three-fourths hyena. I throw in a douole barrelled shot gun which goes with her. lu May she generally goes awaysumc where lor a week or two, and returns, wilh a tall red calf, with long swahby legs. Her name is Hose and I prefer to sell lor to a noil resident." Hill Aye HOW IT IS BORNE. It is strange bow differently a deep trouble affects different persons. One erica aloud lor sympathy, with outstretch ed hands of anguish. Another clasps the hands lightly over lb.' po isoiied arrow to conceal it from all eyes, and silently dies of the paiu. Auolher affects jollity, and rushes wildly from one excitement to an other, hoping for nothing, caring for no thing, suvo never to be left one moment alone with bis misery. Which of all these is the great sufferer God and his own soul otily know. To fly is not always to shun. 11 who, placing a chair for misery, accepts him fot an inevitable guest, nnd goes on with his ordinary employments all the same as if he were not thero' stands the surest chauco to be rid of him, or grow indifferent to his unwelcome presence. To all, however, it is not given to do this; but at least even for them there Cometh ami end to all things. HOLD ON. Hold on to your tongue when you are just ready to swear, speak bar.-hly, or use an improper word. Hold on lo your hand when you arc about to strike, pinch, steal, or do an im proper act. Hold on to your tempi r when you are angry, excited, iinpo-ed upon, or others ale angry about you. Hold on to your heart when evil assj. eiati sse- k your company and invite you to joiu in their mirth and revelry. Hold oil to your name at all times; for it is of more value to you than gold, high places, or liisliionabl.' attire. Hold on to truth; for it will serve you well, and do you good throughout cteroi Hold onto our irtue; it is above alt piiee to you in all times and places. Hold on to your good character; for it is and ever will be your best wealth. Ilnrklcii's Arnica a)YC. The Best Salve iu lb.: world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Fleers. Salt llheuui, Fever SolesI'etter, Chapped bands, Chilblains 'orns.and all skin eruptions,aud positive ly cures Files, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. 1'iice 25 cents per box. For sale hy druggists at Weldun, Brown &Carraway, llalilai, Dr. J A Mctiwigan, Enfield. 'What did you get yesterday wheu you found the jiantry door open?'' n.skcd Merrill. "Why," renlied little Johunv, ot bick." The money that a until lu.ne.s in wheat HfiecuiutiiiD does Dot a fleet (ho wheat mar ket. It id ublv a drop iu the. bucket- hiin, 'Tilk tif iiHthtTs in Ijw anil wins in law not HLTeeiiiLr, " rriimrkid Tiliiiurh; utuy nn-tln r-in law tind I nirtt. She says I (Plight tMt to have married her daughter, and 1 coincide; with her." An old lady, who ht her purse a lmrt time mucc, declared, uti its bein orrd to her, that she would not attempt to to interfere with the reward which waH t-tored up iu heaven lor the finder, by nfferiiii; him money. NKW ADVKUTISKMENTS. DID YOU KNOW IT? Did you L;iow catarrh is a I'.ood disease? Well it almost invjnjl!)-is, ir.d froucntly i, a symptom of Inlii'iitfd LKiud iUon. The tt iidemy tocitarrh may Uydornunt In the system half a nun's lifetime and then sikMcnly bctxtne active and the disease at once sovci-' r.r.d troult'esotne. N. C. iMiWAHns, Lanipassa Springs, Texas writes: "l or ever tour jimh 1 liava U-vn agicrt sutlcrer froiiKi terrible form if NasalL'atarrli. Ia greatly annoyed with atonslaitt roaring in my head and my hearing became vjty much impaired. The discluijjo from my nose was prohiw and very oltinsive.and my general lu-alth CATARRH '"'i's-red. I tried most all prominent physicians, but they did not cure me, and I used various adverted preparations without bene lit. I then sent to the dru:; ie of T. E. Smith & Bru., and purchased 1. 1 . and to my utter ait(nisliniei:t and salisf.Ki;... t uw ol L-n hut tics h.'.s restoied Diy toner..! hitth, stnrprd the roaring senjti.m, entirely healed and iu:,d the nasal tat.irrh, and I am pruud tu iccuinmend a I It ud remedy with such powerful curative propeitirs. 1 .V' nuiinoss men uf i-ur town know of mj la.' V. A. 1'm-rn 1 uduiia, Ala., wntrs: " I c.;n oaTinnn n' 1 U'n'lin-"")I-'11'I1K yuwl'ayl LATAKRH ,i"u, Wi'-hune you have. I.r two K.irs n , t. t tlur hasM.Ured ;lha Severe Catarthol the hen J .md ulteratedsnirthittat. M resort-d t v.irioi,s rumdn's without olivet, until slicuscd H. It. H .whii-hcured herc.itarih.and healed tier M.ru throat."' R.C. Kiwtjitu & box, Towaliga, Ca., wiite,; Untj w gur titujliUirs li.,s been suilerinR irnm ftiririr.il cjUrrllf,irseVL'r;ilvears,whKli resisted CATARRH a)1 ,ri'-lt:cnt at.d medium' resutted to Wii linally Induced him to trv tlie efficacy of 1). II. U., and he wis vwn delighted with an improvemrnt. He continued its use, and was cun'd sound and wt ll.'' : Write to lHood Il.ilm Lev. AtU. ta, lia, (or " I!ooV r.f Wonders" sent free. dm Of Interest to Ladies. pArilit: fot fftiiftiai turn pi null to am il who wnbW to toal iUfffl'ti l ixifor i.uri-hMti hml taitu tor jUtf ilAIll (UMtlH C., Boa lOi, Buflai. . I. stowlaf. Machine' aaa fiU at km ! (. tarai. 1mm hi d frrr n a.-b lor 1 1 1 th Wi4lal with ill the 1ti kniruii twill mbC frrr t u.fMa a pew I mar tat aatat tn . when Mail, ta aba .t T rl at au bvaM.Me) tni natkialiakati tr.D t.-ui tmaxrif l'hta rnmi mtk X . ai.i.r .' ,iM.id'ae,l.i A9 SMI.Mrn.flMt MU.I.M- 'Mnt.hH , lb. .wii. A. hj Sn-M nn.flf Mrfe. f fei.li .... .baa. HrO.. ir.,.p,,. '. M. .-aMa, Mailt, MIIAS. LOI KAUE Mil l KK Al! 111. t AVALS It, 1 UHliS, SOCTII SYCAMORE STltKt'T. l'KTF.KSUFlia.VA. Monument, llemlstones, Tombs, Tablets, lie. Lowest cavli prices guaranteed. All work warranted satlslaetorv. or A beautiful calendar for 1889 sent to any address on receipt of stamp for postage CHARLES M. WALSH, oet It ly. mm mm ADVKUTISKMENTS. h7 yoiTwTnW H K KAHTII , " " TAKE THE WORLD. It U altuotit the sntue thing. No premium! r No Kpccial oit'i-rs; No Cut rate; but The lient and liiKK-it NEWSPAPER On tlie North Auierlctm Continent. 12 111 rue psKi-a aud Hi lung column, A hUTLAK NOVKL I'uhliKlied iu ainl flveu with uHt'h luuc T ibe Wf.-kly Kailio:, Ik'ifimiinjf to-day and continuing thercMrU'r. THK WOill.ii, will print with each inkue a eon pleie novel by a popular author, Among thi writers will be: W alter HeMuit, The Iui hew, W ilkle Cuilum, Mnt. Alrxitiidfr, Kulti. iiui liain.n John ii Winter, K. 1. SteveiiHun, Henry Wood, B. 1,. Fiirt'jL'tui, M. fc BrHddiill, 'I Iioiihw lUrly, Klorenre warden, Julian Ha lliume, Mary (Vn) Htiy. K. W, KnoiiiKun, lfrtha M. Clay. KmlliM.ithoriiui, Auiiit- ruiwanli Jnk'H VerntM, htiodu Itrouglitmi, Win. lilack, K. C I'uiliip.s. These Novels will be the latest work ot tb Inst writer u they ere published the boo. whiehdvery body 1 talking about. Nothing bi tbe very tn-ot will be ndmilU'd Into the World Standard Library of Fiction. This library td' Miction will be Btipplir tu subscribers only. No extra copies will be piinted. No back numbers can be ('urni-sl no siu;le copies will be sold. Ii with the series complete at onco. Ol year ('1 uuniJjerb) tfl; G months number) uOc; 6 mouths (12 numt -jc. Address, TUK WOULD, New York THE 1 889 WEEKLY HERALD iSK HOLLAR A YKAH. To keep posted on the Newa of the entiiv World Mibgcrlbcfur the Si:W VOHK WKKKLV HERALL Ills and will continue to be the. Greatcft and Cheapest Family Joun In the Coiled Statei. TU- eoming ytar promises tube crowded stlrriiiKeveniB. In the L'tiitei stales the cntranre of new i into the politieul arena has been hollowed chaise ol AdmiuiMtration. But ttiegruat omie .iietiiium which the campaign turn still uiij.elt.ed, and itsmiluttjn is now eoinn. inaCoimreHi almnst nuiilly divided bet the two ureal partieti. KtiroiKf in a vast enmp. Ari?y corps patrol frontiers, nnd milliiiiuiof men await the t fur the mcajtt Uluile war the world has ever ; Tlie HKit M.n's news gutherlng machine nne-iuulled. ibt etrrep4iutlt'Jitjiulru blegltibe. Nothing can ecapf their Ti mid no expt ii-se in spared In spreading ther o( their elti.rts befure the HtHALii'srcaden. ALLTMtiNKW'S OF THE WORLD, will tie found each week in the U erald, while FOKKIUNPEl'AHTMKNT will coiittilint nannrama of tlie Old World, fla ed under t he eu over the t'OMM EltCIAL CAHLE9. SPECIAL FKATI KKS. Praelieal fanuiiiK.l'roifreffiiu Scieuee.Wom wurk. Nulable Pulpit ttterancea, Literature Art.Sturiesby out Best Authors, INFORMATION ON ALL SUBJECTS. Address, Jamks 0(irim, IH:nnktt, NKW YORK It KR A I.I), New York Cit iit BEST FAMILY SO -IH1HE WORLD.- i ii siiiii j f lire rlV 01 ft ! .1 fttntiul i for whu h wr paid .iyhi tiii't ii.' ti.is ikci brrn inu rhui.'.'d a ti ilh- -I i:it--(. 'Illln Hi .ilfitlieul In iittlliy luHits l.iti utmlc lut'iity ytpHi-a IT .'K.l .UK IKll'lfllJjt lllHl jti-,' iii (i iii.t Ikbr it?. ,u,l l.k-.nll s l. t..V II s ll '.ill , ...i I lii.tnkpM a no tb uiflt ilne wiihom ihritiltnii, :i - a .ui.l whi: an 1 l.k. new. 1EAD THIS TWH J til-; RE it a arent tt-VTi., t snap, o( fiiil. ami ,.f tlie fjliric. 1 --tint: So ji u i.i-d terjrdliiaj 4MH. ON P. I Hill will demonstrate Its grt; u II ji.iv y t" m.iki- that trial. .11 laoi.1 Ihllllpl, :.iunitrt, iita. Pcwarc of Imiutloi TNSlTupon lohl.tn F.lertnc. Dc A M.iM.'tn-, Kltxtm Magic, PhilattclpliU 1 r itM' t'liirr fnii 1, s niply I'cc.iuse il is ehrap m .11 ujiii ct the, and art dear at anv price. ami take no other Neatly evfry grt t.i M. tci keeps it in itock If yni iM ,ir ler ftoin hi- i.circst whrltk f Ph. AO or .-fully the imiitr wrapi lMt..tml Ucarchil 10 folltiv oa Mill nuNide rapper. YuurHli W4II Imiser i cf re Iryitif for your4f and intly wundtKul Dobbins' Electri jan 3 ly PROFESSIONAL. ( JAMES M Ml Ll KX, Wii. J I U. I nut ti ATlUh'.XKYS ATL WELDON, N. ( rraeltre tn the mart nf ll.Ilftii ai Uil, .lilt In III. H,iin.n. ,nri rMil r Iri'llena ln.ito lo ll parlaof Norttl ' Hr.neh TSoisi:.'!."''""-'' rj'HOMil H. HILL, Attornejr at HALIFAX, K. C PimeUeai In Halntu al aOolnliifi Federal and SUDremt eourla. yy c. t a o t k k, ATTORNEY ' EN Fill Fraetlcet In theeenru. connttei and In the Sunn rnllerUnns made anrwtf turn, prumpll, aaade, guWAkl) T. C' ATTORNEY Traotlcea wlierat. Collection ofcUim A

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