'Jl mmj HALL &c SLEDGE, hioprietors. A. IN" E "W SP APER E O THE PEOPL E. TEIRIMIS---00 PKR ANNUM IN ADV'AKf" VOL. XIX. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1889. NO . it- NKW ADVERT1SKMEXTS. f m rM m, Ja -PATENT CAGAMBRIlLMrcCo. OUR, PATENT ROLLER FLOURS are manufactured frotn Ihe CIIOICKST WIIKAT OKTAIXAIII.K fur which Haltimore an a market, stands pre-eminent. Their superiority fur rXIFOKMlTV, HTUKNGTII and CNAl'l'ltOACIlAI.I.K FLAVOR lia lunK Jmh-d m-kDi.wli-.lctJ. Tbe I'ATAI'SCOSI TF.RI.ATlVF.l'ATKST Stands unrivalled. Of a ilch, Crtutny Color, it makes a llread that will unit (he Fastidious. WrAsk your tir uvr for it. l'a(iiHco Siii rlalivu l'utcnt, Rolando Choice l'atont, l'at.ipseo Family l'utcnt, Orange 1 1 rove Kxtrti, Raldiviu Kuuiily, Mapleton Family. 0. A. (JAMIilUU MANCFACTI RING COM PAX V, 21-1 Coiumcrco Kt., lialtimore, Sid. au 12 ly. RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA The twin dlBuascs cause untold suffering. DociorBuduilt lhat they ure dlfflciilt lo cure- go do their pat ieo' s. riiinc'a I Celery Compound huB per- inant'iitty rured tlm worm owes of rheum; ilium and iwiiralifta-ROiuiy thlc who a:ive us.il R. Huvinir been troubled wUhrheuinaiisM'attlit'ki I nnd foot for live wam.1 WiiM j aliiuwlunaWetit-i uroiuiil, i and was very often roiillued ! to HIV ted ftr weekti III a I lime. I twed only one lit tle of rallied t elery coin- I ptiiiml. and wan ierieeuy cured. I rnn now Jump around, and n ei m nveiy us ' U iHiy." J-'KiNK CallM.l, bun-kit, i uiiu, ll.oo. fllifortvon. Dniifu'lHts. MammoUi fntluiuiilal pa-ier free. Wmxa1H!CHMiKii(to,ITopi..MurIlntfIoii.Vt. DIAMOND DYES tutor than anyofhrr lyr$, jarj 11) ly T. Ml 1 1 MRSALtl NO USE TO I ownca. I it trr J. JAERATT & SON, COAdlEISSIOlT MERCHANTS, PETERSBURG, VA. Arc now p roiared lo furni.-li S U V V LIES AN I) CASH To anyone who will furiiir.li good eeurily. on roaanmible term. Any arraugemeiiUeau lw made with $fW. W.I.ONti, I.lttKtt.n, N. C. FUt A!.E BY P. N. Seeds and Plants CloverSeeds, Qraa8 Seeila, Seed Potatoes, Seed Grain, Carefully selected Seeds of the best quality. Write for Prices and Descriptive Catalogue. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Jan 102to THE FLAUJi TO GET AT THE - LOWEST PIUCES, IS AT DR. A. II. ZOLLICOFFEtt'S, WEST SIDE WA8HINCTON AVE, OPPOSITE R. SHED. WELD 0 N. N. C. STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. arriaaaMPTIOM WARTIIUIT FII.LID WITH THE BBT 81LKTKD MATIRIAL.- ' PBESCRIlTIONf : .POUNDED AT ALL HOUH8 WITH GREAT CAKE. tpBtFUMERT, 8TATIONERV, FANCY FANCT THE Premier Flour of America. PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS. ESTA.BLISHEID 1774. ('nine's Celery Compound has been uCod- send W me. For the pust iwo yearn I liuve ml rvrod with neurulnlii of Hie heurt. doctor after tlirtor r.ilHmr loitirt! lilt. I liuve now taken neurtv four nut lies of the Compound, inul am frer irtMii the eotnpliiliit. I feel vry (fmtetul to juu." nun. (l.l.Kwia, Central ViUinfe, it. Paine's Of&lArv HAmnnunrl wvivij -w r "1 have iieen jrreatiy uniieted witu aniw rheimiatlsiii. tiinl could find no relief until I uud putne's relery omrrouinl. After Ufliiff sin I" titles nf this medicine 1 am Dow cured of rheUlli.tllf trouble' samiki. llrTiiiiNSDM, so. CondHh. N. II. Effects Lasting Cures. !'iiiiie'KCelen'(oiuiHiundhan performer, nuinr other cures iih iniirvelotw an l he', -copies of It-HiT wnt to any mhlresn. I'lnimiul to take, does not dUturu. hut aids digestion, and entire ly v.kceliihle; a clilM can take It. Wbut'Htlie um nf HiihVrlnK longer will. rheumaUmii or DeunlKla? fiJOff O''"'""'1'!10" Lactated Food are HfiiKhy, OMOICO jjafipy, Jfurty. il il Incuutol. sep 6 fin STAINBACK & CO. ;lhe South. Garden Seeds, Vegetable and Powering Plants, Etc. CATUOtlUK of tested Seeds Novelties, etc., and rontiinin valuable infor nutic n Mailed Free. Seedsmen, chmohd, va. SOAPS, BKU8IIE9, ARTICLES, TOBACCO AND CIOAR8. ZOLLICOFFER'S. LEONA. MY V. I.. HTANTOK. Wlieic hast lliou gone, Leona ? Where do thy Ibotntopii stray ? The iltmky tmmuTB of the liijtit Droop o'er the ily tug tiny ; And tin; winiN hluw hrink on lUiiiiHfrkk From o'er the ocean' I'oaui, The nhipn are mile in hnr1or iih, when will you cotnelioiue? Why turrirNt thou, I.eouu ? I.o ! in the nloriny went, The Mtain, nweet day w ith eriiiinoii hlood Math died the ninht'n dark bteu.it ; While, one by one, the Had, palestiirs Mure hi the distant dome, And keepu weary watch for you Come homo, my love, come home! Oh, loved and lost Leuuu ; It may not ever bo By any land, by any strand Of any silver sen. Our nliipn. shall meet and uiiuglo Their welcome o'er the foam ; But still I M retch my hamU to you Come home, my love, come home ! Oh, mellow lights of Brunswick, That twinkle o'er the deep ; Sweet Ktarn that in the blue divine Your lonely vigils keep ; Shine (tweet ly still upon her way, Where'er her bark may be ; (live light to her, give light to her, And give the dark to inc. Farewell, farewell, Leonn ! 1 wait and watch iu vain ; No inure, no more, oil sea or shore, Khali we twain meet ugain ! But, in life mid death 1 love you, And my heart will aye be true, Until they lay me down to rent In CJod's white dust with you. OLD SAYINCS. Fruin Haeou euiues "Ktiiiwledi; puwir. Miin lirupuses, hut (lod di-spohes." Thunui Kiuiiis. "A thing of beauty is a jy fi.rever" is from Keats. I ean Swift thought thut "llrend was the HuB' of life." Franklin said "Uod helps those vhi help thewselves." "All cry and no wool" is found in liutler's "lludibras." Thomas Southern reminds us lhat City's akin to love." Washington Irving gives us "The Al mighty Dollar." F.dward Coke was of the opinion that A man's house is his eastle." "Variety's the spice of life" and "Xot much the worse for wear." Cowpcr. ' When (i reek joins Greek then was the tug of war." .Nathaniel Lee, ICO'J. Charles i'inckiiey gives "Milliuna for I'fense, but not one cent for tribute." F.dward Young tells us "Death loves sinning mark and "A lool at forty is a fool indied. We are indebted to Coller Cibbor for the agreeable intelligence that "lliehard is himself agaiu." Of two evils I have chosen the least" and ' The end iuut justify tho means" arc from Matthew Prior. Campbell found that "Coming events east their shadows before," and " "f is distauee lends euehautmeiit to tbe view." To Milton we owe "Tho paradise of fools," "A wilderness of sweets" and "Moping melancholy and moonstruck maduess." Dr) den says " Xone but the brave de serve tho fair." "Mc n are but children ol a larger gruwib,' and "Through thick and thin." Christopher Marh.wo gave forth the invitaliou so often repeated by his broth ers iu a less public way, "I,ove me little love me long." i luiiiias Tasscr, a writer of the Six teenth century, gives us ' It's an ill w turns no good," Belter late than never," "Look ere thou leap and "Hie stone that is rolling em gather no moss." FAMILY OK OIM IIUCNI T.S On tilade Mountain, W. Va., resides p. rhaps, t)it most peculiar family in tin country. It is family of coincidences The failicr and mother were married on the 1 1t li of Octobe r; they have had nine children, all of whom were born on the 1 1th ufOiuU-i, five of the children are deail, anu all nve ol them ceased to breathe on the 1 lib day of October. The name of the head of the family is Joshua rmnklin. He says that he was a Con federate soldier; that he was captured twice by the I'nitcd States soldiers, and that he lost two brothers in the war, and that all four of the mishap or misfor tunes of war occurred on the memorable Mthof October. In the neighborhood the Franklin family is regarded with su perstition, and not a human being ean be prevailed on to stay cither in the house or on the premises on either day or night on the 14th of October. Buggies, wagona ami road carta for ale at low figures. P. N. Staiuback A Co. Everything in clothing and dress goods t wholesale cost. JU, r . 11 ait. REV. W. B. REV. W. B. MORTON. PiKY. V. H. Miihton, youngest son of llev. Kdward C. Morion, was bom iu the town of I.ilesville, Auson county, X. C, Febiuary l!Hh, lSSli. In 18711 he was "born again" and baptized into fcllowr.hip of Pleasant tirove Huptist church by Hev. Heujauiin Saunders, I.ilesville. X. C. In 1877 he acknowl edged the divine call to the miuistry and entered school preparatory to the work. His tirst mining was received under Hev. X. B. Cobb, principal of Lilcsville Academy who was assisted by his sister, Miss Nannie Cobb, and Mr. C. II. Spencer. In January 18711, he entered Wake Forest College for further preparation where he graduated in Juuel88 l. Alter spending one year in tbe Southern Bap tist Theological Seminary. Louisville, Ky., he came to Weldon, where he bus remained siuee July 185, sirviug the Baptist church here with Sharon and larducrs in Warren county, X. C. lie has recently resigned his country churcht s iu favor of Littleton liaptist church which with Weldon composes bis field for the present. This is his first and ouly pastorate, and is closing his 4th year's residence iu Weldou. lie hasau increasing fondness for our town, and though cll'orts have been made to move him to fields in many respects more promisiog than this, he has declined all offers even when the financial inducements were nearly twiee as gnat as they have been hero. His success in the past encourages him to be lieve lhat there is a still greater work for him here in tbe future. To show Mr. Mortou's effective work it is only necessary to say that tbe mem bership of bis church has more than doubled since he took charge of it; and the total annual contributions which in 18S") amounted to only fM7.78, ibis year ngregate the sum ol & loo.'Jt In 18S.1they averaged, including paitor's salary, So. 27 per member, now the aver age is 812 25. Mr. Morton is a general favorite with the people of this community without re gard to religious proclivities, and for that and many other reasons it is the general wish that he remain here always. BLOOD RED HEARTS. Sew Yor k Timet. The advent of a quantity of "bloody- heart" apples into tbe Windham (Conn. ) markets from the back country town of Franklin has rcsulu-d in the unearthing of an eelie tradition about this singular fruit, which has found its way iuto print. They are called the "Mieah Hood apples" and are of a delicious flavor, suowy inte rior, anu enerry-reu skin, in every one there is a large red globule near the heart of the fruit resembling a drop of blood. This peculiarity has been made the mil jeet of investigation but no theory ac counts fur it as plausibly us the tradltiun of "Micah Hood's cursj." Mieah Hood was a prosperous farmer at Franklin, Conu., in It!!).'!. He was avaricious, but finally became indolent. spending his time in dreaming over coveted wealth. One day a peddler, win carried a pack filled with valuable jewel ry, passed bis bouse. His dead body was found the tiext day beneath an apt li tne on Micah'alarm where the lattci was wont to sit. The skull was split open und the man's pack rifled. Hood stoutly li in. il any kimwhdge of the crime, and although sn-picii n attached i'-'lf to him noll.il.g a proved ngiun-t him. He became morose and miH.dy and never prosH-red afterward. I'isipie waggen their Heads wlou, on tint Autumn followingthe murder, llood'i apple tree conimeueed to bear the "bloody heart" apples They said it was a silent judgment upon hint and that the dying peddler's curse upon the head of his destroyer had come home to roost upon Hood's apple tnw. Nothing like the apples had ever been ai'en before, Either the applca or the suspicion woro the life out of Hood, for he ditd soon after they appeared. Ever since then the tree has lived, but it has almost ceased hi bear the strange applcd. It is the fruit from other trees grafted from the original stock that re vives the otory to day. Ctoiriog out r' it M. F. Utrt't. MORTON-. THE CURSE OF CHINA. Tbe sallow complexion of the people of China, their emaciated forms aud languid uioTcnicuts attract our attention every where along the river. I do not sec a beautiful face or figure, nor a rosy cheek; a dull leaden color is on all faces, old and young, male and female. I look at the broad, swift rhcr: 1 feel the cool, clear breeze; 1 gaze at the high green hills, tho flowing rivulets and the wide-spreading trees over hanging the hamlets, Cpon the mountain sides are houses and hun dreds of workmen; approach these busy laborer's and you will sec this deathlike pallor on all faces. Tbe climate seems the acme of perfec tion a long, olcasaiit summer, with a cool, agreeable autuuin and bracing winter; yet there is a want of energy and life among the people. There is plenty of food and of excellent iuality for China lice, wheat, millet, peas, beans, corn, oils aud fiuits of many varieties all within the mums of the humblest laborer. I enter a large field near a hamlet, by the side of a luxurious growth of ripen- wheat. The field is clsan; not a weed visible. But close together and four feet high stand stalks with large dry heads, brown and decaying now, for their bright flowers faded a month ago. These de caying stalks speak; they tell mc why the death pallor is upon all faces, from the hrivclled form of age to the bowlegged child sitting in the cottage door. Oh. diietive viper, curse ol millions! Who shall dare to stand up in the presence of this fast-fading, deeeneratins; profile and ay the evil is not widespread and fatal? Traverse the fairest portion of all the provinces; not the cities alone, but the piict out of-lhe-way places are all satu rated and besmeared with the black paste, even to the gods. Xew Yolk Uraiihw, 'DON'TS' FOR CIRLS. Don't allow yourself to I under obli- gal ions to any man. Don't discuss your family affairs in general conversation. Don't give your photographs to no n, and don't ask them for theirs. Don't make yourself conspicuous al any time by loud laughing or talking. Don't fail to try to always be frank and just and generous, aud above all womanly. Don't wear an evening dress to a ipiiet afternoon reception; don't go without a hat or bonnet. Don't feel it necessary to bow to a man you have met at a ball or parly afterward uulessyou want to continue the acquain tance. Dou't write except when it cau l be a voided, to men. Make all your notes acknowledging courtesies, etc , short and to the point. Don t offer to shake hands when a man is introduced to you, and don't think it necessary w hen hcsaysgo.nl by unless he fir.-t extcuds his. Don't allow a man to treat you with anything but the greatest respect. He sent as an impertinence any upproach to familiarity of speech or action Don't boast that you do m i read the newspapers, as many girls do nowadays Don I think it tnee.saiy to read all the daily or weekly journals contain, but keep yourself posted on ait, literary, so cial and political topics of the day. Itiirklru') Amira fcalte. The Best Salve in the w.uld fur Cuts. Bruises, Sores, I 'leers, Sail Hhcutn, Fever Seies.Telter. ChapHsl hands, Chilblains Corns, and all skin cruptiotis.aud positive ly cure Piles, or no pay rcquit-isl. It is guaranteed to give crfcct satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by druggists at Weldon, Browti &Carraway, llalilax, Dr. J A McUwigan, Enfield. Moody says he could go down to his grave and have it honestly written above it, "lie di I what be could," he would rath er have it than a monument of pure gold reaching 1. 1 heaven. Do nil the good you ean, to all the people you eau, as long as you ever ivet tjan II heX" motif All l goods at cost for cash for spring stock. P. uiaki Stainrv CONFEDERATE SOLDIERS TIIKV WKItl! ANIIKIUHCANIIIIHAVKSKT OK I'ATUKITS. SHiituril KxircMl We love the Confederate soldier, we love the principle that he struggled for, and we belong to a young generation that will live tti sec liitn no more in the flesh upon this earth, but will drop many a tear nt his departure. The romance and pathm and heroism and courage of bis life nrc delightful food for the gifted for years to come iu music and poetry, sculpture and painting. What a ban. quet the civil war, with its four years of blood and carnage, the prejudices and passions it has engendered ami all the results it has accomplished, spread before the young men and women of this gen eration who possos genius and leisure. Sonic of the pleasantcst and yet sad and pathetic moments of our life have been spent iu hearing a t onlederate private giving graphic reminiscences of his caieer in the war. Truly the tiilliiint, brave, honorable, self-sacrificing Southern side of the war iu its real beauty and soul is yet untold. What a happy field for genius and what a heritage left to the children of Confederate soldiers. Yet the seourage of poverty has discourage the gifted iu the South and the stirring romance and thrilling pathos of the Con federacy are a beautiful picture without frame or canvas. WOMAN'S WEAR. SLirtH fur daucinjr barfly tuurh the Hour at the back. It is Maid that bilk will he largely used lor Miuitucr eltniks. J 'ink ami black is London' favorite combination (or theatre liowns. The weiirinjr of drew coats and white lawn tien iwlarp-ly on the increase. Of the eiht jrrayn now fashionable steel, stone, mouse and elephant ure r raided as the more fashionable. Sleeves are now worn in almost iiiBn ito variety, but all of them somehow at tain nhifjh shoulderrd effect. Cloth shoes and boots are coming into fashion again, but are not as elegant as tlk'Se of kid or plain sal in. The ri "best ei'Miinies seen thn seasin are those in matlasse tilk, with the fig ures outlined in gold embroidery. Hurt, copper and coral reds and peach blossom pinks are the rosy hues jiift nuw most iu favor with good dressers. Hoses and poppies entirely without leaves are the favorite flower for trim ming tulle or gauze or lUse evening dress ea. Worth is pending out now gowns i f two brocades that contrast sharply in col or, but are woven in the same pattern. The blues are simply nut liberies, but sky blue, paper blue, king's blue, soldi, r blue aud navy blue are the tints most in use. ( ()-it M1MK M ltl.I V ( I Hl,l). To the KhlTuK. ricase inform your rentiers that 1 have a jMisKive remeily l'-r the aitove named iliseuso. My its timely use tlnuKtmla o Impel ts cumi have Iveen permanently cured. I shall ) ylaii to sriid two IhiuIcm of my remedy KkKK to any ol' your readcin who hae coimuniption it' they will send tuu their express aud pttstollice ad drew. Ke'weti'tiltr, T. A KIM'VM. M. C. oct i: 1 yr. 11 lYarl st. New York. Twelve IMeres ul lloue. I had catarrh twenty five yearn. Twelve piece. of bone, two of them over an inch long, came from my low. My front teeth droppid out while perfectly sound, mid my dreadful suffering need not he told. Two y ars ago I took four bottles uFS. S. S. and I improved from the start. It mude me welt, and I have been well every since. Mus. M. J. Host. Statesville, X. ('., Nov. U I HNS. Cured II U Ho). My little boy was cured of Scrofula by Swift's Spec i tie, after he had taken a iU:tuttty of other medicines without the least improvement. W. A. Cl.AVTnN. Addie, X. ('., Nov. '.M, lss. I llul I'.il For years 1 .wafflii ted with I'ois md Mood, whiih, it nt no d, would resu't fatally, ah mitlnng neeiiittl to ben. -tit me it all At length 1 lound mviH-lf in bed. acoiuph'te wreck. My body swollen out ol proportion, covered with wales, and the pains and itching made life almi st unendurable. The physicians failed to do me any good, and 1 was about to give up in despair when I began taking Swift 's SM'cifie. Thii meilieine has curd mo sotiud mid well, anil n othing else did it but S. S. S. Hkv. H. V. MiTcitEi.!., Fastor Chi. M. K, Church. Maeou. (!a., Sept. 8, lrtss. Swift's S poetic is entirely a vegetable medicine, and is tho only medieioe which hm ever curtnt Hlood l'oisoo, Scrofula? Hlood Humors and kind (I'd diseases. Send for our bwks on Hlood and Skin diseases, mailed free. THK SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer 3, Atlanta. (!a. J-rnrcoita and clothing must go. Ex" v. : i v iii NKW A I ) V K U'l' IS K M K NTS. SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT. When vhysUians tail to give lelicf in caies ol chtotiit ailments, resulting from iioison blood, how BralifyiiiR In the snlleler tn ol.tain at last tlie right remetly. Wheie every ulher treatment niiserahly UlU to cure, llotaiiic Ulmid balm invariably gains 1 vktory. Sas S.AUA, Ti-aas, l'ebru.iry 9, tstc. (lurliltle daughter U-i.m.e etledi-tl with sons) (orln of scalp disease, -. ipi-'jseil to te ringworm or eieu..i. It tirst began in white scabs or dandruff and then formed in small sores all over t ie front i.,rt el her head Viilh rnue.li t..Uhes on SORES 'K'r forehead and lace, and then run an ui;ly e.itiug sole on her bead which con tinaeil to sj.read until a neighbor iu?,i.ted on me trying II. I'. II. A.ler using a bottle and a half the tore i, heli'-: t, ely and the child's health much inipojvi'd ..I. J he i. to be an exccilent l.l it! ac tioll. ettingl.it. I U lieve II. I), n 1 puri!-.rr .Hid very (uick in M KS. Ill I I IS tin AVILS, i'W(.'irv,TFA, April ti, ISW. . : 1 wifstilicn uitb p:it;;lsis, the ili t.,it v'.id c.oi-i'd by .i tumor tli it it .ttl.uhftl tv. the b'-WL'ls. .0. i kul a b..tl (..;- ilysiisi.i nv :iion- j.ju th.m all lint tit.C- m. Million. Iliooil l:..lm L, TUMORS n. ii. ii. h.diiit It p'.wnjn ii, li am in ii s C"., A I. ..t i l-Vbriii.ry 1.k. I I'nr the last six years I luvu km a (jri-at suffer er from bini'il i-iinin ; cuulti nut jji-t ..iitliinn th.it wtinM ilo ii:i.;i.y E"1. Xbi oVtuis thought I would du-. yer-. ;mo 1 w;is stiklscn down with ( . T.ccr t)f tin- lower extremities CANCER and., li-table to walk out of my nun!', c;.nctr causinp me to suf fer bumI vain. A nunth agu 1 conimfiued taking tin- U. U. II. ial was iii-lt; to walk a half milt' in-fore 1 i..d taken two bottles. The cancer is healing up nii-f!y. and I think ,.'ic use of tU remedy will t ure Ul) V . M. Smith. L lll'OliS AM) ti U O C K U I i S I have a cotnple stock of Family (iro ceries of all kinds which I will sell cheap for Ca-di. I have al.vj on hand and am consta ly receiving u large variety of LIQ,TJOBS. Such as whisky, brandy, wine, b. . porter, caiboiiatid waters. Ac. Call and see me on Washington Ave nue at the fitafold stand id' 11. YV, Diiniel. W. 1. SMITH, net 18 ly -ti MY STOCK OF ii FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY I nrrt inn. mi I I will di'luy Hit- u'ftulit t A tT fb iWIIIII till- loUll. 1 -t line e Hiid i NEW STYLES. COMK A N 1 SKI.KCT KSTNOYKI.T t.Hutterii k'f iHitiriisTilf I tiiii-n plttte tni .woiled lo;'! Jeelilh l.-r ii.titi;e MliS. F. A. oi t t ly W I UK NKW -in n dt-iied ne li ree l I ol l.KWIS. Lion. N.C. OH KewlBK-Hehlu-- t4 fi-nll Hbtf Ik p. ' t4ld.)lli .. Ibr tin lie tMii rr-r 'W oka i Mod la "tllial.Mill '.ST IE . t.fifiiit il tw !! In .m.ol-ora.-f t tl 1KI EAlU .lii & AugiMW, Mi (111 S ul k A 1 K Mil.) KR AKHI.K l s, IIKkS, SOI Til SVCAMUllK STUEKT, l'KTKIlSlll'ltG, VA. Monuments, Headstones, Tombs, Tablets, Ac. Lowest cash prices euaranteed. All work warranted satisfactory. MTA beaulirul calendar for 1889 sent to an; address on receipt of stamp lCy&Jf.flr'"Vrt J mm L...I ,...,Hl-.s.,n IN . lor postage CIIAIU.K.S M. W ALSU. oet U ly. ADVERTISEMENTS. " 1 V YoTfWA NT Til K E A 11 Til , TAKE THE WORLD. It is almost the same thiu:, No premium. Ku K'XH'ill ulltTK; No Cut mien; but The bent ami bigem NEWSPAPER . On the North Auu-ricau (.'otitiiieBi 12 lure panes and M long cuhimrii, A IllM'LAK NOVKL 'utilintied in ami tfivcu with each issue Wevkly Edition Bt'KitininK to-duy and continuing 'litre THK WOULD, will print with chcIi bsiiii a plfte novel by a popular author. Anion, writer will be: Wnller tenant, The Dudipuri, Mm. AlfXtiuiiiT, Jt-hliS Wit.kt, Henry Wuml, M K lini'ldon. t hireiM r- ittmii'ii, Mhi Ul'oiI liny. Beithti M. i,. Annie tVdWMniA hiu 11 iu liroUKlitun, C- l'llillil.H. Uilklt; Coll ins, Kubl But hunnn K. I-. MeveiiMjii, II L. Kiirfiiuo. I lioiiifiM ItHr.iy, Julian iliiv. llitiriit1, r W . K'llutiMtii, Kllillt irilnritlll, J"i.-K ViTum, Will, lilack, TUehu NuVfls will lie Hit iulvst wiirlii ol h nt writers us they are published llic t which every body b ulknig xtn.ia. .Nothing the very best will Iv mlujiiii-d iuto llie suntlurd 1-ibrury ot Fietion. This Library of Fictiun will be to .Subscriber onlv. Hupp No extia copies will be piintcd. No hack nutiiljirs can he fuinisliei1 no single copies ill be toid. wish the M-ries complete at once, year ("'i numbers) $1; ti months nuuiLcrs) 5llo; il inoulhs (12 numb 2."io. Addrens, THK WOIU.D, New Vork ('it; THE 1889 WEEKLY HERALD U .HSK Iml.l.AR A VKAK. To k' "i postcil on the News of the emir. Vt crl'l siilmi ritfo for tho Si:i' With' U7.7.A7J IIFMAU Hi and hIII continue lobe the (ireatest and Cheapest Family !oun In tho I'uiu-d tttitiM. i.' eoiuiiiK year '.romlnes to be crowded! Mirriuueveniji, In the l'nitt'4 sial.-H iho eiilnuii e of new im ihtutlie puhtlctll uri-urt luio Iw eu fnollowed Irf iiiuineoi .iiinininirrttioii. Hut llie ureal ec nine tpiitMu on w hit li llie cum' Winn luriie ail! hum u i d. Hiid it m l m i in in ui.w coinnil; lotiroimresH alumni eioeilly divided helw t- two urent pailit s. Kurojie in a vnut i-uin p. ,r:j- eiir jiatrol tl Ironliers. und lnllllitiitior iiit-ii uwhII the Bin f-'i Hit- init liUuit war llie wnrltl him ever wcl 1 he If Kit i.h'h newti uiiiherliin niHehiiiory U uiit-Hiiitlh-.. Ii CDrri)! .n.h nt!-dot the liabitt-bh- rImIk-. NMihiiiK. iin. M ape their v.iriliuio. "lid a -i iim- is pired ii) siireHtliiiB the rcauttr of their elbTl;. belnre Ihe Ht.it Al it'-readers. AI.1.THKNKWS 0PTI1KWUKM). W ill ho luioel rut li week in llie 111 l!.t 1.11, W hiie KtUlKIi.N UKI'AUTM KST w ili i ..niton ti iiiiininiiiiii nl the Old World, lliuh e-l undir llie Mil out llie foM MUH'I.U. 1'AHl.Krt. t-l'EUAl. FKATt'KKH. I'rm lit ul liiniiliiK, 1 'nn-ws in Science, Wuoinii' wi.rk, Nottthle I'ulpit I'tterHiices, I.iteriiture and All,. M' -rii fly out Heft Authors. lNKt'ItMA I ION us A 1.1. Si W KITS. Addrik, Jam 1.4 UokImiv Kknnktt, NKW VOIlK IIKRAI.n. I New York City. JobLins Electric So "HE BEST FAMILY SOA IN THE WORLD.' ; Wr-ipl'ir pnpp lliiifnriii in flnnliti rli K nr.n.,1 r.r:nuli for whi, h W p: t-.irn.'y i.-.i'.V.. Ins nhcr I" l- h in lW -U.,!.-! ' III iilfiitirnl In ant II ty IW-4I1 I. ani mtt.le luenty jettnn i t.-il Of ' lu-4lny nilh . iititliliiK- tliHl en 11 Im 1 I ii . Ii iieol It. brie. It i tigh I b'.mVeis a- EAD THIS TWICE Tilt-UK 1 a rrrrnt tin vine- of time, of labor, ..f -,.)). ,.f fuci. ami . f ihelittric, hc Hob ris' I i-arii Su.p H nts-ii iirrordlui; lo41r Itllltl. ( 0r" Irliil w 11 dcm-tmrite it great metit. It u I ut hi. i' .lt ilui tri.d. Tiki .ll lietl Ihingi, it ia cstcrttiveiy its J uuii .01.. C' iiiitctkitui. Peware of Imitatlors. IN'-lT upon ItobhliiK Flectrie. Don'r M.ij.i. t c, KliLiro Magic, Philadelphia Ll Maaic. PhiladclBhia Dci 1 1, guiltily Iicc.ium it ik cfiran. l'h iil 1 i nhci , ami are dear at any pnte. . fa ni t t.dtr no Aihcr. Nearly evrrv f rwer fn t M.Att.i Uc it in nock. It viir hai w-H " ii 1 fium hi- Kcarett wholrsjtle grnecr. PI Alt carefully ihf 111 t tie wra)r am Ur. .in J 1 lar-ful iu follow ltre pa r.t. !i ..iti.le wrapper Vuu rminnl nil Wdii l uierr Ivf. re trying for yourielf ihn ulJ, r ik I tiul . iisi rful Dobbins' Electric Soa. janSly PROFESSIONAL CARDS ino.., i ius, wi.TaB 1. aim 1 1. U . t U t N I I L, .TroliShSAT LAW, V.TLCCN, H. C. rrtrilee fti thecoiirU of ItaliAn ndNt Till amp- totmnd In the Supreme and federal courtl. Cut Ifeilou made iu liipaiUiif Norm t'arontia. - ranch uffie at lUlitax, N. v., upau ever? MoT day. janTl HO Mi 8 N, HILL, ' Atturnay at Lawt HALIFAX, N. C. Prmcticm In Italian and adioialnf f Pedfral aad Supreme oourta. v. L T H O fc N K, A TTOHXEY A T LA ENFIELD, N. C. rr.rtl.-o. In tbe oourta orilaliru an oountle. and In Ihe Supreme court. rollerllottr. made aiijrwberelnttta tunu prupiptl made. JJJIIWAII) T. CLARK, A TTORHEY AT II MF PractletM where Collection ocll