la riE(7jOANOKE NEWS. iSHED KVKHY THURSDAY, .! Peopuiktobs. r ,DAY : : : JAN. Ill, 1SS0. jB ''!W Obtrreer ill its rcpon . veterans' convention at ltalci;;li Capt. Kitchiu a IVI-iiel. Opt. 4ia Won hia title nf captain ly gnl i Y on the field of battle. Iv'.ng pr - from tin.' ranks, lie needs no ."S House, title. J Senate tariff bill passed lliat body J !yBd bji strict parly vot.-. All S"ttcns voted for it and all 1. 1110- w s 'e( "ti"'u"' '' ',',,'ry ,,MI""I , ..fsfffered by Democrats was reject, .1 allien prdp'iscd by lilt l-'i (J committee were adupteil; mi tliai il g Jiotly a Republican measure. It tlb fuel) to the House, and if tint acted & Iforotlio 4th of Mareh falls to the Tho House will liardly ,a.- I, fB enough proteet'um Democrats, so j, vote with the Republicans to ive jjf leasure, a majority. A " . " 18 reported on what 18 claimed to ! hoi authority that Mr. Rlaiuo 1 s tendered and hai accepted the Stale 1 folio in Mr. Harrison's Cabinet and Mr. .Vanuaniakev will be mad tmaster General. The report also 1 that the treasury department had f n offered to Senator Allison who tied it, but tbat it would be Liven lo ViO other Western man. It seems from Vhat Senator Sherman has been left . tWv H ptobable the treasury would Buecn offered him at first had be uesired for the place by Mr. Harri- f HE Legishituie will auieud the school 0 as to permit the teaching of the merits of agriculture in the public loin. What the rudiments of agri- ure arc the bill does not state, nor it prescribe how they are to hi Thl. A large majority of the teach enow as little about it as the pupils en trie writer was at school be was a than once made to grub stumps for Rations of rules and that kind of rudi atary agricultural information Inn tn of no Berviee to hitn. We hope e of the teachers wi'l purchase work pharmacy under the mistaken idea t they treat of farming. GUM'KAI. ANTHONY. On Wednesday last Governor l'owle pointed Capt, W. H. Anthony, of tin Scotland Neck Mounted 'tifl'tuen, Brig idier General of the State Guard. Wc xragratulate General Anthony on his bserved pruinolion and we also congnt alate the State Guard in haviug a must efficient, gallant and brave Brigadier General, Well educated in the art of tar, he is fully equipped in every pariie- r tor the duties ot Ins high posm.m THK VKTKR.tK. The North Carolina veterans met at Raleigh Tuesday of last week an 1 fid a permanent organic itiin. There w is parade, and a reception by the G iver 4r. fhe procession was led by th,; lyeterao drummers of the 1 lib aud 47lh f regiments. Among tue ulu soMiers pres nt was Mr. Albert Kkes. of Granville. bo wore the same jacket in which In oeived two wounds in one of the but- of the late war. When tho procession reached the cap- ol Col. L. L. Polk, presented as chair in Mr. Julian S. Carr, who made a ibort speech on taking the chair. . Speechea were also made by Col. T. C Fuller, C. B. Denson, Capt. W. II, Ktchin, C. B. Watson, Col. K. D. Hall LCHngman; W. H. S. Burgwyn, Jol. Polk, Col. Beasley, W . II. Lucas )aud Governor Fowlc. Governor l'uwh opened his speech ih the following beau tiful and true sentence : ? "Disabled Soldiers of the Confederacy - i hold in tny hand a cane which was Jolly ent to me which was cut from bi heights of Gettysburg: it was cut .here I'ettigrew halted on those heights, ' 1 when I look upon it, it tills my heart mliur emotions, for when Petti , nalted the soldiers of North I'aio a stopped and when IVlligrcw and forth Carolina stopped the entire South - 'at her cause was lost " followiug resolutions were unani adopted: OI.VKD, That the committee of eteran aoldiere of North Carolina do ctfully but met carmntly petition Jeueral Assembly of North Carulina udd fivo per cent to the annual tai ivy for the purpose of adding to and ex nding the pension list of disabled sol en and tho widows of disabled soldiers lUltULVKI) ITHTI1EK, That this con antion take such steps as may be neces ary to organiia a permanent association of Veteran Kx-Coufederate Soldiers ol North Carolina. Tho roiuest embodied in the above mentioned resointions is mo-lent aud wu aincerely hope tho Legislature will hi it. This should not be made a party matter aud we hope it will not be done, Tho desirable soldiers of Nort h Caroliua unlit to bo properly provided for by the Millionaire In a Minute, ancet are on record where toilers I mines and diamond fieMs, whu turn of the spade, single move the hand, have been transformed tnnilesa laborers to mil.ionair.a. 1 were not 80 lucky as ia the con i who finds a weaua of restoration who learns tl at li e dread dif vhich he suffers it not incura Pierce's Golden Medical Dis ' cure eonsumption (which ia li), and nothing else will, its of .the blood, auch aa y .tiooa, scroluloua M inr,neiuateu. v nses of diseasci mitM IVUX T OHO AM. I'lON. The Confederate Veterans ell'ectcd a permanent orgunuati, u last week at Raleigh, ami elected Mr. -Jali.iu S. Carr president, and Mr. W. C. Sironaeh se notary. The privilege was granted Mr. Sironaeh to employ ;.n a-sUiunt if he fouud it n. cr-siry. The name a le; t il was the "Coiilcl r.ite VcUr.iu's A-s,ieia-tioii of. Niii'lh Carolina." The following exetlleut eseeiitivo cominiiteo was a. pointed: Col. W. 1'. liea-loy, Oxfoid; Mr. C B. Watson. Winston; Col. W. II S. liiirgwvii. 'anee; Mr. J. K. Tattle. Rowan. Col.T. C. Puller, Raleigh; lion. T. L. Kinry, Halifax. 11 ' ( 11(1(11. It '. lt T. We have bel'ore us the biennial report il Major S M Finger, Stale Superinten dent of Public Instru, li ni. The report contains much interesiitii: matter ami also reeouuni (el iliot.s l', r s ,nie eh inj, in lh- l.iw r, liiini: to ul,!ie , I N with s.,i I lii, h the lin.Wih t. N t - (lues II"! ilt'r e. The report r' l'ointtii lids lloil the law he mi altieli'li-'l ;o to r,'iiiito lie' e, ti h ln nation of school lnnm tiny be un tit fol nse. and ihe eoii-t rui lion ot'betli l oil 's; the, 'siabii-hni, nt of a thorough system of county Institutes and . xaiuma lion of teachers, and that all teachers be required to attend the I n.-t it u t the es tablishment for whites ol' a trm-tv-tV Training School and tin approjirhtioti fur ihis purpose and for the county In slilutes of SI", ("I" per annum: the abo lition of the ,re-.ent summer schools for the whiles which cost ." an additional annua! appropriatio:', t be placed to er. dit of tho Slate seho ,1 fund tn bedistributsd pro rata to such districts as will by private .-tibsciiptioii supplement their public school fund, and to townships, cities and towns that sup plelllellt their scm-rnl Intel I'V special taxation. Thi'. he -ays. will apply the principle of helping those who help them selves a principle which lias dote' much fur the development of schools elsewlu re. The Rhasiike News thinks this is a wrong principle. Those who can and will help themselves are less in need of State aid. and it is not tair Dot to help those must need help. The school fuud should be placed where il will do the most good, and it will do the most good where the people are least able to he'p theuiselvos. Mr. Finger also recommends such leg islation as will require more active siipir vUiou by county sut lint, udeiits. .Hid such pay ;(h will secure the services -f competent nu n. and that authority be given the St ite Hoard of Kdiiealioll lo dismiss from oftiee those who prove in competent or neglectful, and appoint ullnrMU tlnir stead, lie also thinks that tho system would be much simplified by nuking the county sup, rintein lent., treasurers of the county school fund This would entail no additional expense but would increase the salaries of super intelidi ills and enable lb m to devote more time to thoir work, fur as Mr. Fin ger s.iys examination of te icli,-rs 'Iocs not alone furni-h evidence ol'litti-ss to 1,-ach and govern, but such evi l-.-neo can aloii -bj had by personal inspection of the w,t iu the school room. The.,- seem r.-as n aide an 1 Would doubtless be advi-aMo Mr. Finger recommends an amend ment lo the Constitution in order to allow taxation for schools beyond the present limit of lit! i cents on SUM of property and S-.fW on the pull. This we harlly think would be wise, especially as re gards the eastern eouuties. for in these counties, at hast ill Halifax, the whites already lay by fir the larger part of the school fund while the colored people gi t the largest part of the fund. (lureo pie are unwilliug to be taxed birth' r while this state of things exists. When the system is changed so that each race must support its own seho ils th recom mendation will have more force. The committee on Education present ed a bill drawn to coverall the ehangi s desired to be made iu the public sell,,, 1 law. The bill is prepared and subniiitid by the committees ol' huh branches of the Legislature, lis main features are as follows: The county superinti tident is made the treasurer of the school fund. Tiie school year is to end June 'iOth. The county commissioners ading iu eon- junction with the magistrates may sub mit to the people the question whether or not a sellout t IX shall be lowed, ll 't to exceed one-fiflh of one per o ut on prop erty and sixty cents on ihepull. ' TtiitKK ynun: Wumori iii'K.ii'i l Ciiv, Duk , at a iliuuor in Dwo'i-bt r, 1S87, it i suiil, ii-i Ijied tluir intcnliun never tuumrry, and uri'oil tu dine tufti-tlu r on the 'I'M ul'i'ai'h IVwiubcr. iiicsi tlion tlircj honorar)' uiouiliora Iiiivl' bi-t-n added tu thi; "iluli." 'J'liL-y arc llio girls' liu,l and all six met at dinner, on the the -ilid prux. Charlotte I'licmrle. About the 23rd of next Ih-rcuiln-r three more member may be expected. Henatiiii Vancboo Monday hud one of his eyes p moved, nnd it will rejoice all North Cnroliiiiaii.4 to know that their fj vorite i now (.'etting nlon' iuite well and that all danger from the oporaiion ii past. He eomuienced losing the sight of one eye about a year ai;o, and it lias grown worac until recently when lie entirely lost the use o( it. Physicians have nev er been able to ascertain the direct cause of tiie alHiction which took the fonu of a separation of the retina fruin the baM .f theeyo. The ion win perlo med at the Senitor's residence in Washin),- ton A Wcitero newspaper aaya that the loh-di uinMtiiinn ia a St. Louia horse tbat chew'a tobacco; but tho unntest sen a lioo is Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup. Salvation Oil u the grcatwt pain de .i i. i,ii...... str i, whether iron a cui, uruise, mu, . . . I .-l.l pain burn i. fnwl-bito, or Irom a wound or any nthor Llnil I'rlce ODV .J CelB. ORGANIZED FARMERS. T11E1U HI'Sl N KSSLI K.K Wit H'KKIH SliS IN THE ST.YTK UF TKX In WO thi'iv Wfi-e in tlio Vnitcd State 7, 'm". VXt vr-M-i .-wr t. u uM cii.ruvil ti; lanuinr, ci" h a!y 4fj j iT otTit.i't' ail th j wtirkt t he enmity; it i u-i suri ritDu'.tlkn W tv. that the tartiicr aliianei' shoukl b espeeially iruujinent tu the ! nit Invest, wlur.' ithT intiTft ilii ii"t oliseure it. Wv. I. 1 a few tar ui'Tri met at Wa-hintnn ami tru;ini."il what was eallui - TIh' (Iniiiue." That nr hr had an extrainUn:i!;v i:rnwth. aiu :r.-at!y iutlutiiei'-i the hi:islali.iti nt'ihi-iinrthwcj-liTii t;tt s but a.i it in'twariiy h;nl t-i ilt-il with jithti'al nn. it har'tl vi.'is-itiulcsnt' pn'iiticnl pan if.- :uu iu M.nne stall'?. LTivi1 way to t he Faniifrs alliance, nt' which I'arkcr enmity, 'IVxa?, mmlestly elaiin ti he- the hirtli place. There, ear'y in tlie i'aniu uiyan i.-tl on ilii: platl'tiim :'uiithiU impri "i ll that we. tht-F ir ; in. r- ,il!i uii''1. united the .tr itj an 1 ! t':iii th iii" lin un ial acid h. me icit- r lumld "i t lrtli -iir de. larati .n of im n ! linn.-, wv ht-retMre revive: 1. 'I'.- lain r r.-r the edn.-.m.-n nf th.- j r!:i-i' ill the n . L 1 1 v ij' j rt ..ii"ii.i al '..'tivenitn-'Dt, in a -t ri 1 1 v n j pjl'li-.m -pirtt T- .nd tl) m.'tt". ' In 1 1 i ii-: - ; i i'ntial. iinii and i:i all thir ih.iri fy. t j ;i 'In dfi-ip a !. It-1 Mate, nnMit.iiU 1 :u-ia lv and tin m. i.i!!. I, I .i ' tv.lU' : h 't'i r Ulidi r taitdin : I't.r MisMiiiin-; tiil i Ihei rs iu uiaintaitiiii law i.nd order. 5. Ti eon-tanlly ft rive toseeute entire haniniiiy and in-'d will aniuii,' all iu;m kind 0. Te. nippn p-r-41'tial, ! ea!. lidi ; al and nati-'iial pr-judiee-, all unhealth- j 1 ul rix.drv an 1 .ill uii'i'i!i-li atti'-itieii. 7. The bruhti-M jew ! wliit h it j:ar- , !hi- are tlie tear wid.-w- and iTphun, ; ami it imper;itive etiinmani are in v i 1 1 the hemes where lacerated hearts are ! bleetlin-j; to as-an-e tlie siitl'eriiijs nt' a Kroth-T or a t'ter. bury th- d ;id. tare W'V the .ii.w- an I cdiieat e the crplian to exinise ihatity tnward erteii i- r-. t- ; eoiotrue w.rd- ami di e 1 in their m it 1 favtirahle Iilit. i:rantin' liunesty ut' pur pjsi-s and eond iutentii'ii to otiuT; and . to prto t the prineipltv- nt tlie al iinee ! unto diath. lis la us are rea'ii and ! equity, its cardinal doetrinea inspire pur- I ity id" tlioii'.dit and life, its intentions are ; "peaee on eartli and i; 'ed will t..vard ' men " j Th. re are u-'W in Texas li.fMHi -.uh-al- liatie-.:. with a total inetiibiTliip of 111-'-, ;i'Ml, tlivided anion. IU "mities. The l'anuei alli.inei' in Texa have a-i"pt"i to a -reat extent the eo operative . plan n' bnin HiiiL: :md in.umf'ael uriiiL'. i t' the latter i.- the I 'alias llraneli linple- inenl Iu -t'-ry. with a .!' $I.i1ih. ' Their pi, nit e..iiMt (' a l.ire t.ieti.rv t' r tlx- iiiaiiiii.H tuie t' taiunn.' impli un ii: whieh i-tul y t-piipp d with the lat.M ; and in ft l upr iv. d in n inner)' N' Xt in i imp irtane i tlie N.rt Itiaunt'eU u naiK wliun a'-M i.wn a !:tpre uti'l eoni i modi, Hi) pi nit, entaiiiin the line and eoMiy luaeliiiiery in-e.-arv tor tlie nia'iu ' i'aeture id' wtnlt-n L'('d Tlie Allianee 1 Kxtdiaivje at l'a!!;i. T- xas. i a'soaii 'th- er iiit- rpriv winch ereeim a h-ur lt- j ry buiMne,'. iMiin: oxi-r ii.ui, IV,. m : whi.di tin Sia'e bii-im at nt emi IneN a v;,t iiiui'Hiit nt bn-in. v. bii in' and ; sellinj tipp1i'- h-i :h difr r. nt e -p ia- ; live tnre in 'l ex i-v likewise I'nr th. t it-i tiler (iireet, j In addition ti tlie or.ini.itinti in Tex i as tlie Kat ui't' alhaiK-e i. raj idly in- ; er,aiu' .n . t h- rSt .tts. Tin t t at m in- I lierlup, aeeirdiiiL' ti' the Lin! r'p-ii't made by the n.iiii.n il . is u. lull .w-: Alabama. Aikan.-as. i;-..oini Mii-sippi 4"i (leor-ia. 1h,!Kii; liuiM.ina. ri.!'-'!'. Mi.iiri, l.Y.Yli1; Tennessee, lil.tltm, Nurtli Curdina. ;.',- oiHi; Smiih I'arolina. 4 H,"nl; Kenlin ky, i.C.Vi; Virginia. 71"; Arizona, 'J iti N-W Mexie... l.llil; Texas. lL'.IMtU Tlie Suite aldanee b.aiiit tin- rijht. title, aud iut'Te.t .d'tlie .V..v-ci .1. rr,i- ry, a weekly m w-papir pnbli-hed in : iKtlias. and it was made (lieirotVh r- ! I trail, al-t at tiie uitviin.; of tin- Natii ii il ; Farmers' a'li.imv at Shrevep..rt, . in , Uetoher 17. that body th- Mr- run as ils clriei d orjan. The .IA rcari j is one of the mot pnw.-rful yet eniiserv ative weeklies in t h-- soUthvt-.t. 1 1 eir- eu!a:i'in is iiVii ;'.. nun ant! rafidly in-' er.-a-in-: U is ably edited and ee.' I iea!!y maiiited and is 1-H.kcd npn bv ; tile br tlieihood a tlie lieM edil atiT. tlie j m-it powerful expunent of tln ir eau-e, j and they r'aid it ;is the beaeon to juide I theji nut of the wildernewi into tlie ILlit ul' supreiiiaey. The enured farmers have a s parate orirani.ition, oflieers, and nrL'an i f th-'ir own Th' y number in Mi.-v-Lv-i- pt alniL ov.r ti't.ii'ut and throughout tlie Sdiith their meml:erhtp rxeeeds IH'tl.tutil, tlu-ir uran. ttie C'brr.f Affitittc, is aKo pub lished in I'alla. and i. d.-timd to lie as piwerftil ann nj the eoh.r. d br-'tht rlnu-d as the M'frun anionir the white. THE FARMERS. HINTS AMI ITKMsu.' INTKIIKSTTO TIIE Adltl'Tl.TrillsTs. There are 1,'iHS Alliaucea in North Carolina now. V Grant 'a creek alliance. Rowan county, lia built a handsome hall. The Nadi county Alliance has declar, d in favor of (lie homestead law. v due of the eoninii'iKlable leatiires in the regulatiun of I he Farmers' Alliance is. that no htsou is eligible to iih-uiUt-stnp who luakes, seiis, ur driniiM whiskey to excess, lflhey will enforce ihis rule to the letter, the order is bound to prove a success. Mori:anlon .Nor. l: '" III a short talk u few days ago with Mr. J. E. Jordan, a prominent Alliance man of lliis county, wo learned that, though no steps had yet been taken, still the Alliance will make strenuous ef forts to have the acreage planted in to bacco this year very much curtailed. M ilton Ailtrrliser. We Point with Pride" To the "Oood name at home," won hy Hood's Sarsuparilla. In Lowell, Mass., where it ia prepared, there is more of Hood's Sursaparilla sold than of all oher medicines, and has given the b(t of sat isfaction since its introduction ten years ago. This could not be if the medicine di-l not possess merit. If you suffer from impure blood, try Hood's Ity -' lilli and realise its peculiar cu' "' tr. FACTS AND OPINIONS. w h vr ! u, nosrc & i hoi ;ii i Itlli aa IiiLU. An enti'rrri-irii; dailv iu!diii.d nt S; . .luM'ph's. .Mo., at.dealh dthe II- ... i has jut aniioitr.eid that 1 r -ideut U.-v land is tn marrv .Maiv V. r-'L-om. v all kitmv hi in. Clinton l 'riuoHMsin. The man wlio doesn't take hi.- home paper isthciuau w ho ts the luaddest when he thiuks we should put his name in the paper, ami we d-n't. Itut when we d- put his name in he is sure I nd around ami a-k us t-j -rive him several eupies. liy Kh.mlil tit hr l'm-lniieitt I'lYsidt nt It. iijamin llairi-on will find In the pesti.tliee at Seiub tl.ik. irjini.1. a piisiiiia(i r appinti .1 hy l'i -i lent WiMiaiu Henry Harri-.. u He i ninety tbiec year- old. and it i- pr 'p d tn re tire linn nil a I lie u a iiiio-l ih lit A baek eountiy and l'.m., r iiir"ad t,e il:' i ii'. ii'l :il-the cntidi It. .il- cf a e.'ini! unit a Nam-niieM ami pi-. -p. ntv W hi - il" i in utii-Liiii es are v- iv u. it., --t ih - -li i- l ti in, hied he re by lb' i M iiieeiio n; - which a t. n i-lh rs t" the p. t-p;.- ili.ui aulliinu eKe. a h the ay t'luithiiia llec.r'l. After the di livery ot the (ioveru n'. ad li'-i. w hi. h e- ii-iiiiit d ab-'iit half an heur, he held an iiiiprnuij tu ree pi;, li t while tlie audit nee was ilij" rin-' and reeeivid the eontatulati 'lis ! hiindrcd el In-warm admin r-. I he 1 i-t per-on win un we saw udvaiKO un destly and sh.ikt; ids liand wu a nie', -mall and unassuiniu man wlio had oe eupicd no prouiinent plaee wliatever iu tiie iii lustration txeri ises and yet to him. more than to any other man. was t.nv. Knwle indei'tnl both fur hi nomi nation and eUTtnu). Ofemn-se we allude tn Spier Whitak r. Kmj . who. as the ehairnian ol the State tvniiuittee, by his iiduiiritMe taet, emr'y and devotion tu his duty contributed so much to tlie nom ination and election of Hoveni'ir Kuwle. Thi- Truth I' Might). U'ii -Ur. Th-- Aryan -lock has never permitted a superior and it has rarely permitted an e.iial. It has dntninati d thnmuli the eeiitiities iu all land- where it li is been planted, it will never admit the Alii can en I'piat ti rui-i. and if b iti.-t-'!i had be-'ii a diligent -mdtiit ol history lie would have -'en iii iis record that tne Aryan ui i-ter wherevi r he move-. Thi- rec ord will not be aliend in the S iuth wiietle r tiie ueirr.t ".-ball tub rate no eoti st i..ii-n- ss if inf fl-i-ij or n The truth i- the Southern whites are not in any scti-o unfiiendiy to tiie negroes. Hut ttiey will no more admit or allow tlie ne irr i to assume t t in- of equality tlian the aii.-toci'iits of 1. stun or New York will allow the xpialid puur or Sambo in their midst toeipiali'v in the social circle ur to the free h-spitalities of their board. THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Tiii silay l:it the li rmal iliciion ol I'nited Stuli-s Senator took pl.ue. In tlie Si nali- Senatnr Hansom was ,iit in uoiiiinaiieti by Mr. Ton. of Jolinst, n. atid bis noiiiinalioli was m-ciiiImI by Mor. Liiea-, of Hj.le. Mr. M, re. ,'l lioikingbaii). and Mr. lilair. o1' W'l'k,.-. Mr. I.usk of Buncombe j ut in uiioiiiiua t i( ,ii O, 11. llock- ry. wliii-h was sieuinl,,! by Mr. Hi -e. of New Hanover. Messrs. Kiniy mid Lii-k were appointnl tell, -is. and llie roult was Kaiisoin ".I!. 1 Vnkerv Ci.not vo'.in.: 1. Iti the Hon,' Mr. K.insom was jut in nomination by Mr l.v n, of Iliad, n. and it was secoii'l-d by Mr. Carter, of liun cuiibe. Mr. .. V. Walser placed iu Uoiiiiiialion (I. 11. Iloekery. wbicb ws s, ii lid by Missrs. Amis aud llolloway. The ballot stood HaiiM-m Sii, 1 in kt-rjr :u ( hi Wedii, s lay Mr. I.v-'ii. fioni the coilllliiitce on -rivil,-L'i-s and eleelions, in llie cxniested election case from Hali fax county, reported favorably for the sitting' un iiiln rs Mr. Walser, revubii- can, upon lb - adoption of this report called lor the axes and noes. The result was a strict any vote ot' 7-O'oraud -8 aaint . In the Si i ale iu Thursday Mr. Huiry oTiTe-l a resoluii n wbicb was adopted providing for a joint select committee to coti-i'l'T pension legislation, and Messrs. Little, Lucas and l.'jsk were appointed as tile Senate '.ranch. The 1 ill lulling Halifax and NuriU ampton counties to the law regulaiinothe sale of seel eution passed its several read ings iu (he Senate. The bill abolishing the January term ol the Superior Court for Halifax county passed ils third reading iu the Senate. The bills to extend the jurisdiction of Justices, and to the appointment of jus tices by llie li ivirnor were tabled. Hills to regulate fees of solicitors was tabl.d. The Senate bill nuihoMing Jusi-cs of the I'eaee to taki b,-n I in, er.aiu crim inal uelioiis passtd ils third reading. Senate lull to rcoal the charier of llie II, , aiioke Navigation and Waller I'ower Company passed its lliird reading in that body. The Ilou,-! bill., t a,4l,o(. of lli.kory Hill, Kdg combe county, to Lawn nee, ami lo reduce lets for impound ing stock in Warren were favorably re ported by the committee on Propositions and Grievances Tho Kduration committee reported un favorably the bill to establish a colored institute nnd normal school. A bill has been introduced regulating railroad fares and also requiring railroads to fence in their tracks. House bill to aim lid the Constitution so as to abolish Ihe homestead was un favorably reported by the Judiciary com milteo. In llie Huts 'on Mont ay a bill was introduced to change I lie Constitution so as to make th ' payment of poll tax a nec essary qualihVali in for an elector. The eammilte) reported favorably the bill lo abolish January term ajf the Su- ioDpra of : law fence Uuuse on to cum tod A GIRL WITH ONE STOCKING, j SKN.Vmi VAN'i'K, I (MNtllti'S loN.W. u Ki'.ntn. '. ep.-s.'l -xv, arra: d !'t th- '. spin-::' w!u. !. an 1 , -p-i-ifi,'; ; d'-dl- eatt -i l" t!;..! il v i. 1 In. n i .. j i- t, et- 1 nia.d.Mi.-rv a:.d lii-h i i , lb: S.tiat -r froin Ulk de b-!.md j I. Our lary a li'.lle lamh. And her heart a iuo-.t inti-nt T.iinake iN l.eyoihl iltiitii, brin; tii':) -m pt r cci.t II. 'ui a pa.ipi r i: I a'Tts tlie 11. ol a small I, unit :tN(l, A Iim-c ut.-.l fur I.-ss td-,) tiall'tliat sum She'd w illii.Iy let j.o III. noth. i::iil, !.i. had nosheep. Nor -t,.t Liu-. .i hi l i, Hilt in-en-v Mi-t eil ei'i litis A pair itl,..nt the tax, IV. Went to lht p,iti). i tti.'. t Sun..' tn -hi. td lit I het. And in.ii.e In r 1 it k i 1 1 l;- wl ol' t.i, Hut hnih ml Ci'li..''t te. V. Wlii n Maty "a tl... iil'- de-i-.ii. sin- -iiu y'll l-. .iii t swi.u, li- d in.i:,e h.i ;;.;. In.iIi v,d aa lnx. t: h i urn- U;i ,: I So s!if ciici on; 'ini'ttct" me t'liuu Tl' il patipi'l's- sliet p unil fi'ee, If made to keep hoth her le warm What will '"encourage'" tin? VII. S i it u.i- d.'iu-. a;.d peui!e .-aid W In It 'ei that p'tnr (.ill went i m 1. va- warmed w it h wnul and one With til'ty -i ji. r cent. VIII. Nmv praise t,i Mary ami her lamh Who ilul Ilii -elieme invent, fo (loShe nne hall a nl in u.kiI And one-ha!l in per crnt. I. All liiHHir, too. to Mary's friends, nd a!l pirttcli-m ' ,nl-; Wlia i heaply ehithe t!ic rieh ill wool And wrap the poor in lax! NtiW AOV KHTISKM KNTS. Dyspepsia Makes the lives uf nuny penplo iiiisrraMc, and i.ften leads to SrlfHlestrurtlnn. Ihstrrss after tMtiiit:, smir stomaeli, sick lieuilaelie, .mo( appetit.', :i faint, ".ill Rime" fcellni:, taste, eoated t.niKiie, and Irri't'n- uistress Blimy (lf nie ni(irc t.((mim))1 After symptoms. ItyspcpslA dtics Eatine 11,11 p,t w,n ,,( ,t!K'If- 11 bating je.pilies circftil, pershten! Attenlii'ii. ami a r- niedj' like Hood' S.irs.. pai ilia, wliirh a. ts gently, yt surely anil i lTit'ietitly. It tlie sininacli ami lli t til r'.ins, n-vrnlatri Die die-tum, creates a ll.'i'il appetite, and l.y tlnis ftlok o. n'emlnn the liical syini- u j u teiiiH removes tin- fij'mpa- H08dacn0 tin-lie cfleels ef tlie disease, liaulslies the lie.tdaehe. ami rtdrcslie.s llui tired Inllid. " I have li. eu truiililed with dysp.-psui. I had Imt liitlo apirtl'.e. and I did cat Mniro tliln-"i'd lae, i-r U.d tne m-arx Iiltk, pti(i), I:l au hltur DUm after fat.nij 1 would npe rloni'c a faintnoss, or tind. all tVclini;, asthoiijili I had nut rati:n anytl;.;c My Iron l.'.e, 1 think, was aravated ty my Imslnesi, uliiili Is thai of a painter, and (n til Lcm more er less shut up iu a Cnur roum w ith fresh paint, last e. . sprint; I took lluwl's Sarsa- StOmaCtt rilla-took Ihreo ltllcs. U did me an inmicnso amount ef poml. Il pavo nif an aplM'tite, and my U relished and Bati-fied the craving I had previously epcrieuced." CCoii.ii! A. F.o f, atertown, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all dru'plsts. 1 ; mi for f. ITftmrod only tyl' 1. riiK"H A CO., AiM.thi'i -arle. I..iwr;i, Ua. 100 Doses One Dollar ffr p mmo-.My IINOT'S DENTIFRICE A TRUE TOILET LUXURY. OF ABSOLUTILV PURE INS R CDI t NTS. BEUTiriE3 THE TEETH. PRESERVES THE GUMS. SAIEETENS THE BREATH. NO INJURY TO THE ENAMEL. SAFE AND AGREEABLE. WITHOUT EQUAL A3 A TOILET PREPARATION. PRICE 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. SOLO BY ALL DRUGGISTS. J. H. WINKELMANN i. CO.. POOPS, BALTIMOnc. MO. l-",,rsalc at Z .llituflVr's Hiuu' Store, VcMn, X. C. mi;.' iiil y. ARCHiKCTC & L'JILDERQ Edition cf tcicrt:i:s American. 0 TRACE MARKS. In rn yt tn-i.kt.nil rrt I in tt.n It. lit nm. f, iM'l-1' v n .V i . i:n! T-uri tfliiufilmli) ptiiii'i (i, .ii. c-uiiU I.n I i,.,iiiliin'k. COI't RH.MT-4 fi.r l I.-, .hum, uini, U hij ui L-.. A-I.ii, n Bit U( 11.. 1'iiiriii Mullriiorti. Oejshiai. (iriui: -I 'UiiuiiiiAV. N. T. JOUTU STATU Poi'I.TIJY VAWh, WELDON, N. C. S. I, TRTKBhOUD, I'ltUVlUKTOII. I have on ImmUtid forwk' in small ur Innie iiuuntilieii FOWtji nnd KRK.SH KOliH of all tlip liiiinivtd lirei'dii, IncludiiiB Llnht HralniiM, I.rii.KNlidHii, r,irirulKi: (tectiuii. White Wyn UcitcK. sitter Wymi-i.-ttrd, Hima l,.KhoriiP, Ilr-.nn l.'h.Tin.lVliin InwU au.l While Fan Trill I'int I.IIH. K T iTiLtsauil prUi uUrs ap)I)' to (.LU'RUtOOP, WclOon, N.C. l" Oi ' ' ! i' ':!.. : . .....l.lir ni d tii.-efi.t'i.. .-. ( ii . ; ( ,... , ;, , ., :(ri.-.-sl r,r'-'" ' '-fe ! 1 :! r- ... 'H 1 1..- , rl.l. "' ol---..t. . I;, -t , a.. ,.: Knen.v. '"H'- !"" ' 1 11 ' i l.-t -I-. nnftl r.j-t. I'n.-v f. i.-. r. I , ; 1 1 1 I ; ;h1. 1 1. UL NN A I ... I'l III 1MM !". J-a tl. iljuuj. N.T. A emt nici.-. f.i, :i . ri't.riMl l.h.l. .. f !, i ;li . ,m rei-l.ll-t. Cv ,r (lut-lie biiiMlLi,-.. NiinuT us ei'jniv iei ttni r 11 ; i n-.,i im,,-, ir n,, . ,,f jiirlM.,.-.,M.'i,1(,;, -,..: j.n jenr, li il. a V-1 s j , VI .', ti'., n in iii).im, H 4l H-.iV n;..-n.-,(C ,.I hi.Vf t.v.T 1-li.lK ;.. ... . - f . v.i- :.n lin.l t t. f'nn I'-e ' i I 'nii.i -ai. l rrttt peiiOtjun pii s. - : ti. AI HK I ISKMKNTS. mm Absolutely Pure. Tin- in.,! V i ,--( , r - A m.irvcl ,,f iiril- -1 r. ! , '111 n ,.l ,, li -I Ill,' . M. r,- imiii linl lltiiii ,liii in IrnU. uii'l I'ltn ;n ,1 l l,t Willi (li,1 I-, il ! 1 1 In. I,- I I "I I, ! -li II (, i llil ,,,ini ,,r i,i -).1iiiIi. , I i ,v'v lnti.iis, IIljhI 11,1. .in 1-,..I, I i, , In N, . ,1 .( li lv. FOR (JUOCMHIKS. . E. 1. 5. We still occupy the Hturo bflweeii Kuiit's ami Z'llliaift'i'r's titnl kcop oil h;tinl a j'''' lini' nt sl;ii!o anil fancy inn-eric!, caiiii'-l lmci! in larc vari-iitv, iriiii", c.-nrcrtiiiiicri.-. i-Il' irs tulacco. Mint!', crackcr.s L:lasw;irc and willuw warc. Wc sell at the hmvst MARKET PRICES. Thanking our p.ilr-dis fur past favors wc snlicil a L-utitimiatice of the same. Wc iiuar.intec to plca-c. Vt ry II fpect fully. .11 MUNS v i O,t net 11 tf. Wcliimi. N. T. PATRONIZE YOUR HOME FACTORIES. V. II. WKTMUHK & CO., sum-: .i.i.vr',ir77'A7-:A'.s', IIAI.KICII. X. ('. Make Slio-'s e-p-'cially f r th? mumm,'. Tin' l'iiriiirr-( will ii ml ilu-in fur :il. l,v M. I'. Man, Weill-n;T. 1,. Kuirv. Ilalilax; M.'inan llro . Seullalij Xcl. 1!. II. I'aiii.-I. Till. rv. V. II. WKT.Mdlii: A ('(. llal.i.Jl. X. 0. .i.-i'i; if El Onfall 1 WELDON, X. C. FAMILY GROCERIES, vi:i;i;taiii,i;s, I.liil i IKS, en ; its. S.MOK1X. AMClli:VIX(J touacco. I nm now prcpari''! lo sell at lowrst I'Hc s linKi-ri-K of all kinds, Wiain. Iii'ii'irs, TuIchvo. l'ii:ar, Snulf, Ac, and will alwi ki'c on liaml a full supply ol IV, sh Vi-j.'talilcs !' every variety, which ill lie k!, ,-lieap. 1 AT HON A ; I. SO I. If I T i:i. K. A. I'l'TUKKI.Ii, First uoct, Wtldon, X. C. tt y 15 'Iiu. l want to rrduee my stmk of dress fiii'iili', and tiidu so, I have di tided for tlie next thirty days, to m-II I Ik hi at I'iiuru. that won't fail tn MOVE THEM. These (.'nods were louuhl at the lowest fasli I'riees and all ihe dUounls ulT. (they are paid for) aud 1 want the money hack to luiy sj rin-; (.'oods with So to nlTrt thi. purpose I will sell these and many other ooils at in any quantities lor earn only. Come early before the beat (;i ods are dissed of and uet BARGAINS. I take Ihis opportunity to thank my friends and the public for their past lib eral patronage and bei; a euntinuaDec of CHEAP GOODS same. liespectfully, W. B. TILLERY, WeliioD, X, C. set Iii tf NKW ADVKUTISKMKNT8. K H T A 11 I, I S II K 1) 18 II 8. OKN N. BROWN, HALIFAX, 11 C Dlil (JtJ 1ST AM) .1 HiiAi.iut I'.ilmt Mi ,lii in..-. Tru ami Slnnil,l, Vnrni-lius ami I've StulV-, Lamp Oilx nml Secilii IMi..l'lijMcia.i l'ri'.Htij.ti. ('ar.-luily . clark. Win n ill waul ni' l-'ainilv liliic'eliic nt llie UnVKST P KICKS, l,e Mire to exillhine Illy sleek wliie'u is ciiiiiilele in i very r,.-uet. IT. o. hams ol llie lust iiialily at reasonable piicm. GROCERIES of all kinds, also Tobacco, Cigars, Snull', lie UAIIHWAUK, CHOCK KKY. SKKD WI1KAT. LIQiTJOBS. All kinds of l.i,Uors, and Fresh Soda Water always on hand. WHISK IKS. WIXKS, HHAXniKS. iu-;i:it. K CI. A UK. -'a S (lin. Weld. i!, N V. U.C.SPIERS, UHOU:s ALK AM) KKTAIIj -K DKALKK IN" 0- Tuys. Fr-ilt. Cflkt-s. Crui-lii ni, NntJ ami dm t. .'lion, nf uf mi)' ,lMr:ilinii. TUink I cm initli fully Mi II. hI 1 hnve, un-l kci-p im hninl ih - la ittt Hoi k uf Ti.ys KruiU, foiift-clium.-hen. that Is k. j.l In ihis part uf X o A T It C A J! 0 LISA. I Ui-. .hi haiul Ihixi' at i.l well wlortel nt.ick "I 'iintrii ( rn' kcry, llnlwro, Tliiware, WnU'iirt liiliuiiuri'.SIiiVi- I'int' and KIImiwsuI nil - V II Uv nil tiHlld lnl-s ( I A 1 1 . V uti. I , ilhtr ltimhIkIiu. imini t.i uifiitluii. Cull nt tho Brick Wort in ilK-B.'ttum aiul nve FOR YOURSELF. OrHr l y mail will have my H-r-inn1 mtiu lien lUturii luaiiy Ihmiks tu the (.(,J h-.-.Ic in Ilii-. and tin- Kurrt'iiiidliiK f..iiutic I-t iwist, ati-l truftaud liMpftlu-j wilUM-.w ia- t wve llu-tii iuthv luturp. Viry truly, H.r.MiKRS.WcM.m, N.C. TO TUP PATKnNS OK TU K AliHEM AKLK STKAM NAVIGATION CO. OUICK TIME """ N'ikfiii.k .i.,i On anil after M.iuilav. Ileeclnlier 17th. ami until further notice, the Steamer CltilWAS, C'aplain Withv. mil 1.1'AVK l'ltANKI.INoi, Monilavs, Weil nenlavs and l-'nilavs lui KUKNTo'X, I'l.V Mul Til ami all iiitrrnieilialo isiiuta on airiral of mail train Irom I'ortsiuoulh, uav to I.", A. M. Klri'l li.MXli. The "Cliowan" mil reach I ranklui on Tnesil.ivs, Thursilavs and Satnnlays at !l I " A. M., in time to connect with Fast Mail train from lialiih to rurtsinoulii anil wilh Impress train for the South. I'assteiiuerii. by this iiri.inneliient, takinu IlieSleatner Chowan at any loinl on tin nier, will UKACil NOUFOI.K by II il,k A. M , ami thus have Ihe entire day for the Hails acliun of business in that city. (ilVKTHIS IMKTi: A THI Al,. i;ciH(-tfiiiiv, J. H. BOGART. I raliklin. Va , llee. lo, sh. Siii't. 'I'lll: III. II CIIM I I'HIlf . HMM1--MO om:i;s iu Tin: ti;aii: at Till: VI'KY I.OWICST IMtll ICS Al.l.llKAIlKs OFKl.Ot'R, !) Im.jh MKT -Ml, hulk and Ueuu, UentaHAXS, man mn ami ayka ciifkkk, .Dm. JAVA ('III KKK, .0(1 barrels sr.rAli. l.Vi l,.rre; IKlliKsTIr Myl uR. lulwrrels IHI.-II ANn Sl ( IK II w disk KV, ilisrrfh ol. In is, mac, Ti ISU-k.KCK F.IKKK.N IKIMK-TU) WISH. ck,,,sKlNi;SIIRKATWKsTKRSIMWDm M"lM!lAS.S(lltTKI.SlliiT, '(OlsiicsCKKAM CIIKKSK, lull barrel, iiml :o IihII Itarrel. HKRKINus, ,'sO liackdRes M rKI-:f(KI Guinness luilieltn. C0I1FISU, rsfbnsrl SOAI', SIX tK'IraCAMH.KS, (Klraaca I.ARIf lOllcn-M l.ARIi. tb,is.MSI(iARlTBr.lSII0ft.lltR4BRHATl" lotparkaawBI AIKaadilRKKS 1 KA.t. and a imal tarinj ot utacr (iisU too uumerom to ",to- UAMIKl KaHILY. actillm TOILET ftNDIJ'ICY uiSr itMi r r- r v- - .' v -a . Articles, mJmJ PHARMACIST. i. o DBUGS, CIGARS & CHEWING Tobacco. - r IIimo. .h. I'kIius, Oil,,, ulty, (a, Limp Cliiinins, l.l.ii-,un anj Ki.'ld l'ni iil.J. jan .'I ly fmmm jtin ii wv" .- - HI- rrwti inrt. b low 'i 1 t.itiiilra i'i i n ail n..mi ft. '.-..i, eic A .m Ulluaouak. Ilotv H I 'i, 1'wrtluuJ, Mui M.T. I'OI'K, I-'insT Sthkkt, Nkah It. U. Shed, 0 Dealer in 0 FAMILY liROCI'.IUF.S, AC. 1 have oil hand always ut the lowest prices l'l.l It'll, Sl'liAR, ClH'KKK, HAM.-. CHKKSi:, CHACKKHS. A US. TKA, Sl'If'K, MACKKIIKL, l'OWUKH, SHOT, CONFECTIONERIES and overylliiiifs; usually kept in a first-cla-ss gtoecr)'. I.i(iiurs of every kind always in stuck:. is always supplied with the very lost uracil of Whiskies, lliandies, Winea, licer, Mincial Wad rs. Ac. II ''.Nit V T. l'OI'K, W'eld.m, N. C. B.W. II. ('apell's old eland. i t S 3m MONEY TO LOAN In sums of $300 and upwards to be secured by first mortgage on im proved farm lands on long time and easy terms. Apply to MULLEN 4 DANIEL, ATTOlt.NKYS AT LAW, uct 'Mi lini W ki.ikin, X. C. F " " K INS T I T I T K WAHHKN CO., X. C. Tli,'Sl,rlhKl.niirihl. .choel opfna Muletav Jriiiuary .1-1. iv. an.t c.iiiltimv iiveuly week.. I.,s ulcl ui the eoiuitrj-. ttti l.e mila luxitli of Wrr,.,l,iii.l!Hl.iii,Ut,,fa moral nd n-liueU iiPlil-,rli,.,,l it dtl.-r- iinii.iial adiamanrs t intviiuciiicmj.liUiiiascihlniK tlicir 1, Irom iii.iii.- Tutiil cxpi-n-,-. -M,ifiip.: Inrliiiltnj; liiltlnn, l( ,il,l. wnsliuii:. IikIiL. fu. l. Ac ,J7I t,, $76 No etla . liMri,K. I'a,iu leet In Warrcilten, llll- 1,1(1 I'llHlKC l-,,r l'iiitllerllif ,rniH'l,,ii, a, fire.. JdllSi.KAIIAM. I'rliicliall. '"""'Im arreiiln,.N.O. WHOLESLAE GROCERS, rr. m:snvi:v, v ma iMA. FORTHE CHRISTMAS TRADE. i.miiHhla Gem l'utent, Harvest yueon, mid other brands of Choice Kluur. .'HO Ill.bls I'lioiee and Misliuui Apniea and Oranges. 150 lli'ies uf London Layer and Loose KuisiuH. Hill I!i,;-snl CucnilU. lull Ham-Is nnd ll.-iga i,l l'utnloe. inn I'nils uf I'rcserves and Miuce mi al. hnn ,,,, f I),,,,, Sl...t (aa.,rte,l) aiwa. :to Kcs' "()rai!e Itillo l'dwder. !I5U Cases id' I'aiuii d Tuaiutuua. IWhea. and C.irn IhsT. -'mi Harris f X. Q. Mulausc Sirups. ,ud .'.. Cases ,.f I 'arched Cuffee. l.Vl M. I Vara (all tradn..) -0' Caddiea uf U wing and Smoking Tdlmccii. l.'iil Kc;;h, Huies ami Drum Cnili and Snl Hiul.a of lli- 7". Cases of Cunivntraled Lye. 1 jit (Ws of Starch (all pradea.) 1000 Keaius of I'aper (all iiiiea.) -'oo.noil 'aIler ( ,ilt1) )' S'HI l!,.x,',f Laundry Soaps, lot! Hnrrels of Kerosene Oil (1150 rmo) v loo (IriM of ltalphs Snuff, lioo Kegsof NniU (all 8ie.) 25 llurrcls of ('hi.iee r:.i.,r 20 rtarrels of Sweel f'i,l. inegar. l.Vllin.-aof FircCracters. l-'j Rot, , anJ Harrela Crac-lera and C.iles and ill niher Ll.,,1 r s . I lip DAVIS h CO . v' r,1,"(' KUW19. - usually found in a Wholesale Grocery , ' It IU VIM Jk r ji i 'w- ii ITEKSSVBU, VA. BAH 411 1 - " I 1 , .Wo -1 'l-r" t-. - . . -- ii. hi ' , l. ' 1 in 1 1 1 '. - 111 p k WJ a ii

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