ri - I- HALL &c SLEIDO-B, I'Koi'kietoks. A. NEWSPAPER FOB THE PEOPLE. TElUVTS i'KR anm:m in a ova. VOL. XIX. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1885). Sh, SI Vewneb "'i (T-h Ssri iSyif fee $jLxjj , ra lb NKW ADVEUTISKJIKNT3. 'X'E . T 111 A I I I'liAmmii IjIaiiii at 1 niAiiinn liTimiT r i u II i ui mm. Vl9Bi?W- r b rAUuoti i r u.nunraBniLtmiiiUU. mrinoAn ri miniim mi I i y : rninrouu rLuuniiMU miiio. OUB PA.TE1STT ROLLER FLOURS are umnuluHuiv.1 from llio CIIOM'ICST WIIKAT OKTAINAI1LK l',.r whieli ll.ihiuiore iik it market stand, pro I'miiienr. 'I'll, ir vuporiuriiy fur INI I'OHM I'l'V, 8TUHN0TI1 in.1 l!N A ITHOACH A lll.K FLA Villi Iuih i. iikIk-0.. 'ktiuwl,.dKnl. Tho Stands unrivalli Kaglidious. miir li PATAl'SCdSri'r.lil.ATIVKl'ATKNT Of II i lull, (.Winy CuliT, it nuikes u Uriud lliut will mil lln MrAk your I iron fr it. I'alapscn Sup. rative I'alrnl, llnlaudu Cliuioe l'alent, I'atapsu.) Family Patent, Or.tni' lliove Kxtra, llalilwin Family, Maplelun Family. C. A. UAMItllILL M ANTFACTI'lllNli COMPANY, 21 1 Cumnieree St., Baltimore, MJ. ly. It Makes You Hungry "1 Jmve U.'il Paine si IVlery Cniuimmul and li Ki-in mniMnriaivmainorrnow-ii-davnthiitilt lias had saint arj Ua yf.ars ag0, int.Ti-f . m ban Jolt fiTivt. It Invl-rat- ,. llTV(s tiff .if;tf.i out. Tin- nervea must t I'UllH'nyNtrmaiulI , roiiffiUt'iii'il, tin' Mood ptirlllcil, liver mill feel like a new towels iv-ulnleil. I'lUne'a Celery eninpomul limii. It liulTuVi-H tt,t Spriinj tncltcinepfto-ariy-&" jlM, UlC uiiJM-tlU' tutl ;is TH'tlillHieU'i-im. 1rtcrtbtl fry 7t.vu-iiiil, t:iCllll(ltrn , i;fri,wli,eiiikd hn Ki,.,.,,.fl, Kmlurted li; Mtitwttrt, Ilou.' .1. T. Cope- ; ,.,,(, '(,, the Mnnuafturcrt tu U laud, lYlmua, H.O. i i y i tt i pi The Best Spring Medicine. LACTATBD FOOD ftffiZ&Sg Paine's Celery Compound fo a iinlmic Imiti- ntill nrtie'liT. I'll Itlt t i- In t h.- n;Tltu' ,-,T 1 hT 1 WI1H All mil d'HVtV I the XasU; unlek In Us ;iflltm. nii'l wltlmut any . i up in the rn rnl rc "I'll "reil a lllllirlium cfTvet, It Kl' ,Il;lt rlvrjr! henllli fc'llli,'. illtil W,isHov.-:ik lliiil 1 i-OMhl hilMlly KE whlrlt muk.'s everyililtin uu It in-s ar.mii.1. II u'Ut n..uh'..r l'lm-8vh-ryroiH. ibsix-pHla ami kli.-lr.-.! UHinl. -w. I'hM.-iais j- himI. niul ..-fure I .a.Hakei. It n v H it t.V..i-riiy. u cum m fur w. Uru'cij,!. v rj i.t'i, li I. H. r. I .n. l.- lutlv rom ltd 1 ' II ! lilt ttho WVUA, IttrlUHltwm & Co.. ItUllllKTton, Vt. Hit! limit' iiie DIAMOND DYES 'r'lS""V jau l'.l Iy T. -I. .i ari;7tt & SON, COAdCMISSIOKT MEBCHANTS, PETERSBURG, VA. Arc now prcpand to furtii.-h s u r r L I E S A N I) CASH ONE'S ONLY DAUCHTER. To ODyonc nlio will furnish gooil wnuily, i n r 'asina'jli' t rms. Any trraiisiMiiciits ran liouiaile with i-W. V. UINM, l.illktuii, N, C. nop li fiu -"S."' J -J FOR SAI.K BY P. N. STAINBA'CK & CO. P i D Specially VGUUO UIIUI IUIILO Clover Seeds, Grasa Seeds, Seed Potatoes, Seed Orain, Carefully selected Seeds of the best ijuality. Write for Trices and Descriptive Catalogue. Adapted to the OUUlll. Garden Seeds, Vetablennd Powering Plants, Etc, CATALOGUE of toted Seeds, Novelties, etc., tnd ( ontainin;,' valuable infor niatien Mailed Free, urn nvri. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, RM d! va. Jan 102m l,I U'll )"iu it's a siriuiw tliinfi' baiil an Alabama ox-Cuiirowinan, "whenuntj'H only tlanlitor In pinn to bo a w.minn. VoUlifT tllKiWS wllulll JuU (lull't TC' uit'inluT cvrr tu bavc n in bef'uro lilt their huts to ymi clem ut'insH tlie stnet, ami lb' inti'tiw priliiriii'SN of duib'B bi1 Cuine uluiONt imlir'arabit'." "1 bavi'H bribt, Minut lillli'pirl wlio s-hi to mi' a little oitl 1 u t whm 1 cmiiu' to tliink nl' it I know Aio is seven teen jraiM old. jiinl nil" nl' lluwt) dan Htium bo' will t'oiiii' urmind rliiuiiiiiiiiiL' und twisting bU bat uml n-kiu mo I' r lur. I ibink, lihUevi r, I'll p-t a shut mm aixl flioot liiiiioii llic I'lea ui' sell- ili'lV tutt. Tin re fiilit ti bo a law to pr.ihrt a mail n.'iimt tlu1 )onn wumpH who carry off a man'w only daughter." 'Why, it ducni'l mm to me lunjrcr tli iin yrttcnlay that my little j;irl was leariiinu A, 11, V, and then wln n nIic uut to na'iinu' I '..ulil baldly IHirve it, tut fjiR-i.d l.! bad li aim d a lot oi" j-tnfl' in in bur link reader by In art, and was n -e-iiin it to inc by rtto. Next 1 km vv .slu: toi-k to aiming and p'uvinu n tbo iianii, a'ld bla-t me il' lu- htut one to writing (n i'iry. Tbi-i lat i.- the on y tiling that sii'iir'.s iii in lln; idea nf lot litii; i-iia of thefcu younMtiTH have lur ttben the li;uu CullieH. SnlliibnW it sn-iiiK to inc tbat, .'ilajs, ntrilmtivc ju-tiie will leak i ut of tin; n'iry mjiih -wlit-r;. 'Hut. really, 'tin an awful i-irii us thinj: t- r.d.-c a jiirl, luiniii; ber thrnuk the Uiuii s, nxabs Mid vIh i I'ilii; o lijji, ed ieate li r at the bit k-nd ( f b. anlin :bon), have lur tuiiiihl drawinj: and mu sie, sjn ml m. ney liki1 dirt to drvt-i lu r. and l lu n have M ine little H-aiitp thatyu reinember (nly a few days u;o rubbing bird' mstseiiinc atound and take her away. It's too bad." SHE WAS AFRAID. THE PRODICALSON. MALIETOA--EX-KING OF SAMOAN ISLANDS. THE FJAOE TO GET AT TIIK LOWEST PIIICES, IS AT DR. A. R. ZOLLICOFFER'S, WEST 8IDE WA8HINCTON AVE, OPPOSITE R. SHED W E L I) 0 N. N. C. STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. TPEMOttlPTION DKPARTUItNT FII.I.K1) WITH THR BKMT HKLECTeD MATKRIAL.-M PRESCRIPTIONS COMroUNDKI) AT ALL IIOl'US WITH CHEAT CARE. PBRFUMERT, 8TATIOKERY, FANX'Y BOAl'R, BKl'HIira, FANCT ARTICLES, TOBACCO AND CIOARfl. II1UIII IktU kMrt? woom.Uw.n twitti rou u ZOLLICOFFER'S. A man was (-nun walking alniiLT one ruad and a wnman uuv' Htiulber. The roads finally united, and m:iti ami woman, reaubin the junetioti at thu same litn' walkul on hoin ill ro tnuether. The man was carrying a lare in n kettle It liaek; in uiie band he held by (he b us a live eltleken, in (lie ether a nine, and he was h adinj: a nat. .Iu."t : lloy were cniiiiuj; () a d.-t-ji, d.iik ravine (In- wuinii) Haidtotbe man: "I'm alraid tu :o through that ratine with yuii; it N a lidieiy place, ami yu miht ovi.rinwer me and k ist me by fi ive.' ''If ym were alrai-J uf that," said llio man, "yuii shouldn't have walked with me at all v fan 1 possibly uveip iwer you ai)d kiss yitii by fureo wli-ti I have this reat iron kettle en my back, a eane in t i.e b ind, a live ehickt-u in the other, and am leading this goat? I mi Jit as well be tied hand and foot!" ''Yen, replied the woman, "hut if ymi slmuld Mtiek your eane in the rnuud and lie the goat to it and tuiu the kiltie buttniu up und put the chicken into It, tin n you might wick dly kiss mu in pite of my resist a uee.M 'Success to thy ingenuity, oh, woman !' said the rijoiciuj; man to himself, '1 should never have tlmught nf mieh ex ppdients." And when they came to the ravine be stuck bis cane in the ground und tied the goat to it, and gave tin1 chicken to the Human, sawn-', ' Hold ii whue I cut some gr.is ft.r the gout.'' ami then, lowering the keltic frnu hHshoul lets, impri.-oneil ttie chicketi uihKt n. and wickedly ki.jd the w.'inau, as she was al l aid he would 1 TO FORETELL WEATHER It flues mt always reijiiire that a malt should I ropbid In ri.iike a sliremi gmss as to what ihewialh.r will le sume metilbri in advam e. Tie l 11 !' ' probabilities we will not ay c it;iiinir regarding times and seasons that are nh Uous to ev ryone whu knows the dif f renee beiw.rn storm and ' .din, be it an 1 cold. We know, for inlan e, tb.it one extreme i- likely to follow another If one winti t is extremely cold it is hih 'y probable it nill h - followed by iimil.(i correspondingly moderate. An nmiMial ly cohl wave, so la'lul, Mill gt lu ridly be i'lceeeded by a til of wt alh r of gn-at mildrn'M tor the seas- n To u v ry dry iisoii, or a Hiiccessiuii of dry 'ason, tin io ure tture to r-uccccd a p riotl ol weather to makeup tiled, ticiemy of r:iiti fall. If any particular pring is eo!d ami wet and late, wo may eneridly cipid that the tucceeding mauiun will be whthi wy pitHtiit, Hdd hiiiU-r Kitl bii okiW ii. coming, If the cmire year tdiould In bad on account of the excessive mid or unseasonable storms, the compensation may not come till the neit year, but that it will come in time is m sure as that the sud will continue to rise and m l. It is one of the first lawn of nature that rain sh ill alternate, with Huushinn, slorm with calm, and beat with cold, and it is by tu l;ing theso nioTcuu'iits of tho elements more cloHely than the rust of mankind that mime pretended weather prophets hive occasionally nueeeeded in coming some where dear tho truth iu their predictions. MALIETOA, EX-KING: OF SAMOA. When the (leinian Plantation Vn:p:i- ny commenced its operations in the Su moan Uh.nds in ISoli, Mali, tea was one if the leading chiefs, but wa- continual ly i ngitgi d in war with other chiefs aspir- (o the rami' position, in tliese wins (iermaiH, American ami l',ngliliunn ihllid, taking Mich sides as their in terests dictated. In lS7! ir Ailhuv (Joidon as lttitish High (omiiiKMom r established Malietoa king of the Mauds of Samoa; he was at once recognized as h by the ISriindi and Auieih an con s, Utimnny, howevir, pirsuing a pro crastinating policy. In 11 tho unh.r innate king bad btceine tlie cumph'tf slave of tlie Herman merchants, and hail to do whatever these wished, as they were backed up by their government He appealed to the (Jeinian Kmperor, but in vain; he then biyged that tlie Is lands should be annexed by (Ireat lliit- ain. This brought about bis downfall. The Hermans began to support one l bis rivals, Tamasese. and ut hit lin y de posed Malietoa, who fled from Apia, bis capital. Eventually he came back and was p rsiiaded by tho tlernuin and Amer can eonuU to give himself u. He was taken mi board a Herman nr.iii ol war ami d. mutcd to New Guinea. Malietoa U about fifty years old. of a mild and ntle ti inpcrament, and would never have adopted the profi ssimi of arms hail he not Kin comptlled by hi- high birih to take a bailing art in poliiirs. Hi. dt position has not mended matters much as rival chiefs dice more are contending for power, the (liruians favoring Tamc.s cs, while ihe Knjslisb and Aim ncan con suls have rcojhicd Mataafa asking, each of the two rivals biing in the field with an army. The Samoa Islands have an area id' a bout 2T-.")tI MUi:re miles; the popul.iti"ii is composed of iil.OtM) natives and about .4titl b-reigner-i, -110 of wholu are white. The native belong to the Polynesian race und piof'ts the Chii-tian religion The export and import trade is almost entirely in tho bands of the tiermati (Mer chants, tho grealer part of it being c .n trolled by the Herman Commerce, and Plantation Company, which basils head ijiiarti r-iat Apii. Its imports yearly av erage 1 .Win.tMMI m irks, while ihe exports are more than two million marks. Iu 1"S the Pniled Suites mail' a treaty with the king and piling chief?, of Samoa by which ihe former obtained tlie harbor of 1'aiig i Pango as a coaling sta tion, as the islands are en the direct line o' mail ships iu the Paiitie. 01" course similar privileges bad to bo granted to uthcr nation!", and about (hat lime llis- iii.uk u g in to imrniuce ins cmhuimi po'i' V. so, on ihe ;!id of September, 1-Jil. u treaty was made betwi t n Samoa. tieioi.inv. Ureal Piitain an I ilo-1'nind States, by whiib ihe three p wi rs guaran (ei the iudepeiidi m e of S. .un a. but t he city nf Apia and vicinity wcie jrui-licdU put ujider control of the consuls of the il r. e at l.w rs. The proper cuii- sMiuii. n of this treaty U really tlie mat ter in issue bit wciii (iciniaoy on one side and the Pnittd States on the ollnr. The lit rmaiis have recogniz 'd and sup poittd a chief who overthrew the foiiin i king. Mali toa, and claim the iLhl to make a low in My siib the in w king, ihe Aintiiiatis in ihe ish.nds oljut.ai.d iu h voy ijuiit way are MipjoiiiiiL' iIm- other fide. Kai h patty dilloUliet H lln na'ivo sii portt is of the (.ib. r sid- n.-"r- In !," und filially, enc iiraoi-d by an aliegid Ann limn n.timd Kb in, the palty of ihe old king have fought a lor man cxtt'ditiuii, killing home twenty and woumling tbirty-MX. Henee the pn-w-cnt row WHEN TWILIGHT COMES. All heavy goods at cost for cash lo make room for spring stock. 1. N. Stain back & Co. A wee nietlur is carefully pulling h r favorite doll tu bed. With tender solid tude she removes eaih dainty garnunt and fash us on the tiny night gown. Then, with a fund kiss, she hugs lur treasure to lur and places it in its little cradle. Alt-i jetting it for a moment gently, she rij ! e i ut id' the room, as the tuilLhl p-1 .s i in iously into it. A I'.iir maid ii sl.oeU before her looking-glass, adding th-j last toucheH to h r evening toilet. Iler lovir will soon 1 o, here! Ibr eyis ale lull of innocent lovclight ! She looks tagt l'ly at In r le fh-clion ill iheghi's! How glad she is that she is pr-tiy! Mo- I'mnnn little at a crimp that uilliiot slay just a it should. A ring comes at the door, ami she hastens away ill the gathering of the twilight to meet In r brluwd. A young wife rits an.ioii.-'y watching tor In r husband. At each approaching fool. sl i In I heart heats rajturoudy and then glows heavy with di-ippoiutmi'iit ! She will not Lr" imluoi-j. ii is so swu t out I hi if ! Tint creeping shadows chei r her in mbling soul so she waits and wishes and the shadows knglhtii into d.itkencd night. A mothei is ricking lur baby to si vp. Ilcloi ksat her giavely while llo v niuve to and tro, as asking why the bright sunshine must leave and ihe ugly shadows bide In r d ar lace tii iii him. l'heif is a wahh "I wi-d iu iu In r great I -wett ey.s. He holds rightly to lor Ire.-s, as ij' tti keep In r near him ! WIk n at last bis t yes are closed, she disengages the h'.iighatid, kisses him lightly he must not be awakened and arisisto put linn into Ins crib. I h-u she sinks hack into her chair and begins to rock him again. It is n pha.-ant to rest iu the twilight, ami he is so sweet to nurse. A woman kneels by a fresh in ade grave. The head hoard stares coldly at her, and teems to say, over and over again, ihe words inscribed upon it ; ''lie wa her only child and she was a widow." With tear lioleli ey , she bends down lower, till her lips rest upeii the larih. She longsso to ki the ijtiiet fi rm it U holding from let ! And the (vuliht seems to hurry pa -4 In.T ami gladly los -itself iu the darktie.-s. A cue-Worn old woman sits watching the shadows nunc they are friends to her friend that she welcomes lor they always sing the same Si.n to ker. "One day nearer home." A lid us she smihs to litem her thanks, she, too, repeals. "Ono day nearer In. inc.'' And so life woman s life goen on in twilight, tiil rest comes to lur wiaiy body ami joy to waiting heart till her spirit reaches its home, where never a shadow can tali upon it. New Oilcans J', .n'w . Bin I'I'K.us .M Sistkks : -lie dis eourseuu nt di- manning is iiieimtted from de tex iu de book, which say.' 11 A Mittiu man bad two son." Now de you?"est son v.u a berry coiiteiitioiiable young man dat wa-. in no wise ivspose to do de will oh e fatlnr And darforc he Was a pnjig:tl soil, alidde last state ub dat lietli Mas wu- l,iti ! fiH ( ite ! I'e I'ibie say dat di oiing man call to '. father and say : Fatlur, gim me my share oh de mi! -tun. and I will lock it ami go awavtoa lur n uiitiv, and V"ii shall n t sie my faee no nm'." Now, I r. i l.oii de (de man war tired bodderin iis J rojigal. and V was willin to let him Inn- V own row. Por we read in de Hihle d il de young man tcek hi share of desuhshin. and gone into a fur country, and dare he sjn n he subslun in riotous cxtrabagaiice. high libin and sin! An' aft i r 'e money war all How away e war reduced to a great necessity. So great War de ineesslly 'e Wal'lcducid lo. dat 'e bad to hue I; evil' trat . one in, Ii man to Ulllie hog ! Now. de Itible don't s;iy. hut it is s j. piMil. dat dat was a beny mean while man, cause we read iu de hook dat de jr..jiga! was fain lo full de Muminuck on dc hu-ks. w.it 'e feel de hog Hid. And wlu.il c coine to bi-st ll he say, "He berry siivaut in my father's house bah bread lur to eat ami I Hin t hub ueiie. 1 m gwiiic Lack to the old Utan and ax im lo tcck me as a Idled siTaiit." And so be leek de pearl ring oil he ling, r and iruv inn to de bog. And de hog run at uui. 'came y u lei.d in de book, "ll uu cast pearl befo hwitie he will turn auud and reii you !" Now, win n de young man was yi:t a long way off. de i le man m.t iiiii, an' be run out to mid urn, and he kcteh urn and two 'e ban' roun' 'c neck and kiss uui. and put aiiinuier ling on 'e ban and git- uui one wile shirt wid g'de stud in dc lu ssuni. ami tell de hired fcrvaut to kill de fat calf an" make a great feasll An eordiu to de way he say it war done. An' when de feast was ready he sen' round to all de ihh nabeis and inwie urn all to de suppir. And dy all wid one const nl 1 gin to make i .cu-e. )oe man savs he ji-s buv a uke oh oxen, and 'e got to go kok afltr he purcbesc. Aiiuiier man say e taking iu a iece oh new gioiin' and e aint got lime. Anui nr, man say e jiss man it d to a line nyoiuig wile an an he cant coiue. Weil, Well do (do man see how cla ry body dU'ount him V git hex. and 'e .ly to de hired man : ' t io uiit into de high way and hw:tv. and madder all e tiiel. NKW AIV KHTISKM KN'TS. BE OF GOOD CHEER. Tu tiie liimvst iii'i'jirer alter irulh.who, irotilil- d willi .'..line cntaiou-; buwjd dis Ci'.se. s. i.s a remedy which will com plaily ti.tdii.iU? fiom his syst ni every p,errii (il blood poison. l!ut thrones he luvc:. - hi:; w if it and his ehildrt n-- may he AWV KKTISK.M KNT. fc.ieil. ii. i xpvricnce ol' ol!icrii i i:;ils as a tiii:;!ily i v l.ition. Coir.-.n ci .sense tells him itctu.il results are the n;i!y .sure proof of (ui.ttive irte.e, Kul l!e- following tru : tt stiinieiv : I ill 1 t ! Twelve yeai ar-,o I !.! c: 'v .1 ll-.o.li.o tioil W. . Itts'v hoin! 1 titc, ('.id not i U tion was : ul-ers. a;-. I had be ef the 1 lic.d lU.o tise.1: U iii.iiic. (1 i lit wh.ilt tu me. i .mtr.if ir 1 ii terri .niiini;. .My altlic- I I. id no appe al ni 'lit, my diees- p.tin 'I. my l noat .as (nil ol A tu Mind r-med I wri i k. I several Atlanta; v advir etc re- lien- i!.:-i I is 1 i 1 up willi wt !' di.iwn up ( ni:M ni;i leave , ! f.a I : i ! t a re ie r,iv- , -ti . r c; r j;-t-ii. n I el l .inc 1 .'i urn 1 I to ue it at ii' p-.rm.tiieiulv cured. . . Davis. Dr. J-m;i (. . K;:ott, darri.tt C; l'ro,, ;ier:i who know i f my v recommend I'-. 11. 11., : best medicine m ;,.!, d ! , P.. P. Oil; e, und I'm 1 i.iv I r 1 1 r t P v. . W.stmoii ami im :v CIS'. 1 ( f r I !' i rin. it is i.tr t;u' i - km i.i tli.; won;!. J a -. 1.. Iinsw ount, Atlanta, Ga. Dining ihe month '.i i-Vbnurv I bought o:;ei t.til ct Ii. i',, i lor my him -v ear old 1- i . v. '::) 1 what i!oi tors term licredi t n y !J. ud pfii -m!. ar.'l to my utter as. ton i:mme;-.t mi L'jttlj turid liim. In Fu! roary my il.I.r s m. twelve years of a;;e, v. :;s hi. r.tllv ( ov'. rvd with ulysorcs on hi; b'v, ,v., a r-rrilile eruption on his 1 ..!.' IL- was - nrcd with two buttles of P.. P.Ii. As .i.juak blood lcaiisvr it has no cipial. j..ii s Mil i-, Atlanta, ' -a. For several va:s I have been suiii i mg fr mi a i nm.'.if.mion..! hhio 1 oo'-mci. wl.ii li sis: il ih ians, and l:i i .U, ;;c:. t i i tair best us; of Ihe most noted iftft mm': Inr (le lo.s j li.llh ;,l.ii dr Militi kill hv. and lie dt-'t I' (an lit ur. ;iml in)' m.ii il:it v;t di ad i.ln :ip;iiii.'' Su do hsnd ir. ill cul :il,d lit- yu.l.li r do Hill' and do lalno, and do hall and do dool'. and all do .o .lc in dat Ian', and lio lololl mil and mi uiu dnwn, and doy mako a gr. ai IW: An' allor di J' dun tat, de lia;.--ni. nt wat dun oa,,, r ii' lull m Ikii llkol I'lll and livi'Mliall li-li. cd.or. 0 TV 1 il rliffi! do .ll'l'i,'0 I'J ill2itist do liim li und on do jiauo oli do Imnk : V. y,- i ii i , TB )' Hii'l m ,'ly .-ak ali.1 W..UU.1, 1,-1. k ion! ' LIVING ON LOVE. IlucWtrti' Arnica i;ilt'. The licit Salve in the World forCuts. Uruises, Sores, rieers. Salt Hheom.Pever Solesfetter, Chapped hands, Cliilbluius i'orus.and all skin eriipiious.and positive ly cures Piles, or no pay reitiired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price '-'.) cents per box. For sale by druggists at Weldon, HmwD &Carrawayt Halifax, Dr. J AMcliwigan, Knfield. Parge stoi k cheap Furniture for sulc cheap. P. N. Htainback & Co. Overcoats and clothing must go. Ex amine prices. M. F. Uart. ) - "fis sa-1 enough to. but when a young mail add to !,i u. ulal t rtur s bysical li-l. in ail. mpiing t.i live oil h ve. then is the iae hopch ss imktd. A young man !iin- nr.,1 Chwlaii l hiid his mind slightly litin.d by the in terest he took in the Christian Scitine. or faith cure, whh.li i (he lalrst fad in that city. He was t n'ag d to be m.iiriid. ami u lew days ago be ri signed bis p si tioti iu a railioad t iliee, ai.ii-iuiieiug that he wa- g'dng to ea-t away all cart lily things and woik for the Lord. The most slaitliug act ol bis mania was the refusal ufall f. td. siyiug lie was cititf ht to exist on love. Pr-itn imch iioinie standpoint no one will ipie-iioii the cheapness of lite did, but lb. ree. n be no doiihl that siu h loinj Wt uld bnug on n riot among llie gastric jUiees, wlmh t!i entir" p-di'. ' tl. w..ntJ emihl n t .poll. The bill of ftt iv for this young man would probably be: Per hnakl.e-t. a weak doubt, tiimmtd witii grmljut. caresses; liiinjiii-liing glftiiees a lu liabv Punting, per dinner, li's and K's, wi ll sauce nl iglis; loud cndcariueiils in m-v-eral ttyky, iieetar of the go'N; mooii beiUiis stulled wilh tondei glances, yum yum pudding. For supper, warm em braces, piotcslati-iiis of love wilh ktsies, bunny hiscuit wilh fovent tea and kill ing sheep's eyes Alter living on this diet for two or thiee days, and with a strong appetite for it, there cm he no ipn-Ktion of thj sanity of (ho man. Love in yery well iu its place, ami when occupying its propyl niche in tlie aff.tiis of the world is thr most healthful exercise otv1 can indulge in, but it won t lurnish ; lie i ior go to market. Whcediiy Jittctijt rosi -ii'iion m i 1 1 ni;i. To Tin; i;iu loii. I'leaif innnut your n ailers that 1 have a positive reineii.v Im tlie alum named ili-eae. I!y it- timely Use tlinusaiuis o liopclc-s ca-cs It tw- he u p iinaiicntly eiintl. I -hail he jjla-l to i'U-i t ah hottlt s ol my r. un tly 1 i;i:i: to any et your rca Ut ho have eoiiHuiiiptntn H they will -end ine their express iiint pitstotlice ittliirews. Kespci'tlitllv. T. A. SlAKT M, M. C oct','.". 1 jr. IM lVarl ot. New Yoik. Unit llcallli. Past summer I was in bid h-alth !ee! le, with little or no appetite, un.ibie toaiteiid to my business. I began taking S. S took nothing ehe and in a sin n time my appetite r turned, gaitnd stungth; im n i.sitl niiietei n pounds in weight in hss ibaiia munlh, and my health Was resl-md. J M. Maiiuy. Abbeville S. C, O.-t. in: Uii uu'S. I was covered with ;i ( opp' r-rolon d crt!pt:on i'til over my l-odvaiid iimb.s, willi l:i,. ol ,np) tit , i nil ia'm ; pains in my 1 .:"., '.v. ' ol n-v joint-., ceiier.il debil- t mat i. it ion, t.dim ; (.'I cluy h.tir. sore lioo .t an 1 t.ical iurwm-.ii: s'.. I beiame im ridul.u:'., bi.l bein' told that P. li. il. w.:s .t -i mm.'. i bio.-1 put h'mr and that it i!: 1 not i i,ire :i path-t.l I i u.v ,t c.ross lui'oi' '.m v.,:s inrid, I i omnieni ed its tw. Within tv.D weeks' time f. U im pinved. I h.iv.' takin ;ibout tcnhoUl.s am.1, te A a., w 11 and spri.litly as any man. Mv appetite and !-t:mv.;t:i have r, tut :t- it ami m 1, ,:r t'n s , o: t,,l em. i t o i ot In sii.it.- lo tMt lb lb li. has i u .j'.i.d as a ;e l .;l i l-io I put hi- r. ami any o ej ttiio us ' O ik o : I otlh' will be i u:: vim i t'l.il il has, no i tpt il in tins parts istiilto ln,u ' Us us. , a i. is a splendid tonii ,m.il.' : i. my sst,inina mm urn Ui!' n. Nun li.ive the liberty tu direct. my suilcicr tu UtC in pcison. K. P. H. Imms Atlanla, I. a. I had ii t running u!i ers o i tun- leu, and (J on ihe oilier, ami I -It gre.itlv pmsiiatcd. I Inlirvc 1 ai tu.Uly swallowed a barrel of iiKt!u im-in vain cllorts to cure the (lis case. W ilh htlle hope, I tin. illy ;u ted on the iiigcni advice (da ft tend, and got a bottle of P. It. li. I exp tieiin il .lihaugc ant I my despondency was somewhat dis pe'led. I k pt usit.j; it untii 1 had taken sit to 1 Mil l.s and .dl the uleeis. r!u unnt tism. ae.d i. tin r horrors ct blood poison haw iiis.,ppe,u'c(h and at last ( am .sound and w.il . -..iin, alter an cxpi rience of twei ly j..ii ot torture. A. P. Ib;i nson, Atlanta, Ga. ii MY STOCK OF FALL AKQlVlflTLRIMiLL, li ii i ri vitur , ,iti l I u ill -li-filny tlu- tin, unoiU t". cr rt.j n ui iiiis tuM u t mm "new styi ( U.MI-: AMI SKI.KCT i-f M)i;i;i, fi .Hutu rick t ntti inn i. oli rt hi.-iii-ili -'late 111 ttliitli (J to till) i i flits lot IMstUfce .MILS. P. A I. not I ly W.lu II-' Vol' WANT TilK K T.1KK THE WORLD. It i aluinst tlio sallo' tll'lL .No f-t I ill! '.!!, IV .Nil I ill r,il,'s:t.o 'I llC Ill'M llllil li"h'Uln NEWS PAPER I'll Iho .Nui'lli Aii.oriiiui t'liiunci ) -' lal'Ke l"iui'tl U:;1 .-.1 lilif colullll 'iiI'Ii-ik '1 ill ami Wi ll -linuiut; to ill rri.Aii mivki, l .'fll Oil iMCll 11 K.y Kililiua y aii,l ciaitluilinL' I'll t-. Milil.l. will J ri tit ttilli ii 1 ' IK, i','iiliir ituthiT. ml, K. I. II I ti.liiili II K. V It- . Ilur.. Tin- lira Ii. Mr. A I, Mm, .lilins Hi-llt-iirv Hu. M K llniiOliiii. I liiroiii o nut Mury t ooil 11.. 11,-illnt M OU Anulo .Uv-tl Kli. "In lll'iilll t.'. l'lnilijk I- v ill l,o llio lul ft word m nt i ns iho- i ro ,til.litli,',l li ot civ lnl Is lulkilih' iil'''i!t. Ni . i-v lii-l ..ill Ii ,i,inilU'. iuoj 111. Un l.iliiuiy ol tli l.iiii. " 'I iiiii, Win. Illaok, 'I l This Library nl' Kiotii.ti will bo I tu .Sul'wribtr only. lit. 1 1. I was tin; iotiin ul' tho wors t Cainn li that 1 over hoard of. I was ontirely doafiu uno oar. and nil tho ini'lo ul' my in so. including wrt nl' llio In n.', ."oii;jln d nil. No troatnnn' lionolitoil mo, and ilivsioians Miid 1 Kioj'd novor lie any hottir. I tiiuli S S. S. a, a lu-t rosort. and it !'as intitoly nirtd ino. I luvo boon wfll lour year,, and ti . jn ul' ro tuiii ul' tho droad ul disoasiv Mils .li'SH'inw: I'm nil. . liuo W.st. S. I. I lot. vrri' Sr,., ilio h.i, oiir.-d mo ul u ina linaut bru.ikiii mil on my Ion, wliioh oaiiM'd inti.loralilo nlli It was oalloil Ki ..ma by ihe d.ioturs--four of wliuiu lroair.1 inc with nu roliol'. I eundidly cniili'sn that I uo my pnwont (.'mul hoaltii tu S. S. S.,whioli in my tstiiuatiuii is invalunblo as n blood roinody. Miss Ji i,i , IH:W IT, 1T, X. loth St., St. l,ouis, Mo. Swill's Spofilic in ontiroly a vo;:olalli' medioine, nod is the only utodioiiie whieh has cvtT I'urod Hloud l'uisnn, Pcruful.i, Itlnuil Ilutuoin und kindred disensr". Send fur our boukfl op llloud and Skin discaseH, mailed free. THKSW1KT Sl'KCIFIO CO., Drawer 3, Atlanta, tia. Kl NM V. I i ., Sept. t !, iss;. I:. . i. t'loiip.iny - Mv Ul ,k Sik: I i ,!. : : it i!o.iiuo i;i ai kiitiivlo'liii I ii" io.il lionolitlny wife h.isdorivu! ti 10,11 . 'i ri -it and wio.uliTliil inoiii'. ino, 11. I'. II 1 r.r 1,1,! voais s'ie u.is ,1 -roat suf f : 1 tuoii s, lulu!.!, r smile 1,1m . I ilis i .i .-wiii li hail lain dormant ail lior lito. Wo ! ., 1 .iltoiitiioi 1111111 soi'.io ut tlio r.ui.t !,k;l!l',:l j liysioi.lt.s in tlio rtiuiitry. but ail l't i.f t lioi I, until we bad all ilo.si'.iired ut h. r ovor 1 oil it 1 1 i aoj. lkr iniiutii was one hold ul, 1 r. ai.il tor two innmli or mure hoi body v.a.t I vokon out with soros until s'ie lost a li. aulilul bead of hair, also eye I islu s ar, i oy 1 blows ; ill l.u I. she si i nii i to Ik' a 1 o'uplolo wlet k. Niuv reuo-. llio ('.real so, rot o.hioh I u.u'.t all l'io Mori. I lu know: 'Hut throe 1 mil I s id l',!oo ! It.'.bn lnoilioino lias done t'o- v. 11 i. 0. im li v. mil i sound in, r, iliblo to .r.v u.10 v. 1'0 did I'.ot kno'.o it to bo so. lo i,". 111; v. ito is lortoitly boallliy and 1! ,r lin"i ,.ir, si minions t.liilt, and s!i.' On'., 1 .Is 11 !lllio-iv,iillt!l-ol,l b.lbo. .llso li.l- bi llt boallliy. 'oiy 1 . spt'otltiiiv 11. 1. CA-SSIUV. 1 1 Ai.l ls I Sl'A'IMN. N. C 1 olnu 11 v tilth, IssS, ( Tin. is to f. 1 til v that throe years aRO I lu, I i.iv lolt I ); amputated four im lies 1" lot." the I. ni-.'. 1 .iiised by bhio.1 u:.-,on ,u,d 1 ,0 0 ..It'. i tiou Altor it was an xo ul, 1! 1:1110 1 .11110 a running uh er on iIk end ul it that measured o'i inihcs oik way and 4'j inthes the other, and uai-tinu-d Hlowin worse every day until a short tune aso. I was Riven up to die by the best dot tois in Charlotte. I hoard ol llio v.ondertul 11. II. II. I rosuKtil to try that. My woii;ht at the time 1 tono .110111 o;l ll. II. It. was l-Jli pounds. When I had taken throe Miles I Rained 117 ioi' U in wr .hc when I bad taken It. live boltl. s I was joiintl and well, but ronli'Vled takiiiR until I had lakrn lllloi n Lull s. 1 now weinh In' . lUlids and mi asute live loot and throe nu hi s huh. I oontond that vour mrdii ine has 101uu.il js j bl.Hi.l puiilur. It loit.iudv wi lled likcaihaiiu. (U) J. K. Wll.sos. .His I 11,1 ut V.nl. U'K A 1 A U HI K ! lllik.s, No exits! cufiii will ho print No baok numbers onn be fumis' no sinlo oii ies will be sold, wish tlio series eniiiilele ut tin year (."1- numbers) SI; li 1110 tiiiitibi rs i .die.: .1 uiuutlis (1- t Address, TIIK WOULD, New York 5 jUUUsljJ iE BEST FAMILY, IMTK2 WORLD iiSlrkiiyMi Uniform b 'Kc.ri :,! lon.ni!- for win. h ve ii'i'ilk-" l":i!,t,MV''r'l hi 1 lealirr.l In iiuality ! I . tl tit;:tle ti nly j 4'ir- II 1 ,-, .ins 11 illtliiK thtt (nr." Ill InieM liibrir I , ll.,i.,U. in I l,:.mltct ai 1 1 I k tuw. EAD THIS T T ! :s' I u. . I)t. ov; J..'::,'. i-. n isvpnf nlnr r.f tit p. ul fu. i. .Vi. t I l!ir l.,SriC, c u. p 1 t.i. il m-t-oriliiif 1 lievl I hi 114, it i-y tn Jicwareoflm - l)obl1n I iit tiii M-v c. I'l , ii nits, .iiid itrc dear at Jti, no t ilii-r Ncntlv evcrv grocer kiv,,, It 11. stock If ..t.r fi .in In- 1 cjrcvt whnles.-ik gr D . -i.-ful'y thf iiivii'c w rpf r, .uui lie ttrcful to follow on c t .1 ..tiisHle M rjiiper. YouCHU' Wrfit l"itt:er Lrfi.rr trying lor yout n.) iruty wi uil rfiil Dobbins' ElectrU jail il ly P'l somi srcMiuiti: .sta''at, rirnatsiirua, va. Motiuliionls, llom'slones, Tombs, Tablet, ic. Lowest casti irieeH puarauteed. All work warranted mitisfuctorv. tf"A beautiful calendar fur lSKfl sent lo any address on receipt of atarnp for postage. CIIABL.ES M. WALSH, oot 11 ly. PROFESSION. .lAMM K J r '( A' A,-IV WELDON rrm-licf in ihcriiiirtmif I Uui mul in t ti' Siirt'tiiiNinl Ifclli-n- m mli' In llMtruof I. Braurh offl. f it lUlifhl, K.t itny. "iH0MiS N. HILL, Atturiicy at I UAIJFAX, N.l rrmrtlrtw- In lUlifai and atjh Fetlcrtl fid Hiipn'mffoum. y C. T H 0 R H X, ATTORSEYAT KNF1EI.D, If. I rrai tli M In IheeourUoriul1' countlc ant ill Ihe Supreme Cnllis'lliiii. miti'.ii1"' turn. pruniiitlT in" E' t.