fv. Ifirapl 'f IfSj HLLXj & SLEIDO-E, l'lioi'UiKTons. A. ITEWSFJLP'ER FOR THE IP E O !F L IE. TEBMS-'2-M I'1'11' ANNUM IN ADVANCE. VOL. XIX. WKLDON, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY US, ISS.l. NO "50. X E W A D V K It T I S K M K NTS. WOMEN AND WINE. CHOSTLY FIRES. WANTED. AIiVKIITISK.MENTS. F PATENT L.AGANIBRIIL Mrs Co. OUR IP-A-TEITT ROLLER FLOURS tire miinuracliir.'.l I'mm Ilie CHOICEST WHEAT I HIT A I X A Itl.K f. r liicli H.iliiin.iro n tu.-irl.i-i stan.U pre i ttii n-tit . Tic ir u.. ri. .rity I'nr I NI l'l HIM ITV STKKNdTII un l I .YUTIIOACIIAIil.KI'I. Voll l.o I.-iik -l.n..w-l.-.1u.-.l. Tho l'ATAPSCOSITKIII.ATIV I', 1' AT EXT Sun.Uunrivall.il. Of a rich, ('runny Cuhr. it make, a llrcul that will suit the Kasiiilk.uH. loy-Ask "iir lir .cr fur il. l'atapse i Sun-rlutivc I'.itnit, IIu!;iii.I.i '1 1 1 .!.- Client, l'ata-se Eaniily Pat. lit, Oiaii'v Clove Exlta. HaMwitl Eaiuilv, Maili-t.iii family. 0, A. liAMHHIM, MAMTACTI T.INll COMPANY. 21 I Cuinincrcc St., lialtitnurr, Mil. an- 12 ly. Spring Disorders Shattered lient'H, tired I Til In. llniiiliv lil"oil, ilebll.tiilc-l ,!. tu. ;,!! i are Hie ti.iiur.il out come In the Srin. A lul'iili'llic must tu- usetl, ' It Nil Jiotlitii-, f.U:iN r.ilii' n-l- ry mm. poll'i'l. We let others pmU' tin ..ii c. it. not h'-:ii ln-lieTHt a il.-lti ton-Meil piitty. Hrtirutt!er-(.etier.il V. I.. 4,r.-'ii1- ir. t-nrllni,--' ton. Vt.. wi'Hett: "1 luiw tity-l I'uliie'.. t eei-v (Vitiijhiiiiid m ver;il tMTii.Mi.H4. Dint iilw.iS Willi liele llf. J.IC-I Nirhif, I ie! in.' Teiy tljllrh Mill ll.mil ntitl ielillt:it-il. I coiimi.'tici'i'l I tkltitf H. Two b..MI.Nin..ic f.-.-l Ilk.- :i i w lien.. A U K'lt,,ril t"lit- Hli'l hprlti lln ill' In-- 1 id li.it kliifW l.fltSllII.ll." IT IS mr TO jan III ly T. -I. JARRATT V SON, COJMISSIOIT MERCIi-A-ISTTS, PETERSBURG. VA. Arc tu.w iinparrJ In furtii-li S U V V L I E S A N 1) C A S 11 To any no who will furnish guud security, i.u reasnuabl. Any ArraiiKni.ti.lt eati tie D.a1v will) aV. W. I.ONii. t.inl, l.-n, - rt- a OBaa- ' ' ' FOR HAI.K BY P. N. Seeds and Plants Clover Seeds, Grass Seeda, Seed Potatoes, Seed Grain, Carefully selected Seeds of the best iualit)V Write for Prices and Descriptive -Catalogue. T.W.W00D&S0NS, JaU Willi THE TLACE TO GET AT THE LOWEST PR ICES, IS .AT DH. A. It. ZOLMCOFFEIt'S, WEST SIDE WA8HINCTON AVE, OPPOSITE R. SHED. W E L 1) 0 N. N. C. STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS.. rrBloetPTI01t DSPAIITUKNT FILLED PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED PERFUMERY, STATIONERY, FANCY FANCY ARTICLES, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. 11111111 AM irtj wlaoalw7i awalu jou at THE Premier Floor of America. PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS. ESTA.BriISH:Er)1774:. I luve .'l. i'v i mn st:i I Mi II- .... inti-H of our Tin.'' ;nnl II Ii;t4 i;ti ti entire s.i t t-'tiff Mi l liloo-l ptirlller." HNVIl, ill" TltnUl, lilkot;l, Paine's Celery Compound Is IIP 1n sli tans, t'l-i i re iy tnliihh' iniineiiilcd ).? IriikTt; Itts. cm ll-en. ;Unl "l i i;i!lin'. fnf I'. (tui. ;.i ii h.ii. 4, iniN-ii i-y iiliiUait tir-r-. -II- In-- will- Il Will il .ill tu ,t Is I -e it Ilii4 soi'lti,,', iill'l .T lvm J Oil 111'. Purifies the Blood. r-i.'t i.e. I.tn- -1 . ami Hi" I i f Wi-hiWf.ll eiirf-H tnililf tiv inii.iiii. ,iit'-r it h-r iJirilii'ini-H Mri;ins h; 1 t ,i Ll'-it. ,!it iree. Then.-, ri'-tlitltc 11!. e it. (;.'. Mx f-r f:..i4). W KMJt, Itli'H AtlPSON A li hmneKts. , Unrllm;tiii. Vt. DYE WITH DIAHOHD DYES , mptirin STAINPACK & CO. s7SPe South. Garden Seeds, VcSt'tal'lo mid n.inlg. Etc. CATU.t KU'I'. of tested Sc?.ls, .oclties, etc., unl containing valuable infor tn ili n Mailed Free. Seedsmen, rIVa- WITH TI1S BErtT 8KLKCTKD MATKRIAL.-f AT AIX HOURS WITH GREAT CARE. SOAPS, IlRL'SIirfl, ZOLLICOFFER'S. ) Of the w,.r-t t'n. H tliat Vfi.iiu-u havi-i-vi-r liail tu i-nrouiil, -r, winu Mtunil at tl.e luail. Tin' a.i. titi-fur Mri.tij; .li ink in lias il.'strujc.! tin- liv.'.i uf ui.iri- wo- in. ti -niiu.-J uiiiii- luiii-ri fur lli. 'in. In . 'tn.-lit tntlii-m iiimii- sli.uiii', M-rruw ami halil-liiji llian utiv utlur i'il. Till' I'l-iiniry 1 1 1 1 ci 1 1 - ii ilimi-aiiils uf hi -iik ii win. iiri' wiiliiwn t.-ilay, ami fit ill liu-i--lr in i'il", I t :i 1 1 -i ' tin ir 1 1 .... ii. Ip. harr ilir-l liy (tiiii! i i ink 'I'll. n air liuu iln-iln i.f tlmiNauilx uf In, in. h niMiii-n -I all UV. I' ill.' Ial.il, in Ulilill Wuliirii liti- liv- uf t-nine, u.411-2 llir. iili nil tin- eliaii'-. - uf M.Hi lili that lie l.el Hi ell ll xln HUH uf liar ami t r- .: i r. leeali-e tin je wlii.ln (In)- five, Live wiiii- l.itter than tile WD- ill- ll t II.' v have , ril I.. lur. There m wuiiH'ii hy thull.-a-iils wliu ilrea-1 tu hear lit tin- iluur the utep that i uee thrille.I tin in with pi. aMire, h. eaiiM' that si. p has learneil tu reel un.ler the ilillil. uee uf s .In, live I. .i- ll. Tin ro are w- nit-ti j.l.ianiii wilh pain while we write tln-wi.nli. Ir. tu I'luisis ami l'iulaliti. inllii-le.l hy inluxi. atr.l husl am.'.s. Tin re can Ik) i.u uaj.'priiti..ii in this matter, heealise tin human iuia-iuat i..h can create anuhitij: wi tse ihaii the liuth, ami uu p 11 i iapal.li- el p. Hrayiii- the truth. TlieM-M'-ws and the helms uf a wife wi:h a liiuiikeu Ijiishainl, i-r u ui'ither with a ihiinki'ii sun, ar-' u. near the reul zati"ll uf hell as . an he riaelud ill this w ild, at L ast The hame, the inili- natii.n. the surr.iw. the s. n.-e nt .h: YAW fur In r.-i-if anil In r chililn u. the ami n- t IlliliiiiueiitK- the I, JiuV.Tl)- th" li ar au-1 the shuck i.f vinleiue; the liiipi i : 1 1 r . life h n;: stiuvl-- ami ihspair uf cm. mil s w, tu-n. with iliuuk.n hus lialeU. are i in iil;Ii tu tn.ike all Wi lli, n curs--wine, ami i n-.ip- unit, il'y tu op-pe-e it evi lywlu re as the cm my uf th-ir sex. THE ARIZONA KICKER. iMK Kt INNU X'IKAi'lH r'ullM , I'UTI.IAIl W KM 1.HN I'l 111 h'ATiuN. What It Mkans. This half sheet ii no m i i li nt. WeisMi, . it tusave unr le-al liutiei".. Ila.l we hail tin lei;al a.ls slmul'l have skipped puhlie.itiuii in tirely. hen it is c.,l. i-iimudIi in this ll.WII tu free.,' whi-kev Within Ii 11 lei t III' I' d le I .-luve lli. re i i.u call li.r an it. r I- et up mid hump hiui.-el!'. O.ir esteemed ei.lileliil Mlarv down I he ri.t ealeulates tu skip IWu weeks' ami pt dlillikat len-t l'i.ur linn", and we -hall he wilh ll i 111 ill spilit. While We aim tu publish the f;reaiest iiiw-i apcr in tho West wi: can't fi-ht depreis helnw . ru werih shiieks. Cum diu sulis, wlii-.-h means that as sui-n a- (he hlijzard lets Uj. we will try tu ilu h. tt. r. TllK Samoan Ao aiii lii case of a war count us in ! W e have already ar ranged, ill ease war freaks out. to leave the An,-. r in (jnul humls ur suspend puhiicaii "ii alt. .ei ther ami j;.. In tin- fmnt. We shall p, na a tiilural. We shall be pripind to part wnli a liberal iiiantity of bluod, ili voiir uur share uf hard lack ami return to teceive the plaudits uf the multitude. Let Vr uu. iialhmli.-r ! U.SKT.i TllK II. !1 (I An Indian named 'llcihat -1 Links a rcat-iled'' drank a pint uf Urun.-. n's l-ud-e the i.ilier.'V. niim and .-larle.l li.r m ah.de aeiu.-s the neck. Yesterday his dead body was found on the highway near the nri.ip-, u-ux.'ii s i still th a n l.ruke in (wo asthebuy.i luaded it up. 'I'lie spirit In uuue to the Li py limiting f.ruuu.1 there tu ktiuw w,,rruw never ;uain. '-11 that thinks a eiv.it d-al" will think i. ... . 11.1 t. . i i , mere, uau lie iiiniiiii a -'n:lt ii, ai mure abuitt water mid a ix-at deal 1. about whiskey he miuht have pu 1 .1 iliruuuh unal Spring and led iiii- tli.r ''bailee tu run ull' a llor.-e. but he lia-1 I eniue Ulv.'uiiia'-e.l ami Wauled tu Ht. is tone, ll i.s Well. We traded him year's subsciipiiun In the Klil.ir for four bi; jack rabbits, ,in-l we are six inuntl .dl -ad uf him. , Miu.Kiiii.i. vs. Mot main.. Th.re is a Jispcwtiuti uu the part uf a ti w mudsills to magnify tho little inci.l. til which oeeiiired at die pu-l-ifhie lart Tiii'sday evcniii;. bust week we reli rr. d to Col. Crocker as a ihief. We wire wronj;. He was arrisleil in llliuuia li r arson aud iuuipid his bail. Ii ti-.-t in the post-ullioe ami knucked us down While down we explained that we were in error, and lie apuh.eizcd and help. d brush the dirt oil uur clothes. That's all there waa to it one of the ti illinj! inci dents of everyday life and that class who are seeking to exuberate, the facts will make nulhinj; by it. When we call an incendiary a thief, a rubber an abscon der, a bigamist an embezzler, we shall tpulojjite every lime. There is no reason why au editor ahouldu't also be a urn tlcuian. Call and see our parlor acta ul' furni ture at $45.00. Seven pieces. V. N. Staiuback k Co. We have put the kuife into our cloth n g and will close out all winter goods it o w prices. P. N. Buinback k Co. MBS. JAMES Gk HANDSOME WOMEN. Irl-h l.eucr lo I'lif-htirs I"i'-it ti. Tin.- Whiih ii of (,iitieiii.it;i are t.u-uir iMjije in auirc urn! slnju l in jurm lo u rdiinikiilili dt'trrt't,'. Tlitir Iiti.liHan'lun 1 ;iii riicrfiii. Tlit'y are crtM jirid iiitnl in tairini;e. atnl tin' iii.iih ns-: ljl;uk j di, ur clualis, with wliich ;ili.ln.rt n'min-" in I'li.tliin mv .-liruti'lktl, full in truly tla-.-ii' iultU alu-ut tlu-m. l.-ro liuiltct as llit' lin'ii, at all si ;t.- i;. jiii will nut iiit'rtu ntly i-utch jisitui-.-es nl K'l.s 'X.iii-it.'lv iiH'u!l' il ;H tliu-.- nt tht! Vt ims I'I'C.if-: while tin- n:itt Vulnji tiuiUH iH-s nl' Suiitlirrn Kuri (. i' Un lu.rtius, tri'tit';il Cuha, luniMi in ui r.' perfect example. tap. r dim; inns, beautifully formed .-boill.lel. ami full but lengthened neck with dmeltki ilullble curve. The 1-ruatl, larue lac. s are sdll supeiniv oval. 1 lie iiiin n.is strength, the full, shapely in .uth is red and tenderly, expressively ciiivid: (he ular teeth are charmiii in p arl wbite eiint ami dazzle : ilie m- i Inri-e. wed cut. with thin, .sensitive m.-tiils; the eyes, un-kr Ioiil'. heavy lastus. iu.-k straight anil lioiiesllv at oii out nl clear, large depths uf ray ur blue; the ey- bruws ari' tuaivcl- uf Nature's peneiHine.. the li-rehead is wide and lair, and su. h heads uf hair crown all thai were (b.y uiil.'i'scd (he Cuntieuiara wum.'ti cuiild stand clad ill lustrutts bla.-k iuiinea.sura- l.ly siirpa-siiie her slue black braid, en. N'..t a thread is uu them b. sides the Cuiitietuara flannel. It is spun from ihe il of the liiulllltain sheep. MRS. CLEVELAND. Pliilii-h -ii-hiit Hull, tin - Wh.-Ihi nl. ii I.. i;cr. Htii1 i-I'lhr intt'i't'-liiii: iitn.s uf Mitii.l tisii whitli h;i4 Immi oitii; the rouii'k thin wttkitlk' in w ittiiiiia-y lciv.in M. Cli'Vi-'iiti-i iitnl niu1 t rihf ihiii jiti i ut'the ,w lltn. l;..lnrt K I,tv. Mi. ClfVilaml oii-ili.tllv ilil Hid takr tn 1 he ht c I'atuily, anl in tin' lir-t vt ar alt. t her rvk'ti its tho ''1'iist I :uK" tiiMj p iiilnl Kiuhujli Iiv virv i-i iion.-Iy nTioitii: to tniu,- with tin! I'roiil-nt l.;i mn.T.il ;at 1mm in r at llh hiiit inl. South ern inatrutis luul maile anaiit tiit nts lor r.'et iitt:j: hi r in a f-tyle which wuuM show ihiir ;i' rui.itiitii of ihe wite nt ili.' Ii rt I't Uii i r.ilit: I'riih nt Hiiro the war. ami when .-he si nt an exett.-e instead itl' apiieaiili tin n- i-eeiucil In In; ven .liu 'riivicet that ihi' war wmiM he ri' ti.'wnl. At tho liin-' it was ;.H that th he ;;n l th lV-si'leut Were al'iaul 't' tho iritii'i-tu that a Soutlu rti imt-Inf-i m lluirliiv r wnr-l taiio in ili. Nurtli. n iii ih.it ln- stayeil away on il at ac 0 int;l-nt with a 1 that tr. nllo nut ut'the way imw. aiiil with a znA i 'n'rtiiiiity to make fried. U aeenrtlin to her i nn ju.htie i't, ho ir- j r. liahly ihi t.-iui ih. u am. .ii tlrin'Mj.le .-ho likes list. .Mi.- Lee has not been in Wif-hiiitni a r.;fi leal, lilt I'i'oj.le Willi LlK'W her !-.i;tk nt her in the hi-hot tiiins. Withmit I.e i i T t'H''i!ive!y strnnj; min lil. -hr i a W itiian i-f luoie than unlinary netiial powers, iiml hull socially ami as n .tu dent it ir tmiiii' Mieeess. ll'ih -l.e ami her hUd r ll:vo travel! nl ll r":il ihal sinee the war, though she h;i linl a .iii cat lt al of time uih her linih r at the Wahintoii an. I Lee I ' n;v . -i'y , where her father sjuiit hit ilccliuin.u y -tir-t. Iliirkleli'. Arnira Halu- The Hi-si Salve in die world I'm Cuts, Hruiscs, Sores, l'lccrs. Salt llhcum.l'ev. r Soles, Tetter, Chapped bands, Chi'bl.iiis Coriis.uiul all skin eriiptiotis,ati. pusiiive ly cures 1'iles, nr n. pay reijuired. Il is guaranteed to pive perfect salislactiou, cr money refunded, l'rice 2.") cents per box. Korsale bydruuisls at Welduti, llruwn i Carraway, llalilax, Dr. J A Metlwigan, Kufield. All heavy poods at cost for cash to make room for spring stock. 1. N. Staiuback & Co. Kverythios in clothing and dross em ds at wholesale coat. H. K. Haht. Clnariag out sale of jaolets and cloaks St M. F. Uift's. BLAINE, JR. IMS. JANES G. BLAINE, JR. A iiu-st stti.iii; liken.. -si, f Mr.s..lanies lllaiue, dr., il N. hi-I-in law uf the lli piiblieau lead, I. is ill.- subject uf mil' first p e.'e cut tn day. .Mr. Blaine was stu.lv iiil' li-r th static when she nut her bus band and It seelu she is uuinu' tn return to hit fn-t luve and 1 .ino an iutre-. In ivL'.n.lin h. r j ..rir;iit we find h.r I I-' be m.ble, and l.ur head to - wilh -nl I'.iuii. alihi uh there is a sub ! 'I expr, s-i ibuul hef half clns--I ee-. wl.iell iv. s (ii her lae.) 11 til.'je ef s.i-liiess Mis 111. line is full uf eiithu-i a-lll when - i akin" el In r fulttre public life, ami ef h.T earnest desire to beeolue ae,., aeln-s. A few ll.iiliths hellie -le- is n-in- i, i Mail ,iui wilh h-r own e-'iiipin,- u i; I. r i In- iiiana'.-eiiieiil of Pain. 1 r lull man, w h , r.ili s lit al ililv very bib'y (I f the ,. laehs n ,w tu be uu re- ine is tu i Inn se fur h- r a sllll.ll-1- rule in a suitable pi, ce. it is ll iibl she is he-! lilted t . be the instill-, an-i it i- tu this , i,. ..ho . ,, sitnlyiiit; with a p.,,sib!i. vi, v, uf lleatrice in the I'm in-.-. THE CONQUEROR. 1'Hiil i:!'.' ln-l'Hte!. A U"oi many country Inik from this ami Wiivliiiiot,,!! foimiy t etl'the I'an h.iti.ile ttiiitis aiul i Tons into Pitt.-lur-i ly tho Point Iriiluo. antl m.t of th-m re (Tone tu that wilh Mi. Uwyirnhe toll iinm a they payih-ir toll. One .lay -horily after Clii-lmas. a Wasliiiijlot. county laninr ea:ue tn tho toll "ate in the iiintniu. After r-'unuini; what un si'.tMin.il'lo we.illier it w;it. ih.- nil (artiiiT loeaine t tJiiliilential an I inforiuul Mr. I'wyu-that heh;d ju-t im hi wife the slip ami . nt lo r limne In Litt'e Wa-hin-toii that he mi:lit ciiinv a day in town. When 1 was a lad I cuulj phiv a li.K. Mill uaiue nf p .kei," aid th,- i.'d m in, "and I've o,, 7; hioh I men tti doiiiile leforo 1 I 'in tn nuht if 1 c.ui find any tn pl.iy with in Pittv lur," Then the old :iun p.i-v d mi aern-s th hlid-e. That ni'ht Mr. Mwyer. aceotdin- tn eu.stoin, went tn the other end nf the hnti' the Pitlslurn end, that i-.--and at a very Lite Ifur ihe si-n old farun r, witli weaiine and pain wniteii in his clolhes as well as In cniihtenaitei', pre M'lited hitlMrir Then1 Was lin lin'il of explatialiuii.it was (iiite clear that the old farmer and hi ST T h id paited com any. "Kin you I ii me $.1 ?" the uM unn -aid j it . u-!y tn the toll keeper; "thciu p!ay. r in I'itulMii.; are tuo tliirn .-mart !'i r uie." HYDROPHOBIA CURE. A Mexican pap r -ays ih.it in die vil l:i-eol'Tlaeaapall nl Mura!,., hislil.t uf aut'-pec. ur-.ws a shrub km.wu by ihe liaine uf Maruarita, the niaslieatietl of die leaves uf wbi. Ii has been di-c... er-dlubca reli al an I instantaneous cure li r th" h.lr"pho'ua. A w.uiiali nann -I M iru irii . w is att n-ke I bv r ib: -. in. i h' use by ehau. e an I fur die lii-i (ii f slid leiv. c and t i h -r we uw this ili.euv.ry. Aliciaail iIit' wi, cured ill t ll - si'u III lull T h'T si. I f. a t.;ui;, ti..- 1..,. o, ,i ,ia-i.:iner ,. tic chief of the liacn-ml.i Ten. xtcp.uin. an illdividllll uf Tclxcale, Stale uf Muralus, Pie. ll wvilld be culivelii n( In In. ike ll.c analysis uf ibis ilantth.it re.-, nts mi. Ii a valuable sen ice to humanity, and which lias Ka n kii-.wn in many places in Mexico bcf. re and since IS"". om iii'iinv si hi i v n iti.i. To Tin: 1 : i i init.-!'! ase inl'nim your readers tlmt I haw a jmsiiive rfineilv lor the a hove nanuil tlisease, liy il timely ujc tliiutsantN o hopcliss etises h.no liccti pnuiaiieiitly cured. I kIi ill he Rhid to semi two hnltlcH til' my remedy kkkk to nny of your re-dci vhn liae consumption it they will semi mo their eipress uuiii postutliee addivrift. Iicspeetrullv, T. A , Si. Ol I! M, M. C. Oct 25 1 yr. 1K1 Pearl st- Now York. ay ns j uu po. Never fool in business matters I NA.'.'.lt N 1 AIII.K IIIIH AT Ml III I' I A si. I 1 II CAtt.il.IN V llf il K. I ii Ifirnwell county lb re i- Which SeeillS tu Ii ' lialllllnl I a luilhc -) tiv Ilie. 1 ll. V ;,!', stl.iii.',' d'-IUI ..all. . -III-.' Which illtclil-!. Ill p. '.p!e III"! u l,i-thelil-elve. tu b, !e,e w. e allll pli. rieal ur i-inirii-.il ph. ll In. ii i. bill ibis they V' l c I"l ill -. III'.-. I few llljlls a.-i. ii waumi load -I' lii':.r-.es i-(iirninu i a Uieelilc.' '.I d III.' ll"U-e at lliid- liijbl. Tiny wsie sin.'iii'-. and as tln-v pas-e-l the hull-e (h-y Were balled by an un. arllilv ular.- lb it shut IV the wind. UV and call-. '.1 them t'i fall teller slriekeli Ir.. iii (heir b-. lid seals into the boMiim uf (In- wau'ill. The inllle attached to (he v.'hie'e slart.d Inward darkness, earrviujs lii slni.-kin.- and prayinu lna-l swilily liolll (he seen,'. A sheet u llalne sli.-i skyward, app.r n:ly Ir tbcel.ini- n.-y ..fib" li.li--. way. red I'.r an in.-i nit an 1 vanish, d. No - m; a.j n.a. h. d the hull e that lii lit . but the inmates re- niaiind iii il iii iju-raiK-e '-film uh-s'K iliuiiiiiiati-in. Tic- h slui y .struciiire, buiii is an u!d two .fev pr.-s. HE WASPUTOFFCENTLY. "Ves. thi re are j.letity uf dead Io.hm til! tnitiL' to travel on their shape," n . plied an old ci-tiducti.r vl.n iisked the 'ih"-tiiiti the nth. r day. ' lut the numhir is n ithitij 1 1 tti a l i d tn ten vears a'ju. They are sharper, however, (ind one iim-i In- up In Miufl'to cheek mate thin." ' What i- their favorite s.hein.-?'' "MiMiy uf them try hal is called the ' r. aeh. r do le.' I'or iiistanee when I lejt l'iiil;uiciphi.i the other day 1 came :il 'iii:' to a a-M iiizcr wlm had lis imse hiiiii d in a pocket Hille. II- lad pass cd the jates in tho depot ly jcivt haiti;' a ti.-k'-t tu the first taii. n. lut he intend ed tn ;, t t() ,.w Vurk. As I t-ok up hi' ticket I -pniiid him for a hady,' and was not surprU d tn fml hiiu al ard when wo had j.assed his station. When 1 aked f. r his ticket he said I h.. d taken it up. whih was true, lut when Id matided his clock 1m wh'ispi ivd: ' lelniii: to tie cloth and am on my way to New Vulk. I had tin- tnii-f r tune t i lt-e in v ptir-e in Pliii.de'plia 1 lave lii' tids in the city and will pay you to luoirow. Please ive me your name and address." "So v n are a e!"riiiati?" I a-ked. "Yes. l.- hat lien iniiniUlon. i!ip-i-," Since wh n? ' I'or liiltoo-i y ar-. -ir." llilii a Kip: i-r. yn:i must I'iit ve in the sp-1 setorditi tu St. .Idiu?"' -Certainly, sir. Ah. hies, tin- deir Slillt1" 'W-iy well. Now uiu- me the frst V. i-e nf ihe fust chap-cr of .l--bn." He s.-r.ilehe-l Iii- head, cleared bis thr-.at. luuke 1 up au-1 annuel, and finally sail. 'Say., ulil man. pu: u 11" u, ndy, as 1 have a Imi! i-u my left 1. e " Tw.i we- ks lai- r I found him un my train iiuain. He had a tbr--ujh ticket a ..I was readiuj a novel. As 1 tn.-k up hi- ticket 1 asked: ' I'an yuti reiiiciul crth it vers-' tn-da?" 'Y.-. sir." In- lau.'he I, "it i: A loul and his niuiiey are sunn jiart.d " - I think h" was a eunlihnee man." New Yurk .Sim. FROM CRAVE TO CAY. A cluster often -.'raves attracts the tne of everyone who UiH the grave yard at tiutiin. These L'r.iVes and the legend alovc thi in awaki ii an ine-i-iille sense ot lit m r. At the h. ads uf lie live hirm r graves stand plain inarllo slalis. c;n I le ini; simply tl iiiatcd and li .trinj tie name and at;-' uf -My Wife." Tie five little i;raes lave sin ill v'als of tie same de 'i''ti. each le.uiiu th nam.' ul' a child. (;no liil:ind lis luriol lure his live w'lV' s, iitnl one latin r lis i,,. ili'dl't n Ity tlio si lo uf m h inotlnr i-leeps h r child, iiiid one lusl unl ami fuller luri d tie ill :.tl. lie said the e.. had the m ki'nl ol tuiuo't -iie placet . r : 1 1 r ii) was hisiict s-uh of impiriiality. lie hid loved each alike, and im i ne tifc more thin aifilur. No lahr l!u Id had sup j.'.uit. d P . il. and h did not idi to sliu anv pirtiilily in the nutter of (loir t'li-Vi The slal- nr.- s iirrau eil lint the fn-t iiih .iuvir tin1 tiiM wife, then cm es til- headstone of the little eMId fMlc, tint) llo second wile ami the secuiid !u lle child Sn licit leadini' tlletll in prop er nidcr you cj-t tie following legend mid mural: "My wife Mary, arcd J.V" 41 Kittle Simeon." "My wile Jane, oed M." little (ieuruia," "My wife Aura, ai;ed JT." "Little P.irdie." ' My wife Maiin, aijeil S." "Little liuth." "My wife Kotsy, acdoO." "Utile llupe." lie has. buried the "little hope" he had hut he tttiH still u marrying man, and af ter biinf "consoled" he began enquiring among iho nei;ltboM "if they knew of h Jefirahlo wonmn who wanted to man v." 1-Atlnnla (C.a.l Journal, A ray uf liht ul' ..lie r day A bollle of die mi-1 uf ae. A ti.ulh IV. .in ilu-j iw nl ill .th. A linu In til ihe linger ..f sc in. Seine rarlh I'mm the Held uf fancy. A plank Irulll lb,- -hip -if ihe Slate. Snl Ilieilt fur (he el.u-k "f d-Hilll. A lock uf hair linmlhe h.a-lli.-s horse man. A n w cii bi-.li li.r the -eat of -.Velli-111. lit. Some hair liolll the head uf a ilis culllsc. Thread used in making the traces uf ii"iruw. A pair uf stiull' I- tu llilii the lii-lit of oth-r days. Snllie Mlnw eatllele 1 ill the W'iuttr of uur disc. nt. nt. A mathematical problem p- rfurmeil by liulire uf speeeh. A liter ami a drummer to play the march uf intell-at ltliuti t - j- I. Inc. i lu. Mrs. .1. T. Lne? ,,f Lci-sbur". widow uf un uiiiiieiit aud mi e cess fill phy sician, says, until r dale of Sept. Ir-lrS. My huslatiJ in a lat;j;e and lucrative practioL used Swift's Specific, and with it n-ton d t- h nlth uiuny por-oii in wliose cases all ollo r lin diciiies provi d iHi'l ss. One yoiiri;.' man who had Ikvii tr.-at'd l'ir six ytr- 'y Hood poison, his conduit ii lad u'ladually rown Wor-e. and nt tu le li. nille. lie was In Ipl. ss for twelve niontls and liitid fur clcvt )i days. Mis case set tin il imuralle. ltut lie was cured sound and Wi lt ly S. S S. and tu day is a -strnii and healthy mail. Pciiiianciil. Ai die time I b, -an takini; S. S. S, my bi.d.v and arms were aluiu-t one sulid su re. an-1 I had bei n takinu liu ilii ilu' li r tiv.u'y six years tu cure bluud poison In less th hi thiri v days my skin had all clean, d ..IT and 1 Was a Well mall. John I!. Y n.i.ts. ill, Washin-luii St , Atlanta, (ia , Oct. 2--, ISKS. Swill's Sja-eilie cured Ilie uf uialiLrllatlt lilnnd I'eisuii after 1 had be.li tlialed ill Vain wilh uld so-called r. III. dits nf Mer cury and l'utash. S. S. S. nut i lily cured the lilnnd Pi liheiimatisiii wlitli poisutinus tiiiiit rals. JlL'L, isnii. lut relieved the was catu-ed 1 e the I.Kit. PoVKI.I, lid Avenue, N. V. Swift's Specific is entirely a vieetal!e medicine, and is ihe only medicine which las ever cured Klood Pnisnn. Scrofula, lllood Humors and kindred di scans vnd for our looks on Klood and Skin liscaws, mailed free. T 1 1 V, SWIFT SPKl'll'ir Ol, drawer Atlanta (la. NI.W Al Kill l.K.Mr.NTS. HELP IN TIME OF NEED. Wrr, Ji:Jiiii'!i-ni!ij' ii will 41 -. st.-CV fc.il itijw-i n'.i ih t i.tve (cm 1 it-tvl to turn a lite-h i.,t ii.:l Kii tpscin? is tcilaiii. M- J in ?. A (.feer.of t!i-r I., ipniledby tl.i; til Vr '. I t!i A 1 1 in l.inn-i atrkmani m.ils tf.i- 0 :i..W!t:i -.t.il-'iii'-r.t ' I jli 'U-t vnUMll i.f tn-- Mr r.X ' OHftllor Ali'I ar-J -i ll si; h-jiii, ai.i.1 li-n" !' o.t.il ik-rk en diifuti'i.t tailu ads Mnce I1 CANCER Ion:. . .iri.ei ,n Ji irrw wor urtil tlii"liiliaie o' n.j'li-i l . .nic j r..!i"t- nu . t ntVnMV- 1 le 01 - '. - HML.y .ll.i-a-Jw.ttl t;...a iUTLt.cr, and jo, -..t-J l.u-in i;uinljugs, an 1 h.nl t;i-"t fl'.an. v . i.ef. I r.iltv 1 w - in lit "ll '-iii UeUr.c liluod Balm, (Il li 1'.) 'J'!..- . : n.vi-. (ii-ili.-uj;' d-'Lteaveil at or.. 1- t'li' tiai-lh."-. .i;-.4i'iie.if' -. It fi-.-'esi tt-iii in mji until rt l!ii.. ini.i'.;H eXL-;it .iSLr I uatnt'd llfili and Irenyth, j.n.1 .t.i w!k Iuvp i.en ri-! . at t 'stimcnv- I aiiin-l .., t'jtv.ic'i tr. its prais.-" A II. Moniv fine lilult, Atk . writes ' ! ii i v; linys (jilp'.i ii. t;.; ly to cuo c.v.- ef -I'vet.il ten i : , laJul.'nt iiiiii.uis ;i!.,-ii on i.n with wis 1 luve ix'i'n t ton 01 '1 lor m Jtiy ear . Scvi-r a - ii.Ll.jri aKoatttrai;ited ti caii t:.. bn t ulotl I HOT SPRINGS TilX (niaJeln Atlanta, Ga..) ar. 1 ttiffde-1 li.ii b?en ttulv n..i,'kal.ait!iey havt,ill In? .ilcd an 1 1 ,im cured itttt rvpi' l-nnut tailrtl. My gpncnl hr.ilth isaUn tn.proV il.lT. .lroni!.? ,r,A rtinvilmn grtod I ileep seiiiulty, ami nevpt (pit tx'ttrr. U-xtor t -M tne tli-t I could not tn.- .uicJ- I rpfir tu every n.i'ri.tunt oi ctut M.n.il nian ol J'ii.p I'l.il! t If" i.v otip intpirstpit w;ud.'sie-s o knowmor aUiitl,.' w,-n -iprfui nu-fit ol It I! II. wilt n!rat ! i '. ss lo I'.,,.".; to, Atl,nt (it lor ! elu-IiatcJ "Hook ..I WOI.J.-II ' M (III III K.IIIK Ml" lK 'AI Alllll.K 11 III I 11. OllS.,s, Sni ril SYCA MollF. STUKKT, I'l'.TKKSIM'lUi, VA. MuUUUI.'IIIH, UlMll-lUIU'S, Tomlm, Tablets, o. Lowest cash prices puarantccil. All wort Wiirriintcd sotisrsctorv. cir A beautiful rnlcoiinr fur 18S9 scut to any aililross on receipt of stamp tor postage. CH.VUI.KS M.WALSH, ootllly. 't Jfr K- 6', ' a " o MY STUCK OK I FALL AND WINTER MILLIt Is nrri Inn. un i 1 u ill I i spiny (lie H i. ii.i.i1k vwr sin. w n I i i tn town. Cuiiu uie NEW STYLLu COME AM" SKI.KCT TllK " KST NOVKLTIKS. t Huttv ri. k s imi terns otdcrrO w hen c I'.j n i ti pnin f.-rw iinkti to any one ..n tt I .'(.'lit)) lur nostiii;, MI!S. 1'. A. i.i:wi. o.t I ly II' YOl Wchb.u, N.C WANT TllK KAU'lII. TAKK THE WORLD. It is alim-st tho same tiling. No ii'i Liimii: No si. i ial i. tiers: NoC'it rate, leit TI. c 1est unit l.iuneht NEWSPAPER (in the N.'itlj Aineriuoi t'eutm 1 - larL,T nines at, (I sj loTig eoluiniii A I'MM I.Alt N' 1.L iMl.lislietl ill iui'1 LfiVPil H ith t'Ul tl inMH. i Werkly t;.lilli.:i Ili'Kiniiip.K io-.l.ij t.i-l tMntiiniinj; iIkt. Ill k WoKl.h, will it l llll I HI ll .!Helo tlUlll' i- Allinl ntc ill I r V- Oil. Th- I'm 1 U iis.li- I'.-llliis, Until. K.u-I, ,;,;lit rt, 1,. teeiiMiii, It !,. l-.nv , --.ii, 'Ihiiltois rA, Jul IW.Ub.'ir I'. . K.ilniiM.n, Mr .).-(ins l.'CI, Hetliy Wo M K Itml.l'.ii. H.-reiii't- Viii.li'D, UiV tVnl Un. Heillm M . '"liiy.. 1. 1 . If ril-VHil-htliolit I'lelllaoB, Knnle i itili.-riuii Jo. , V.- Win. i; ack r. i'. riuihjis , I will U' Die lul-hi works if t tliey rre 1'iltil i ' ticl tin . 'i i-iv i- tulkllihii-Hil. .i.llil;1 a til .-ii l,ni-,ic.l inl.i tin- W, r.ny ot 1 i- lion. 'I lies This Lilrary nf Pictioii wiil le nup( tu Suls rilerii only. Nu extra copie? will le piinted. No lack mimlcr-s can he furni.-hed no single copies will lo fold, ll wish the series complete at onre. year numlirsi jl; G tr.etiths numU iv) ,itic . H inunths (1 tiuiul -."ii!. Atltlress, THK Wtiltlal), New York Ci "HE BEST FAMILY St' ill HE W0RLD.-7 OyFiire. Uniform iu u"n - tir lj Cll ' f -;iU f..r wlii.h WPiwii r, ; ,. l.r,- ,. j- il in ;le: - KiilcM 1 1ll noH letille.il iti iiiullly lo-tlny -i m. uie iiteniy jfiiro nn jii no it. i ii i ii ir mm ril 1' .. J nrcurdiiig to 0 V. (rlnl wit lcmo nit rate it great v II .iv ii t . ni. lv-- ilea triitl i cxn.li re n Ucvu-arc of Imitat' '' lrWMrWWtJ IT w DohhliiV Fle-flii .4 -t..-t r l-l.-.-tr.. M-ii'ir- I'l - I I'" 1' it. I. s iiiulv I""- ti 1 1 I'm ami 41c ..ear a '. IlltnillNN' 11 ELI'C' J,il' .i" nli'T Nc"'v tvr. . . at .-. ..--I., it 11, sunk U ,-. f, 1,1 I,;. ,rjr,. wh..lis.':', -.11 fully the in.ntr . ... ..nl l.e c.r.-ful lo to I ,, 'iiismI,- wrapper You r11), . .j, '!"' 1 1 ir vina fu. v our u. j . full... ll.-ililunc' i tTlanti 'u -"tti u nun Minelf I kruuuiii.1 T falOlfM s- n. c4 . 1'i.iii, trie- a- jauil ly PROFESSIONAL l.sll M VI I I KN. I. I. fc N it 11 A N 1 I .1 TTOh'XKVS .ririTwi I- WELOON, Mi , 4 I'ri. li.T In Uu- irt. nf UnUfn, Itn . Ii-ll Hint In Hi.' suiri'nif .ml Itslirrll is. If ti"ii. ina-li- 111 .HMrUi.r N.-nh l'r.i v- Kr.ticn ,m' 11 H. HI... N. 1:., uueu .1 Any. T H0S1I N. HILL s , c: Altornry at l.sw, HALIFAX, N.C. r T Fwllr-M In Hill I Six n.t ilJiiliilllsW' Fodunil tnd Supreme rotirti. ,r- ... ATTOA ii o rrnctiew In thpfJ count ion ami In t'ollt'iiuiiR mat turns nronintly p u w a rA A Ti i wk tr in . v im -e ilii' litii'Nt inurie. 1 1 Y l ,-'i-, il, u; 1, l.l.mkpt a nT. ii - ' il : ili.-js.- u uhimt hr.tikiii ph l- K h ik a uront mnvlnir i f titnr, J ' ..!'. -I !.. ait-l -f Ihr f..l rIL. h i' . -,-"111 , -

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