... yiU'lM I Spl WW 1if3 II 1 Ml ssfa j fa HALL Sc SLEDGE, VOL. XIX. ruoi'HiKTons. A. NEWSPAPER IF O R THE PEOPL E. TEIRylMS--" t'KH ANN I'M IN ADVi WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 7, ISS.l. .1 ... till' J I 1 .A' NKW ADVKIITISKJIUNTS. THE Premier Hour of America PATENT CAGAMPRIII U,r. g, .. -&,. rrtittrou rLUUHINU MILLS. IWSry iUBTABLISHED-1774. OUR PATENT ROLLER, ELOUES are nianiifiu-tiiril from the CHOICKST VI ,.'".r'',.,','s " "l:,rkl,'' ,"' I'l-.- .-ui iii.-iK . 'I'll ir .i-ri..iii.v for INI !' II! M I T V """'"in ani i . .xri ii. t II All The SAT OIITAINAIil.F, for which I.K H.AW' ,11" ,11- beellacUo.il,.,! I I'ATAI'SI'llSI I'KKI.ATh KI'ATKNT Sh.ihls unrivull.,.1. or. m-li. Wuv Ur. it make, it Fred tl,t will suil tin . fastidious. toy-A-k ji.ttr linni fur it. Pil;iio,.8iiMr!iitivi' I'at.-nt, ' Kolando Choi.- IWnt, l'atapso, Family l'at. nt, Orate. !iVc Fitra. Baldwin Family, Mnitl.-tmi Family C. A. (iAMBUIIJ, .MAM FAI'TI'lUNii ( .IMI'ANT, -I I (jniiiiivriv St., Baltimore, .Mil. tins 1 2 1 y. RHEUMATISM and NEURALGIA Tliese twin iHst'iiscs cailii" nut (ill ii't;TTl tig. ltiti'turs admit Hint tiiey ure illiiVuH to e ure--- wj'lutln Ir pal '..'iin. V.il'n 'rt i i 'i'li ry init)nmiiti li.it. nt iiiiiti'!itly run il (lie y-l ci'sts of rhi'UiiLLtl-iii aitd i in! r ilrfii !i s:i j Hi"""' v.li't li;iv' UA il it. IS MARRIAGE A FAILURE. Vmisay 1 am old anil decrepit, Thai the saiuls iil'nij Int.. arc 'innst run, Am! Ilial you in .vein youth nml ymirlicaitty Have only lil'e's journey bej-un. oll he", inc t(, i(nsi,er a iiicstion In the Miicirc-I words that I know, Is 1 1 tit luc ami nianiaire a failure, t'l a blight I ill It. lumen he-low . Ah! y 1,111 iii. iy ncM'i rn.iv answer, 'I'll')' I -inak with I In- uisil I' ycar, l'orunlil ntic has l,tiouit Mh.tl is s,,.,,w lie n, m i cm wcc, hitter icai . : I ,ir hue is a joy anil a somou l-iLe a lints) hhIi siiiivltnir anil shailt -Ami nur 1 1 in s w,i, . M.n n i I limit il Anil ptolill.ss, (,,, I',,, ainiiii. lint h, u ..il lunch aim .lull love's lead - ' ills, 'I lie pain, ami lie ph asnic anil all. Ami haiepvi n t.r's.niieiiiie's" font! keeping Your mm licatt hey, .11.1 your recall, Ahl then you i, ill l.nuwall the nicaiiim You ask n:c mi plainly to tell, Ami tile sntij; j i, In l t M ill hut echo Tile soliml ol'a sweet VM-, I . i i , . j. .1. SIEERIAN SLECCE DOCS. feii&Vflt ."'.' V'-V W HOME, SWEET HOME. A STIIUY t'ltllM liKOItillA 'I II AT IS 1'I.KAS ANT K SI II I ) II TO UK Till K. PUNCTUALITY. jFORSALt. I 1 NO USE TO I ns S( IUI IM T.I". I'll i- rrl Wltli Il-'ur. 1... ii! f.illli, : in u.'.irU' f-mr hut '"u 'run I'.irrt I II i' 111 ilni'lor :!' -II- -H-iUn-,' l'n iri'iiMi'il vlMir!ifiiiu;t mil! iii i)..' i,i,.'.' Mill fnut fur lUi' Jul , 1 IltlllllHt Illllllll" t" U'l ,11' HI 1 1 I . iiinl w;iM vir ufli'ii . "iiini'ii in in ln-il (i.r - i.t ,' .i Mino 1 ii-..,! (),iv ..I,.- U't- iii- of r-iiin-'fi -ii'i-v mi! (MHiil, a i til wns m rfii U r'lp'il. 1 t':in ini" itiin'p Hnniinl. mul t'-' l :c h a tiV." l'!.'Nh ('AK'TI. ICmvku, S- iuh. tl.im. Sll fnrt-Mt.1. lT'l','!"-'-. M.aumotli tfslliiiuiil.il (.ii r (r. . VKl.W,HlOHiHHSlNOn.,lT(li.S . Ulll'IilrJli-li.Vl, I li.m- li-v t Irs nt lh.- 1 i.itij.niiii.l, mill .it: int'l tint. I ry unit. fn 11. 1.i'wi-, i i tiir.ilVlll.ini-, i i. Poine's Celery Compound rlii'Miii, iil-m. i U.'.l l'.lllH' -, i .,1-1. - ..r llr'illn.,11' in M till I'll Willi I in!.! Tltft Iim i-'ll- f unitl I V I'.'iiipiiiiiitt. Atl'T nsliih ilti hit- I am ii iw l un d t otr..i. Hi ii iiis.-i.ts, so, ( riii-li, N. il. Effects Lasting Cures. l':i':n "-.' fl' ri 'i'iiiniinl li .s MTftirtnoil ticniy llT Hr-'H lit U i l..l . ilS thi'M'. - 1'lipll'Hif I. I in-. Mill i-i . 1 1 . ml 'In -st, M-iiMiit In t.ikf, il'i! s iii.i iii-; niii, lUi .(Mi i Hi:. Mi'tn, :iii't i'inlri'- h i .' .1 rhUil t IN t.ikr M. What -i tin- ii.' -. ft i J ! t I'.ii.r'T wim rlifuiiiaiiMu ur 0IAM0HO DYES jait 111 ly .trr ...i f .' ! BABIES' .arfi,( r,.,wl irr ll' tithv, llfrln. II II t ."(.,,I. T. .1. .lAIMiATTtV SOX. COMMISSION MEECHA1TTS, Aw t.....,"ai inu Hall un liT .. u clock, thus cnul.lins clerks to at tend. Tickets on Kilo at the usual jilasc. Sl'I'KltKiR I'lil'KT. The March term of the Superior court will convene at Halifal Monday and continue iu action two weeks, Jude MacHne presiding. Thecmrt will be lor the trial of loth civil and criminal cases. The Harry I.indl.y Co. jassed through here yesterday morning en route to Hendcr.,u. .Mr. Liudley looks natu ral and is htipi orted hy n nice looking crowd of p'liilcincn and ladies. The bear, wolf and two of the smallest ponies in Ike world are . j u i t e altrae'.lve. Saw Mll.t, Mr Hid I'e, one of the firm which had such Urge saw mills near ( r i wells some years ao, has put up a saw mill on the Scotlan 1 Neck Branch road about two miles this side of Ttllery and is doing a uikhI business. Ilavitig had experience he will doubtless make a success of it. M A It r K 1 1. On the Hi t li inst . by li e Hev. .Mr Wray. of Hoykius. Va., Mr. R. M. F.dwanls was married to li-s Sallie, daughter of the late l.icut. S. W. WoihI, all of Northampton county. Af ter the ceremony the bridal party left for il tout North. Wo wish them u happy trip. Ir you are afflicted with rlieu'nuisiii. - neuralgia, gout or other bi di!y pair, or if you have a sprained wri-l or ankle you ought at ouce to procure a bottle of Sal vation Oil, the ereatcst cure on e.irih for pain. U only c ists twenty live cents a bottle. , 'Lo! the poor Indian!'' dying with 'cold. Won't some good Sauiariian" aend li'un hottlc of lr. Bull's C.iugli Syrup? Tll.l.Kltv IxniKI'iiHATKH The town ol'Tillery has been incorporated by the present Legislature, and under the bil' the following will iiialil'y ns officer": Mayor, W. II. llaiidolph, c.miiii-sion ers, James I'e, I'harlea I'. Tillcry and Ij. A. Juno; c instable, l'crrv (ircgory. These gentlemen will hold office iiniil ther.yular ehviion of iumiit-ip.il offievTS oa the first Monday in .May win u their wiceessors will be elected. P E T,5U! ? JJ.IMS...V. A to II. I'. Spiirs. Mr rii'tvt1 lias Mudirtl hhw tlinroiiLililv ami u fiinin-k'nt jtiilt' ul'tln m. lit- Ayva Iiiii entire ;it- tiiitioti to Ins mwiii'M ana vmi -li';ie Hi- krcp.s nil tin K-t nukis, lllll'in tllt'lH liritl MitrS. lltitJL'll nml KurJ's an 1 ntlicr wK'linitrJ niiikrs. L:i diet a nil children's shoes it I ways on tiaiiil ill all styles iitnl Ha'i4 nJ jirircs uaran tTl to In; an low as any other lioue South of NYw Vurk. We bespeak for Mr. Piereo a liheral imtmnane us we kD jw pun hasets ran do well with him. AiviDK.vrAU.Y Sikh. -On Saiuiday niyht Misrs. flnrrod and Salibury, two tiiilents of Vine Hill Academy iu S;ot hint Neck from Martin county, wete in tin irrm m sit the roidt nee of Mr. W. V. Alhn, Jtitieiial of the srlmnl. with whom they hoarded, when Mr. Sln rn d was ac cidentally hol hy .Mr. Salihury. It seems that Mr. Salisbury hud a piMnl in h'S hand ' ftu'ini:" with it ;md it liredotF. the h.tll ftrikini; aMr Slu rred in the mouth, knoekinr oat otienf hisiiw teeth and lod.iui: in the hack art ul his head between the jaw-hone ami the hae of the tniwHP. The hall was extr.it'te'l hy I'r. Wood. The wound is j.uini'ut, hut ii not serious, tmt had the hall nut Mnn-k a tooth it would have proved fatal In all TulahiIity thisw.inone of that dan girous class of weapon.' which go off wh-n "n.-t loadtd."' I litr di ate .lid i-l.IV. p 111 I tlj'lli III :r-i ii. Il"-', vlmj bushy t. til.. rcMi-! van 'lis- I l' OMl. 'alille ale I si. vary :,i,, in !, ; but ji c.,,1 ,1 should not be l.ss than two to r. -elllblc the int.d. projecting ai,.l long M k . brow II. it.,1. Th'-v s!,,ig d,; feet s.'ell william: black:, the famous novelist. inches high. Their honling is ilmi ' woll. In the Miiuiiicr tiny dig holes in the ground for ciolne-s, r i, i , water to escape the mos,iiiioi s, whirl, in those regions ale not le-s troublesome lliauolic i f I'harai.h's pliigiic... InKiii ii r. they burrow in ihc mi.,w, and lie curled up. with their noses covered by ih' ir bushy t.J.'s. The r.'j ar.it ion ol iliesc animals fr a journey is lareluMy t be alien led to. 1'or a I'. igl.t. at least, th.-j- -hoiild be put on a small allowance of hard food, to convert lb, ir sup. rlluous Cat into fir, fle-h. Th-y arc also to be driven from tin to tin my milts daily; after which i I- i relic. Hancock and I'r. W. 11. Wood, of Scotland Neck went to ltalcigh to urge the passage of the bill. ('apt. ,1. M. (irizzird. of Halifax, also went up to op pose it. A piivatc teli -".raui from llalcigh Tues day night informed us that the eutnuiiltee afl'-r hearing arguments on both sides de cided to report against the passage of the bill. WILLIAM BLACK. William I'.auk is about loity six ,,u old. has dark, keen eyes spaikliug behind glasses, his hair is bla.k, he has a heavy brown moustache, a lltui mouth, as, pi ire brow and a firm chin. II- is lirniiv built, his height is medium. Wiiliain SAM JONES. WHAT UK SAV- II' A Uiillll Ml 'Til Kit. " 1 here are Ibr, e w, rds we associate ioscp, r.ibly-ii.oiher.h, nic and heav, n and wlnii is In, uiii without a inoilu r? Some man said - -It' 1 ..,,,,1,1 1.. Ill . I. 11 i i:, . , ! " ' 1 "ia iiiaen loohs iiiiicu more uiie a luriucr, ami world I could save i ,M ' ,U'"M l"U lu h" utli-r. j ,,k, ,iie .radle tnov, II.. 1. .. -.,.!.! I . ; II .. :.i . ., ,, m, ,,. ;i,k. win. lhor , a. said: -I lit. April I)hti Shirk wit S m.k Mei-rs. I. K. Creen Jt Co. will s.ll thuir drug store to anyono wishing to buy a jr od business Their reason for seliiug is that Dr. (ireen has not tiuio on aceouut of his praitiee to jive his personal attention to it. ThU ii a fine opportunity for the right man lo secure a good business well established and desirably located. For particulars apply U) I. E. Green & Co., W'eldon, N. (.'. Wants' hi IUprmbnt tub Guv IRNMtNT. Johu II. Collins, formerly Solicitorof this Judicial district, is an ai.i.Hvant for the rt.tsi.ion of Minister to the Hawaiian Islands, under Mr. Il irri , sou's administration We hear llut he has a petition signed by the leading lie publicans of the State. Wo hope Collins will bo aueeessful in his efforts, though " h might make a meal for some, of the natives. Scotland Nm'k'm Cutton Factoiiv. Gentlemen from Scotland Neck inform UBthat the cotton factory at that place is an ussurod fact. They want SJ.VOOO to be..in with and alrcly $18.5(10 of that amount ha, b.ien secured. They anticipate no trouble in getting the bal ance. Factories do moot t ) build up a town and our frieuda in the Neek luvo moved in the right direction to increase the population, wealth and prosperity of their town. Just received one hundred pounds of (he very best flew lork State butter. .. , a f II. V. GriEHI. . v 7 IlltMII IIlK AT Sl'llTI.AXll Nki'K On Friday night last a homicide occurred on the (arm of Mr. .1. K Herring about two miles from Scotland Neck It seems that two negro men Hairy Jones and l'owcll fanned together last year and sometime ago had a di-pute and law-, suit about dividing the ir u. On Fii day night the two men became eicaged in a ipiarrcl when .loii' s called l'owcll a damned liar, l'owcll dircd him to re pent it. Jonos rcpcitcd I ho remark and l',,w, I! start.' 1 toward Iii cu when Jones sh it him with a i-'.e. and l'owcll died in a l'.".v hours .loiies made his escape Both tu.n caaic from N ish county about a voir a;." an I have hc i w irking in the Sc.t'and Neck sc'tion ever sine". Pow ell was ab nit thirty years old and Jones about loity. St i'tiKME I'lit ui' IHa'isniNst. The Supreme euuit h is r n lered decisions in the following eases from the Seeonl dis trict : State vs. Ward, from Northampton, no error. Warl was convicted of bur glary, and will n 'K be hanged at Jack son on March Sib as sentenced by the Superior court. I'l iirv vs. Itailr.ei'l from Halifax, no error Thi i the ease in which .Major F.mrv brought suit against the llalcigh and (laston Itailroa I Company for dam-agi-s done his farm by reason of floodinc because a culvert of the Railroad was too small to alio the free flow of water alter a heavy rain. Th" verdict of the Suie rior court from which the Railroad ap pealed gave Major Finry l,Silll dam ages. Bridgets vs. Taylor, from Northamp ton, no error. Branch vs. Walker, from Bertie, new trial ordered. State vs. Stovall, from Ilalifai error. Is t'oiisiiuiiUun Incurable! Bead tho following; Mr. C. II. Mor ris. Newatk. Ark., savs; "Was down with Abscess of Lungs, and friends and physicians pronounced mo an Incurable Consumptive. Began taking Dr. King's New I 'unlivery tor Consumption, am now on my third bottle, and able to oversee the work on inv farm. It is the finest medicine ujer made." Jesse Mid llewart, Decatur, Ohio, says ' Had it not been for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, I would have died of Lung Trouble". Wa giv en up by doctors. Am now in best of health." Try it. Bamjile bottlos free at any drugstore. Ki'isiui'Ai. Visitations. The Itcv. T. II. I.ywall, Bishop of this diucese, has made the following appointments for bis spring visitations in this s-ctiou of the Slate: Match 17 Sunday, Kittroll. -1 Sunday. Warreuton. 'Jii Tuesday. Jackson. " 7 Wednesday, p. in. Wei don. " -i Thurday. Halifax. " 2H Friday, liittleliuro. " HI Sunday, Wilson. ! Tticsdiv, Bockv Mount. I-Weduesdav, F.nlield. ' -I Thursday. BingWiod. " 7 Sunday. Scotland Neck. " 8 Monday, l'libnyra. " ! Tuesday, St. Mary's, Kdge- c.'Uibe ciiuuty. ' Ill-Wednesday, p. in. St. Luke's Tarboro. 11 11 Sunday. Calvary, Tarboro. " 10 Tuesday, Gaston. " I S Thursday, liidgewav. " 111-Friday, Middl.burg! " L'l Kaster Day, Williatnshoro, " " " p iu. Oxford. ' 'j:! Tuesday. Iloshen. ' iS Sunday, Chapel Hill. Holy Couiuiuiiioa at all morning ser vices. Collections for Diocesan Mission'. A NaKIUIYi Gl AliK HilAI) Til ltlSll- wiiuli e have liecii mloro'e'l hy a re liable genii, man that a patty of gentle men with plenty ot capital have deter mined to build a narrow-ruage llai'r a I Irom the Scotland Neck '-Y." about a mile below lla'ifti, lo Uingwood via Mr W. C. Dal-i'l's ,.,re aud Alirelian pnllgs. 1 lie di-tance is ahout hliet n lies, and i he right ol way lor part ot the distance lias already been seciire.l ; and no doubt ii entertained (hat it can be obtained for the remaining distance The gentlemen interested will uieet at Aurelian Springs at an early day to p- r lect arraugciu uts concerning ihe right of way and other matters eonne tel wi h the road. Tuey have plenty ot c ipit il and have been and are largely engaged in the lumber business an I ih-iir princiiil object is to pur hase timber, and they want this Kailroad to haul i' to the . W. road There is plenty of limber iu that sec li, m, there never having been a aw mill anywhere near. Tlny can secure any ipiaulity of pine, oak, hickory, gum and other kinds of limber. In addiiion to the market such Mad would allord thus wli i own umber It would lie of vast interest to every one in the seel ion through which it would pass, as a means of transportation for crops, and put them in more convenient reach of tho markets of the larger cities. Work is exected to begin ou this road within the next ninety days, and if so, it will bo ready lo move the next crop. long striditic Heps ami is capable of great eudiiiancc. He was ducal. d in I rivate schools iii (jlaigow. When a hoy he showd signs of an artistic disposition, and wanted In become tin nilist. Il..wevir. he turned bis attention to journalism, go ing to London when I'll yens old and ailing as correspondent dining lie Fran co-Auslnan war for the "Morning Star." His first novel was written when he was .1-..". twenlv-six. His books .-!! v. re w,il fruit year. 1 nan. . ., " ,, . full bloom in February. I was at Springhnpe this week, mer chants tin re have large lots of guano in store and fear they cannot sell it, as tl e alliance has agreed not to use it at the ad vance price, and tnativ will not use it a. ..n i i.. 1...1;...... iV .11 In ,,,,r. a no! I o use a pound I Ins year our Mate would be thousands ol dollars better i If next fall. Mr. T. II. Taylor was home last Sun day looking in lirslrate plight, and will no doubt use good common sense and work for what he believes to be the oocd of all. "Ilcthat iiopugncth thy friend to thee will likewise impugn thee to thy Iriend." (1. K. M. I he hand that the Wiilld.' All inc know the tiiotlnrs of a nation and I know its dc. liny.' God's lust gilt to man. next III-Son, is a pi.ois, swcct-spirilej mother. "Oh. mothers, hi.w much is wrapped up in jour lives aud characters! I want I,, say lo you that every mother j here that lovis In r children, every mother j that has il,,- clinging ,,f little arms about j In r lo ek, ci, i v im.ili, r that r, .-ks the Icr "lie, i here is no i-r.iuiler. higher aspira li 'ii iu j. ur li'cihau that whi.h makes I you feel thai you'd ralller have the I ' -I children than anything else HI TI, , s III, tr. !.,.; arliel'' he st Mi.- nioii'.y ."lly as r,-, The little city of Daltoii, North Geor gia, rich in w ar memories, has oilier tra ditions of a more pleasant kind, and among them is one iihoiit .lolni Howard I'ayuc. Win n tic Cherokees were cor ral, d l,,r exportation from North Geor gia aud Fast Tennessee lo what is now lu ban Territory. I'ayne was on' of the whites at ihe frontier settlements of Cross Flams, located where Daltoii now stands. Many o:' ihe in bans, loth to h ave the liouics of their childhood and their tribe for pcn.raiiotis. tried very ingenious methods of dodging officers I'ayne several times shielded t Ik ti. . Complaint was made against biin. a warrant was is sued, and be was arrested al'lerward by Sheriff I 'liilerwiiod at the home of old John lio.-s. hereditary chief of the Ch, r.i It, e... ho,v log cabin still stands in the ii,,w sul.tiil s of ( halt on. I'ayne evi'l' llliy with th - lli. ll-hls ol'llie Icnie- le.-s Indians iu bis u.iii'l. I',...in t,, sin.: the lir-t stanzt of bis i,.,w world-famous sung, then uiip'obii-bed. "Home, S-,v,,-i Ho me. ' The pimi er sin nil' stood still lis the wills fell up,. n his "What song is thai ?" be asked, as the fil'st Vel'se ended. ' li s a liul" ciimposiiii.il of my own," ati-vv.-rcd I'ayne, "Sing me s one inor,' sin' all of il." exclaimed the froiiticrsnian. And I'ayne did .ing il. with such spirit and understanding thai the sheriff's fci'lin.s got ihe better uf him, and be t Jd I'ayne be cullld help the Indians as much as he pleased. BAFFLED. It is astonishing how many people there are who in gleet punctuality. Thousands have (ailed in life from this cause alone, it is not only a serious vice in itself, but it is the fruitful parent of numerous other vices, so that he who becomes the victim of it gets involved iu toils from which it is almost impossible to escape. It makes the merchant waste fid of time: it saps the business reputa tion of the lawyer, and it injures the prospects of the mechanic, who might otherwise iisc to fortuii"; iu a word, there is not a profession, nor a station in life, which is not liable to the canker of the destructive habit, Many and many a time has the failure of one tuau lo meet bis obligations brought , ,n the ruin ol a score of others. Thousands remain poor ail tbeit lives, who if they were more faiibl'itl to their w,,rd, would secure a large inn of custom, and so make their fortunes. II puaclual. if y ,u would succeed. ADYKB'I ISF,MK I' WW I h vni A V II till nun Jii Hut tpi'lngs. years ago my blood was li I leers and boils breaking out i;y body. T 'nn'j' lueilitincs idly State of Ohio, City of Thi.khh, ) l.i t'As County. S. S. ) u i: f r n ii f d . Wt'i'iliii nii'l Kmjutfi'iiH'iil Ku.ii!" ruii'lc tin Her, vy m nut'-r c!i:iii'.;"l InHtini win Kts. ), il.l f.n ..l-lunM him! mIvit Si'i in) uttviilii'ii L'iV' n l" "i.lers. OYI'.i; 21 YFAKS IN HALIFAX. f.'l. j.ty Frank .1. Cheney makes oath that he is s, tiioi p:irlner of the firm of F. .1. Cheney .1 Co-, doing business inthel'ity of Tili do, County and Stale foresaid, nml lint s.iid firm will pay the sum of ONF. IK'NUI'iKD DOl'.l. t IIS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. I BANK .1. CIIFNF.Y. Sworn to before me and subscribed ill in V priscuce. this lith day of December, A". D. issii. . A. W. Gl.EAsuX, - skai. ;- (.- ) Notary I'ublic. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and ails dircclly upon the blood and mu cus surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, lice. F. .1 CHUNKY ci CO. Toledo. O. tctf-Sold by Druggists. 7."i cent,. I-I, 11 1 mo. FROM ESSEX. o"tti 6u i: '"" t. 7 i '4 J) I .Ckrf,Ststem;;yWu"l W. I.H v.,-.,hr, ill ...1, PMILA U: ':is'.v.,i, ia",ui....:,j-c-t,-.isi. . mm i, the C:i.'.' It c.li v..,i, !, ',.. k r.- ,t K,, M K' Ilia.' '- 'Il- i'.yK'";'-Utt '...,J vl.y c arc c . ' w 11! Hi-,:;'-.;,;::':;''".'::,;a' i ... , v.'.,.a ,vr,..i. I Kvr Lj- ",.,0;-..i OVVnt.lnsaSI.-" .t ifcnk -j ,ir .., !.,u,l.,!,'i.c ,..!.:Jt. fc.fc .ii. 1. 1 !' ill ..i:'W.ll ipn ceim-i-.ts, 1 1 . ii I ici , n , ,.,.,; -'.,(.,.'.",.;,.. , ,! .vlu.liwscui.m.l e.-ik ivi. i . iei jitiaa ..'. lie J im-a- 'UImc'.tII . ttl V I.I, It ,. 'l.OD II Hi i t! it, tl lw-t HjiI i f,,.-f ot tliilii.iiK i ii!! c.t-h ot in t ItiLis, sioscncfinte (U,,B.,i,ainn t Os . t.'.tiiaT ti. isiiASa. t'A. $Tft Aster.il v..r,tr.l. j-. Hi, I- , .'.I.r, $' 00 Th' fmiinrs in this section are very busy aud Very nnie'ii in rarno-t. it seenif. thakin jireparaliniis lur cultivating Ihc next i-np. A larpo imnnint ot plowing is Ileitis; d inc muih nioro than usual at this pi-iiud of the year. Some ure tetr- iii;; uown leniTS m ordt r to cult i vat i' the hediie rows, while others are wait in:: to M-e whetlur or Dot the stock law will he rrpeaiYd. We would like for it to he -ett'ed permanently one wny ot theoilnr. we doh't cure mm h whit h. K-m'X aliiiinee is iu it tlmiUhin con dition and uw iminl it rs iihmiL Lilly uietnh v-t. A colored .illume was oian- lvd h TC 11 I'eW Weeks . The knii:hls ol'lilmr neein t lie ery iroti ituioii'; the eolured people here. The order hue is enitruitin a larkjc Hall for their own use. A few ot our limner wi 1 raise some tohaero this year, It in to he hoped ihey will MUiveil, theiu i nolhiiiL' iikc trying thin , un 1 we fd uiom divert ilieiition in farming It will not d to d pt lid upon cotton ultoet liT. Plain Hon. 1,1' II. Sim McSuil'cr was being tried in San Aiili'iiin for trying to bribe a colored wit ness. Samuel .lohlisillg, In testily falsely. "You say this defendant offered you a bribe of doll to testify in bis behalf." "Yes, sab." 'Now. sir; you repeat precisely what he said, using his own words." "lie said he we'.'eV, it I'ci.iii. y Y e. l.watlnnev A t'o vs A.lmr II II Hell. oil Ailmr .1 V raorett is t' I' Tillel v ct als. .".7 A II Anion anil wile is lir.inch ami Pope. CI als. o" II Sluelils is Mallard Sinilh ct als. all I,' H I'age A llilc is .Inn 11 Jones anil (ill .1 Ilu t talis is .1 K .Moore tt als. i (il (ieo II ( Ollis .V t'o. vs. I 1'. Mnolcct als , li'i Ailnil W ( Allen is cu. Tims. Allen. I at t i. rainy "He is it .ii t. it. i;. I.,, lit S K I'ei-I.les s coitus !alu.i t'o. lili (Jri'cll lllll is 11 T' llraucli et als. 117 .1 W I'.r.ineli is, I T ).iu-,.li. II- II V V hitakei isa.lmr.l 1' Willc.v. (ill I' I, I'oiiell 1 s ( 1 V lliill.ilee. 70 State e r.-l K T' t'l. nk a.lmr is M T' Sauge ct als. 71 Paliqise.. liuaiio t'o. is .1 1; Ileiiing 7! .letlllO Lllllloll'ls Vs 1! lllelis. ::i I'.iniiv II I'liuii.in et als 1. 1' K Hu man el als. 71 A ,1 Smith vs .1 I! Mooic el als. 7". V f l.i wis is XV XX' l.iiaihinev als. 7'i II t' li ny i- l.velioe I' lllaneh. 77 l.eo I! t'uiti, is ,l.ts S lli.tiich. 7!1 V. Shieliis s .l.-llini K.luiuii.ls. "0 li J l.ewlsis A 1'rcs.titt an.t als- "I t' A t'.inii. trustee is llx'i li I'ill lii.iu -; A.lmr .1 is Mo-elcy is XX' I' Most-try an. I als. so V S I'elll.iv s Calll (iilihs allfl wile. "1 Home Savings ll.iuli vs XX' 11 t apcll anil als. I In-sapeake liuaiio Co . vs lllaneh ,1 I'opc. "'i li .1 Lewis anil als is A N I'artin ami w I I'e. 7 it li I'-rowniiig ami Son vs Altiniore l.ec. so ,los XV .leiikiits ,i Co vs II Hell ailmr. tin S Wai .1 vs Nannie l.cius and olheis. Scvi li poison, il all over I which I look l.roiigf i s S .iniatism and I w.-nt to Hot Sf- 5 Ark., for two im nibs, which seein.d to cure the dis ease, but it was only smothered, for on my return home the horrible disease ap peared again w, rsc than before. 1 then discarded all ether treatment and took Swift's Specific, and its use cund me perfectly well. 1 have beet, well a bout seven years, and no teiuru of the disease. S. 1.. KiiWAitus, McCorniick, S. C , Oct. 211, lsss. lolls. S. S. S. i, a sure cure for boils, lor it cured me twelve months ago. I only took one bottle. It. O. Vkhski.l, Greenwood. S, ('. Oct. ',,, isss. Dming the early part of the past spring (IfsS.) my body was covered with boils. At one lime more than fifty were counted on my body and limbs, My fine was not cxinipt from the painful - '.-in. s, would do 7 fty U .MY STtlt FALL AND WINTEI Is HrriviiiR, nn 1 I will ilispli K'ii.1 ever htiuwn i,, tin? i. the NEW ST CO.MF, AND SKLK' FST .NOYKl. ftit.Hiitti ricli's null, ins or, Kitshioii phiie l,,rii,r,ki i,,u, Se.-liLs tor lioslniiv. MBS. 1'. A oct 4 ly IF VOC WAN" Till TA K K THE WORl It is almost tho mine No premiums: Nit f-pceial oilers; . Nni nt ret Ttie 1-i'st mul tiiHi' N EWSPAP On the Norlh AiinTititii ( 1: lure i.iiKub hi tl M long A 1'nJTI.AIi No Published in null Kivcti uili ct' ' Wt-fkly bliu-.:i H'-ginnlnR l"-'fity ntnl coiili THK Wolll H, print with jiletc tuni'l by h puiailHr uu w ritrrM will I Wititer lir-.ai.it, Wilkit-ti.liilis. Kohl hui'liauiiii K. 1.. MevriiMiu. II 1 Kir. !.. hi. hi. ''ii MllTi'.i., Thv i Mrs . ,1. Du ll. nix M K in rn u ni rn N ti t i c i; A,s" an invioratnr and tonic, Imidnr the Kuhlea household remedy in nnnpa reil. U promptly reliev i and ciirm end tifcncw or constipation or any other hil lious affcL'tioa. Price only twenty fi to cents. Another invcstiiration ban proven be yond doubt that lr. Bull's Baby Syrup u the bctit medicine for teething children. Price 25 cents a bottle. .... . A good wife is admitted to bo a bless ing, but a dumb wife is an unspeakable blessiog. A Woman' ('harm noon leave her. whin he becomes a vie tim to tiny one of the various disi rdero and pct'tui ir " weakuensi V that ure pe cu'iar to tin fair ex. The condition of ten ol thousmda ot Women to d iy is pitialile in the extreme; they aie w.ak bloodier creatures, a prey to mental an jiuish and bodily pain; in a word, "broken down tr.iin any one ot numerous cau.ses. To this unhappy multitude we stronir'y rue the use of Or. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription, an infallible, world-famed rem edy, for all "female" irregularities and which rustnrea the worst sufferer to vig orous health, and reinvests h t with all the charms of 6j;ure, faoe and couiplex i.m, thai raios ber such willing h miac from mt lo luHn.uiee of putter enti fen fi oil lilt In a ilee.l ol lillt i-xeetlted nil tile llli ii.iv ol I VIiiiiui v Iy S. I' Hi in'.iley. .1, I'. r.iinklt v iintl M;irv I.. I'.iiliklev hi-, uiie, yitefed on pane 1 ol liook "i l ' . in the othivol ll:,- K.-oi, rot l, . ,l-.i II i ii'ax i.iIKiI.V 1 will s. ll lol coll lo Ihe lii'jhrM bltlotl at piiblieaueli,.ii;il Scot land '.k. in tile eouiil v !' llalu.ix on the "in-l day ol' Mitt.h l-!l, the pn.perty tie.Mlilied ibereiii it? Iiillitt4. Tae loHowiiii; nal es tatt Iv'.li.n Ml said eouTilV ol' l!aiil i ami State ol Nnitlt t -lo'itia to m1 ; The lb'Llelt I'.uiil beloi l;u, tuthe saitl S Hillikley. eeiit.umii about -reii lun.ill'et! atn' Mm nty-lie in n s and inljoijunj; the laniK ol .I. I!, Tillriy, the l.-'okn ti!a-4. .Old I'tiiliiek'N fell V l.tliiisaiitl l.onl- o A li. I'ep' . al-.i about Itiiily I'M :itie-.olthe II. Miie pi. or ol vo.l S. !iiTi.,b, Ivntji so::lh ol i hi- iii.nl r i:nou; h.nii tiie mini load In W. II M.u ki' l.o in, li.im ieil hy Ml I Tn.til ami the l.tl.tl btluiiliill In the .-a. tie mi .ianiiH t. in.oi rx. ul-o all ol he int. ie.si in thi uiiili Mil! ti.nt, eiitv, veil In li. II Sinilh to S. I'. I'.iinMey in dust hy deed dated .l.oinai v tilh 7! and n- etililed on paee i C 111 1 he oll'l.-e ol' the i:el-.tel' ul lleeti- of II eo;(tllV. alno hiM'etiiailiilicalltl iliulipoeii ot liltei est in two tracts ut hmd sim ne in -aid f.ninly, eoiieed o linn hy W H shields. ('oiniiit--siotier, un I ee:'inhiT :il-.t, 1-7 and refolded on pai;.-7i I ol hook . I in the olliee of said li'.'iiisier of Iu e.ls mid hy W. II. hieliU tthitll i-- it'i'-ir leil i p.te 'M of hoot; tili in .suit) ofllee 1 1 lie 1 1 1 t roiilaltl in 'XI iieres, sold in the eae of reiieia N. Shieliis and others ex paile tolhe other eoutiiinilli; almat tliiitv four aeiei. also Hie Hlnre hmi st mid h't oceupietl hy s;ml linn S. 1'. llrinkhy A Hon, ;tt Spring Hit), on the Scotland Neck Kailroad. Iieing forty feet trout and one hand ret I feet hack iind uliuut tifty-lwo and one-halt' neres piney won Is Imid eon ve veil hy lltuniet llishop to V. T l.tiwrencc ami .1. V. lirinkley, the tthtdr heiitu ahout 10." acre nnd tifty-twn and one-half ucrcs being the interest of aaid Itrinkley therein. Halifax, Jan'v SB, 1HH). THOMAS N. HIIX, Trustee. IlilliW M A lit II -1 II. !M W 11 l'av Iai is I How. Hon ami als. 1 T J Uoheii-i.u vs W II l'av I ai. !:; Ailmr 11 W Paiiiel Iai ti V llaidee p YV I Wat von s.las Hnnkbv and uk ti W II Iav Iai vs i.e.. W l.ewiv. 17 UV Apj.huaithv I KTilh'i. N li.I-.sev t o w M.uv l.ei t lutl I I Watson ami :tU W K l'.twn- puil. 10- ; Ait hi v A I'ai-on s llovtoii laisoil. lo.l W II l.iepnv vsSaiali t iv try . nl Louis Milliard t o s K II haliul and ills I".", K 1 ';i .',0,d He 1 .1 T hawsun loii .1 V ,!, ukino a Co i I-" Intakcr. Iu7 K II tialliii .V wile vs M I. Hid I A wife Ins S.l'a'i We.illiervhee I, Towels ii! ,1 .1 Hot'ii and wile vs Ku hd ( arlivlf n ml als. tin ,1 Ml'owell and wife s l.uk 1'nWell and ais. Ill .1 M I'oiveil ami wile vs Frank Powell and als. 11- 2 .1 M I'nwell.iad wil'.- vs.Io.i lieek and GOODS THAT TELI" FAferSTl I AT ARESOLTr' LD ti' 1 New Fall Goods P. .. SwIbuck 4 Oo., If, WAS1IIN(JT()X AYE. AND SKCOS ire a U tro. ., U .' llli .1 M 1','Hell .,11,1 wile ami als. II I ,1 NI I'.iM.ll ami uifc , 1 'rlio'i' Sledge . Wallet Smith ami W II o I. K S A I. K A N P It E T A I 1. D K A I ll.-i .1 II XVillel' is 1 N Niiholwui 11U K II t un Inn is XV I' XX Intake Ills 117 XV f XXhitalo'i isS T Mini new. 1 1 .lolni XV l.oie is l lionias f, l.ovc 110 .1 i lien Oil. I. IT I iney ,1- lo I'.'O IC 1. .lovtn-r is I S llonii et als. I'.'g T 1. l.tiirv is. I T llraiiehel als. I .M Ceo I. Arps is H M Uiii i.oiL'hs. I'M t'omrs Hatilax t'.i is It .1 l.enis ct als. I .'.'. Trcas. U.ilii.n l iiis li .1 Lewis el als. l-;n V XV I .ami is XV W H H t'o. I-J7 V XV I. anil is XV ,v XV 11 1! t o 1'.' .1 11 Neville vs Kiz'ah Itiancli el als. 11 Sec.mil Nal Hank vs'l' 1'iUpatlick it al lllll Miles I'ope vs.laims 1'ojll'. 1 II 1. 1 Hell is Sam'l Hopkins ct ala. V.H .1 A l'crrv is.lohn It Ncal. l;l;l .1 V, Neal is ,1 U Tiilcrv 1111 .1 M I'.oicll is.ll).i.l XV lleit'inlall. 111.". V A roiii ll is .1 IKlc .1 XV llcilinstall. 1:111 Tlnnhcr, XVInlanilitt'oisi: T llranch et als. 1117 I) A Long is II Hell et ills. I SN XV ti .Xnilcrsnnvs ,1 tHIeptinslall et als lllll U & S K U t'o in J 1. Slnel.ls. Un " " " KM Mizzelletals. Ill " " " AuslinShielilsclnl 1 IJ " " " S M Alexander et als 1411 " " " .lohii T XX atson. Cases will taki'l preeislenee from ilay to day until disposed of. Snitora and wit nesses need not attend before the day for which their eaaea are set. JOHN T. UKKliOUY, Clerk, I'.yL- L. Tuavis, dcp'ly Tk. !r at at VISITORS AND STRAXGT; . If V, From Norihauiptun and adjoining counties anil fr,im our own eouivi,,J.1'' store l,,.i,!,ii.,rl,Ts. (ioods parcha-ed from br-l handi and markes. foil... one;h to iiiuke the wheels of coBiaerce ham. jol!?! A FlXIi DISPLAY OP DRY Citric All the latest novelties and newc-t shades in Henrietta cloths, I,ad'. l'laiiicls. Checked and Striped Suitings. Velvets, Flushes, and t'i Call and see our Henrietta cloths at 8 cents per Tard. C L 0 T H ING. ; l iidoiibledlv the largest stock id'elnthin: we have ever before tiros.. K u ,l,!,e. Smiis f.,r our cloth Fine suits for Voting men. F.letrant overcoats, Suits' lor solid e'. Tit io n !. I' r I... i. .....1 .I.-.. .,.l. I. Ih. .kil.l.. 'Id in.'ti, before fr l,.,i, you buy. c. HAY STATE SHOES. ZKKJLKU SIKH Sole aeents for the justly celebrated Hay State and Zeiiihf Brothori Ktcrv pair warranted as represented. Also a full line of medium and cf and Shoes for general trade. CLOAKS, WRAPS AND JACK."' The ladies will be interested in Cloaks, Wraps, Newmarkets and t can please you in this line. Be Mire to examine some bargain" -partment. CARPETS AND IP " 0 k The cold waves will Honn bo upon us, and a pood carp'ee'ji Rut every oue wants to buy a pood cariet for the least y order to save money in carpets and Kiifis call on us. ; We carry such an enormous slock of OKNHUAMV1 utile to enumerate. Wc carry Hals and Caps, Kur Stoves, tiroeeries, Busies, Waftona anil lload Carta Bagging, Hardware, kr., &o. A call ia solicited, an great bargain house of Waldon is on the corner. MuBjuUi'i Bitk. Ilea. A v. .mi. "Tl 1 - 'V7. ' '

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