i HALL Sc SLEDGE, proprietors. A IT IE W SPAPEB IF1 O IR THE PECPL E. TEK3VES --00 PKR ANNUM IN ADVANCE. VOL. XX. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCI1 28, 18S9. NO. 2. Sssi IfUfl IPI 111 21 s Tho ji 1 J NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Pn, IT i r 01 I fill tN 1 VC.AGAMBRIILMk.Co., OUB FA.TE1TT ROLLER FLOURS are manufactured from the CHOICEST WHEAT OBTAINABLE f..r which i Baltimore as a murkest stands preeminent. I STRENGTH and I N All KO.U ll ABLE I'ATAPSCOSI TEltLATlVE PATENT Stands unrivalled. Of a rich, Cn amy Colt r, it makes a Bread that will unit tin; FustiJious. liaTAsk your Gr ccr fur it. Palapsco Sup. r'aiive Pali nt, Rulandu Choice Patent, Patapsoo Family l'aliiit, Orange drove Extra, Baldwin Family, Maplctnn Family. C. A. (JAM Bit ILL MANI'FAt'TL'RINd COMPANY, 211 Commerce St., Baltimore, Md. aug 12 ly. ANY ONE CAN DYE A Dress, or a Coat, ) Any Coor nil r.-jf. ' ' nwouns, rvuuiei-a, r for yarns, Rags, etc. ) ten cents and in inanyolti.r way. SAVE Monty. io"l ne'' Hung, look like NEW. l,y DIAMOND DYES. 'lt,otk it easy, simple, quick; tlie tutor, ihs BEST and, FASTEST kr.o.n. A-k for DIAMOND DYES and tke no other. ForOlldlns or Bronilnj Fancy Articles USE DIAMOND PAINTS. Cold, Silver, Uronse, Copper. Only lo Cents. Baby Portraits. w tMf.,itnf I r.tililnl r.iiliv till A rortfi'ltoof l-cmtll!i! buty iiic- tun (mm life. i rioted on tine Vlatf pafei" I' W"nl J'""1" tiriK-eiw sent free l McttuTot any HiiVy Uirn within a yvat. M-ery Mothrr wants ihi'MJ picture ; wmi ui oni'c HBhv's name and as-f. WEILS, RICHAROSON k CO jan ID ly K S T A P L I S II JOHN N. BROWN, PllUCiGIST' AND 0 DEALER PURE TOILET .AND FANCY Articles, Patent Miilic-ines, Trun8e and Sliuuldor it VarnisheB and Dye StufTs, Lamp Oil anl i.Pliyriioians Prencripliona Canlully O0 NrwlM.lfaelilne' 1 !T and auwila kM ik. ptuu Will mim Wm4 f rr rOr p.rtf irf trntUf tnd .lu.n art ll Mian Ma Olal al M4 Iv IkOM it rl. l rir kaw.Ut 4lt Mala, ail Mall atrrm -f opart t. ThM fftal Mai km. it id.ntf ik. HiKprr r bub Untwitt F'ti-N I pat t nil. llaolafar a,i'hlki l.'iO !. at roam I. atull uia- hM.BIt. tkrt niiW arlla for Nlmarata. 1a tk. ri4. A 1 I. rtaf iiHrnioa pi r tW ib. ki nH ua.fatilkih iniin .kawa l.f.lktria A" i. ttx laa-Mi hi. ia ruM, irl Iht Ma laff.lktria Amrnra, FOR SAI.K BY P. N. 001 14 If 4 tHtsm s mm I jjmmmn um mum . THE PLACE TO GET AT TIIK LOWEST PRICES, " IS A.T DR. A. II. ZOLLICOFFER'S, ?T SIDE WA3HINCTON AVE, OPPOSITE R. SHED. WELDON. N. C. STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. KMOalPnOM aiPARTHIMT FILLED WITH TBI BEST SILtCMD H ATIMAL.'V. SESCRIPTtOXS COMPOUNDED AT ALL HOURS WITH GREAT CARE. "CHERT, STATIONERY, FANCY SOAPS, BRUSHES, FANCY ARTICLES, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. 4 1 It B I tfeMt kttit vtlMMthrtfi svaltiTM M THE 1 iro a. Amcnc PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS. ESTBLISHEID--1774. Tlirir upi'rinrity fur UNIFORM I T V VLM OH 1; as long been acknowledge Cleanse the System Willi Hint most reliable medicine ratU'Va celery Compound, it purines tue blood, cures Const, patio and regulates the liver and kidneys, effectually rleaiie lnj tlie nyntetu uf all waste and dead mutters. Paine's Celery Compound comWtn-B tnie nme tonic and ttrengthlnff quiiltlt', reviving ineenfryles und spirits. Iiiva been troubled ivr som yours with a eonii'll'-iitlon of flinvtiltt'-". After trying ts- limn rtunedles, and not flndinc nilef. I tried Fatne' 'Vry cmipound. Hef'ire tnkltur one "1U """" l""K i nii -t"i;m: i?iiii'm..i.- vim tn KuliMiie, ntut 1 i an truly hh now. Unit I and I li.i puliinl lin ioiindlo weight since I rnei llki- n iirw man. Pitfrsunn im improved, iiit-ii't'i TttKinnuiH v. ouipouiiii. HuNKHTUa Htiahns, KelclivtUe, Vt ll.oo. Six tor 16.00. At DniKirlBta. Wll.U, IUCI1ARU90N Co., UurUoftoo, Vt, K D 18H 8. HALIFAX, N. C- PHARMACIST. IN 0 DRUGS, CIGARS i CHEWING w Tobacco. Br.icus. Paints, Oils, Putty, filar-. Lump Chiiiincys, (iarden aud Fii'ld Ci'DipniDdi d. jan :( ly E W II () T K L A T HALIFAX, N. ( Having rrnW-il the Faucett place I have filteil it U 111 first class style as a hotel. Tahlo HUpjilietl from liichmoiul market". ;u CKNT3 0U 1.50 A DAY. N. B. DICK EX, Tropriitor. Jnn 10 U STAIN BACK & CO. ZOLLICOFFER'S. DO IT NOW A LOVE SONG. limls of love tlmt ftoflly hover lionml the dwelling of my sweet, He:ir lliin niowa from a lover, liciir it on your pinions fleet, Cum forth in wanton gladness Harmonica of joyous song ; TU no strain of Summer iualurnt That your liquid noU-n prolong. To her Hiumher rani'iiient flying, Cliol islru of happy lone ; SiiiH to her of love undying Ufa heart ,li;it's all her own. A NOBLE DEED. TIIK INVALID AN l THK VIOLINIST. An old and iniinn tuildirr mis playing In." viiihn nn wiiuij? on tlui I rati', in Viennii. His faithful dni; was liolding his hat, in which passi M Ly drnppi'd fi'W uoi'DiTri as (hoy calm! aluiijr. How ever, 011 ihc cwniiij; in ipution, uohody atiijipcd to put a.uiall win iuto the poor old fi'llow'o hat. Every one wmit straight on, and tin: piity of Ihu crowd added t j the sorrow in the old soldier's heart, and showed itself in his withered counten ance. However, all at once. :t well dressed enih man caiije up to where ho stood, listened to his. plajing for a few minutes, and pazed compassionately upon him. Ere lung, the old fiddler's weary hand had 00 loiirer strength to grasp his Low. His limLs refused to carry him farther He seated himself on a stone, rested his head ou his hands, and organ silently to weep, At that in.-tant the gentleman approached, otfired the old man a piece of gold, and said : "Lend lu'j your violin a little while." Then, haung carefully tuned it, he said : 'You take the money, and I'll play." He did play! All the iiasscr.s-Ly stopped to liven aud struck with the dis tinguished air of the musician, aud cap tivated Ly his marvelous genius. Every moment the circle hecauue larger aud larger. Xot copper alone, hut silver, and even gold was dropped into the poor mail s hat the dog began to growl, lor it whs hecomiug too heavy for him to held. At an invitatiou from the au dience, ihe invalid cm' tied its contents into his sack, and they liilcd it again. After a national melody, iu which every one present joint d, with uncovered heads, the violinist placed the instru ment upon the poor man's knees, aud, without waiting to he thanked, disap peared ''Who is it ? ' was asked on all sides. "ItisArmand Boucher, tho famous violin player," replied some one in the erowd. ' He has heen turning his art to aeeiiunt in the sen ice of chaiily. Let us follow his cxani le." And the speaker also sent rouud his hat, aud made a new collection, and gave the proceeds to the invalid, crying, ' Long live Boucher!" Deeply ulTecli'il, the invalid lifti d up his hands and eyes toward Heaven, and invoked t.iod's hlei-sing on his henefae tor. Tint cveniiig there were two happy men in Vienna, the invalid, placed for a long time ahove the reach of want, and the generous artist, whu felt iu his heart the joy which always repays the hestowal of charity. WONDERFUL MEMORY. Senator Vaux has a very good mcairry and seldom fails to tecognije a person 1 c has once met a I observed, hut one ol his cou.-titueuts got away with him n short time ago. The senator was st ink ing with several of his friends in the rotunda at the Capitol, when a stranger approached and offered his hand, saying "Why, senator, how are you?" The hand was talw. lid gwpcA warmly. "Quite wc'l sir; how have you been?" "Oh, I've been fiue, never in better health, but I don't believe you remember me." "Oh, yes I do, peifectly Your face is quite familiar. It's only your name that ra-apes me." "My name is John Buekwilh-n. ' "Sure rn-'iigh, J din Buckwillen. Ol course and he shu k the man's hand a little more vigorously. I don't see how I forgot it. Let me think where was it I saw you last?" "Well, senator, the fact is, you never did see ne but once." "Only onci you must be mistaken." "Oh, no, I'm not. It was at the old church on Deer creek. You remember when you spoke thero to that awful Lig crowd?" "Yes, perfectly. So it was." "I'm the man who was siltio' up on the ladder in the Lack of the church I was in my shirt sleeves and did a good deal of the shouting. That was as close as I ever got to you." Washington CVi'iVr. CONSUMPTION Bl'KKI.Y CURED. To THI Eoitob. Please Inform jour readers Hiat 1 have positive remedy lor the above named disease. 11? its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall he ill ml to send two battles of my remedy rvitt to any of y.ur readers woo have cousuuptioo if they will send bo their exprro and postotnc Mares. nespeciraiiy, T. A.8LOCUU, M. C. MtU 1 jrr. 181 Pea.1 sW Now I.rk. BJ'OIlsrSTJEIlST'E BJOK,lTS02sr. B JOHN STERNE BJORNSON Norway has always heen the home of poetry. Six hundred years ago those splendid pouuis "The Sagas, were written in Norway and Iceland. To day Nor way has produced oue of the greatest living poets aud dramatic authors. Bjornsljern Bjornson was Lorn in Nor way in 1S:52, he was educated at the latin college from where he went to the Uuni versify in Christiana, 1851, lut in the next ye ir he hmke off his I'nivir.-hy studies to commence a purely literary life, lie first became known to fame through some articles and stories he con trihutcd to newspapers and journals. lie produced numerous tragedies and other pieces for Ihe stage, his most famous being "The Newly Married," "A Failure" and "The (ilove." Bjornson resembles Alexander Dumas in as far as his pieces als.) treat of social questions of interest. But he is much more moral than the French writer. Ho hates everything false aud unnatural. He was something of a politician being an extreme radical. As a dramatic author Bjornson staudn perhaps without rival, but as a poliiiciin he has been a signal failure. Ho visited America in H81 and gave a series ol brilliant lectures among his countrymen settled here. ELOQUENT TRIBUTE. In a runninu debate in the I'nited States Senate last Saturday between Sena tors Hoar and Daniel, Mr. Hoar paid tin fi.llowing eloquent tribute to the people of the Southern States: "I know, too, when I say these things that I am saying them of my countrymen I am saying them of men with as gallant noble, and honorable traits (where this race prejudice docs not get possession ol their souls) as ever existed on the face o! the earth. They have some qnalitie which I caunot even presume in an equal degree for tho people among whom I my self dwell. They have an aptness for couiiuand which makes the southern gen tleman wherever he goes not a peer only but a prince. Thev have a love of home I he best of them aud the most of them inherited from the great race from which they come the tense of duty and the tustiuet ol honor as uo other people i n the face of the earth. They are lovers of huuie. They have not the mean trait that grow up souiewherj in places where inoney-iuakiug is the chief cud of lift They have, above all and giving value to all, ill it supreme and superb c instancy which, without r.gird to personal am bil'oa, without g-tiing tired, and without getling diverted, can pursue a great imhlii objbi luauu out, year after year, and generation after generation." It would be hard for auy 8 mthron to excel Mr. Hoar in eharaeteriiili in. No wonder Mr. Daniel responded as follows; 'The Seuator has expressed si many noble sentiments in hi speech with such tasteful eloquence aud with whom lam more nearly idem died that I muld bul l'orriv,i ti i in ere he got (bioiji for wh,t he said in theb-giuiiing. ant I could bu feel I hat iu an) argument I might submit I was appealing lo a mind which was not only capable of justice, but which on wine sides of it would he quick to riBpud to gcuerosiiy." flurkleirs Arnica Halve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores,Clecrs, Salt llheura.Kcver S"ies,Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains Corns. and all skin eruptions,and positive ly cures Piles, or no py required. It is guarantied to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by druggists at Weldon, Brown iCarraway, Halifax, Dr. J A ftlcGwigan, KnBcld. The Editor look his little sister to the base-ball game the other evening, and when she returned she paralysed her mi ther by remarkiug: "Law, don't you know, one of the men wore a bustle on his faoe." Call and see our parlor tel. of furni ture at 145.00. Sena pieoes. P. N. 8tainbaek s Co. MAN, KNOW THYSELF. The aveiag" number of t ieth is W'l. The braiu of a man exceeds twice that of any other animal. The average weight of an adult is 150 pouuds, tj ouncis. The weight of ihe circulating blond is H pounds. man annually contribute to vege tation lt pounds of carbon. One thousand ounces of Llood pass through the kidneys each hour. A man breathes about l!ll times a min ute or l.'JHil iu an hour. The average weight of a skeleton is An mt 1 f pounds. Number of bones L'KI. A man breathes about 1H pints of air in :i minute, i r upwards of 7 hoeshcads a lay. The average weight of the brain of a man is lij pounds; of a woman '1 pounds d 1 1 o uncos. The average height of an Englishman is 5 feet I inches; of a Belgian, 5 feet II inches. Five hundred and forty pounds or 1 lioghiad ami 1 quart of Llood pass through the heait in 1 hour. The henit st-nds nearly lli pounds of blood through the veins and arurics each beat, and makes -1 beats while we breathe once. One hundrul seventy-five million cells arc in the lungs, which would covir a surface IJil times greater tbau the human body . The average of the pulse in infancy is 120 per uiinulc; in manhood, 80; at UO years, till. The pulse of females is more frequent than that of males. ROSIE MAY. That days are lucky c r unlucky h r great niideriakings is aqu-stion we need not discuss. If cue day is supposed lo he more propitious than others for wed dings, select that one, by all means. Ileic is the old rhyme on the subject : "Monday for wealth, Tuesday for health, Wednesday the best day of all, Thursday for losses, Fiiday for crosses, Saturday no luck at all." You had belter inquire of your married friends which day they selected, and draw your owu conclusions as to the truth em bodied in the lines. As regards "oilier superstitious Connected with weddings," 1 have heard it emphatically stated that the bridegroom's mother shall not Le present at the weddiug, that the bride should wear "something old and some thing new, something brown ' ' fonie- ,,uug blue, and that she should walk up a few stairs, to iudieate a future rise iu the world, befi-rc begiuning hei "' cent from her bedroom on tho morning of her wedding day. I hope having all requi site observances carefully carried mil or something else will ensure you much good fortune iu your married lile. MARRIACE ACE. In Aulria, II years for loth sexes In Sp:iin, the man at 1 1, the Woman at 12. In Germany, tho man at lrt ihc woman at 11. In Belgium, the man at IS, ihe woman at 15. In France, the man at IS, the woman at 15. Iu (1 recce, the man at 14, the woman at 15 In lireeec, the man at 14, the woman at 12 In Russia, the man if IS the woman at Hi. Iu Saxony, tho man at IS, the woman at 1G. In Switzerland, tho man at 1 1, the woman at 12. In Hungary, Catholics, the man at 14 the woman at 12; Protestants, the man at la, the woman at 12. "Smantba, I'm going to let go of your hand tor a minute, but you wou't be mad, will you, darling? I wouldn't let go till you did, only some sort of a bug is crawl ing down my back, and I can't keep my mind on you and bugs at the same time!' CIVE HIM A CHEER. KEI.I.F. V. rillSlliil.M. "(iive him a cheer." The hearty words came from the lips of some one in the crowd gathered round a building en veloped in flames, and were prompted by the momentary faltering of a brave fire man at the final effort that was in eded lo save a human life. Instantly hals were waving in the uir. and above the trick ling and roaring of the lite the cheering ol' the m nil it mli- below fell upon the ears ol the wavering tin-man. Electrified by the applause, he renew, d his efforts, beat back the II imes that si-oHiol his face. bur-i in the window ihat would mil yield to the young girl's strength, nod through a cloud of smoke and tire here his iineon cious burden to her weeping friends be low. "Hive him a cheer," said a voice in the audience, as the young aspirant for academical honors began to hesitate in the Hililst ol Ins well-prepareil oraiioii. "(iive him a cheer," and as the appre ciative huzza was raised the heart of the youth "inhered new counc'o, so that he succeeded in winning the scholarship, whi h lo him meant much more than empty hi in,rs. In this Viry way the ap plause of a sympathetic and responsive audience bears up the speakers, who iilhirwi.se would fail Mr. Gladstone once said. "A speaker gets from his hearers iu vapor that which he gives back to them iu flood," and when they have got it they return it to him with in terest. "Give lii in a cheer." Who? Why, that young Chri-tian who has come out from the world, and iu the midst of temptation is Irjing to live a consecrated life. He needs more than an interest in your prayers. Give him a warm hand shake, a word of praise, or a smile of re cognition when he begins to faint or falter by the way. Let him know that you appreciate his efforts, and will Le disappointed if he fails. If he does a noble ihing give him a cheer by telling li i in he has done well. It will give him strength to meet new trials and tempta tions "(iive I. i til a cheer" the slmc-or within your gales. No matter how brief a taming he may make, bid Lhn we' come. Do not lei him go away feeling ihat no one feels an interest in his w 1 fare. I have in mind a young girl who wei t I through life under a cloud. She had many things to di.-conrage her. She wi s niisrepr, s uted and lnisiiniler-t -od. No one sp ke a cheering word lo her, or offered to lend .1 hand when ti'uMts thickened about 1 er. People did not und rslaud her shrinking nature. They mistook her seeliisiveiiess for her p-iide, until in a tit of dcsicratioii she took away the life God had given her. A little note am nig lnr effects cxplainid I he seemingly rash act. It ran thus: "I can endure this strain no h n.'cr. If I only had help to tarry my burden I would try to be biave and slain! up under its might, but in all this wide world I have not a Irieiid. No one has over given me a cheering word, or dropped a tear of pity over my hard fate." Then over ln r icy form the neb ' ' their lack of sympathy, a gM in plenty f II about tie: still white face now mule iu death. Enough ap) re- ei.itive, tender Words to have ghidd, le d her whole life, were watted around lnr coffin and over Iter open grave. But what good did tbey do when they fell upon ears hushed in death? "Give tbeiii a cheer." A host of weary, toiling mm and women aroto-dty c Tug loudly f"v .1' : -' " '- ' t ! h "i t il mi.;..!,:.. V. V, " f , , , , , , - n Cheer tlla' uvu!'l I'l ss IPelll iVtlt.' co in your hearts or in-iiiLlingly no- i'l upon your lips to seaihr ul-uj-I tio i tombs when they are dead. Bring the flowers that you are keepng for t lit ir coffins anil strew along their (albs to day while (hey ate alive to iuhale their sweet fragrance. "(iive ibeui a cheer." Words of hon est prd-e will spoil no man. If ou gain a blessing from a sermon or a prayer, it will encourage the preacher to bear you say so. If some c ue's holy living strengthens you aud helps you on to a better life, would ho n it bo happier to know uf the unconscious influence he is exerting? "Give him a cheer." No matter where, or when, or how you come into contact wills poor, slmgg'ing human souls, lend them a hand give them a hand give them a cheer that will help them lo live belter, nobler lives. "Did you see any Quakers in Philadel phia? "was asked of a Dctroiter who lately returned from that cily. "Only one that I was sure of." "Did he 'thoc' and 'thou' you?" "He did. He got down off his hack and said: 'If ihee don't pay me $2 III knock thy blame head off, and I paid, although I knew the regular fare was twelve shillings. You dont wan't to fool with those Quakcis any, and don't you forget it!" It is pretty hard to make a gentleman out of a loafer. Honesty gets home sick in an empty head aqd run sway. NOTABLE EVENTS. First jury 070. Pius made 1450. Needles used 15 15. First cast-iron 150 4. Matches made 1820. Surnames used 1 102. First m-wspaper 1 101. Coal used as fuel 1 7'! I. L-'ad pencils used 1 50 1. Window glass used 110 t. Fil-t gold coin It ('. L'Oii. Tobacco introduced l.VSH, First steam lailroad I s.Jil. First postage stamps IS In. Kerosene introduced lvjii. First illiiuiinaiing gas 1702. Electric light invented H"-!. Iron found in America 1815. First insurance, inaiiti", 5!i.'l. First wheeled carriages 1550. First American express . Musical notes introduced l-IIIS. Latin ceased to be spoken 5S0. Bible trail-dated into Saxon li,'!7. Gunpowder used by I'ltities: !M0. Bible tranlated into Gothic 872. Photographs first priLu-ivl 1S'I2. Oid Testament finished B ('. CIO. Emancipation proclamaliou lHUij, Pap, r made by Chinese B (V 22U. Bible translated into English 15U1. SUNSHINE. Asaliitlcgir! waseating.thesundashed a beam upon ln r spoon, aud she cried, "iin, mamma. 1 nave swallowed a spoon ful of Sllll-liille!" Would Go 1 that ive might all indulge in the same beverage! Cheerfulness it makes the bomeli st face handsome; it makes ihe hardest na tures sift; it runs the loom that weaves buttercups and rainbows aud auroras. God made the grass black? No; ihat would be too somber. God made the grass red? No; ihat would be loo gaudy God made the grass green, that by ibis paiable all the wotld might be led to sub dued cheerfulness Talmage. ACES OF ANIMALS. An elephant lives 100 years. A whale lives I1O0 yeais. A tortoise lives 100 years. A camel lives 10 years. A horse lives 25 years. A beal lives 2i years. A lion lives 2'l years. All ox lives 25 years. A eat lives 15 years. A dog lives 14 years, A sheep lives 111 years. A squirrel lives 8 years. A Guinea pig iivis seven yeais. Atlanta I'm:- tin Iiitioli, Fell 111, lssil. tlltl'IIAVI HOMI.. Itl.V. 1.. II. I'uync, Agent and Trustee ol'the Oihhuii's lh,me at Mac. n, ;a., tirlUH a l.ettt-r liati-d Kjbl-uary Atit, Irsrstl. "I have ben using Swift's Specif o with the children of the orphan's homo under my charge with ihe List results. 1 began lis use betweeu nine and ten years ago, aud have seeii many retuaikabie re sults. Quite a number of children had consti tutional blood disease resulting from ihc sins of the parctils, and every one of these children Were cured of the horrible ..ul by 'be use ol S. S. S. There have also been scores of children in the institution whose system.' (they ha.iug heeu modly without the bcuehts of par, nial care) were enervated by dirt eat ing and i.ther foul ptaetices. Every oue t.f these children have taken S. S. S. and all have been signally benefited by it. All have been cured by taking enough of it. We have also two inmates of the home subject to painful recurring at tacks of cry sip-lus. Neither ono improved vvder ihc tre : :i ' usual for the disease. Whui V. 'jt !. 1 was discard! d and (hey t . . - tie' case was , k and y -ruan have been wei. I' r lice ye - has been no return of lb could tell much more of in- in each 1 ilVy ! t lu re .ijurkah' cures of Llood disease by S, S. S , I'm -have seen it used aud know its value. L. B. Patnk. Treatise ou Blood i.ai Skin Diseases mailed free. TIIK SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. lYitt.r 11, Atlanta, Ga NEW ADV EKTli-KMENTS. ills. l..l si MII.t.KR AKU1.K w Al.SH, links, SOUTH SYCAMORE STREET, PETERSBURG, VA. Monuments, Headstones, Tombs, Tablets, &o. Lowest cash prices guaranteed. All work warranted satisfactory. 9A beautiful calendar for 1889 sent to any address on receipt of stamp lor postage CH AULBS M. VT AtaSH. eotllly. ADVEBTISEMENTS. UNAPPRECIATIVE. How UttUt we are ant to appreciate that whi Ji we postew. The hardy wuod-sawyer envies Ihe wealth o( hli employer. The rich man envlet tin health and strength of his poor neigh 'JOr. "Our moid and our time we employ In longing for what we have not, I'nmlndful ol what we enjoy." How much better if all exerted themselves to ol tain their heart'! longing. If poor in purse seek to gain wealth by industrious and (rugral habits. II poor in health sei-lt to utc those remedies which art the tiest and truest medicines. Among rc-niedtcl told hy druggists none Is tho equal of liotanic lilood llalin (or curing the ill, of desh and hlood, Felix t o.ler, Atlanta, Ha, says: "I took B. B B., for several foul ulcers, which had given mt nuch trouble and would ti t heal from a utaj of ULCERS otlier ri::ne-dic. Within ten e ,l my health improved, and before 1 had used three bottles every sore was entirely healed. It Improved my appetite and gave me flesh and strength." Hudson Clark. Camden, Ark, say.': "I was ah RA'l ni finn flicted with t'-e s-.-verc it form DHJ DLUUU t ri,Bumatis:n for atoii U years, and sufiered extreme misery daring :.il tii.:t while. 1 also had catarrh so bad it al.aost sto;-;ied pSTppU my brcatliinjj through n.y nose. UHlHilllll My flesh in some place, ljo'.:-jJal if it had been charred or scaLl- L y Lack was w laaie I could hard!-.- stand. 1 tried nearly every- RHEUMATISM Kveral bottles and mgi now as sound and well as any man in Arkansas." J. W. Messer, Howell's Cross Koads, Cherokee County, eia.. writes : I was aniictcd with chronic SOLcS sort's nine yeais, and had tried many medicines and thev did me no good. then tried l. II. 0, and eifiit bottles cuicd me sound and welt." (6) IF YOU WANT THE EAUT11, 'iAhE THE WORLD. It is almost the same thing. No premiums: .no special otters: No ut r.tcs: hut The bet suit li,nu-st NEWSPAPER On me -North rfii,elicini Conuiient. Yl large pages ami st long columns. A I'llI'l Lill NOVEL Published in ami jiiveu w ah e-ich Issue of tho Weekly blitloil IleghiliinK to-ilsy unit i-outiouiDg (hereafter, THr. Wi 'Cl.li, w ul print with cut h .ssue com plete no c! Ijy ii poeiutir uuiher. Among 11. o w Tilers will ne: Wiiltt-r lit sunt, W ilkle l oilins. hole, lltn-hiuiHn a L. Stevenson, B. b Kim-icon, lliuiim- liar y. Julian (1 iwlliorne, Y W KobiiiM-ll, Knole iiHborinu, I'd, Vern-s. The loo hex. Mm. Alexio-der, J.nnH Wither, Henry W, od, M h lira, Moll, r'loreiiee Hiden, Vary l.veil liny. llerlliH ( ly, Annie rctWHtiL lioitu i'.roual'luD, K- C l'hillips. W in. lllaek, These Novels Will be the 1st st works of the ti st w Tit- rs us tliey i re piil-lnhcrl- ll.e hooka w-liietw very Ikh'v is talking alsnit. M ailing but the very best w ill le- ud.niued into (he World s Standard Library of Kiclum, Tlii Library of Fiction will bo supplied to Sub.ii rilur.' nnlv. No exlra copies will 1 e printed. No Lack numbers can Le furnished and no single copies will be sold. If "on n-i-h the scries vohipieto at onie One year (52 numbers) SI; Pi mouths (2(i numbirs) 50c ; H months (12 numbers) 25c. Address, THE WOULD, New York City. '. --N Electric Soap 1 BEST FAMILY SOAP THE WORLD. .hiiM. Luiform iu Quality. ; ' V iv i". il forniL-U for whi' Ti we pu) f $0,000 . '(. tun 'J.' lt.t never htcn moilitttd or . i.f'.i m tV.c ! fittest. Ihln nmnp tm . ji'.ntriil In iiMitltty lo-ttay with 1 .nt it: nit 1? tncnly yenr ctff. 1!' .:,i. Mim 11 t titujr iUml run la hiT-P in, t; 11 out 111 brie. It brnrUp ,1! I iiWi-h h t.-. ti -s ll 1 11 1 1. h ;n,i lilanVct no other op ,; I J.v w'tl.otit hniikitn-levinf . - i wlilt an I Ilk.- iicsv. jmm' Mft Tii TWICE ,'KK is n irront MMvlnv of lime, of laoor, , nf fuel. ml ul ihc tabnc, wlierf UOO- 'trie Su.ip 11 1 d nccortltiif l 4lr. : trl.l will ilemcinBtratt iu gntt netit. J 'a il to iu 1 In; tli it tri.it. - iK'. :i)l hwt thin. It is cxtcvwirtljr ii . 1 t.iU-1 atti counterfeited. peware of Imitations. YNSIST upon lfhli.ll-' Flectric. Do-'t tak Miurnetic, Kiectro-Miisic, Ptiilmdelphi LUctrlc, ot!(rr fr.iii I, simply Ikc.iu it s cheap. Thty thci, ft nd are dcir t any prict. Alk lor tr from MaiM -'t it, ha LlUUb... ja31y o. , l'lliladoi PROFESSIONAL CArs. JAHKS H. M1-LI.EH, I I. TIK 1. SS'SS JlJ I L L I K a D A N I K I , ATTVRXJCrS A T I..' A, WELDON , N. C. Prftctirt in the court of Hi i an-icr. 'rJlIB' rr tontnd in the Kujirenif ftnu f--u uotioni man in tupiruoi norui a. Branch oBdi tA Hmlihx, M. O., opa ry Uoi. At j. ju T ly HOMAl M. HILL, Attorney sit Liw, HALIFAX, X. C. FractieM In Ha.lilki ud adjoiiiinf oountlai tai Fediml and Supntn ocmilg. Mf . C. T H 0 ft K I, . ATTORNEY AT LAW, INFIILD.ir. C. PracUrM in the courts of Halflai and adjoin In counties and in the Huprvme court. (Jollecitoiis made any hare In iha Mat, and re turns prumtlljr suade. JJDf AID T. OLA B, K, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ; HALIFAX, X. C. Pnotleoo whomor kltMi-rleoi rorMitrr . CoUMtiw otoUlsMtlvoB nmvMk A i i i V