t1 ' ip HALL & SIjEIDG-E, I'KOPMETORS. .A. 1TESPAPEB IF O IR, THE PEOPLE. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNK 20, 18SI). TERMS-'!"' 1,1:11 ANNUM IN APVANCK VOL. XX. NO. J I. NEW ADVEUTISHM KNTS. A WOMAN'S REASON. DEBT PAYING RELIGION. A REALLY TOUCHING CA2E. ADVKHTISEMEYIS ( '. 0. P. ; B Prom op F - PATENT CAGAMBRIlLMrcCo7 OUR P-A-TEISTT ROLLER FLOURS r manufactured from llie CHOICEST WHEAT 01STAINA11LK f.-r which Baltimore ns a nistrkct stands pre-eminent. 'I'll, ir superiority for I NI l'OKM 1 1 V, STHENCTIl and rNArrUOACIIAIII.KI''I..VV01lhttUKb.vnaiiii..wWH' The l'ATAl'SCOSI'l'EHIiATlYE PATENT .'Stands unrivulh'il. Of a lich, ('runny Color, it makes a Uread that will suit the Fuslidious. ftirAsk your Grocer lir it. rjj, PatuiD Superlative Patent, llolatnlo Choice l'atont, y i 1 'atapsco Family Patent, Orange (Irovo Extra, Baldwin Family, Maplcton Validly. C. A. OAMIJliH.h MANI PAITI IIINI! COMPANY', '. .111 Cummcrce St., ItulfYinnre, Mil. augUly. ' E 8 T A I! I- I S II ED 18 li 8. JOHN N. BROWN, HALIFAX, N. C 1 Pit UU GIST AND PHARMACIST. -DEALER PURE TOILET AND FANCY Articles, Patent Medicines, Trusses anil Shuuliler Places. I'ainls, Oils, Putty. Glass, Varnishes ami Dye StulTs, Lamp Oils ami Lamp Chimneys. Gulden anil Field Seeds . '- IMuPhysieians Prescriptions Carefully Compounded, jan I! ly HUGHSON & SULLIVAN'S SURREY BUGGY. No. Thf SarrfT H.ltftrY In fast tnklti:. tlit' piiii-.' rf appfarauui tuul jut us t-uy lu fit luu.iili.iu of. Writ f'r Prices antl I'titalot.'Uo on our lari UUU tUllt'fX, icvoiiifioiN t Muiurh'tun-n for It Tratfe FOR RALE BY 1'. N. oct 11 lj rp j 111! -AT 1 LOWEST FlUO-tiS, 1 i IS J DR. A. E. ZOLLICOFFER'S, ' it VEST SIDE WASHINGTON WELDON. N. C. STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. J-PMiOBIPTIOM DXPABTUKNf FILLED WITH THB BEST SXLKCTKD MATERIAL. PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED AT ALL HOURS WITH GREAT CARE. iPUMERY, STATIONERY, FANCY SOAPS, BRUSHES, 'i , FANCY ARTICLES, TOBACCO AND CIOARS. J I M III tkaUkMrtjwtlooiMkliMTi iwiltoTOi tt ZOLLICOFFER'S. THE PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS. ESTA.BLISHEID1774. IX- DRUGS, CIGARS & CHEWING Tobacco. n",. tnc 1 '.. u i i! i i)i:u li It -in 'mini tii'iitt-r hi r l:n ''.iii'.iit.; V;i::ihh, t urrl-cs. lltn kui.tviva:, XCUUiX Il'iail, N. May 1C STA1NBACK & C(. PLAGE TO GET mm 1- TIIK- AVE, OPPOSITE It. 8HED BY I.OflSK rilASHI.KR MOl'I.TON. Why should I stiiko my happy youth, My iliiysorSprinn, pun ;i ih.ui'm unt est tl truth, And prHVnil ring? You praise nit- fur my kuMcii hair, My eyes ol hint!. Hut rhauye oYr takes the la i I ist fair, Then what of you? Win nail you praise has stiflem. wroiij;, And I am old, Will lovclh.it did lo ymilh Ix-long, My ine unfold? Since you hut prio my smiling eyes, And Mushing clict'k, Then hrealhe no nunc ymr (ruder sighs; The things you .serk Ale hut thrshadow of a shade, Will vanish last, Mirage, of mists of morning made, That cannot hist. 'Tift he who seeks a woman's soul Who wins her heart ; Hue reaches not Love's final goal With hallow art. FOR HIS OWN GOOD. On a Miehij.Mii Central train the oth er ilay, as the ''hutch. -r'' come iuto t lie car nitli a basket ofoiaimis. an ulil man. whose wife sat heside him, was very anx ious to buy hall' a ilo.en, hut she waived the boy on with, "He can't have 'cm; he !Ver eats one without the juice runs down on his shirt bosom." "Sho! but 1 want two or thrre, Hau lier," he protested. "You behave yerself! You want to it cramps and raise a row, don't you?" The boy soon returned with a box of us, and the old man beckoned to him sil l began to lick his chops. Pass right on," said the woman to the boy. "lie b'ainl eat a tig for thirty irs, and I think he can go thirty years more. I'he boy passed on, and returned with peanuts. J he old man was ready lor him, but the wife protested, "lie can't cat 'cm It's bin ti ll years since he had a tooth in his head, and he'd lit' v to swaller 'cm whole. No, Heuben, you let peanuts alone." Twenty minutes later the boy was back with candy packages with prizes in t hem, and the old man exclaimed, "I'll hev one u' them, or lmt!" "Then you'll bust, "she replied, as she motioned the hoy to pass on. "It's agin the Luiil and tlio law to take chances, sides that, you wouldn't git tiothiu' nohow." ' Hut I'm goiu' to buy sumlhiu', II. Hi nt1 r. "Well, you wait. You can't hev ice cream tier lemonade, an it ho comes with popcorn or buttermilk, don't you dare to make a fuss. .1 ti.-t you wait. We'll he in Detroit at (! o'clock, and then if there happms to be a grjeery handy by, you can buy six heriiugs for live cents. Herrings is siiniihin' to stand by you. Pieubeii, an' the heads an' tails will keep moths away and are good for warts. We've got too old for gew-gaws, Ileubi-u; what we want at our tiou o' life is the wuth of our money." A UNIQUE fftCTORY. If you do not think mankind is a thirs ty race you should visit a uui.pie shop on a back meet in Washington. There is nothing ijuite like it on the face of the earth, and it is a marvelous cxpunent of the bibulous ability of the world. Some years ago it popped into the uiiuu ul an ingenious man that hv the aid of maihiuery he could beat nature nuking traws. lie buif m tieid, as so many oilier people have liotiedl, that cooling dtiuks ac.iuire an added suionth- uess and dulcet charm ou a sultry night, when they me drawn through a straw This opi ration, however, rcpiired the pur. hiise Osgood strong umhia-hcd straw ia largo qunutilies, and the item of ex- p nsu becaine ipiito n ruii.ble. Out ingenious I'rleiiil cudgeled Lis brains mill made auiiehine which would curl pap r inlo a i vliiiil. r ami llius i aialli I nature s handiwork, lint it was a i rude Iriumpli ami he was not salisticd. Pnteiiling his lift alteinpt, iherefi re, he begin In improve u on it,aiul he kept mi i.iipi.inoa l.in .. ...i..iu anj ii.,:i(.i ing his plant as his husineis cri'W, till now he has ill his shop l.VI machines ia p.ible among iht m ol turning out ",(1(1(1. 0(1(1 paper straws a day. In ero weath er business is slack, but as the thermom eter rises his machine! grow 1 usier and busier, and now they are running at their full capacity. They are run by a three horse power electric, mot ir. This busi ness has been developed inside of four years from tlio smallest and crudest of begin, niogs to its present gigantic proportion", and its history shows how much a good thought is worth. Xew Yolk Sun. CONSUMPTION SI Ki:l.V ( IKI:I). To THR Eiiitok. Please lurorm your readers that I have a positive remedy lor the above named disease, lty its timely use thousands ol" hopeless cases have been permanently oureil. 1 shall lie glad lo send two bottles of my remedy ruKK to any of your renders who have consumption if they will send me their express and postoflice address. Respectfully, T. A.KLOCUM, M. C. oct 25 1 yr. 181 Pearl t- New York- 1 Mm EDWIN H. TERRELL, MINISTER TO BELGIUM. EDWIN H TERRELL The Hon. Edwin II. Terrell, of San Antonia, Texas, Minister to llelgiiiui, was horn at lirookville, Indiana, on Xoveinbcr 21st, 18-18, His father was a Methodist miuister. His mother having died while he was iiiite young Judge Holland of lirookville adopted him and he was graduated from Dee l'auw l'ni versify iu 1871. He read law at Howard I'niversity and tool; his degree in 18711, and setlled iu Indianapolis. A lew years later ho moved to San Autonia, Texas, where he has lived since. lie was a del egate to the last Ki-puUiean National Convention from Texas and seconded Harrison's nomination. JASPER TALKS. HE SAVS II K IS NKAII (Kill AMI I'll K HUTS UIVIXE I'l'M.sll.MK.NT lull TllllSK THAT SL'lillN IMS I'KKIUC TlllNS. A l'lii'hluond special in the Baltimore -Lio nVfin is as follows: Ilev. John Jasper, the famous colored preacher of the ''Sun Do Move'1 notorie ty, said to-day, iu regard to his prudic tioli of the Johnstown calamity: "The end is not yet; 1 am near to (lod, and it is through inspiration thou things are made known to me. There are many who can speak of inspiration, but they don't know what are ils true character istics. They read about it, but they don't 1 it, I don't kuow a belter way to illuslrate and make myself iind. r.-loo.l than by giving an example. Sav there two persons seated by a hot lire; one is very near the grate, and the other re mote. The one who is near fe'ls llie heal very perceptibly; it burns him: while the other, who is remote from the lire, sees and knows that his liiiu.l is feeling the effects of the lire, but he hiui- ' docs hot; and this is my explanation of inspiration. 1 can feci the in-pir.i tion of die Lord, iu me, and by that 1 able to foresee what is going to take place. "When I can tell the people of what I ive seen, they sneer, jeer and make light of it. The visitation of (Lid wi.l come on those people if they don't c.iiue back to lii in. will not say nil. ! lo r it will he soou or late, but it will certainly come. 1 can see it just as plain as I see these lingers on my hand.'' I I h i: n on i n 1 1 im.i Not il you go through the ..rld a dys peptic. Ackir's Dyspep.-ia Tablets are a poMiivo cure for the worst foiins of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Flatulency and Conslipalion. (lUaraut.H'd and sold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon.N. C. CULINArTmAaIMS. Late fruit keeps well. Eating sets llie In ad rigid. He preilehes well who lives w Stingy tiling is not frugality. Keep llie feast to feast day. A good in. til is worih hangln for. lli. bread fell inlo the honey. A young glultoli luaktth an old beg gar. Is lb. re nothing between the fast and the feast ? A hungry itoinach seldom loalhts common victuals. There is never enmity bclwem the cook and the butter. A hungry man discovers more than a hundred lawyers. When it rains macaroni I here will he ii line time for gluttons. Three things kill a inau; a scorching sun, suppers and cans. Ono bird iu the dish is heller than a hundred in the air. We eat and drink though every tree wcru gallows. CAUTION TO MOTIH'.K. Every mother is cautioned against giv ing hi r child laudanum nr paregoiic; it creates an unnatural craving forstimulants which kills the mind or the child. Ac ker 'i llahy Soother is specially prepared In benefit children and cure their pain?. It is harmless and contains no Opium or Morphine, gold by YV. M. Cohen, Wel don, N. C. GIRLS, MEASURE UP I'ltnlMillTKiXs or A 1'KllFKCTI.V KollJIKU WOMAN AMI II Kit WKIllllT. Fr..iii thf U.H-ln-tl.-r 1'i.i.ni. A perlect'y lornied woman will stand at the average height of ." feet '.i in.-hes to ." feet 7 inches. She will weigh from 1 li. to 1 P) pounds. A plumb line dropped from a point marked by the tip of her nose will fall at a p int one inch in fruit of her great toe. Her shoulders and her hips will strike a straight line drawn up and down. Her waist will taper gradually to a size on a line drawn from the outer third of the collar bone to the hips. Her bust wid measun from -8 to 110 inches; her hips will miasiire from (i to 10 iu. lies more I hull this, and her waist will call lor a belt from lo 'JS inches. The upper aim of the eifectly formed woman w ill cud at I he w ai"t line, ki ilia' she can rest Ii t elbow ou a (able w hi e standing erect, and her forearm shall ex tend to a point permitting the lingers to mark a point just below the middle ol the thigh. Il.l neck and thigh should be of the same circumference. The calf of her leg antl upper arm should measure about the same. Her legs should be about as long as a line drawn from her chin to lur linger lips, or aboul one half lur htiglit. She should measure from lur waist lo her feet about a foot more I h.ui from her waist to I he clown of her lit ail. Her neck should he from VI lo 11 inches around, her head erect an 1 on a line wilh the central plane of lha body, and h. r foot should be of a si.' and shape lo conform wilh hi r hands. The well proportioned woniau wears a shoe one half the siz . ol the glove that her hand calls for. Thus, if a woman wears a six glove she ,h mid wear a thru' shoe. JASPER'S CONVERT. Til K l.VNfll 111 Hll AHVANCK HUKS UVEIl Til THE SUI.All l'lllll'HKT. The Lynchburg AlrunT says : The recent rainfall seems to have been as great and as destructive in palls of China as in this country. The number of lives lest at Hong Kong is placed at lll.illl, and the destruction ul' propcity very general. This adds point and force to the re markable dream recorded of the Ilev, Johu Ja-per, the eoloied pre.iiht r of liichmond, who thinks the "Sun Do Move." He dreamed some days before llie lale disaster that there would be "on May 111, 'a great Hood over the laud which would destroy many thousands ol lives and millions of properly, and carry devastation and sorrow into unnumbered households. lie lohl bis dream lo his colored con gregation the Sunday before llie Hood cauie, mill it al.il tiled I lit m so seiiously lli.it il made some of the superstitions believe ihat ihe end if the World was close to hand and I hey lilt without ark to lloat out upon. 1 lie tail that the llonil did come i n the vi ry day predicted, May III, and did carry death and distinction over various portions of the world, makes his emigre gal ion honestly believe that Jasper is a prophet from tiud itutl has inspired vis ions, ns prophets of old used to have. Some of his reliable colored friends de clare that this is not the reverend preach er's only prophetic vision, but he has had several others that came strictly lo pass. And, really we do not see. why llicrc should not be prophets iu our time as well as in the past, or why good nieu should noo dream dreams that are real ir.ed in all their vivid reality. Theso is not only nothing unnatural or unreason able in it, but the thing is cnlirely consis tent with sound philosophy and the reali ties of a spirit world. In fact, dreams and dreamland are the most distinct links that connect this life with that to come, and assures us that when theso frail bodies cf ours drop into the dust from which they sprung, that tho spirit lives nd riaea immortal in the heavens. 11V lil'.V. Ii. II. TITTIX "Jusl at ibis lime our r.ninl ry need- : religion that will make a man pay bi debis. Shouting don't sell'.- old notes or accounts with Hod or iik.ii ea.-h up. We want to pom lUil on a follow and put him right oiii of the thon-h if he goes to a bill, or theater, or goes on a drunk, but low r -iy a word lo the li ons scamp who never pays hi-, debts. Preith.r and people who do not piy their debts are d dug llie church Wore h n 'il than dancers and drunkards tin re are more ol'lhcin in the church. Head or, am I gelling close to y .11,' Then lay down t!i : paper an 1 g i an I p iy up mil you c m r. a 1 o i at ea-e. Ami d .li t you slop paying became th.! "slatulo oliiimt it it ill ' excuses tin open aeeount you made lor your bread and meal Hod's law kn iws no statute. You pay it in cash or (lod will mike ym pay it iu lire and biiin st ine. (lod knows no such exi u-c from paying as "hoinesti ad exempli, n " You raise that excuse to keep from paying your debls and you can stop s:nging. "When I can read my title clear toman sions in the skies." You've got none up there. You may say, I wouid pay if I could How hard have you tried? If d.iug at this mom Tt could you say, I've done all in my power? Have you tried to save a little each week or month for your debts? Are you spending no moii- ey for things to oat and we n that you can tlo without? How much do you spend per year for cigars and tobacco? Make the calculation. Put that amount to your debls. Do you eat dainties and luxuries? Plainer diet would keep you Irom making doctor's bills that you wouldn't pay, and leave your money to biing up luck aocotiuls. Do you strut about with an umbrella while your cre.f tors work iu the broiling suu? Den t you cut shims iu hired turnouts (may be they are in. I paid for) when you might walk and use the money to make the creditor smile? A plainer suit of cloth, s would be more becoming until you c; n pay lor those worn la-t season. When expenses nul neces.-ary for I he feeling and c'othiug of the b idy are cut off and a p'.ied to the payment of debls lb. n yo i grow iu favor with (rod. an 1 not until tin n dots (iod excuse you UKI'KNTAM'B on this point must be of that llotl'.y fort that nec.lelh not to be repented ol'. Header, were you not sorry that you had not paid your debts when you made a piol'es.ion of religion? If yu wre not ib.it is jiit why you have not got a d' b!-;aytng religion has a retreac ivi I rue re Oj,t is wdl as the life s far as p:o; .!' o s: iiietive cllect 101 the believer -he will b!e make good his past wrong. Many a new convert sing-, "Jesii-paid it all. all to him I owe." No such thing Je-iis . 1 1 . 1 not pay H all, n. itherd i you owe il all to him. Il the w eek before you were converted you owed your neighbor ten dollars, and was able to pay it, y.ui owe that neighbor ten dollars yet. Jesus did mil pay that (or you. If you ibui'i pay that debt it will meet you at judgment as sure as you are a sinner. Il is mean lu you lo expect . Jesus to pay debts lor you lhat you can pay youisclf. If you have a Christian heart iu you, think how muth Jesus paid for you that you never ould have met at (liti s bar uf indexi ble justice. Some people think that llie cleansing stream of Jesus' blood washul Sinai away and delugul the law i o such tiling. Jesus came m.t to do.-tr. y but to fulfill. Jesus everywhere eiiforci s the coinmandnicuts as the rule of life. "AN KXAMI'I.K." At the close of our great revival ;t Fifth Street church two years ago a num ber of young men came to llie to know if they ought to pay biils lliey had made at bar rooms for wbi-key, etc? I told them to "owe no man anything;" "let m.t our gootl be evil spoken ol'" give ihe devil his din s. All of ihosi one or two, went and paid nun, save those "bad debls" and made no more. Tins' who could not see that it was t In ir duty to pay those debts have returned to llo ir old paths and their second stale is wor-e than the first. V HIiltTATIIIN Then let the whole church pray for a revival of debt paving religion. Ill every revival let prayer be made that the new converts may have grace to pay up "old debls" aud not contract new outs without a good probability of paying them. Let the minister enforce this duly publicly and pi ivalely (with discretion') antl great good caii be accomplished. If preachers would look idler this matter of debt-paying among their congregations their own debts might be more promptly paid chickens come home to roost, hut preachers need to be more careful, pray erful and pavful along this line. The greatest necessity of the time) is confi dence among the people Let the church command and demand her membership to live up to their promises aud contracts and soon the present financial darkness will give away to a brighter morn of pros perity in all business circles. Keep the amen corner and front seat clear of men who won't pay their debts (the pulpit too) and tho word preached will reach sinners. May God give increase to these words which are written for tho promo tion of his kingdom in the practical dealing of men with men. Among llie many incidents e-uitiect. .1 niih the terrible .lisisterat John-town We hue seen none more deeply lunching iu fact tier, hallowing, f. r ihe want ol a bcit'-r term, than the following.- An utterly wnleh.-d w.tnin mimed Mi- I', on -tood by a urn My p ml of :itnr try iii j lo liu'l some tr ie of a once h.. py home. ,s,e was half crazed with grief, and lu r ey es wei" r. . I and swollen. As I slopped In her side she r.ltS"d In pale and liagj.ir.1 l'.ie, saying.' ' They are all gone. ( Mio.l, be merciful lo them. My liu-liand and my sevt u dear linle ebildn n have been su.pl . u nil Ii the Hood and I am !ell a. lie. We Wi re diivi n by llie raging II hI into llie gmrel, but the wa ters followed ih tin re. Inch by inch il kepi rising until our hemls w. re t riisb ng again-l llie lo f. It was death to remain. So 1 raised a window and one by i lie placed my darlings on some drill-wood, liu-ling lo lliedreat Creator. As 1 IP -crated llie last one, my sweet little boy , he looked at llie and said: "Mama. y..u always old me ibut I lie Lord would care for n.e; will he look af ter mo in.w?" "I saw hiui drift away with his loving face turned toward me, and wilh a prayci" on my lips for bis deliverance be passed from sigkl felt v. r. The next moJicnt the root clashed iu a'id 1 floated outside In be rescued lilieeii hours later from ihe roof of a house in Keniville. Il I could only find one of my darlings I could bow to Ihe will of (iod, but they are all gone. I have lost everything on earth How but my life, and I will ieluru to my old Vii ginia home antl lay me down for my last great sleep." HELPED TO HANG HIMSELF. t'M'AII l ! K1.KH ronl.NKss I'lsl'l, li V AN IN'Vil'KVI' MAX ON Till: HALLOWS. In a batid-' ine mansion Htuitfd in a 1 ly pari of England there rt sided, a few veal- ago. a maiden lady of consider able wealth, says a writer in the Pbiladt' phia I'tms. One morning .-he was dis covered foully niurd red. Her man ser vant, named l.-c. was sii-pc'teil. arrcsi. d ami e. nvitted on circumstantial evidence and st in. need to be banged. So conclu sive set inc.l llie evidence against the pris on, r thai mi alteinpt whatcv.r was made on the pari of (lie public to induce llie liotne secretary I" . x. rci-.e executive il iiieiie". 'flic day t f cxecHii-.u having ariived, llie pri- ii r we.- led forth lo suf f, rth" exirinc penally. The rope to be used, lie (exliire of which was silk an 1 hemp, had leu. as is cu-temary in .-neb ea-'s, te-letl wilh llie aid of sand bag-, and wa not found wanting. '1 h bull was drawn and llie plis ou r was giv en a drop ol' eight feet. The rope broke. ' be Mlsoiier walked, unaided, up 111 llie i p- hading to the s-iflol.l, and at' t r llie rope had been fixed again and the nuos' adjusted llie bolt was drawn fur the second time. The n.pe broke n- gain. Lee v as by ibis lime considerably stuuu. d. However, aftir the lapse; of a few uioinciils lie again ascended, unaided, the steps, and afor lining all in . pnwir to all.iv llie ncrvoii-ness of llie hangman, as isic.l the lati. r in once more fixing the the rope. The pr'soiit-r plaed himself on tin' trap door, the bolt was pulled and t ae e leiiiiied m iu droppe 1 oi o - more 0 H of view. The rope parted lor the third time After consider ihle delay Lr once more placed himself in the ex ecuiioiier's hands, but lhat personage and the other officials, bonified at what seeu. eda.liiiiieinl.rposilii.il, refused to pre-t-. .1 further with ll.c busii-.e-s. The fads were reported lo the home secretary who at once n spied ihe rifom r, con demning him to imprisonment for life. Three years later a woman who was lev's fellow servant confessed on her d; ing bed lhat il was she who killed lur mistress. She declared lhat Lie had no eoiin eiiiiu whatever with the affair, and staled facts strongly coiiliruialory of lo eoufe-sioll. Iii-i.iiiccs may possibly have occurrul in which an eipial amount of phys'c coinage has been display ed, but ontsii of the pale of lidioti lliiTti lannot be cited a single case iu which bravtry cvir nbived a more conspicuous part than in ihe incident above dctailtd. A Krl.B fur A Gnu.. A good rule for the guidance of a girl through the years when she is tho object of adiuin. tion and flattery, is to do nothing, which she would not he willing to tell now to her mother and hereafter to her husband. Life may be made tamer for het by ob serving that rule, but it will assuredly be more pure, womanly and safe. V Kt ) I' I. U li V KB V IV H V. It U Confirm our statement when wo say that Acker's Kuglish llcmedy is in every way superior to any and all other preparations for the Throat and Lungs. In Whoop ing Cough and Croup it is magic and re lieves at once. We offer you a sample bottle freo. Remember, this Remedy ia old on 1 positive guarantee. For sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. ANTI-IIYSI'KI'TK'. WAIiUANTED I'll EE FltOM 110(1 FAT. PI' UK, WIloLESO.M E, ECONOMICAL. for sale hv tl'ate.l I'.ilnpl all ( ! ll'i'els. 1. 1, entitled Send for lllus- "SiMIK THINKS AII 'LT I.AItli." OXE III NIIRKI) PRIZE DINNERS, or how to provide a good dinner for Four Persons lor (Ine Dollar. An I'Xeelleul (..'.nil; Hooli of :!.0 I'ugl'H 1'2 mo., containing one loin. Ired lllliuer lilll ol l-'are, wilh iiisiroetains how to prepare each one, so that the lost for four (iclsous cannot cM'eeil one dollar, al.-o I ."id addition al It'l'ilies. This valuable book will he given fret; to any one sending or prt-setiliiiK tickets rep icsenling llie jiurchase of twenty (-11) poiiudsoi T. (). 1'. COTl'ON SEED l'.A It'll, at our llraiicli Slore, Is'o. Ill V. 4gnd St., X. Y. Each pail of our Lard contains a. ticket, the iiiiinheron which corrcsiHiiids to this miuilier of pounds in the pail. T I IK nil luN nil. I'K.ilill'TCO , N. Y. T. I.. EMRY, Agent lor Weldon, N. C. C. E. .Mi UWHiAN, Ageiitl'or Enlleld, N.C. upr 1 1 gin "IIIAS5. t II. Voi'KAntf. Mai .I.KIt Walsh, OllKS, AKIILB SOUW SYCAMORE STREET, PETEKSDl'UO,VA. Monuuii n s, Headstones, Tom' is, Tabled, &.' Lowest cash plies guaranteed. All w. rk warranted satisfactory. JsaY-A beaulil'ul calendar lor 1S89 sent to any address ou receipt of stamp for postage ( II AUI.KS 31. WALSH. oct 1 1 ly. THE BEST FAMILY SOAP !M THE WORLD. lis Strictly Fare. Uuiform iu Qnality. "jraHE oiiin.il formula fur which we paid 0,000 1 1 r . vm. i- 1 1 j ai ntver been mtxlilicd or 1 ii. njVj m tlic -Uirn-M. Till itonp im 1 Hcniicnl lit itiility to-dny with t.ml mtiilo tufiily y?nr ajro. II cimtjm tiotlliliff tllHt rim la furv 1 Ho ltuM itibrle. Ii Wight- 11 , 1 ii'ur. ni l lilcai-h s whiles. 1 I M..!ie IUnkU .nid blankets an no other ioap 1. w.irl I doc-; w ithout ihriiiking leaving 1 m -nit .111 1 white antl like new. , 1EAD THIS TWICE mUI.KK ii a irrpnt Mnvlnr of time, of labor. J i f sioii, of fuel, ami uf the fabric, where Uob- I icanc Si..i) ii uivd HccorUluir iv dlrM N I. triiu will demonstrate its great merit. U Ikk ,.11 host tlilitir. it U extensively imk 1 im' v'i ti m .ike 1 Hal trial. I counterlL-iUil. cv;areoMmitations. TN-1ST tipnn llobhhtV Electric. Don't take A :!-! i-, Kleccm-Magic. Philadelphia Electric, r n . n; hit fr hi I, dimply hecime it i cheap. They . .il nun cl the, and are dear at any price. Aik tor IKHIUIXS' ELECTRIC ' no oihrr Nearly even grocer from Maine ,) Mt-K Cti keep it in stock. If yours hasn't it, he v " . r cr Cram hi-v nearest wholesale grocer. UY 1 car.Tully the insidf wrapper around each . tur, nnd lie careful lo follow lrttOM n 1 Si I'tiiMile w rapper Ymi Clill nut ntforsl te - i: I .r;cr l' f re trying for yourself this old, reliable ,.i I uimthrful Dobbins' Electric Soap. I L. IRVGIN, k CO. riiiladelphia, Pa. jau II ly tttll ftwlnrMssililn' (rid ia all pant, ti Km. mr our narhint inu foutJI Wbtrc lb ixviplr mi it tBem. Wi win Mini rpf n on Ci mm iu acb lurtiut.ili vrrjr I Mwina-marhia Niail la World, jib ill iht iitttliHirnli. ' win alas Miid free roti.i ia oraat t-Miir and iuil isn mplM la rtiura 11 1, 1K11 n. i-w whit wt Mtia, 10 tboM aba niiathi (bail arrnni iiti mm r bom tad nirt a ri le ft thr hlairr paitnu, 'tut 'riitE.FRtfc km ia Ihr worm a ravlial raeairrd, flila. nrti niiriif Hirkol hrh irtt thown -rrttid 1 Atnrhra. TEl Al I'O., te, AiiWiai aUiMf- ur lb bi lha world, anil lha PROFESSIONAL CARDS JAUK.HM.MrLI.lkN, WAI.TEB I. HAM1B1. D A N 1 K L, M V L L K N ATTORiSEYS AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. Practice in tliecourtsof IUIIrft.itit1Northmii. ton mid in Ihe Supreme mitt Federal cou-U. Col lections niii'Ie in all purls uf North Cumliua. Ursuch office at Halifax, N. U open every Mor. duy. J 7 T iT0MiS N. HILL, Attorney at Law, HALIFAX, N.C. Practices In Hallhi ami adjoining ouuntiei ai 4 Federal and Supreme oourta. Mf.M tf y o. I it o i I, . ATTORNEY AT LAW, ENFIELD, N. C. Practices in thecmirui orUulltax and adjotnlnf Couutiea and in the fetiprt'tne oourt. Collecilonn aiade aiifwhera iu the RUt, undra turni prumpllr mule, lief 'i I ' i A M M J 4 -4 I i ll fll lltOTIII

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