ssa - lsa4 a jas&saaa HALL cSc SLEIDGKE, l'lioi-RiKTons. VOL. XX. A '1TE "W SP APBB FOR THE PEOPLE. TEKlvTS---00 l'Klt ANNUM IN ADVANCE. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 1, 1889. NO. 16. NEW ADVKHTISEMKNTS. -PATENT .CAWMBRIUMffiMy OUR PATENT ROLLER FLOURS ;iri. manufactured fmui tl.o CHOICEST AVIIKAT OllTAlNAIILE fr wl.Uli lldtimorc as ii market stands pre-eminent. Tlictr u juti. irity for I'MI'OKMITV, STKKNUTII uihl IN A ITRO.U'll ABLE I'LA YOR hushing been acknowledged. The I'ATAI'KCOSITEHLATIYE PATENT Stands unriva d. Of a lich, Criatny Color, Fiisi iiiious. toy-Ask I'utapsco Superlative I'atcnt, 1'atapson Eauiily Patent, Baldwin Family, C. A. (JAM BRILL K S T A I! L I S II JOHN N. BROWN, I)llU(i(JIST- AND -HEALER PURE 111, TOILET AND FANCY Articles, Patent Medicine, Trusses mid Shoulder Braes. Paints, Oils, Putty, (Mass. Varnishes and Dye-StuH's, Lamp Oils and Lamp Chimneys, Harden and Field Seeds tfljul'liysicians Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. jan 1! ly HUGHSON & SULLIVAN'S SURREY BUGGY. Na. fin. The Rurrvy rmnry ti ft tnklmc the t tin PlK'ftTMU Uml jUl lit) III if t luiuulttulut. Writo fur PrU CuUluuuo ou cur full Camoiul Cuttt m. lIl'fJIISON UnuftwUrrrs fur tlw Tnulo. FOR SA1.K BY P. N. set llljr Light liuiining UomosticScwiiio Machine DO 1 ' THE PLACE TO GET AT 'IS -A.TJ DR. A. R. ZOLLICOFFER'S, WEST SIDE WASHINGTON AVE, OPPOSITE R. SHED. WELDON. N. C. STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. rPIIHORtPTION DIPARTMMT MIXED WITH THI BEST 8 ELECTED MATERIAL.- PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED AT ALL HOURS WITH GREAT CARE. PERFUMERY, STATIONERY, FANCY SOAPS, BRUSHES, FANCY ARTICLES, TOBACCO AND CIOARS. tlktlatSIBUMts arty waloome lwji wttu job t PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS. EST-A.BLISHEID-1774. it makes a Broad tliat will rait the jour Grocer for it. Jtohm Jo Choice I'atcnt, Orange (irove Extra, Maplcton Family. MANTFAC'JTRINU COMPANY", 21 1 Commerce St., Baltimore, Md. El) 18 I! 8. HALIFAX, N.C PHARMACIST. IN- DRUGS, CHS, CIGARS & CHEWING Tobacco. V. lino ; !( 1 1 rllttrh II !) , lm-liillii)' KULLIVAN, I;C:iEi3TBB, N. Mny 10 STATNBACK & CO. THK IL i ZOLLICOFFER'S. PROCLAIMS HIMSELF CHRIST. -OI TII CAIllll.lNA NF.i.ROI-: 1.KAVK IIIKIK ciiois ami work to follow iiisi- liHEAT EXl.iTKM KNT. Down on the bonks of the Savannah river the negroes are in a fearful stale of mind. Fur a ruiiiilli or hi a white who calls liim-elf .Icmis Christ, has been ?4i H tliriitiuli the cuiinlry preaching. The negroes have cuiue to lielievein him. and have aeeepted his words as inspired teachings. "(live up everything and follow uie," he commanded. "Lit your crops go; uiru your came in uie puielies ; Hie iam will prnvide fur you." And, obeying hiui. hundreds of ne groes have ipiit work. Their little crops have grown up villi weeds ; I lie planter have been deserted by their laborer, who absolutely refuse to work ; the turpentine manufacturers an 1 the saw mill men have great difficulty in getting help en ough to continue operations. The col ored population lias been deiiiorali..d for three weeks. To such an extent lias the era! spread that the intelligent colored people and the whites joined in discuss ing some plan to put a stop to it. It was decided to arrest the crvnk or send him out of the country. Some weio ready to lynch him, but better counsel prevailed. A warrant has been issued for bis ar rest and is in the hands of the sheriff. lie has prophesied that be would be arrested, anil his followers, "disciples," at they call themselves declared that be sh ulJ not he takeu away, u ml unit no violeuee should be done him. The wo men were more emphatic than the men and had armed themselves with guns, but the new prophet told his people not to offer any resistance. They I'eared that he would be crucified, but he told them that he would not he nut to death again. When the ullieers went to arrest him no resistance was ottered, but a large crowd soon joined the favored disciples, who are almost constantly about him. Tin y were ready to tear the officers to pieces, but at their prophets request they suffered hiui to be taken ipuietly away. After his arrest he gave the name of Campbell, and said ho came from the t. He shows scars in his hands, which he says were made by nails when he was crucified on calvary. His hair ml beard are long ami shaggy, although he evidently endeavors to trim his beard as the Saviour's is represented in some old pictures. The negroes fall down aud worship iiii, and kiss his bands and feet, and amioint him. lie dresses shabbily some times, and at all times poorly. lie re fuses money publicly, but is said to have money, and it was feared the charge ol vagrancy could not bo sustained. At his bidding women have left their hus bands and men their families to follow him. His laiuiliurity with the scripture i euoptional. lie 1ns told the people that he will go back to Heaven in a dial iot of lire at an early date. ELECTRICITY ON THE MARCH. KolTi'jk Ltiliiliuiolf. A company has been iu existence for the operation of what is known as the Wcems Electric Uailway System, and it is now claimed to be perfect and ready for inauguration. The invention comdsU of a Railroad track aud cars, the cars to be moved by an elccllie motor at a speed of three miles a minute ou a level and two on heavy grades and curves. The train is operated entirely from central stations aud requires no help ahead. The sjstem is for the purpose of the piick transmission of packages, which can be scut by this line at the rate of 180 miles an hour. The manipulator can stop the train when ho wishes, and tells by an automatic indicating arrange ment just where the train is all the time. It is so constructed that it cannot leave I be track, and the track ran be construc ted at a cost of live thousand dollars per mile. The expeiiiucntul line aud works are at Lauiel, Md., aud the tests, which have been exhaustive, prove the absolute practicability of the system. The ques tion of passenger travel on this rapid sys tem has not yet been discussed, but if the freight lino shall prove successful alter full trial iu actual opeiation over long distuuees, tin re would seem to he no reason why, iu the ut-ur future, gers may uot be gelling around at this lightning rate ol speed in a traiu which i above ground and safe from run offs. Vi rily, the world dm move. Hurkleu'K A mil a Halve. Thfl Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Kruisen, Sores.lMeers, Salt Hhoum, Fever Soiea.Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains Corns, and all skin cruptions,aud positive ly curia Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box, Fur salt) by druggists at Weldon, l'rown iCarraway, llalilai.Dr. J A McGwigan EiiBold. Character Disposition, intellect genius, come pretty much by nature ; but character is an achievement the one practical achievement possible to us for ourselves and for our children; and all real advance in tamily or individual u ilpng the linos or ehsracter. DEATH S VISIT. AN AiiltKKMKNT IN 1.1FK To HKVISIT 1-'H1KS'IJS VHK I'KAii C'AIIHIKI) HIT IN NORTH CAROLINA. Rieliiiioiiil lUntrh. The following strange occurrence hap pened in North Carolina and is strictly true in every detail only names are concealed, aud it is vouched for by responsible parties : A short lime ago my brother, my friend S , and I wi re strolling out a shoit way from town when lb subject of death was brought up, and we conjec tured as to whether it were possible for ihc suirit of one dead to return to earth mid make itself known. After discussing it awhile we three agreed that the spirit of the first of us who died should return and discover itself to the remaining two. We were all young and vigi rous in health, and soon the agreement passed out of our minds. A few months after the above my friend S left town to visit his brother iu a neighboring village. The third night after his departure. I dreamed that I was siding with the family at the tea table when a soft rap was heard at the door. I responded to it and upon open ing the door saw my friend S stand ing in the hall. His face was bruised upon the right side so much as to be almost blue, his eyes hud the glassy stare of death; and his lips wore rigidly drawn as if in intense pain: but particularly no ticeable was a deep triangular cut ovir the right eye. Its appearance suggested some jagged im-lrumcnt. With a ghastly smile lie said "I have come : tell Charlie I want to see him." .My brother turned at ouce as if to go to him, but I caught and violently re strained him, beseeching him the while nut to go there, fur I believed S to be dead. The dream was so vivid that I awoke with a start of horror and aroused my brother, and was ubouut to narrate to him my terrible dream, when, right in the doorway, with the same bruised face and ugly wound I had seen in ray dream, stood S gazing intently upon mo. I nervously called my biother's atten tion, but could not by any means per suade him to look where I directed. Only once, and that when ho first awoke did be cast bis eyes toward the doorway. Fully two minutes the spectre like figure stayed, then vanished, leaving my brother and myself selling upright in bed conver.-ing at the top of our voices. Our father iu the adjoin ing room was dis turbed by the commotion and came in to earn what was I he matter. Being in formed he hooted at the idea aBd said it was more than an unusual nightmare. Notwithstanding, we did uot sleep any more that night. The next day we received a message to the effect that S had become diz 7.y while s'ooping to drink from a spring, had staggered and fallen, striking his head upon a sharpstone, causing instant My mother hasteued to h is hon e to sympathize with his bereaved parmts, aud learned that th" location aud shape of the wound was identically the same as I had seen iu my dream, aud also as I saw upon awaking. The agreement we had made to re turn after death occuried to uie, aud I knew that S had kept his promise. THE SIZE OF HEAVEN. From the Atlmita KiiMiiutiinl. Hoes any book or commentary on the Bible give the sijo of heaven 1 W. P. P. The twenty-first chapter of Revelations gives the measurement. The most inter esting calculai ion of the subject is that of Captain J. B. Sharkley, a measurer of vessels in the Boston custom house. He takes the statement in llevclations xxi aud figures it out thus: "And he meas ured the city with the reed 12,(1(11) fur longs. The length and the breadth and the height are equal." Twelve thousand furlongs 7,920,01111 feit cubic 4! !I:1S,IISH,IIIMI,OIIO,II(IO,0(IO feet. Re serving one hall ol this space tor 1 lie thr-ine and court of heaven, and one-hall of the n ni limler for streets, we have 12 1,lll8,27:!,tll0,0(l0 , (KHI , 000 rooms We will suppose the world always did and aUays will contain !""',' in habitants and that a generation lasts IIII years, making iu all 2.070,0110,0(10 every ci uturv, and that the world will stand 1,000,000 years or 10,000 ccntu rie, 2!l,7OII.000,0OO,IIUO, inhabitants. Now suppose there are 100 worlds like this, equal in the number of inhabitants and duratiuu of years, a total of 2,070 IIOO,IKItl,llilO,000, per.-ons, there would bo more than 100 rooms 10 fett square for each and every person. is i i m woitni in;i Not if you t'o llimueh the world a dys peptic Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets arc a (Hisiiive cure for the worst foims of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Flatulency and Constipation. Guaranteed and Bold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, . U. 1 here is a doctor tor every uuti iu habitants in tins country, litis may account for the fact that Auiericnnt are shortlived. GONE TO BUY A WIFE. AN LXTLIlPKISINii YANKKK OFF ITU', CON STANT! NOl'LE T" OFT HIM A CIRCASSIAN I1KAFTY. Says a Hartford telegram: J. II. Kckhardt and S. B. Donchuin, of this city, sailed for Europe this week from New York on a most remarkable matri monial pilgrimage. The parents of Mr. Donchain were Aruieuians, but he was raised iu the public schools here. Early in life he started iu the jewelry and orna ment trade, and after obtaining a com petency he was most auxious to secure a helpmate. He was too exacting and of all the beauties the state offered uoiie met bis view. One day he learned from an English paper that theie was iu Constan tinople a female seminary, from which selections of a wife may bo made upon the recommendation of the officers in charge ol the institution. If acceptable, the applicant deposits a suitable sum, in proportion to the bride's bj iiity and at tainment us compensation to her parent for the loss of the daughter's society and services, upon which the happy bride is handed over to her purchaser, with whom she usually agrees by means of true Oliental persuasion. The system of wife purchase seemed to please Lr. Ponehain, and to his friend, Mr. J. B. Eckhardt, he confided his in tention to try his luck there. The latter thought the plan a good oue, and it was determined to start at once. The pair made all urriingeuients to be absent some lime, and sailed in the early part of the week. En route to Turkey they will take iu the Paris exposition aud visit Vienna, Florence, ltomo and Naples, reaching their destination in July. The bride will bo purchased as quickly as possible, and after a suitable leave taking of the old folks, il they can be found this side of Circassiu, the happy pair will njoy their honeymoon upon the Black mid Medileiraiiean seas, alter which the return to America will be begun. They will be back by September, und the friends of the groom promise the pair a rousing reception, which will be added to iy the intense curiosity here to see the uikish beauty. ONLY HER SIXTH. AMI SHK WAS IX A Hi'RRY FOR 1IKU MldlT OFT AWAY LICENSE FOR FFAR HI FROM IIF.K. "rum the I'hiliulell'hiil Record. 'My man is too busy to come him f, so please give me a marriage certifi cate, said a chipper dame ol not more than thirty-two years as men guess ages as she stepped into Marriage .icense Clerk Bird's office one day hist week. Certainly," said the polite clerk. He reached fur a pile of papers, and looking :il the calendar, remarked : "ninth." "No, ouly the sixth, ' put in the fi de. "Then I'm wrong," replied the clerk . "Ves, yon are, I've only ud live, ami this is the sixth," said the woman to the clerk's surprise. "Oh, I meant the day of the month." auohingly replied the clerk. "This one is a darling, and I'll try and uise hiui, said the Woman. "lie a clerk iu a dry goods store, and he never sils down for fear he'll crease his panta- loous and make tlicni bag at the knee But I'll give him a lesson. I'm iu awful hard luck with men. Soon as I get ictii fixed I lose them. No. 1 was such a uice man. lie una with consumption. When he died he had seven yards of porous plaster wrapped around him. No. 2 was a verv nice mail, lie worked in Dupout's powdtr factory. Just my luck. When he was blown up there was not enough of him to make a hair locket. No. 3, was also a nice man. lie followed the sea, and tiny tell uie a whale swal lowed him up, Nu. 4wasa nice man, too. Ho was a book scent. Oh, he ,uld talk so sweet. I used to sit by the hour and listen ti him. Ho bought divorce out iu Illinois and seut it to me. No. 5 was a nice man. 1 worshiped that w. He got to be a politician and staved out latent ihe caucuses. He was Irving to get a mntract to clean tb streets; and dear kuows they need it don't they? Hell, hediid of enlarge melit of the head. Now, hurry up witli that paper. No. Ii is such a nice fellow but he might change In miud." She took the lun r and hurried UP to the store, und when No. (1 came out he marched off to bis doom. CAUTIOSi To MOIIIKH. Every mother is Mulinncd against giv ing her child laudanum or Mircgoric: it create an unnatural craurv' for stimulants which kills the mind or i lie child. Ac ker ' Baby Soother is specially prepared to betn it children ami cure their pains. It is harmless and contains no Opium or Morphine, bold by W. M. Cohcu, el- don, X U. A perpetual motion niacliinc has not yet been discovered, but ihe tougue of 7-year-old boy asking questions conns pretty near it. Ol'POKTUNiTiEs. H is not so much the length or the variety of our opporlu nities ns the way in which we use them that will decide how much they will ben efit us, WATER. I A-K Vol', llHiiTTIKRS ALL. WTllT.ll Yor KMTIASlIK THAT HI'AIIKI.IS'i I i LASS OF WATKIl FOR ALCOHOL, THK I'MIMI OF THF.YFRY 1.I.VII. IHMsKLF -. Knlisut City Slur. It is related ol the late Emory Slurs that when silling aiiuud a wine table with a number ol legal liii-nds he in.-i.-tid on drinking iCe water. They taunted him fur his abstemiousni i-s, saying. "What is there iu water? Vou can say nothing for it." Picking up his glass, he exclaimed: "How do you expect to improve upon the beverage furnished by nature? Here it is Adam's ale about the only gift that bus descended undililed from the Harden of Eden! Nature's common carrier not created in the rottenness of fermentation, not distilled over guilty tiros ! Virtues aud not vices are its com panions. Does it cause drunkenness, disease, death, crueltv to women and children? Will it place rags on the person, mortgages on the stock, farm and furniture? Will it consume wages and income in advauce and ruin men in busi ness ? No ! But it floats iu white gossamer clouds far up iu the quiet summer sky, und hovers in dreamy mist over the merry faces of all our sparkling lakes. It viils the woods and hills of earth's landscapes in a purple haze, where filmy lights and shadows drift hour after hour. It piles itself in tumbled musses of cloud domes and thunderheuds. draws the electric ash from its mysterious biding place, and scams and shocks the wide air with vivid lines of fire. It is carried by the winds, aud falls in rustling curtains of liquid drapery over all the thirsty woods and fields, and fixes iu God's mystic Eastern heavens His beautiful bow of promise, glorified with u radiance that seems reflected out of heaven itself. It gleams in the frost crystals of the mountain tops and the dews ol Ihe valleys. It silently ereeps up to each leaf iu (he myriad forests of the world and lints each fruit aud flower. It is here in the grass blades of the meadows, and tin re where ic corn waves its tassels and the wheat is billowiii''! It "cms the depths of the sort with the glad green oa.-is, winds iu oceans rouud the whole earth, and roars its hoarse, eternal nullum on a hundred thousand miles of coast I It claps iis hands iu the flashing wave crests of the sea, laughs iu the little rapids of the brooks, kisses the dripping, moss covered, old oakeu well buckets ill a countless ost of happy hollies! See these pieces of cracked Ice, full of prismatic colors, clear us diamonds ! isten !o their fairy tinkle against the br ull the world to dec hull' f aint with thirst ! Ami so, in the hih!iiai:e id' that grand Id mau, (iough, I ask you, brothers all, Would jou exchange that sparkling glass f water for alcohol, the drink of the very devil himself ? CUNsillMPTlOX Wltl'.l.V t I ltl:l. To the El hti in. Please inform your readers t hut 1 have a positive remedy lor the iiIhivc nuliied disease. Hy its timely use thoiisiinils ol hiipelesK cases have been pel niunently cured. 1 shall be glad to send two liottles of my remedy kuf.k to any of your nailers who have consumption if they win semi me their express anil postoltiee address. Respectfully, T. A.SI.OCl M, M. C. oct3o 1 yr. 181 Pearl st. New York. PECULIARLY AFFLICTED. Joseph Oscar Johnson, of Macon, da., is qucerly affected, aud is condemned lo laugh all his life, lie is a paralytic, mid one side is eutirely useless. The stroke ime on him two mouths ago. He is a oeotuotive cngiuecr. It as in the town of Clinton, S. C. that the stroke came tu in). He was one day doing some work ou Ins engine anil talking to some oue staudinu' near. At the moment he re ceived the biow he was in the act of laughing, and, arrange, to say, the muscles and nerves of the face that are brought most into play in the act of laughing me the ones most uffeeted, and over thes has no control whatever. He cannot tell of his troubles and the doubts and fears thai torment him without laughing He has a wile and live children, and when this ntlliclion came upon hiui he weul to his father-iu law in Wilmington, aud told him of his condition aud of his inability to care further for his family The recital ol his pulling With bin nil', was most pulhetie and heartrending, yet with tears in his cyo-i an 1 a heart full of agony he was forced to luugh as though he had been telling the mist ludicrous iucideut. lie dares uot go to church lest he be accused of making sport of the ser vices and requested to leave the church And as for a funeral it would be out of the quesiiou for him toaltcud one. Hi case is a most pitiable one, and is the more to because he is only awaiting the onlv relief nossible for bun, and one that he would hail with pleasure and almost prays for. puoi'i.r, i:vi:hyvviii:hi.; Confirm our slntenicnt when we say that Acker's English Kotucdy is in every way superior to any and all other preparations tor ttio Throat ond Jjuogs. In Whoop inn Couch and Croup it is moeic and ro licves at once. We offer you a sample bottle free. Remember, Ibis Remedy is old on I positive guarantee. For sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. GOLDEN WORDS. FXTRACT FROM TIIF. DEC. I'RoiT.AMATIoN OF THK COLOR Mn l. 'KVIT'IN LAY OVF.KSOK OF "And it seems well to me to enjoin pailieiilurly ill. mi a!! iu this happy year of our national life, when nonh and south have started shoulder lo shoulder aud heart to heart, as of old, dow n the second century of our constitutional career, to search out tlu graves of the confederate dead among us and pay, now and hereafter every year, some worthy tribute of respect lo ihe splendid valor which, though in anger it iiieuaneed the life of our country, has contributed to ennoble the standard of American inau hood." "I cotiiuifui this as a generous and graceful duly to the (Ir.inJ Army of ihe republic. Only the brave can value the brave. Lot us remember they were our brothers, not foreigner-; that we were recked .u the same cradle aud nourished at the same breast; that wo have one origin; that we have one inheritance; that we hope for one destiny. The mourn ful error of their cause was not that they lacked of patriotism, but that their patri ism was not expansive enough to embrace the whole of their country. " Let us not forget that our brothers of the south were the first to support und generously support that great char ter of liberty the centennial of which we have celebrated this happy year; and let us not be so ungenerous as to doubt that when that sacred instrument is next as sailed by the enemies of mankind, the regenerated patriotism of the south will furiii-h its promptest and staunch est defetidiis. The conqueror may safe ly forgive when the conquered have be come grateful for defeat. So shall the spirit of unity und peace abide among us henceforth forever." THE TRIMMEST. riiiiK h: ir.t.s' iiiirirri.T asi cut:. tii: i coxsihxatio.s wra .V.I I IK. Here is a story that General Pierce Young tells. Away up in the Georgia, mountains lies Catoosa Spriugs, favorite summer resort of Suvunnuh and Atlanta society people. Among the pines and breezes of the hills the fever and lassi tude bred from the malarial air of the low c niiilry disappear like magic. Oue day lieiieral 1 oung saw an old Icllow come up with a basket ol eggs and a bunch hickelis for the hotel people, and rec o"tii2cd au old truoicr oi ins command. "Jake." he called out, ".lake Porridge, how are you? Why, laws a massy, gineral, how-de- do? I hain t seen ye sence the wall. They chatted for a few uiinutes. "Do you eoiue up here often, Jake?" "Pooty nigh every day. The folks want my chickens V aigs V I likes to rest uiy eyes a-lookiu at some o these r pooty gals." "They are handsome, aren't they Jake?" 'Deed they air." Now. Jake," said Gciural Youn waving his hand toward a group of three young ladies with whom he had been dialling, "tell uie which of those three young ladies is the prettiest." Aw, Gineral iouuj, they s all pooty, 'T wouldn't be good maimers for me say uiy one was pootier'u tother." to But, Jake, it will give them n great deal of pleasure to learn your opinion They are great friends, and will not ft at all hurt by your decision. Now walk ri'dit up and pick out the best look in Alter much solicitation Jake under took the task. He walked up and peered closely at the laughing girls. About hundred guests had gathered by ibis lime to see t ie trial, i inuny uuie ruriieu 1 II T 1. . . . 1 scratching his bead. All three of tb VOUll" laUll's wore OIOUU sasucn aiuuuu . i: I 1 .... .1 their waists. Gineral Young, they's ull three so .... i i - i ... pooty It is Hard lo make a choice, uui still I am lo ced to say that the one with the jailer bellybaud is a lectio the trim mest." There was a scream, a flutter of white dresses and three blushing young ladles wilh various colored sashes dashed into the hotel and out of sight Denote an impure stale of the blood and arc !"'' upon bv tiiaiiv with suspicion. Acker's Blood Elixir will remove all im purities and leave ihe complexion smooth und clcur. Tliete is nothing that will so thoroughly bui'd up the constitution, purify aud strengthen the whole system. Sold and guaranteed by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. Improvement. If the Bpring put forth no blossoms, in summer there wil he no beaulv and in autumn no fruit. So if youth be trifled away without improve ment, riper years will be contemptible and old age miserable. A DUTY TO YOURSK1.K. It is surnrisinz that people will use common, ordinary pill when they can secure a valuable English one for the same money. Dr. Acker'a English pills are positive guarantee for headache and all liver troubles. They are imall, sweet easily taken and do not gripe. For sale bv W. M. Cohen, Woldon, N. C. pi m pi us on tiiu r.u u ADVERTISEMENTS C. O. P. Colton Seed 1m ANTI-DYSIMU'TrC. WARRANTED FREE FROM HOG FAT. IIRE, WHOLESOME, ECONOMICAL. For sale by all (jroeers. Send for lllus- truted I'ainphlet, entitled "SOME THINKS ABOUT LARD." ON K HUNDRED PRIZE DINNERS, or lioiv to provide a good dinner for Four Persons lor One Dollar. An excellent Cook Hook of 430 Pages 11 mo-, containing one hundred Dinucr Jtilla of Fare, with instructions how to prepare each one, so that the cost for four person iiunot exeeett one dollar, also 150 addition al recipes. This valuable nook will be civen iree 10 any one sending or presenting tickets rep resenting me purchase ot twenty m) njuuilsufC. O. P. COTTON SEED LARD. at our Branch Store, No. 19 W. 42ud St., Y. Each pail of our Lard contains a ticket, the number ou which corresponds to the number of Kinnds in the pail. I nr. nil luis mi, I'KllllliUl w,s. I.. E.MKY, Asient lor Weldon. N. C. C. E. McOWIUAN, Agent for Enfield, N.C. npr ll ni CHAS. OCKADK MILLER AliOLE WALSH, OKKSJ, S0UTU SYCAMORE STREET, PETERSBURG, VA. Monuments, Headstones, Tombs, Tablets, ic. Lowest cash prices guaranteed. All work warranted satisfactory. teSA beuutilul calendar lor 188a seut to any address on receipt of stamp for postage. CII.VULKS M. WALSH, out 11 ly. THE BEST FAMILY SOAP IN THE WORLD. It is Strictly Pure. Utiifonn in Qnalitr. T H V. ftricillii fnrmnV, fnr which We TOld tV.0 tu-tnty veaisato hat, never ien nwifiwo or Llungeil in Ihe vliiest. Thin MMtp l liii'ntical in iinli Hint mnd twenty yean Ii cuni.iins ih nunc V 7 . . Jure Uie Ihivttt fubrle. It bngb rm I'rt'ors anJ bleaches whitu. T 1 wa.lict fljn.icl and blanked M Mherio 1 in the world Uo without ihrinking iMviof !i :n mjU juJ white and like new. READ THIS TWICE THERE It a tmit unvlMof lie. of labor, of tp. of fuel, and of ihe fabric, where DeV bn' Kkctric Sojj U used CCr4tiMC ! dlrM limit. 0 E trlnl will dcmomlriti Its fremt writ. It will puv you to make thit trial. T IKK all bent thin, it w cxttntmly iaft- y Uttd and cuuiuerfettcd. peware of Imitations, INSIST upon Uobhlna Electric Don't tak Mjiiifi. Klectro-Ma-jic, Philadelphia fckctric, r it!'.- "titer fnml, simply become il cheap. They w ll nun ci ihe, and are dear at my pn. Ask for ...-$ imunixtt ELECTRIC tii'l uie no oihfr. Nearly ever grocer bom alaim to M.:tco keep it in stock. If yours hata't tt, k Will ir '.cr from his nearest wholesale grocer, p K.Al carefully the inside wrapper around a J bar, and be careful to follow elJrilek an eai h outule wrapper. You ennt mmmr4 t Wiit longer before trying for yourself this old, adusbiaj din) truly wonderful Dobbins' Electric Soap. 1 L. CUAGIN, & CO. Philadelphia , Pa. jan 3 ly iru m au a- pa MMfb toretni.ia try MiM-M'Mf a- ia, Wt wtllaM mm re! raatalaM raw awly IM lMbli sit ihbIm. Until ws Mfc Uai un what w mm4. la IBM wba rut L at ftu ham, tod aftar g mptrtv- Tali rTNd Markias nHsnr ia Hiagrr '. kbim) as vna aii l-'ow rs raaaaltlMMlartawia, w.iktaa trhMt. aaa Mils tr Mt.roaTi.BMtl VM. ralauiaia ia wart, all MBiiai na,aro, risia, B art-Ill la W II MM MM M. ait vara h art la" tnrtawft4mPrtf1 ttaVi.U.,.A 710. . PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JAMU M. Mn.l.KM, WiLTIEI. DAMIIL DAMIKL, L 1. H N ATTORXEYSATLAW, WELDON, N. C. Practice In thr court, of flutlfci andJtortatmv ton .ud In the Supreme and Fedtrl court. Col lf i tlimi mtite In nil puruof North Carolina. llnuch oOlea at U.llbx, N. C, spu .erj Moo. d.j. " It rjinOMAt N. HILL, Attorney at Law, HALIFAX, H. C. Prtetlooi In lullniz ud adjoiulnt oottiiUai aa 4 Federal and Supreme ouarti. Uf . II If C. T II O B X K, ATTORNEY AT LAW, XNF1KLD, If. C. Practice. In theeourtsoriUlllai and adjoining oountlf. and Ic tno Bunreme court. CotlecUous made aioy wbeit tu I lie State, and c turui promptly made. mm i .amen 'NfttiFKtp trial iMiutnM Tkt.i

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