IfRSv rf5& nk WhWh v fl mb 7f i rAm mxvA t ma f va apsfv: memoes1 H-A.XjL & SLEDGE, rnoriUETOits. VOL. XX. .a. newspaper foe the people. TEEMS-!-'1!" 1'KU AXNT.M IN ADVA N( K. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY IS, 1889. NO. 18. NKW A D V EKT fefe Premier PATENT VCAGAMBRILL Mrs Co. fOUE P A.TE1TT ROLLER FLOURS iirc manufactured from the CHOICEST It.illimure as a market stands iirccinineiit.. :STHIOXCJTII and UNAI'I'KOACllAliM: flic I'ATAPSCOSri'EliLATIVE PATENT Stands unrivalled. Of a lich, Cnuuiy Color, it makes a Iiread tliut will suit tlie Fastidious. BirAsk your Grocer for it. I'atapsco Superlative Patent, Kolandn Choice Patent, Patapseo Family Patent, Orange (irovo Extra, Baldwin Family, Maple-ton Family. C. A. UAMBIUU, MAXl'FACTI KI.N'O COMPAXV, 21 I I'ouiuicrce St., Baltimore, Md. aiiff 1 ly. E S T A li L I S II E D 1 8 li 8. JOHN N. BROWN, HALIFAX, N. C DRUGGIST' AND PHARMACIST. o DEALER IX o irak Aim. PURE mil ct mn riNrv rs Articles, Patent Medicines, Trusses und Sliouliler Unices. Paints, Oils, l'utlv. Glass, Varnishes and Dye Stuffs, Lamp Oils and iSeidn Bfli, Physicians Prescriptions Carefully HUGHSON & SULLIVAN'S SURREY BUGGY. No. Bn. The Burro y UiiKtry H fiier taking tlie place tf appeuatUM! aud Just on t'uy U net lu uiul nut u Write iW Prices uuJ Cutuliuc on ou. lull Carta nu Cutkm. llirCJIIrtON llMttbu-tUKn tor the Trail:, Fob sale by P. N. OCt 11 If Ijrfit Running DomcstieScwiojc Machine THE PLACE TO GET ! AT LOWEST 'IS DR. A. R. ZOLLICOFFKU'S, WEST 8IDE WASHINCTON AVE, OPPOSITE R. SHED. WELDON. N. C. STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. frPRESOKIPTION DEPARTMENT F1LLK1) WITH TBI BICST 8ILKCTKD WATKRJAl.-W Y PEE8CRIPTI0N8 COMPOUNDED AT ALL HOURS WITH GREAT CARE. l.N'PMEBT, STATIONERY, FANCY SOAPS, BRUSHES, W - W.-, FANCY ARTICLES, TOBACCO AND CIOAItS. I ttota kutr wtloomedirin rtofliBh.. IS KM K N TS. THE Floor of America. PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS. ESTABLISHED--1774. WHEAT OliTAINAHI.E for which Tin ir sum-rinril v for UN I !'( HIM IT V l'L.W Oil ha Li: been acknowledged. DRUGS, CHEMICALS. CIGARS & CHEWING Tobacco. Limp Cliiinneys. (iardeu and Field Compounded, jan '1 ly tin- Kiut-.u. u it N mucii II lit-ruml nettU-rlit lh.. t( v,:i lii-:u.:ia' Wou., I'MTlu't a. HULLTYAX, KQQ r -J.TiiftTBIB, IT. "V. May lfi STAINBACK & CO. THK- PKICES, iwilu 70S it ZOLLICOFFER'S. THE MODEL CHURCH. Well, will, I've found the model cliureli. And worship'd there to-dav ; It m;tde iiu think ol'ood old timw, Hfforc my hair was gray ; The meeting house wan filler built, Than they were years tijio, liut then I found when I went in. jt was not '"nit for iow The wx ton did not net me down Away back by the door ; He knew that I wa old and deaf, And -UW that I was pour ; lie mint have been a Christian man, Ho led nie boldly through The crowded aisles of that gland ehuieh To find a pleasant n . I wish you'd heard the in;iiiK, wife, It had the old time rin ; The preueher said with trumpet voice, Let all the people tin. "Old Coronation" was the tune ; The music upward roll'd I'ntill tho't the angel-choir Struck all their harps of jgold. My deafness seemed to melt away, My spirit caught the tire ; I joined my feeble, trembling voice With that melodious choir ; And Hang as in my youthful days, "Let angels prostrate fall." I tell you, wife, it did me good To Ming that hymn once moie ; I felt like some wrecked mariner Who gets a glimpse of sboie ; I almost want to lay aside. This weather-beaten form, And anchor in the blessed port, Forever from the storm. 'Twas not a flowery sermon, wife, Hut simple gospel truth; It lilted humble men like me, It suited hopeful youth ; To win immuital souls to Christ, The earnest preacher tried. He talked not of himself or creed, liut JcsuHcrueitled. Pear wife, the toil will soon be o'er, The viet'ry soon he won ; The shilling land is just ahead, Our race is nearly run. We're Hearing Canaan's happy shore, Our home so bright and fair ; Tiiank Ood, we'll never sin again, There'll be no sorrow there. EXPERIENCE THAT TELLS. now a rusr oi'Ficr kmh.oyi:k hot tin; HKI' OF A FAKIK. Frnni tti. I'liiludt'lphla News. On a side lot near the Furepauh glomids, un Ninth Broad street, there was a fakir yesterday whosii uutlit cn- sisted of the stake and rin (siuie. The simple and euticiug ainuscuicut is played as follows : The stake is placed in the ground at a certain air.'le, whieh leads the uninitiated to believe that it is easy to throw the five inch rin over it, whereas the feat is almost impossible. The fakir had u croud around hiiu, und was raking in the dimes three "tries" fur ten cents wheu a blaek moustached, middle sized man walked up and said he'd bet a dollar he could put three lius out of five over the stake. The fakir winked at the eiowd and took the man up. The Llatk inousladud stranger threw live rius rapidly one after the other, and, as three of them went over the stake, the thrower was in eighty cents. They doubled bets and the stranger won again. Then they bet $10 even that nine rings out of the fiist ten thrown could not be put over the stake. The whole ten settled safely, and the fakir, as he handed $10 in silver over. 8 lid: "I'm broke; whit's your busiuess?" "I'm a distributor at the postolfice," said the rinj; thrower. "I don't do any thing but fling papers all day long into the uiouihs of tifly sacks." CAUTIOM TO MOTIIKH. Every mother is cautioned against giv ing her child laudanum or paregoric; it createsauuunatural craving J'or stimulants which kills the mind or the child. Ac ker's Baby Sooiher i aprvially prepared to benefit childrcu and cure their pains. It is harmless anil contains no Opium or Morphine. Sold by V. M. Cohen, Wei don, N. C. WHAT THE HEART IS. The heart is like a pi oil in the tropics, which all the year nund is hearing flov? ers, and ripening seeds, and letting them Hy. It is shaki'ig nil' incut riei and dropping associations. The joys of last jeur are ripe seeds that will cow p i joy again licit year. Thus the heart is planting seeds in every uook au l enmer ; sud as a wind which serves tu prostrate a plant is ouly a sower coming forth to sow its seeds, planting some of them in rocky crevices, noma by river courses, some among mossy stones, some by warm hedges, and some in garden and open field, so it is with our eipcrieneea of life, they sway and bow us either with joy or sorrow. They plant everything about u with heart seeds. Thus a house becomes sacred. Eery muiu hath a memory, and a thousand of them; every door aud e.ieh window U clustered with associa tions. A lUI'Y TO VOUKKKI.P. It is surprising that people will use a a common, ordinary l ill when thev can secure a valuable English one lor the same money. Dr Acker's English pills are a positive guarantee for headache and all liver troubles. They are small, sweet easily taken and do not gripe. For sale by W, M. Umco, ewon, K. U. IRVING BISHOP'S POWERS. ON1K INSTAN1KS OF It IS RKMAKKAllI.E II1FTS ASA ItVI'N'OI'l.KU AMI llIYI.NF.lt. From the Sua Fruiicitico Argonaut. Harrison Millard, the ballad singer, who accompanied the lato Washington Irving 1 1 i-In p on his mind-reading tours, tell the following aneedote of him : While in Honolulu, he was passing the evening with a small but very gay party. One of the ladies expressed her disbelief ill the power of any hypnuti. t to influ ence her. Mr. Bishop cxpcrimeulcd upon her in the usual way, aud when he ordered her to remain rigid with her anus extended, no force could bend her liuibs. As she was sitting on a chair her loot was raised, so that her leg was out straight and rigid. The party, after tiring somewhat of the experiments, ad journed to the piazza of the house. Mr. Bishop, as he passed hy his subject, in a joke elevated the limb still higher, un:il it was almost perpendicular, and then left her in that unique position. As the hour was late, and his horse was at the door wailing to carry hiiu home, about six miles away, he jumped in the saddle entirely forgetting his subject inside. On his arrival home he found the tele phone bell ringing as if possessed of sev eral evil spirits. Mr, ISishop answered the call at once. He was told that every mcaus had beeu exhausted by the parties left behind in the house to get the limb back to its normal position. They urged him to ride back as fast as possible to re lieve the subject from her peculiar pose He telephoned them to scud for a doctor, who, by injecting a little morphine, could accomplish the desired result. Next time he met the young lady she made him promise, on his word of honor, never again to in any way exercise hishipnotie power over her, aud ouly ou this condi tion was he pardoned for the cruel prac tical joke played upon her. Ou another occasion, in England, all the royal family except the queen were present. The old Duchess of C , who was a guy ou account of her ideas and ecccntr'ei!';s, was also there.. It was suggested by tonic one that the best hiding place for the gold sovcrcigu would be inside the stocking of the aged duch ess. She consented, and said she would be convinced of Bishop's powers if he discovered where it was hid. Mr. Bishop, after a few moineuts' hesitation, went directly to her and impudently found the coin with his delicate fingers con cealed near her ankle. The aged dame expressed herself thoroughly satisfied with his wonderful powers o( divination. HOW THE PIANO GREW. ITS liH A hi' At. OKVKLOl'M F.NT FKO.M A UK lilNKISliUKTWo STR1NIIS. From Hi. Musical Courier. The piano, as we see it to-day, is the growth of centuries of invention. In its infancy it was a harp with one or two striugs. From time to timu mure strings were added, and alter a while the cithara was born. The cithara was in the shape of the letter P., aud had ten sitings. It took many centuries for musicians to get the idea of stretching the strings across an open box, but somewhere about the year 12110 this was thought of and (he dulci'Uer made its appearance, the strings being struck with hammers. For another hundred years these hainmirs were held iu the bauds of the player, aud then a genius iuvented a key-board, which, b, ing struck by the fingers, moved the hammers. This iustruiueut was called a clavicytheriutn or keyed cithara. This underwent some modifications and im provements from time to time. In Queen Elizabeth's time it was called a viiginal. Then it was culled a spine, because the hammers were covered wiib spines of iiiills, which stiuek or caught the strings of wires and produced the sound. From 17UU to 1 SOU it was much en larged aud improved, and called a harp sichord, and this wan the instrument that Lady Washington, Mrs. Hamilton and the flue ladies of our revolutionary linn s played ou. In 1710 llartolouieo Chris tofoli, au liuliau, invented a keyboard, !-urli as we have imw substuutially, which iauH'd hammers to stiike the wires from above, aud thus developed the piano, lu he pant one bundl ed aud fifty years I lk re is no musical instrument which has so completely absoibcd the inventive facul ty of uiati as the piano. At the present day the upright piano has the field al most entirely to itself, aud Ion reached such a high grude of perfection in shape, tone aud appearance that there wuuld appear to be no possi' ilily of further im provement. Tu r Ciimtcii Si i-i'i.iKs Two. The Pastor' Wife Dr. Talkwell exchanges with my husband next .Sunday. Thoughtless Parishioner Indeed! Perhaps I can pursuade my husband lo come tu church. i.ile. IMMHtKM ON Tllli VACK Denote an impure state of the blood and are looked upon by many with suspicion. Acker' Blood Elixir will remove all im purities and leave the complexion pnioolh and clear. Thete is nothing that will so thoroughly bui'd up the constitution, purify und strengthen the whole system. Sold and guaranteed by W, M. Cohen, n ciaon, a, v. HOW GIRLS LIKE TO BE KISSED. I.KANiiYF.KOF.STI.Y AN'll I. FT NAT! KF. 1)0 II Kit Vt'OtlK, l.l!i..S DoN'T 1.1 K K IT ANY OTHKH WAY. A silly woman, writing in the Detroit jS'wh, tells how to kiss one of her sex. She ought to kuow, for she has evidently been there. Here is what she says : Said a young fiieud lo me the other day. ' I am getting tired of having my hair upset aud my corsage bouquet torn all to pieces by beginners, aud I believe if the dear boys Werj ouly told how logo about it they would uot make such a ine-s of it." I tell you candidly, boys, that there is no necessity of grabbing a girl as though she had stolen a pockctbook, and mak ing a lurch at her as though you had accidentally stepped one foot in a coal hole while walking rapidly along the street. There is no actual necessity to get a clutch ou her dress and try to tear it off. or turn her over inside of it. There is no necessity of pulling her head for ward with such intensity that her eyes are endangered by scarf pins and long pencils protruding from upper vest pock ets. There is no use firing a kiss pro miscuously at lit r eye tr car or neck. To begin with, ihe girl is not trying to get away. Keep cool, bear in mind that you have the soulful sympathy of your victim, and your aims are identical that she has as much at stake as you have. Keep perfectly cool and collected ; gently insert your right coat sleeve about her diiectoire costume, and turn her gently toward your manly form. Place your other aud as yet unoccupied arm in such a position as the exigencies of the occasion seem to demand, and give a gcutle and soulful pull, as Amelie Hives Chanler calls it. By this time the rose bud mouth." us you see fit to call it, is turned toward you. Lean over geully and let nature do her work. That's all. Girls don't like it any other way, buys. SOMETHING ABOUT INSOMNIA. CMFKItFIT.XIS ANII I'LKASANT KSTF.lt TAIN'MKN'T TIIK IIK-T KKMKDY. From tile UiriMinn ut Wu.k, Are you afflicted with insomnia? Perhaps you have too much time for sleep. Perhaps you depend too much on sleep for riM and recuperation. For sleep is not the sole rest of used-up nerves. Sociability, congeniality and the enjoyment of good company rest the body ipiite as much us sleep. The dreary uiuiiotoiiy of life iu many a house hold, invoking this tumbling into bed with the mechanical regularity of a machine at 1) or 10 o'clock iu the even ing, docs not always rest weary bodies, "Early to bed and early to rise," dues uot always make a man healthy, wealthy or wise. Numbers of organizations are only capable of five or six hours sleep at a time, and their early lying down to rest is often succeeded by tin early waking up and a consequent restless tossing for hours preceding daybreak. The praclieers of punctuality ale often surprised alter breaking their own ca.-t- iroii rules and pas.-iug two or three later hours of iu it t li and jollity pat their usual bedtime, to find themselves eveu un re refreshed iu the morning than u-ual. The relaxation of sociability had rested them more than sleep would or an at tempt to sleep. But these are conditions not so easily reached in the average fain ily. Iu fahioiiable life we have a for mal, exhausting, mechauical evening of more or less dissipation. Ou the other hand the evenings of many families are monotonous humdrum. They involve the assemblage of ihe same Jvople, the same suiroiindings, the same paterfami lias yawning over his paper and the same querulous mamma overladeu with family cares Fresh people, with fresh thought, fresh atmosphere, anything lu stir and agitate the pool of domestic stagnation, arc sadly needed and sadly scarce. There net ds to be also a constant succession of such fresh people to bring about these results. The world is full of men and women, und in a belter regulated life it would be their business after the day's work was done tu entertain each other, and give cadi other fresh life. As it is now, hundreds, if not thousands, of our house holds arc little more than cells for incarcer ation of each family. Thousands are thus worn out ptvm ilurcly from utter luck of domestic recreation. There might be written over the graves of hundreds ofthousauds: Bored to death by the stagnation of di uiestie life.'1 ( osxrvii'Tiov si iti.i.v t riti-'.i). To THK Emroit. I'leiisc inform jour rentiers that 1 have positive remeity lor the alsivu named disease. I!,y its timely use thousands oi'hoR'lewi cases have been permanently cured. 1 shall be glad tu scud two bottled of my remedy t'HiK to any of your render who have consumption ii'thcy will send me their express aud postuliicc uddrcH. Itpspertlitllv, T. A.BI.OC'liM, M. C. octiolyr. 181 I'earl ut- Ktw York. To ensure health, so far as human effort can control tho matter, one should above all be cheerful, contented and calm. A small stock of gents' handsome low shoes at a sacrifice M. F. Hurt. All wool albatross at 12 cents per yard, M. F. Halt, HE RESIGNS. A liKMOl'KA I II" I'OVIMASTKR S FliF.KAXli. F.ASY I.KTTKK To Till: IT.F.SIM.NT. Mr. Caii.mki.. lu... June 7, IS8II. To Hon. li. lI.Aitltlso.v, I'res't, lie. Slit: By the grace of (Jud and (J rover Cleveland 1 am postmaster at Mt. Cariuel. My oilieial term will expire January :20th, 1SW. In addition to editing the mails ol this city, I am also the editor of the Mt. Carmel llnjhlrr, a live, local, Demoeralie newspaper, estab lished in 13.10, and published ut M L'.'i a year, cash iu advance; a discount of 20 per cent, to ministers and Presidents. While the office has agreed with me, and I have, in the main, agreed with the office, and while 1 might reasonably eu terlaiu the hope of holding on for eight mouths longer, yet I feel it my duty to tender to you my resignation. Being a Democrat, I have preached that "to the victors belong the spoils.1' Your immediate predecessor hoped to build up his party by keeping the oppo sition in office. Vou are probably aware, if you are at all familiar with the vocab ulary of Hue und trite sayings, that his uatue is now Dennis. I an moved further to tender you my resignation because of the anxiety of a barnyard full of patriots to succeed me. I believe that a tariff is a lax. They do not. Therefore they are of your own kith aud kindred, and he who provides not for his own household is worse than an infidel. I am told that you aro not built that way. But to resume the thread of my dis course : The boys who ure anxious to be my successor ure vety hungry; they have been feeding on shucks und icicles for four long weary years; the official calf is fat, aud I hey yearn (u laste its tender joints. They fought (among themselves), bled (at the nose), and are willing to die for (he g. o. p. When I asserted that you were the Chiuatuau'a candidate, and ale rat-tail soup with chop sticks, they swore by Dudley and Foster that it was a campaign canard, und threat ened to detail blocks of five lo fry the fat out of me. Fortunately for me their threats were never carried iuto execution. They carried torches, drank with the coons, sang "Grandpa's hat will just lit Benny," and did divers and many fool ish things, none of which would they have been guilty of doing had they not scented an aroma of p.isloffiee on the crisp tuoiniug air. And the peans of praise which they sounded when it be c tine evident th.it you "had gut there, Eli," will never be a Sahara in my mem ory. For these and other reasons, unnecessa ry to meution. I tender you my resigna tion, with the hope that my successor will be animated by a similar spirit iu 18H3. If he is, your Democratic sue will be spared the painful necessity of "turning the rascal nut." I am respectfully yours, FllAXK W. II. WILL, P. M. N. B. I would rather be right than be postmaster. WOMANLY MODESTY. Man loves the mysterious. A cloud less sky and the full-blown rose leuve hi la unmoved; bill the violet which llil.s its blushing beauties behind the bush, and the moon when emirging from a cloud, are to him sources of inspiration aid pleasure. Nothing adds more to feiua'a beauty than modesty. It sheds around the countenance a halo of light which is borrowed from virtue. Botanists have given the hue which tinges the cup i f the white r,i3 the nam: of "uiaiJeu's blush." This pure and delicate hue. is the ouly p.iiut Christian virtue should use. It is the richest ornament. A woman without modesty is like u faded flower, diffusing an unwholesome odor, which the prudeut garduer will throw from him. Her destiny is uielaueholy, for it terminates iu shame aud repentance. Beauty passes like the flowers of ihe Aloe, which bloom and die iu a lew hours; but modesty gives ihe female charms which supply the place of all other iui perfections. Poixn (Jooii If it be iu our power lo couimiiuieute happiness in any form, to wipe tiwiy the (ear of ili-lros.1. lo allay the corroding IVur, lo comfort, to help, to guide, to encourage, lu inspire any cue. the more speedily we set about it the more good we shall do. Theeuiolions of love, c unpassiou and sympathy soon d e out the breast of one w ho withholds or delays their natural expression, or they turn into a useless and sickly sciitiuicu- ality, while in the heart ot him who hastens to embody them in his life and actiotis they will become living fountains of joy lo himself and of good to others. Itiickleu't Am Ira Halve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Klioum, Fever Suics.Tcttcr, Chapped hands, Chilblains Corns, and all skin eruplions,and positive ly cures Pili, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 23 cents per box. For salo by druggists at Wcldon, lirown iCurraway, Hli)ai,Dr. J A McGwigan, Enfield. JIM FOOTE S GREAT RACE. UK I'l'T Ills TRAIN IN AHKAIi, IIHM Oll TOOK SF.KVKTolHl IT. Iieiiver NV-w-i. Jim Foote's iiiine among engineers occupies about the same pisilioti .Me Laughlin's does among the jockeys. The people along the line of the New Vi rk Central hold their biealh even now iu retrospect when they think of the way iu which he used to come tearing down the tracks ou his old iron horse, makiug sixty-five lo seveuly miles an hour, with .'!00 seared passengers banging on lo tlieirscats and expecting every moment lo be dashed into perdition. Those were the old days wheii the We.-t Shore and the Central were willing to decorate their engineers with the or der of the Gaiter, or grant them a week's pay fur healing each other by u second or two down the race course which ends at Schenectady. At this point the close of (he race was rendered additionally ex citing by (lie fact that the Central passed under the bridge which carries the West 8 lore over its track, an I the under en gine plunges cut of sight into the dark liens, the other screaming over its head; the exit made a uiutiicnt too slow lose the race. The engineers oil the West Shore al ways stood a little in awe of Jim. He was the patriarch of the region und a man who handles his engine with all the skill that un Arab handles his horse. Tiny wcreii't to be beaten out by a reputation, however, aud old engine 1 10 used to have some pretty hard scrambles notwithstanding the fact that Jim's baud was at the ihrottle. One day Jim's train started ou the ten mile streleh down, nip aud tuck with the West Shore train, with an engineer uamed 1'aiitzier ou (he engine. Tiny came down at a fearful gate. Jltu did his very best, for he had heard that this Very eugiuect had made a boast that he would rub it into the invincible Central man. The passengers on cither train caught the spirit of the thing, aud leaned dangerously far out of the windows, yell ing defiance at each oilier, and shrieking like demons when the oue engine or the other gaiucd the slightest advantage. They were coining down the homestretch, and Jim. for once in his life, was losing ground. He kepi his eyes steadily und despairingly ou the other (raiu, which was gaining with dreadful certainty upon him. They were about three hundred yards from the bridge, when what wustiie disgusted engineer's amazement lo see a head, which he recognized as Superin tendent Dayton's of his owu load, reach far out of the window in the opposite train and yell, "Jim, you, if you let thisbla-ted stick iu-tlie mud dcau you out I'll dis charge you." Jim knew he wuulJ. lie wasn't so rattled by the unexpected turn of affairs but that he remembered ihe supciiutcn- denl never went back on his word, how ever ra-hly given. He gave a great groan, and played his last card. Ihe engine quivered like a leaf with the ter rible head of steam, gave a d.ish forward like a tiger on ils prey, and as it came out with a dart ftom the black holu un der the bridge is was a length ahead, and ihe p'.isst ngcrs shook hands wilh tears in their eves. The superintendent walked ova. and. in the presence of the jubilant crowd, took oil tlie watcn wnicii ne was Wealing and presented it to Jim amid delighted cheers. lla metier was discharged. Iss I II I. 1KMUII I.IMVCt Not if you go ihrough the world a Jys peptic." Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are a positive cure for the worst fotuis of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Flatulency and Constipation. Guaranteed and sold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. Patron ' This set of teeth you made for mc is too big." Demist "Yes, sir. Sit dowu iu the chair, aud I will culaige your mouth a little." Mr. D. M. Grayson, of Ctouville, Frauklin parish, La, says: I think Swil'i s Specilie is the best blood remedy ill the world. I have kuown il to make wonderful cures of persoiis with blood diseases, some eases which had been re garded as incurable. Pr. It. T. rnpnee, of Verunu, Mo , tuvs he has sold a large quantity ol Swift's Specific, and to a great many customers, and knows it to be uiost suc cessfully used for maladies of the blood. Swift's Specific is not one of tbo old potasb, sarsaparilla, or mercury uiiiaires. It contains no potash, no mercury, or any poisonous substance. It relieves the system by forcing (be impurities out through the pores of the skin, and builds up the patient from the first dose. We sell great quantities of S. S. S., and the sale holds up well no falling off, or prospect of falling off. While many are loud in its praises, not ona complaint has been heard from our customers. J. . Skars' Drug Store, Waco, Texas, ADVERTISEMENTS ILGSPJEKS, wnoi.r.s am: am kktail -0 DEALKK IN-51-0 Tnj'f. Fruiln, ('like, ('ritrkrr-, Nut hih! Con ffciioiit rii-H r ei-ry !. tt-r.iijii. Tliiuk I cun truthfully n Hint I liuvv, itlil keep on hand tli In ni si !Im k of Toy, I'Vuilu, CuiiiccUonu' rle, Unit Ik kel in llti (mil uf XV li T II c. no l .v.i. I keep mi hand 11 larj;e un 1 wrl! wlei ted ftiek of liroeerief"', Crockery, Hitnln :ire. Tinware, W(,iU-Hre, Mitiioimr. ,stove 1'ipe and KIuowjioI nil s'lvH. ll.-ivc on haml lots of f.incy un. nther koo'Is teo numurotiH to mention. Cull Ht the Brick Pture In the Bottom and see FOR YOURSELF. Orders by iniul will Imve my per.ouul atten tion lUtiiru many thimka to the Knjd eoj.le in thl and the Mirr.iunniutf counties ftr past favors, aiid trust Hint hopeUiey will allow mu Lj nerve tlieiu in Hie future. Very truly, H.C.KFIKKH, Weldon, N. C. 'HAH. MII.I.KR A It 111. K l.orKAIiE TirAI.SH, RKS, SO i'Tll SYCAMORE STHEET, PETEKSItUUG.VA. Monuments, Headstones, Tombs, Tablets, lie. Lowest cash prices guaranteed. All Work warranted satisfactory. fca-A beautiful calendar for 1S89 sent to any address on receipt of stump lor postage. CU.VKIjKS M. WALSH. oct 11 ly. THE BEST FAMILY SOAP IN THE WORLD. U is Strictly Pure. Uuiform in QQality. THE original formula fur f.nnty ytntttt has i cli.nigcd in the x Idciillenl In quii lillll mnil IhoiiI r HE original formula for which we paid fi,ooo n has never neen moiMica or l L'llttM. TlliM MND ! i nuiililT lo-day with IT contains lliithlmr Hint run In lure Hip Itnent fabric li Iriuht- :ns ro'or nn J bleaches whites. II' watiet fl.inncl and blanket! no other soap in th. worl i doe without shrinking leaving tu -oft tnJ white and like new. t READ THIS TWICE THKRE it ft great tmvliir of time, of labor, f soap, of fuel, and nf ihe fabric, where Dob 'ns' 1 icctnc Su.ip u ukiJ iteeordlutt; lo dlroo i iiM 0 trliil will demonstrate Its great merit. It will (tav you to make that trial. JIKI. I tliluir. it U extensively Imi J utcd ,ui-J counterfeited. peware of Imitations. TNSIST upon Itob!ttilft Electric. Don't tak 1 Mjjm't'C, lllectro-Magic, Philadelphia Eleclnc, r vi v oilier fr.m I, simply became it is cheap. They w.li nun ul ilies, and arc dear at any price. Ask for honmxs' ELECTRIC t I t ike no uthrr. Nearly every grocer from Maine ,i . wcm Vxy it in nock. If your hasn't it, be will ir er from his nearest wholesale grocer. Hr AD cm-fully the inside wrapper around each bar, and le careful to follow direction jn ei- h miltide wrapper. You tmnnot nlfortl W w.-ii I- nicer More trying for yourself ihw old, ralieblt jud truly wi.ndLiful Dobbins' Electric Soap. I L. CKAUIX.& CO. l'hiluduljJnn, Pa. jan 3 ly HOII wlMtT.ftfnet.lBrT trdt M all asm, Dd finis lb ,t.i r,u tt iiBrinB war maiBinrsj f'ws intirfc loraii.ilMrr Wa4 M"iac-Mirkia i4t i w win Mad !(' in one Ul WurM.Mllh kit lias maihairftlt. tVr win at Mad free tompiei liaa af au eotilt a ad nalual.la art luaiplt. lamura wi Mk ilmi oa aai w Mne. it iaf h al. at TOM at r. Bad ail! SI .nmibaaiiaaall ymr owa it, mt moil mamma as hat nta aul TrUm pal rut out It k.ll for NOll, with iha '.'Vat. Hat,roarH.MMaM BiaaajB) B I llaMril caput! raawrj. i .aitt, brUI ii'mi-lion firrn I hmi wh" unit la w at onct tan rur fr in bant miiii; iin'hin la iht worWt, and laa fln'tt nui-olHorka of brh in rt (htiara lufthrta Amorira. Tttt'KaVCfJ., liaia AHaMstk. MatUM. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. id a . mi.ns, WALTiaaDAWBt. 1JI HIS 1 DlUltl, ATTORXEYS AT LAW, , WELDON, N. C. lrtrtlw Iii thewmrti of Tlnllfki ndKorthnrop tint mnl In the Huprt-me und Pwleml courte. t'oi-liM'tlim- nirule In all pHitaof North Carolina. H ranch utuce at HalifiaX, N.C.opeu very Mon day. Jm? ly rjiHOMAS N. HILL, Attorney t Ltw, HALIFAX, K. a Practical In Hall fit i and adjuliiiug oouoUoa an 4 : federal and Huprewe courts. aug.Mtf W.a T U O B M K, ATTORNEY AT LAW, EMFIKI.D, N. O. Practice la thecourtj of Hallfe audjuljoluluf Counties aud In tho HuprpiBO court. Collections made lay wberc tu tbt State, aadir tuius rou "Uy nutlv. liBlfJC mm mm ira.j i

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