-A. IT ID "W S IF .A IF IE IR FOR THE IPEOPLE. TEIRIMIS -'-00 ANNUM IN ADVANCE. Vol. xx. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1881). NO. I HAIjXj 3c SLEDGE, proprietors. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. r rA l Eri i SAMBRItLMfcCo., frjR, PATENT ROLLER FLOURS manufactured from the CHOICEST fiimurt) mi a market stands preeminent. Their superiority fr I'M KORMITV, ItENUTH and I'.NAI'l'ltOACIIAIiLEKLAVOK has Lg been acknowledged. IVTAPSCOSUPERLATlVE PATENT tints unrivalled. VI a ikii, creamy color, it makes a lircau that mil suit llie lidious. IWAsk your Grocer for it. Patapsco SuperlatiTo l'atcnt, Patapseo Family Patent, Baldwin Family, 0. A. GAM BRILL aug 12 ly. ESTABLISHED 1 8 li S. 'JOHN N. BROWN, DRUGGIST1 AND o DEALER PURE OILET AND FANCY Articles, 1 'atent Medicinal, Trusses and Shoulder Braces. Paints, Oils, Putty, Giant, uishes and Dye-Stuffs, Lamp Oils and Lamp Chimneys. Garden and Field tarnishes i tela Physicians Prescriptions Carefully HU6HS0H & SULLIVAN'S SURREY BU66Y. No. SC. Th RnnT Bnmry U fart taklnjr th pup of the appear) aod Juat tot e y k gut lu and out of. WHU for Price ami Catalugua ua our full Cam and Cutlr. IIIJCXISON & Aumfat-tunn fur lm Trad FOB SALS BY P. N. sot 14 ly Light jHuoniD Domestic Scwinoc Machine THE PLACE TO GET AT THE LOWEST PEIOES, IS .AT DR. A. R. ZOLLICOFFER'S, WEST SIDE WASHINGTON WELDON. N. C. STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. 4VPSOCUFTI0N D1PABTUINT FILLED PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED AT ALL IIOTJR8 WITH GREAT CARE. FEHFUMERT, STATIONERY, FANCY SOAPS, BRUSHES, FANCY ARTICLES, TOBACCO AND CIGARS, tllllllll ttatt itartj waleositalwaj, awalta jaa si THE Ainnnino fin o a, PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS. EST-ABLISHED--1774. WHEAT 0HTA1NAW.E for which Rolando Choice l'atcot, Orange drove Extra, Muloton Family. MANTK.U'JTUING COMPANV, 211 Commerce St., Baltimore, Md. HALIFAX, N. C PHARMACIST. IN o DRUGS, CIGARS i CHEWING Tobacco. Compounded. jau 3 ly llwi-.n, u it U niurh II -li rau-.t nratvi- U lino of work Inc. tiding Wattnta, tarrliujai. HULLIArAN, XtCKJiX i:.-3T2iIR, U-. Y. Way 10 STAINBACK & CO. AVE, OPPOSITE R. SHED. WITH THE BEST SELECTED MATERIAL.- ZOLLICOFFER'8. THE ELIXIR OF LIFE. WHAT 1)11. WtOSVNSKljUARII SAYS AtlOt'T 1118HF.MAKKAHLK MSCOVKKV. Uallliuore Sun. It was thought at first that one of thoBc amusing French chroniclers had been playing off a joke on Dr. Brown Sc (piard by announcing that he had dis covered au elixir that would prolong life, lie has not, indeed, done that, but lie has made public in a paper read before the Palis Biological society and since in u communication to the Londoii Lumrl, the remarkable results of cerlaiu experi ments tried upon himself, and stibse iiiently oil three old and debilitated men by his associate. Dr. Variot, with an elixir compounded of the glands of yduug dogs and guinea pigs, and injected under the skin with a hypodermic syriuge. The fluid obtained by bini from the pro cess which he describe is of a dark red dish color, and before testing it upou himself he tried it on two old rabbitts and on; dog. Having thus proved that it produced no deleterious effect, he made teu injections in his arms and legs between the 15th of May and the 1th of June, and begau to note the results. It was, according to bis own account, most surprising. Dr. ISrownSequard is seventy years of age, and his infirmities had so enfeebled him that he was obliged to resort to a seat, after occupying a standing position in bis laboratory for half an hour, aud on his return home at six o'clock was so exhausted that he had at once to go to bed, where he would be too tired to sleep. The New Vcrk Triliime, following Dr. IlrownSoquard's paper to the Paris Biological society and his subsequent communication to the London LiihivI. condenses his descrip tion of the effect upon him of the elixir hypodermically injected. "After apply ing these injections," ho said, "ho was able to stand for three or four hours in his laboratory and to write in the evening for au hour and a half without feeling a sense of Weal inese. Instead of creeping and hobbling up a Mai reuse, as had been his habit in recent years, he could run up and down like a boy. Disarms, test ed by a dynamometer, regained a strength which they had not possessed for twenty six years. Digestiou aud other functions were markedly improved, his facility for intellectual labor was increased, and all functions depending on the spinal chord and nervous centres were notably and rapidly strengthened." The three de bilitated men, ranging in age from fifty four to sixty-eight, alter being treutcd hypoderinically with the vitalized fluid, lu not appear to havo responded quite so favorably to the treatment. Their digestion, it is said, was immediately iuiproved and their muscular powers in creased, but another effect of tho fluid was to cause "general nervous excite ment." Dr. Brown-Sequard remarks on this report that "sufficient time had not elapsed to euable him to judge of the permanent effects of the treatmeut of these three patieuts." While making due allowance for the euthusiasiu of a discoverer who professes to have himself experienced such salutary results from the administration of the vitalizing fluid, it is not likely that the medical profes sion who listened to the paper read be fore the Biological society "with a thrill of astonish incut and au air of incredulity" will permit the matter to rest here. Dr. Rrown-Scquard states that in his own case the effect of the application of the fluid ceased at the end of four weeks. After that time "there was a complete return of the pre-existing iutiruiitics aud weakness of old age," but he contem plates, in his communication to the Lan- at, recurring again to the injections in the expectation of obtaining for the term of another mouth the same beueficent results he had received before. He does not hold to his discovery further thau this that while temporary in its effect it affords to the scientific world a basis for further experiments, and be sioiply claims for it the merit of easing the bur den of old age. PIVIPl.liH ON I HK PACK Denote an impure state of the blood and are looked up.m by inuuy with suspicion Acker s Blood Klixir will remove ull uu puritiea aud leave ihe complexiun smooth aud incur. Thuiu is nothing thit will so thoroughly bui'd up the constitution purify and strengthen the whole system Sold and guaranteed by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. The Fond Uncle's Rbply. A young man known as a "giided youth" sent the following note to a rich uncle the other night: "Not one word if you do not send me (2,000 before mid night I shall cease to live." A similar demand had been received earlier in the day, so the fond unele replied: "lore sponse to a former favor I have already fowarded you my revolver. It is io good oondition and loaded." COSKUMPIION M KI-'.I.V CURED. To THE Eihtoh. Please inform your reader, that I have a positive remedy lor the alwve named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall nt glad to send two bottles of my remedy fkkk to any of your readers who have consumption ft they will send me their express aud postolUce address. Respectfully, T. A.81.UCUM, M. C. oct 35 1 jr. 181 Pearl at. New York. THEY CAME TO SCOFF- HOW A NKVYLY MAKHIKI) MAINE liKAI'ON THKATKIlC.U.ITIIIlll'IANS. Lewi-ton (Me.) Journal. J It was not very long ago that a Maine man find his shotgun intoa calilhiimpian crowd that serenaded him with dis.n Irons results. An Oxford comity deacon who was annoyed in a siuiiliar way re cently hit upon a vaslly belter method of routing the invaders of his peace. He lust his first wile, with whom he had lived fifty years, and in time took another bride to solace his declining days. Such a proceeding, although war ranted both by Holy Writ aud human precedent, caused considerable talk in the neighborhood on account of the dea con's advanced age, and some of the young people proposed to give the couple an old-l'ashioued serenade. Ho they gath ered a large and noisy crowd together, equipped themselves with a circular saw, a chime of cow bells, and a band of hums, and set up a frightful din in front of the deacon's house several hours alter the old gentleman aud his bride had re tired. The first alarm brought the deacon to the duur. The serenaders expected a storm of righteous wrath to burst upon their beads and were prepared to meet it with a tempest of horn, saw, and cow bell. "Gentlemen," said a mild voice, "wont you come in?" A hush fell upon the crowd and they stared in silent wonder at each other. That couldn't be the deacon! They drew nearer and took a better look at the figure standing in the door way. Yes, they could see plainly by the candle which he held that it was Ihe dea con. "Wife and I would be pleased to have you all come in." he said again. Disconcerted, but unable to resist the invitation, they filed into the huuse. The deacon and his wife provided chairs, and they all sat down. Then the good old man took the family Bible from the shelf and read a passage of Scripture in a clear voice. Having hntshed the chapter he closed the good book, knelt down, aud said fervently, "Let us pray." The company listened respectfully to a long prayer, to which tho deacon asked for a special manifestation of heavenly grace to the misguided yuulh of the conmunity. "Now, my dear friends," said he, "I know that some of you have good voices. Let's have a little music." lie passed around hymn books, his wife pitched the tunes, and the company joined in. They sang several of the Moody and Saukey favorites, and before they knew it were having as good a time as if they were pounding the hewgag in the front yard. At last, in a polite way, the deacon bade them good night, and said be would be very glad to see them again. They wcut away full of respect for the old man, wishing him a long enjoy ment of his new found connubial bliss, and wonderiug whether they had sere naded the deacon or the deacon hail ser enaded them. THE OLDEST DEMOCRAT. A I'KNTKNAKIAX IX INDIANA WHO HAS .NKVKR Se'HATl HKI) HIS TH'KKT. The oldest man in Spencer county, In diana, and peihaps the oldest iu the State, is now living near Chrisney. His name is Benjamin Moore He was born in Moore county, N. C., December, 25th, 1781. This venerable pioneer was born iu one uf the most iutportant periods of the Government at the moment when it was struggling for its existence and iu consequence is older than his gov ernment, the same age as the eoufedira tion of the thirteen States, and six yeurs older that the Constitution of his country. Ho was in his seventh year when the first President of the I oiled Slates was inau gurated, and has a distiuci recollection of the older citizens meeting and talking about the inauguration of General Wash ington. Mr. Moore cast Ins first vote in 18111 for Thomas Jefferson, who was elected his second term. He refers to his first vote with pride, saying lie is to day the only man living who voted for Jcffoiiun, and that hr is the o!dt Mem. oeut above the sod. He has voted the Democratic ticket uuscratched at every election; from 1801 to the spring of 18X0 The parlies he has Toted against nre as follows: From 1804 to 181(1, the Federalists; 1820, tho Opposition; 1821, the Coalition; 1828 to 18o2, the National Republicans; 18:50 to 18S2, the Whigs, and against the present Republican party since 1831!. The old gentleman says he has watched the tariff issue since 1829, and the majority uf the people have al ways been on the side of Ihe Democratic party on the tariff question. Ho says that there is no difference between Cleve land and Jefferson on this question. Mr. Moore is living wilh his second wife, to whom ho was wedded in 18119, and both aro now making their home with his son, who is now past seventy eight years uf ago, but looking younger than must men nt filly. His youngest ion is a sprightly young man of fifty two summers, whom the old man calls his I baby. AN IRISH ANGEL OF MERCY. 1'OOlt IX KAIMKNT AND IIAUD IN FKATIKi;, III T A WOMAN THAT 1IKAYKN I.OVKS. From Hum l'all Mall (lamlte. In a cabin on a sunny hillside over looking the Bay of Dublin dwelt a middle-aged brother aud sister. The man was a helpless cripple, entirely dependent upon his sister's exertion; and ou her death a car was sjnt from the poor house to bring him thither for thelter. The poor wretch clung to the only home he had ever known, and utt"rly refused to leave it, crying thai he would die if de plived uf his ''say air and shut up within prison walls." His bind lamentations had brought the priest aud sumo of the neighbors to his side, aud one of ihe latter, Maggie O'Flymi, felt a deep im pulse of pity toward the unfortunate man. She was a single woman of about fifty five, of weather-beaten and certainly not attractive appearance. She acted as held on the estate of gelitlemau to whom her services wi re invaluable. "Ilould hard," she said to the work house officials; it's not Maggie O'Flyuu that '11 sec a poor craythttr taken to the poorhouse when she can give liim a shelter. It's a coiner aud a welcome in me own cal.iu the unfortunate Miek Costilloc shall have." But here his reverence interposed and vowed he would not allow such scaodal in the parish us an unmarried man aud woman sharing the same dwelling. "Shure, Maggie, you won't go back on your word?" implored poor Miek, in de spair. Maggie hesitated a moment, then turn ing to the plicst, said "If there's no other way to save him from the 'house,' your riverencc, I'll marry him, an' sorra a haporth will any one be able to say agiu it, thin." It was in vain that his reverence pointed out the terrible bnrdeu Maggie was taking upou herself. "It's for the love of God I'm inarryin' liim an' not to plase mcsclf," was the answer she returned; "an' sure the blessed Virgin will niver let me want for the bite an' the sup when she sees me sharin' it with the craylhur that has naythur." The mariiage took place and until his death,-several yeurs later, the kind hearted Maggie 0 Flynn carefully tended and supported the cripple in her own cabiu. AN APPEAL ANSWERED. SWIFT I t NISII.MKXT OF A W.ASPHF.Mul S INVOCATION OK THE liF.ITY. A Detroit special says : "I hope God will paralyze the man that's got my pipe." That sentence has causal a supersti tious awe on the part of Seventeenth street residents. Several days ago Pat rick Gallagher felt iu his coat pocket fir his clay pipe. It was not there, and its absence caused him to make the terrible wish. His wife reproved him. "Well, I dou't care," he is alleged to hare said. "Here, with this uplifted hand to heaven, I pray that my creator will paralyze ihe man who has my pipe." Before his utterances had died away Gallagher felt a severe twitching of the heart and complained of feeling unwell. He was taken to his room and a doelur hastily dispatched fur, who said that he had received a stroke of paralysis. As Gallagher was in Uraightend circum stances it was deemed best to remove him for treatment to the Home for the Aged Pour, which was accordingly done. Dr. Kaiser, the allendiug physician, pro nounced the case a critical one and death ensued in less than twelve hours. The grief-stricken family were at a loss to understand bis sudden death. A f.'W days later, in looking through hiscluthcs, removed at the lime of the paralytic stroke, however, they were filled wilh superstitious horror, for in one of his out side pockets was found the missing pipe, which had worked its way into the lin ing. As Gallagher was i Catholic he was buried iu Mount Elliott cemetery. Since the occurrence it seems as though the family were afllieted wilh trouble. The death augel several days ago took awny Patrick's favorite child, a married wo uiau with six children, and several more of the children nre ou Ihe sick list, suf fering wilh a mysterious malady, which is buttling the medical fialeiuily. The whole iieighboi hood is stirred up by the peculiar affair. Gallagher was a robust, healthy man of sixly-seveu, and was well kuown in West Detroit. Tho pipe which he thought he had lost ur was stolen was au old black clay one, which had been in his possession for twenty years and thought moie of than anything else hr had in bis possession. When he first missed it he felt so bad over it that tears welled in his eyes, aud he searched all over the neighborhood, informing every one of his misfortune and making the threat which is suptinsed to havo been the means of his taking off. 18 LIHC H OK I II I.IVINtit Not if you go through tho world a dys peptic. Acker's Dyspcpsiu Tablets are a positive cure for tho worst fotros of Dyspepsia, indigestion, flatulency and Constipation. Guaranteed and sold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. HEAVEN'S RECEPTION-ROOM. IN MY KATHIlll'S IIOf.SK ARK MANY MAN SIONS '.-ItKY. T. !!: ITT TAI.MAiiK. As we ascend the golden sles, an in visible gmirdman swings open the front door and wc are tishind to the right into the reception room of the old home stead. That is the place win-re we first meet the welcome of Heaven. There must be a place where ihe departtiKpir it enters und a place in which it con fronts the inhabitants celestial. The re ception loom of the newly univcd Irom this world--what seems it must have wilnesed since the first guest utrived, the victim of I ne first fratricide, pious Abel. I u that room Christ lovingly greeted all new comers. He redeemed them and He has the right to the fust embrace uu their arrival. What a min ute when the ascended spirit first sees the Lord. Better than all we cvir read about Him or talked about Him or sang about Him iu all the churches aud through all our caithly lifetime, will it be, just for one second to see him. The luo-t rapturous idea we ever had of Him ou sacramental days or at the height of some great revival are a bankruptcy of thought compared with the first flash of His appearance in that reception room. At that uioineut when you conf'rout each other, Christ looking upon you and you upon Christ, there will be an ecstatic thrill aud surging of emotion that beggars a description. Look I They need no introduction. Long ago Christ chose that repentant sinner, and that repentant siunci chose Christ. Mightiest moment of an immortal history the first kiss of Heaven ! Jesus and tho soul. But now into that reception-room pour the glorified kinsfolk. Enough of earthly retention to let you know them, but without their wounds or their sicknesses ot their troubles. See what heaven has done for them. So radiant, so gleeful, so Iransportiugly lovely. They call you by name. They greet you with an ardor proportioned to the anguish of your purling and the length of your separa tion. Father! Mother! There is your child. Sisters! Brothers! Friends! I wish you joy. For years apart, together agaiu iu the reception-room of the old homestead. You see they will kuow you are coming. There are so many immortals filling all the spaces between here und Heaven that news like that flies like lightning. They will be there in an instant; though they were iu some other world ou au erraud from God a signal would be thrown that would fetch them. Though you might at first feel dazed and overawed at their supernal splendor, nil that feeling will be gone at at their first tumh of Heavenly salutaliou. What scenes have been wituesscd iu the reception room of the old homestead! T!u re met Joseph and Jacob, finding it a brighter room than anything they sew in Pharaoh's palace; David and the little child for whom he faslcd and wept; Mary and Lazaius after the heartbreak of Bclhany; Timothy and grandmother Lois; Isabella Graham and her sailor son, Allied and George Cooknian, the mys tery of ihe sea at last made manifest; Luther and Magdalene, the daughter he bemoaned; John Howard aud the prison ers whom he gospelized; and multitudes without numbi r who, once so weary and sad, parted on earlh but gloriously met iu Heaven. Among all the rooms of that house there is no one that more enraptures my soul than that reception room. 4 "lu uiy, Father's house are many man sions, 4., x Auothcrr ooiu iu our Father 's house will be the family room. It may corres pond somewhat wilh the family room on earlh. At morning and evening you know, that is the place we liuw meet. Sacred room in all our dwellings. Whether it be luxurious with ottomans and divans, or there ba only a few chairs and a cradle. So tho family room ou high will be the place where the kinsfolk nssciublcaniltuik over the family expe riences of earth, the weddings, the births, the burials, the festal days of Christmas and Thanksgiving reunious. But you must he cleau befi.reyou can enter there, and so I have opened a fountain where you may wash ull your sins away. Come now I Put your weary but cleansed feet ou the upwind pathway. Do you not see amid the thick foliage on the Heaven ly hilltops the old family homestead?" "In my 1'uihei 's huasc are many room." CAMION TO M(Mlll:K. Every mother is cautioned against giv ing her child laudanum or paregoric, it creates an unnatural craving for stimulants which kills the mind or the child. Ac ker's Baby Soother is specially prepared to benefit children and cure their pains. It is harmless und contains no Opium or Motphiue. Sold by W. M. Cohen, Wel don, S. A Healthy Climate Easterner- Is Nebraska a healthy Stale ? Nebraska Mail Healthy I Well sir. there's an old man in Omaha named William Shakespeare, and hang me il l dun t believe lies the original. A lUTV TO YOl'ltSI-'.l.l'. It is surDrisinc that Deonle will use a connuou, ordinary pill when they can secure a valuable English oue for the same money. Dr Acker's English pills are a positivo guarantee lor Headache and all liver troubles, They aro small, sweet easily taken and do not gripe. For sale by W. W. tohen, Weldon, H. U. A GRAVE PROSLEM. THKI'lil't I.ATIONOFTIIt: I NITKD BTATF.S A I.TCNTLTtY IIKSCF. WitslilliKtoli Fvenlei; Star. Mr. S L I.ootni- predicted the result of the census of 1880 within 13.000 of the actual figures. He estimates that ihe population of the country in 1890 will reach C7,2.)H,0I)0, an increase during Ihe past decade of more ihan oil per cent. To allow a reasonable margin fur possible i iror we may place the total nl (17,0011.11110 and the 'h-eeiini.il increase ut oil per cent. Should lliii ratio id' in uease continue, our population nt the end of each decade during ihe next lot) years will be represented by tho follow ing figures, the progressive immensity of which will surprise most people and per haps caused thetu fu Wondei: 19U0 l'JIO 1 920 lo.'io 19 III I9.VI 19U0 1970 19S0 1990 87,100,1100 11:1,230,000 1- 17,199,000 i9i,rn,7oo 2- i8,7ij.'),:tm) U2u.:i9:i,290 41t;,5Ki,270 fil 1,-1 07,-125 703,907,125 915,079,042 People of a speculative turn of mind may well ask themselves what is to be dune with so enormous a population, how are they to be supported, and many oth er questions that, (hough purely specu lative now, may assume a vital impor tance before the close of the next cen tury. The total area of the 1'uited States, including Alaska, in 3,580,242 Equare miles, or 2,291,354,880 acres. This area necessarily includes the lakes, rivers and uninhabitable mountains and deserts, yet we find that there will be an average of more than two and one-half persons to each acre of our total area when the enumerators enter upon their duties one hundred years hence. The exact figures are 2.504. According to Mr. Looiuis, the ratio of increase of population by births over deaths, ulthotigli much less than it was a ceutury hence, is at present 2.01 per cent, per annum, or 20.1 each ten years. Accepting, fur convenience, ihe ratio if dicenuial increase as 20 ft cent, und casting aside all accretion from immigra tion, wo find that in ihe yar 1990 our total population trill be more thau G10, 000,000. Whether these figures arc accepted as reasonably trustworthy or njectcd as gross exaggeration, the fact slill remains that the natural and inevitable increase of the population, not alone of our uwu untry, but of the whole world, pru- scuts a problem that muy Well engage the thoughtful mind. RED HEADS. Red hair is a poiut, and a very strong one at that, against a man when he at tempts to have his life insured. This is what the Savannah meuical examiucr for a number of associations told a reporter: "It sceuis Hrange to most men when I tell this," he continued, ' but the facts at baud iu the main offices of the insurance companies show thai the risk is greater upon persons whose hair is of that color than others. They seem to be disposed toward consumption or other lung troubles. As a result, examiueis pay especial alteutioii lo them. Even when they show not the slightest trace of a possible pulmonary complaint they often develop ils worst form iu a comparative ly short time. It is not an infallible rule, of course, thai red hair means lungs pre disposed, but it is often the case that the insurer feels justified iu exercising un usual precautions in refcreuce to that class of applicants. ' im.oi'I.i: l: i:ki m iii:hr Confirm our slateineut when we say that Acker's Knclish Remedy is iu every way superior to any and all other preparations I'or the Throat and Lungs. In Whoop- in" Cott"h and Croup it is magic aud re lieves at once. We offer you a sample bottle free. Remember, this Remedy is sold on a positive guarantee. For sale by W. M.Cohen, Weldon, N. C. N K W A 1)V ERTISEM KiVl'S. H. J. GORDLE, Cooiflc Time. LITTLETON, N. C. MM TC11MA KER AND JE WEIER, :o: and dealer in :o:- WATl'IlF-S, CLOl'KS, JKWFI.RY. BILVKRA PLA'ren WAKF.S. KYEGLASPFS. SFECTAl'LKS, ' !., AC, AO ftj"ltepairing a Specially. or IS Ira ADVERTISEMENTS H.C. SPIERS, M HOLKSALK AX1 KKTAIL -0 DEALER IN 0 Toy, KniiiH, I'liLe, rrHi-ki r, Nut und f.'on fiTii'.iii'rii'n uf i'vi-ry iT'-Ki-ri Uti. Tlilnk I ran truU.full) stiy Umi I Iihvc, mid kt-fp n timid Um In K'-ft Hit It uf Tn), I'fliiU, 4!o.i.lcti(JIIl' rivA, ttmt U ki jit hi Dim (wit r MUX T II C A UU LI A' A. I ki'fpui) litllnl ft li.ftft Bin) well w U'Ctnl itOfk nf (irocerleti, Crw kiTy, HtirdWHre. Tiuwfttn, WwMlwttre, HittHuiiao .Htove .'in mid Elbuwiol all it zch. Huve t'li hfitid hill Uwy mirfuthcr ffOoHgloo iiunnT.tu to mcntitm. Cull t tliti Brick Slort In the Bottom ami net) FOR YOURSELF. Orders by mail will have my peraonal atten tion. Kelum many thanks to the good people in this and Hie Niirruu ailing- counties fur past rarora, aud trust ami hope they will allow me to serve theru In the future. Very truly, It. 0.81'iF.ItS, Weldon, N.C. C-lHASJ. -IfH.I.ER -TrAIJsH, Ot'KADE IHaUBLE VV OKKS, SO UTU S YCA MORE STREET, PETERSBURG, VA. Monuments, Headstones, Tombs, Tablets, kc. Lowest cash prices guaranteed. AH work warranted satisfactory. HaT.V beautiful calendar fur 1S89 sent to any address ou receipt of stamp for postage C II ULi:s M. WALSH. oct 11 ly. THE BEST FAMILY SOAP IN THE WORLD. II is Strictly Pure. Uniform in Qaality. T HE original formuU for which w pan! fjo,oot tuftjr tears ft" iuu never rweii ni(Minca or cluttgMi in the v millet. Till MM i lilpnilcftl lit quality lu-Uajr Uk timl mnde twrnl? ywri n. IT contain uiitittiir Hi l mil tm lure Ihe ftntmt Aibrl. h LnitbtP cm fn'tin nti J bleach t wline. II w j-lies n.inntL. and blanket a no other Mxp in the world iloci without itiriiiknte- Itavinc rh.ni soft 4 tid while and like new. READ THIS TWICE THERE U a rrent nvlnr of time, of labor, uf oap. of fuel, aitii uf i be fabric, where Dob bin' I'lectric Sup ii used accorallMg f dlrwc 0 E trlAl will demonitraW iu (real mtrtt II will pay yMi to m.ilte thit trial. I IKK 4)1 beat tNtMn. It U citfmivdy lt utcil and counterfeited. Pewarc of Imitations. TNSIST upon I4tb1lna' Electric. Don't taka Magnetic, Fleciro-Mf ic, Philadelphia Electric, or 4tiy oinr fraud, nimply became it H cheap. Thejr will ruin cl the, and are dar at any pric. Aak for o-J nODDINB ELECTRIC and lake no other. Nearly mry fTOcer from Main io Menco keep it in nock. If ywuri hain't it, tw Will or !r from hi nearett wholesale grocer. PKAD carefully the inside wrapper around eack bar, and be careful to fallow dlreettoM on each ouunle wrapper. You tainat ftilorel wait longer befwrc trying for youmlf this Ad, aeimbit end truly wonderful Dobbins' Electric Soap. I L. CRAGIX.& CO, I'hiladehia. Pa. jao 3 ly ftwtn.nfbln'T I IAD llttl all aunt. r aarhla I Wlmiaruj.lr ratal MA 'pttaM each tetVltf.ibamf Wat aw.U-tmaa-htM ana La wa wui a sxi rt. ia m,, ki wwM, with aU lb eitarkwaau. W willalaa Hkfmi nui.u itoAAfaw eeUy end hiatal. ) ail aaaajpa. ia man we aaa taai iu auw what wi mb4. to thwia Wh may eel; i yor kana.ajta attar 4 aiee il Taw fra aui'tie M itHCrr pmnta, a I IvfofaHiaaia mm Mi H Ml4torM. wilt IM a (rlwta.ia, aaa w Mite fa 'AO. ftaai. etmafAAi, jtuet it Na capital raaalr4. Flat, ear wf ike W Mrias;-Marhiwr ta warn " liaa(arbaf bita n akuoa lvtlhta l aii av iu., aaa , . PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JAMVf M. MI'I.I.KN, WALTU I. DAKlUa M ULIiftN m I) A R 1 I It ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. Praettec In therourta of Haltraa andNnrtlianili ton and In the riitreui and Federal court. Col lections made In all parts of North Canriiu. Vrarjch oOice at Halifax, N. C, open .very V on day. )lljr, 'JBOUAg N. HILL, Attorney at Law. HALIFAX, M. O. P radioes In Halilkx and adjoining counties an a Federal and sjuprama oourta. uf.air c! t h o a x i, ATTORNEY AT LAW, KNHELU.N. C. Practices In theeourta of Hall tat aid adjoining eounttes and la the bupmne court, (ItaleoUotta nade any hcratatht Mate, aud rt lurnt promptly man.. 1 -3W"