Pi n r SALL & SLEIDC3-B, I'koprietors. VOL. XX. A. NEWSPAPEE :F O IR, THE PEOPL B. TEIRIMIS 2-00 I'KR ANNUM IN ADVANCE. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1881). NO. 2G. HVEItTlSEMENTS. H. J. GORDLE, tr. Ccoifc Time I, 1 T T I. K t 0 X, X. V. H',1 76 .'- A7:A' A Xl .IE W EE Ell, . : and dealer in :o: WATl'IIK", Cl.O' KS, JKWKI.UV. .-II. 'hit A ILAIKH ViMlV., i:yki;lassi-:. si'kctaci.ks, i('.,.vr., AC jay-Repairing u Specialty. -0- MY STOCK 01' 0 SPRING AND SUMU1ER MILLINERY U Arriving. nml I willliiliiy tlie flui-xt line ot WHls CU't hllUWli til tlllH town. Coiiil' umi see Uic NEW STYLES. IUMK AND SELECT TIIK NEW EST NOVELTIES. mks. r. a. lewis, oct 4 ly Weldon, N. C. f.ll.Tapiicy, -Sl'CCEHSOH TO TAPPEY 4 DELANEY, i'l"lKRSlHKO, VA. -MANUFACTURER OF S.ationary ttnd Portable Engines, Saw Milk, Tram Roads and Pule Car', Elevators, l'canut II tillers, Cotton and Hay 1'resscs, Tobacco Machinery, Mill Gearing, d o . etc. W. Il.TAl'l'KY. 491TI For Sale by V. M. Cohen, Welduu, N. C. may 9 ly LIQUORS. C. SMITH. SEE JUS LIQUORS, SEE II IS CIG A US, fa,ltor,!.oia, RVERY DRINK IN SKAS0N. fc-C. Smith. Brick Building, on "win ijoiupi 0f Railroad Shed, Weldon . v. d0 lfl ly. A WONDERSON DISCOVERY NO MilllK WILL TUB HKAD OP TIIK FAMILY PROWL Allot Nil AT N1IIIIT 1.00KIMI rilll MATIilKS. There is a certain street in a certain i lly, whoso name shall be nameless, that beasts of the lamest population of babies. to the sijuare fuot of any other street in the city aforesaid. A denizen of the street in question approached a newspa per man some time ago and in a half em barrassed sort of way said; ' l have made a discovery which 1 think of sulli eieiit importance to pun iu print," What is it? asked the scribe. ''Do you knew anything about babies? asked the inventor. The setibed repliid that his experi ence was not so numerous as that ef some of the denizens of the nameless street in question, though he had during his life been associated with at least one bald headed infant. ' Does your baby ever cry?" asked the youug marrie d man. Aud the scribe confessed that his babe did ninictiuics indulge in violent exercise of the lungs and vocal organs. "And does it ever keep you awake at uight?" This sounded like unpardonable pry ing into the sacred secrets of domestic life, but the man was so earnest that the scribe forgave the seeming impertinence and uduiitlcd that oft in the silly night he had dreamed ol sawmills and Thomas concerts and the noise of street ear Xo. 7, and had finally awaked to find that the interruption proceeded from the little ciib at the southwest comer of the bed. "Then," continued the discoverer, who by this time had become somewhat ex cited, "you will be greatly interested in what I out about to tell you, for I have found on the head of my baby a soporific bump." "A soporific bump?" asked the scribe in am:ii 'Uicnt. "Exactly," was the answer. "This bump is not designated in the books of phleiioh'gy, Lut nevertheless I have found it. It lies on the windward side of the skull, is about the size of an elec tric bell knob, and when I press my fin ger upon it, no matter how violent are the child's paroxysm, he drops into a sweet slumber aud all is peace and quiet in the family. Why, sir, it is the great en: disiovery of the age. It promises sweet surcease from sorrow, it fortells the loom of paregoric and soothing syrup, it uarantees sleep, the innocent sleep, not uiy to the dear cunning, vicious little baby, but also to the parents thereof. Xo more will the head of the family prowl around in the dark looking for ni itches and children cry for their syrups, flatten tloir nose's o:i the edge of the door and turn uiiduight somersault over the old arm chair. Rejoice with luc, my Vllow sufferer, for the day of our dcliv. erancc is at hand." And as he went joyously out of the Bice, the scribe heard him siug: When the baby wakes up in the middle o! the night, There's no place like home. And you huut li I paregoric without any ight. There's no place like home. And while you're doing the pri menade act And your foot comes down on an up turned tack With your wife's cold feet in the middle ot your Lack, There's no place like home. Danville Ilnjinler. STILl AFTER MARY'S GOAT. Mary had a little lamb, its fleece was white as snow; it strayed away one sum mer day, where lambs should never go. Then Mary sat her down and tears streamed from her eyes; she never fouud the lamb becauso she did m t advertise. And Mary had a brother John, who kept a village store; he sat down and smoked his pipe and watched the open door. And as the people passed along and did not atop to buy, Jobu still sat down and smoked his pipe and blinked his Jeenv eve. And so the sherifl u -j closed him out, but still he lingered uear: aud Mary came to dr.p a smputhiiin! tear. II.iw is it. sister, that tin' oth ,..r,.l,,l horn, sell nil their uoolls ami thrive from year to year?" Remember inu uuw her own lad luck, the litlli maid replica: "i Iibhc oilier icin.ws Vn there, John, because they advertise llucklm'i Arnica hl. The Best Salve in the world for Cute, ilruisea, Sorcs.Uleers, Salt Khcum.Kever Soica,Tetter, Chapped, hands, Chilblains Corns,and all skin eruptions.and positive ly euros Tiles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Korsale by druggists at Wcldon, Brown JtCarraway, Ilalilax.Dr. J A McGwigan, Enfield. Tho khcriff'i notice thus supplica A moral and a tale ; Tho man who failed to advertise, Is advertised to fail. There is no reason in the world why a "baby (how" shouldn't be a howling TO BUILD HOUSES OF SUGAR. CI.AI S SI'UKCKKI.S HAS AN INVENTION AND WANTS Til TltY IT ON TIIK WIIH'K 1IOISH. WulllllJ,'l'(U l'ot. Astounding discoveries tread upon each other's heels, but the latest alleged invention in that line has just been dis closed by Dr, Oeorge 0. (ilavis, of this city, who is well knowu as a lawyer and the representative of the North German I.luj d Steamship line. He has just re turned from Europe aud crossed the At laulie with Claus Sprcckcls, the Hawai ian sugar king. Dr. (ilavis states that he has in his hands Mr. Kprcckol's application for a patent on a jroccss for producing build stones artificially, the basis being nothing more or less than sugar. In short the architect of the future will design houses out of a material more beautiful than any thing it is now possible to use for build ing purposes, mid that material will be sugar. The dhcovcry is one made by Mr. Spreckels, and the process is similar to that by which gelatine is hardened. It has long been a practice among engravers to take a copy oil a plate of gelatine, and harden it until it becomes like steel. It is proposed to accomplish something of a similar result with sugar. The claim is made that a material can bo artificially produced clu-upcr than any good grade of building stone, which is harder than granite, impervious to moisture and unaffected by heat, whiter aud more beautiful than marble, aud which will stand a crushing weight that would make powder out of granite. Dr. Glavis says that his distinguished client will demonstrate the utility of his invention iu a practical way if permitted, lie will give bonds to construct the pro posed new wings of the white house out of sugar blocks, and will forfeit the bonds if the material is not more weather-proof than brick, mure beautiful than marble, more durable than granite, and better iu every respect than any build ing stone now known. As to cheapness, it is less costly than any other building material suitable for the same purposes. A GENTLE HINT. Giorge was a bashful lover. 11 scarcely dared to touch his lady's hand. lie loved her Well and she was worthy of his aHeetiou. for she was modest, intelli gent, sweet, and lovable; but like all good women, she yearned for tho respectful caresses that are the evidences of a pure affection. She however yearned in vain. George worshipped her. He might kiss the hem of her garment, but to kiss her lips ur check, the very audacity of the thought made him tremble. They sat together by the sea looking out upon the track of the moon's light which while winged yachts were cross ing now and then '. "It wus a h itc-liiiiK hu'ir, a set-lie For lore nml culm delight " Suddenly she moved slightly away from him. "Please, George, don't do that," she said : "What ?" he asked iu genuine sur prise. "Oh 1 you needu't tell me," she re plied. "You were just going to put your arm around my waist, and were going to try and kiss me." "Dear Arabella " "Oh! you needn't tell me no; you were going to do it. Well, after all, I suppose you are not to blame. It is just what a lover would do to his sweetheart, and I suppose I must not be offended if you do it." And George grasped the situation and did exactly what Arabella supposed he would do, aud the moon grinned aud tho stars winked and the wavelets laughed and a mosquito that was about to alight oa the maiden's check flew away aud set tied on the nose of a grass widow win was sitting near the band stand. WITH GLASS WINDOWS There need not he further excuse foi allowing your umbrella to diip dowu the neek of your dearest Iri n 1 ill a raiu- storm, ur running amuck of the hurrying .ijfarcr coming from ilm uppusiiu di rection. The lainy day collision in on. of the greatest profanity provokers of Wet weather, aud the Englishman who iuvented the glass wiudow by which oue'a course in a storm nitiv be siehte I, de serves the thanks of Chrisliui tmn throughout the world. This window consists of a small over piece of gli with a brass or silver fruuie which is ea sily mounted in a rib of the umbrella while it is fixed to the silk by tewing it through the little perforated holes in thi frame. These windows can be placed in uew or old umbrellas in manner which will njt ihinre the fabric in the least Aa to whether the umbrella will roll up tiehtly has not, however, beeu made ap parent. I I.IKU WORTH I.IVI N;f Nut if vou no ihrouiih the world a dys peptic. Acker's Dyspepsia Tabhta arc a positive cure fur the worst tortus o i i- ,;, l'I.i..Io.i..v ml W. M Cohen, Weldon, N. C. OBJECTIONABLE TRAINS. SO.MKOK TUB Rt:.N VtllM'lt RAILROAD KNdlNKKRS DO NOT I.IKE. Athtnhi ('unMituliun: Said an old railway engineer the other day: "There are three kinds of trains that I do not want to have anything to do with. One is the pay train. You never know when you will overtake the section hands. You will be going the rate of forty miles an hour; away you go around a curve aud you will da.-li by the boss und hands and have to go hack to them. There is always a good deal of talk over the wages and much time is taken up. 'The most unpleasant train to handle is an excursion tram, r.veiyonu living long the line knows you from seeing you come by every day, and they think you know them as well. When on au excursion they presume upon their friendship to endeavor to ride on the en gine. ro other place will do tliciu. The engineer has to refuse them, as it would amount to docking his wages from thirty to sixty days if he complied, positively against the rules of the road. The persons denied the privilege always feel hard about it, and look upon the en gineer as unaecouiniodatiiig. The last aod worst of all, however, is the officer's train. If you run slow they say you are scared and fear to run fast. If you make good time tluy say you are careless and reckless and want to kill somebody. You can't suit them." WHAT A WOMAN CAN DO. She can come to a conclusion without the slightest trouble of reasoning on it, and no sane man can do that. Six of them can talk at once and get along first-rate, and no two men can do that. She can safely stick fifty pius in he r drefs while he is getting one under his thumb nail. She is cool as a cucumber in half a dozen tight dresses and skirts, while a man will sweat and fume und growl in one loose shirt. She can talk us sweet as peaches and cream to the woman she hates, while two men would be puuehiug each other's head before they had exchanged ten words. She can throw a stone with a curve, that would be a fortune to a base-ball pitcher. She can say "no" in such a low voice that it means "ves." She can sharpcu a lead pencil if you give plenty of time and plenty of pencils. She can d mee all night in a pair of shoes two sizes too small for her, aud en joy every minute of the time. She can appreciate a kiss from her husband 75 years after the marriage cer emony is performed. She can go to church and afterward tell you what every woman in the con gregation had ou, and in souu rare iu tinces can ji e you some faiut idej i what the text w s She can walk half the night with a colicky baby in her anus without once expressing the desire of murdering the infant. She can drive a man crazy for Z hours, and then bring him to paradise in two secouds by simply tickling hiiu under the chin, aud there does not I've that mortal sou of Adam's misery who can do it. DEPLORABLE FACTS. Sarah Allhea Hill Sharon Tcrry Hill uow go on the stage. Miss Anne Reeve Aldrich, the poet, is writing a society novel. That wealthy Englishmen are not the ones oa the lex.kout for American wives. That divorced women for matrimonial purposes seem to surpass pretty widows. Miss Eliza Lang, of Rrooklyu, is the mother of fifteen children, all of wheiin are living. There are 275 lady preachers in the I'uited States, all eloquent; all alas, home- Mrs. Oliver, of Athens, Ga , is eighty- seven years of age and she does nut re member to have ever taken a diiuk of water. Under the new Sheffer law iu Mimic apo'.i i, which link"" drunkenness a crime t wo U..U was the first to be senteueed to jail. Mrs. Ivuuia I . hwing, a Uelunr on ho ised.old economy, declares that over IS.tlOO.mtl) is spent uselessly for bluing iu this country every year, and that million families throw away from $25 to f 100 npi. ee iu soap glease in the same p riod. IM.OI'I.K i:v m V M II Kit I. Confirm our statement when we aay that Ackur English Kemi-dy is in overy way superior to any and all other preparations lor the 1 liroiit snei J.uugs. Iu vvnuop imr Coueh aud Croup it is magic and re lieves at oiiee. We offer you a sample bottle free. Remember, this Remedy is ild on a nositivo cuaranteo. For sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. A man was arrested the) o'lier day fur e"a uuiiroua . (e I thiug by fir a rainy d..y. stealing an umlrella and I ieel to get off AN ENGINEER IN SKIRTS. NORA HI CK CAN III N A HTKA.M BOAT AS WELL AS ANY -MAN. l'liiluiUI.tlB Record. Many pairs of eyes have opened very wide in amazement at the sight of a black-eyed aud bright faced young wo man in the engine-rooin of the steamer Ocean City which plys on Great Egg Harbor Hay, between hong Port, Ocean City and Somers Point, X. J., and when passengers see the ens.! and familiarity with which she handles the wheels and levers of the engine they hold their breath for a lew sicouds to see what stranger thing can happen. Hut until ing; alarming does happen. The young lady is Mrs. Nora Ruck, and she makes as efficient an assistant to her husband, the engineer of the Ocean City, as any man, who could be put in her place. She is skilled in the management of the machinery, and presides over the engine room with perfect confidence aud com placeucy. Mrs. ISuck is a granddaughter of Com modore Lavelctte, aud the daughter of the founder of lavelctte City, N. J. I'pou the wat' r she is always at home, and can haud.e an oar or sail a yacht like au expert. She is lit years old, nud a perfect piciuie if health, weighing about IliU pounds. Her hair and eyes arc black, and her Tarn o'Shauter hat, cambric dress nud big checked apron are a pleasaut sight to the people who patron ize the Ocean City. Aside from the novelty of her position iu the engine room, her bright face aud pleasaut man ners have made her a great favorite with people who vi.-it Atlantic City and other neighboring places along the shore. SHORTEST NAMES IN THE WORLD. Vllllltl's i:ollllllllirl. Not long ag ) a man went into a French village to register, as it in required by the French law, the name of his newly born child. "What's the name'?" the clerk asked him. "Rose li." "How do you spell it?" "II." "What? Is it lice, or Bey, or Ilea? You must have some other letters to go with your R." "Not at all, sir. The uame is just 1!, no more. The clerk was puzzled. It seemed to him quite lidieiluus to inscribe a per son by the name of It. The man in sisted, however, that the re were no other letters with it, aud never had beeu. He referred the clerk to ol her records con taining the family name, and it was fouuel to be the ease that the family had always goue by the name of II. The R family name is, perhaps, the shortest family uame iu the woriel ex cepting, no doubt, the I family, which is a pre tty large one. There is iu Northern Fi'.iuce, tu ire- over, a village which has an exeiv liiuly hurt nauie. It is the little commune of Y, iu the department of the Souiuie, whose -ill I inhabitants are uever called upon to lose much time in the dating of their letters, and who probably could not be induced to exchange the name of their towu feir Coiistaiitiuoplu or Copen hagen, or even for Kalamazoo or Indian- polis. A CALF WITH A MONKEY'S FACE. Adam Sell, a farmer of Schuyler coun ty, Ills., is the possessor of a curiosity in the way of a newly born calf of marvel ous form aud figure. The animal is only half the ordinary size, and its hide is en tirely destitute of hair, the skin being of pink eolol aud smooth as the back of a Mexican dog. Instead of having hoofs like other animals of its kiud, its feet arc formed of live disliuet toes that have claws at the end like those of a cat. Thi creature's ears are exceedingly small in fact, hardly visible. The face resembles that of a monkey; and from the lower jaw projects two tangs, i he animal Is extremely intelligent, and follows its owner about the lot, ami gives every evidcuce of affection. I'tiable to bawl like an itdiuary calf, yet it is able to make a noise like that of a dumb pi r-em eueleavoiing to speak. Some people who have examined the queer Ireuk Ieel con hd' lit I hat in lime It will be able tu talk nt leiiHi i.s will us a parrot. Mr. Sell has already bee n offere d, a big sum fol the animal, hut reluses to pint Willi it at any priiv N. t . ( iuniiierei.il Atinrtwr. t u iiiiv to Moriii.it;. Every mot her is cautioned against giv ini her child laudanum or Paregoric; It creatcsun unnatural craving feir stimulants which kills the mind or the child. Ac ker's Baby Soother is specialty prepared to benefit ebihlren anel cure llicir pains, It is harmless and contains no Opium or Morphine. Sold by W. M. Cohen, Wcl don, N. C. The gooel die young. This is partic ularly true of t hickens. PIMPI.U9 ON Till-: If.XCH Denote an impure stute of the blood and are looked upm by ninny with suspicion. Acker's Blood Elixir will remove all im purities and leave the complexion smooth and clear. Thete is nothing that will so thoroughly bui'd up the constitution, purify aud strengthen the whole system. .)url y uuj strengthen tne wnoie I W eldon, M. L. uonen, THE GHOST. KNlil.K OIIJKlTKll TO I1KU 111'.' HAND'S UKAlTK.UIANl'K. A Brooklyn special says: On Wed nesday Mrs. Gustavo Knglc, of li.'l- Mail- jcr street, nulled wildly into the Mxtli precinct station house and tolel Serreaut Kilze r that she wantiil au officer sent around to hi r house to arrest the ghost of lot husband. The sergeant finally got her cal d down sullii'ieiilly to relate the following story : "I was engaged in my household duties, when n man enter ed and spoke to mo. I turned and screamed. The man was uiy husband, who committed suicide last June." The cx ceii'pse look a chair and looke'd admir ingly around the room. "Why are you here?" Mrs. Englc cried. "I buried you two uioulhs ago. For heaven's sake, get out of here." Engle smilingly de clined to have, and his wile rushed out for assistance. She was told at the po lice statiou that the police could do Uolh ing fur lie-r. that they could uot arrest her husband for his apparent resurrec tion. It appears that "the ghost" disappeared from his home on J uue LIT, leaving his wife aud lour childre n behind. Pre vious tu his disappearance he had been out of work for some time, aud hud been feeling despondent. Ou Juue ;ill the body of u drowned man was found in Newlowu creek. The remains were re moved to the morgue, and Mrs. ivigle seut for to identify the corpse. She was sure it was the body of her husbaud. Au inquest was held and a verdict of suicide rendered. The bereaved "widow" had the remains properly buried. At the time Engle disappeared his life was insured in the Prudential Life Insurance company for il'M, which was promptly paid to the widow. Mrs. Engle is still undecided whether to receive her bus- baud back with open arms or uot. JUST RIGHT. Florida girls are not like their Ala bama sisters (by the Aije-lhruUCt esti mate,) for the former abhor slang. But lor duwu right emphasis of expression and that brevity which is the soul of wit they yield the palm to no other State. Several weeks ago a number of brave young men aud beautiful women from the interior came iu ou an excursion. A small knot of the visitors were walking leisurely through the park, wheu the1 fol lowing conversation was overheard be tween two of the visitors. It is re-por ed Vcrlatim, though it is impossible to imi tate the drawling, earnest toll j iu which it was delivered : "Sal," asked one, displaying the folds of her new dress aud taking a sly hitch at her bustle, "Sal, ho do my dress fit?" "Fingers aud toes couldn't better it." " Do Johu seem ter uolii e it ?" "Can't keep his eyes olfcn it." "Do my bustle shake about any V" "Sliaki'S jess like jelly," replied Sal, as they proceeded ou their way with an air of triumph iuelcscribable. "LET JEEMES GO'' 'flu' Luml Me Lure gives a model letter from a young lady whose swe.'theart was iu llie Filth South Carolina Regi ment, to Mr. Davis, President of the late Confederacy, asking IVr a furlough for her lover to come home ami get married : Dear Mr. President : I want you to let Jeeiues Claucy, of company lib, 5th S. C. regiment, ciuie home uud get mar ried. Jeeun-s is willin,' I is williu,' uiy mammy, she is williu', his mammy says she is willin1, but Jeemes' captain, he ain't williu'. Now when we're all williu', ccptiu' Jeemes' captain, 1 thiuk you might let up und let Jeemes come. 1 II make him go straight back wheu he's lone done got manic J und fight just as hard of ever, eVe." Mr. Davis wrote on the letter, 1 Let Jeemes go," and Jeeuies came home, married the affectionate correspondent of Mr. Davis, and returned to his regiment, uud diel light as well as ever. Tub L.vw iMiisr lit: UtMi-KCTKii. They were sitting at the supper table last night when the husbaud said : "The census tlerk was in to day, dear, lie demandi'd tho age ol' each of I lie family, and I was obliged tu give him yours. It was the law, he said." "Vou did, you brute! Law? What do I care for law ? John Henry, did you presume to tell I hat man uiy age '' she demanded indiguantly. "Ves," Johu Henry replied diplomat! call); "I told him you were 21." "()h!" John Henry's wife said be'ain- ingly, us the rustling of the wings of t,he dove of peace were heard in the room "I suppose the law has to ho respected." CONSUMPTION M Itr.l.Y ( I'HF.K. To Tim Eihtoii. Please inform your renders that 1 have a positive reiueil.v lor the nlmve uanieil iliseuae. By it timely use thousands of hopeless ciuwe have been neruuincntly cured. I shall lie ejad to Bend two Imttlra of my remedy FitKK to any of your renders who Have consumption u they will send me their express nml postoftiee address. Kcspeetliiiiy, T. A.8LOCUM, M. C. oct 35 1 yr, 181 1'earl at. Kew York A D V ERTISEM ENTS. A REQUEST. Yi"i:l-'r trust the reader or this paper ince over the testimony c,iv- below concerning Atlanta's great t;ift to suffering humanity, the Ilo tanic lllooel Halm. Sufferers should write to the lllood Halm Co., of Atlanta, Ga., for their illustrated "Hook of Wonders," tilled with additional true testimony of wondciful cures. At their office in Allan la, the Bluod Halm Co. will lie happy to show seekt-rs after truth thousands of ht U is in the1 original inaneisi ript, receivcel limn happy p.rsoas nuele well by usiinf B. li. li. u. n. It. li. it. u. I,, li. I'.. SIII.LI., Warreiiton, N. C, I I wnles: ' tlnu'.l.- My I'ves ejave' me i;re..t tioul.b and when ruhlied would iiitlanu- ami become .swollen. Two bottles of Be'tanic liloeiel Balm made a firm cure." ilillanie at of Be'tanii n. n. I Ml li. n. n. n. li. n. n. :. n. US. 1IKTTIE GRAVES, San SaU i, writes: "Our little daughter is afflicted with white scabs and dandruff and small sores oa the front of her he; '. Botanic Blood Balm healed tlie sores. i..:;irove'd he .- ;;e ::eral health, a..d she is r.o-.v getting as fat as a pig." It. ;. i:. I;. I1.. I;. n. 1'.. I:. W.; HKNDKKSOX.Macou.Ga, writes: "I suffered six years from ldooel poison. Four bot tles B. B. B. eliel me more good than all Other medicines I have ever taken." li. n. it. li. it. it. r.. li. a. d: K. A. R. JAV.N'KS & SOX, Lutes- ville, Mo., writes: "Wc sell twelve bottles of B. B, li. tu one of another blootl purifier ten times as widely adver tised." It. li. u, li. ii. it. i:. it. li. r; S. ELSUX, Clover Bottom, Tcnn., writes: "I lad an ugly running sore ou my leg. My daughter had a similar sore below her knee. B. B. B. cured us both. It is the only remedy that ever diel her or me any good." li. it. 11. u. 11. li. it. it. n. H. I.. CASS1DY, Kennesatv, Ga., writes: "My wife was a great sufferer from scrofula. Three bot tles of li. B. B. has made her a perfectly healthy woman." It. H. u. n. It. u. u. li. n. All. l'AKKF.K, Willow City, Texas, writes : "1 have taken H. H. B 1 for paralysis, and received great benefit." n. n. n. fi. R. U. n. n. n. SAM M. LEF.MAN, Ridgcway, Tex., writes: "1 was afflicted with sores and boils all over my body, heard of Botanic Blood Balm, atd i .vc it trial. Under its use the disease entirely disap peared.'' it. ii. n. a. u. b. n. ii. n. T K WILSON, Glen Alpine, N. C. writes: .My lie; was amputated below the knee on account of blood poison anil bone affection. A big running sore, four inches across, came on me after it was cut off. 1 was given up by the doc tors but have got well by using Botanic Blood Balm, and also gained very much in weight." n. n. n. b. it. n. n. ii. ii. KS. 11. 0. SHEPHERD, No. AM, .est Main Street, Norfolk, V'a., ' writ writes : "I received so much ben efit from a use uf B. B. U. It is a great metlicin:." n. n. it. u. b. B- it. B. B. WSOUT1IERLA Ky., writes : anything to e! SUUTHERLAND, Bardston, I never found o me so much gonu as i B. F. II. II. rlicumati It. I.. It. B. good as Botanic lllooel Balm." B. F. n. n. it. n. It. H. B. W. ALEXANDER, Madison. writes: "One bottle cured me of severe rheumatism. It. 1.. It. 11. B. B. B. B. B. J II. Of LAW, Mt. Olive, X. C, writes : "One bottle of B. B. B. entirely cured me ot rheumatism." ii. is. n. n. n. n. n. B. B. "V JOHNSON, Belmont station, Hiss., writes: "My body, r-.eck, face and ears and scalp, were all , ,,v. r..il with sores, and n.y hair came out. I lost my appetite and was very feehle. I am using B. B. B. and the sores are all healing and going away, n. u. n. " " " JOHN MATT I NGI.Y, Louisville, Ky. writes: "I suffered from pains in buck and severe kidney disease All t'ie medicine 1 had taken did me no gooel. I took one bottle of B. B. B. and have i.ot had a P-in since. Hi b. U. B. B. tl. 11. E. ROBERTS; Bloomingdale. Ala., writes: "l. li- neaiea .!.. ....ii-.ri.it rtiiiiihii! sores on my 1V1 1 hoely, and I feci very grateful lot Ihe go id it ha "olu: ,M- .. .. ii II U It II. II. r I T old J i , ,e I II. II. II. vV. MESSER, Howell's X Roads, 'a writes: i. i r. cuie-u ,'( chronic sors that had troubled ie lor years, and which other rem edies did t o good. ,. ,,. u. h. It. Ii. n. B. T CAYCE, l'ulaski, Tcnn., writes: I ' J it It It :,. tnu fimilv -I have useu u- u. yy ". i .-..nsiaer it valuable blood purifier. (0 rjMIK OLD CONH.bKllATK COMMISSARY. OFFERS 70 THE TRADE AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICES I on tstm l.tf ALI.OKAHKS OKKLOUK, M iKim U V. VT-IkiUi bulk and bacon, eii I'tsRIO ASH LAtifAYRA COFKEK, .Uml JAVA IDKFKK. 1HI Iwrri'liSI'dAR, ,,,,.,, KiUrre-U IIOMK.STIC LIn lllUsrrels IRISH AND Sl-OTCH WUISKh, .'tltsrrel. OLlM'tKlNIAC, ...r7" ' .,..i. iiiu .i, nmUMTIf! WINKS'. Vriw.K 1 NO ( : RKAT WKSTKIIN KWDKR I'NIIttiKM AMSOKl r.HSIliU, Mlt.t.wCKKAM CHKBSK, ,,. li IwrreU iiil St liH bsrreli UKBltlNUo, M ptirkago HACK KRF.L, SO bent boneless COUFISU, lfteboiei SOAP, 2041x110. CAN 1ILKS, eVIeam LARD, lOtlerccaLARII. SlKiiMaUOAR-CURKDSHOULDmi BREASTS, lot) packages BLACK snd URF.KN THAU, and a irest vnrle'ly or other (ooai too nurae-min u 8 " tk.Kiiiri lt.llil.V mentiuu. . . C,U PJJTBE8BUE0 ,VA, ADVERTISEMENTS H.O. SP1EES7 aviiolksam; ami it html -DKA LICK IX- Tm)', Fruit, "alien, rrui'lti-r, Nut Mini fun fri'iioiit-rii'f if vwvy )- rltl"ii. Think I (Jill IrulMully wiy that I have, nit'l Icci-p mi huiiil tin! la ut-M Him' In or To)r, '"riilt, CuiilVclltHie-ik-x, tlial Id ki j'l hi lliiti 'Hi I nl A' 0 li T II CA li O 1. ISA. I ki'i'i on Iiimi'I k In ruf iiiii I well H'lertcl hUm-Ii of (imiTHtK, ("pickery, Hiirhvari', Tinware, M'tHHtwure, SUtii.itar .Stove I'ipe und KlWwaol till H 'zt'N. IIhvc on IiiukI lot- nl' I'.tucy uml other koo1b too nuiiicnuih tu uiLiitl.ni. rail at the Brick Store In Hie Bottom and hcu FOR YOURSELF. Orders tty mail will have uiy personal atten tion Return many thatikit to the good people la this ai:d the KUiToiiiuiitiK counties tor past favor, and t runt and hope they w ill allow Uie tu seivtt them in the future. Very truly, H.OflKKH.WvIiluii, N.C. fill AS. Lock auk MM Kit "iirAi.HH, A II UI.K ll OKKS, SOUTH SYCAMORE STREET, PETERSBURG, VA. M onuments, Headstones, Tombs, Tablets, c. Lowest cash t, rices guaranteed. All work wurruuttd satisfactory. JttTA beautiful calendar for 1889 sent to any address on receipt of stamp for postage. CIIAULKSM.WAI.SII. oct 11 ly. TO THE PATRON'S OF THE ALBEMARLE STEAM NAVIGATION CO. milf TIMF Uetwc-eli NORFOLK still yUlUrv I IIY1C EASILKN N. CAROLINA Ou and utter .Monday. December 17th, and ie n I i I further notice, the Steamer CHOWAN, Captain Withy, will LEAVE EliANKLIN on. Mondays, Wed nesdays und Fridays loi EDENTON, PLY MOUTH and all intermediate points on arrival ol mail trniu from Portsmouth, say 10.1.1 A. M. RETURNING, The "Chowan" will reach Franklin u Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at H.l.'i A. M., in time to connect with Fast Mail train from laleih to Portsiiioutii and with Express truiu lor the South. Passengers, by this arrangement, taking the Steamer Chowau at any puint on the river, will BEACH NORFOLK by 11 oelock A. M., aud thus have the entire day for the trans action of business in tlmt city. GIVE THIS HOVTK A THIAL. Kespectlully, J. H. BOGART- Fiankliu, Va., Dec. 15, 1HM8. Sup't CATARRH COLD IN HEAD. 'Ay, rimml Try the Cure Ely's Cream Balm Clounac tho Nofltl Passu KOS. Al lays Inflammation. Hcalr.thoCorc3. Restores the Bodmos of Taato, Siutil audHoariug. A Pnlrl I ltr4 iMMrt KMlrll k airrrnlilr. rrlo.Mte. M ItrauUi. ar br stall. LLY UltOT'tU;llS,MWmiiiS.,Niw xk. oct "i !y PROFESSIONAL CARDS J AMU WiLTSl a. DiSlSt DAI1IL, LLlN A TTOHKEYS AT LA W, WELDON, N. C. Practice In theoiurU of Hsllnii ndNortb. Ion and In th Htiirtune and Kedsral courts, Cok-lsi-tloii made In all itartauf NurOi Carolina, lirauch oflU-e at Halifax, N. C.t opeu every Mon day. Jn ' ' rpHOHAI N. HILL, Attorney at Law, HALIFAX, N. a Practices In Hulltki aud adjolnliif coaulleja an 4 Federal and Supreme court. atif. II tr iy C. T H 0 N I, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SNFIKLD, N. OL Prantlces!n tketiourtoaHultfaxafiaOJotblnc eouatiaaudiaUie Suepiyuio Murt. CoTIim'Uowi made any when tat&e flUtts, audrav tuiua (Ireiaipity made. M i J