i I s i. lKua ' a res:.?! tl HALL Sc SLEDQ-E, ritoi'METons. A. 1TEWSPAPEE FOB THE PEOPL ID. TEEMS-I2.HH I'ER ANNUM IN ALVAN( E. VOL XX. WELDON, N. C THURSDAY, OCTOBER .'5, 1889. NO. 29. 1 1 Ja ADVKirnSKMKNTS. H. J. CORDLE, 3 Cooifc I, l T T L K T 0 N, X. C. H.4 rt'.l.l A'AVi .1 A7J .A' ICA7-A7f, :o: and Jcaltr in :o: WATCH KS. ui.oeks, ji n i:i , sll.VKU.li i i..t i : ! WAItKS, KYKtiLAsHM, jBjrltcpairiug Spwiult;. -0- MY STOCK OF 0 SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY U arriving, and 1 will rl I spiny tlio tttiont line ol K'In cvi-r sli. iwn in tii i inttii. Ciiiiic and we tlx- NEW STYLES. COME AND SELECT THK NEW EST NOVELTIES. MltS. 1'. A. LEWIS, Oft 4 ly Weldon, N.( H'.II.IiiiieF. STOCESSOB TO- TAPPEY & DELANEY, rCTKKSlU'KCI, VA. MANUFACTURER OF Stationary and l'ortallc Engines, Saw Milln, Tram Uoads and l'ule Car.', Elevators, J'canut Hullcrs, Cotton und Hay I'nwi, Tobacco Machinery, Mill Gearing, il c , iVc. W. H.TAJ'I'KV. For Sale by W. M. Cohen, Weidoii, N. C. may S ly LIQUORS. C. SMITH. SEE II IS LIQUORS, SEEMS CI G AllS, EVERY DRINK IN 8KASON. (i. R.:lr H. ,11. lino ill North Cor.vs ofWlsdSbed,We.'dQO, Stft llllllim 1 ll, 1 aswrswawiwssJ CITUUB. -.iSWSSSp rl-ll.,;.- wins 1W Snik IVHN "SOME SWEET DAY." 'Tid sweet to wait it" only hope remain; 'Tin sweet to ilrtam of peace that is to rout'; "f is joy to phsl the rooj;h anil weary way, If only this I know "'twill lead inc home." All, 'twould lie hard the parting word to ny, To give the last caress and he alone, Hut that u soil voice tells me, "some sweet day Those eyes will look attain into your own." ' Twerc hard to see earth's loved ones still in death; (ill, liiller task to lay them cold, away! Hot angels whisper low with heaven's own breath ; "Ho comforted, sad heart, till that sweet day." (Ih, haste sweet day when partings shall he o'er; When hitter tears shall lie wiped away; When hlecding hearts shall sorrow never more, And join the heavenly song of "some sweet day!" LOVE TRIUMPHANT. A N I N 1 1 1 K I, Cll N V KKT K I) Ti I ( ' II It I ST1 A N 1TY MAUIIIKS Ills) lllHMKK SWKKT ItKART. A Baltimore special says: The con tracting parties at a marriage at All Saints l'rotestant Episcopal church last night wore Miss Kinily F. Owem and Samuel Garner. The bride is the young est daughter of the laic Isaie Owens, and the groom is the prufessir of Ian guagos at the United Stales Naval Acad emy, Annapolis. Both are considerably over 111) years of aye. Twelve years or so ago, the story goes, Mr Garner and Miss Owens were fast friends. Both were well educated and good looking and ill were well off ill this world's goods There was only one barrier which pre vented a marriage, and that was the re ligious difference of the couple. Mr, Garner was a continued iulidel, whili llie lady was a devout believer in Chris tianity, lie hoped to win the lady, but she was tinu and sai l she would marry none but a Christian. The gentleman ould not bring himself to believe the doctrines of Christianity, ami, swing that his pursuit of the hand of Miss Owens was hopeless, lie determined to try to forget her. With this end in view he went to the far west. There, alter a while, he tpi'ite accidentally became a boader in a house of ti minister of the goipol. The divine. thinking the young ui.iu a hopeless iufi did not try to change his thought? to things Chiislian. In a few years hi nolicied iu what perfect harmony the minister and his wife lived together, and then for the iirst time he began to real- ue that perhaps it was better tor a mail and wife to be Christians than for them to hold differeut opinions ou religioii All hope for a wedding with his first love had long died out. To him she was nothing but a memory, but he asked the divine (o lend him some religious books which request was gladly complied with and iu due course Samuel Gat ucr became a Christian man. Ily corresponding with friends in lialliuiore, to his delight he found that Miss Owens was still uuuiar ricd. Letters were at ouee exchanged between Miss Oweus aui Mr. Garner and he set out for Uullimore. The culmination of the story occurred when (lie two happy hearts became one At the celebration of the uuptials there was a large assemblage and many present were received by the happy couple. They are now on a tour to Niagara and me north, when they return they will proba bly settle iu Aunapolis. EYES OF GREAT MEN. Ad occulist who has made the human eye a study for thirty years and who has examined many famous uicu't eyes, de clared that the "thoroughbred American" eye was tteel blue in color. "Would you say that black eyed and browned eyed men are deficient iu iutellect?" "Not that, to be sure, since history has afforded anine exumples of men whose eyes possessed this pigment. Hut undeniably among the people of higher civiliialiou eyes grow lighter iu hue, ami there are far more blue eyed persons than thorn were a ccnlury ngn. If you will be at paint to inquire the color of the eyes of Rismarck, Ulad.tone, IIux ley, Virchotr, Buchuer, and Kenan, in fact any of the living great as well as the great at my of the dead who in life dis tinguished themselves, you will learn that most of them had or liavo eyes of blue or gray. It has seemed to mc that the pig ment is in the way, that it obscures the objects presented to the tisulur organ and that the aspiring mind seeking the greatest light casts it off." Philadelphia Prtu. II4PPIKU AND CI'NTHNTMKNT Cannot go hand in hand if we look on the dark aide or every little obstacle. Nothing will to darken life and make it . B rv :. n DUrucD a lyspepsia. iicur a I'jsjivp- aia Tablet will cure the worst form of Dyspepsia, Constipation and Indigestion, and make life a happincai and pleasure. Sold at 25 and 60 cent by W. M, Cohen, Weldoo, N.C. DARING ETTA ROBINSON. A HKAl'TIFIX HEVENTKEN-YEAIt (ll.I) lllltl, AKKKSTK1) Full llultsE STEAL INtl. A l'arkersbur , West Virginia, spec- ciat says: There is now iu progress here a trial, begun yesterday, of a seventeen-year-old girl named Ktta Robinson, whose life ii for the past six months been full of sensations, j he charge against her is horse stealing, mid the circumstances at tending the Clime is very romantic. Six mouths ago Ktta was visiting her brother, who resides in the adjoining county of l'ulnam, and is engaged us a farm hand by Thomas llandly, a wealthy real estate owner. One morning Ktta was missing, and also a fine horse be longing to Nathan McCoy. After u search for Home days through out the neighborhood, including some ol the roughest of West Virginia's hills and thickest ravines, the horse was found in the girl's possession near the Ohio river. While her pursuers were deba ting what to do with her, Ktla dashed into the Ohio, slill on horseback, and en deavored to swim across. She was cap tured and placed in jail, but broke out and returned to her brother, when Mc Coy, from whom she had stolen the horse, took pity on account of her youth and refused to prosecute her. A short time afterward a horse belong ing to a tanner named smith was miss ing. Just at I lie time the low country in the Kanawha valley was nil flooded. The horse was tracked to the edge of the waters. 1 lie next day both httantm the horse were found in a hollow. The girl had swain the stream, a mile wide on horseback. She slept out at night, living on what she could steal. For the second time her youth protected her and she was not prosecuted. Six weeks later she stole a horse from hewis Lesley. She was pursued across the Ohio, captured and brought hack to the l'utnam county jail. She was con fined there several weeks, in which time her winning ways won her the couli d.'iico of the jailor, who allowed her many privileges. Two weeks ago he awoke lo find the fair maid gone, hav ing cleverly made her escape by cutting through an old wall. It. was after wards found that she had stohu a suit of men's clothes, stolen a line horse, temporarily in the jailor's possession, and tied the country. She was finally captured with the horse still in her pos session near her old home. During her escapades she bad lived on berries, com, or anything she could liud, aud alone wandered through the wildest and most dangerous tertitory. This young adventuress does not steal fr on any other than simply the love of excitement aud adventure. Iter face glows wilh youth and apparent inno cence, and her every look aud action deny that her peculiar conduct is from evil motives. Her beauty and general excellence iu many ways have created a vast deal of sympathy in her favor. The trial will probably last a week. COURTSHIP IN AUSTRALIA. "How did you manage to win her uf feetioiis so quickly, Dau? The recipe's worth knowing." "Oh, that was simple enough," replied he. "The first night that I arrived at the lodging house iu Auckland I found myself silting next to a young woman at supper, who I soon found was one of the newly arrived emigrants. I looked her over and saw she wasa round,strong,cheiry looking lass, with a laughing face, aud thought she'd do. I didn't know how to go fooliu' arouud her (as I am certain you would have done, sir; no offense lo you), but just spoke a word ortwo wilh her, and when out in the passage, gave her a soueeieaud a kiss, she says, 'How dare you?' "Says 1, 'I wjnt to marry you, my dear.' "'Marry me!' cries she, laughing; 'Why I don't know you." " No more do I you, my deal,' says I 'so that unites it all lair and iiial.' "She didn't know how to pot u chap per on I hal. so she ou'y l.uljieil, an I aaid she couldn't think of it." "Not think of il,' says I, uril'ul-like, 'not when you have come all these thou sands of miles for the purpose'.'" '"What do you lueau?' aaya she, star ing. "'Come now,1 says I, 'don't tell me I kuow what's what. When a man iiu migralioiiiies its to get work; when n woman immigr.uiouiies it's to get mar ried, Vou may as well do it at ouee.' "Well, abe giggled a bit nnd wo were spliced two days afterward." ;l!AHI A(iAI!VNTTIIK MTKlKE, And always have a bottle, of Acker's Knulish Remedy in the house. Vou cannot tell how soon Croup may strike your little one, or a cold or cough may fasten itself uiin you. One doso is a preventive and a few dosea a positive cure. All Throat and Lung lmub'e violet to ita IruatUicnt. A aamplc Ixsttlo W given you free aud the Remedy guar intojd by W. M. Cvbeo, Weldon, N, C, PAPER BAGS AS BUSTLES. IT WILL NEVEll 1)0, (Illtl.S, I'AI'KIl 1IAIH. There is a woman in the west end who has learned a lesson that nill la-t her a life time. She has been for years wearing these paper hugs, such us the grocers use, for hustles. The paper is stiff and slicks out splendid, mid makes the dress look well Last Sunday morn ing, while she was dressing, her young son got in the room and blew the paper hag full of wind und lied n strong string around the mouth of it in n chair. The good lady took it and tied it on, and dressed herself for church. She bribed her husband to go lo church wilh her, though he is a sott of a Bob lugersoll Chrislinu. As they went down I lie aisle the minister was reading a hymn about ' Si hi n 1 1 i ii ; the Loud Ilosanua," and the lady went iu the pew first, and sat down while her husband was putting his hat on the floor. There was a report like distant thunder. You have heard bow those confounded papier bags explode when boys blow them up und crush them between their hands. Well, it was worse than that, and everybody looked at the husband, who was standing there a perfect picturo of amazement. He looked at his wife as much as to say: "Now this is the lust time you will catch me in a church if you are going to play any of your tricks on me. You think you can scare me into getting religioii." The minister stopped reading the hymn, and looked over his spectacles ut the newcomers as though it would not surprise him if that bad man should blow the church up. The poor lady blushed and looked around as much to say : "I did not know it was loaded," and she looked the book over for the hymn, and as the choir rose to sing she offered one side of the book to her husband, but he looked mad und pious, and stood at the other cud of the pew and looked out of the stained-glass wiudi w. After thescivice they started home together, aud as they turned the first cornel he said to his wife : "Well, you played the dickns on your watch, didn't you?'1 She said there was no such thing in the Bible, but that she would make that boy think there had beeii no revision of the Bible when she got home. We only got llie stury from the husbaud. He said he didn't know what it was that made the noise until they got home, und after u little skirmishing around his w ife held up a bursted paper hag, und asked the boy if he blew that bag up. He said he did, but he did not know there was anything about it. The boy aud his mother and a press board paid a visit to the buck kitchen, and there was a sound of revelry. Hoys will be boys. F.x. WESTERN MELODY. This is the way a Western editor feels when he does up his sentiment in blank Velse : "l wouid flee from the city's rule and law from its fashions and forms cut loose and go where the slrawbmy grows en its straw, and the gooseberry grows on its goose; where the catnip tree is climbed by the eat as she clutches for he prey the guileless and unsuspecting rat on the rattan bush at play; I will catch with case the saffron cow und the eowlet iu their glee, as they hup in joy from bough to hough on the top of a cowslip tree; and list while the partridge drums his drum and the woodclmck chucks bis wood, and the dog devours the dogwood plum in the primitive solitude. "O, let me drink from the muss grown pump, that was hewn from the pumpkin tree ! Kat mush and milk from a rurul stump, from folly and fashion free new gathered mush from the mushroom vine, und milk from the milkweed sweet with pineapple from the pine. And then to llie whitewashed dairy I'll turn, where the dairymaid hustcuing hies, her ruddy aud golden rod butler to ebuiii I'mm the milk of lur battel lliis, and I'll rise at uii'rn wilh llie carlnst bird, to the flagrant farm yard puss, and watch while the farmer lorns his herd of grass hoppers out to grass." TiiliK Ills I'kn in IIami The lol wing Ii tli r was found in a store mar the Atlanta ( oiislilutioii olhee : "Atlanta, Ga., Aug., -, Kin. .My I'eaii lilltl.: I lake my pen ill in v hand In write you a few Lines lo t you know I am Well I liavi n i Seen you to talk to you since inonday nite lon't ;ou want to marry yours truly It was addressed foawell known young lady. Ilui Men's Arnica sotlve. The Het Salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores.Ulcers, Salt Kluuiii, Fever S iies.Telter, Chapped hands, Chilblains Corns and all skin eruplions.uiid positive ly cures 1 lies, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect snlislactioo, or money refundi d. l'rice 2.") cents per box For sale by druggists at Weldon, Brown JiCurruway, llulilax.Dr. J A MeQwigau, Knfield. Brown Si ipiard'a last name is pro nounced aeekar, aud tlio mure of his ilixjr jou take, the accUr you get. A SOUTHERN WOMAN'S CHARMS. SHE LOOKS LIKE A l'H'Tl UE (ll.I) IIEAUTV HOOK. The charm of the Southern woman is in it that she knows so much, is not that her gowns are the very latest style, or that she aspires to any high degree of physical culture, but that she is essential ly a Woman. She is a happy girl, she expects to he married some day, and she expects to bj a mother some; day. She doesn't think all this out, but still if the ll( stioll Were to be put to her she Would tell you that it was the truth. She does not wear a taylur made gown with the chic ol' the New York girl, but is won derfully bewitching in the while one that she dons iu an evening, and in w hieh, just now, she looks a hit like a picture taken It'oiii one of the old Beauty Books. She wears a full, plain skirt, a bodice that is cut round at the neck, showing llie while, tint; flesh, und the sleeves are the veritable baby sleeves that are so ex iptisitely modest and yet which show the entire arm. About her waist is a white ribbon belt, and just in flout is a buckle set with brilliants that grandma wore in her dancing d is. Her hair is knotted low on her Uu.k, and just on one side is placed a great creamy white rose. She will tell you that she heard that beautiful girl who married the Duke of l'ortland inclined lo wearing n flower iu this way, and then she remembers that there was a picture home of so'iie aunt who was famous in her time, and who had her nue placed just so, and from it she learned the proper method of arrange ment. Now, this is a pen aiid-iuk pho tograph of a real living gill who is going to marry u New York millionaire. Boston Trunin: NOTHING CAN HINDER PRAYER. Nothing can destroy or detain a real prayer; its flight to the throne is swift and certain God the Holy Ghost in dites our prayers, God the Son presents our players, aud God the Father accepts our prayers, and with a Trinity to help us in it, wh it cannot prayr perform? 1 may be speaking to some who are under very severe trials I feel crsuaded I am let me beg I hem to take this prom ise to themselves us their own; and I pray God the Holy Ghost to lay it home to theii hearts and make it theirs. "I will never leave thee nor forsake thee." God will not fail you though yotl fail yourself. Though you faint, he faintest not, nei hi r is he weary. Lift up your cry, and he will lilt up his hand. Go to your knees, you are strongest there; resort to youi chamber, and it shall be to you none other than the gate of heaveu. Tell your God your tirief, heavy to you, it will be lieht to him. Dilemmas will all be plain to his wisdom, and diffi culties will vanish befoie his strenglh. Oh, tell it not in (lath, that Israel cannot trust iu God, publish It not in the streetsof Askelon, that trouble can di--niay those who lean upon the eternal aim. With Jehovah in the van, 0 hosis of Israel, dare you fear? The Lord of hosts is with us, the Uoil ol .laeoli is our refuse. What man's heart shall ipiail or what soul shall faint ? Lift tin the hands tint bang down, and confirm the feeble in heart. "Be strong; fear not, (iod is with you; he will help you and that rieht early." MOST TOO MODEST. "Are you the editor of the paper?' "1 am. What can I do for you?' "Well, 1 just thought I'd step up and see how you are. ,mv wile una i arc going to Cape May to morrow." "Indeed?' "Yes; but I wouldn't have anything said about il in pi int. of course My name is Simpkins Azariah Simpkins.' Hi lad to meet you, Mr. Simpkins, I'm sure." ' Now don't go to puttiu'auylhiiig into the papi r ali.oil our going away. W start at loMoek.alldl r.ekoll we'll In goue pi. t ly m ar u iiiiiii Ii. I need (lu res', and .Mrs simpkins was getting kind of run down. Of course 1 know how an.vi us oii newspaper linn always are for an io-m. hot we re plain peoj and di li I want any n-itoini. My ui!i always like-In see 'Simpkins' spelt wilh out a 'p.' ImiI tl Id I'ashi- led way i- goud enoiiji for me. Well, 1 know an editor's lime is valuable, so I'll say g. o 1 day. If I roiiie across any murders or anything l,i e I'm gone I II lei you know ah' ut them." Washington Critic. l: CAN AMI HO Guarantee Acker's Blood Klixir for il has been fully dcmoiisl rated tn the pi'ople of this country thai it is supeiior to all other pr, piralions ft r blood disi-usi-s. Il is n positive, cine, lor syphilitic misoiiiiig. Ulcers, Knq lions and Dimples. Il puri fies the whole sis! i m and thoroughly builds up the coiisiilulion. Sold by . M. Cohen, Weldon, N. 0. Is Augusta whole section of Japan was destroyed by floods aud tlio crumb lingola mountain. 50 villages were eutirely aubmerged and 15,000 people were dfowaed, HIS: WHITE CAPTIVE- A NEillln KEEPS A I'll KIT Y lilltl. I'MIKR I.IH'K ASH K EV Full A YEAK. lionise Seboeuiaker, a retty blonde, only 1") years old, has been missing from her parents' residence for over a year. All efforts to find the missing girl jroved futile until this morning. When Ser geant Kenny was informed that a young white girl was kept a prisoner iu a room in the rear of the barber shop on Felic ity strcct.belwceii Unlades and Baronne, by a negro named tins Reed, the police ivpaircil to llie place, ami, mining it closed, bloke open the door iu the rear of the shop. As the door swung back a horrible Mailt greeted the eyes of the sergeant. Standing iu the centre of the room was the frail form of a white girl, her Hacked- ness luing hid by a tattered and toru nn- .irmeiits. Her face was as pale lis death, while her eyes gleamed in a most liNii ilur.il in. inner. As the sergeant en tered llie room she rushed toward him with a wild cry and clung tremblingly to ais arm, repeating a half doz-n times iu iteous tones, "Save me, save me." Kenney attempted to console the poor creature, but her mind being somewhat unbalanced, she could not at once under stand what be meant. It was only after repeated usuruucc that she was now in fiieudly hands I hat the unfortunate girl realized her position and beciiuic quiet. She was much emaciated and bad a look of terror on her still pretty face. The policeman immediately secured clothing, and upon questioning the girl learned that she had been locked up iu the room by Heed for about a year, and was compelled to live with him as his wife. Sergeant Kenney immediately sought Iteed, lound mm in the shop, auu placed him under attest. The culprit was taken to the st alien and charges preferred ageiust him. New Orleans DID NOT SHOOT. Truii! the Haralson Kin I ItiiniiiT, While llie aiinual reunions of the Con federate veterans are biing held over the State, there is a member of Compauy I of i he Forty-first Georgia regiment, liv- g in this county, who was in every ttle fought by his regiment, in every skii 'i.isli in which his company wus on- igcd, in every charge made by bis com mand, and did not (ire u guu. lie was then, and is now. a minister of the Gos pel. He did not believe in killing men, mid frequently charged the enemy with a yell, saw bis comrades lull by bis side, and whether nulling the Union soldiers or being routed, he would not shoot. lie was always ready for duly stood guard, remained at the picket-post, and obeyed implicitly every command of bis superior officers, except to draw cart ridges, load bis gun, and shoot. At New Hope Church, on the retreat from Dalton, sev eral rounds of c.iri'i.lges were issued to the soldiers, and he took one, ami a short time afterward he was struck by a sp- ut ball but not hurt. This remarkable man is a successful farmer aud a sleudid Bihle Chlistiau preacher, and is named Zacba ll.ili 1' llardiirro.!. KISS 'I'll IC I'OOI,. From tlio M'lri.'tla el l i Journal. J he story goes that a certain society young m ill, noted for bis handsome healing and winning voice, accompanied a young la.lv to her h nue and, us all true lovers d i, lingered yet a Utile while at the gate to hive a lover's tetc-a tote with his fair companion. The night was beautiful, no one near to intrude, and, above all, he loved ! Why shouldn't she kiss him? W'i.h tr,u niiideuly modesty she refused, lie implored. She still withheld from biiu that which would fill his cup of happiness. The request was repeated several li nes, an I so engrossid did the young in in bee nue in wooing lit failed to notice llie approach of the pa rental step. The old gentleman, who had been there himself aud did not care ti intiule upon ill happiness of the young couple, quietly stepping behind a convenient rosebush, waited, thinking ihe y ling man won d s mil l -ave. Iu this he Was uiistak- ll. TI lovei lurried over the r que-t until tin patience of llie i-ld geiillemati was ex hail-ted. A voice llie couple wed knew aroused lliein from their li i, iii. hs in h tone of impatient anger by saying - Daughter, kiss il.c fool mid lei nun go home: ills ri I" ricd mat llie young man only lib the ground in bi-h places in bis ciideavni to comply with the old gentleman's request. a ui'.w.im (.ikhviii. Acker's Blood Klixir bus gained a firm bold ou the Amerieiiu people und is ac knowledged tube supein-r to ull oiler preparations. It is u positive cure lor all Blood and Skin Diseases. The medi cal fraternity indorse ami prescribe it. Guaranteed and sold by W. M. Col.en, Weldon, N. C. K.Mtibio girl ((4tiMen1y) "Take care, uie ouo will hoo you !" GtXHl-lookiDg but Uahful beau "What ttu I doiog?" KiuBable girl (scornfully) ."Nothing." COMPLETE AND PERMANENT- In the i arly part of last year I bad a violent attack of iheuiuatisin; from which I was confined to my bed fi r over three mouths, and at times was unable to turn myself in bed, or even raise the cover. A nurse had to be in constant attendance day une night. 1 was so feeble that what little nourishment took had lo be given me wilh a spoon. I was iu con stant agony, aud sleep wal out of the question except when I was under llie influence of 'ipiuti-s. After calling in the best local physi cians, nml trying nil oilier medicines without receiving any benefit, I was ill dueed lo buy Swift's Specific (S. S. S ) I discontinued ail oilier medicines, and took a course of S. S. S. thlrteeu small bottles which elhcted a complete and permanent ce . L. C. Bassett, HI D rado, Kan. AN EATINll siiIIK. Mr. C B. McLeuiore. a prominent and influential citix -ii ol ileudersoii, Texas, writes under date uf August Ti, 18S1I, follows.' "For eighteen mouths I had all eating sore ou my tongue. 1 was treated by the t local plivsi' iaiis, but obtained no re lief, the sore gradually growiug worse. I concluded finally to try S. S. S., and was entirely cured after using a few bol" ties. Vou have my cheerful permission to publish the above statement for the beue lit of those similarly afflicted." C. B. McLctuuro, Henderson, Tex. Treatise ou blood and skin diseases mailed free. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. A ( Mil l) kll.I.C.I). Another child killed by the use of opiates given in the form ot soollnug syrup. Why mothers give their children such deadly poi.-nii is surpii.-ing when they can relieve Ihe child id Its peculiar troubles by usiug Acker's Baby Soother. It contains no Opium or Morphine. Bold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C, A glass of beer will attract more flies than a glass of water. It also has greal attractive power for other animals not possessed of wings. ONM MIM IIIN M ItLI.V ( I 1(1:1). To the r.liiToti. ricuse inform your readers that 1 have a positive remedy lor the ulsive named disease. l!y its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been peini iiienllv cured. 1 shall be iail to send two bottles of my remedy hike to nny ol your readers who have consumption if they will semi nie ineir express hiv posiomee address. liespccttully, T. A.KI.OCUM, M. C. nct25 1 jrr. 1HI Pearl st. Nw York. ADVKRTISKMKNTS. BEWAREI BE PRUDENT' When the proprietor of a blood remedy tell you that iotliile of iUh is a Hison simply because their opponent use it, thdr assertions arc made to dca-ivc, and your use ot luu bottles ot inert stutt their obvi.t. It'dida of potash i as f wntiai to a true bluod remedy, as pure blood inessential togood ltc.lt ti. No remedy has proven QUICKCUREi'"'0 sale.sure and quick an cratiKaiur oi ir.co.uo.i, srfhililic. Krnlul'ukuialaiiil or other pouon, tor tii;:i 1 Ik.i1i th-t yets into luine and blood, when all else lalli as U- B. Send to Wood llahn Co, Atlanta, lia.. lor illustrattd "Hook ot Wonder!,' lilU-d Willi convincing proul OIIJLILM.CKCJOI st-unlingly incurable cases. A. V britl.iii. Jackson, Tenn., srritcs: "1 con- touted iiKilan.! in t'a' sam;s of Louisiana wtnle workina f r Hie tvlesrapa company, and used every kind of uiedicne I cauld hear ol without relief. I at last succeeded in breasing ue lever POISON bl" itc'"'t l"cuc' l00.00,andl'.itn li:) s)stem as prostrated and satu rated with poison and I became almost helpless. 1 l.nally laine lice, niy li.eulli so lined svini sores tliat 1 could scarcely eat. and my tonrjue law ana lilted with little knots. Vanoui reieeuies were re soiled to willioiit e.'lect. I UmjM twobottlesol 11. II. U. and It lias cured aaj slrenjlhelicd me. All sores ol my mouth an' lie led and my tongucentire ly clear ot knots and sareness, and I feel like t new man." It K. Sauller, Athens, Ga, writes: "1 have been arladed with Catarrh lor many years, althouih all toils ot medicines and several doctors did their best to cure me. M y blood was very impure, and noth ing ever had any ellcct upon the T A T A R R H disease ur.til I used that feat Ulood Kemedy known as li. U. D, s lew bottles ol which ellccted an entire cure. 1 recommend it to all who have Catarrh. I refer to any merchant or banker ol Athens, (ia, and will reply lo any inciuiries." Ikni Mollis. Atlanta. Ca, wiitcs : "I had no appetite, my siuneys iris lore, niy throat was nlceraW. ed and my breast a mass os Sore Tonsils runiiine sores. ! even bottles o B. B. U, ealirely cured ii." t ) r voice AsMaOliU. 11r tn xl rail f Hi. li-ni-Mkt, af Hilrni, Ohio 8 Was al Murk uu lansi (vr sf aJiutit Allrii A l'. IIiiimii and yutU- ud cn - r- i W. II. UAHUIortM. f am ibmr lo "ll it--1" 1 f It filer-lay I V .si.Icm V" I p., , i..etSt). ' 9 M Huna-of. Ha . latv in nmm mi jmi siiiani lilliinat T hiiUM I vlail M - -ws prviflt (.often at nun lia i Jilil..r.aid'i.gquiJaasll Khun we amrt OV in Ihia huMiiffts k. a... a heslrlitrihiirratnl huaitifM 'lr raadniT ilia tnna a4 iram an bimiht iifalitilnni'-'iri wiUatait yu l" ) for , oi iIihi I rlrlar tn'f a If. nutlifi grit alirail ,,i a.. ii.i.',.i..i .... .ni.i fa.i ar-H f nl itarl nf Hit i'i"i"y " ' lake hold y t . fe,l m.,iitart..ri.Ml 1 S.I.U4MI IrH alalliir rhtlgrith Alhiim ''" " ; ' 1'lul'l. Chai mii.gl. di4nr.tr.l iti.lf a. II.l.W.i.imi all.ui.iat.nl J waul", l.iln-r.1 lma. IHH " "r agiU. Aii r.r h".'Z it.' .'-.'Ml " t"t" 13 " A. ..It takf .Uo..ml. ..I nr.Uri r.f.1, n.ltil Mr bHiif hti I't"" nrJ ' l"", " tis.ki.irf.in.iiiM. Lailii-amaaf aa ti.tirh aa men. Vi-u, rra-Ur, ran .). wall " ' ' " l ilKiia win) wHlr fur imf, wllli paiticulan ami teniia n aiiuulilM'u cwwcluda fttiifcef. Family llll'loa, llm-ka and lrm if-ma. n 7 ksaia ia a, t. IsTOTIOB' llsvlna itnlyiM-slilMM Kierutrli f Use last to a,,.l t.rs-,ioiiL or (leoree M. I'hllHlis, de- eesseil. lis iss Is ti. niairyssll iH-niias luilillngidalioj agalnsl said .sulelo present Ih'jns for pynie, duly uthentlesli'il lome. or my sttoeln r on or before the first dy of IHIobssr l, ur this notice oi h ia.1 In bar isf Ihefr reeoverr: and all Ikwsoiu ladelited ui wslit estsU an, ftsoieslM la inaVo Inaiisttate piyisoM, Vail UHk day of vwawitriK itfiltiu. U. I'hil.tnt. dnaw4 W, C .TofHi AtWWer. rP r ADV KliTLSHMKNTS WHO Ll IS. AM' AND KKTAUj 0 DKALKR IN 0 T'tyH, Fruit, ('liken, f nicker, NdU awl Con fiTtioiifricjt i.f e.-i ry .h rl'Hiii. Think I cm truthfully mi) ilml I liuvt, hiu dtt-p on huml tli) In ityM Htock of Tuyi, Fruit, ConfuctfoiiU' rli'H, that In kct in tliii wrt of NO H Til OA no LI A A. I kfcp nti Imml ti ItirKc hii I wH! wlwU'iI sUwk of ft roi'iTlfii, ('rmkt-ry, H-irdwari, Tin wart, w iHii nrc MiUituiur; , Store I'ipe and ElUiwn of all N Xi'M, Hire mi hand hit or fit i icy nd other gooHp. too iiumunmk tn mention, Call at the Brick Stun hi the Bottom and nue FOR YOURSELF. Ortlerv by mull will have my pcrsouat alien Hen ilettini Qiuny thanks to the good people in Hi is and the summit'iing counties fur past fevon, aud trust aii'l hope lliev will ullow me to seiva them In the future. Very truly, H.C.SI'IKRS, Weldon, N.C. 1HAH. M1IJ.KK AKUI.E WAIXH, IT OKKS, S0UTI1 SYCAMORE STREET, l'KTKllSBimO, VA. .Monuments, Headstones, Tombs, Tablets, 4e. Lowest cash prices guaranteed. All Work warntuted satisfactory. st5"A beautiful calendar for 1889 scut to any address on receipt of stamp for postage. CHAULKS M. WAI.SU. oot 11 ly. TO THE rATUONS OK Til K ALBEMAKLK STEAM NAVIGATION CO. o o rilliPk" TIMF Between NORFOI X and Xwii EASTEIl.N N. CAkOLl.NA -O On and after Mou lay. December 17th, aud uiilil further notice, the Steamer CHOWAN, Captain Withy, will l.l-.AYr, KKA.NKI.l.N on Mondays, Wed nesdays and Fridays for KDENTON, PLY MOUTH uud all intermediate uoiuta on arrival of mail train from Portsmouth, say IU I.I A. 1. KKT UK NINO, The "Chowan" will reach Franklin on Tuesdays, Thursdays aud Saturday att) lo A. M.. in time to connect with Fast Mail I rain from liulei(jh to rortsmoutu uuu Willi hxpreas train for the South. fuHseiurers, by this urrunjzernfiit, takiuK the Steamer Chowan at any point on ths river, will HliACIl NORFOLK by 11 oclock A. M., and thus have the entire das- for the trans action of business in that city. GIVE THIS UOUTB A TRIAL. Respectfully, J. H. BOGART. Franklin, Vs., Dec. 15, 1HMM Sop's. COLD IN HEAD. Try the Cure Ely's Cream Balm Clcnjiaos tho Nasil Ptwa froa. A 1 lays IiiflnmmnUon. HoflsthaPon Bostorea tho 3eii3ca oC 'l'ualo, bioL and Uoariag. A isnrtlels Itawplled lata ssefe NMtrll 4 Is Bf rerishlf, rrlrctVOs. sst llrililir l.r ll. Kl.I tlllOlllKli.'s.K) Vi arraim.,Ni York. net Jo ly PROFESSION ALCAROiT JSSI M. MSI.l.ll, WIT.TBB a, SAV1BI. I1I1IL, M t. l x a ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. Pmtlee la the courts of Hsllmi aioW'.rUvsi rUsna. toa sud ia the Snpreme and Federal courts. Col- lei-tioiiN niA'le in si I'Hrtsof North darollrja. Hraaeh iiracs st Halifax, N. C, opsa avsir M da isy. )tu I If riHOMAIJ M. illU, Atloraey at Law, HALIFAX, X. a Pnetscw tn Htlisssi sad adjololot aMataaa aa I rodent aad Baaraaaa saaias. o. tuosmb, ATT0XNBYA.T LAVt tmtmjo.n. a. - ' ksxsaeas la Ike isoasrta or Hsdtfsa sad sdjiahsftlusv ooaasto usl la das ttopraasa evurt, Oolleetlmai nsde auy wtere to Che Matt, stltlsft auroi promptli awdc. -1 J

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