THE ROANOKE NEWS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. w. vr. nALL, J. W. SLEDGE UOPRIKTOES. THURSDAY OCTOBER 3, I-.'-'- TllKt.iiiff iiiiesiiun lus i l-i st iy until tlio (iroooiil laws .no ciuuncil ' that they will be uiure in iici-nnl ih junticu aud this popular will, h i jr tii fying to sou thai there is a rwiii le-'-iog of dissatisfaai iu with tli-j tin-tent taaiff duties anion,,' lli-publicim lb1'"' sclven. The manufacturers of the ' ' Englund Statin waut eoal mid ir to which, of course lVuu-jlv.isii.i, i "I1 posed. The woolen mills want free wool which angers the growers in Ohio, mid no it goes. We are glad that they ate disagreeing among lln-uin-lvi-ii. It lia bueu kuowu a long time that the protective duties did Uut proteet the working class but only put money into tho will owners' and manufacturer.' pock ets. These latter gentry knew this and consequently contributed largely to the Republican campaigu fund in order that their pockets might continue to swell with money grouud out of their employ ees. But while they want their uianu- facturcd goods protected they are now ' ' demanding raw material free of duty. They desire by this to profit at the ex pense of the producers of free raw mate rial. It is always a greedy demaud for money which belongs to other people. A Federal appraiser in a report to the Treasury department s.iys wool ought to be free because a high cost limits pro duction io this country which is a here sy of the rankest kind for a Republican to utter, and had it beeu said before the election of would have consigned the appraiser to political perdition. We sincerely hope that when the ques tion comes up in Congress that there will be such a demand for lower duties that it will have to be heeded. SpeakiNU of the race troubles in Mississippi the New York ll-ruhl very outspoken. It says whether there will be further trouble depends upon ad ice received from men who eouiiuuni catj freely with Field Marshal yuay, of Pennsylvania. It is plain that the II' i -aid believes these troubles to have been instigated by the leaders of the Republi can party for the purpose of affecting the North just prior to important elections. That this is true we have no means of knowing. But it is true that there were no such troubles duriug Mr. Cleveland's entire term of office, and that they begin before the Republican party has beeu in power six months. It is not disputed that the negroes in the South were as Well off and content during Mr. Cleve land's administration us they have been at any time siuee they were set free, and it is uot disputed that they were in this Condition when the race troubles began, so that there must be some nK-rct intUl met) at work among lln ni, and it is pos sible that this same iuflueuec, whatever it is, may be the cause of the negro emi gration to that State from others. It is deplorable that such a state of things can exist but it seems to be a fact that they will eoutinue until the negroes discover the true purpose for which they arc being Used by the Republican party. A great many of the more intelligent have al ready found it out, and while Mill Repub licans do not countenance any such pro ceedings; but these have uot yet sufficient influence to lead the othets. It is a mat ter of congratulation that the two races get along so well together in this State. TltB Nashville Argonaut advises the cultivation of ramie in North Carolina. It is a fibrous plaut of much value and is not UiOre difficult to cultivate than other profitable cro. It, would be one way of diversifying. Experiments are be ug made at various places and a ock company has been urgan; d iu New England for (he purpose of encouraging its cultivation. "If true, as stated," says the .ley-.-".', "that 1 ,5d pounds cati be rai.ed to the cre, with three cuttings, and the fibre Worth five ecu's pouud, it is evident the crop will be a must profitable one." SkcuetauV Pk'X-'I'Ok proposes to M.-I-tie Geroiiiujo and his band of Indians in Western North Carolina. (!oV. rnor Fowl protested against it Urause the people did not want such set of inhabi tuW. Goruor Fuwlu in lettw iu Mr. ProatoT turns the tables oo the Secretary, by recounting the many advantage which Praetor's naivn State, VertnoDt,' offers as a place nf settlement for Ueroniuio and his band, and com ni ' it to him as the Very pluoe he is in search of where vast tracts of land have been absolutely abandoned by the white people and where there is so great tt dcunnl f-.r "itl-i- When Corporal Tanner was fired out of the pension office by Pneident Harr -tun he wrote a confidential letter to his friend private Daliell in whieh, besides pouring forth bis woes, he ciilh iies tic President and sonio of his official edvis ors. Daliell published the letter and wrote to Tanner explaining his remons. In the course of his letter bnlj.ll uses the following strong language: "You have moro than repaid my services by exp wing to public contempt tho intrig uers who, by treachery and falsehood, betrayed us both, and with us the entire comradeship who raised them from the dung-hill to the throne of power." Dyspepsia M ikes the lives of many people misera ble, nd often leads to self destruction. We know of no remedy fur dyspepsia more ueeeMful lhaD Hood's Sar-apuril-1 It eht !!ntly, yet surely aud effi- - ci-ntly, tones the storuu-h and other or- '"gaos, remove the faint feeling, creates uwxi eypetite, eurat tadwdie,. and re frnsbw the burdened mind. Gi-e Hold's SiruperUls t f' trial It will do you Y good- RIMGVV'OOD. NKWS NOTES ASM ADVICE TO AU.I.W'i E M KN. j Seviral acees-c'tis 1 1 the M. P. church un.Lr the reaching ..f llevs. I, -sli- mi l Harris, this week; a!s i at Hear Su'.in.p uudir the feciing attl iuipiissive siVu-t of the consecrated Christian, the Rev. A. I.. W'iil.'os. A uuimi m-tn'ma at Turkey l! eliunh will he niivged into protracted unices fur this wcik. The Rev. .Mr. Pcclc, of Clowclls. is paster aud a most I'1 CAROLINA CULLtNGS. a sc:jt:;:p,m WRITER. fiuut-n 'vin's a 1m-. ct I i.-l' i'v is to ha-. i o'e u: mi ti: u House. Th- i th- Ma n t: vit-- tln v. :,ir.' , i-:rv tBistti"! ! As:! iier ri Tl.isi ; A- !' I "'I ::...r-!ri!s 'sirl tireaclnr. He uses sleile liaiiiuier points. 'flic Alliance is progressing. I lUVo reeuilly visit d Draper and lleithville, and under the cllici lit mana'uu-iit 0!',,ili e. rs and men all is Wi ll Mr. Billy l'.irker. dr., Heath-villi-, had his ami badly shattered by a falling limb this week. It is doing as well as could be expected. I agree wuli yu i in ve.inl to IV. Wood I uu. I,;, th,, li ti r ( ;niiW hint tor many jears iu vaii ms capnei' ties, and I have never met u more uni lormly coiiitcoits gentleman, with a m xit as far above a mean or little thought as ill ' stars are ab ill" cmtli. No jMii(. ieal iiilluenee could ever swerve liitn I'r lit the grand principles ol'jii-tiec, truth and honor in Ins dealings iu the position (, which he has hem called, and while 1 have my opinion in regard to the, to me, doubtful in. inner of taking oil' the expo, liciicid and Well round, d lh. Iliissum, 1 doubt if a in,, .judicious aud li.tur so lection could have been nude than i. William R. Wood, an I I bespeak for him a eateer of much us -I'ulue-n and honor. The following to the tip.ubcrs of the Alii nice Ah u d le heeded: ' The time f n preparation is past and the battle is up in von. Now let us s-e what viriue is b . hind all your brave words. The supreme test of true iu.ui hoid is fidelity. A veiy coward uudir the iiillueuee of excitement can be borne on the impetuous ru-h of tlu charge, but it is a different thing to stand in place with set teeth and tense muscles and un ipiatling eve receive (he onslaught with no thought but to die rather thau yield. Let me remind you that ever since you began your work of resistance-you have been the subject of scoff and h risi n. There have not been wanting men even in our midst, who have predicted that all our ta'k would end in smoke and that you would fail to redeem your plidg.s when the test was made. I have no thought to arouse in you any feeling of enmity towards any man or class of men The principles of our order forbid ibis and teach us the practice of chanty charity that "sullcrelh long ami is kind." that is not easily provoked. The effort we make this fall to substitute cotton for jute bagging jj, ur fust engagement wi'h the hosts that arc against us. II we fail uow we might as well disband at i nee aud go back to hewing wood and drawing water and making brick and thus be queath t-) our children the heritage of toil and servitude, ll we succeed now we will advance t tho next encounter with assurance of easier vi -tory. Shame he to the Alliance man, who iu th s hour of t st, shall skulk behind any pi tiful exeus.. and use jute for his cotton. This can be justili d only when cvuy eHort h s h 'en exhausted ,i oyt e ,tt ui bagging, I call upon every true Alliance uian iu the ci iiiny to go to work with more ardor than ever before. Let ev. r, nun attend the meetings of his sub-ulli mice and carry his fr tlnr ',vi:h him. h t each on" strive as far as in I. in) lies to inspire a rl.une of ciithu-iasui iu every other brother. And finally brethren, watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men. b strong and let all things be done with charity. . E. M. illicit. loo.lMII) Disabled Men. must be in poor health and unable to do a good day's work. A disordered liv,r or any diseas caused by scrofula or had blood will be coiisidi red a qiialiticatieti. but preference will be given Iu those hav ing obstinate aff elioiis of the throat and lungs or iniipient consumption. Apply to the i.eucst drugsl. re and ask for a bottle of 1 tr Pierce's Hidden Midieal liseiverv. It is lh" only guaranteed cured in all eases of disease f r which it IS recomilli llded. or lllelley paid tor II will he tcfund. d. Nearly ;i'M brandy di-tiilcr'ns are run ning iu Wi'.kis. The I imuMtv h.i- .11" hilie'.vl ale! cighiy students. An ink faetoiy with a large trade is in operation at New I! in. Raleigh has one hundred and twenty seven t. leplloll.s ill Use. Raleigh ha-jusl sold $50.lliM of i:o provenieiit bonds at SlOii!. H .till .loins will 1 1. gill a religii Us llleel ing at Durham in xt Sunday. The Baptist Stale Convention nil! meet at ileinb r.oii on Nov. Id. Ilenllemen from New England ale in Murphy pmp"cliug I'of timhei. The first ses.sio n of the Agrieultur d and Me, hallieal eHege b 'gin. to day. The whole das.., S j uuinhe: v ecivi.l li.-ills" topiaetiec law la-t Week. Uf. i 1 has a daily p ip.r called the ubli-hcd by A. W. Kronheiin i r. A Chicago man proposes to sl ot a cieauierv an 1 ih. esc factory iu New tell. i:. i' el. II i i '-:NY i I M A N s . I ,r. t' 't I r win I of ,; I..w. tw l'toie. lie store, we.iiliei lie.iten l.rii-k buiMin the city of SuuiKt'ii, irginia, hangs the sign. "White and Cordon, Attorneys a; Law." There i-nothing attractive or ,a'. I ie.iV. In. !. i: li: Uleli.s 111. IV The fo'l, .il.o-.e .11, ill hi- ; a i'. C IIIMIOU all, 111! Ill,' slirnoin lings, allil elle uuaiqii.iinlcd. perphxed by the noi. eand ,olifu-ioii of hurrying Vehiel. s. jo-llcd alioul Icy bll-t'ing p.'destli IIS thai ahv.iv ei',e.d llie fan teiit'oiv .ide walks and eonfii.-ed by signs 1 1 1 1 T h nu: from uior" ino 1 rn and inip oiiig bml Inus. i, H'se'v to llli-s the that h ads through a dingy hall, up tt.ive.wrn i,.j to t'.ie meager'y I'm ni-h, d office a! ove ( In i liter, itig, one iii pr s-e-l at lit-t "glr with tl c i , a that this is a l'iiy linu. tir. il ol Clianci ry ,ivs cover lb" tables, w I, ile around I he room . I ind h ok ea-es, ll r lie an! for otii i nl .', filled with law book- th it -how the li.ig.r lint- of u-e Y"iir i-oirespoii ,.,r, aft. r ciieoimt, r illg ill ' dillie.dli' . c oUMIuill l l all Who eek a bni-i. n le ... found himself f.iee to lace VMlh llie - 111 .j ct ol' this sketch lie was lied, w ll 'II 1 cnt.'led. v i' ll row control. d .m l sin ves rolled up, at a table almost bun, , I uut 1. 1' sight will iniisty doetiiiieuts. 1 1 ,v hooks, type writ. t's. tiiag.iziiie- and mi h other brie a brae ;e u-u.iily tin i h.-ir way into a hunt) law-y.r'-oilie' At tl... ,u g - i mi thai I led I cm" I. r tic i i iiht nam ; mat. A fact, ry for the inanulacture f l oot, , r ,L, ,,, , j-it-.. the c.n an I -hoes is soon t a be stattal ill 'far-! ti:.-ti. if the lr-w r. las- d, and a lalb -,,. j i r .piiieal look, inicgled with surpri-e t and ainusetn-nt. t"ok po-sv-ssi ni of his A factory I'm- the manufacture of road I f,.;,tiir, s. lie evidently thought my lim. carts is lobe Halted in lliekiiy this might have been e.iip'uved toa h.ltu p.,;. advantage, while hi.- lli.-ugli he va i li o is u rt. oils lo say so was in s. do .Judge Davis, ,,f the Siq r, me court, ; I,,.,,,, l.y hi-c'i,-nts. is t. o unwell to attend the sessions of the T ' all who have read tl -tides from L.(11.t I the en of A. ('. Cordon wlii.-h have ap 1 in the Century. Serihu.-r's. the A Jlli.niltl eoinpaiiy has bci n oigan ; Atlantic M -tiih'y ai.d other iii.ig,..',.u -.-iz, d t. build a cotton ,-ccd oil mill at i and who b ive e.-ine to r-cogniz - iu bun earliest poil.l-, V.lllell is l,ov puond.ed for the lirst -.inie. IN DIIKAAIS. In iln Wi: O'hl o III' Kin-ion. A stuck company has been organized 1 1 oi .crate the Carolina roiling i l-'a;, clt.-ulie. Sam .Jones is to begin a meeting iu Durham soui-time b -twceii the oih and lltli of next mi. nib. otic of tie. glaj hie di lill- ators of Sollill el U life Bl,i S llthetn chal-.let-r. this .-k.-teli will li it 1 trust, 1-,VC wholly llll .,t ! lilt- r- sling . V . iioM-.ii wis ii.-rn in .o tn.,ric co-,l::t '. . Virgin!.!, oil D. cclli'i -r - Mil. i'. at l-l lg "Worth," the see of C, n. i iani le rl-.n. his gun 1 f.nh.-r This 1-it ! a If, iu --Ca-tle Hid' th pre.- . ... 1.1 e ... I: 1 -: :. i ...t I ' in io,- .le -I , - it i es ii e u w in se A u id is expee'ed lo lie esial-li-hed j I'.iili- r his r "it !i. r r i I while tU -y were at Kockingliain next year f.r the niai.u i " 1 "s :" 1'niv.riiy of Virginia , ,.' , 1 Hi- Ci:l.T. Ceot-ge L. C .rdoti. kill- t.ieture ol gin.ii mis. Mil - i -.1 i - ! cd at .l.ilvirn l-t,o, whiica n.eiii- Tbe tobacco wai-eh-itis -S at Loui-lmrg I'cr of a Norih Carolina regiment. His m...... d h... with large breaks and 1 molh rwa- .Mi ..i,y I, l).,ni, ld,,t -general satisfaction. d lllgllt"! of Judge .1. .1. Daniel, nf the ' Supreme Court Iu ante belluin d iv. The C. V. & V. V. has laid thr-iigh whom he is coiimftid with the tweulMhnc mil-s ofira.k bctwieii Pay. ! I'bimmus, L .legs and .;, I Mb- r 1 1 -in in -lit i pie of Noi-ih t',,r-i!i;ia. etteviile and ilinnigloti. ! ud, nlly th re is a close resctnblanee , Tin re is iiiueh complaint of the de- ! his mother's family, fur on meeting Law struetionol cattle bv b. Mrs in '" IMtle. -.f Ib-cky Mount, al ' , I'.oH lllg Lock 11 ll ' W i ele- llg.i, 1 Was f : some of the eastern counties. i ..truck will, his r, s, uiblaiicc ' lo Armi- Mr I-'. 11. lietidieti. of High Point. ! ""J"' ''I1'1 " I'M snowing ofth-rc alioii.-hip, and 1 1 1 mi c iniuirv 1 l -iitid j that they Were n-ry neatly related. The ; i arlv days of v -tin C. rdeu wi re spent eou.paiiv has been formed and the j '" l'M'c""ibe eotinly. North Ciir.-lina, and H .in. iit. li lie has b 'ell ele. le I to a position as teach er iu the Winston (i railed School. stock paid up to Suit has belli brought iu the I nited Males I in nil t otirt to tercel- . ,. m. roi.i.i.tii;. This institution will opeu iu licit Thursday. I Ictnht r iird, and the in.liea-ti- ns are that thire will he students IV- u i at least 8cv,niy counties. A special programme is being prepared foi the oc casion. The faculty of the college hive ar ranged the following curriculum: Chapel, daily, from S; lo to !. Agriculture, .Monday. Tui.-lay an I Thursday, '.1 1,1 III. Horiicul ure, Wedue-day and Fridav, !l to 111. Mathematics, Monday, Wednesday, Thur.-d.iy and Friday U to 11. Rotanv. Tuesday, 1 to 11. Hngli-'h. diily, 11 to 1J. Recess, daily. 1J to 1. Shop w. rk, drawing, Mouday and Wednesday, 1 to I Agiieuhure and Horticulture, Tues days and Thursdai. 1 to I. Drawing and lloitieiilture, Friday, 1 to 4. I'lii. t' e Hupping." ''This coiiu-s -liu 1 1 ing' lo find you well as it leaves me al this present,'' was the quaint finish to many u letter in dajsgonel y. The ' hopping" was odd spelling fur hi ping. Thin comes hoping to point some weary woman, the victim, of deraug-'iiu'iits or uterine troubles, internal infl uiiiinitiuu and ul ceration or any oilier uihuenU pecul-ar to the sex, the way of hope, health tind happiness, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription, is ihe only medicine fur worn mi's peculiar weaknesses and silmcnts, .ld by druggists, under tt positive guar antee Ir.ini ihe manufacturers, uf sjlis faciiou being given in every case, (,r money refunded. See guarantee printed on buttle wrapp. r. Tils model hushnuds ate the men who never marry Merit Wins. Wo desire to fay to our citii- ns, that fur years we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Dr. Kings New Life Pills, Rueklen's Arnica Salve aud F.hctric Hitters, and have nev er handled remedies that sell as well, or thst have given such universal satisfac tion. We do not hi sit ate to guarantee (hem every time, and we stand ready to refund Ihe purchase price, if satisfactory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely oo their merits. W. M. Cohen, druggist. i .., ti . ., ... ' ' ' ' : retlllla-d lo Vil -lul l in ls' uoi. l sa-h, doors and blinds and tobacco box- - ,, " nivei.-iiy of Virginia (luring tic c'. se.-si .lis of 'Til-To. wh-rc among his -tu.-r intimate tt n nils and n-soet itcs Were Philip A. Bruce, the author ol there-cut- m-rt- ! ly puhli-hed and widely noli -id ! '.anri- gugi-on the Norfolk and Southern rail- lion Negro as a Freeman," and T h ,m is r,, Nelson Page, the author of "Iu Hie Vir j gint.i," While at the I'ldm-it-. A lot has been purdias, d for an l-lpt-j I,,. 1S ., ,., oisihuti-r lo the 1'ni eopal ihureh at Blowing Hick. A 1 ver.-ity Magazine an 1 a c-ries-tw-o thoi-auds dollar i-dilice will !-. I ""'bin ol a leading Kicl.uioii.l pap. r. i in i tie ncca-loii, lie-iio us ol e- rieelh ' rep- ning an address deliveie-l al com II. W. Warn -r, of II e-h.-t-.-r, N. Y . j ne. ucmciil he solicited fr-mi the spe d; ,-r an extract ol the ad. Ire.-s. which w.i- .- ,,1, r ,11. r,....,.J.- - ..... i i ... - . Sanford, an I will erect a sa.-h. d -or and,,'--', ' . , , ' ' ' ', tao ill -n lie wr -le a garbled aee -lint ol blin-l factory. it and h , ii:n iz -d llie ad ir--ss as k in thought and delivery, which. whiie it brought him prominently h-f -ic th public a- a eiusiic writer, called foiih a -t -I'll of in lign i-i- ii IV .in the fricud.- built. II. has puii haseil li'.uil acres of The oacr-p in Cabarrus is jnttncns .. The Conc-rd '"'- says that at the ii -c p.-. is are bunging lh -y are h.tter (hot the cotton crop Tin-plan- I. r llie buildings to be inctidat Ral-igh f-r Trinity Colli go have been prepared, but tin- site has not yet been selected. Rev. S. P. Walters. Rector of the Kpi-e.-p.i! church at Morganl-m his re e. iv.-.l an 1 a ,-eeptcd a call to the llpis, ,,. pal church at Culp'pp r, Virgiuii. Tin- Rev. John F.irnhain, of Clu.r hete. h is the largest feet ill the S; ,te. lie wear.-iiu'-ber I!."! sho.-s. The solo are twiiity inches long and seven inches wide. Rev. D. ,M. Lilaker, and Rev. C. P. Snow, members of the N. C. Conference, have been'eri-ed lo Missouri and will shortly go to their new field- iu that State. We are much gratified In learn that our late fellow citizen, ti n. .John.tniic Junes, has met a warm webnni,' in his new honi" in S in Diego, lie has al ready b - -ll a I uil.e I to ill" bar. Mr. Duncan Iv Mdver, of Mo, re county, says that while iu New York lust week ho heard Taluiage and Toin Dixon preach, and that the N'oilh Caro lina prcacln r Mirpasnd the Brooklyn divine. According to the Raleigh VhrUtlun A'lccih- 0 A. Phi! ij-s, of Washington, and Mrs. J. A. Ardley, of Pincville, agree to pay J HI IMMI each, iinnu i'ly. In put a ini--i mary from North Carolina in ihe foreign field. W. Duke, Sons k Co.. of Durham, manufacture U ,111111,(1011 eigarcttis a day employ l,.'illll pas- ns, and last year spent half a million dollars advertising their business. The name nf the firm is piint ed four million times daily. Salvation On., the greatest cure on e: rth for pain, h is made a most brilliant debut. Price 25 ets. Philosophers say that affairs should always be couductcd with a view to the greatest good of the greatest nutubor. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup dogs the great est good to the greatest number, 25 0 of the dislillglll-hed -p - lk- r. Afi-r leaving t. I'nivir-ity he taught seho -1 I'., r several y.-ais, continuing his ht.r.iry w .rk, then -tuliel hay and set tled ill Slaimtoli. Virginia, iu 1 -Til. wli- rc he lias ,-iuce resided an practised hi.- prol--,--i ,n. ll,- was May' r of Staun ton for two yeirs. a-i 1 ,,u accoiin' of his t'e.iri, -eiiieni of th" law ngaiii-t evil do. rs and the eonsei-nti uis dis charge of hi. ,,ni,s without fear or fav or, h w is finally defeated by Jacob Yost- F.-q , a popular Republican, alter wards elected lo Congress f.r one lenn iu a di-tiiet hitherto largely Dcin ie. lie-ides hiscon'ribuiioiis to ihe period icals named above, he ha. published in conjunction with Thomas Ncl.-ou Page, a volume of dialect pueins: "Bel'o' ili War," a number of sh -rl poems, tin 1 vers des icicle iu llie litieabrae department of the Century and in nth -r i urr.-nt m ig azincs. One of lb" sw - -list aud nn-sl pathetic uf his p .;in was that delivered at the unveiling -if lb Cnfc-lei-at Sol di r s in iti'im.-iil in Siannloti i n the 'j(h f .September 1-N-t Ilis most recent stoiies have bc--!i il -liu ati -n-' of Dunk-ar-l Life ill the Valley nf Virginia He is not con i f ie I a goo I i limiiial 'iiwy-r, hi-1 ..... 1,1 .; . , , r -t tend to make him Midi, I, in lie is an able ehan eery lawyer and has a way of impr- ssing both judge and jury that he is hoti -.-t in his opinion, that he has reach, d his con clusions from careful Mudy of ihe ques li n, and that he has b lh law aud jus tice on his side. His broad forehead, keen pier-ing eye and thoughtful, digni fied manner c mini md utlciitioii mid c iii.-e one to expect logic rather than levity and inforiiiaiioii rather than amuse ment Kv.-ry lime I r-ad anyihing from his pen I find myself wishiug that he was nit ili 'laay r that he really is and in To of lb- wiiierlhat In-talents if si. lied him 1 1 he. Thomas Nelson Page paid liiinn high compliment at a banquet of literary men held in New York city, when be acknowl edged that whatever sueee?s or reputa tion he had atluinid was largely due lo llie aid and encouragement given him by (jurdon. And while it is not gener ally kn-iwn, it is nevertheless true, that the story, "Mars Chan," written by Page and considered his bos, was outlined by Gordon first and if.crxards enlarged up on by Page. Mr Cordon's time is always fully oc cupied icd his literary engagements an . h, li are colli and ill n I - ,ee blow ing. I the h.illio-t on tie- h-oi-elops 1:11 l ieg in Ihe chill Illooll lie Oils, :::,-, !,!,,- i ii. iie kick, Willi ,1 line's In nlei'iis. Ill (lle.ll, is : oli W;l iil' T Willi tile l,esic till' While the willows kiss tin- siul.ic t the ll,,ll,!cd water glee. i, th !! Ni:'.V M-VilllTlSKMKN IS. b (NO -'A '..:; i ' .. - , m;v ai 1:1:1 isr.M k.vt. V lli'U' Hi,' th. nl. led ..itrr -:l All'! I H-.lh U I lie -.llll-lilllr tl Hci pit'i; UlitnW- ijlliu-r, lii .in. mi., hi ,Iiiiin mi!' ii,'t ui li.mi'f in Kill .l (' .t''i li U . 4 1 1 l 1 1 1 I, li r A- I'Imm.1 hiv In h-ti ii, hive an ancr- ulii'cr -it'i'iii-; Tin iv 1 1 .i. i;.,..i tl;c i;i;ih. ilii if. 1 c .icli tl..' n.c: niii'i i ! i : I t , Id 1 ti .Ii.mmh ii ili. i lf u-: . .':v mil c t,. l'.",-,. ; Ilou h.c uil.ll'ihl -ii-i .ir.-ini'l iw, mul tli- iiipi" -im!--lit -.ti'i.nn-.! I. live i-f mil mi i tl m .m:i ryes a- tin- il- ! ..u- in tl,.' iiM'f, ' 1 iiiuit.v ; :i ilrc.i !!-:, in i!i.' -t?ii t' jail net. ''Iu- .l... ii .i.i 1 :ii.' la.n im .v M.iv l.M.c y.i: !uil i.uli i;i tic iii Willi III.' di; am ' ;-n.;i j!-.'.n!i. j Vou a;t in i i win n 11 -lit u-t-;!!s m.ii wjlli . joar yi-ii!i l.r.ul irv.- iVomi .)innv, j l.i (iu.iin-i. j Absolutely Pure- I ,n in el "I'l'iirity 'I'lii-1" vi'l -r ' Mr. n. I ii ii i.l v. n.ii . c. en nun u ...'.'..'.'i..".!'..!''' ,. iin 'I. 11 ol h.i l.-.t. I sh ,n ,,,',,; 1 .ii-i ". - r i-l -' l . ie ,,, '-"''I I , ii.,' in - ,e li, .i ", li..i:n !',., I. He, l"li W 1 . HI ,'N. V. mil ,. , j ,oc n ty. mmm .i. w. . )i;TiiiX(;Toxt LITTLE! O'-J, M. C, DRY G-OOE--3 cc I-TOTIOInTS. j'.. S A.M. T3KVS 0'-l-'l'IH.(i. HATS AND ( AIVS; iWHITS AMI SHOIIS. GROCEEIES- KAIiMlNii I I I N.-! I S i: r.ijv hum; k i:it in a riusr class st.i;i:. i.iiwlst l'hici:-; iii akan -1:1:1). Veil Ii!l do tt-. ll t" I llllilie n, ,- .toe',, helule Inn ill-g. "''I' IU. f 1 1 IS In-tilutii ii i I- ' il- .1 ill a n 111 nil :il 11 il'le Mm- 1.1I Seiings, The CAM I'l S 1. l oge .m l I'i.iiiM.iIIv -li el, ,1 Tin- cnl.l.Liil-: HI II.IHMi will Ii. ill-no eghl till- sllllilin-l'. A s I i"i g I'. en III e- ''' m lie ig'-il and in-l i u u.illj taught in l'i e .il-- I "ll- g, , The n. 1 -is- ioii 1. ill lug. Illilll' ll, lie- ill,. healthful Mceiiim of ciiuiitry 11ml n,-r '. ate. I an t athlitiotiH inadciliiiiiii. 11 mil l'i- iw-11 in all liiaiielies !? -g:c W. -j A T ..X-:- ...; t.,-1 11: .1 V -. : , ...i lias "Ai li I-. I. . :i sale 11. .1.1' lh ... 1 1 Merit Wins Heir, k .i-.-ii i..- lill'-lllll l.lal i'il il r . S'Vs Ill-.l-la-lie. Hlli"U-l-.,-s-. Men Tll'i 'l l-'i elilli.'. Civ il- Ai'l-eii t'lis the Nei ves. liialil- ep tlic V : !'. - p'cet fin-. I ..el la the : 11, iiiid the ..! , .:. l-i. illy 11c. I f.-r il. ii what 1 o; u.arity and ; - Hi-1- s.ns;iia- . i- l-i I I'liil- ...feie i:,e I'lil.llC. S. .. .!.,!!, Salt i'y,'.' i sl.i, Kick I ei'i-i'iin-s That tielilitll. System, Iliiod-H Niiesiitiiirl'.lii 1 s.ilil liy all ilrilig tlsts. Slisixlol-fi. l'.ei-ai eil l.y C. I. Hoed i Cu., AlajUiecai icu, L"M.'U, .Maan. Mr p m nnv. I ly 'I 1 111 fas-'1 - gf?'o?--'. - v-is A Fragrant Antiseptic MOUTH WASH. A True Cormicido. REMOVES TARTAR. rrwni'N mill hViiutifiis llir Teeth. CONTAINS M) ACID. Trlie '-iit!4 p. r huuU'. 1-y all tlrui-'fe-isti. Miiuufarlnrr.I 1-y Old Dominion Specialty Co., 1 1 l 'I I M C N l, V . ALEM FEMALE ACADEMY. SM.I'.M. N. C. LAIKlLST.ul.liKST.iiid IlKSI' I'LMALK t'lil.l.Li.i: in tlie SOI TH. n vjhu in 1 ii'i-xs au ; -T r.m, i-m. r.lellll.V "0 I'loi'l'ssuls ;1U, '1',-;U-,1S. kT , Special ti-ill Hies -t he i lc elnpiucut ol I'll il-ai ter. Health anil Intellect. ITlllv isiiitieil rie..iialoiy and I 'ulleiate ili-ial'tllli-nts, lie-iilcs tirsl class si-innl.s ill Music, Aft. Languages and Ciiiiiincrcial Studies. Send iol Cilaleguc to REV. J. H. CLEWELL, uiin s tjin. riimipal. Tf; Nl VERSITY . ji u r MflDTW r a am im a j l-i 11'. -. 'in- . .-. .ti a. i i i- nil, i.-ii. I'm inn J. JVC. IIIOIDES, I.1T I'l.l'.T'KN. N. ( lis- iier inii.r- Si h u 1 Ju. I'llKTTV I. AMI' (KM) US, !' 1 N K S T A T I ) K I! V, I' I-: 1! 1 L M I' ll Y AN 1 1 I-' A N (' V (lOUDS IXSIR. I' A S S K U CM AIM',1, llll. 1.. . C. COAL EE, Tin: only 'om:i.i:v.tok s 0 1: t 1 1: ! Th'-re are sevenly two screens in the llaiiding;. No dust or dirt can jios.ihlv "ct into the Coal us it runs over these tenons in I'lis.-in", (he Klerntor into (he carts ('oiisuiners p-t their Coal dry anil (erfeitlj- clean. I have now, mill .shall alwajs keep on ham!, a lar.-e stock of all kiinls uf Coal hc.-t suited for l-'oiindry, Factory, anil Family use. All Coal selected and of best quality. The Railroad cars run alongside the KleVator, and llie Coal u loaded into (Ii, 111 tbeic, thus li-Rseniii-r the (0t to the trade South and Went. Prompt shipment. (Irderj solicited. S. H. HAVVES, OFFICE : IStb tad Cary Streets. ri . 11 1-: ni:t sksshix nmaxs J. S-pti-iulh-r f. 1 Sf'l. Thorough in struction isotVercil in Literature, Science, ITlilosoi'liy and Law. T.iitinu .Sod er sessiun. I'm catalogue a-l'lliss HON. KEMP P. BATTLE, Pri'MtU'iit. f XFORD 0 FEMALE SEMINARY, nl oi:d, . , Tin: Ni:t Si:sii" ut'K:s si:iT. 1, lX rpni: um'ation is rNsn;r.ssF:n .1 lur lu'iiltliruliicss nnil iicct'SMlii'it)'. The c.H'p- ft U'iv'-r tin ri:i:il nl' any in tin l.iiiil, h ililiii-itlipliHiKistniinstith scIuhiIs iw (lie I'ni vi'isity nl' Vi'L:iiti:i, tin- S;mvcr Si'IumiI nl'"-, the r.ii.iji-io liiiti tutr nl' M.ul;iuti. the CtJuiKt I nifti Art School, ol' Nt-w Voi'k. Tin- tt-arluT (il l'i-iiio ami Oran is a Lrnn!u:it' ol Iln Norwich O-tiM'rv.itnry, ami atlcrwanl-; t ittl it-t nmU-r Ntw York Pro loMirs. Tlie ti at lit-i ol Vm;il Music won tmth the Vocal and McilitU at the liu-hnioml IVmale Institute, ami uttcrwanl stmliiil tliu't'voars iiiuUt the U-st New York Pmi'cssors. ( II.MH.I.s (Kli AXM Al. sh-ssinX Ft HIT Y U t KKS. It.'iii.l, Iticl. luht". nn.vliiiit(, full Literary 'niirc. incln.lim; I ..Uiii Htil Vtvw ll l?"0-i tl .h nl mi.- Lull inn. him. c ii. I r 1 in- uli iVc w Kit Miw- 1 1 Mii.t niic liulf inuilvaiice tUi.m Hrjf Apply Iol' Catalogue. F. B. H0BC00D, 1'. jc v ;im. OTICE, Iu pursuance "l a ih cu e rendered at May tertn, ls-!l, nl" tlie Supeiuir coin t of Mali lax county iu the case entitled Mattie I'. Shell and o. I'. Mull, Jr., against W. I'.. Spniill, S. 1'. .Arriiutton and Aanui I'reseott ililluilllsl ralor lie lioliis nou unit the Hill uiini'xcil oi'S. A. Williams unit .lului T. (irea-'iy in older to satis-t'y tin- recovery therein unit costs anil expensts nt" sale and ill iinsllaiiec ol power i-iiulerii-il nu me liv ll llceil of lllol litiie exeeuled Iu (he Slul'e ol' North Ciiiohiia mi the -Jilt h ll mher I--I li.v W. li. Spniill anil Harriet A. Spniill his wile Insecure the l.tilhlul per t'oriiiiince ol'his duties ns .ial-tliall oIMck-ic M. Maeoa, Cid 11. . Mac-ill, Mattie II. Ma eon, Lulu , I. Macnu, Li,ie II. Maeoii anil Sarah II. Macon, I will on Monday the 7th ilny iilTlclnlii-r sell to the highest liiililernt puhlie auction lor cash at tho Court House iu Halifax llie I'olloninu land, n certain tra-1 or parcel ol laud lyiu and lieinj; in Halifax county aforesaid and moro partic ularly (lcsciiticd ami ilctiticil as follows, lu-ninniiij! at II. II. Nicholson anil II. II. Moore's corner ami runniujr. alonK said Nieholsiiu's line lo lleris Creek thence down lleiis Creek to Pishing Creek thence iloivn l-'isliiiiK Creek ami U, )t. Alston's line to the old lord on Lulling Creek tlieiiec along, the mill until, (1. 1'. Alston's line to tin- kiiiii swaiup. thence rlim n Die pum'swamp to llie mouth of suuie. lVter Hpruill's miner, thence nlongsaiil Spruills, Terry's, ItetlH', Aiulerson's nml Moore's line lo the bi..iiininp, continuing IKK) acnsi anil more parlietilarlv rlescrilieil in (leeils lo V. K. Spniill from J. H. 8now, I). C. Clark, 11, 11, Nicholson and wife, .tohn W. Ileptinstiill and wife, M. E. Newsora and wile all on record in Keiiistcr's ollice in Halifax county and to which reference is hereby made, the tract is known as "Hich Neck," and embraces the "Horse Shoe" mill property. JOHN T. GREGORY, Clerk Superior Comt. up 5 Ids. -PA.IHSTTS, OILS, v.xirxisiir.s. llKsT (il'Al.lTV nl- MAt'ilINK (ill, l'dli KXUl.Mv--, (ilNS, ,'-'. GLASS, l'.UXT gVXl) WHITK WASH lUU'SHK KKI'T IX LAllCK gl'AXTIl'IKS. A (illKAT INDrCKMI'NT OFFERED TO ALL PUKCIIASKUS. l v eiitire sleek has recently h-.vti targ- iv iiicre.iscd aud I uni now i-rcparc.l ti) oiler to ihe aihlie nianv iiddiiiinial indin einenis, .My .H.J.s arc all luw and have hi-eii carefully' fchcL J, which fact, i-liuuM alt rati your attention. My i-reserij tii.m dej.aitni, nt is iu ehuto.. of a C radii-ate of l'hariuaev who Jis- - e . n i . . .... i J itu ilit iiu' :it all hours with GlK AT ACCURACY. a rni.m.a hkcki-tiox wu.i, in-: kxtkxdkd to au, i-kiisoxs VISlTlXii MV srnilK. W. M. COHEN, Weldon, N. C. frir-i. j:. i;iu:i;x's oi.n .st.i.v. ri C riiu Mtriuiiirriu rsn COTTON GINS, PRESSES, FEEDERS H? CONDENSERS. ih hi Wiils Oaitan Gin Machinery Makes licit Turn-Oul, Ck in Scrtf, Ccot1 Sample, ttc. mtt tiki iA1 HAy.-i-"- - .t- '.. ciii(MT. ;il, Mtlrl al lnii riimliMinl f5)5?:4!i iV?: "1 '' n ,.. MI..O. i&C-i-iitVi'!tV ' .- U.lj I Iinil,-.i,,n. B. I'. I Ir.l -rl,r .1 TylZ'-l V Winkla Gin and M I dlKHUIlU Machinery Co., ATLANTA, (IA may llll m u 1 THE 20TH jNTlTUA.Xj FAIR OF o THE t Roanoke & Tar River Agricultural Society will be held at Weldon on October !), :,), :u and Nov. i, issn. For premium List or other infor mation apply to the secretary. T. L. EMRY, President, W. W. HALL, Secretary. !: .S 'I' A ll Ii 1 8 11 Kb 1 8 I! 8. JOHN N. BROWN, HALIFAX, N. C I)11U(HJIST AND PHARMACIST. o bKALKU IX o PURE i t ffrQn 1D1RjU3&, mm Mmwsmm, TOILET AND FANCY fafi r"sfl f MA CIG4RS I CHEWING Articles, !TOiloliicJ Tobacco. latent ,Meilieiue.i, Tru.ssc auJ Sliuuldor Bruct-i. Painla, Oil, tatty. Ota. Varnishes au.1 Dc-StuITi, ljuip Oils and Lamp Chimneys, Garden and Field Seeds JS-l'h'-nitiani l'rcscriplioni dirt-lull; Cen-pounJw'i Jaa31y

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