f&uL Ball TT'l qMW,hwaw HALL 6c SLEDGE, proprietors. A. NEWSPAPER EOE THE PEOPLE. TEBMS-K.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. VOL. XX. WELDON, N. C THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1889. NO. 32- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Si FAIR THE NEXT ANNUAL FAIlt OF Til Kit k T. It. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY WILL HE HELD OCTO BER 2'JTH, 3UTII, 31ST, AND NO VEMUER 1ST. 1889. oi all ARTICLES FOR TRANSPORTED EXHIBITION FREE AND CAREFULLY TO. ATTENDED THE PREMIUM LIST HAS BEEN THOROUGHLY REVISED AND THE NUMBER OK PRE MIUMS INCREASED. EVERYBODY MUST COMB TO THE FAIR. ADVERTISEMENTS. DID YOU KNOW IT? Did you know utarrhisabtad disease? Well It llmost invariably is, and frequently is a symptom of inherited blood poison. The tendency tu catarrh may lay dormant In the lutein hall a man's lifptitnt m ...en luuuciuy ottoine active and the disease at once severe and troublesome. N. C. KttWAatu, Lampassas Sprints, Tfiai writes: '1-or over four years I have been a great lullcrerfronialerribleformol Nasalt.larih. I was ireally annoyed with atonstant roaring in my head and my hearing, became very much impaired. ine ancnarco Irom my nise was proline and very olft-niivf. m,l n. i. .1.1. CATARRH impaired. 1 tried most all prominent physicians, but thevdid not wire n rid 1 used various advertised preparation! without benefit 1 then sent to the drm- store of T. R. Smith Bro, and purchased II. II. II., and to m utter astonishment and salisfactii n, the use of ten bot tles has restored niy general health, stopped the roaring sensation, entirely healed and cured the Basal catarrh, and I am proud to recommend a 1 luod remedy with such powerful curative properties. i ne ousiness men o( our town know of my case.' V. A, Pern rrtdoi.ia, Ala., writes: " I can not refrniiifmnitllm,. ...... ul, - ..l CATARRH 'ious medicine you have, for two years my mother has suh'ered with a ievere Catarrh of the head anil ulcerated sore throat. She resorted to various remedies without eflect, until she used U. II. II., which cured her catarrh ami healed her sere throat." R. C. Kinnard & Son, Towaliira. Ga.. write.: One of our neighbors has been suffering Irom catarrhfnrovo.lvB.c .k:.i. :..-A CATARRH all treatment and medicine resorted to Wo finally induced him to try the efficacy of B. II. B and he was soon delighted with an improvement. lie continued its use. and was cured sound and well." W Write to Lllood Halm Co, Alia, ta, Ga., foe rtooir ol wonders" sent frees. not n li i COAL TUB OXbY (.'OALl'.I.KVATOIt SOUTH! There are scveuty-two screens in the Building. No dust or dirt can possibly get into the Coal as it ruus over these screens in passing from the Klevator into tbe carts. Consumers get their Coal dry and perfectly clean. I have now, aud shall always keep on hand, a large stock of all kinds of Coal best suited for Foundry, Factory, and Family use. All Coal selected and of best quality Tbe Railroad cars run alongside the Elevator, and lite Coal is loaded into them there, thus huscnini' the cost to the trade South and West. l'rouiiit sbitiuteuU. Orders solicited. S. H. HAWES; OFFICK: 18th aud Cary Streets. july 4 4 in w II. 'km SUCC ESSO TO TAPPEY 4 DELANEY,' PETERSBL'KO, VA. tmmtni-tmmiminitS-i'' MANUFACTURER OF Stationary and Portable Engines, Saw I Mills, Tram lloads ana role Lars, Elevators, Peanut Hullera, Cotton and Hay Fresees, Tobacco Machinery, Mill Gearing, fo., ke. W. H. TAPPEY. ONE WAY TO COLLECT A BILL. A NEW WAY TO COLLECT AN OLD AC- cor.vr come down oit put i p. Detroit Free Press. Fur a year or two past lite collector fur a certain Detroit tailor had been try ing all pacific ways to get tlie sum of 8 13 out of a yotiug man who lias been a debt or for over two yearn. Tint collector has been iut o(Ta hundred limes by promises iiuiilc only to bo broken, ami he bits worked every scheme known to I bo pro-fe.-ioii without avail. Tbe otlter i-veniiij; bo happened down at tbe Tbird street depot and saw 1 is young man buy a tick et for Chicago. "So you aro going West?" he ask el. "Only lo Chicago. I'll be back in three or four days, and then I want to pay you that little bill." ''Ves. (ioini; to Chicago on a visit" "Something uf a vir-it; going to get married." "Xo?" "Fact. The ceremony takes place at 10 o'clock iu the morning." "And you want to be there, of course "I .should smile!" The collector took off bis hat, n moved his coat, and was peeling off his vest when tbe other asked hi in what was up. "I've been biding uiy time and my opportunity has come," be replied. "How what'.'" "I'm going to light into you. You are the bigger man, aud I expect to be licked, but the row will certainly cause both of us to be arrested and taken to tbe station, and you will thus miss your train. Perhaps I can black your eye, aud in that case the marriage can't come off for a week. I'ut up your dukes!" "Say, man, you wouldn't be as mean as that?" "Thirteen dollars or a row!" "I'll pay you half." "The whole or nothing. It's my first, last and only chance. Conie down or put up! Tbe young man took out bis boodle and counted out the amount of the bill, and while he skipped for the train the titer calmly donned his garments and ft the depot whistling: "I Wonder What My Ma Would Say?" SECRET OF SYMPATHY. Some great sorrow is essential to the humauiaing of every soul. Never till then can it offer anything but lip sympa thy to ihose who have gasped through the sea of trouble. How can he who has known only days of comparative prosperity interpret the ipairing sight of the friendless? How cau he who has never dropped tears iuto the open grave ol' his own dead measure the agouy of that last lingering look us they are hidden forever from bumau sight. Till a vacant chair stands by his own hearth, how can he ever understand why one should still keep on grieving for that which can never be recalled? Till his heart turns sickening away from some festive anniversary in which a missing voice once made music, how can he sec why one need be doleful uu such a day as that ? Till he has closed his ears to some familiar strain which evoked associations too painful to bear, how can he tell why you cannot forget all that, tincc it makes you so uiisc ruble? To au.swer such is to talk to the bltud ol colors, to the deaf of sounds, to the dead of life aud million. Never till his own house is darkened, till tbe badge of desolation flutters from bis own door, till suushiny days return uiertihss in their brightness, aud stormy ouea sends his thoughts shuddcriug to a nheltcrless grave; never till he has tried changing the place, but still always only to keep tbe old pain, can he understand lite den ticraliou willi which at last otie sits help lessly down lo li.ee that which it cau neither look upon n r fhclroin. A li l Y in limi:i.K It is surpti-ing tb.tt people will ue a a coniiuou, i.Min.irv put w lien tiny can secure a valual le English one li.r I hi italuu uioiuy. IT A'-k-r f.iieii-n puis are a positive guarantee tor headache and all liver troubles. The? aro small, sweet easily taken and du not gripe. For salt by W. M. Cuheu, W eldon, . U. pi.nri. i;S ON TIIK I'M I Denote an impure state of tbe Hood and are looked upon by many with suspicion Acker's Blood Elixir will remove all im purities and leave the complexion smooth and clear. Thcic is nothing that will so thoroughly bui'd up the constitution, Durifv and Btretistthen the whole svslem Sold and guaranteed by W. M. Cohen, W eldon, N. C. Burklitn'a Arnica Halve. The Best Salve in the world forCuU, Bruises, Sorcs.Uleers, Salt Rheum, Fever Soie,Telter, Chapped hands, Chilblains Corns.and all skin ertiplions.and positive ly cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satislaction, or money refunded. Prico 25 cents pur box. For sale by druggists it Weldon, Brown & Cam way, Halifax, Dr. J A MeOwigan, Enfield. A WIZARD S FUN. HEllllMAN S rl.'N WITH A CHINESE I'Ell DI.ER ME NO WANT EE SEI.LEE. New York Sun. "Talking of tbe Chiuce play here," said a well known lawyer yesterday, "I never had more fun than I did at the Chinese performance in San Francisco several years ago. 1 went there with llerrinan, the magician, and several Sail Francisco journalists. It was in the Chinese tiuartcr, and the performance was the adjourned act of a play that had been started a month before. In the lobby were a lot of Chinese peddlers sell ing Chinese sweetmeats, oranges aud oth er fruits. Herrmann made a dead set at tbe orangeman, a thin faced, avaricious looking fellow, who wore a queue at least five feet long. Herrmann bought an orange and cut it open. With an excla mation of delighted surprise, his eyes sparkling, aud his face lit up with smiles, he drew a 85 gold piece out of the pulp ami Held it up so tliat the ttiinaman could see it. The Iatter's eyes bulged from their sockets and a painted look of disappointment crossed his expressionlei's face. Herrmann bought three more or anges, and from each he drew a shining fiver. By this time the perspiration rolled in beads down the Chinaman's face, and he looked so sick I felt sorry for him. He gathered up bis stock, muttering to himself, and when Herrmann wanted to buy another half dozen the Chinaman refused to sell them. "'I'll give you a dollar for them,' said Herrmann. "The price was only twelve cents, but the Chinaman was tired of giving away gold pieces. " 'Me no wantee stllee,' he said sbril- "A few minutes later he retired into a corner, and with the air of a conspira tor began to cut up his oranges. One after anothet they went, and his look of disappointment became darker and dark er as the magic gold pieces fuilt-d'to ap pear. It was actually tragic wheii the was gone, and Herrmann gave biui t dollar to prevent his committing sut ide." NIAGARA'S FASCINATION. MANY HAVE WISHED TO 111 III. THEM SELVES INTO THE RAPIDS. Never, says an old residcul of Niagara, have I known of so many people going over the falls as during the past six months. During Ihat time some eight or nine persons have been known to pass over, three of whom hare been deliberate suicides. It is a source of wonder to many people living here why people w come Irom a distance to Aiagara appar ently to commit suicide. The press despatch sent out from Binghaiuton under the impression that the last suicide was a Miss Mead, of that place, says that the young lady visited this place a short time ago aud has been "strangely fascinated with Niagara ever since." It is a well-kuotvu fact that scarcely any two persons have the same impression when first looking upon the rapids or tails. (July a tew evenings since your correspondent heard a clergy man iu a neighboiing city make this re mark : "I never look upon Niagara above the falls but that there is a strong desire to get iuto the water, lie down and go with it. I have no thought of suicide. but it always seems to me as if it would be pleasant to go with the water." A lady from Rhode Island was mak iiii! her first visit to Niagara and was standing; on one of the Sister island bridges looking into the rapids under neath. She hurriedly took the arm of her companion and asked to leave the ssit. Upou reaching the ceutre of Goat island she sank upon a scat, sectiiin: exhausted and very nervous. When asked the cause, she said: "I don't know what came over me. but if I had stood on the bridge auothcr moment nolhiug could have prevented mo jumping into the rapids." Why," said her friend, "do you wLh to commit suicide?" "llod forbid !" "aid she. "It was I be furthest thought, but there was an ini pulso which I could not control, and 1 do notlbiuk 1 would dare live at Niagara." Others have experienced a similar Ben sition. CAUTION TO MOTIII:ll. Every mother is cautioned against giv ing her child laudanum or paregoric; it creates an unnatural craving for stimulants which kills the ruiud or the child. Ac ker's Baby Soother is specially prepared to bein fit children and cure their pains. It is harmless and contains no Opium or Jlorphiue. Sold by W. M. Cohen, Wel don, N. C. CONl'MI"THli Ht'HIII.Y CUItlil). To tiik Kditoh. I'lr-ase inform your reorient I ant 1 have punitive remedy lor the alsive iimiikkI disease, lly IU timely use thousands ol' hopeless cases hare been permanently cured. 1 shall he glad to send two laittles of my remedy FHUK to any of your miners who have consumption If they will send me their express aud postoftice address. Respect Ihlly, T. A.B1.0CTM, M. C. ect 25 1 yr. 181 Pearl M. Mew York. A MERRY JIG. HOW SUNSET COX DANCED INTO THE H EARTH OV OHIO PEOPLE. Sunset Cox's first Congressional cam paign in Ohio is still remembered by tbe old citizens of the district. To reach 'ongrcss was his aspiration. To do this he saw very plainly that it was necessary for him to lay aside his Latin and Greek, nis admiration of Penelope and his sym pathy for Dido. These were things that the averago Buckeye rather despised, for be thought, lightl'ully enough, perhaps, that his country's liberty was not alto gether safe in the hands of too much earning. Mr. Cox saw that something must be done lo reach a common plane. had a largo platform constructed, capable ol holding several Hundred per ms. It moved on wheels, and was drawn from place to place by four sportive buffaloes. On this platform Mr. Cox visited all quarters of his congressional district. He made a rousing, roaring speech everywhere he went. In order to injure his political prospects bis enemies gave circulation to a report that he put on airs and declined to dance with the village maidens. This had some foundation in truth, but the reason that be refused to dance with the fair daughters of Columbus was not that he was too proud to do so, but that he feared to provoke a collision with some jealous lover. Ho was resolved, however, to set this very serious charge at rest. He therefore, at the couelusiou of each speech, called on his au dience to select the best female dancer among them and leave her on the plat form for a jolly rigadoon. There were always plenty ol' buxom country lasses that were willing and ready to shake their heels, and he was never at a hiss for au armful. Mr. Cox was an excellent dancer and the fame of bis rigadoons spread far aud wide, and fanners and their families for miles around turned out to see him, for among the Buckeyes a good dancer throws poets and statesmen completely in the shade. After a rattling speech, on one occas ion, .Mr. lox otlcred the customary hallenge. Perhaps be was not much startled tu see four strung men jump on us patent platlortn and commence pull ing a strong rope. Presently MW pounds of a dusky Dinah stood alongside of him. Wheu the hawser was loosened from her waist she breathed freer, and took Mr. Cox by the arm. The disparity in their si.e created uproarious laughter. He did not stand on ceremuny, but shot his arm around her waist and trotted away. The music was lively, and Dinah's steps became fast and furious. She sung, she screamed, she yelled with delight. Things were growing warm, and Dinah was be coming a little rank. Her partner freed himself from her arms, and danced all round her. The excitement was at its height. Deafei itig applause rent the air. No such fun was ever enjoyed before. Tbe climax was reached when Dinah, in making a quick turn, frightened the sportive buffaloes by falling with a heavy thud on tbe platform. FOR THE GIRLS. HARMLESS AND t'HEEl'L SI BSTlTtTKS FOR DAMJEROUS COSMETICS. An eminent medical authority has it that a sensible girl will not keep a lot of cosmetics aud drugs on her toilet table, but she should have an array of glass stopped bottles containing alcohol, alum, camphor, borax, ammonia and glycerine or vascliue. A little camphor and water may bit used as a wash for the mouth aud throat if the breath is not sweet. Pow dered alum applied to a fever sore will prevent it from becoming very uusightly an-1 noticeable. Insect stings or erup tions on the skin arc removed by alcohol. A few graius ol alum in tepid water will relieve people whose bauds peispire very freely, rendering them unpleasantly moist A lew drops ol sulphuric ai id iu the water are also beiiefiei.il lor this purpose. A guud glycerine or honey soap is always preferable. Of course, one may rely on' scented soap from a high class matiufac turer, but it costs more linn it's worth Iu addition to the soap lor bat lung, while easllle should be kept for washing tin hair. Occasionally, a little borax or am monia should be used for this purpose but it is usually too harsh in its effects. it i.ii-r. wnitTii i.iviMit Not if you go ihrouuh the world a dys peptic. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are a tiosiiive cure for the worst forms of Dyspepsia, ludiacstion, Flatulency and Coii.-lipaUi.il. Guaranteed and sold by W. M Cohen, Weldon, N. C. i r.i i" i . I-: k v i : v w h k k k Confirm our statement when we say that Acker's KuljIisIi Keuicdy is in every way superior to any and all other preparations for tho Ihroat and Lungs. In Whoop ing Cough and Croup it is magic and re licves at oiice. We oiler you a sample bottle free. Remember, this Remedy is sold on a positive guarantee. For sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. Just received a large lot of Bay State shoes for men, ladies and children; ac knowledgd by all to be tbe best. P. N. 8taioback k Co. FAMILY STANOARDS. WHAT MAKES THE TIIAININO OK CHIL DREN OK SITU ORKAT RE.SPONSI IIII.ITY. No stream can flow higher than its source. The combined honesty of any tamily will not be higher than the lawB governing its traiuing. The individual who was born and trained in a family where strict integrity and truth were unknown, has that mueh harder battle to fight ill overcoming tbe tendencies of bis nature. It is this that makes tbe tiaiiiing of young childreu such a tremendous responsibility. Is there a Badder sight than the puz iled expression of a child's face when the mother, whom it loves with tho whole strength of its being, utters a social falsehood in its presence? And yet it is not so rare a sight as it should be. Cau there be a standard of truth in a family where the daily life of the family is an untruth, where the effort lo appear is far greater than the effort to be? To give a child the right standards there must be harmony in his life, and there can be no harmony without truth. The sjaall boy in an infant class struck the very founda tions of life when he exclaimed to a lit tle girl, covered with shame aud confu sion, because ber cap had been knocked off, revealing a smoothly-cropped head and the row of curls sewed fast to tbe ruches of tbe cap on the floor: "Ha! ye ueedu't be so 'shamed if ye hadn't made believe!" It is the "make believe" that cause the mortification. The man whose bouse is built on the rock of truth has a sure foundation; he commands respect without question, and need nut feir any man's comment. "Electricity cannot follow a broken wire, nor success a dying life." "I teach my children to speak the truth," is but a small part of a moral education' Arc they taught to live it? Is the home life, by example as well as precept, a lire of truth? Within a few days the papers have recorded five heavy embezzlements. The principals concerned, as far as their his tories have been revealed, were men who had peculiar social advantages; at least three of them were born into homes of wealth, and all were men who had every educational advantage. The partner of one said: "I always knew he was care less, but supposed he was honest." Vil a strictly honest man be careless where money matters are involved? Will a man to whom truth is more thau a tongue ac complishment be careless to criminality ? You may Bay be is weak, but "there is a weakness that is as criminal as wicked ness, and it is this wickedness that is a sure indication of the lack of courage inseparable from truth. Truth, like love, is universal iu its meanings, and a love of it, devotion to it, is a perlect equipment for all of life's battles. THE ADVANCE OF THE SEA. WHO CAN SAY WHERE THE ENCROACH MENTS WILL CEASE. Tbe receut storms on the Atlantic coast call attention to the encroachments made by old Neptune within recent years, says a New York correspondent. Year after year for the past lit) summers the outposts and defenses set up on this coa:t against the invading surf arc car ried by storm. Line after liue is rolled back; whole settlements have retreated and repeatedly made a stand iuland far from the places they first occupied, and the retreat still goes on. Couey Island Sandy Hook, and Staten Island have suf fered from this invasion of the wa Uu the south beach ol the latler region traces of old homesteads are found at low water mark, and within tbe memory of suuie of the old inhabitants meadows flourished and corn grew where clams arc now plentiful. But without going iuto hearsay evidence upon this point, one has only to look at the beach itself, There he will fiud the roots of pine trees more thau half way out from the present line of high water. The trees that stood there aro well re uiembercd by many persons whose recol lection need ouly go back some 10 or 15 years. And we are told the evidence is the same all along a considerable portion of the Atlantic seaboard. Just where this thing is going to stop is difficulty to say. Perhaps some scientific men say that in ages past the sea hereabouts came veiy much further inland than it does at present; that it receded, and has now taken a notion to come back again. Well, it certainly docs look a little that way. Evety new storm appears to britu; the water further up than the one that c.tnie before it Don't be deceived by fictitious paid for certificates. All testimonial printed in our paper concerning the inei it of B. B. B. (liotanie Blood Balm) are Hue aud genuine. Write Blood Balm Co., Atlauta, Oa, for "Book of Won ders." oot 10-lm. All wool underahiiti at $'1.'Z6 per pair. M K Hart. Please examine my stock of dross goods before ordering. Support your tows. M F Hart. N EW AD VERTISEM ENTS. III nijj in COME. OCT. 29, TO NOV. 1, EXCURSION RATES LOW. NUMEROUS ATTRACTIONS. HOPS and GERMAN, FINE RACING EVERY DAY Sl'LENDlD MUSIC, UKAND MILITARY DISPLAY. Theatre Every UL MEM IS HE ADVERTISEMENTS. II.G.SPIKRy, WHOLESALE AND KETAIL 0 DKALKH IX 0 T'iyn, Fruit, Vkvu, Crt ki-n, Kuti md Con rtt-Uitiicrle f cvrry (lewTliitinii. Think 1 caa Irultifully Huy llmt I havv, mid lu't-p on hand tli In Ki'it ilM'k of Toy i, KrulU, Confection rlen, Hint li kepi In tbli part of NO It Tit CA 110 LIN A. I ktwp on html t It rite ami Wf tl wlertrJ stock of (jrorcrlca, Crockery, IIr1wire, Tinwar. Wood wire, 8uilo.urj.8tGr Pipe and Klbowaof all :iea. HHve on band lot of fancy and other gooda too numeroui to mention. Call at tlia Brick Store in the Bottom and im FOR YOURSELF. Orden by mail will hav my personal atten tion. Return many tbanki to tbe food people In tbia and tbe nurrou tiding counties for past favors, and trust and hope they will allow mo to terra the in iu the future. , . Very truly, v' H.C.8HER8, Weldon, N.C. CHAS. HflU.KR UfAI-SH, Ol'KADK lUAKBLK Y OKKH, S0UTI1 SYCAMORE STREET, PETERSBURG, VA. Monuments, Headstones, Tombs, Tablets, ko. Lowest cash prices guaranteed. All work warranted xatUfactory. t& beautiful calendar fur 1889 sent to any address on receipt of stamp for postage. CHARLES M. WAL81I. oct 11 ly. TO THE PATU0N8 OK THI ALBEMARLE STEAM NAVIGATION CO. milDf TIMF Between MORKUI.C and yUlUIV I ll"t KASTKKN N. CAKOUNi On anil after Monday. December lTtb. and until further notice, the Hteaaaer CHOWAN, Captain Withy, will l.t- AVt r nANKLlN oil Mondays, Wed- neadays and Fridays for KDENTON, HLV slulj lit and all intermediate points arrival of mail train from Portsmouth, mj wis A. M. KETUKNING. The "Chowan" will reach Franklin on Tuesdays, Thursday and Saturdays at 915 A. M., in time t connect with Fast Mail train from Kaleiek to Portsmouth and with Express train for tne south. Paawnirers, by this arrangement, takinl the Steamer Chowan at any point m the river, will UEACH NOKFOl.K by 11 oclock A. If., and thus have the entire day for Ik trans action of business in that city. GIVE THIS KOUTE A TIUAL. Respectfully, J. H. BO GMT. Frankliu, Vs., Dec. 15, 1HM8. gns't. CATARRH Try tit Cure Ely's Cream Calm deruie the KaseJ Piwsare Al lay Inflammation. lie. Is th Bore. BMtorsM th SuM of Ititl, Buuil and Hawing . lWMllstlMrmHSnllul In aarMMkla. Prt. ). at Brau r F -r-o wi Tnwrvrti asm sa wmm Iota. act 25 ly PROFESSIONAL CARDS. itia a !.! srx, wsiraaa. aainas. M VLtli a Diillii ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. PmHIrsi li tteeoirta of Ralisu anlwertkn- toa and la the Suareaii and Federal roam. jat leetloNi mads In allpartsof North Carolina. sraacaomc at hiiiiu, n.i;.,oa every -day. Jaa I if T HOHAI ST. HILL, Attaraey at Law, AMFAX,.1 PnetfaMS ta nallfci aid edulnin asatia aa hdaralaad 8isr.tGar. ' (T C T I O 1 X & ATTORNEY AT LAW, v iMMU.ir. . ' . - rrarlef la tbeeaark) af HaltBti wd Bliiat soaasias sad a tbe Soarviae sossrt, CoUwtioui otada ati w here Id lae SUUa, Ma rtf tains protatilr sud. 'N SI

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