pfFli-l iiiLg& HALL &c SLEDGE, 1'RoI'Rietohs. -A- 1ST Hi "W S P A P E B IF1 O 12 THE PEOPL ID. TEKlvfliS -00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE, VOL XX. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1SS. NO. 33. ADVERTISEMENTS. SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT. W fjen physicians (ail to give relief in cases of chronic ailments, resulting from poison blood, bow gratifying to the sufferer to obtain at last tlie right TVUK'iiy. Where every other treatment miserably to cure, Botanic Blood llalm invariably gaim i victory, Pan Saha, Tixas, February 9, IS82. Our little daughter became effected with some lor in (( scali diwa, supposed to be ringwurm or MZt-ma. It first began in white scabs or dandruff mid then lornwd in liiull sore all over t!(e front part of her head with rough LMies on ORKS her forehead and lace, and then run an ul eating sore on her head whkh con turned to spread until a neighbor insisted on me ln;;ii; II. It- H Alter m'.I bottle and a rulf the lore n heaiini; uely and the child's health much ii.i u vi-d .iiid kiie is getting fat. I believe II. II. D to m excellent blood purilier and very quick in its action. M ks. He i riH Graves. Willow Cirv, Tixas, Apiil 9, lSAt. VamA Halm Co.: 1 as taken with par.ilsts. the d'Ktnr said causfd by a tumor TUMORS tllJt ' attacll,t' tu tl,e ktwelk and had a bad tae uf dyijK'iia' I). U. I), hat done ma more good than all the doc tor. WM. S HILTON. Bar?, worth, fJ ii a m h h it s Co., Ala., February C, f Fur the last six years 1 have been a great suffer er from blood poison ; could not get anything that ouM il.j nie any good. Xtie doctors thought would die. Two years ago 1 was stricken down with cat cer of the lower extremities CANCER n wa not out mf room, the cancer causing me to suf fer j-reat pain. A month ago I commenced taking the II, 11. II. and was able to walk a half mile before I !i?.d taken two bottles. The cancer is healing up nicely, and I think t!ie use Of this remedy Kill cure me. (ID K. M. Smith, COAL Tin: OMV COAL KLKVATOR SOU Till There are seventy-two screens in the Building. Nu dust or dirt can pos.illy (ji-t iuto the Coul as it runs over llicse screens in passing from the Elevator into the carts. Consumers (ret their Coal dry nud perfectly clean. I have Dow, and shall always keep on hand, t largo stock of all kinds of Coal heat suited for Foundry, Factory, and Family use. All Coal selected and of hot (Uality. The Railroad cars run alongside, the Klovator, aiid the Coal is loaded into theiu there, thus lessening the cost to the trade South and West. I'rowpt shipmeuls. Orders solicited. S. H. HAWES, OFFICE: 18ihandCary StreeU. july 4 4in W II . II. Tappcy Sl'CCKHSOR TO- TAPPEY & DELANEY, PKTKHNBTRU, VA. M MANUFACTURER OF- Stationary and Portable Engines, Saw Milk, Tram Roads and Pole Can, Elevators, l'eaout Ilullcra, Cotton and Hay Presses, Tobacco Machinery, Mill Gearing, tit-, Ao. W, H. TAPPEY. ! HOiKlEWflRD BOUND. 11 V K I' (I K X B . ) A K It K r. 1 These foreign muen unci Liiel.i sn fair We leave Willi, ml regret These castles grand and treasures rare We may ere l.nir forirct, Ami as nnr fiistt w went ward turn From strange shores where they roam, Oh, how nur hearts must finally yearn For our sweet Southern home. We've spent must joyously the days 'Mid Scotland's lakes and hills. And where the genial suns! ine plays O'er England's fields and rills ; And now, with neollielionskweet, A pleasant leave we take, And loving friends we Inn" to greet In our dear "Old North State." Fiom these j.ay, glil filing sei nesof Frame, Where Fashion's lollies reign, W here alts and heaulies tjiiiek entrance Anil their strange spells maintain We look with jov hcvtmtl the sea. In mingled hope and pride, To that happy "land of the free" Where love and peace ahiile. (iralul "(lid Xortli State!" We love the well, From sea to mountain peak The dearest land on which to dwell Thy praise we'll ever speak. And when our footsteps leave Ihy soil For countries F,ast or West, Thou ait always, in lest or toil, The land we love the best, On hoanl steamer Indiana, Aug. lo, N!l. THE ARIZONA KICKER. SUMK KVEHY HAY IIAIM'ENIMIS IN E1I TuKI.VI. I. IKK. 'flu' last issue of the Jr.i AVc.w contains tiie lolLviu: tiuNE llo.UK. Duriuj,' the past week Maj. O'Connor, Judge l'egram and the lluu. Tacony Junes, thining lights of this neighborhood and leading members of society, have been called fur by eastern detectives and returned to their several hollies towards sunrise to be tried fur various crimes. While wc are sorry to see our population thus depleted, we know that justice must be done. The niily wiiuder is that so few were called for. We are ecrlaiu that at least twenty live uf our leading litizns break info a culd sweat every liuic a stranger sttikis the town. No Rkiiatk. We desire to slate in the most explicit uiauuer that no rebate will be allowed any part uf our subscri bers who may be obliged to leave town for the benefit uf the community, ur who may be hung and buried for the same reason. In several late instances Itietids uf such subscribers have called on us and asked to cash up for the unexpired term, but we have invariably refused. Subscriptions to the Kicker ruu for une year. We eoutract to deliver the paper lor that lime. If the subscriber i.- nr- rcslel, driven off or hung, it is no fault ofuurs. Please bear this in mind and save yourselves trouble. Hk Missed. Our contemporary luwn the avenue didn't like the way wc bowed him up last week, and on Mou day he burrowed a revolver from Sain Adams as lung as bis leg and lay in am bush for us at the comer id' Apache and Cactus avenues. As we appeared, ou our way tu the pustuHice, he opened lire, and nix shuts were lircd at us at a distance no mure than ten feet. Nut une of them came within a fuut of us, but the shooter did manage to wound a $'M) mule le longing to Lew Baker, and to kill a Slid dog hclougiug to Judge Stoker. lieu he was through shooting we knockel him down and hammered him until be hollered. Wc und. Maud that he has settled with the others for 81 fit) and thai lie thinks of leaving town. He'd better. If he ever h id any standing here he's lost it now fur sure A man who holds a gun in bulb bauds aud shuts his eyes to shoot is of no accouut in this district. The coyotes wouldn't even bark at him. SEEN FROM A BALLOON The sensation n man experiences win n making au ascent in a balloon is very pe culiar, wiy a well-known aeronaut. The earth appears to be falling away, especi ally from just where the ascent was made. A few dajs ago 1 made au ascent from St. Charles, Mo . and wn soon able to see St. Louis and a score of other smaller cities. The smoke from the manufacto ries looked very odd, hut the principal buildings iu St. Louis were remarkably distiuct even when 1 had gone up 4,0110 feet aud over. Of course at that alti tude it was impossible to detect move ments on the earth's surface with the naked eye, hut with the aid of a telescope this can bo dune. The fastest tiains seem to he goiug at a snail's pace, and a running hotso seems to niuke very poor progress. Rivers look like little sireuks of silver when the balloon is very lngli up. The steady fall in temperature is 1 . ..i.i :.. . c... i:-.. ,.c not unpleasant, anu mere i no ia-nnS u. giddiness alter a little practice. A III.U.TIIV CMIOWTII. Acker 'a Rlood Elixir has gained a firm hold on the American people and is ae. knowledged to be supeiior to all other preparations. It is a Hitivo euro for all Uloou anu akin inseascs. i uo mcui cal fraternity indorse and prescribe it, Guaranteed and (old by W, M. Cohen WeldM, V. C. DIET AND BEAUTY. MOST (IK THE WOMEN EAT AN I.NSFEKI CIKNCV OF lilt EASE. -New York Sun. Must women cat too lilllc nourishing food, meat and grease. Urease! you ex claim, in horror. Yes, grease only let it be uf a kind that she can digest, nnd served in an appetizing manner. Butter, cream and olive oil, eaten willi thn food every day, will help tu cover those ugly bones that dance a very witch's waltz unihr the thin skin uf your chest with cushions of soft flesh, and will fill the hollows and smooth out the lines in your face if you can only learn In digest and assimilate them. S times the appetite needs a lung course of training before it if v. lops a taste for good fund, just as the acquisition of a desire for good liter ature is evolved only by a long course of sludy, and when once attained is easily lost through indulgence. If you are tun thin eat butter, cream, milk, chocolate, farinace uirs foods, fruit, potatoes, peas, parsnips, sweets, drink sweet wines, porter and liquors, and it is said I hat women in tin: Bey's seraglio at Tripoli are fattened by means of repose anil baths. If a suparabundance of flesh threatt n you with corpulency, you have your life-work before you. Find out first from your physician whether your obesity is due to the nun assimilation of food; tu a lack uf nuurisliment rather than an excess; or whether it is only that the avoirdupois of the father is being visited upon the children to the third and fourlli generations. There are many metbuds uf reduction, aud must uftheni efficacious if systemati cally and persistently employed, but the trouble with most women is (hey are not capable of sustained effort, and though they may drug themselves rigor ously all through the week, they will destroy good results with a box of bon bons ou Suuday. Dieting is by no means starving, but simply choosing such foods as abound iu nitrogenous mat ter ruber than sweets or fats, and are ea-iiy and quickly digested. Auimal food, with its preponderance of nitrogen, tends to produce lirmne.-s of muscle with au abs -nee of surperflutius fat, and beef and mutton are considered the most nu tiiiious varieties. Another reason why lean meat should enter largely into ihe diet uf fleshy peo ple is that since its digestion is accom plished in the stomach, it remains there louger, thus appeasing hunger mole thoroughly and for a greater length of time than vegetables, aud produces a more limulatiug effect upon the system. With it may be eaten stale bread, toast, whole wheat bread, succulent fruits, cresses, cucumber, lettuce, tomatoes, raw caboage and farinaceous foods with mod eration. To avoid too great a sameness in diet is an important point, and a'so to cook the food in the most disgesfible as II as the most appcti.iug manner. Cake, pasiry aud made dishes, together wiih c-iidim ints like pickles aud sauces, which excite the appetite to activity, must be avoided, and exercise must do the rest. HOW TO BE ELOQUENT. It is only wlu ii u luinis'ti r preaches out of his own heart that he reaches the hearts of others. A pure intellectual serin, ,n stops with the intellict; a doctri nal sermon is nothing more than aspiiit ual opiate. But let a man utter what he has li lt aud known, let him touch the bar), siring that has vibrated iu his own ill, and there comes that hush aud spell over an audience, lhat chained attention, that lifting uf facts which hums like a white tablet for God's fingir to wiite on. Who has uot felt the irresistible power of a hidden cxpoihnce interpreted by another soul? This is the secret if nil ratory, of all sympathetic power of ni.iu over man. The greatest piciii-hers tue not those who may lay claim to (he high est scholarship, who are profound phi losophical ihiukcrs or ducliinal giaids, but whose large hcails lone throbbed with the deepest q iillual txperiiiice. "Out of the abundance of die heart the tiioulh speiikcth." These : re men wbii can lay hnldoii vast uudit nets and swur them as the wind sways a foiesl. Tloil langungc may be plain, lln ir slyle un polished, their manner awkwaid, but they know the stopn and the keys of the human heart as the organist knows his instrument, and all the fohnin aud sweet music of life answers to their touch. Ilurkleu's Arnica ulve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheum.Kcvci 8oles,Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains Corns. and all skin eriiptions,aud positive ly cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 centB per box. For sale by druggists at Weldon, Brown iCarraway, Halifax, Dr. J A MoGwigm Kufield. Just received a large lot of Bay Sfa'e shoes ter men. lauies anil children: ae knowledgd by all to he the best. P. N Sluiiiback & Co. All wool undenbirti at f 2.25 per pair. M V llart. THOSE WHO LOVE YOU I'lilcss you are very unfortunate there is some little oasis in this world where dwell one or two people who really love you. I wonder if you value their luvo as you should. Being human, and a man at that, very likely you do not. Ambi tion is your god, perhaps, or mammon, or you have a hobby to ride, and want to be applauded as you galop. What is a little love more or less to you? And yet, lliuiigh you win all else, what a miserable creature you would be if no one held you dear. How much uf your strength and courage comes, with out your knowing it, from (lie luvo lhat you lake as you do the dew of Heavoii or the water you drink, ur the air yuu breathe, without thinking how wonder ful it is. (lod is love, and when love is ours something divine is given us ou earth It is the only bit uf Heaven accorded to pour uiuvtals in the flesh; strongest aud purest ill the emotion the mother gives to her children; must fascinating when it is the love that comes iu alter life to the passionate heart: holy and true as broth ers aud sisters feel it; beautiful still when we a cord it iu the name uf friendship. It is the one great jewel worth possessing, aud yet how often it is set aside for gotten. How often men of the world, busy with other cares, make the hearls that love them ache by their want of appre ciation! How often the old mother won ders that ' her boy does uot write!'' How often the wife sils alone while the joliy comrade of the hour occupies her bus band's time, or for some motive of policy he lingers where mi ii of influence arc gathered! Iluw lung children lung fur dear papa's coining iu vain! How often solitary sisters still dwelling iu the old homestead, says, with a sigh.- "Ah! I never see anythiug of Jack now!" Life must have ils cares and ambition: "men uiust work and women must weep" even whey they are nut "fishers;" but at least a word can be given to the tender aud loving ones to prove that they arc nut forgotten. The time may conic, even to the greafest man, when he would ive mure for the affection he has flung away than fur anything he has gaiued in doing it; and I say tu you from my heart: Value those who love you. The world is lull of people who do not as you will be certain some day tu dis cover. BISHOP'S FIRST PATIENT. Nrw York Slur. When I heard of Comedian Bishop's lentil yesterday 1 called to mind a story he once told me about his experience as a physician. Shortly after he had glad tinted from a San Francisco medical col lege a medical friend of his was called to Sacramento un important business, and before leaving he requested Bi.-hup to call ou one of bis patients twice a week. Bishop did as requested, and, while wiih the sufferer, would sit for an hour by his bedside telliug funny stories, of which he had a large fund. When the regular physician rclurned he went to the hospi tal to see his patient. Upon asking (he sick man what Bishop had given him the former said: "Oh, he gave me a little of everything. He talked Dutch, Irish, French and every otlnr dialed, ml made me laugh until the tears rolled down my checks." "But what medicine did he give you ?" "Well, he said that he f rgot to bring the medicine with liim, but that he would scud it up." Did he?" Did he? Well, I should smile," said (he palieut, as he took a quart bot tle of whiskey fiom under his pillow. In relating Ihe story Bishop said: The worst Icatutii about my first case w is (hat the palieut was just recovering from a severe aitack of delirium Ireniciis, I did (be best 1 could for a beginuer." IDENTIFYING Mil. JOHNSON. 'Is there a Mr. Johnson in ibis car?'' called the conductor as he entered a coach on a Lehigh Valley train and held up a telegram to view. 'There is!" replied ihrec men iu chorus as they ros.'iip. "Bui ibis despatch is for John John son." "That's me!" replied two of them, while (lis third lo iked relieved and s it down. "Which of you is married?'' continued the (ou luclor. "I utii!" both answered. "Well, I think (he dispatch relates to the birth of twins al home, and is con gratulator,." "That's let me out, thank heaven!" exclaimed one Johnson, as he sat down to wipe his brow, while the oilier flushed red and white for moment and then re ceived the dispatch. ii um'ino ami omi:mmi:m' Cannot go hand iu hand if we look on ihe dark side of every little obstacle. Nolhing will so darkeu life aud make it a burden as Dyspepsia. Acker's Dyspep ttitt Tablets will cure the worst form ul Dyspepsia, Constipation and Indigestion, and make lite i happiness and pleasure. Sold at 25 and 50 cmtsby W. M. Cohen Weldon, N. C. BLUFFED A MAN WHO lilsroVEHEl) HE WAS A TWO-STORY FOOL. New York San. There were two of them in our gang of Pennsylvania oil well drillers and blas ters who were constantly fooling wiih the nitru-glyccrine. They would take chances to make your hair stand on end, and the trouble was ihey imperilled the safety of many others. One of their favorite pas times was to get out after noun-day lunch and fuss a two pound can of the sltiff as far as ihey could heave it. I more than once saw them stand fifty feet apart, and on lliree or four occasions saw the can miss their clutch and fall to the earth. Our foreman and all the other men did a great deal of swearing over this foolish ness, and once the men were discharged for it, but they were taken back afler a time, and as we grew more used to the stuff wo took more chances. One day the men got out with the can, and as the fuu was about tu begin our foreman said: "lioys, that nonsense will be the death of you yet." "Bet you ten to one it wou't!" replied one of them. ' Vcs, and I'll bet ten to one it won't," bin H'eil the other, us be shook his wallet at the foremau. The latter failed to cover, and as he sauntered down the hill I followed him. We had walked about two hundred feet when we were suddenly lifted up and thrown flat to the earth, and then follow ed a crash which seemed to have rocked the continent. As soon as we could get up we ran back to the derrick, or where the derrick was. It had disappeared, as well as our shanty, anil ou the site was a hole into which yuu cuuld have dumped a cuKagc. Nut the slightest scrap of the two can tossers could be found, and the foremau and I stood fur several minutes staring info I he cavity. Thcu he sud denly slapped his leg, waved Iih hand iu disgust and growled : "What a two slory foul I was not to take those bets." FINED $5 FOR KISSING. Blanche Nelson, a handsome, gorge ously dressed young woman was brought before Justivo White a few days ago for trial. The charge against her was "dis orderly conduct." "What's the case ugaiust the girl?" asked the court. "Kissiug." "1 don't knuw that this is any crime," said the court, reflectively. "Tell me the stury." It appeared fiom the evidence lhat (he other afternoon the all'cclionale young creature, while slightly under the influence of wine, created a scene at the e rncr of llalstiad and Madison streets by kissing all the good looking young uie-i she could catch. Very little outcry on (be part of the victims was made, and everything went well until a solemn mid dle aged man, having the appearance and garb of a clergyman, came along. The irl seized him. He appeared anything but reconciled to her caresses. As the middle aged gout struggled tu free him self from Blanche's embraces, a crowd gathered and a policeman hove in sight. The patrol wagon was summoned Inside of tcu minutes Miss Blanche was behind prison bars. The girl's defence this morning was nut uf the best, and she was fined So and costs. KICKERS. St. Peter sits by the heavenly gates his hands ou the stiingsof a lyre, and be sings a low song as he patiently wails for the souls of (hose who expire. He hears in the uislancc (he chorus of song lhat swells from the foot ol the heavenly throne, and he smiles as the music is Wafted along, and warbles a lay of his own. 1 here is room in tins region I. r millions of souls, who by sorrow aud woe were b rcfi; 'lis for those who have suf I'creJ I liu indody mils, but the kickers must Kirn to the left ! There is room for people who when ihey were young, persisted iu sowing wild oats, yet who boomed up their town with sinew uud t uigue, but the kickers must go wiih ihe goat.-! I hero is room lor the people who pointed wiih pride to (he beauty and growth of their town, who kept sing ing ils raises aloud (ill they died, but the kickers will plca-e amble dowu 1 Thc'd say lhat (he music was all out of tune, ami the angelic robes 'huud-mc-dovv n-,' aud they'd scud for a jeweler oT to the union to sample the gold iu (heir crowns. So while there is room for millions of souls, who by sorrow aud woe were bereft, we want no complaint of the music lhat rolls, so the kickers must turn to ihe left!" (illAIIII A(;AINMI'TIIK KTItlkR, And always have a bottle of Acker's English Remedy in the house. You cannot tell how soon Croup may strike your little one, or a cold or cough may fasten itself upon you. One dose is a preventive and a few doses a positive cure. All Throat and Lung tro ibles yield to its treatment. A sample bottle la given you free and the Remedy guar anteed by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, H. C. PASSING AWAY. We have seen an aged mother whose head was silvered o'er wiih the frosts of many winters, and bowed with the weight of care: whose step was slow and uncer tain: whose cheeks once so smooth and round and flushed with die bloom of youth, vv, re li , w so pale and thin and seamed with furrows of many sorrows. Only a few years ago and she vva iu the heyday of life, and I his world seemed such a grand and beauiil'ul homo for mortality to live in. Another step ami she lias crossed die u.irrow vale that divides (he maiden's hopes from matron ly fruition; a pair of strung arms are around her, and she bears those sweet, endearing words "my own liitle wife" from the lips of him whom she is proud to call husband. But wiih tnariied loi-s comes cou-iciuent cares and responsibili ties. Little cares wrapped Iu red flannel come, and she feels a soft cheek pressed against her own, and the little loving arms about her neck, aud she reuliz:s that she is a mother. Mother that sweet est, most hallowed word in our language; the first our infant lips learned to speak, our boyhood's comfort and solace in every trial, and never mentioned through all of manhood's years without awakening the purest and tcndeicst memories of our lives yes, a mother, with all the watch ful care and anxiety which only the mother can feel for child. The years roll en. V ears of self-sacrifice, self f'or-gelfulne.-s, self denial. All self-love is banished ill her love for her child, liut she is growing old nuvv and her work will soon be ended, her duly done, and ill her turn she will be a child again a child of our Heavenly Father, and he will lake her home and she will dwell iu the beautiful mansions prepared for all bis children who do their duty here below. NEVER ASK A FAVOR. If you want to be happy, never ask a favor tiive as many as you can, and if any are freely offered, it is not necessary to be too proud to take them; but never ask for or stand waiting for any. Who ever asked for a favor at the right lime ? To he refused is a woeful stab to one's pride. I( is even worse to have a favar granted hesitatingly. We suppose that out of a hundred who pinion for die least thing il it be even an hour of time niuely uiue wish, wiih burning cheeks and aching hearts, that they had nut dune so. Don't ask favors of your l earest friends. Do everything for your self until yuu dtup, and (lien if anything picks you up, let it be because of his free choice, and not from any groan you utter. Bui while yuu can stand be u soldier. Eat your own crust, rather I lorn feast on another's dainty meals; drink cold water rather than auother's wine. The world is lull of people asking favors, and peo ple find of granting them. Love or tenderness shuuld never be put i.side, when its full hands arc stretched towards you. but so few love, so few ate tender, that a favor asked is apt to lie a cruel millstone around your neck even if you gain ihe thing you want by die asking. As yuu cast your bread on the water, and it returns, so will the favor you ask, if unwillingly granted, come back to yuu when yuu leasl expect ur desire. Favors conceded ou solicitation are never It-paid. Tiny are more costly iu die end than an overdue usurer's bill. THE SPIRIT OF LOVE. Beyond all question, it is the unahi ra hic cuii-titution of nature that there is v flicacy diviuc, unspeakable efficacy iu love. The exhibition of kindness has thepowir to bring cun die animal into subjection. Show kindness to a dog. aud he will remember il; he will be gratefu!; he will infallibly return love for love. Show kindness to a lion, aud you can lead him by die inane; yuu can thrust your head iuto bis mouth; you can lucll ihe uutamcd ferocity of his heart into au affection stronger lhan death. Iu all of (j od's vast, unbounded creation there is uot a living and sentient being, from the least to the largest, not i ne, not eveu the outcast aud degraded serpent, lhat is insensible to acts of kind di ss If love, such as our blessed Saviour manifested, could be iutruduced into the woild, and exert iuapproprinte dominion, it would restore a slate of things far brighter lhan (he fabulous ago of gold; it would annihilate every sting; it would pluck every poisonous tooth; it would bu-h every discordant voice. Even die inanimate creation is not insensible to this divine influence. The bud and flower and fruit put forth most abundant ly aud beautifully vvlnro ihe hand of kindness is extended lot their culture Aud if this blessed influence should ex lend itself over the earth, a moral garden of Edeu would exist in every land; in stead of the thorn and brier, would spring up the fir-tree and Ihe myrtle; die desert would blossom, and the solitary place be made glad. A CHILI) kll.l.L'.l). Another child killed by the use of opiates given in the form of Soothing syrup. Why mothers give their children such deadly poison is surprising when they can relieve the child of its peculiar troubles by using Acker Baby souther. It contains no Opium or Morphine, Sold by W. M. Cohen, Woldon, N. C. BEAUTIFUL ALLEGORY. Crittcmlon, of Kentucky, was at one time engaged iu dcfeiidi jg a mail who had been indicted for a capital offcuce. After an elaborate and powerful defence, with the following beautiful allegory; '-When God in his eternal count ilcoiieeivtil the thought of man's creation, he called Iu him die three ministers who wail constantly upon die ihrone Justice . Tiulh mid Mercy and thu. addr-sstd I hem: 'Shall wt make man .' Then said .lust ice : 'O liod, in ike him not. for be will trample up"U I by laws.' Trulh made iiusWir also: ( (jod, make him not. for he will polutc Thy sanctuary.' But Mi icy, dropped upon her knees, looking up through lit r tears, exclaimed: '0 God, make him I will watch over him with my care through all the dark paths which he may have to tread! Then God made man aud said to him: 0, man, thou child of mercy, gu and deal with thy brother." Tin-jury, when he had finished, were drowned iu tears, aud, against their own coiivi.-tious, brought in a verdict of not guilty, A TOUCH OF NATURE The district messenger boy comes in fur a vast aiuuiiut of ridicule for bis slow ness and abuse for his shrewd observa tions and ways, bill he is a pretty good lad, alter all, if the following happening ill New York is any criterion : "One day uu Broadway." says au observer, "I heard a boy 's voice ring out above I lie noisy roar of the Vehicles, clear and dis tinct, saying, 'Hold on, blind man ! still, blind man ! blind uiati ! wait till I get to you!' Looking for the owner of the voice, I discovered a slender but agile messenger boy of 15 ur Hi years. Thread ing his way thrutigli a mass of vehicles tu a sput just by the opposite curb, where a gray haired man was standing as if riveted, with a look of mild despair un his face. It ucedi d only a glance tu see that die poor man had sightless eyes; dial he bad become bewildered and was likely to be run over; that the quick wilted uicsseugcr boy alone of ail the ast crowd had seen the dilemma and had rushed iu to the assistance of die unfortunate creature. As the lad brought the blind man sifcly to the sidewalk 1 could uot help thinking lhat here was an expr. s-ion ol that one touch of nature that makes the whole world kiu." THE DATE NOTED. In the summer of 1872, on the 24th of July, while sojourning in our little home iu New Jersey, I was awakened by the tramp of a horse coming up the road, slopping at the gate, driving through and up tu the from porch. I heard my little nephew's merry laugh at the thought of uur surprise, aud die distinct voice of my brother trying to suppress the child: "Hush! do not let them hear us." They drove down lo the barn. I jumped from my bed (uur room was on the parlor flour ) My liusliaud was sl.vping sound ly 1 did not disturb him, hoping lo give him such a pleasant surpii-c. I passed through die dining room into the kitchen, uut on die porch. I could sec readily everywhere. The night was the brightest 1 ever remember The awful stillness 1 shall never forget. Bewilder ed, almost frighteucd, disappointed, yet feciing suictif uiy brother's near prcscuce, 1 called his name with uo response, and returned tu uiy husband telliug to him my strange experience. We made a note of (he dale. My brother died that very day at sea, (he 2 1th of July, 1 S72. Religious-Philosophical Journal. A WIFE. It needs nut guilt lo break a husband's heart. The al'si nee of content, the uiut ti ling of spleen, the untidy dnss, aud the careless home, the forbidding scowl and deserted hearth, these aud other nameless neglect without a crime among llieiu have harrowed to I lie quick the heart's cure uf many a man, and planted du re, beyond the reach of cure, the germ of despair Oh! may woman, belt re die sail sight uriives, dwell on (he recollections of her youth, and, cherish ing the dear idea of lhat tuneful time awake auk keep alive Ihe promise sl, linn so kindly gave ! Anl, though slm may be die injured, not the injuring one Ihe forgotten, not die forgetful wife- a happy adusiou to that hour of love a kimbv welcome to a comlortable home a smile uf love to banish hostile words a kiss of peace to pardon all the past and die hardest heart, lhat ever locked itself wilhiu the breast of aclfish man will sul'teu to her charms, and bid bet live as she had hoped her J eats iu matchlesa bliss- - h ving and oontented the soother of a sorrowing hour the source of com fort and the spring of joy. CO NslUM HI-ION SUHEI.V CURED Tu tiik Fiiitok. lMeftse inform Tour readers that I have a jiositive remedy lor the ahove nameu nisease. iiy u mneiy use thousands of hopeless ensea hare been fnrpd. 1 filvi.ll hjv uliut tn uttiH v ' - - b two bottles of my remedy funis to any of yonrreaneni wno nave consumption n iney will aend me their express and postofflce auaresa. nespeciiuny, T A KIIM IIM If. 0. oct 35 1 yr. 181 1'eail it. New York. ADVERTISEMENTS H.C.SPIEES7 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 0 DHALKIt IX 0 Tty, Knilti, fa ken, (Turki-rn, Null ami Con- tVci Inner! i'k of wry ftWrfptfoii. Think I cmi tntilifullj nu) Hint I have, Mini kiei on hand Un- Iu K't Klnck of Toy, Fruit, ConfvcUolie Ho, Doit U kejil in tins jwrt of NOR Til CA HO LIN A. I keep on linnd i Urge ami wHl seleetM ttoek of (JnieiTies, ('niekcrjr, Hiirrlware, Tinwr, WoodwMre, Statiuinir, Stove uiid Eltxmtof all m zei. Hare on hand lot of funcy and other fodttoa niimerom to mention. Call at the Brick 8tor In the Bottom and tee FOR YOURSELF. Ortkin by mall will have my personal atten tion itc-tuni many ttiimkH to the good people fn this tun the Hurroiiuulnir counties for puul fkfori, am) trUBtauil hopellicy willitHow ue to selva ttieui la llic future. Very truly, H.C.SMKKS.W'eldua, H.C. 'HAS. fll.LKK UIKAIIK iVlAltllLK "lirAIJ'll, T OKKB, HOrW SYCAMORE STREET, I'ETKRSliL'RO, VA Monuments, Headstones, Tombs, Tablets, ie. Lowest cash prices guaranteed. All work warranted satisfactory. UtirA beautiful calendar for 188S sent to any address ou receipt of stamp for postage. C1IAUL1JS M. WAL8U. Oct 11 ly. TO THE l'ATltONS OF Till ALBEMARLE STEAM NAVIGATION CO. nillP.W TIMF "'(ween and VUH-TV I imc KASTKKN N. CAKOUN1 On and after Monday. December 17th. and until further notice, the Steamer CHOWAN, Captain Withy, will LI. A VI. I KANkl.l.Noii HouilaTl, Wed nesdays and Fridays fin KDKNTO.N, PLY MOUTH and all intermediate cointa om arrival of mail train from Portsmouth, say iu. l.'i a. i. RETURNING, The "Chowan" will reach Franklin on Tuesdays, Thnredaye and Saturdays alt) l.'i A. H., in tine t connect with Fast Mail train from Raleigh w i oriaiuouiu auu wiin f.xpre tram lor the South, Passengers, by thin arrumcemeut. Ukini the Steamer Chowan at any point on the river, win REACH NORFOLK by 11 oclock A. M., and thus hare the entire day for Ihe tiana action of husinees in that city. GIVK THIS ItOCTK A TRIAL. Respectfully, J. H. BOGART. Frankliu, Va., Dec. 15, 1HH8. Knt't CATARRH COLD MmM, Try the Cure Ely's Cream Balm Cleaniw tha Nnaol Fuotves. ii. laya Inflannmntion. Iloals the Sorce. ' Reetore tha Benaea of Tuta, Bmall and Ueejring. A iMillelete applied laieeateeaaatrll a4 le aojr.fle, Prlr. OOe. at Draegl.i. mr r oct 25 ly PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JiHU M. HTM, IN, W1LTU& ftAMIU. M ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. Practice fa thecvvirts of Helllai andlteHhaaim. ton tnd In the Supreme end Kedtml ooarte. Cat lertionit made lu lilptruof Nonti Carolina. Breach offlue el Halifax, N. C, opea every Ilea, day. Jeal if p HO MAS N. HILL, Attoraey at Law, HALIFAX, M. a. Practical In Hillavi aad acjctnliif eoullta aa t Federal aad aaprene eoarla. aaf.Mtf yy a tiotii, ' ATTOltStT AT. LAW, suriiLB, PT. c. Prertlcee In thecesrte ofl.Uhitae aaMabil esaaiica and In the supreme start. CollecUoiu, made auywhentatheBtaU,aBaa tiirm prooplly bj4. yW