i fcS ii-i I'm f,u ii y li fe " --m V MtMiKt ""'"""'mmmwmm.m- 2""" iii iiiiiiiiiiii ! inn uni liiwuiinrTimr iwniMi iMiiwniii iiwinurm nm iihuiibiii imwni nni iiiiwiiiniii i j imwh inmnnwy HimainwuiiiWi t mtii aww irinnrriMi i mi wmrmTiw-inrivrrnMirwrrini-rnwTn iOL. XX. WE L DON, X. C, TIIUliSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 18S9. NO. 39. t",'"-"::r;-"--- ,T - - , ... .. - - JEFF. DAVIS UtAD. Ml'.,.. . nui'l'liRIIATK CHIKETAIV 1'ASSEllH 111 . f?4 AtfAY IN SMi i'iu.r..i.n 11.1 i Mr, hi u ACrtH.'NT OK THE CI.OSINtl SCENES ! Axi sketch ok ins mke Tium:m! OPIIESI'KI'T FROM AO. 1'AllTS OK THE SOI TU Jefferson Davis, the beloved leader ofS. G, . . P .... ' I , , ...... .1- ,i ;., v, ni .Kr"""' ui uteitca. P m T7U CI lc '"' 1 J ' ClOCfcuu im. o HU,,Mhn ('iinfpilnr.ifA K.ii,lfl H Q Ul "rom the beginning of his fatal illues: Jr. Piivishad insisted that his case was J il.nmdi dread of train or fear of ft., ww, o- i RJI 11 Lath never appeareu 10 ciku ine tsiijiin Kji, Ui l'on 1,58 T118' Wh,iuh lr?VCind was shamelessly held there as a prif- U evcnbotiyaut Iroui the bcginnin:i,in .. ..,., . U even bonyant the attack. Iu vain did the doctor irive to impress upou Dim t.'iat Ins tilth was improving; he steadily iusist- Ibat there was no improvement, but with hristian resignation he was content to ccept whatever Providence had in store or him. At G o'clock on the evening of the 5th ithout any assignable cause he wasB :ized witu a congestive- emu wmei .m,l I,.n1l..l tn ..n.sli llm vifulitvH'. BIKU """" J ;-atliat never yielded to adverse circumstan at ol Ins already ciiioeoieu oouy. oi leak was he that the violence of attack Msubsuteu lor wckoi viiimiyupoi.H .... t i n . r. . Vi tichto prey. From that moment tog lie mornii.- ot but Jeatli, tue lustor) "'(ling back upon ltichmond found hirn Lease was a gradual Mnkit.g. At lit ,d gt 1au,.8 tiiur,h in Ricl,i I'doek Mrs. Davis administered soim medicine, but the ex-l'resident declined lo receive the whole dose; she ur; ntimiuJi umthe necessity,,! taking t he remain j er, tut putting it aside with the gentl. st. the necessity of t:ik iti'r the f gestures, he whimpered; "Pray c.xeuseA These were his last words. f II.. i i ,i ..,..!.... i: iiruuu liiv in 'Tew weuhei mm nwi v h . n .. 1.1 T i'.i Minever lor an instant seemeu to nsw. . , . .. .. , r i jkJ.Jolinston s army but finding tlusiniprac-, ness. i-wi.g eaeeiunj i ";3tiL,lbIo tk.termined to gather together! aisDeu, ami without a iracem pain in in look he remained fur hours, silently clasp- : and tenderly caressing his wife'sJ id; with undaunted Christian spirit, awaited the end. From the moment! iiuieueauiy assault oi tue WuSm.w f.i i ii i. i ,l. .:....s dill, those gathered arouud his bed dcffl i . . . t i t Mr. rtohad been watching and waiting with rmiui m.erest every cnauge o. 'Wnn and all of bis hopes and aspi-3 the past month; knew well that the arcaa messenger was even at the door, m Ii 11 I'A I, ;, i.. i:.......i .1.... .1... f,,,liin M'&V"" II. IP UUIWVIHI llliit IIIU juuuum.wi "I.-1 me ex-l'rcsident 8 last illness was maia-r.H , ,,, . , : . , ,. , ... Souther would have succeeded m liolding na,eouipl.eated witli acute '''"t)lIt wraui nursing ana skiocu nauieai "i-.jsfuU1,,t the world, yet (tie World did noiaivin tention had mastered the latter, but it is M,liake him afraid, lie was great iu de-ST ifposid that the congestive chill which Sjleat as in success. m .... .l v . ... . ;i.... ..i.l.. me luimcu ate caue, was .iuuuuuu.li; ' (g 'utue return oi maiaria. The body was embalmed aud remained in state until yesterday, dunuglj which time the remains were viewed byB thousands-. The funeral to. k place yes-8 today, attending which were dle!atiouistico of medicine for must 4(1 ye ns, and froui(!v,.r'vSnfl,MrSe ' Hwould say that ill all my practice ami Jefferson Davis was born iu Kentucky! June3rd, 1808, and was therefore jears, U mouths and 3 days old. S..oiii3(, far his birth his father removed 'o Mis Useribed it a great many liuie.i and its el'-l issiDDi ami tW Si,n lins i-v.-r since been hi. ....:.i.... tt i ... u-....H..!iisi.ln that I have yet to find a case olE iisiuei ce. lie urim lieu in "i -'i- ence. lie urauoaieu in '-"'i i) i-ii Hfcatarrii mai u. oum not wun, min 1S28 and remained with '-gwuld take jt ,,ei-ur.l.n dir.ctioay. Wni)' kvveii years, serving in the lllarkfev Yours Truly, Ibiwk war of 1s:i1:i' mid ill Villi ul L, L tji0l!rcil. M. D. 3 iWiK.-Jiii...... aLaL.t hu.tiL tribes 3 wut Zachery Taylor, who was after BL - d President of the United States, but Wasatthatti me a Colonel in 'the arm? I" 1841 ha was one of the Polk .indJtfiTSold by Druggists, 75o. Wins Presidential electors and in 184.)8 as elected to CiiiH'ress. lie was d li-ff 1 of the First M ississirni Regiment iijL.e of In r law courts tin re is a case that fteMeitn war. He wasat Monterey an -ighan lasted four hundred years I be At v: . . i . lanta (.mmliliittoH thinks that the reason i ikii nu was seveieiji inti, , - , , i .i '"the latter fight, but remained in -'o uuiu me close oi ine ucnou. i"i '"0 li. S. Senator in 1817, to fill a! 'aca.icyinnd was elected lor n regula.i id 1850, He waa a candidate foi "Vernor of Mississimu in 1851 but was 0(a TtA mnntlis - j I UlVDi X fV U"o""u I IB i-JUU. Theroaflnr l. renin ned in Bt Anient until 1857, when, ho was p-I r""eu secretary of war by l reMdmi '"cuannn IT,. TP . nt(J- -d the cenate lor A ,1,emeudinL. Mu.eh 4th.lfco3. M was ficrfTicntly mentioned as a candidate l...... :.i 1 . i ., r-"t .m; i. u.-Miiaunu nomination uy tnes einocratie nartv. II n w:is not in t'ivm-2 ' ' CCCCSSIOU at all crisis. Tin mvC.r,! to remain iu the Union, provided the1 Southern States could do so peaccfullyj aim wun nonor. Un February dtlilS I SOI, the Confederate Congress met at .Montgnincry and ou the Jth he wasunan ijilllllllslv (ll'l'tllfl I'pncift.mt tl.n f C...l From thispoint on totlio clo.e of thc war Mr. Davis' bisim-v Is rl,n M. . April 2nd, he left Richmond, and on? BMW 1 o.i. i, ,.. ;.i i... i ...83 ; . . .. i . M 1( (Til s nnnr rvinl'l Un ( In t ,n 1 ojM,VN , , , L hri .u ay intn. in ids ne went to Europe but soon returned, lie was included inj the general amnesty act of December 2.")th. looo, ana nas since mat time resiueus ruietly at his home, which of recent yearsl lias been at Beaurvoir, Mississippi. Mr. Davis' life has been a remarkably .'..I . TT . . . p y evemiui one. lie was a man oi urms of indoluilablo willj of uniui-,'' neachablo couraL'o and of a force of mindiSL .... . . bslieUl, ftUltOI. .:es. Withal he was a pure Christian; and this was one of the most consnicuou? ' fLU d t T, neffs , ,md abamloncJ Iinci) imtl wa! 1 1 TT 1! 1 i l: .l 1.1 (iiiouu. lie uiu uoi realize uuu wuuiu iiui n acknowledge that all was lost, and when ' Fsbieeuin''. exhausted and neioiess, j.cesz ... . .i ..ii i r,.ui,ia,8 0f an army sadly ,lu ir lim, (if )i;ir(,h )r tw ,..l(al took i neio f AllH)I11.ltt0Xi t(VCD then he did Udtf abandon all hope. His first plan was ti . XT t , ... niiii n new inn in iMmn urn inn wit i mother army and make a stand beyond??! M.fl the Mississippi his capture. This was frustrated by Mr. Davis was the light man in thef ri'dit nlace as the head of the iufant aodsi J ,. (, .. , He counted the' rc n ' , ,.,,.,, ,.. lin(1,.. ' uf yJCrawford. Confederated " - I-i- 7 : , , , ,.;, , , , 1,1,.t!1i ,..' , iv.coii (i lave sueeecueu in ins uai e. iiu , , . . . , r ' ils i10 diJ i;,r j'uur lu,peless years. He . . ,. A mau who lias practiced medicine toigS u-a.n ..,i,t ,i r mm mimir fia j wlat iu?savs: Toledo, 0., Jan. 10, 1 Sb . K y j Ch(l,lt,y & Co. Gentle i iaV(J been in the general prac-i experience have never seen a preparations I n iuf. oi.-rrl manuf'actim-d by vou. Have pre Jfect is wonderful, and would say iu cm . . . , , . -. i i ;(' , -13 Summit str,iet atarr), uro. Taken internally. F.J. CHENEY Props, Toledo, U. deC l ' " nrwi a w a little ahead of us. In i , , iu s. Venera Jiwhy none of our law suits art s.) vim ra . bt,caus0 we are young in the busi lUI tir ltiorliou nrn T 1 1 , , dot hll r(lVll.i ,. ,ost valuable preventive of ma- ..:.. ....d efficacious remedy in the treat nro-Hincnt (tf Qialarial discuses. ' , re-ft",uV ,.,... ' l ,,J IVRnllV pilSltlOO 01 Uiai mini u n.."-v-- - . i ,v gvrup. Price only tweuty hve :t,,lts. Raihus pieutilul, APPOINTMENTS OK ritEACII ERS KOIl THE ENSl'INU YEAR 11 V THE N. C. CONFERENCE. Italrigli IJIstrict. W. S. Black, P. R Pialeigh, Kdeuton Street J II Crr don. Italeigh, Central Church L. L. Nash, " Brooklyn J. D Pegram. Cary circuit W S Davis. Uolesville circuit B C Allied, J Bobbitt. B Smithfieldfircuit P L Iloruian. " ' - tlayton circuit A 11 Haven W Bailey, .. Franklin circuit E L Pell Tar Iliver circuit Q V Fisher. Youngsville circuit C 0 Durant Louisburg station J B Hurley. Oxford station W F Cunniggiiii. Oxford circuit J II Hall. Henderson station F A Bishop. Buckhorn circuit Erskine Pope, W Avent, sup. Dunn circuit J W Puett. Newton Grove circuit J J Barker, llaleigh Christian Advocate F . , Durham District. J. T. Harris, P. E. Durham, Trinity church E A Yates. " Main street 11 F Buuipass. " Carr church L L Johnson. Durham circuit W 11 Puckett. Chapel Hill station W B North. Leasburg circuit G V Ivey. Mouut Tirzah circuit J E Under- wood. Burlington circuit D L Earnhardt. Alamance circuit J H Martin. Haw River circuit Y A Sbarpe. Pittsburg circuit N E Coltraine. Granville circuit J S Nelson. l'..;..rcU ,,e v-ti, r.,r,,i;n.. A w ' l..r,. ...... Pr,.f Confereuce Colportage J T Gattis. Circenslxiro District. S D Adams, P. E. , , . r -r Oreensboro, West Market St. l Greensboro, Centenary E L Stamey. Greensboro circuit G W Callahan. Pleasant Garden circuit M J Hunt Kernersville circuit T II Pegram. Winston, Centenary W C Norman Winston, Burkhead missiou Ira Er- Forsyth circuit .M C Field jaUDnm.rfit!lJ circuit J A Bowles, Parker Holmes. Madison circuit F L Townsend. llcidsville statiou J D Arnold Kuffin circuit K P Troy Yauceyville circuit L E Thompson. Milton circuit .1 II Shore. Mount Airy District. R M Hoyle. P E Mount Airy station J E Gay. " circuit H L Adkins Stokes circuit II F Wiley, S H II el sabeck. Dantiury circuit. J M Lowdcr. Dobson circuit W L Dawson Yadkinville circuit To be supplied by J F Butt. Klkin an 1 .Tonesvil'e II M Dowuuui Wilkes circuit E G Pusey, E J Eu daily, Sup. j Reddie's River mission To be sup plied by Leo Jordau. Stalest ilie District. W II Moore, P E Statesville station J C Rowe, James Wilson, Sup. Statesville circuit J C llartsell. Mooresville circuit F H Wood Iredell circuit J F England Newton circuit J M Lumly. Catawba circuit C M Gentry Alexander circuit Zcbedeo Rush. Hickory and Leuoir-R G Barrett. Ixnoir cireuit-J A Lee Connelly Springs circuit -C C Broth Morganton staon T P Bonner " . circu.'S f Douglass Table Rock, circuit R S Abevnothy Marion cireui A H Sumiij. Sliclliy District. J 11 Brooks, P E Shelby station-J T Finlayson. Shelby circuit S M Davis, T W S Parker. King's Mountain eircuit-S B Turren tinc. Ga-tutiia circuit D P Tate. Stanley creek circuit-M D Giles Mountain Island station-J W Clegg Hock Spring circuit-11 S Webb. Lincolnton circuit-M II Hoyle Cherryville circuit-M T Steele. Fall.-ton circuit II T Hudson Double Shoals circuit-A M Lowe. Henrietta circuit T J Rogers. Forest City circuit-J V Strider. Rutherford circuit-C G Little. Poik circuit-L. A Falls. Autiiiek circuit-To bo supplied by W W Womack. ChHi-lotiedistricu P J Carraway, P E Charlotte, Tryon street Solomon Pool. Charlotte, Church Street T L Trip lett. Charlotte circuit To be supplied by B F Fincher. Matthew circuit J T Bagwell Clear Creek circuit T S Elliugton. Pineville circuit W C Gannon Pleasant Grove circuit A E Wiley. Monroe station A P Tyer Monroe circuit J F Washburn Wadesboro station T A Boone. Wadesboro circuit R T N Stephen son. Ansonville circuit G W Hardison. Lilesville Zadok Paris. Rocky River circuit To bo supplied by W II Perry. Salislmry district. J J llenn, P. E. Salisbury station T W Guthrie Salisbury circuit-To be supplied by S D Franklin. Mocksville circuit W h Mission. Rowan circuit B A York. Rowan mission-To be supplied by A L Coburn Farinington circuit-P L Groome Concord station J II Page Forest Hill statinn-II M Blair Concord cireuit-T W Smith Mt Pleasant circuit-W S Hales All emarle circuit-L E Stacy Stanly circuit L M Brower Big Lick mission W B Honcycutt Mount Zion station M. A Smith Eiioehsville circuit R W Townsend. 'i'l'iuHy district. V T W Stanley, 1 E liamlollih circuit W. M. IJagley, I F Keerans, Sup. High l'oiut station V. II Davis Tliimiasville station W C Willson Zion ami Prospect eiivuil J II M Giles Lexington station M V Slierrill Davidson circuit M W ltoyles. Jackson Hill circuit K.I Poe. rlianie circuit (I 1! Perry Kandleman and Xa m.i station J li Sim l"'B. - c- i-,r.,iik!insville circuit J C Thomas Silo reircuit J E Woosley Deep Kiver circuit 1) C (ieililio ltiuidolph mission ,1 p Craven. Montgomery circuit II t. Stamey. Mount Uilcad circuit .lonatlian San- f.u.1. IVkin circuit W II Towiwiul Trinity College Jp llcitniao, Prof. Fayrttevtlle district. J T Gibbs, P E Hay sir-.-i t and C.impbe'.lton mission C W By id. EC Sell Cumberland circuit II Melt Jackson I.uniherton circuit J Ed Thomson Kolieson circuit S V Hoyle. Maxton and Caledonia J W Jones Maxtoii circuit J V Crowson. Lnuriuburg station W 11 Doub. St. John's station J T Lyon. Poekinghani station M L Wood. Pockinghnm circuit L A Futrcll. Pichmnml eircnitr-U H Broom. Manly circuit L M Challin. Carthage circuit J A Hornaday Smyrna circuit L S Etheridge Jouesboro circuit J W North Capo Fear circuit WS Chatiiu Lilliiv'ton circuit I A White W ilmington district. S D Swindell, P E Wilmington, Grace Church W H Creasy Wilmington, Fill li Street U f! Peaman "Wilmington, Illaden Street II P. Ander son. Scott's ltill circuit J L Keen New Uiver mission If Cole Kenansville circuit W A Forbes Magnolia circuit A .1 Parker. Clinton circuit C P Jerome Sampson circuit J E Pristowe. Cokesliury circuit Philip Greening. Pladen circuit F 1! McCall Elizabeth circuit J I :awyer. Carver's Creek circuit T J Prowuing. AVhitevillo circuit C W Smith AVaecamnw circuit M A Perkins Southpoi t station J M Ashby P.runswick circuit To be supplied liy J W Guiganus. Piunsv, ick mission To be supplied byj M Marlow Kocky Point and Herrings To be sup plied by ,T P. Thompson. New Heme district. It A Willis, P E New Perne, Centenary J E Mann. " Hancock street T P Picaud Goldsboro, Straul P Ii Hall " St John M M McFarland. " circuit Milton D Ilix. Fremont circuit W W Pose Mt Olive circuit ,7 T Abernetliy. Kinston station W S Pone Snow Hill circuit J E Thompson La Grange oircuit M it Tuttle. Craven circuit J G Johnson. Jones circuit U 11 Gilliam Moichead station X M Watson. Peaufort station Geo F Smith Carteret circuit NT M Jurncy Pamlico circuit D A Watkins Straits circuit To be supplied by F S Becton. Core Sound mission To be supplied by Joseph Dixon. Warrenlon district. J. A. Cunninggim, P. E. Warrenton circuit J X Cole, 11 O Bur ton, Sup. Warren circuit B 15 Culbreth, T 1! Pecks, Sup. Piilgeway circuit J W Jenkins. Littleton circuit L J Holden Weldon circuit J B Carpenter Halifax circuit Z T Harrison Battleboro anil Whitakers G T Sim- mons Pocky Mount anil Toisnot J 0 Guthrie Xushvillc circuit X l l.'ichards'.in Wilson station D II Tuttle Wilson circuit A I) Bctts. Kenly circuit W F Galloway Littleton Female College ,1 M lihodes, President. Washington distric. G A Oglesby, P E Washington st 0 ion W U W. ue, W II Call, Sup. Tarboro station F M Sh.imluirge r. Temperance Hall unit Mel-Ceiidree circuit To be supplied by S T Mole, Bethel circuit 1) I! l'.ruton one to be supplied. Williamslon eircuil J G Xclson Greenville statiou K B.Iohu. Janiesville X II Guyton Greensville circuit li C Glenn. Yanceboro circuit li F Taylor Aurora circuit J A Green. Bath circuit To be supoiirid by J Y IV grutn. Plymouth station C Y Pobinsou Columbia circuit It P. Holder Matlamuskeet C F Slierrill Fairfield station li L Warliek Ociacoke aud Hattcras cirouit To be supplied by G D Pahgslon. Kciinekett circuit l'anii-1 Pcid. Ti:ANsn:!:i:nt. Ii M Taylor, C P Sti"w Wm. Lowe to St Louis Coiu'eieiiee, D M Litaker lo South West Mis . Conference, M II Moore to Denver Conference and station ed at Pueblo. Alpheus McCullen to Mo. Conference and stationed at Park church Hannibal, Win F Collie to Paeilie Conference and stationed at Kinsluiry and Sangor, 7. J Xeedham, to Pacific Con feri iice and stationed at Le- Mooro and Huron. W E Eilinuiidson, Pacific Conference, stationed at. Hchlshurg. Thomas W ManslieM, I.os Angeles Con fcrenee and appointed to Gila Piver circuit, J M Price, Columbia Conlercuee, andap pointed to Lebanon ciicuit H M cure, transferred to St. Louis Con fereuce. The proprietors of B. li. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) are anions! the foremost business nn-n of Atlanta, Ga. They ure men of conscience, nn n of iutegriiy. end nieii of wealth. Every testimonial found printed in our paper tb'-v guarantee to be true aud genuine. uov 11-lmo. STEEL AND EHONCO. LARGE llE.SHE.MEIt WORKS TO HE TAIII.ISHEI) AT (IREENSItOHO. ES- Tho Mi in i' fact 'lire rx' llecuril announces the organization at Salisbury, N. C, of a North Carolina Steel and Iron Company with a capital stock of 81,llO(i,0ii0 to build a besseiner iron furnace ol' lot) tons daily at Greensboro, N. C, to be follow ed by the first besseiner steel rail mill in the South, rolling mill, etc. The incor porators ot the company arc: Geo. S. Scott, of New York, President of the 1!. ct D. Railroad; Julius A. (5 ray, Presi dent of the C. V.k Y. V. railroad; A. B. Andrews, of the R. & D. railroad; James B. Pace. President of the Planter's Na tional Bank, Richmond; B. B. Oslen, Attorney for the Canadian Government, Toronto; Theo. F. Flutz, President of the Yadkin railroad, Salisbury, N. C ; Sam uel II. Wiley, President of the Davis & Wiley Bank, Salisbury, N. C. The com pany has secured the famous ''Ore Hill" and other iron ore lands near Greensboro and other magnetic iron ore lands in Western North Carolina, and about 2,000 acres of land in and around the city of Greensboro, which is to be laid off in streets, building lots, manufacturing sites, and parks. The Confederate govern ment appropriated several millions of dollars towards making these iron ores available for war purposes and work on them was only stopped by the close of the war. This is the first tesseaier steel and iron enterprise organized south of Maryland. CH ATKAI73 COAL. IT IS A 11 I'M) A XT AND CAN CIIEAl'I.V. HE 31 IN EH Mr. Henszey, of the Chatham coal mines gives good news of them. He says work is now going ou in the izj foot level. It will be sunk yet deeper. The company is not yet iu shape to ship coal, but in two months will put it upon the market. Two car-loads have been sent to Greensboro to be tested in the as-woiks. lears ago tins coal was test- and pronounced equal to Westmoreland, Pa , coal, which is the finest for gas. The two coais are very similar in appear-- nice also. Mr. ILnszey is aware that there will be a b'v' home market fur this coal. W iiiiiiugton wid use a great deal of it and so will Raieigb and other places. t burns well iu grates, he says. He considers it a success as to both quality iiui iuan'iiy. it wilt in' cliireu ciicain r (had anv other coal. It has the advan- age of bciug fivm fill to L'ol) miles nearer , . , i rt.i our lieoiiie than ot her coal. J hat means rout deal The mines are on the C. & Y. Y. R. R. The Seaboard road will uo doubt build a branch to the mines. If these roads do not uive good trans it nation rates another liue wiil be built. The mine is opened 1,100 feet on the .") foot level That is, one can walk I..,,.. 1 1l,lll'... I .,.! .1 ,nll,l i,.,i ,,(' coil I mil iii-iaii.e. i :ier.! is aiourauu a i.i i- . 'iv . r i . ha'f f 1. 1 seam of con', t lien au eighteen inch M iim of black ban 1 inn ore, then a wi iity iiiih seam of coal. The iron ore i i - i , is ol er at aiin , "ml IstaKen cut reacil- y, nll.'iding perfect I'.uUiii-s for working . i IOC I Oil . Mi. lli m.oy says not lisstl nn 0(1,000 tolis have beili tak. li lloin the mine and used. The engine can lift a car with three ipiai'ti r tons of coal to top of I he mine und dump it, every minute. That means for y tons an hour. I be Seaboard engines wol soon he coal burners They sre so anan-jid that bey van i e ven ijuiel.ly converted. Tin y will use ibis coal. Some tesis ol it hec been made and Prisident John M. Rob inson is pi ased with the result. Tin ( are 1-0 acres of coal binds owned by Mr. lleiiszey s company. Cataiih is a common disease, so com mon that snuffing and ''hawking" reach you at every turn. Your foot slips in its nasty discharge; in the omnibus or in church, and iis stinch disgusts at the lecture or c neert. The proprietors of Dr. Sage's Cntarth Remedy i tier SJ00 reward for a lase cf ( 'atari h which il.iy cirm t .uve. R luuy sold by druggists, ik 50 cents. D - ' O lit ";rl'

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