VOL. XXI. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1890. NO. 32. 1 NATIONAL ALLIANCE. fclSOI.VKTO BOYCOTT ANY AND AM, NEWSPAI'EUS. I A correspondent at Charlotte lias conio Into possession of a circular issued from he headquarters of tliu National Alliance t Washington, 1. C, Juno 215, 1800, instructing every sub-alliance to boycott iny paper opposing Alliance methods, '"tneuibers or offici i. Tho document is 'signed and approved by li. L. Polk, pres ident N. V.- A. and I. U U. W. Macune, Ichairmau executive committee; J. E jTillinan, member executive committee; lAloiiza Wardell, member of executive committee. The circular starts wit li saying : I Here J seems to be uumislakable e ilt'iice of an t ...... i i y organized light to uu maue on our wiuer by its enemies through such newspapers as cau bo bought or influenced. It is impossible for us to tell when a paper has been bought or influenced, because those things are generally done in secret. The only way, therefore, that we have of judg ing to which side a paper belongs is by its utterances. There are paid corres pondents who hatch up falsehoods on the officers and the works of our Order, and publish them in a number of small or obscure papers at the same lime; then all the papers that are in the ring copy the article and express their hypocrisy and malice by sighs of pretended light cous indignation. These lies are iuva riablv made from whole cloth, and have in no case yet reported, had a shadow of truth on which to rest. They have up to date been hurled at the chairman of our National Legislative Committee, ISroth-T Maeuue, principally, with occasional at tacks on our other officers, but we expect, as our Order develops strength, and shows that it is making an effective move in behalf of the producers, that all engaged in our behalf will be handled without stiut. For these reasons this address has been agreed upon. Then comes a series of preambles and resolutions, the main points of which are in these two: Resolved, That we earnestly recom mend aud urge the Brotherhood through out the country to note carefully and coustautly the attitude of the press to ward us, anl wheu any paper by vicious und malicious misrepresentation of any officer, of whatever rank, from tho low est to the highest in our Order, or any member of the fame, or by unfair Anethods against our Order shall seek to impair our strength or unity, that any and all such papers shall no longer receive in any mauner theeountenance or support of members of our Order. Resolved, further, That when any ho ly of our Oidtr shall decide to with draw or withhold its support from any such paper, it should, by propel methods, notify any and all advertisers who seek their patronage through tho advertising columns of said paper that they will withdraw and withhold their patronage from all h ich advertisers. SOLDIER'S HOME. Raleigh, N. C, Oct 23, 181)0. This is to give notice that the Soldiers Home is now otien for the reception of needy Confederate veterans. Ouly limited number, bo fever, em as yit ba acc otn in dated: but appli atior.s for admission will be received and considered. All applications should be addressed to WT. C. Sthonach, Secretary, Raleigh, N. C. Persons liaviug money for the use of 'he Home will phase tend it forward now. W. C Stronach, Secretary and Treasurer. If Vuur Home is on Fire You put water on the burning timber?, not oa the smoke. And if you have ca tarrh you should attack the disease ill the blood, not in your nose. Remove tho impure eiusc, and the local eff-ct s'ib-ides To do this; take Hood's Saisaparill i, the j:reat blood purifi r, vihieh radically and permanent cr..i caiar.h li also Hre-'giheLS the nerves. Be sure to get only Hood's Sarsajarilla. RAILROAD PROJECT. Til K TERMINAI.TO HKCl'UK A LINK KKOM MMU'OI.K TO THE WEST. A special from Winston, X. C, of the 22ud inst., says : It was stated on the best authority to day that the Richmond Terminal Rail road Company will secure a through trunk lino from Norfolk via Raleigh and Bristol to Cincinnati. Monday Colonel A. B. Andrews, second vice-president of the Bichtuoiid and Danville Company, attended by Superintendent R. R Brid get and Majors Wiley and Hinshaw, prominent stockholders, weut up tho Wilkesboro branch of the road to inspect. All returned to-day save Vice President Andrews, who weut by private convey ance through the country to Bristol, Tennessee, to select the route over which to run a road between the two points. Parties who returned inform your cor respondent that it means a through trunk lino from Norfolk" to Cincinnati. The line will start from Norfolk over a road already built to Tarboro, and be extended to Sta ihope, Nash county. From thcro it will go to Raleigh, where it connects with the regular Richmond and Danville line to Wilkesboro. From Wilkesboro n roau is in course of construction to Bristol, Tennessee, where it will connect with the South Atlantic and Ohio road, which is being pushed forward to Cincin nati. The Richmond Terminal jointly owns the load already built from Norfolk to Stanhope, Nash county, with the At lantic Coast Line. From tho latter place the Richmond and Danville Company will huilil thirty miles to Kaloigh, to con nect with their line to Wilkesboro. The latter place and Bristol being connected, they will only need eonnec'ion between Bristol and Cincinnati, and will get that by the extension of the South Atlantic? and Ohio road, which is owned by the Richmond Terminal officials. I am in formed by the same authority that the extensions will be made immediately. This will put the Pocahontas coalfields ovii fifty miles and Raleigh forty miles nearer Norfolk, and will bring the famous Cranberry iron mines in proximity with the world, and be a through liuo from the finest Atlantic sea-port to the West. All this comes from the officers of the road, and cau be relied upon. LECAL TECHNICALITIES. The Supreme court has held that un der the acts of 1887 and the other acts of previous decisions abolishing techni calities in indictments that the following is a sufficient indictment for murder: "The jurors for the State upon their oaths present that A. B. in the county of E, did feloniously and with malice afore thought kill and murder C. D." And that the following is a sufficient indictment for manslaughter: The iurors for 'the State upon their oaths present that A. B., in the county of E, did feloniously kill aud slay C. D. The above contains all the averments that ever have, at any time, been necessa ry to bo proven, and the act has simply stricken off the superfluous allegations which it has never been necessary to bo nroven. The above forms are substan tially the same as those which have been used in England for the lat thirty-live years under a similar act. State Lliron ivlv. Are you miserable by Indigestion, Cons'ipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Ycllw !-kiu? Shiloh's Vitalizer is a positive cure. For sale by W. M. Co hen. Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy a positive cure for Catairh, Diphtheria and Canker Mouth. For sale at W. M. Cohen's drugstore. The Rev. Geo. II. Thayer, of Bour hon, Ind., says: "Both myself and wife owe our lives to bhiloh s Consumption Cure. For sale at W. M. Cohen's drug store. "Hackmetack," a lasting and fraprant perfume. Price 25 and 50cts. For sale by W. M. Cohen. Shil 'h's Cure will immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. For sale bv W. M. Colun. RAILROAD MATTERS. THE SCOTLAND NECK DEMOCRAT Sl'EAKH l'LAINU' BLTTULLY. The railroad authorities of tho Wil mington and Weldon railroad nro respon sible for several very great wrongs that the public is compelled to suffer. In the tirst place, they ought to put on some better car.) for the passenger train. We felt ashamed of the road re cently when we heard a lady remark that she was in a smoking car. The passen ger cars are not commensurate iu respec tability with the travel that daily patron izes them. The people of Eastern Caro lina are as good and respectable people as there are in the State, and they pay the same fare that is paid on other loads and are entitled to as good accommoda tions as other people. In tho second place, the passenger trains are all the time behind. From one to two hours behind the printed schedule is the running schedule. There was a whisper a few days ago that some parties were ready to sue the company if proper connection was not made at Wel don. Persons go to the depot at Scot laud Neck at 9;20 a. ui., tho advertised schedule, and sit there waiting for the train until nearly 12 o'clock, frequently. Now, this is simply an outrage. It is not in keeping with the usual courtesies of one gentleman towards another. A man's time is his money in this country and no man has any right to make anoth- cr wan tor nun u it can possioiy do avoided. All this delay is caused by the issenger train haviug to handle freights A passenger train on a railroad line nearly 100 miles long has no right to bo fooling with freight cars. When men get on a freight car to ride they tako the chances for butter or for worse; but when they get on a regular passenger train, they always calculate for a straight ride according to schedule. The authorities ought to have more self-respect than to have every man and woman that travels over the line continually grumbling about slow schedules. And then freights are handled too care essly. If things are smashed up much onger as they have been of late the road will be the loser. The train hands have so much work to do that they can not do it well. Another daily freight train would cure the whole thin":. SECOND CENSUS DISTRICT- Pop. Pop. In- Counties. 1890. 1880. crease. Chatham, 25,401 23,453 1,948 Durham. 17,905 17,905 Edgecombe, 25,249 20,181 932 Franklin, 21,033 20,829 204 Halifax, 29,011 30,300 089 Johnston, 27.104 23,461 3,703 Nash, " 20,C71 17,731 2,940 Northampton, 21,322 20,232 1,290 Orange, 14,912 23,698 8,7S5 Vance, 17,563 17,563 Wako, ' '48,124 40,939 1,105 Warren, 19,308 22,619 3,311 Wayne, 26,022 24,051 1,071 Wilson, 18,016 10,004 2,552 Decrease. lotai population tor tnc district is 333,992. In 1830 it was 297,258; in crease, 36,734, or 12.36 per cent. The loss in Orange county and increase of Durham and Vance counties result from the forminr. of Durham out of Orange and of Vance out of Granville. Uolusboro s population in i8U was 2,286 and in 1890 8,325. The per cent of increase is 21.62. For Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint you havo a printed guarantee on every bottle ot bhiloli s italizer. It never fails to euro. For sale by W. M. Cohen druggist. Why will you cough when Shiloh'i Cure will give immediate relief. Pri 10c. 50o. and $1. For sale by W M Cohen. A Nasal Injector free with each bottle of Sliiloh's Ci.t rth Remedy. Price 50 I ecu. a tut a.ie at W . M. Cohen s drug- 1 store WHERE ASSASSINATION THRIVES- AIT-ACBIN NORTH CAROLINA AVIIERE EKJUT MYSTERIOUS MURDERS HAVE BEEN COMMITTED WITHIN A 1'EW .MONTH. At u point three miles smith of Rcids ville, N. C, known as Mizpah switch, eight murders have been committed in the last few months and all of the efforts to capture the murderers have proved futjle. A few weeks ago, says a Char lotte dispatch, detectives from Richmond were sent to the neighborhood, and after three weeks' laborious wo.k they return ed completely baffled, aud even while they were in the vicinity two men fell victims to the assassins. liecently 1'eter Wiener was going home on the railroad track, accompanied by his son. i Wheu they reached the switch two masked men, armed with pis tols and knives, came out of the woods on the left of the railroad. They accost ed Mr. Witcher and his son and asked if they had tiny money. They both replied that they had none. The old man was knocked down with a club. The boy escaped aud r.an to his home, which was a mile and a half away, and told his brothers what had happened to their father. Thev armed themselves and went to the place where the two men were last seen. On the railroad lay tl o mangled body of their father. While the son was gone to give the alarm freight train parsed over the body, but not until after the throat had been cut iu several places. Soon afterward Sydney Lee's body was found near the track. Jonathan Rob- bins, Jim Scales, Joe Turner, Sam Hous ton and llufus Martin havo till bhared the same fate, and yesterday and un known man's body was found near thi switch. The negroes say that they can not live in the neighborhood, as tho place is infested with demons. Pinkerton men have been to the place, and the Rich mond and Danville authorities have sent expert men to the viciuity, but their work has proven futile. A short while ago the switch at this place was turned, and a freight train was completely wrecked, one man being kil ed and several wounded. This brought up ire detectives, but they left without solving the mystery. FOUR GREAT ALLIANCE PRINCIPLES To judge the Alliance movement cor rectly, and to form a just estimate ot the influence it may be able to exert through out the country, we should consider the four great principles which form the foundation upon which it has erected its political edifice. To state them briefly, iu their fiual analysis they are: tirst: ihe overthrow ot sectiona ism. Second: A reduction of taxation to the needs of governuient economically administered. I turd: State and interstate control and regulation of railroads. Fourth: A sound, stable and flexible currency, based upon the great stap! crops and issued by the government in aceordauco with the laws of supply and demand. The mere statement of these princi ples shows that they are in accord with sound Democratic views; that they are the prineiples advocated by a great ma jority of the people of the South and they arc broad enough for the people of eve'y section to unite upon. Remarkable Rescue. Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plainfield, 111., makes the statement that she caught cold, which settled on her luugs; she was treated for a month by her family physi cian, but grew worse. Ho told her she was a hopeless victim of consumption and tha no medicine could cure her. Iler druggist suggested Dr. King's New Dis 11 i . i . . i i covevy; sue ouu.ht a tiouie and to her delight found herself benefited from first dose. She continued its use and after taking ten bottles, found herself sound and well, now does hur own housework and is as well as she ever was. Free trial bottles of this Great Discovery at W. M ' olieo .- ere, I ei.oo. nuiv, large bottles 50c. and NEW A DYE Isaac Levy, They have been leading Northern prices, and will be SMALL PROFIT. tation. PRICES TALK: that will question lew Fall Great Motors inmovinggoods if they are low enough. "Low and yet not merchant can continually deal in sacrifices and thrive. A sharp, close buying merchant so as to sell lower yet profit quite as PRICE INDUCEMENT. This is my stronghold. I have just received from the manu facturers a fine line of Ladies' Capes and jackets of the shapes such as seal Plush and As- trakan made in various styles, also Black and Blue Beaver Cloth made with vest fronts, trimmed with satin and also satin Lined WILL BE SOLI) AT LKSSTIIAX A LARGE ASSORT HI) STOCK OF DRY GOODS. Lady's, ,Ws stfOES. I also sell the Virginia shoe for Ladies. Each pair warranted." 1 50 a pair. If not satisfactory will give a new pair or the return of the money. I keep all the lime ou hand a fuil line of Men's boots and shoes of standard makes AT LIVING PRICES. A well assorted line of CLOTHING MY STOCK OF MKS'S, BOYS' and CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, and OVERCOATS is surpassed by none. All goods are warranted ns represented. Satisfaction guaranteed or no sale. PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. A full line of MEN'S ROYS' and YOUTH'S hats and caps, bought from first hands, and sold very cheap. A complete lino of Groceries on hand at all times. A good line of Harness and iioad Carts, direct from the manufacturers, and sold at small profits. -7I2Zi TV Mf XxOI Thanking my friends and customers tinuancc of ihe sum , L am, Truly sTISKMKNTS. ENFIELD, K C. & Winter Qoods, 1890. bought from the markets at low sold at a very No misrepresen - - There is no one that prices are A price may be a sacrifice. No can often purchase than others, and much. It is the latest styles and CITY PRICES. VCnH . Wt g$ - "r for their past patr nave and asking a con. Yours, ISAAC LEVY.