-r - it ..,.. ; j VOL. XXI. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 181)0. NO. 34. V J J ha. f V A . Ji VA ,.V. . r IE! if Y r III - AVMi'l.- PREMIUMS AWARDED. The Following Premiums Were Awarded at the Late Fair- J DEPARTMENT A. f Jas. Norwood, Ilillsboro, best wheat, 1 00, oats 1 00, rjd 1 00, barley 1 00, ' ' field peas 1 00, N. C. Clover seed 1 00, . blue grass seed 1 00, millet coed 1 00, or .' chard grass seed 100, Irish potatoes, ' 1 00. , i J. M. Butts, Weldon, best bale cotton, 5 00. DEPAUTM ENT II. . 1 T. L. Kuiry, weldon, thoroughbred Stallion 10 00, mare aud colt 5 00. II. J. Pope, weldon, 2nd best mare ; and colt 4 00, 2 year old thoroughbred - 4 00. , J. S. II arriss, Joysville, Va , stallion not thoroughbred 6 00. ' - whit Johnston, Littleton, carriage ' horses 5 00. Jas. Norwood, llillsboro, marc and colt not thoroughbred 5 00, 2 year old not thoroughbred 2 00, one year old ') 00. DEPARTMENT C. W. T. Stephensou, Seaboard, Ilolstein ' bull 5 00. i C. It. Jlcs, native bull 5 00. Dr. P. J. Macon, warrcnton, Berk shire boar 5 00, largest fot hog 5 00, lot pigs 5 00. State farm, weldon, Poland china boar 5 00, largest exhibit sheep '$ 00. T. L. Kuiry, wynandotte chickens 1 00, Leghorn chickens 1 00, white turkeys 1 00. John Pierce, Plymouth rock chickens 1 00. W. II. Holdford, Brahma Pootra eliick- ' . ens 1 00. Jri' J. w. Johnston, game chickens 1 00. Mrs J. T. Evans, Aylesbury ducks ' 1 00. ' T. A. Cooper, Pckin ducks 1 00, Tou i louse geese 1 00. ; ' ' B. F. Gary, Muscova ducks 1 00. '.), Jas. Norwood, longwool buck u 00, ; longwool ewe 1 00, pen, buck, ewe and lamb 3 00, Middlewool buck 3 00, Mid . . dlewool ewe 1 00, pen buck, ewe and lamb 300, native buck 3 00, native ewe 100. DEPARTMENT I). Mrs. Amanda Ivey, corn bread, 50 . ceuts. Miss Kate Long, flour bread 1 00. '.' V Mrs. P. N. Stainbaek, rolls 1 00, 2nd btst fruit cake 2 00, encoaout cake 2 00, silver cake 1 00, gold cake 1 00, ginger bread 1 00. . ; Mrs. T. L. Euiry, biscuit 1 00. " Miss Lucy Capehart, Kittrell, sponge "'cake 1 00, baby cap 1 00, lace dress 1 00. f Mrs. Bettie Long, fruit cake 4 00. - i. Mrs. Ida wilkins, pound cake 3 00, v stuffed pepper 1 00, crackers 1 00, foot mat 1 00. Mrs. It. W. Brown chocolate cake 2 00, dried blackberries 100, dried huckle berries 100, dried gooseberries 100, dried raspberries 1 00, diied strawberries . 1 00, dried peaches 1 00, dried pears 1 00, dried figs 1 00, dried upples 1 00, dried grapes 1 00, dried cherries 1 00, largest display in this class .r 00, butter " 00, beeswax 1 00, ham 1 00, lard 1 00, ' strained honey 1 00, jelly 1 00, preserves 1 00, canned fruits 1 00, vegetables 1 00 ' pickles 1 00. catsup 1 00, largest variety . 5 00. f Mrs. J.T. Evans soap 2 00, toilet soap I 2 00, tallow 1 00, cotton quilt 2 00, cal- icoi dress 5 00, embroidered baby's cloak 2 50, sun bonnet 1 00, gentleman's draw ers 1 00. Mrs J. L. Williams apple vinegar 1 00, blanket 3 00. Mis w. II. Pay, crdial 1 00. Miss Belle Coker, Oarysburg, crocheted counterpane 3 00. Miss Mollie Harrison, Petersburg, silk quilt 3 00. Trinity church society, Scotland Neck V worsted quilt 2 00, crocheted table mats 2 00, ecclesiastical embroidery 2 00, ap plique embroidery 1 00, afghan 5 00, 2nd best afghan 2 50 Mts. J. B. Lee, cotton hose 2 00, child's dress 2 00, toilet bottles and piu cushion 2 00, darned net 1 00. Mrs. 11. ( Freeman, Goldsboro, gen tleman's shirt 2 00, tidy 2 00, variety crocheted trimming 1 00. 2nd best silk embroidery satin stitch 2 00, 2nd best cotton embroidery satin stitch 1 00, feath er edge braid trimming 1 00, wristlets 1 00, pillow shams 1 00, crocheted gloves 1 00, lady's underwear 5 00, wisp broom holder 1 00, gentleman's shirt made by a lady 1 00. Mrs. R. B. Briekell, domestic carpet ing 3 00. Mrs. S.'J. Lee, 2nd best blanket 2 00. Mrs. W. L. Mellichampc, crazy quilt by child 2 00. Miss Blanche Allen, crocheted shawl 3 00. Misses M. A. and Janie Ward, ltaleigh, 2nd best crocheted shawl 2 00, tatting 1 00, kensington embroidery 3 00, hand bag 1 00, arrasene embroidery 2 00, gold embroidery 1 00, watch case 1 00, needle case 1 00. Miss Eannie w. Evans, Portsmouth, child's crocheted sacque 2 00, macrame tied 2 00. Miss Nettie Marshall, ltaleigh, child's crocheted hood 1 00, rug 2 00. Miss Nannie Stainbaek, toilet mats and pin cushion 2 00. Mrs. L. L. Marks, Petersburg, lamp mat 1 00. Mrs. C. W. Newcombe, ltaleigh, silk embroidery satin stitch 3 00. Mrs. Futchler, Goldsboro, cotton em broidery satin stitch 2 00, lace handker chief 2 00, table cover 2 00. Mrs. T. N. Hill, Halifax, outline em broidery 1 00. Mrs. II. J. Jordan, Margarettsville; 2nd best kensington embroidery 2 00. Mis. w. w. Faucctt, toilet slippers 1 00, chenile embroidery 1 00. Mrs. P. A. Lewis, most stylish hat 2 00, velvet bonnet 2 00, straw hat 2 00, eiinu s nut - tui, lauy s cap uu, nuin" hat 2 00. Miss Annie Rives, Norfulk, sofa pillow 2 00. Mrs. J. F. Englc, Elizabeth City, ot toman cover 2 00. Mrs. I). E. Stainbaek, braiding 1 00. Mi.s Laura Powers, plain darning 1 00, button hole 1 00, Irish crochet 1 00, apron 1 (HI. Mrs. w. J. Hill, williaiuston, afghan for infants carriage 2 00. Mrs. A. It. Zollicoffer, mantle lam brequin 2 00. Mrs. George L. Barnes, Littleton, cro cheted flowers 1 00, woven counterpane 2 00. Mrs. II. L. Harvey, crocheted lady's hood 1 00. Jrs. J. W.' Sledge, tobacco pouch 1 00 JViss Capehart, ltaleigh, child's cro cheted dress 2 00. Mrs. Crenshaw, knit half hose, 50c. The committee recommend a special premium on Roman embroidery Jiss Annie Rives, Norfolk 1 00, and embroid ered handkerchief Jiss Tempe Hamilton, Baltimore 1 00. DEPARTMENT E. Mrs. J. B. Lee, growing flowers 3 00, bouquet 1 00. Mrs. A. It. ZollieolTor, variegated plants 2 00, desigu 1 00, wax flowers 2 00, 2nd best growing flowers 2 00. Miss Annie Stainbaek, dried grasses, l.oo. J7iss Annie Pierce, basket of flowers, 1 00. Jrs. w. W. Faucctt, vase of flowers, 1 00. Jiss Nannie Stainbaek, shell work 2 00, moss design 2 00, paper floweii 2 00, s. ed work 1 00, leather work 1 00. Jrs. G. P. Philips, fish scale work 1 00. Trinity church Sewing Society, Scot- laud Neck, oil painting 5 00; hammered brass, 1 00. Jiss Laura Powers, 2nd best oil paint ing 2 00. J7rs. J. A. Jahood, Lynchburg, pas tel painting 2 00, painting on china 2 00 mineral painting 2 00. Mrs. J. F. Engle, Elizabeth City, painting oh silk 2 00, crayon drawing 3 00. Jiss Net tin O'cke, Scotland Neck, water colur painting 2 00, fau'-y penman ship 2 00. irr ..i.- t .... . . . o i.... I Mia iaie Juong, ciciing on, iiisiie painting 1 00. Jrs. J. II. Rives, Norfolk, pencil draw ing 2 00. Jisses M. A. and Janie ward, Raleigh hand painted panel in oil 1 00, in water colors 1 00. Jiss Baker, hand painted screen 3 00. Jrs. W. It. Smith, hand painted ban ner 1 00. Jiss Florence Engle, Elizabeth City, kensington painting 1 00. Jiss Lula Rives, Norfolk, placque in oil 2 00. DEPARTMENT V. W. II. Rand, Harrow, silver medal. Hampton M T'g Co., cotton plow, 1 00, cast mould board plow 2-horso 2 00, one horse 1 00, corn shellcr 2 00, straw cut ter 2 00. Special premium awarded to M. C. Heptinstall, Enfield, for fly fan, truss, water shelf, spring trap; also to Sam Clan ton for hand made chairs. DEPARTMENT It. Jrs. J. L. Williams, grapes 1 00, table beets 1 00, parsnips 1 00. Jrs. R. w. Brown, carrots 1 00, onions 1 00, tomatoes 1 00, turnips 1 00, lettuce 1 00, hops 50c , cucumbers 50c, radishes 50c, garden seed 5 00. James Norwood, Hillsboro, potatoes 1 00, 2nd best 1 00. Mrs. Edward Clark, Halifax, egg plants 1 00. Miss Jennie Moreeoek, lima beans 1 00. B. F. Gary, double parsley, 1 00. J. M. Grizzard, Halifax, squash 1 00, pepper 50e. J. G. Arrington, Rocky Mount, pump kins 1 00. Jonas Pierce, guards 1 00. James Owens, watermelon 1 00. Mrs. P.N. Stainbaek, oyster plant 50e. J. II. Wood, apple brandy 2 00, grape brandy 1 00, variety native wines 5 00. THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION. Washington, Nov. 8. The Presi leut this afternoon issued the following Thanksgiving proclamation : By the grace and favor of Almighty God, the people of this nation have been led to the closing days of the passing year which have been full of the blessings of peace and the comforts of plenty. Bountiful compensation has como to us for the work of our minds and of our hands iu every department of human in dustry. Now, therefore, I, Benjamin Harrison, President of the United States of Amer ica, do hereby appoint Thursday, the 27th day of the present month of No vember, to be observed as a day of Prayer aud Thanksgiving; and I do iuvite the people, upon that day to cease from their labors, to meet in their accustomed houses of worship and to join in rendering grati tude aud praise to our Beneficent Creator for the rich blessings He has granted to us as a nation, and invoking the contin uance of His protection and grace for the future. I commend to my fellow citizens the privilege of remembering the poor, the homeles and the sorrowful. Let us endeavor to merit the promised recompense of charity and the gracious accp'HiicH of our praise. Iu testimony whereof, I have hcrouti to set my baud and caused the seal of lie I'niied Stales to be ulhxed. Done at the City of Washington this eighth day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety, and of the Independence of the United States, the one bundled and fifteenth. Benjamin Harrison. By the President: James G. Blaine, Secretary of State. For Malaria, Liver Trou ble, or Indigestion,usc BROWN'S IRON BITTERS The Rev. Geo. II. Thayer, of Bour bon, Ind., says: "Both my-'f and wi!' owe nur livos tn Sl i'h's Consumption Cure. Fui saio at W. M. Colon's drugstore. RIGHT SORT. The first thing she noticed as he en tered the parlor was the unusual pallor of his face, and she axiously asked : "Arc you ill?'' "No." "Heard any bad news?" "No." "Been frightened?" "No." "Then what is it ?" "Nnothing." "Ah ! Ileury, but you cannot deceive me! Love's eyes are sharp. You arc anxious and worried, but you need not be. I have expected it." 'W-what?" "That the McKinley bill would knock our wedding into the middle of next week." "And you !" "I'll wait fur you one thousand years for all time until old Bill McKinley has turned to dust, aud his dust been absorbed by the pig-weeds of Ameiica." Detroit Free. Pi is. HURRAH FOR VANCE. Hurrah for A'ance ! we now shall hear From mountains to seaboard ; To all good men he is most dear And should not be ignored. The Tar Heels east to him will stick As long as there is tar; They saw him go through thin and thick When he was iu the war. The mountaineers will firmly stand To him, their good old knight, Who were with him in battle land Aud saw he was all right. Stand up, Vance, and show your head, And that will surely do, For you will always take the lead Wherever you will go. You need not mind Republicans, What they will say of thee, For they did speak as mean of girls That they did not go to see. The girls did hear some slanders that They did not like a bit, And toll the chaps to got their hat And take the road and quit. Yes, they did say, "clear out for home, And that at double quick, And il again you here will come You will get old papa's stick." Stand up, great Vance, for you are blest, And that will surely do, For you will always get the best Wherever you will go. Three times you were our Governor, Then to the senate went, Where you did stand Excelsior In every good intent. Back you will go to Washington And fill your honored seat, And wheu your statesman work is done You still will be more great. When you are tired then come home And wear a hat of silk, And you can dwell at your Gombroon And drink good buttermilk. S. L. J), in Statesville Landmark. Many Persons bh bmken down from orerwork or ImuntlioiJ cares. Brown's Iron ltittors itrimiwis the yatem, aids digestion, removes excess ol bile, and curea miliaria, det the. Keuuiuu. Are you miserable by Indigestion, Cons ipalion, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Yellow - kin? Shiloh's Viralizer is a positive cure. Fur sale by W. M. Co hen. Shiioh's Catarrh Remedy a positive cure for Catanh, Diphtheria and Canker Mouth. For sale at V. M. Cohen's drugstore. "Hackmetack," a lasting and fragrant perfume. Price 25 and fillets. For sale by W. M. Cohen. Shiloh's Cure will immediately relieve Croup, W' hooping Cough and Bronchitis. I'ursale by W . M. Cohen. For Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint you have a primed guarantee on every bottle ot Mulohs Ualizer. It neve ImUim o;w. i'.r eulo by W. M. Cohen i druggist. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ESTABLISHED 1868. ISAAC ENFIELD, jN7. C. low Fall I I have never sold as many goods as I am selling this year, especially clothing. The Tariff don't they all say, goods are higher. I bought most of my goods in July and August, to be delivered as I want them. Am selling them at the old prices. I have just received an invoice of missfit clothing from one of the best merchant tailors in Boston, all fine goods and well made and trimmed. Thus when they will fit, they can be bought very cheap. I am always a IN PRICES and finest and most attractive. I have a few left of those black Chevott suits in frock or sack, at 1 0. Have just received an assortment of FURNITURE A LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF DRY GOODS. Ljdy'$, fthfls I also sell the Virginia shoe for la dies. Each pair warranted. 1.50 a pair. If not satisfactory will give a new pair or return the money. I KEEP all the of MEN'S BOOTS and SEOES of STANDARD MAKES jT LivifJq prices. A well assorted stock of NOTIONS. CLOTHING. HI fiTIIB&in CLOTHIPJC. liLuimiiu. CLOTHING. MY STOCK OF MEN'S, BOYS and CHILDREN'S CLOTHING and OVK11COATS, is surpassed by mine. All goods are warranted as represented. Satisfaction guaranteed or no sale. PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST A full line of MEN'S, HOYS' and YOUTH'S hats and caps, bought from first hands, and sold very cheap. A complete line of groceries on hand :it all times. A good line of Ilarne-s and Boad Cans, direct from the manufacturers, and sold at small pl'olits. mr'-A IX PAY MIGHT'S''' MARKET --PKICI; Tli'iii!in! n y fri'di and nwi m i tiiiii.iuce oi .a cu.ue, I urn, -1868. LEVY, Winter Goods, 1 affect my prices as LITTLE LOWER my goods are the and TRUNKS. MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S OlUfcS. TIME a full LINE clothing. Toli, COTTON . i'i -r tb ir past patr'eeie ,mJ ns'dni: a i on Tuilv Yo"vs, ' ISAAC LEVY.