WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY J9, 1891. NO. 46. VOL. XXI. RALEIGH LETTER ECISIATIYE l'ROCKKDIXG.S AND OTilKU MATTERS OV GENERAL INTEREST. Tbc bill appropriating three thousand dollars annually toward the support of the Soldiers' Home in this place has be come a law. Several eloquent speeches Wlre made in its favor. "Bryan of Wilkis" .-poke in favor of its passage. He is a native North Carolinian hut sai l he fought iu the Federal Army because he was opposed to secession, but he was in favor of doing all that could be done for the old soldiers who had no homes and no one to care for them. There was not a vote against the hill in the House. It does not, as some suppose, require any old soldier to give up his home, it is only intended to furnish a hose for tho-e who have none and who are dependent upou the cold charity of ,ihc world or upon those who are unable to oiler assistance. This appropriation Trill nut be near enough to support it, but it will be a great help and will inspir) coufidenee among the people. Among the corporators are Capt. W. II. Kitchin, Col. W. A. Johu ston, Major T. L. Kmry and Col. F. M. Parker, of Halifox county. A petition has been presented in the House from citizens of Littleton asking the establishment of sworn cotton weigh ers. This is the fourth or fifth applica tion of the same kind now before the Legislature, and it seems to be n popular movement in most places. A bill has been introduced in the House to provide for the issuing of bonds j by Northampton county to the amount of tin thousand dollars for the purpose il building a jail. Half of this amount is to he raid iii fifteen and half in twenty years. A biil is also before the House to extend the operation of the act pro viding for tax collectors iu the same county. The bill making it a misdemeanor to (solicit labor to e.0 out of the Slate, pun ishable by imprisonment in the penitcu tiary unless the agent has paid a license tax of one tin unnd dollars for each county in which he solicits has been rati fied and is now a la. v. Another law of genual interest is one nhith has been enacted requiring admin istrators and executors to p'cad the stat me of limitations against debts. Hereto l'ure it was optionable. An act has been parsed also allowing euardiaus to rent land of their wards privately whenever in their judgment it niay be to the interest of the wards ruder an net which has been ratified tlie Hoards of Commissioners of the sev eral counties mav. if they choose, pay pll holders and canvassers in elections for tlair service not exceeding one doi lar a day. The new county bill was introduced in the Senate last week by Mr. Rowers. It is substantially the same as that reported la these columns a week or two ago, ex cent that it has beeu changed so that if either the Warren or Northampton cut off shall vote against it the new coun ty .shall not be established. Senator . Bishop informs tne that the people iu that portion of Northampton which woul he included in the new county are op posed to it. The bill is now b-fr the committee on Propositions and Grievances which will no doubt report it unfavora bly as there is a strong feeling among members against new counties. The hill anthnrizinf? the town of Lit tleton to issim hunds for a hotel, manu facturing enterprise and a court house met with considerable opposition before the committee which had it in charge. Capt Leach addressed tho committee in favor of it, and letters to the same pur pose were received from other citizens. Messrs. T. W. Hawkins, J L Shaw, B. B. Pulleo and others appeared before the coimnitipn in nnnriMti m to it. and ftr a hearing the committee voted to report against the bill. The principle objections urged against it were that the toeoessary uotice had not beeu given; that the taxable Taluo of property iu the town was less than one hundred and twenty thousand dollars and that the amount of bonds was nearly one-fourth of the value of the property; that the sum which had to be raised annually to meet the interest and provide a sinking fund would be greater than the town couid pay, and that in submitting the question to a vote a voter with uo property at all would have as much weight as one with twenty thousand dollars worth of proper, ty. A bill has been prepared authorizing the town to issue bonds to the amount of six thousand dollars for the purpose of building a eourthons; and jail, but it will not be introduced unless the new county bill parses. The railroad commission bill came up in the House 'rotu the Senate a few days ago and was passed about twelve o clock Wednesday night. Mr. Piitchaid, He publican, offered a substitute which was advisory ouly, but it was voted down. Col. Sutton then offered as a substitute the bill which passed the House two years ago, and that also was voted down. The bill was then considered by sec tions and a number of amendments were offered but all of them were rejected ex' cept two or three of minor importance. An amendment was offered striking out the amendment of the Setiate making members of this General Assembly ineli gible but the House refused to do so, and the commissioners will have to be selec ted ontidi! of the Legislature. The bil will now go before the Senate for concur rence in the House amendments. There is a feeling here among the more conserv ative members that the bill is too strip- nt and may become unpopular. About this, like it is about all new legislation, there is a difference of opinion, and ex perience alone can show the wisdom or unwisdom of this particular measure. A great deal depends upon the men se- cted to carry out its pioviions. Who these will be no one knows at this writ ing, as there has been little or no canvas siii"ontlioiur;ot'ci:i li 1 iteorth iirfrien Is although before this r Niches your read- rathe men may be selcted and elected. ThoTrainin,' school hill was reported to both branches of the Legislature a few days ago by the conference committee. he amendments added to it by the louse which have been noted iu this correspondence, were substantially adop ted and the bill is now a law. The Board of Directors is to be composed of one from each congressional district, and to be elected by the legislature. The bill regulating the charges made by warehouses for selling tobacco has been reported adversely by the committee on agriculture, u first received a tavor able report, as I wrote you, but it was recommitted and there w.n a hot contest, resulting iu a defeat of the bill before the committee. This in all probability means also its defeat wheu it comes up iu the House. The candidates for railroad commis sioner are gathering at the Yarborough. Who the lucky ones will be it lakes a better prophet thau this writer to tell Judge Dilliurd, Lieu. lv. 15. ance, Mr. Beddingfield, Capt. 0. Coke, Mr. Me- Donald, of Cabarrus. Ex Governor Jar- yis. Capt. Kit hin and T. W. Mason are amonir those whose names are oltenest heard. The bill was to have beeu taken uo yesterday iu the Senate as special or der for notion on several amendments cut ou by the House. These will prob ably be adopted, and the next thing will be tha election of those who are to bo charged with the duty of executing the 111 VB A bill came before the House Mon day to prohibit tho sale of books, fruit and everything else except newspapers on Sunday trains. A substitute was ol- fere 1 prohibiting the running of trains 01 Suudays. Both the bill aud the substitute were sunt to tho cum mitiee. This measure should nut be come a law, in the opinion of your corres pondent. It would seem that this is too sweebiua. Mail trains and trains which uurrv through passengers should not be interfered with. wr is tbe authority of the Siatu to do very clear. A bill is pending now in the Senate prohibiting the ruuning of local passenger trains on Sunday and this ought to become a law. On branch roads and shoofly trains the crews are worked caily and late every day in the year, while on the through trains the crews have their regular lay off and one set does not have to run every Sunday. The charter of the town of Weldun has passed the Senate and is now a law. A bill is pending which will make a material change in the criminal law af fecting capital offences. It provides that all murder perpetrated bp poison, lying in wait, imprisonment, starving, torture, or by any another wilful, deliberate and premeditated killing; or which shall be committed in tha perpetration, or attempt to perpetrate any arson, rape, robbery or burglary, shall be deemed to be murder in the first degree and shall be punished with death. All other kinds of niuider shall be deemed murder in the second de gree and shall be punished with impris onment in the penitentiary frr not less than five nor more than thirty years. No alteration or modification of existing forms of indictment for murder is re quired, but the jury before whom the offender is tried, shall determine iu their verdict whether the crime is murder in the firs: or second degree; and if the ac cused plead guilty the degree of the crime shall still be ascertained by the jury. This is somewhat similar to the Virginia law. The change is recommended by the Attorney-General and is proposed to prevent crime and to prevent too light punishment for offenders. The city papers of Sunday in their re ports of the proceedings of the Legisla ture stated that Mr. Hall n" Halifax had presented petitions asking that the price of the public printing be reduced. This wa mistake. Mr. Hall has presented no such petitions for the simple reason that uone has been sent to him. It was Mr. Hill who presented the petitions. Mr. Hall's position on the public piinting question was taken conscientiously with all the lights before him, and he has thus far seen no reason to change his opinion. He may be mistaken but no one has yet convinced him of his error. Tho bill to incorporate the North Car olina Society for the prevention of cruelty to children aud animals has been tabled. A bill has pa-sed and is now a law chauging the uatues of county poorhouses to "Homes for the Aged and Infirm." The bill to pay solicitors salaries was made the special order in the House for twelve o'clock Thursday. It has already passol the Senate. Ihemain argument in its favor it that it will save tin coun ties much by decreasing the number id bills of costs It is now claimed that solicitors multiply cases for the sake ot the fees when very often one indictment would be sufficient. The fees woti.d be collected but would he turned over to the school fund. In this connection the report of the Attorney General relative to crime for the past eighteen months is interesting. In Second judicial district for that period the number of convictions was ns follows: Murder 10; arson l; burglary 8; forgery 8; larceny lCl; mis demeanors 022. The fees under tho bill referred to above would for these cases amount to 818U0, or about $12-1 I. Ac cording to these figures the solicitor of the Second district (Geo. II. White) would be benefited by being paid a salary uf?l,8Ut). In HalilaX eouuty the At toiney General's report shows the follow ing figures as to criminal actions : Whites bl: colored P K mules 150; females lti; convicted '6; acquitted 47; nul pros. (Jl); dismissed 7. Of these two were tor murder; ce for arson; one for forgery; tweuty five for larceny; 140 for misde meanors. The law under which this re port was made was enacted two years, ago and it ouly wcut into operation at those spring courts which had not been held at the time of its enactment and the statistics are therefore ouly for about eighteen months. The bill to reduce the rato of interest to six per ceut. is the special older in the Senate Wednesday at one o'clock and the railroad eouiuiission bill at twelve o'clock. In the House the bill to amend the constitution so that solicitors will be elec ted hy the State at large has been made the special order for Wednesday night. Messrs. T. N. Hill and W. II. Day, of Halifax, and T. W. Jaaon and R. H. Gay, of Northampton, were here in at tendance upon the Supreme court lunt week. Register of Deeds Fleetwood, of North ampton, was in the city a few days ago. Mr. M. L Wood, the efficient repre sentatives from Bertie, who has been home on sick leave some days, returned to his legislative duties Saturday. Capt. E. A. Thome, of Panacea Springs, is here in the interest of tho new county. Senator Bowers went up to Morgauton last week with the committee on Insane Asylums to examine the Asylum at that place. The calendar of the House has accu mulated to such an extent that it has re solved on night sessions, the first one be ing held Tuesday night. The Senate mauages to keep up with its woik. There are not so many talkers in the north end of the Capitol. JERUSALEM. RAILROAD TRAVEL IN TIIK HOLY LAND A FULFILLS! KNT OF ISI1SLICAL PROPII-KCY. AND HIS NAME IS JONES. AN INVENTOR WHO WILL DO AWAY WITH STEAM AND ELECTRICITY AND SOLVE THE PROBLEM OF PERPETUAL MOTION. OUR FUTURE. OUR PEOPLE ARE A OOOD AND ENER GETIC PEOPLE THE JUBILEE OUR Cllt EAT WATER POWER NOT HALF HAS EVER BEEN TOLD. Messrs Editors: While we are glad to see your paper take so much in terest in the building up of our town, and enjoyed your article on the "Eve of Pros perity." We think you are wrong in miming us llip Vau Winkle. Our people are a live, and struggling folk. There is an old saying, "Give a dog a bad name and you had might as well kill him." Now, away back, when the real estate owners of Weldon had no reason for wanting to part with the land on which our present town is building and when they had a plenty and did not c.tre to build up the town, and when our immense water power was kept a secret thing, Weldoti was given a bad name, a very bad uaiue. Then these people were poor, very poor, and since then they have bravely fought this bad name, by word aud act, they then had uo broad-viewed aud able paper to turn on the light, as your valuable paper is doiug, and reveal to the world the treasures that have so long been hidden from the public. Still these people with everything to contend with, have reached a point, that they are now able to say to the balance of human ity cine if you wish and we will welcome you; but our bad uauiehas been proven a misnomer; and our trear-ures arc such, that we can make a city set upou a hill. Our people are a good and energetic folk, many a community with half the diaw backs would have given up iu des pair long ago, not so with us, we have L.ught long aud hard the battle and we are going to win. There are fewer loafers and more work ers in our town than any town of its size we know of in the State. We a Tee with vou about the torch light and jubilee. Let all join, in and have a good one. We want not ouly every citizen, but our country friends to come in and join in the procession. You speak of the engineers statement, about ovr water power. They have not told much over half of our strength. II any oiie will take the trouble to come down the river in a boat or even walk along its banks for a few miles above here, it wou't need any engineer to tell i hem of what we can aud will do. Then add to these powers the fine farming lauds immediately around us. These lauds are classed amongst tho finest in the world. They can support a city like New York and still have a Burplus of runiluei; to shin to Other places. Our day is almost lure. Come all who wUh to j pin us in the onward stride. A Citizen. The locomotives for the Jaffa it Jeru salem railroad have reached Palestine. They bear the names of "Jerusalum," "Hamleh " and "Jaffa..' A Philadel phia company has the honor of supplying the motive power. The most interesting fact about the appearance of the iron horse in the Holy Land is that the Jew ish rabbis have already figured out a ful filhucnt of prophecy. In the book of Naham is found that which is now in- l tcrprcted as a revelation of the loeomo tive. Coansul Gillman, of Jerusalem, tells this in a recent report to the State department. He sends the passage. The words are significant. They are found in Naham ii, 3, 4, and arc as follows: "The chariots shall be with flaming torches in the day of his preparation They shall seem like torches; they shal run like the lightning. Mr. Gillman also reports there is quite in Jerusalem real estate on account of the building of this railroad. More vi.s tors arrived in the Holy City last year than any previous year, and Americans outnumbered any other nationality. "The Jews of all lands," says Consu Gillman, "continue to come to Palestine to reside in increasing numbers. Many of them are aged peisons, who immigrate with the sole object of dying in Jerusa lem, in accordance with their religious belief, so that they may be buried on the Mount of Olives. But others of this people join some of the Jewish agricul tural colonies established under the Roths child patronage or engage in trade or traffic. The degree of the sultan oblig ing the expulsion of such Jews, the mod ification of which 'to refer only to Jews coming here in large numbers' practi cally its repeal was brought about through the efforts of this consulate, I here refer to in order to state that this modification is of late faithfully adhered to by the Ottoman authorities. Indeed, it would seem to be most liberally con strued, as I have learned that recently 40(1 Jews at once landed at Jatta witb- out the least obstruction, which is of sufficient proof of what has been acconi plished." St. Louis Globe-Democrat. TO BLOW GREAT GUNS. SEVERE STORMS AND EARTHQUAKES ARE PREDICTED. Sbiloh's Vita izer is what you need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz ilm untl all svniiitoms of Dyspepsia. I'lieo 10 an 1 7") cents per bottle. For salo by Ar. M. Cohen. If the announcement of weather seers are truly written, then we are in for a year of great tornadoes, blizzards and cold waves. From a St. Joseph, Missouri prophet comes the awful information that we are Hearing the most destructive storm period of rcceut years a period that has not beeu equaled for atmospheric and terns trial disturbances within the memory of any persou now living. The genial titi en who makes this cheerful prediction is W. T. Foster. He savs that from May 1, 18!U, until May 1, 1802, the year will be one of gcmral destruction throughout the I'nited Slates. The period of groat disturbances will begin during the early part of May, while Mars will be passing its cquiuoetial, Mercury passing the sun's equator! But while these storms will be severe they will not compare with those that w ill occur later in the year and during the early part of'!i2. Sbilnh's Coiioh and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures Consumption. Jvr sale hy V . M. Lc-hen. For lame back, side or eht, use Shi lob's Por-ms I'la.-ter. Price 25 cents. For sale hy W. M. Cohen. Croup, Whooping Cou.'h and Bros chilis immediately relieved by Slliloh's Cure. For sale by W. M. Cohen. Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured, by Sbiloh's Catarrh Remedy Price St I cents. X.isd Injector free. At II'. M. Cohen's drugstore. Sleepless nights, made miserable by that terrible counh. v'hil 1 s Cure is the remedy for you i'i oule at W. M. Co hcu's drugstore. A Mexico, Mo., special to tho St. ,ouis Globe-Democrat says: It. J. Jones, of this city, is canstnic- ting a model of an invention that will revolutionize the world and startle such electricians as Thomas A. Edison. Mr. Jones has invented a machine that will ultimately do away with both steam aud electricity, and instead run engtees and all kinds of machinery with eithor com pressed air or water. It is a hydraulic engine, and is attach ed to the regular steam engine by a valve that lets the compressed air into the boiler, and by the simple touch of a lever with the hand sets the machinery in motion, which runs perpetually until shut off hy the opening up ot another valve that lets the compressed air escape, the hydraulic engine keeping up its work continually. By this means an en gine can easily be controlled or governed as if by steam, and run at almost trivial cost. Mr. Jones, the inventor, has a model that has been tried to his entire satisfaction, and he is now constructing one in this city, 12 by 14 inches, express ly to secure a patent. Ihe inventor claims that withiu a year there will be very few engines in this country run by steam. The model as shown is one of neatness, and is the simplest piece of ma chinery in existence. The hydraulic pumps in connection will stand the pres sure of over 700 pounds of compressed air or water to the square inch, and the iuventor claims that it can be made to stand a pressure even greater than this. Mr. Jones says people may call it a fake and all such, but said he: "An incessant study of twenty years on this subject has at last revealed to me the ecrfit of an mventiou that will no doubt startle the universe, and after try ing my machine to mv own dehgnt 1 aw ready to say to the world that perpetual motion has been solved. Mr. Jones is 4 f years old, a native of Virginia, and a farmer by occupation. He moved to Lincoln county, this state, and about three months ago moved from there to Mexico, where he is at present located. He has worked just eight months upon the present model of the machine he is now constructing, and says that in a few days he will give an exhibi tion of his invention, that tho people may be their own judges as to the accu racy of his assertion. FOR A SPIRITUAL SONG. A Christmas story. A poor country congregation found itself badly in want of hymn books. The clergyman applied to a London firm, aud asked to be sup plied at the lowest (Church) rates. The firm replied that on condition the hymn books contained certain advertisements, the congregation should have them for nothing. Necessity knows no law, and the minister sorrowfully complied, think- in" to himself that when the advertise mcnts came they could be removed from the leaves. The hymn books arrived, and joy of joys they contained no in terleaved advertisements. At tho thauks- giving service the good parson joyously gave out the Christmas hymn, and the congregation sang the first verse with fervor. When they reached tho last line they found that this was what they had been singing : Hark I the herald angels sing, lieci barn's Pills are just the thing; Peace on earth aud mercy mild, Two for man and one for child." For Malaria, Liver Trou ble, or IndigG3tion,use BROWN'S IRON BITTERS That Hacking Cough can be so quick ly cured by Sbiloh's ore. We guaran tee it. For sale by M. Cohen. Will you suffer with Dyspepsia in Liver Complaint? Sbiloh's Yitalizer and guaranteed to cure you. For sale by W.. M. Cohen.