V fVOL. XXII. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1891. NO 9. THE N., W. tC. ROAD. THE 1.NSI1IK COAST LINK 100 M1I.KS 8IIOHTEI1 llEl'WEEN NEW YOUK. AND FLORIDA. i A committee in the interest of the Norfolk, Wilmington and Charleston lluilroad lias been prospecting along the lino in North Carolina. Their route has been from Tarboro to Greenville, Pitt county; thence to Kinston, Lenoir county; Burgaw, Pender county; Point Caswell, Pender county, and then via the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railroad to Wilmington. Tho party claim no enter est in the survey of lines or engineering capacity, but are acting in the interest of trade, commerce and manufactures and the best interests of the projected inter Jjriso. The idea is to build the road as nearly as possible in a direct line from .Norfolk via Wilmington to Chailcston, shorting distance and avoiding competi tion. The capital stock of the company is $6,000,000, an amount sufficient to build the road. It will traverse a section of country 400 miles long, and from 25 to 50 miles wide, hitherto cut oft' for the most part from any railroad facilities, bo lides opening np a vast and profitable t boat trade along the rivers. This will be the inside Atlantic Coast Line, and With its connections with feeders will fhorten the distance from New York to Florida over 100 miles bo'ow that of existing Hoes. Its connection at Norfolk will be with the Pennsylvania Railroad System. It is needless to dwell upon the benefits to ho gained either in passen ger or truek and si a pie traffic, together .with general merchandise. The nee. Hirily reduced expenses of the road, with its choice of a most fruitful territory, and the compnrativeIy lighter cost, of modem .Toadway, together with the ambitious life of the country which it will traverse, all . combine to secure marked results under prudent ui ungeinent. It will have a tshoice of termiuals north and sou'h along the seaboard, and will likely use all of the best. The company in its prospectus uses clearly forcible arguments, without rhetorical attempt, ami its, summing up of cost of operating and construction shows the most convincing without Straiuing comparisons. Manufacturers' Record. THE PASTOR'S CALL. THE LADY'S PARROT TOLD HIM HE WAS A TRAMP. A lady living ou Remscn avenue, New Brunswick, owns a parrot. A new pas- tor has recently been established over the lady's church, and a few days ago he went to make his first pastoral visit. The front door was open, but the Veuetian blind door was closed, and Poll was in itbo cage just behind it. As the pastor Ptin.Vn.I f.,i ta .J.witvi L,tt.ti P. ,11 wiiA in a remonstrant tone : "Go away, please." "But I wish to see the lady of the house." "Go away, please. We haven't a cold lite in the house " "You are mistaken. I am not a tramp. I wish to see the lady of the house on business." I ' Go 'way I" screamed Poll, wrathfully. ! "Go 'way, you dirty tramp. I'll call the police. Police I polieo." I This was too much for tho modest I minister, and in very considerable won- dcrment he abandoned his cull. HOW FAST A PUKMOM GROWS. The mean length of boys at birth is 18 inches and of girls 18 inches. Growth is most rapid immediately after birth, and diminishes continually until about five years of age. From then uu- i til sixteen years the annual growth is 2 1 5 f inches; during the next two years 1 inch only. The mean height of man is 5 feet 6 inches. A man is taller in the morning than at night by half an inch. , Needing atonic, or rhildtvn who want build J itiif up. nhould U;I;h BROWN'8 IROM HITTKP. 1 It 1 plriuant to take, caret Malarln, Indl ' foUua, Blllouiuc.n aud liver Complaint SAM JONES. SOME ORIGINAL SAYINUS OK THE REV EREND I.ECTt'RER. A dude is a pimple on creation which shows that its blood is out of order. Squeeze this pimple you have the dudine. Politics is a dirty cess pool the worst this side of perdition. I met one day a grand, noble man, and auothcr day I met a grand, noble woman. Then one day I met one of these little fellows, a man so small that he could look through a keyhole with both eyes at the same time, and a man so small that a fly could sit on his uosc and paw him in one eye while ho kicked hiiii in the other. Then I met one of those silly, giggling, dancing, novel read ing girls an I I knew she would never "get there" she would evaporate before she had time to get there. I want to see women so grand that ouc of theso little dudes will drop dead in his tracks when ho gets within ten feet of her. Some of you may think I am per sonal, but if you just keep quiet no one will ever know that you are hit. A lawyer is next lo a preacher as a great moral force in a community. Hut one of these little petti fogging follows who will do anything for five dollars and say ho did it ''as an attorney" will hop around iu hell and say he is there "as an attorney." Most preachers are ouly fit to marry the living and bury the dead. We need a gospel which will make men better husbands, better fathers and belter citizens. I hud rather a preacher pulled a pistol on me than a manuscript, for the pistol sometimes misses you, but the old manu script hits you every time. Infidelity is au attempt at a dirty joke on God. A boy who runs after Rob Ingcrsoll needs boring for the hollowhead and bleeding in the frog of the foot. I believe Cleveland is the grandest man who has been iu the White House for a hundred years. He has a backbone bigger than Harrison's hat. If the devil were elected President of the United States and (he whisky should be driven out he would resign the posi tion in two weeks. FA I,I4 TEETH Til A T GROW. According to the Kolnische Volkr zeitung, a Moscow dentist appears to have solved the problem of supplying the human mouth with false teeth which will grow into the gums as firmly as natural ones Dr. Zuamensky has per formed several successful operations on dogs, as well as human beings. The teeth are made of gutu percha, porcelain or metal, as the case may be. At the moot of the false tooth holes are made. Holes are also made upward into the jaw. The tooth is then placed in the cavity. In a short time a soft, granu lated growth finds its way from the pa tient's jaws into the holes in the tooth; this growth gradually hardens and holds the teeth in position. It is stated that it does not matter whether the cavity in which the tooth is to be placed is one from which a natural tooth has been re cently been drawn, or whether it has been healed for some years. FROM NATURE'S STOREHOUSE. It stands to reason that a medicine which will destroy the germs of contagi ous blood poison and counteract the ef fects of mercurial blood poisoning may be depended the diseases that have their origin in malaria, or that have their seat in an impure condition of the blood. This is what S. S. S. has done, and a remedy for tho long list of affections that display their activity during the spring and summer months, it stands without a rival. The secret of this is that it is a ietnedy drawn from nature's own store house IF TOUB BACK ArBT. Or you ere ell worn out, reel'y good fornoth .agr, ll li KiucnildebilttT. Try nKOWX'S IH i 1TTKKS. It will our you, cleanse your liver, and (lr a good appetite. A PASSPORT OF POWER. "VERII.Y I SAY I NTO YOI', INASMUCH AS YE HAVE DONE IT I NTO ONE OK THE LEAST OK THESE, YE HAVE DONE IT UNTO ME " Tho world has not yet wholly confessed Christ as its Kiug and owned H is Word as its law; but there are instances in which a common action or a general forbearance is acknowledgment of II is Divine author ity. The king's warrant runs. A few years since three small children a boy and two tiny maidens traveled from Kultn, in Germany, to St. Louis, in the Uuitcd States. The oldest was ten and the youngest four. Escort they had none. They were innocent of any lan guage but the tongue of the fatherland. Their parents had gone before, and had worked and saved, and at last sent home the money to bring out the bairns. It seemed a reckless thing to send such young and defenseless children a journey of four thousand miles; but they were tenderly committed to God's provi dence, and they had a passport. The guardian who saw them off no doubt with many a tremor gave the cider girl a copy of the New Testament, and told her in every case of difficulty or doubt to show the flyleaf to the interrogator. The children's names stood there, and their destination; and something more was added viz , these words: "Verily I say unto you, inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these, yo have done it unto me." The little travcle: obeyed her orders, and the text was indeed her protection, and the children's charge cn Christian sympathy and aid h red until they reached their emigrant abode aud their waiting friends They had journeyed safely iu the shadow of a Royal Proclu niation. GOOO ( ANDY CHEAP. YOU NEEDN'T PAY ANYTHING LIKE 40 CENTS A POUND FOR IT. Andrew J. Hope, who knows a thing or two about the candy business, said to a Herald reporter the other day: "The basis of all candy is, of course, refiued sugar. There is no adulteration about that, and it sells by the barrel for 4J cents a pound. All plain candies, such as horehound, ieeland moss, molasses, pep permiut, will cost the big manufacturer uudcr one cent a pound to manufacture. A good workman will easily make 300 pounds a day, which, when retailed at 10 cents a pound, allows the manufacture nearly 100 per cent, profit. The pure material is so cheap that, if there were nothing else to be taken into considera tion, it would not pay to adulterate such candy. IMPORTANT niXISION. The United States Supreme Court la.-t week rendered through Chief-Justice Fuller an opinion on the liquor question which is ofgieat importance to all the States. The importance of the decision is that it upholds the State authority as against National authority, and that it settles beyond all controversy that the police regulations of a State prohibiting the introduction of intoxicating liquors, can be enforced, despite the original pack age decision of tho Supreme court. The case came up on habeas corpus from Kansas. Justices Gray, Harlan and Brewer, whil'cascnting to the general purport of the opinion, differed in' some minor particulars. The decision is grat ifying to the prohibitionists. They re gard it as entirely upsetting the orignal paekage decision of about two years ago and sustaining entirely tho police powers of the several States to regulate the liquor traffic within their respective borders. The Spring Medicine. The popularity which Hood's S.irsapii rilla has gained as a spring medicine is wonderful. It possesses just those ele ments of health-giving, b'ood -purifying and appetite restoring which everybody Mucins to need at this s-asoii. It pur fits tho blood and makes tho weak strong. TEACHERS MEET. THIRD SESSION OK Til E ASSOCIATION AT POTKCASI. The third session of Northampton Teachers' Association was held here on May l!!5rd. The meeting was well at tended and much interest manifested by teachers and people of Potecasi and i ciiu'y. Hie meeting was called to order at 1 1 a. m., by the President of the As sociation, Mr. Andrew J. Courier, and religious exercises conducted by the Itev. F. M. Edwards. Mr. C. W. Uritton led iu a discussion of '-How to Create and Sustain an Interest among the Pupils of our Schools," and Mr. II. 1?. Peebles on "Dignity and Importance of the Teach ers' Vacation." In the afternoon llev. F. M. Edwards, of (M. E. Church) MurfVcesboro, deliv ered an eloquent address, which was much enjoyed by all present. Ho said it is the duty of the State, and not the Church, to support and maintain the primary schools, appropriate more money for such schools, and keep them open for more than four or five months in the year, and pay teachers reasonable salaries. He insisted that the education should fit the boys aud girls for their final destiny and not merely for the present existence in this world. He spoke for au hour and was warm and earnest in his advocacy of more aud better schools and was listened to with close attention. Mrs. lieiila Maget, assisted by the choir of Potecasi church, furnished music for the occasion. Tt wA decided to hold (he uext annual session of the Association at Rich Square on Thursday, July 30tli, aud to invite Hon. Francis D. Winston, of Windsor, t) deliver au address. Guaranteed Cure I'm- I. a Grippe. We authorize our advertised druggist to sell yon Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, up on this condition. If you are afflicted with La Grippe and will use this remedy according to directions, giving it a fair trial, and experience no benefit, you may return the bottle and have your money refunded. We make this offer, because of the wonderful success of Dr. King's New Discovery during last season's epi demic. Have heard of no case in which it failed. Try it. Trial bottles free at W. M. Cohen's drugstore. Large size 50c. and $1. There is an old issue negro ville county 105 years. Gran- Work on the building of the Steel aud Iron Works at Greensboro has con: uieneed. Every one should use P. P. P. be cause at this season nearly every one needs a good medicine to purify, vitalize and enrich the blood. DYSPEPSIA AND INDIGESTION In their worst forms are cured by the use of P. P. P. If you are debilitated and run down, or if yau need a tonic to regain flesh and lost appetite, strength and vigor, take P. 1. P. and you will be strong and healthy, r or shattered con stitutions and lost manhood P. P. P (Prickly Ash, Poke Hoot and Potassi um) is the king of all medicines. P. P. P. is the greatest blood purifier in tho world. CRITICISING A YOU NO LADY. "She would be a pretty girl but for one thing. "What's that?'' asked Charley. "George "Her face is always cover ed with purple and red blotches " Charley "Oh, that a easily enough disposed of. Used to bo the sumo way tin self, but I caught on to the trouble oue day, and got rid of it iu no time." George "What was it?" Charley "simply blood eruptions. Took a short course of P. P. P. I tell yon, it's the boss blood corrector. Tb governor bad rheumatism so bad thut you could hear him holler clear across tlo? county every time he moved. II tried it, and you know what an athletic 0!d gent he is now If somebody would give Miss Daisy a pointer, she would thank them afierwirds. F"' -ale at W, tH. Cohen's drugstore i Weldou, N. C. SUMMER HOME. MR. AND MILS. CLEVELAND S llEAt'TI Kl L NEW RESORT ON IIl.Z AIUl's HAY. Mrs. G rover Cleveland has been driv ing back and forth daily for two weeks between Joseph Jefferson's residence and ''Tudor Haven," the ex President's uew summer home on the shore of Buzzard's Bay. "Tudor Haven ' has been under going cxteusive alterations, and in the meantime Mrs. Cleveland has been the guest of Joseph JefTersou. She has been busier than a bee superintending things in and out of doors at her new summer home. The work of renovation and repairs now nears completion, and in a few days the ex-President will arrive, at Tudor Haven. Already the servants are in stalled. Two fat Jersey cows graze on the green hill south of the house, and a handsome, stylish bay stamps and whin nies in the stable in the hollow. The Cleveland's have undoubtedly the iu''St, beautiful summer place on the coast I 1 T ft i rr oi uuzzaru s uay. tutior Haven is sit uated on a bold point of land, which has the water of the bay on two sides aud acioss which cool breezes always blow. It is never uncomfortably warm at Tudor lJavcu,eveu on the sultriest days of sum lucr. A niaguifieent view of the bay is commanded from the wide vcraudas of the house. There is a fine sandy bathing beach in front of the house, and iu the rear a enug cove lor the anchorage of yachts. There is a wharf, and the ex-Presulent lias only to walk a dozen yards from his back door to step on board his fishing smack. A to the fishing in this retrioii, it is line nough to satisfy even such an ardent Isaac altonoe as Mr. Cleveland. 'I here are oyster ueus in tne cove oeniDU ins t i . , , i i , . house. There is fine Hue fishing out in the hay. Besides the Monument river, mere are trout. DrooKS all through this region. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. -DEALER IN- ALSTON'S GIN- WARRNNTON ROAD Alway on hand: BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS. DRY GOODS NOTIONS, FANCY C.OOnS, GUNS, PISTOLS. -: GROCERIES, :- WILL Hl'Y CORN, COTTON, COTTON SEED, CHICKENS, EGGS. And all OOUNTEY PRODUCE JhayThc very lowest prices aud best prices at MACTJIRE'S. jan 1 6m. if n Mm lire ADVERTISEMENTS. LAND SALE. v virtue of a decree issuing from tho Superior eoiut of Halifax county, iu tho cause therein pending, entitled W. H. Day xeeiitorot E. I. IhowtiniK, against I. V. Lewis, I will sell at public unction for ish m the town ol Vvclilou, N. U., ou &at- unlay May Doth, 11)1, tin; following real state, to-wi': One lot in said town oi W'eliliin, fronting on Sycamore street, 50 feet, aoil running hack 1 hi leet, adjoining c lands of I. E. Green and Henry Pur lin, being the lot formerly occupied by ,. L. Mabry, as u resilience. Also one other lot in said town, begin ning at W. I). Smith's coiner, on the N side of 1st street, thence W 27 leet to C. J. iee's line, thence along Gee s line 1M tect to Hamlin Daniel's line, thence27 feet to lid Smith's line, thence S 110 feet to be ginning, containing I of an acre. It. KA.NSUM, "-It. Commissioner. NOTICE OF- llcofpofiTioL TO A LL WHOM IT MA Y L'OS'CERX : NOTICE is hereby given that articles of igreeineiit have been filed and recorded ill the offices of tho clerk of the Superior Court lor Halifax Comity, North Carolina, by W. Edwin Peregny, William St. Bnr gan and J. Willeox Jenkins, for the forma tion of a corporation nailer the name of The Peregoy Lumber Company," and that letters have been issued by the clerk of said court, declaring said persons, their associates and successors, to be a corpora tion for the purposes and according to tho terms prescribed in said articles. The substance of said articles is, that tho persons above named lonneil a joint-stock aompauy under the name of "The Peregoy Lumber Company" for the purpose of get ting, buying, selling, mil'ing, transport ing and manu'acturing timber, and of con ducting and carrying on the lumber busi ness in all its details, blanches and de partments, within the State of North Caro lina; and to that end to acquire and bold real estate and other property, aud to sell,. grant, improve, manage, develop, lease,, mortgage or otherwise deal therewith, anil own and operate saw mills, planing mills,. ind all kinds of wood working maehinory and appliances, and construct, own and. operate roads of any kind for the purpose of transporting its products. The capital slock is thirty thousand dollars, but may be increased to two hun dred and fifty thousand, iu shares of one. hundred dollars each. Given under my hand as Clerk of the- Superior Court for Halifax County, Northi Carolina, on this the 11th day of May A.. n lsill. JOHN T. CRKGOKY, i-21 "t. Clerk Superior Court. NOTICE 03J1 ltlcoipoiwiolL North C'triJi'iut, ILiliux County t In the officv of Clerk o f the. Sitjwrior Court Halifax County, TO ALL WHOM IT MA V COXCKRX: NOTICE is hereby given that "the Wcst Weldnn Maiinfaetiiringand Improve ment Company" has this day been duly incorporated by me under the laws of North Carolina; that the business proposed is the taking, holding, purchasing andscH ingoptionson real est;ite, buying, selling,, holding, renting, leasing, building on nnil improving real estate, negotiating Wns or real and personal property, buying,seli.i'; renting real estate on commissions, collec ting mils, notes, accounts, and other evi dences of indebtedness; erecting and main taining water works, gas works, and elec tric light works; manufacturing and sell ing all articles ol wool, cotton, wood aneb metal; carrying on general merchandise and doing all things necessary to accom plish the ends and purposes for which it is . formed, not contrary to the laws of this State or of the United Slates; that the prin cipal oll'iee ot business is in the County of Halifax, State of North Carolina, at or near the Uiwn of Weldou; thAt the duration oK the corporate existence is thirty years; tbaJ the amount of the capital stock is $:!O0,0t)t) divided into three thousand shares of the par value of $100 each; that no stock holder shall be individually liublij for any debt, contract, omission or liability of, or order or demand on said eorpotation; that said corporation has privilege of increasing it capital stock to j 1,000, 000. This the 12th day of May 18!)1. JOHN T. GREGORY, rink Snnerinr Cun t lLilifur fVi , may 21 6w.