r THE ROANOKE NEWS, THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1891. n 5 t ! ft ODDS AND ENDS. At the present day a ton of dinraoncls is worth about 7,000,000. School children in Victoria, Australia, are carried on the street cars free. Steamboats, it is reported, will soon be running on the Sen of Galilee. A handful of Hour bound on a se vere cut will often stop the bleeding. There is only one sudden death among women to even' eiht among men. Some lend their hearts much as they do their money, with a pretty heavy interest. Rev. R. L. Kidd, a Canadian evan gelist, boasts that ho can recite the en tire Bible from memory. The degree of success obtained may often be ascertained by the amount of jealousy which it arouses. The "fool's slipper" has a pointed toe, with a high point up the back and another one over the instep. London has 20(1,000 factory girls, the majority of whom are only able to make a "bob" a, day $1.50 a week. The Greeks and Romans during the prime of their republics contented themselves on one meal a day. The Chinese and Thibetans have a week of five days, named after iron, wood, water, feathers and earth. Any one who has been scalded by steam should be taken to a warm room, and the parts scalded drenched by cold water. By actual count 150 voung women have taken np timber claims in West ern Washington during the past six months. The bnk of Scotland issued one pound notes as early as 1704, and their issue has since been continued without interruption. In the United States there are 2,800, 000 hives belonging to 70.000 bee grow ers and producing 02,000,000 pounds of honey yearly. A Jackson (Mich.) man, recently married, celebrated tho event by treat ing his friends to bread tickets, lie passed them instead of cigars. Professor Hoys shows that the heat of the lunar rays can be definitely de termined as 150,000 times greater than those of a candle twenty feet away. A good handful of rock salt added to the bath is the next best tiling to an "ocean dip," and a giugle of a weak solution is a good and ever ready rem edy for sore throat. Water has been discovered in the Sahara Desert at about 120 feet below the surface. This is the lirst time that a supply of water has been found in that locality ut so slight a depth. FUll Churniing. One of the best lisb stories told since the opening of the trout season is now going through the corridors of the lead ing hotels. It comes from Thomas Canary, the theatrical manager, and is being vouched for by Louis liobie. Mr. Canary spent tho winter at St. Augustine, Fla., and returned to the city tho other day. While in the south the genial Thomas took daily strolls along the beach to get an appetite lor dinner. One day lie noticed a little colored boy lying upon liis stomach along the bank of the river, with his eyes llxcil upon the water. He watched the little fellow for fully fifteen minutes, but not a muscle of his body moved. A few minutes later he saw the boy make a plunge toward the surface of the water, and when he appeared again he held in his hand it good sized trout. Tom thought that this was such an unusual thing that lie offered the boy five cents for every trout he caught that afternoon. Thomas sat on the beach and watched the operation. The boy caught the trout so fast that Tom, fearing that bo would be bankrupted, compromised with the lad. lie de clares that his curiosity was pretty ex pensive. It is rather a common thing to see trout charming along the banks of the southern waters. The temperature is so mild and the water so clear that one can walk along the beach and see tho fish lump almost a foot above the sur face of the water. New York Tele gram. A riiiiffnoMis. Nature with a lavish hand has en dowed the human body with no less than steen million spots to which an ache or pain can be attached. When each one of these spots, both inside and outside, is filled with a bard plati num tipped pain; when your head aches so that you tire conscious of all the ruffles and scallops on your brain just as you see them in the pictures in your physiology; when your heart thumps and your stomach wobl! :!nd you have the feeling that something is wallowing through your inside works; i when your sternum feels stove in and jere is an uneasiness under your houlder blades as though your wings Vere beginning to sprout; when you are ' one moment alive to the linger tips with thinking of the things you must get up and do and the next completely ex hausted by even the thought of doing them; when your backbone has the sensation of being twisted by a monkey , wrench; when you are so dizzy that you can't see, ar d your ears ring, and your eyes water, and your nose is in i" iach a state that it is presumption to ii fiay aside your handkerchief for one 'fchort minute; when you cough and jsneeze and groan in turn in fine, when you feel like the very deuce you can set it down that you have the grip. Chicago Herald. f NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. V 1 'I 'J OM Mill i : Wkuiox, N. C, May 1, To thr Jlonorolilr Hoard of ('oiiimixsionirs; 1 have the honor to report the following work done on the streets lor the lineal year ending May 1st, l.i. I have placed in position eleven lamps as follows: 1 lamp comer Maple and 1th streets. 1 " " Sycamore and (ith street. 1 " " ' " 7th " 1 " "Washington Ave. ami ith street. 1 7th " 1 " "Klin and (ith streets. 1 " " " " 7th " 1 " " Chest mi t and !2ml streets. 1 " " l'oplar and 1st street. 1 " " l'oplar and '-'ml streets. 1 " ' I'.r.l I have also placed in position about (iOO feet of Terra Cotta sewer pipe as follows: (ill feet l'J inch pipe 1st street between V. & W. 1. li. Crossing and Kim street. 120 feet ." inch pipe '.'nil and Walnut street 100 feet 10 imli pipe 'hid and Walnut street :'M) fett l'J inch pipe ,'mt between Walnut and Mulberry streets. 75 leet 6 and S inch pipe on 2nd street be tween Klnuiml Chestnut streets. 20 feet 12 inch pipe on Washington Ae nue. 1 have tilled in the street between V. A W. li. II. Crossing and Kim street. It is now in good oriler. I have also done consiilcralilc w ork in 2nd street and the following streets which cross it Kim, 'Walnut anil Mullicrrv. Work on 2nd street eominenei s at Kim and ends at l'oplar. These streets have been greatly improved but will require more work to complete them in tirstehiss order which can he done at small expense now anil I would recom mend that it he continued to completion. I he amount expended on the streets dur ing the year is as follows: Oil foi lamp-, s7u (is Cost of new lamps, repairs, etc. 51. t 1 Salary paid lamp lighter, "U K! Sew er pipe, KiT.li:! Labor on streets. I! Hi .",2 Total, sk-,-,.o:; Respect fill lv submitted, IS I'll PARKER, Street Commissioner. WKI.noN. N. C, May 1st, I.!1. To thr Jlimnrdbh Jloiirit of CoiHitiixiuiit is ; I have the Honor to make the following report of Taxes collected from all sources din ing the liscal year ending May 1, 1801 : Collected doir tax. 41.0li Collected white polls. 71.011 Collected colored polls, 00 Purchase tax lncichants January lsmi to July i-!mi, ' (;s.s:: Purchase tax merchants' July 1!Mi to January 101, " 00 72 Collected, real estate tax, IStill. HI Hotel licenses 10.00 " Sur licenses, lilMKI " IScer bottling license, .VOo " Merchant's license, 1:10 00 " Attorney's lioeuse 7.5(1 " lloctor's license, lO.lill " Street s'ands license, :!: 25 " blacksmith & coach shops 5. (Hi " Kestaurants, 7.50 ', Fines, 120 25 Total. ?0(ii;.t5 l!y cash paid Treasurer V. R. Smith T;ivs, S-'.'l.Ni I'.y cash paidTreas.W.i; Smith, tines 120. 'jo j!M-.ll balance. liespectfullv submitted. IS. K. (iAKY, Tax Collector. Vi'ianoN-. X. ('.. May 1st. 1H. 'In thr buniruti,i llii'iyl nl' f'uiii wisfiom ik : I beg to report that during the year has been tried in the Mayors court ninety-six cases and the following di tioii made of them .' there UMii posi- Appeals 1 Escaped IS Not guilty ti Inferior court 1 Snpciiur court I Judgment suspended '.', fines imposed 57 Sunt to jail 1 liespectfullv submit, cd, J. T. liUUCH.. Mayor. Wianov. X. ('., May 1, 1-01. Tii tin' llmlm'tltil? ilimril of t 'iltlllilistitillrrs; I ben have to make the following report of births .iiul deaths for the vear ending May bt, lol : Iiirths 11 white, K! colored 21. Deaths 7 white, 21 colored 2. Kcspectlullv so bin it ted, J. T. COOCH, Mayor. Tkkasi i:i:t;'s Ot ru n, April Uotli, Isol. Tn thr lliiiiin ntiir Wniini of Ciiiiiiiiiisiiin, i s: below please find a corrected report of receipts and disbursements ut' thisollice for the year Infinitum May 1st, 100 and end ing April 'Mi, 1-HI. inclusive: To amount rcc'il. from IS. K. Gary tax collector, $000.2 1 To amount vee'd from S. 1'. Ar lington, Esq., for the lloanoke X.'ci W. P. Co., Kail road track privilege, 10.(10 To amount ree'd from V. & W. lload lor privilege o closing eart way on west side of Kail road between 2nd .Hid iSld streets, lOO.IIO To amount ree'd Iruiu J T Kvans and others for street rail way privilege 20.IKI To amount of miscellaneous re ceipts :;i.5o 1127.71 ('led it June 10 by warrant Xo. 1, IS. V. (lary, salary for May, " 16 07 " by warrant Xo. U. Win. Roberts sala ry for May, 8 :'.i " by warrant Xo. 3, Lamplighter's sal ary for May, 5 00 " by warrant Xo. !, Publishing Annual UejMirt, lt 00 " bv warrant Xo. 5, (hi, Hauling, etc., U hi " by warrant Xo. (i, on account, streets ,'H 70 July 3 by warrant Xo 7, On ac. of streets, 20 7D " by warrant Xo. IS. F. Gary, salary for June, 10 fiO " by warrant Xo. 0, AVm. Huberts sala ry for June, 8 34 " by warrant No.10, Salary lamplighter 5 00 " by warrant Xo.ll, Printing ordinance and books, ( 50 " by warrant No. 12, Oil, Hauling, etc., 7 70 " by warrant No. lit, Transferring Tax List 10. 10 00 " by warrant Xo. 11, llegistering voters lor town, 5 00 Aug. 7, by warrant Xo.15, on ac. of streets, 7 50 " by warrant Xo. 10, Hauling & lumber 9 !." " by warrant Xo. 17, IS. 1". Gary, salary for July, KiG7 " by warrant No. IK, Wm. Huberts, sal ary for July, 8 33 " by warrant No. 1!), Phil Gee, salary for July, 5 00 Sept. 1. by warrant Xo.20, IS. 1'. Gary, salary for August, KifiG " by warrant Xo. 21 Wm. Huberts, sal ary for August, K 3 1 " by warrant No. 22 Phil (ice. salary for August 5 0O by warrant Xo. 2!! Lamps, oil, etc., 51 70 " by wairant Xo. 21 Kngraving A: fram ing Commissioner II. O. Kd ward's picture, 7 2.5 " bv warrant Xo. 25 on ac. of books, " by warrant Xo. on ac. Ol'stlects, Oct. 3. by wairant No. on ac. ol'strects by wanant No. on ac. of oil. etc " bv warrant No. 10 l:i oo S 25 (i Oil 20 2S 20 on ac. ol' blankets, " by warrant No. .'ill blankets. timlicri by warrant No. ISl on ac. lire at mills " by warrant No. :!'.! on ac. lire at mills " by warrant No. '.Y. on ae. lire at mills " by warrant No. on ae. tire at mills " by wairant No. IS5 on ae. lire at mills '' by wai rant No. ISO on ac tin- at mills " by warrant Xo. ",7 on ac lire at mills " by warrant No. lis on ac. lire at mills :s no i:)7ii 1 on 1 no 1 on loo 1 01) 1 on 1 oo 1 on " by warrant No. 30 on ae. lire a I mills 25 " by warrant No. Ill on ac. lire at mills 25 " by warrant No. 11 on ac. lire at mills 25 " by wanant No. -12 on ae. lire at mills 25 " by warrant No. 13 on ae. lire at mills 25 " by warrant Xo. 14 on ae. lire nt mills 25 ' by warrant No. 15 on ac. lire at mills 25 " by warrant No. 40 on ac. lire nt mills 25 by warrant No 17 on ae. tire M mills 25 " by warrant No. IS on ae. blankets 1 do " by wairant No. 10 Phil (See, salary for September 0 00 " by warrant Xo. 50 IS. F. Gary, salary for September, 11 07 " by warrant Xo. 51 Win. Koberts,sala- ry for September S 33 Nov. 7 by warrant No. 52 on ae. sewer pipe, 137 03 " by warrant Xo. 53 on ae. sewer pipe, 8 25 " by warrant No. 51 IS. F. Gary, salary for October, ' 10 00 " by wanant No. 55 Wm. L'oberts.sala- ry for ( letohcr. s 3 " by warrant No. 50 repairing weiN, 0 on " by warrant No. 57 repairing wells, 7 50 " by warrant No. 5 on ac. oil, etc. 22 11 Dec. 4. by warrant No. 59 Lamp p ). t, 3 00 " by warrant Xo. (So b. F. Gary, salary for November. 10 07 '' bv warrant No. 02 Phil (lee's salary lor November li 00 bv warrant No. (S3 W. K. Daniel, sal ary as attorney 25 00 Jan. 1. by wai rant No (i 1 IS. F. Gary, salary for December, 10 (id by warrant No. 05 oiiae. ol'strects, I 05 " by warrant No. 00 Phil (See, salary tor December, 5 Oti " by warrant Xo. 07 on ae. ol streets, 127 53 " by wairant Xo. ir on, ae. of oil. etc., 13 00 Feb. 10. by warrant No. UJ B. F. Gary, salary for January, 10 0(3 " by warrant Xo. 70 Wm. Huberts, sal ary for January, 5 81 " by warrant Xo. 71 Phil Gee's salary lor January. H 20 " by warrant Xo. 72 on ac. wells, 3 75 " by warrant Xo. 73 Advertising town chillier, 3 00 " by warrant Xo. 71 on nc of oil, etc.. 7 08 " by warrant Xo. 73 on nc. of streets, 13 01 March G by warrant No. 7(i bnryingSallie Sim mons, 2 25 " by warrant No. 77 ... . on nc. of oil 12 G9 " " by warrant No. 78 B. F. Garv, salary for February. ' 16 GO " by warrant No. 80 Phil (See's salary for February, 8 00 April 3 by warrant No. 81 on ac. ladders, 3 GO " by warrant No. 82 on nc't. amended charter, 11 21 " by warrant No. 83 on ac. town docket 2 60 " by warrant No. 84 B. F. Gary, salary for March, 1G 67 April 28 by warrant Xo. 87 B-. F. Gary, salary for April 10 68 " by warrant No. 8!) Phil Gee's salary for April, ' 10 00 " by warrant No. 91 Burying pan per, 5 50 " by warrant No. 9i! Hauling on streets lti S7 " by warrant No. 94 labor on streets, 22 98 April 30 5 percent, com. ot'l 127.74 50 39 " 5 per ceut. com. of 100 1.09 53 05 1 170.53 J 11 2" Balance due Treasurer if 12 $1170.53 $1170.1 Hespeet fully submitted, W. li. SMITH, Treasurer tow n of Weblon. Wkuiox. X. C, May 1st. 191. To thr liinittblc Hoard of ( 'nut mi snimirnt : I have the honor to report the following taxes for the year 1S89 and 1-90 still due the town which I have urged the, people who owe them to pay but hac been unable to collect. Tax year 1--9 $10 92. " 1S00 104 03. Total due, vTl5 55. Jiespccfullv submitted, IS. F. GA'HY, Tax Collector. 1891. THE 1891 ni:v YOliK WEEKLY HERALD at- ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. Is the best and cheapest family paper in the United States. NOW IS THK T1MK TO SfHSCKIRK. NOW IS T11K TIM IS TO sl'ltsi f I UK. Many novelties will In; added to the, vil li, 'ty of its i onteiils during the year 191, ami nothing wtil lm left un done to please and gratify its sub scribers. Its specialties lor ll'l will be Original articles on piactieal fanning and (.iardi'tiitu. Setials and short stories by tlie best uutlinrs. Woman's work and woman's lebtire. (Ictus .J" literature and art. Original flashes of wit ami humor. Answers to eotropondciits promptly and fully made. THE LATEST NEWS FROM KVI'HY S EIT It )N -:- ( ) V -:- T 1 1 E -:- G L I! E A,1,ln" JAMES GORDON BUN FIT N v in:i:.b!, New York City. Do not 1'iil to subscribe lor the New Ynrk Weekly Herald. Only one dollar a year. I , ., ! ,.ia,ti.K !.. A ni.Ei I 1 1: , Annul, i . .1.., u... i. ib in it "II. by . :.ni -,-T :Ht.lHt A lb te M.lk RfUl II i 1 V i II HI. I V. ll .-- kttv fit ' ii in fii'iii to lrt itiiy. All ut- U. h w ! h and fUri vim. i n wi rk in )Mr- nin nr ill! Id- linn . 't - inmin !! ik- it thittbii" unLto-mi im ntrth-m. M'W ,mU, u.'.-il'i.l Calt;. il it 1..-. SI. II allot t A Itnx tr0 INi HniKl, Maino I HI f -mi I ocr-rn. ! nl -vr WW Hn ..f n . l, ,7 fl -"" :'! y in.. I ii irn.J.h, l- tii.-.- if I V n'li rvx.i.u.uL-i.i' M'd.UM.I ii, ih.tr I II mi.' i mt .b. tin- M.uli. 1 !, I., lrmii. e iuri)i-h every tbin. W Mint y .ii. No liik. ni inn ili i.-m y.-nr i ii. in inii:.. . i t' l M.i;r thin' m lie vv.itk. '1 lii i- in i ii tin y m iimt..iiil li inu- uiclt fit! ti ii- I - mtv mkt r. Beiriitili'ra re ftininp IY"in t'l in f ,"tO ji. ruc k timt H)'nn, ml nior- alt'T it lit i lu t joTi. nct'. U . mi f in ..n tlie mu ii anient an-t t- S' ll - u r tiM-. NA cp.i. cl.. ei!,iin tier--, l ull informal bn HtbK. 'i'K I 11 A; ( Om AlUl::li( JlAlNL. il I i I M'',l "lite, itml vim, tff S V 1 f I! 'M" """t"1' .it ni.iMri..ii.ly, -V d! 4 V vi.i m.i. IbtikMMl li'IUr fill-in III. ii .mn lm Hii'. ifvi' li. r i-'i they livp.l il I hU.i fin niil :lw i;i in. n ur in I. yin.-ni ii til. i i.ii i nn eiiiii lli.n anirtunl. Ml. ... I- 1 llf ill... Ml. . . .-.'ill o-. ll.. lC. I flMH IHI.l tll1. kly : inii-tl. I .: in Imt ..iif Murker If-m i-ntli ilisirii l ur . iuiili . 1 lime a, mt.lt tiM:-l,t '.,,( ir'nil-,! witi I. i mi nt n t'.c iiiinl . r. ulin iie ii ckinff nmi aimhl n tr:-rarh. It I. V SH.I 1. V-tV. ! i.'tli li- I' I? I I'. All.lre.. l . t.r... j M .ALi.r,. K.a dio, Auaiifctii, Miiiius ff.iU'U.tm ,, . I intr ltii.l.-l.v J. In, K ( .UMIlJl.'..'.,:.! Ml.lk l"l ii-. I...nl.-r, y n -t i nl,. h,,,(...,;i .,,u i.fii Ii vti i(ui U.v ln-w tt'emii trnti .i to i0 i. .-. .K tl. s'i.i;. , ii.. 1 1' .,s t n. .ii. l III X ml utei, In nnv i-ntl i f . tll-l i. ,1. Jell ' nil !' rim., in nl Ii. ;,,. eii- inT all our ii tut-, i r :ii im.nit-niH tmU to Ihi- v.t'k. ,tl im. i.ieiil .iy SI Itl't.r t-tirv w..rkfr. N f kcm-i ton, tiiiiiiiliiiiif fwi'vil:iu. I 11 V. l 1.1 I'll V Ii hi in .1. l'Alil It I l.klif Hil l'. Aihlr.u nt uihv. DO YOU KNOW Tliut jou can have your eyes tested ac curately, and fitted with glasses by a praetieal optician ut YOUNG'S JEWELRY STORE. The finest set of test lenses in thestate and there will be no charge for testing yuursi"lit. Mure I'Vi's an' ruin! by "hr-scs sold by incompetent persons' than any other cause. Therefore, we advise you to be careful witli your sight, and have your eyes examined by a COMPETENT OPTICIAN Silver goods for bridal presents, dia monds of the finest quality, watches in gold, and silver eases, clocks of the best makers and good timers, cold thimbles and Chrii-tmas goods, gold headed canes and plain gold rings, opera glasses and fancy hair pins, and of the latest styles of goods, at tho LOWEST rOSSlRLE PRICES. J. W. YOUNG, Co Syca. & Bank tits. Petersburg. Va. oct ly )fS sf ,:,;;r;,:r: I i Mill NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 & SUMMER NEW STOCK Dress Goods -- Newest Shades. Full line Bay State and Zeigler's Fine Shoes. STEAW GOODS For Men, Boys and Children. And GENERAL of every METALLIC AND WOODEN COOKING STOVES, Etc., Etc. A lot of Clothing in odds and ends at less than cost. P. fl. SwflBCK $ Bqo., In t'.ioUsoof CUtlA. o Ub o CURA. -T wo Alono Mono cw:i L i for all Dis-J ij o ;t' pimio luwv..-..:. .-.. v.." f li.u'ir.s-s, ,li.ur.'--.:. :- wl r:r. a .i";i i ..( y i ' T'-1, 1 . ii ..'- A c ' - - . a 111 W i I : ' t'v Inn. w. -o.. . w. r.j - -.. p i'"' 1oort m" 'w..lill..B, rM,ritvnnp( 6.1." ii'iw !, . : i i.i ,;; . ; Hstfcasa Em Ito.c'ii t'f. i' - 2,000 References. Name dec lily Q PLACE TO GET DRUQS and -AT LOWEST PRICES, DR. A. R. ZOLLICOFFER'S, WEST SIDE WASHINGTON AVE, OPPOSITE R. SHED. WELDON. N. C. STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. f PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT FILLED WITH THK BEST SELECTED MATERIALS PKESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED AT ALL 1IOUKS WITH GiiEAT CARE. PEBFUMEKY. STATION EKY, FANCY SOAPS, BRUSHES, FANCY ARTICLES, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. .n T V B M B B lithertTwelrf)mlw.. .w.u I H AAT COMPLETE. MERCHANDISE description. BURIAL CASES AGENTS. T!VE METHODS. t tfl cr.d Cit.ti cl, o ti V.... . " i i ."I Vt '.' r;:.X;. i ' H .. ,'... ' - H.-x,::,: i:., l'u.'v.J. k. Y. U this paper vsn you v::ii f.lEDICIfJES E- THE- rf - . h j VIA l ZOLLICOFFER'S. f