THE ROANOKE NEWS, THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 24, 1S91. YOU WILL MISS ME. A COOD SHOT. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A "Sometime you will miss me, diirlinj;, "When the long night shadows full, I shall be beyond the starlight, And I shall not hear you call. You will oftimen at midnight, And will think of one dear head That your bosom softly pillowed Resting among the dead ! "All the precious love you gave me In the olden, happy time. You will think of, and weave it Deftly int heartfelt rhyme. Yon will miss me it must be so, l!ut perhaps our God will give L'nto me the power to eheer you And watch o'er you while you live. "I shall como if he is willing. At the lonely midnight hour, And my presence solt around you Shall enfold w hen storm-clouds lower, Shielding you from every evil, Though yon m.iy not see my face, I w ill never leave you lonely There shall he no vacant place. "All the hopes and aspirations, All the precious love we've known, This sliall draw nur souls together Uonnd l!ie great Kterual Throne. Do not inourn for me, my darling, .Meekly hear the chastening rod Think that I am with you always 1, who love you next to liod." SOUTHERN PORTS. THE FUTURE OUTLETS IIUAIN. Foil WESTERN The Maniifactnrrrs' Record of Scp- tgmber 1 2 says; The receDt advance in cotton, and the assurance of the largest grain crops i'or many years, have still further strengthened the position of the South in all business and financial matters, and everything in dicates a very active winter and spring. The tendency of capital seeking invest ment must inevitably be Southward, for no other country possesses such wonder ful resources, and nowhere else are the possibilities of profitable development so promising. The increasing importance of the South's foreign trade and the posi tion of Southern ports as the future out let for the grain of the West is illustrated by the fact that Galveston is to have a 1,000,000-bushels elevator and New Or leans one of 300,000 bushels capacity, while the grain trade at Norfolk has de veloped so rapid'y that the elevator there has been unable to handle the business, and a floating elevator has been secured from New York, and even one of the big coal piers is being used in helping to transfer the immense traffic from the cars to the steamships, while some days ago the Norfolk k Western had nearly 600 grain loaded cars on the track at Norfolk. This rapid growth of the export business of the South, added to the industrial devel opment that has been going on for the last few years, will greatly enhance the prosperity of this whole section. New industrial enterprises are daily being organized, and as this is not a speculative period, they must all be of a solid char acter. MAKHIAGH IS A FAII.l HI'. When either of the parties marries for money. When the lord of creation pays more for cigars than his better half docs for hosiery, boois and bonnets. When one of the parties engages in a business that is not approved by the oth er. When both parties persist in arguing over a subject upon which they have never thought, and can never think alike. When neither husband or wife takes a vacation. When the vacations aretakcu by one side of the house only. When a man attempts to tell his wife what style of a bonnet she must wear. When a man's Christmas present to his wife consists of bootjacks, shirts and gloves for himself. tin a:ii. i . ..I r .1. y ueu i-mpren.imvo to uauior lor ineir rights. - When the watchword is : 'lEach (or golf." -r ... Jr When the dinner is not ready at din ner time. When "ho" scores the luuJcst trhila she kindles the fire. Jwhen tho father takes half the pie and leaves the otjfn'ttljor the mother that mgrlBJt and her cightuHBren. Wfien tho children are given the neck and back of the chicken. When tho money that should go for a book goes for what only one of the house knows anything about. When politeness, fine manners and kindly attention are reserved for compa ny, or visits abroad. After all, tho best way to know the real merit of liond's Saifapurilln, is 10 try it yourself. Bo cure to get Hood's. TnosK who perspire least, it is said, enfler most fiom the heat. STAND VP IN THE CORNER AND LET ME SHOOT A DIME OFF VOIR NOSE. nil . .,...'' jiave yuu ,ol any mi... friend Simnson. as we halted asked my before a saloon in Toughville, Mont. "What if I haven't?" I answered eva sively. 'I asked for information. You are a stranger here; you know, and you don't tuck your pauts in our boots, or talk about our private graveyard, or anything like that, and as I've L'ut to go in here and interview the proprietor I won't 1 take yen along unless your nerve will J stand it." j "Ijo in," I answered laconically. I We entered a long, low-ceiled room with a bar at unu end. Several card tables were scattered about at which gentlemen of rather unsavory appearance anil reckless inamieis were playing. While my friend was transacting his business with the proprietor I drew a chair into a corner and tried to appear perfectly at home. Taking a cigar from my pocket I calmly placed it between my lips and lighted it, when whiz! it was knocked clear out of my mouth by a pistol ball. I never so much as winked an eye! I did not even turn to see who had done the firing, but, with the greatest coolness, I drew another cigar from my pocket and lighted it. I leaned back in my chair and smoked with extreme noncha lance I don't think, I have ever before or since, been so utterly and so hopelessly non :halantasupon the occasion set forth. As I smoked, the ashes naturally ac cumulated upon the end of my weed, anl I was just thiuking of knocking them off when that unknown friend with h's convenient pistol performed the ser vice for me. Everyone in the saloon was looking in my direction, but did not show the barest tip of a white feather. I puffed away, with head thrown back and a dreamy contented expression on my face that I would have tried in vain to pro duce under ordinary circumstances. Again the ashes accumulated, and again the timely bullet removed them. At this stage I found myself wonder ing how I was going to keep my nerve when that cigar had burned down to a mere stump and my friend's marksman ship would he required to pick it out from between my teeth. But I was equal to the emergency, and when my cheroot was two-thirds gone I held it out between my thumb and fore finger, while the unknown shot it out with a skill that was remarkable. Then I dusted my hands, brushed the ashes from my clothes and joined my friend at the door. Before we could leave the room, howevtr, a man in a blue shirt and buckskin leggins, carrying a six-shooter in his hand, approached and embraced me. "Say pard, dern my pietur if I hain't clean gnue on yer nerve. Here's a buck eye that I've carried ever since I broke jail in Ohio in come hyer. Take it en wear it in yer pants' pocket for the sake of V ermilhon Pete, tho all round ter ror of Bitter Creek. Au', pard? "Well?" "Say, I want yer to ftand up there in the corner en let me thoot a dime off yer nose " "Come on here," said my friend Simp son, as he yanked me through the door by the tail of my coat, without giving me time to frame a reply. But I was glad he did it. A dime isn't very thick, and then Vermillion Pete might have mi.ssed it. Exchange, Don't Care To lint." It is with the greatest confidence that n i's s " . i j((SS 11(,.lt.mti iMdissiioii, nick head 1 nche, and similar troubles This tnedi- ! tinfi t-,,,'"'.v ,l"J "'( inai li, assists di pestion,aiid makes one "real hungry." Persons in delicate health, after taking Hood's Snisapaiilla a few days, find thctnselvi s Ii ruing for ond ratine the plainest food with unexpected relish. figs am) THiTi. r:. Profession is not g dlinecs. The devil has no flowing wells. Heaven's stairs are paved with Bible promises. Lovo never complains that its burden is too heavy. Bad habits are great bars in the devil'i prison. If you want to be be a useful ono. happy Christian A lie in the heart is as black as in a horse trade. it is Remember a cold winter is predicted, Cotton continues to advance in price, Cleanse Your Blood With Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Druggists approve it, doctors recommend it, and the public prefer it to any other. The rea son is -because, tested chemically, Ayer's Sarsaparilla proves to be the most scientific remedy of its class ; tested profession ally, it is recognized as a standard pharmaceutical preparation; tested by individuals and whole iieiyliborhoods, it is demon strated in actual use to bo the strongest and most effective, and therefore the most economical tmd desirable blood-purifier. Don't fail to get AYER'S; and bo sure that every bottle has upon its -wrapper, besides our name, the place of manufacture, LOWELL, MASS. With Ayer's "As n standard Mood .nedleine, Ayer's ' "1 have hecn m the drug business In Lowell P:rsaparilla lias always maintained a first- for twenty years un.t sell more of Ayer's r lass position ill the trade and in popular rs- j tlir.n of other Sarsaparitlas. It Is made from titration. We invariably recommend it in the lesi blood-purifiers known to medical preference to any other." .f. (1. I.ooims, I science, and contains notliiiii; lint what can Apotlieeary. 717 Main st., Ila.tlord. Cimiii. he recommended by the most scrupulous I have always recommended Aycr's Sar I physician. I have known of a great many saparilla as superior to any other" prepara- cures effected by Ayer's Sarsaparilla, some tiou for purifying the blood." (i. is. of tlu-ui ery remarkable and worthy of ,1.1:1, M. I., 1'omeroy, V. T record. "-(i C Osgood. M. It., cor. Mcrri- "For two years pat 1 have pifs.-iiiicd iii.iek ;ml niitlulk sis., Lowell, Mas. Ayer's Sarsaparilla lit numerous iii-lancc-.. " It fciu'S Ine satisfaction to iicknowledpo iui.1 l"i i ii I it highly ellleaeioiis in the trial- . Ih" superior merits of such a well-known incut of all disonicis of the Mood. It sells , Mood-pui ilicr as Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I am well in my stoic. "-K. It. Hoy If. M. I)., Tliiul conlident it. lias no equal." .1. II, Comlrcii, and ti'doid sts., I'liiladelplua, l'a. i riiarinacis:, w Khmer St., Harlford. Conn. Sarsaparilla. "Ayer's Sarsaparilla, for buildinp; up the i "Tim formula of Ayer's Sarsaparilla is tho licaltii generally, stands at the head of the best, for chronic diseases of almost every list."- .las. M. Williams, M. I)., Sumner. Ark, kind, known to the medical world."-). M. The public have decided that, for purity-1 Wilson, M. 1)., Wings. Ark. iu; the blood, Ayer's Sarsaparilla leads all i "In my practice, I invariably prescribe iii (mint of meiii. Willi the best time nu.l . Aw'i s .':lKliaiilla for tluuiiii: diseases uf appliances, and loni; experience. ,1. ('. Aver the blood."-W. I". Wright, M. 1)., I'aw l'aw to. supply, m their Sarsaparilla. a rich l-'oid. Tenn. alterative medicine. All our customers say ?m years my blood was In an unhealthy it docs its work well." William Lambert, ; condition. After having tried other mccll Dr.tKKist, 8W Market St.. Newark, N. .1. . cities without success, I have lately been "There is no better blno.l medicine than taking Aycr's Sarsaparilla. The results Aycr's Sarsaparilla. We sell more of it than have been all that could be desired. It iill others together." Lyman t'rawfoni, H a wonderful blood-purifier." Iticliard I'hariiiacist, cor. Jlain and Union streets, W. l'hiltpps, 1833 North Second street, Sprinidicld, Mass. j Philadelphia, Ta. Prepared by DR. J. C. AVER & CO., Lowell, Mass. Sold by al! Druggists. Price $1. Six bottles, $5. "Worth S5 a bottle. II! -s TiARU'OUDS EXTKAt'T, aXALES TRIPLE, VIOLET WATER, WOtlDWORTll's FLORItlA WA TER, AND SACHET POWDER. ACCURACY! a. o 'A O -3 C s 71 H w o M OS a 2 3?TT!RIT"2"! stay tfraud Prepared Paints. Pure White Lead k Linseed oil. I'll sell pnints at very small margin. Voollon's Patent Wire Tobacco Hangers CAN BE USED IN ANY DARN. Wires are movable. Tnbneeo rau lie properly Rpoe,t on Stick and Hulked Down on the Wlrea when curiil. Simplest, (.'lieajH-iit and Beit in the Market. PUICKS, When 'ah Arrompanlea the Order I 100 Mllrke t'omplele (7 Wlrea lo Sllrk) 3.00 1,000 Wlrra (Mo Mllrka) 4.00 mi i: oy n.nn 100 Ntlrke Complete 3.50 1,000 Wlrea (No Mlrka) 4,50 Haaketa, per Iloien. 4,00 Sample Slick mid Wire for S enle. ff" Trent!"? on TcbaccoCuSt'ir? nn-! CTirirj FRt'K. AGENTS WAITED. TOBACCO HANGER M'F'G CO., Houston, Halifax Co., Va. apr 2 5m H.J. WATCHMAKER Littleton, Makes aspccialty repairing fine WATCUES and CLOCKS. Fitting spectacles and eye glasses. tttrCash paid for old gold and silver. of .aiSsjk.. 1 New Line of STATION ER Yfc Ju.t Received ISO Linen writing Tablets, which I'll sell at a small PROFIT. a W O W w 73 I P to A Large Stock of LANDRETH'S GARDEN I'J SEED. u, and JEWELER, North Carolina, A nice line of WATCHES, CLOCKS, AND JEWELRY, Always on hand for sale CHEAP. Watche sent me by mail will be carefully repaired and promptly returned. CORD T! n n 1 U 1 ONE OF THE BEST FmiS W THE COUfJTY, A chance that does not often come. The well known EDMUNDS farm one(l) mile from Tillery station on the railroad Irom W elaon to Jims- ton, nine miles eisrht irom Scotland Neck. f The farm contains by survey 72CJ acres of which 430 acres are open and ready lor the Tliere is 100 acres seeded down in the best grasses for hay, 20 seed- 1 A 1 f ea m permanent pasture, o acres m grapes, 2 acres in Japan plums, 2 acres in Asparagus, 7 acres in straw berries. The grapes, asparagus, plums and strawberries will be in full yield next year. There is no better peanut farm m the county. It is an excellent trucking farm and WELL LOCATED for that purpose. The farm can desired. Parties wishing or address IX if 1IX X Acres of n Farm Land adopted to the cultiva tion con oti, FHUIT, veqetabLes HId LL Klfl OS Of T1UCK- Within one mile of the corporate limits of WELDON. 75 ACEES OLEAEED. 4 Qood IJouse j1d Outhouses. ifliiili will if Wilis? A Stream of water runs through the land. In good state of cultivation. Apply to Edited T, Clk, Real Estate Agent, Weldon, N. 0. J 111) below Halifax and plow. be divided up if to buy can call on . f. CLARK, Weldon, N. C. A J X Valuable of us TOBACCO, QRASS. rv

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