THE ROANOKE NEWS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1801. THE ROANOKE NEWS. BY HALL & SLEDGE. ,PUBLISI1ED EVEUY THURSDAY. BATHS OF SUIISt'KIPTION IX ADVANCE. One Year (by Mail), Postage Paid $l-0. .Six Months 7l- A Weekly Democratic journal devoted to the material, educational, political and agricultural interests of Halifax and sur Toanding counties. ggyAdvertising rates reasonable aud furnished on application. THURSDAY OCTOBER 22, 1891. Out of sight watermelons. Freights are heavy on all the roads. The russet shoe for winter wear is very dark. Tabbv cat skins are worth 8 to 10 cents. A light froat last Thursday and Friday nights. Mr. J. T. Goocu lost his horse a few days ago. v The rabbit crop is going to be an im mense one. Work is being pushed on the Great Falls canal. The recent rains did not cause the river to rise. Several bales of new cotton sold in town Saturday. Several of our citizens attended the Exposition last week. Cool weather bring9 welcome relief for hay fever victims. EVAN9' brick building will be com pleted by December 1. The leaves are turning and soon the woods will be beautiful. The weather is beautiful and cotton picking is going on rapidly. On account of the lateness of the crop trade is not what it ought to be. The Boston Quintette Club will give a performance here on November 4th. Two drops of myrrh in half a glass of water make a lovely mouth refresher. The fair season is well under way The Suffolk fair is in progress this week. The next term of the Superior court will oooveue at Halifax on November lb'th. This would be a splendid opening fur a bank. Such an enterprise' is much Deeded and would pay handsomely. A car load of sewer pipe has been or dered tor the town, aud as soon as it ar rives work will begin on the streets. Chapter 1: Weak, tired, no appetite, Chapter 2: Take Hood's Sarsaparilla. Chapter 3: Strong, cheerful, hungry. Weldon U a fine place for business. It is in the centre of a good country which could easily be made tributary to it. Everybody; who visits Weldon and remains long enough to becomeacquainted with our people is charged with (he place. There has been less malaria in town this season than ever was known before, and prob ibly less sickness than !nv any town in eastern Carolina. The Rev. J. A. Lee desires us to re turn thanks to hi congregation for i handsome purse donated to defray his expenses to Washington, Fires are comfortable these mornings and preparations are being mude for winter Straw hats have been generally discarded, and now and then an overcoat is seen. . U . Notice. Lost one tote of Allen Ponton, with J. T' Gooch security, fur Sixty-five dollars, dated about May 4, 1891, and due November 1st 1891, con sideration one horse. All persons lira forewarned not to buy said note as payment baa boen stopped. -Joseph Golumback. flyrupofFlgi ( Produced from the laxative and nutriti ous juice of California figs, combined with medicinal virtues of plants knowo to be most beneficial to the human system acts gently on the kidnevs, liver and bowels, effectually cleansing the system, dispelling cold and headaches, and curing habitual constipation .' ; ( V WllOLKSALE OroCKRY W 6 i0- formed that Messrs. 11. S. and George Harrison will upeu n wholesale grocery in this place abt.ui the first of November. We hope this is true. They have the refusal of one of the new Mores J. T. Evans for the (.urjose. Weldou is a splendid poiot for a wholesale grocery business, as through freight rates can be procured to i bis place and there is no belter distributing point in the State. Weldon is growing and growing in the right way. 'Possoms Must be Plentiful Mr. W. M. Martin informed us a few days ago that a 'pus)001 was caught in the house of Mr. Jim Hawkins, near Aurelian Springs last week. The children went upstairs to bed and beard a noise which they could not understand and called to an older brother, who weut up and made an investigation w,hen he discovered the marsupial between the lathes and the weathorboarding. The loom had not been plastered. How he get there no one knows, but there he was and he was fat, too. A Tramp Bed Fellow. Saturday night when Mr. Walter Wiggins weut to his room he found a tramp snugly wrapt n blankets and slumber. He had gotten into the room and with the cheek common to his class had, without waiting for an invitation, coolly divested himself of what little clothing he wore and laid down to pleasant dreams with the drapery of Mr. Wiggins' couch around him. Mr. Wig gins awoke the sleeper as gently as a righteous indignation would permit and hustled him into the Btieet notwithstand ing the self-possessed member of the walking fraternity offered him ten cents to be allowed to snooze out the remainder of the night in his comfortable quarters. More Farms Wanted for Con victs Col. Paul Faison, Mr. II. J. Pope, Mr. B. A. Pope and several mem bers of the Board of Directors of the penitentiary will to day visit (he Caledo nia aud other farms near Tillery with a view of leasing them for work by the convicts, in a short time tbe Board will have many more convicts to be employed by reason of the expiration of existing contracts and they will not be kept in idleness. The Board, we hear, wants ten thousand acres of land in addition to what they already have. They could not get better land or land better adapted to their purpose than the Caledonia farms. Lecture System Organized. The Alliance Lecturers for the 2nd Congres sionil District met at the Hammond Hotel in this place, on Tuesday. All the count its were represented except Halifax, Northampton . and Wilson Marion Butler, Piesident of the North Carolina State Alliance, called the meet ing to order. The first proceeding was to elect a president, who, by the constitu tion, becomes District Lecturer. J. M Mewborne, of Lenoir, was duly elected President. Reports by all tbe Secreta ries present showed the order in the District to be fully awake to progress and reform, with a determination to have re lief from the "power of money to oppress." The lectur" system is now fully organized in the 2nd District, and men, brave and true, are in the field to tench the people to fight monopoly at all times, in all places, and under all circumstances, until victory shall perch upon their banners. Rocky Mount Argonaut.- I ' 1 1 List op Letters. The following is a list of letters rcmaiuing in the Weldon postoffice uncalled for".' Miss Buroice Williams, Mrs 0 B Williams, Douglas Washington, Mrs Sam Woods, Mrs Lamah Woodson, Miss Lila Taylor, C Tbomp-on, Mrs Sarah Shaw, Mrs 8 Blanche Robinson, J II Rook, Miss Mary Reid.T W Powell, Robert Weaver, Miss Alice Powell. C C Mo- Donald, Rev D N Martin, Q G Marks, Nesson Maty. Joseph Manly, Josephine McKay, Ed Weaver, Mrs Roxana Lewis, W C Milton, C E IInrtgo.JF Hargrove, Myra Cooally, S C Chambers, G Dauiul, MtM Mary Nettuu, Mr B Fulford, Annie 1) Gibson, T L Canardy, Mr Killis Campbell, L Blathsom, Mary Blount, Efram Heaven, James Harper, Samuel Hall, William Branch, Fred Burt, JTIvey, S Y Dickeus, Mary Juhoson, Miss Sallie Johnson, W W Jikins, Patsy Long, Dick uong, Thomas Latham, Willie Love, Betsy Long, John Gibbs, George Rainey, Wui Savage, Ellen Birch. For sale cheap one set second hand parlor furniture. P. N. Stainback & Bro. For sale a second hand 60 saw cotton gin. P. N. Stainback & Bro. MARRIED. Johnson Pierce Tuesday after noon at 2:15 o'clock, p. M., the Methodist church was the scene of a brilliaut event, it being the marriage of Mr. Lee Johnson to Miss Mary V., daughter of our towns man Dr. A. B. Pierce, by the Rev. J. A. Lee, pastor, all of this place. The church was beautifully decorated with flowers and evergreens, over each aisle near the chancel being an arch and a gate aud in front of the pulpit a larger arch and a marriage boll. Sometime be fore the appointed hour the church began to fill with a congregation greatly inter ested in the contracting parties. The church had been darkened and the lamp light made the whole scene still more attractive. At the hour appointed Mrs. W. T. Shaw took her place at the organ which filled thechurcli with its melodious siruios, the doors opeued and Messrs. W. T. Shaw and John U. Lue entered and opened the pot tills. Followiug these, one in each aisle, were the ushers Messrs. A. S. Allen and E. G. Cheatham. Through oue door entered the groom with his best man Mr. 0. W. Pierce and through the other the bride with her maid of honor Miss Willie Norwood, of Warrcntoo. While the minister was impressively reading the service the soft tcs of the organ in selections from Faust floated through the building, After the ceremony tho bridal party left the church to the strains of "Marriage Bells," from Olivette, and went direct to the station where the bride and groom took the train for Suf folk, the former home of the groom where they will remain a while. 1 hey have the good wishes and con gratulations of a host of friends in this community. Death of Mrs. Morgan. Mrs. Imogene S. Morgan, wife of Mr. J. R. Morgan, died at her borne in this place yesterday morning at nine o'clock after an illness of little more than a week. She leaves three children, one girl and two boys, the youngest being less than two weeks of age. Mrs. Morgan was a daugh ter of Mrs. Mary E. Cochran, of this place, and was in the 27th year of her age. She recognized the fact that death was near and died in the faith of a blessed immortality. Conscious to the last a expressed perfect trust and confidence and met the arch enemy without fear, but peacefully and happily. She leaves a large circle of relatives and mends to mourn her death and they all have the sympathies of the entire community. She will be buried this afternoon at the cemetery. Halifax One Hundred Years Ago It is interesting to read about old times and to see how our ancestors lived. The history of the ancient town of Hali fax is full of incidents which show what a fashionable aud wealthy place it was in days of yore. From's Life of Iredell we learn that "Mr. Thomas Ire. dell vUited Halifax in July or August, 1790. A letter from him gives a very characteristic account of that gay aod opulent Borough. "The divine Miss Polly Long" had just been married to Mr. Bassett Stith," a Virginia beau." The nuptials were celebrated by twenty- two consecutive dinner parties in as many different houses, the dinners being regu larly succeeded by dances, tnd all terml nating with a general ball. Miss Wallace an heiress, Miss Pasteur and Miss Lucas were the belles of the occasion. Scotland Neck Knitting Mills The Scotland Neck Knitting Mills have sent to the exposition for exhibition avety handsome assortment of hosiery which will make a splendid display and must attract considerable attention. The exhibit contains samples of all classes of goods ranging from seventy-five cents to twenty four dollars per dozen. Tbie enterprize has had most remarkable sue cess since its inauguration, aod the out put is increasing all tbe time. A man who has practiced medicine for 40 years, ought to know salt from sugar; read what be says : Toledo, O., Jan. 10, 1887. Messrs. F. J. Cheney k Co: Gentle men I have been in the general practice of medicine for most 40 years, and would say thai iu !! iy priolicj and experience havo never seen a preparation that 1 could prescribe with as much conbdeoce of sue cessas I can Hall's Catarrh Cure, manu factured by you. Have prescribed it a great many times und us effect is wonder ful, and would say in conclusion that have yet to find a case of Catarrh that it would not cure, ll they would take it ac cording to directions. Yours truly, L L. Gobsuch, M. D., Office, 215 Summit St.' We wil give $100 for nny case of Ca tarrh that ivmnot be cured with Hall i Catarrh run-. 'J' ik ii internal y. i F. ! Obkvky & i " , Props., Toledo, hio. . HSrSeud for testimonials free. l&.Sold by druggists, 75o. 10 221m. POPULAR PEOPLE. ' S03IEOF THE FOLKS YOUKSO WAND THEIR DOINGS. Sheriff Alsbrook was iu town Monday. Mr. J. V. Mullen, of Petersburg, wi 8 i town Mo iJay. Mrs. W. T.Shaw returned from Wasl- agton City last week. Capt. T. W. Mason, railroad coin mi oner, was in town Saturday. Gen. Wm. Mahone has been in town pushing tbe work on the canal. Mrs. H F. Price, of Wilson, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. H. C. Spiers. Jesse Clark, one of our typos, has been sick a week or two with a slight case of fever. '" Mr. 8. J. Stalling, a prominent mer chant of Littleton, spent Monday night in town. Mr. E. T. Whitehead, of Scotland Neck, passed through town Monday going North. Miss Willie Norwood, of Warrenton, spent sevorul days in town with friends . i . it . mis ana last week. Mrs. W. R. Smith has returned home entirely recovered from her attack of ill ness, wo are glad to say. Misses Lorena Long, of Graham, and Alene Bell, of Yellow Springs, Ohio, are visiting Mrs. D. E. Stainback. Miss Emily Long returned home Mon day night from a visit to Blowing Rock, n:n.i lv.i ! i ti ' imisuuro, uaieign ana nenaerson. The Rev. J. A. Lee and Mrs. Lee re- turnea nome I nursday trom a visit to 1 l mi .a the Ecumenical Council at Washington Mr. J. H. Harrell, of Tillery, was in town looking around with a view to loca ting nere, ana will in a lew days enter the mercantile business here. The Rev. J. A. Cunninggim, Presid ing Elder of the Raleigh District, and Mrs. Cunninggim, spent Thursday night in town, en route home from Washing ton, D. C , where they had been attend ing the Ecumenical council. Messrs. H. S. and George Harrison were in town Friday completing arrange ments for removing their wine ware rooms to this place from Medoo. They expect this to be done by the first of November. Mr. Ueorie Harrison will have charge of them. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. P01VDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder Highest of all in leavening strength. Latest U. S. Government Food Report, NOTICE. . By virtue of the power of sale contained in a deed of trust executed and delivered by M. W. Butts and J. W. Butts to the undersigned as Trustee on the loth day 01 December, 188:3. and duly recorded in Book 69 at page Xtlt, Register of Deeds' Office for Halifax county, to secure certain indebtedness therein set out, I will tell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder on Saturday, the gist day of No veuiber, 1891, in the town of Weldon, N. C, in front of tbe postofllee the following d (scribed tract or parcel ot land lying situ ate and being in the county of Halifax State of North Carolina, and bounded on the east by thn lands of William Bishop, on tbe north by the land ot Joseph Cheek and Mrs. Mary Sinallwood, on the west by the land of Jesse Aledlin and Mrs. Parker, and on the South by tbe lands of William Bishop, Jesse Medliu and others and con turning 492 acres more or less, and subject to the dower of Mrs. William Ivey, which has atreadv been conveyed to W. P. Batch elor as Trustee tor Mrs. Jos. ii. Batchelor, This the 19th day of October, W). JOS. B- HATCH ELOR, 10-22-4t Trustee. Jsk. PERFECTED A CRYSTAL LEV SES Ml ( MM. J ftulitj Hut tti iinjU P. N. STAINBACK & BRO., GENERAL MERCHANTS, have exclusive pale of these celebrated glasses iu Weldon, N. C. Fill I UN? R KFLUM i MOORE. The only manulacturinL' Optimum in tie South. Atlanta, Ga. l9Peddlers are not supplied fith these famous glasses. PS 8 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BECKWITH'S ANTI-DY$PEPTIC PILLS. As a 'uiuily medicine these pills are un rivalled. is an Anti-Dyspeptic Pill they have stood the test of 75 years, and maintained their reputation. THEY REG ULA IE the B O WELS nd LIVER. They will relieve Colic, Sick Head ache, Acid Stooiach, aud all the evils at tendant upon indigestion. They are the cheapest and best remedy offered for Dyspepsia in all its forms. For sale by W. M. COHEN, Weldon, N. C. E. P. Beckwith ti Co . Wholesale agents, Petersburg, Va. my 28 ly. LADIE3 FOR BOYS 175 W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE cENffg. CN TK BEST 8HOE Is the Wtrie fw the Monty. I1F.NTI.KWKIV and l.iniEH. no tow dollars br wearing W. 1 Douglas Shoes. Thr meet the wants of all classes, and ara tba most economical footwear erer offered for the money. Beware a dealers who offer other makes as being Jnit as good and be sure yon hare W. L. Douglas Shoes, wltl name and price stamped on bottom. W. I Doaglai urocEion, mau. . IF-TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. Insist on local advertised dealers supplying you. For Sale by C. - McOWlGAN, infield, N. C. oct 2 m. NOTICE- , By virtue of the power of sale contained in a deed of trust executed and delivered by Dr. J. K. Pope and wife to the under signed n Trustee on the 24th day of Feb ruary, imti, and duly recorded in book 79 page 397, Register of Deeds' office for Hal- rax comity, to secure certain indebtedness set out tberem, I will sell at public auc tion for cash to the highest bidder, t the court house door in Halifax, on Monday tbe 16th day of November, 1891, the same being the urst day of tbe Superior Court lor MaliJax couuty, all tbe right, title and interest of the said J. R. Pope and wife in and to that trout of land containing about tweuty-eignt hundred acres, which was set apart and alloted to the widow of Hen ry J. Futrell, deceased, as aud for ber dower out of that body of land situate in said county of Halifax known as the "Cal edonia" tract aod formerly belonging to James C. Johnston, deceased, for a more perfect description see the proceedings in tne superior court tor Halifax county al lotting said dower, tbe interest of the said J. It. Pope and wife being an undivided one-'ourth thereof. This the 15 day of October, 1891. W. E. DANIEL, l(l-22-4w. Trustee. ?0flll la MANUFACTURED BY THE GARDWEIL MACHINE CO., RICHMOND, VA. oct-15-13t. A GOLD WATCH AND $204. That is what every agent receives who gets up a club on our$l per week plan. Uur H-kurat gold-nileu cases are war ranted lor 20 years. Fine Elgin or Wal than) movement. Stem wind and set Lady's or Gent's size. Equal to any $50 watch, lo secure agents wheie we have none, we sell one ot the Hunting Case Watches fur the club price $28 and send C. O. I), by express with privilege of examination before paying lor same. Uur aent at Durham, N. C, writes: "Onr Jewelers have confessed they don't know how you can furnish such work for the money.1' , Oue good reliable agent wanted for each place. Writs lor particulars. EM PIKE WATCH CO., 43 and 50 Maiden Lane, New York. oct-15-ly. -3T O 5Zi RENT. The Stre House, and thejdwelling house occupied formerlyby W.M. PERKINS, Jr., at will be rent ed separately or togetheivApply to . BhiiJkLeYi lo-15-4t. AURELIAN SPRINGS, N.C. POLICE, 1 '2.5025 f Z00 Mi'fK ADVERTISEMENTS. in R. h, (SUCCESSOR TO K. J. NEELY & CO ,) WHOLESALE & RETAIL Dealer In hi mi sum MOULDINGS, BALUSTERS, BRACKETS, ETC. W--a-i-o--C INDOW-:-SCREE NfV- Paints, Oils, v arnisb, And Builders' Hardware. Sheathing Papers, White Pine, Walnut and Poplar Lumber. Stair Rail and . Turns Worked Ready to Hang! Cor. Water and Queensts., Portsmouth, Va jyiejanl. 1TOTIOE. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Halifax county, rendered at the March term 1891 of said Court, in tbe ac tion therein pending wherein M. V. Barn hill was plaintiff, and T. B. Lock and wife Pattie V. Lock, were defendants, I shall on Monday, the Kith day of November, 1HU1, at i o'clock M, expose to sale at public auction to tbe highest bidder for cash, at tbe court bouse door of said county, a tract of land situated in said county, on Beaver Dam hwamp, adjoining tbe lands of G. W. Morris and J. T. Ryan containing oue hundred and five acres more or less. This 5th day of October 1891. W. C THORNE, 10-15-td. Commissioner. NORTH CAROLINA, HALIFAX COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. Thomas N. Hill and Mary A. Hill, Exec utors of N. M- Long, deceased, plaintiffs, Vs. Wesley II. Harrison and Tempo Harrisonl Ins wife, defendants. The defendants above named will take notice that a summons in the above enti tled action was issued on the 15th day of, August, 1891, returnable to the fall term of the Superior court for Halifax county, which commences on the tenth Monday after the first Monday of September 1891 ; that the purpose of the action is to cancel a contract tor the sale of real estate eon-, tracted to be sold the defendant, Wesley H. Harrison by tbe plaintiffs, and this is to require you and each of you to be and ap pear before the Jndge of onr Superior court at a court to be held in the county of Hali fax at the court house in Halifax on the tenth Monday after the first Monday in September. 1891, and answer or demur to the complaint which will be deposited in the office f the clerk of the Superior court of said county within the first three days ofthe'term. Herein fail not. This the 7th day of September, 1891. JOHN T GREGORY, Clerk Superior Court. sep-10-8w. It is a Modern Eureka! It is a boon to ladies suffering from diseases peculiar to thir sex. It is an antidote for mala rial blood poison and a sure remedy for restoring the system after having had JoE CHILLS AND FEVER, aud a pod i-end to the human family as an antidote for Uninktnness. . It restores lost bj vital energy indigestion, overwork, worry, wentql strain or othet cause. It is nature's great system renovator and blood purifier. MRS- JOE PERSON'S REMEDY. is unequaled as a tonic, alterative and blood purifier, It will cure rheumatism, . nanner in its carlv staves, heart disease, erysipelas, chronio bilious colic, tetter, eruptions, skin and blood diseases. In fallible in SYPHILITIC TROUBLES. if used in connection with the wash. Infallible for scrofula. Gives instant re lief in canes of violent oolio. Adult dose, wine glass two-thirds full, and mora if necessary. IT RELIEVES CATARRH. it will cure ulceration of the womb, if us ed with wash. It is an antidote ft r poi son caused by p neon oak. The use of the wash is all-in pniUnt in such caiea. LOT 15.

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