THE ROANOKE NEWS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1891. THE ROANOKE NEWS. !JV HALL & SLUDGE. PUBLISHED EVK11Y THURSDAY. HATES iF HfnscKiPTION- IN' ADVANCE. One Year (by Mail), Postage l'aiil Sl.oO. Six Months yWeeklv- Democratic journal devoted to the material, educational, political unil agricultural interests of Halifax and sur rouuilin counties. gfcjp Advertising rates reasonable and furnished on application. THURSDAY DECEMBER 17, 1891. gSSTEXAMISE TIIK Address OS Yoi.'B l'Arisa Our subscribers will ()lt-ae notir the date oppo nite their names ou the margin of the paper. Do you know the mean ing ol the date? Well, we will explain : The date mentis that you have puiil 'or 7mt paper "P to that time, and that you owe list for the paper from that date at the rate of ouedollar and a hulf a vear. Tut it means something elie, too. It means that we want yoa to pay for your paper. If you want it a year longer send one dollar and a' half, if sit months (tend seventy-tive cents. We adopt this method of inform ing you of the date of the expira tion of your subscription because it is cheaper Mid more likely to call your attention to the fact. We hope onr subscribers will take notice of the date and remit us at once. It is a small amount in each case, but it means a good deal in the sum total. Send along the money and we will send along the paper. That's business and business is business. Christmas in Bight. Now squirrels are nice. Tm shortest day is near. There will be a rise in coal. Teeth are now filled with glass, ()i:r schools are progressing fiooly. THE year 18D1 is becoming decrepit. Actcmn leaf-gathering is about over. Christmas savings banks are being filled. Lists of people to be remembered are being made out. Old fashioned names are the new fashion fi.r babies. Tu i December girl islsrgely devoting her leisure ti home uiade presents. The fellow who was born ou the -Dth of February will get a birthday next year. Tur, temperature in a room through out tie wiut'-r should bu uniform at 70 decrees. Tub confectionery store' are pilling up stocks Everybody eats candy at Christ mastime. Better get in your supplies of wood and conl. There are squally times ahead, if al! reports are true. 'What shall I give her?" is a qut'8. tiuo bothering the impecuuious young man, as Christmas draws ucar. Santa Clais is now balancing ac counts sod trritiug tugs for the good things favored uues are to receive. Lent begins 40 days before Easter. The latter will occur in 132 on April IT. It occurred in 1SH1 ou March To purify Your blood . Take Hood's Sarsaparilla. AfPotXTMENTa Here are some of the appointments of the Methodist Pro testant Conference for the neit year : Albemarle Mission, E A Wright; Halifax circuit, J F Des-ier; Haw River circuit, AW Liueberg; Henderson station, J T Ogdeo; LaGrange mission. W L Harris; Roauuke circuit, W C Keunett Stanly circuit, V C Hammer. Pocndino Partt. Th Rev J. A. Green, the new pastor of the M. E' Church, arrived here Friday but was too unwell to occupy bis pulpit Sunday and tin Rev. P. N. Siuiuuauk pteiuliid Hi congregation nctived him warmly and pounded bim most effectually that night. His larder is now quite full of the good thing- which his flock donated. Children Eujuy The pleasaut flavor, gentle ajtion and eothio'i effects of Syrup of Figs, when in need of a laxative and if the fafher or toother be costive or bilious the most gratifying results follow its use, so that U is the best family remedy and every family should rmve a bottle. Have jou xsen the Patent Sole Shoe? If not iak your dealer for it. J I n. try the Patent Sole Shoe. They fa the best I over saw. . ' i - ' u , Tub (ikiiu'e. The grippe, seems t- ie mort! pn-t Vi.-iit in this c;i'ti than ever before, thou-jh in a miu.-ii milder form tlin fo'U" rly. Nearly -very one you meet has 'be gri;f' ;tutl fee! uu- comfortable if t.ot tjuit.- i I In North ampton county oti' -it v m.-i week' one physician of Jacks-n wa.i mi led to thirty coses. GeuLiiuical S t: B v e v . Professor HolmiM.Sute Geologist. who h is been pros ecuting the geological survey in this wes. teru portion of the State during the sum mer and eirly fail months will begin the survey in the Eastern section very soon. The equipments have all been picked for shipmeut, and his corps will begin work on Roanoke river in this county, prob ably after the holidays. Broke into a Car Wednesday night of last week Cook broke into a b. ix car at Halifax and stole a quantity of goods belonging to Mr. J. R Weeks a prominent merchant of Spring Hill lie was a hand on the material train which bad stopped at Halifax for the night. Sou: of the other bands informed on biiu after he h i'l puckelthe goods in a lnrr,-l for shipment. The goods were recovered but hu escaped. CrRE fob Hou Cholera. The Kin. ston free Preu says that Mr. W. S. Cox has tried the following and that it cures hog cholera every time: Fur each hog take one quart of meal and put in warm water enough to sour the same; then get a lot of chetry tree bark, boil it to strong tea and put it in the meal, then put in half a tablespoonful of saltpetre, mix the whole aud give to th j hogs. This is a iose for one hog, double the quantity for two hogs, etc. j The Teachers' I.nstitcti The teachers institute at Halifax last week was well attended by ladies, who are al ways first in all good work. It is to be regretted that so few of the male teachers and school committeemen were present. Professor Alderman's lectures we e most instructive and entertaining to all who heard them as well to the general public aod to those who were most directly inter ested in the public schools. He is an earnest worker, and his hints and views upon education and public schools were well put and to the point. . Wine Depot. Mr. Paul Garrett, of Littleton, will on the first of Jaauary move his wine warehouses to this place. He has routed the rooms under Literary 11.11 for this purpose, and they are now undergoing the necessary alterations. Mr Garrett will also rent a dwelling house. We learn that the rl-!v, Dr. A. S, Smith and Mrs Harmon wi I live with him Mr. Garrett h is biu ii the wine business for a nu !er ( yeirs and ban built up a largo business in the South aud Wet He lias two Mlesmeo tr.ivelliu all the time aud his sales am utH to trim Lity to fifty thousand gallons a year. This is a large enterprise for Wellou and will help the community in many ways The Railroad Taxes As indica- ted in tht.e columns lat week the Wil mingtou and Weldon Railroad Company last week applied to Judge George Brown, f.-ra reMmiuiug order prevtcting the collection of taxes from the company by the sheriff of thia county. The order was granted and tlie of this rut nth appointed for hearing argument by Judge Bryan upon the pc-ruao-.-Qt injunction At this writing the place whrre the orgu uient will be beard has not beea appointed. but it will be probably here or at Goldi boro. The petition of the company state. that the taxes levied on us f roreify in tbUci.uuty exceeds eleven hundred dol lars. List op Letters The fullowins is a list of letters remaiuiug in the Weldon postofbee : Mrs Frances Allen, Mr" Randy Asbe, Delia Burton, Estelle Baker, R H Bullock Kiah Bjter, C C Btowo, Miss Myta CuQuy, James Corn, Miss Fannie Daniel Miss llturetta Edwards, L E Goodman Miss Ennks HarrUs, Lewis Jnues, William James, Louis Jeukius, F R Morgan, Clara Ann Prince. A J . Price, Miss Bettie Powers, Miss Pinkie Palmer, Chas Per kius, J H Phelps, W J Parker, RufSn Robinson, W H Sutkh, W T Shirley, F ASherrell, Miss Maitie Smith. W fbort, Nellie Taylor, George Yarriau. Hannah Williams, Miss George aon Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. Is it not worth the small price of 75c. to free yourself of every symptom of these ILtre.iug complaints, if you think so Cill at our store aud get a bottle of Shi loh's Vitaiizer, every bottle has a printed guarantee ou i', use according and if d. es vou no good it Hill est you nothing. Sld by W. M.Coheu We braa, because the . Patent Sole Shoe is the only one made that excludes water, dust and dirt. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. The llOA- niikk News return thanks to Concress H. P. Cheatham fur copies of the ' Congressional Record which he lias kind ly sent u They an; mast convenient to a newpaper, as in them are ail the pre- j coeding of Congress. Si'F.cial Sermons. At the Baptist church next Sunday the Rev. W. B. Morton will preach morning anil eveniug and the sermons will be as follows: At 11 A. M. sermon to ladies; subject: Ruth. At 7:30 P. M. acrruou to men; subject: Joseph. The public is invited to attend. Panacea Si'rinus Horsr, Alien- tion is called to the advertisement of Panacea Springs Hotel, which appears in another column. Th lintel is open all the year round aod tinder the manage ment of Mr. A. J. J.-iies, its present proprietor, who is an experienced hotelist, will he conducted uu the highest plane of convenience aud elegance. Being at the celebrated Panacea Spriugs it is oue of the uioM de.-irablo f.r recuperating health in the country. Read udveitise- metit for further paitiuulars. Matrimonial Cards are out for the marriage of Miss Jt-srio Key, daughter of j Mr. aud Mrs. S. P. Arrtogtou,to Mr. Mai- j vein Hill Palmer, uf Warrenton. The marriage will take at Emmanuel church, I Warrenton, at two o'clock, T. M on 1 Wednesday, Dec. 23rd. This will be one of the most brilliant events of the seaton and excites great interest on sc eoutit of the hiuh social tauding of the eontraetiug purtws. Scientific American. Every week this most valuable periodical presents whatever is new in the world of science, art, and manufactures. Full of practical information, it discloses to the thoughtful notouly what has been ascertained, but also suggests the possibilities still to be revealed. For forty-five years Munn it- Co , have conducted this paper in con nection with the procuring of patents for new inventions. The Scientific Ameri can is authority on all scientific and mechanical subjects, and should be in every household. Copies of the paper may be seen at this office. Christmas Goods. It is time for people to begin to think about presents lor tbeir friends and their children, This very often puizles folks, because they don't axactly know what to get Very ofteii they select a present but find it is most too high for their purse because they hue a soul many to buy and want only to spend a certain amount of money for ail of th"iu. All of this trouble can be avoided bv bin ins at Mrs P. A. Lewis'. She has bo-ilit just the things, bemuse she kuows what the people wtitit, uud retueiubr-riu ih;it time are a lut.e tiht sb bought thcui at low figures and cau sell them cheap. Examine her stock. MARRIED From the Richmond Dis patch of the 10th inst we take the follow ing. Mis Loekhart was well known in this commuuity where she was quite popular. . Mr. John T. Thomas, of Ralegh, N. C , or.e of the best known druggists of the Tar-Heel State, bd to the altar of Hymen yesterday evcuiug Mies Annie G. L)ckhnrc, a young lady well acquainted in Richmond society. Rev. Dr. Newton, of the Monumental church, performed the ceremony at the residence of the bride's aunt, Mrs. N. A. Gregory, on west Main street. The wedding was a very quiet one, though a number of intimate friends were present. Mr. aud Mrs Thomas left on the eVenin-i train for a bridal trip North. Couoh Candy1. An excellent cough canday is made of slippery elm, flaxseed and sugar Soak a gill of whole flaxseed iu half a pint of boiling water. In an other dish put a cup of broken tits of slippery elm, and cover this also with boilitrz water. Let these stand for two hours. Then strain them both through a musiin cloth iuto a feuccpan containing a pound and a half of granulated sugar. Extract all the liquor you can, stir the sugar until it is melted and then boil it uutil it turns to candy. Pour it out at once when it reaches this point on to greased papers. This is an old-fashioned rule. The caudy is more palatable if the juice of two lemons is added to it after it has cooked for ten minutes. - We hive a speedy and po-itivo cure for taiaiiu, diphtheria, enk-r mouth and h adtel,., in .-illLOH'o CA TARRH REM EDV A nasal irjector free wi h taJi Dome. Ue it it ;;'U deiie health and sweet breath. Price 5Co. Sold by W. M. Cohen, A Dangerous Counterfeit The secret t-emeedivision oi' the 1'i.ih-d States Treasury I.) i tnment has inforumioii t the exUteiitx of a "','. daugrr :.') comitcri'-it -old certificate, it is a photo hi'- counterfeit, check "-r A. i'.ltiilan, i. (de B R. Brace, register, James treasurer. Act of July 12, 1 partment series.) A 37-04." Apart from the counter containing the figure; 20 on the face and the portrait of Gar- ia field, there is a little of the srray of the! photographs about it. The s-al is small and scallopped, having a redish tin je, apparently applied with a brush. The numbering is v,ry pronounced aud heavier than the genuine The service of the note is one-half iueh shorter and one-eighth of an inch narrower than the genuine. It has the two parallel silk thre-Hs running through it. The tint on the back of the note is light brown, while in the eiuin - notes it is orange. The counterfeit is determined by the character of its tints rather than by the lines in the engraving, as it is a photograph of genuine work. An Attempt to Collect a For- PRITVRK AND S'TOP A IvAlLllOAD Train. When the Wilmington & Wel don Railroad Company determined to ex tend the Scotland Neck branch road to Groeuville it agreed to forfeit certain amounts aggregating about l,.1l.H) if the road was not completed to Greenville by a certain date. The road wis completed by the date agreed upon and the con- struetiou train had passed over it. Some of the parties suneudered all claim upon the company for th- forfeit. Others did not and claimed that they were entitled to the money and brought suit to recover but the courts decided against them. Sometime afterward some ofthesa claims were purchased by other parties and, as it turns out, judgment for the amounts nearly nine hundred dollars was obtained in a magistrate's court. The summons was served on an agent of the company who says now he thought it was a hoax and took no notice cf it. Execution was issued last week and the sheriff, refusing to levy on property of th j road, deter mined to attach the passenger train and was at the station at Greenville Wednes day night of last week for the purpose. When the train arrived the sheriff told the conductor, Capt. Hawks, that he in tended to attach the two passenger cars, but Capt. Hawks by the advice of coun sel jumped on his train and pulled the boll cord. The train moved away from the station at a rapid speed, leaving the discomfited sheriff holding nothing but biswiit. He then determined to attach the freight next morning, but that train went by the station at the rate of thirty miles an hour without stojpin The bberiff then decided to arrest Capt. Hawks for contempt of court, but while all these m itt' rs were taking place an iujunctioo r" raining the execution of th.) judgment was obtained by the company t 'in Judge Couner, and conductors and trains n-w pass Greeuvwe with impunity, i t.e case will finally bo determined in the Superior court. FirniTH Anniversart of Bishop Lyman's Ordination A cordial ir. vitaiijn is extended by the Church people of Ral-igh to the clergy and Church p o-1 pie of the Diodes.; to partake of their hospitality aud take putt in the s;rvices conimeuiotativeof th? Fitieth Anniver sary of Bishop Lyuiau's Ur iioation to the Priesthood. There will be two commemorative services, as follows : Holy Communion, with addresses, in the Church of tin Gool Shephar l, Satur day,DeWarl!), 11 A. M. Eveniog Prayer in Christ Church, Sunday, December 1M, 7:30 P. M , with addresses by leading clergy and laity, and ahistorL-al addr?ss by Dr Kemp P. Bat tle, late President of the University. The occasijn is such a lare occurrence that a sino re h ope is exfressed by the committee in charge that an aarneit cffjrt will be made by both cljrgy ami people to be present aud do honor to our Bishop. The clergy will cone provided with surplices. They are also requested to have publicity given to this oireular in loca newspapers. Application hai been made to the rail road authorities for special rates Those who expect to c. me will kindly send their names to Mr. Erank P- Hay wood, Jr., Citiiens National Baak, Rah eigli. A. B. Hunter, Binnitt S.medis, J. W. Hprpht, Joa. B. Batcuilor, F. P. Haywood, Jr., Committee Receiving thia week a nice lir e of df goods. Bedford o.rd .'torn 5tv to $1 UU per yard. Call and see them they are beautiful. P. N. Stainback 4 Bro. ''I 'r-' '--I IU to A. .Wl SOME OF THE FOLKS YOU KXO WAND their Dorset The U-v. Dr. Burton is still quite with bronchitis. ill Dr. A S Harri-Mic, of Riirgwood. was in town Mouiav. Mr. Harry Stubbs, of Williamston, was toWD 'NIlJDlJa.v. Sheriff B I. Alsbrook was in town a tew hours Tue.stLiy. Capt. 11. B Peebles, of Northampton, was in town Mouday. Mr. Jf-so Powers is confined to his room nith the urippe. Mr- Thomas Fitzpatriek, of Baltimore, was in town this week Mr. Paul Garrett, of Littleton, spent Monday night in town. Miss Susie Smith, of Scotland Neck, went up to Rileigh Monday. Mr Andrew Joyner is this week visit itig frieuds in Raleigh. Mr. C. A. Cook, U S. Dristrict Attor ney, was in town Tuesday. Capt. E. A . Thorne was in town Tues day, t-ii route to Richmond. Mr. K Chambers Sun ill, of Raleigh, was in town a short while this week . Capt Thou,:1s W. Miis-m, Railroad Commissioner, was in town Monday. Mr. W. Y. Gay, left for Raleigh Mon i day toacc;pt a nsitioi in Berkley's res taurant. Miss Addio Bain, of Raleigh, who 'has been visiting friends in this place, return ed home Olouday Mr.W. H.Capeli, of this place, accepted a position with the Purcell Houe, Wilmington. Cupt. H. M. Faucott spent last Tues day in town. He has many warm friends here who are always glad to see him. Mr. R. T. Cochran, who has been ysrduiasrer of the R k G road here has re sumed the positiou of freight conductor. Mis I.ttie Thome, daughter of W. H. Thome, Esq., of Airlie, who has been visiting Mr. E. T. Clark, returned home Monday. Mr. T. N. Hill, Jr., who has been at home on a visit left Thursday for Cle bourne, Texas, to take a position in a rail road office, Miss Emily Long returned Monday from a visit to the upper part of North ampton county and will leave for New York to-day. Capt. R. L Boone, the conductor who was so severely hurt last week, had so far recovered that he was ou Saturday taken to his home at Conway, Northamp ton couuty. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS POWDER . Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strength. Litest C. S. G'lCtrummt Food Report. WajsoA Brrros, Attorawsat Taw, I Wrsro.v, N. t, Hep't M, lsL t JaS. H. TTna, Sec'y, Washington, D. C. : Dia 8m-I hare bta nsin oae cf yrr Eaectropoiwa tor tonr Ter, urea Uitk la vtlid ion, who has bera afflicted with pal monry trouble and a dropeiciU tetiilenc J. I hare found treat relief for him la the nsc of th ElaatropiLso. wheu the doctors hail failed to rive him any perjuen'. reikf.and I u Htbhed that but for iu two we ebonld hare lost him. 1 tare never wwn It fail to reduce his fever, or to bring toand sweat sleep. I would not be without it for many time. Iu on. Tonre truly. J. C. BLXTON. Mr. BtiiIob U aloo President of First Na tional Bank, WI anion, N. O., and is ooo of the fcremont men of the bouth. for all information addreM ATLANTIC CLECTROPOItC CO., Ha. uoa NiwVov.. WeMiToa, D. O., a Jia Kim St., Chhkiton . C. nov ID ly end Whlikiy Babtta cured al home wi la out paiu. Book of r.r lirtt.tntrni FREE. By aothority of the Board of Education of Halifax county I offer FOU KENT fi r tli tnsuiuir vear oueay terms the lands formerly owned by K. J. Lewis, but n rentlv sold by the county nnderamortgaa executed to it by the said Lewis in settle ment of his accounts as sheriff, and pur chased by the Boanl of Education for the country neho.,1 Hindu. These land lie Tery mar the town ot Hal l.ix. Partie desitnw to rent ay or utl these lands cau apply to me by Utter or in person. S- M- OAKY, ageut, I'MO-Sb Halifax, N. C fiilPIUrl I ' iMaHueaM H.M.V(XLLKV,M.D, NAUata,Ua (8c Ui Whitehall 8L Land i Rent. ADVERTISEMENTS. BECKWITH'S ANTI-DYSPEPTIC PILLS. As a family medicine these pills are un . rivalled. As an Ajjti-Dyspeptic Pill they hav stood the test of 75 years, and maintainest their reputation. THEY REG ULA IE the B O WEL8 and LIVER. They will relieve Colic, Sick Head. ache, Acid Stomach, and all the evils aU tendant upon iudigestion. They are tha cheapest and best remedy offered foi- Dyspepsia in all its forms. For sale by IV. M. COI1ES, Weldon, N. C. E. P. Beckwith k Co , Wholesale agents, Petersburg, Va my 28 ly. PERFECTED CRYSTAL linit TfllM UM aulltjrtrrtatiAinjfc P. N. STAINBACK 4 BRO., GENERAL MERCHANTS, have exclusive sale of these celebrated glasses in Weldon, N. C. KELUM & MOORE, The only manufacturing Opticians in th South. Atlanta, Ga. 8T- Peddlers are not supplied viih those famous glasses. A GOLD WATCH AND $204 That is what every agent receives wluv gets op a club on our J 1 per week plan. Our 14-karat gold-tilled cases are war ranted for 30 years. Fine Elgin or Wal tham movement. Stem wind and set. Lady's or Gent's size. Equal to any $5ft watch. To secure agents where we have none, we sell one of the Hunting Case Watches for the club price $28 and send C. O. D. by express with privilege of examination before paying for same. Our agent at Durham, N. C, writes: "Our Jewelers have confessed they don't, know how you can furnish such work for the money.'' One good reliable agent wanted for each, place. Writs for particulars. EMriRE WATCH CO., 4 and ."0 Maiden Lane, Xew York. oct-lo-ly. THE LATEST INVENTION OF THE TKE-SEN'T CEX1UKY. Kepresenting our Patent SOLESHOe. consisting of an inner or middle leather sole which excludes dut, dirt aud water, add ing HXTKA STRENGTH TO CPiESt as well as bottoms, and wears longer than auj other shoe. THE MOHT RELIABLE fJ.oo&HOEon the marka'i. ' PbFTtj pair. To be had at HALES BROS HALIFAX S. C. 3STOTICE. By virtue of decree of the Superiot Coart of Halifax eeunty made at the Fait terai, thereof, iu tho aotien therein pend iuu. eutitled Jos. NV. Juukiuva C. it- P. Howeitmi, aud TV'. W. Freeman. thtunder siicud. as commissioner, will aU atpubii aiit'ti'tii FOR CASH, at th court hooa dour in H-dif-ix, n MONDAY, the 4th. day of January, the fbHowiflg tract o parcel of land'situated in Halifax county. Suite of North Carolina, and desenbert an follow, to wit. .All that tract of Ian whish the said Jos. W. Jenkias pnrchane of David Hell and J. M- Griaavrd, eommia- si-uien. at a cnmrutsMtoiieBi sal on tb aram. Monday of March, IsCT, and known as ta M. Whitehead river pltwtation, Jyinjj en the conntry Mod loading from town of Hal ifax ti) Weldon and between smd road and Roauoke nver, Viuudl on .ao went by sanl road, north by the Lmds of Jo. B. Whiteha.'tl, eut by ftaianka rivr and South bv the Uattj of John T. Gregory iz othsrs, aud coataining-tVi aeren. This th 4hday of Deosrurwr, 1S95. t w. E. D AMfii Mallen oVlanil, Comtntasioaer. Attortwva. l-lO-td. WBINISTMTOR'S KOT.CE. llanng noaliflnd as adwinistrator of th estate of Aamo Mills, deeeaaed, fctfbra tfca. clerk of the Superior oourtof HaliAu coun ty, notice is hereby given to all persanst holding claims sgmast the estate of aai Aaron Mills m proaeut then to tot dnly autbenticatl for psyun-;" ou oibi'lora the first day ef tw-i'-rx, 14. Otherwiaa this notie B1 N pleiuhji iu hai ot a is coverv. Alt iv5sindeWoAW aid a Uteare reuuvti i u.ilt Immediata payments T. V. MYKtCK, J. M. Oriazunl, Adrai Aaron Mills, dee'd. Attorney. 1HS 8w. of