i afiiiiii' i tt mrnnii i I THE ROANOKE NEWS, 15 V HALL & SLEDGE. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY katkh ok HUHscitirnox in advance, One Vear (by Mail), Postage Paid $l..r0 Six Months A Weekly Democratic journal devoted to the material, educational, political am' agricultural interests of Halifax and sur rounding counties. jsaAdvertising rates reasonable and furnished on application. THURSDAY JANUARY 7, 1892 Have you started a diary? The puffed sleeve is doomed. The trains are continually behind. Oi'R population is steadily growing. The school bells are ringing again. Ladies are dressing their hair high, Don't forget, girl., this is lep year, This will be a bad year for bachelors Everybody is complaining of han times. Send in your subscription. Don't be bashful. ' There were very few country people in town Saturday. Last Sunday and Monday were old fashioned winter days. The grip deprived many n worthy cit izen of his share of Christmas turkey. Remember your subscription is due and the time to send the money is just as soon as you read this. The next event of importance in this community is a marriage to take place at the Baptist church next Tuesday. Fret not your life away because your hair is gray, while young, as you can stop all grayness and can beautify the hair with Hull's Hair Renewer and be hap py. Marriages in December. Poverty and hard times do nut seem to abate the matrimonial fever in the least, in December forty-six marriage licenses were issued from the office of the Register of Deeds thirteen white and ihirty-three colored. 1 he bov god takes no thought for either the present or the future. Leap Year Ball and German at Halifax. To-night the young ladies of Halifax will give a leap year- ball and German Dancing will begin at 8:30 and continue until i wo o'clock. A number of invitations have been i&ued and the af fair will be most rescrcho. A number of young people from this place will ttrid Misinformed. The statement which was published in this paper last Week that eiht eouvicls had died of grip on the Caiedoiiia farms has beu denied by the auth .rities. We regret that we bhould nave been misinformed and have given credence to the report, but we had it from what we believed to be good authority. No death have occured there from grip. Epidemic Whether the prevailing epidemic is La Grippe, a Catarrhal cold, or a type if acute Brouhitis, there is one thing certain, Ayer's Cherry Pecto ral is the most reliable and universally popular letneily fi r it. It loosens the cough, siaris the phlegm, and promotes expectoration. It is prompt to act, sure to cure. Merchants' Tax, Merchants are required to five in for taxation during the first ten days in January the auiout t of their purchases during the preceding six moiiihs. Only two days are left in which this can be done. The Supreme curt has declared the tax , constitutional and the merchants will havex to pay it un til they can get relief in some way from the Legislature. District Stewards' Meeting. The stewards of Wurreuton District, M. K. Church, will meet here in annual sei Mon this afternoon and arrange the busi ness of the church for the coming year. 1'hcre arc eighteen or twenty charges in the district and each charge is entitled to a steward. The meeting was held here last year and was the largest in many years. Failure at Enfield We regr. t to aiin-uucd the failure of R. B Dritt & Bro, which occured at Enfield Monday, This firm had been in business fjr a num hT of years and had on enviable reputa tion for honesty uid probity. The hard Junes, low price of cotton and the inabil iry 'o make collections were the causes of heir failure. Mr. I). Hell is assignee and he aim. tint f the indebtduess is put at 3L.20.Y The amount of as'ts is not stated, but are much umie than suflb i nr to c.vi.r all Hahi'ities if they culd be 'ed'zdnnat anything opproxitmitiug their true value. Delegates Elected. At the li Quarterly meeting ofthe M E Churreh in this place h-M Monday night delegates were elected to represent this station m the district conference, to be held at Mnr freesboro .sonieiiuic in J .me or July. The delegates are W. A. 1'ien.v. J. L Jud kins, II. C. Spiers, M. V. Hart. No al ternates were elected Criminal Record. During the year 181)1 there were 81 cases tried before the Mayor. There were 4, conviutions in which judgment was suspended on payment of costs, there were 34 convic tions in which fines were imposed, five were discharged, six sent ou to the grand jury, nine pleaded guilty and judgment was suspended on payment of costs; in one cae the defendants were sentenced to jail and in one the defendant was dis charged aud the prosecutor paid the costs. J here were collected in fines 8156. Officers Elected. The following othcers were elected and installed on the 28th of December for the ensuing Ma sonic year by I loyal White Han Lodg, A. F. & A. M , Halifax: J. M. Gri.zard Worshipful Master B. V. Hints Senior Warden. John T. Gregory Treasurer. Louis Froelich Secretary. M. H. Clark Senior Deacon. J. L. Ousby Junior Deacon. James H. Ratchclor Tyler. C. Bradley, Henry Hopkius, Stew ards. W. K. Pittman Marshal. Left for the North. Friday last a number of negroes left this place for rennsylvania, presumably to better their condition. They were in charge of an agent, and some of them had been wait ing for Him several days. The nartv included men, women and children. We have not heard of any extended exodus movement among the colored people in this immediate section. The strinent laws against enticiDj; people awav from . j their homes prevents agents from plying their trade but of course there is no intention to prevent people, white or col ored, from going where they please. Death of Mr. Tyree. Mr. John P. Tyree, l" Ringwood, died at Wilson on Sunday lust. He had an attack of malarial fever thii fall and never entirely recovered from its enects. lie was not confined to his house, however, and went to v nson a weelc or two ago to visit ri friends. He was not thought to be in any danger but died unexpectedly Sun day. His remains wero taken to Rim' wood Monday for interment. He leaves a wife and several children. His broth er who lives in the west and whom he had not seen fir fourteen yeais arrived before ho died. Mr. Tyree was an Ex Confederate solider and a substantial ciiuen of tb8 county. He was sixty three years old. Mortuary statistics During the year endiug December 31. there were 24 deaths in Weldou seven white aud seveuteeu colored sixteen to the tbou and population. Of these deathi one was of a person seventy-oue years old, another sixty-seven years old. One was from paralysis, one from tumor, four from consumption, two from pueuraoma, one from exhaustion, one from bronchitis two from cholera infantum, one from hemeplegia, two from heart disease, one fromgiip. One wag an infant twen ty-one days old, another four and another one day old day old. It is a notable fact that this is a very low death rate and it is also notable that not one was caused by malaria or any other local cause. Wel- don is a healthy place. There were twen ty-two Dirths 13 whites and 7 colored. Notice to Subscribers. With this issue we send out bills to those of our subscribers who have not paid in advance, and we hope they will respond promptly, remitting and renewing. We dislike to c ill attention to such matters in this way, but are compelled to do so in order to remind them of the fact that they have forgittca what j tlica is a small, bit to us an important matter. If anyor e who receives a statement does not wish to continue his subscription we hot e he will prouit tly notify us by letter ir postal. We do nut intend to force the paper on anyone, neither d ) we wish to discontinue sending the piper to those who may desire to have it. Please Dote all these uiatteis, friends, and act according- Confirmed The favorable impression on the first appearance of the agreeable liquid fruit remedy f'y nip of Figs a few years ago has been more than oonfirmed by the pleasant experience of all who have used it, and the succesi of (he proprietor "'W manufacturers, the California Fig Syrup company. THE ROANOKE NEWS, THURSDAY, JANUARY Changes in Trains and Schedules. Another through passenger train has been put on the Atlantic Coast Line. It is known as number 15 going South and number (ifj going North. These trains mett here at 10:50 at night and leave at 11 o'clock. No changes have been made in the schedules of the regular mail and southbound fast irains. Other changes are as follews: The shoofly for Wilming ton will leave here at 6:40 in the morning and returning will arrive here at U:35 at night. The main lino local freight leaves here at 9:30; the ScotLmd Neck freight train leaves here at 111: 15, arriving at, Scotland Neck at 1:U5; returning arrives at Scotland Neck at 2:20 and Weldon at 5:15. The northbound fast mail arrives here at (5:35 instead ol .";l)5 in the morn ing. On the 18th the vestibule train will be put ou. Leaving Time of tuk Raleiuh Shoofly. Theahnofly train for Raleigh now leaves here every im riling at 6 o'clock. It is a very early hour for trav el, and as the train has no connection to make it would be a eouveiiieuco if it should leave later. This could be done by shortening (lie time in Kaleigh. Hut there is an additional reason why a change slionid be made. The Coast Line train which heretofore reached lu re at 5:05 now arrives here at G:35, just thirty-five minutes after the Raleigh tdioofly leaves. If the Raleigh train should leave here an hour or three quarters later it would make a connection which might prove if great convenience to the travelling pub lic, and prove advantageous to the road We hope the authorities will consider this and make the necessary chauges if tuev can be made without detriment to (he company. Men who Injure a Town. The following are a few of the class that stand ia the way of the advancement of a town, and are a detriment to any community: First, those who go out of town to do their trading. Second, those who oppose improvement. Third, those who prefer a quiet town to one of push and business. l'ourth, those who run down a towu. Fifth, those who thipk business tau be done slyly, without advertising. Sixth, those who distrust public spirited men. Seventh, those who oppose every move ment which does not originate with them selves. Eighth, those who put on a long face when a stranger talks of locating in town. Ninth, those who oppose every enterprise which does not appear of per sonal bentfit to themselves. Tenth those who seek to injure the credit of individu als Ex. Board of Education. The County Board of Education was in session at Hal ifax Monday. Dr. Collins was absent on account of sickness. The treasurer reported on hand be. mging to the school fund $4,902 28 It was ordered thai fifteen cents be ap portioned among the different school dis tricts from the general fund. For the purpose of equalizing the school terms special allowances were made to the following districts: White districts num bers 3, 5, 9, 10, 14,16, 18, 22, fifty dol lars each; numbers 4, 7, 12, 13, 15, 17, 21, twenty-five dollars each. Colored districts: numbers 14. 21. fiftv dollars each; numbers 16, 20, twenty-five dollars each, anu number Z, thirty bve dollars. One cent per capita was allowed school a - committeemen, for taking the school cen sus in 1891. The superintendent was directed to no tify school committees that at the end of the fiscal year unexpended balances due the several districts would be returned to the general fund. W. H. IIux, W. T. Jenkins and J. L. Shaw were appointed commissioners to condemn an acre of land belonging to the estate of Wru. Webb for a school house site for the colored school district number 2. Wm. Spell was appointed a committee an to fill a vacancy in district number 29. A man who has practiced medicine 4 for 40 vears. ousht to know salt from to sugar; iead what he says : Toledo, O., Jan. 10, 1887. Messrs. F. J. Cheuev it Co: GehlL. men I have been in the general cractice of medicine for most 40 years, and would say mat id an my practice ana experience have never seen a Preparation that I could prescribe with as much confidence of sue- T II III ii , "t cessas 1 can null suatarrii turn, manu factured by vou. Have prescribed it a great many times and its effect is wonder- I ul, and would say m conclusion that I have yet to find a case of Catarrh that it would not cure, if they would take it ac cording to directions. Yours truly, L. L. Gorsuch, M D , Office, 215 Summit St. We will cive 8100 for anv case of Ca- r- - - tarrh that cannot be cured with Hall's Catarrh ''are. Taken internally. F. J. Cheney. i'o. Prop., Toledo, wl.io. Have vou seen the Patent Sole Shoe? f not ask your dealer for it. Jordan jSton e D ea d. A telegram from Aslievil'e announces the death of Jordau Jkoiie which, oeeurred ai ins resi dence in Lo. Angeles, Califuni . Dec ember 2ti, 1 1' pneumonia.' He w-,sa native of Meek., nburg, Va..and was ah .nt til'ly fivo years old. He was a meml er of a Petersburg military company w was present will, his command when John Brown was- executed, lie established this paper in 1816 and some years later established the Raleuh Kn'm. After ward he went to Ashevillu aud beanie ouo of the proprietors of the CMzni .f that place. In 1888 he went to Los An geles and. engaged in the mercantile busi ness, in which he was successful. He was a man-of wonderful business energy and was a tbrcible writer. 11 u generous ii.ii.uie man, him many friends in this community and in all this section, and he is still remembered here by those who Knew luia. Jurors vm the Inferior and Su perior Courts. Jurors were drawn Monday fr the February term of tlm Inferior and March term of the Superior court a follows : inferior court. Stewart Mcdford, W. II. Anthony, . li. Mampor, K. W . Hyman. li. 1 Hyman, John Lucas, J. A. Smith, John Wedtord, A. M. Inge, M. F. Hart, Amos Cherry, John fl. Howard, G. R. Moore. J.J. W. Mitchell, J. W. Bmts, Colin Gray, C. C. Alsbrook, L. J. Baker, C. V. Andrews, Sam Whitehead, A. J. Whitehead, M. L. Mabry, Harvey L. Moore, Lafayette Manly, P.E. Hancock, S. M. Alexander, W. II. Brown, II. L. James, Ed. Shields, Willie Steptoe. superior court jurors. First week : J W Jenkins, J W Hardy, S D Sharp, II J II ux, R B Applewhite, J J Burgess, J S Paul), Fred Edwards, C E Bishop, J C Pittman, A J Wood, W R Viek, J A King, J B Brickell, D T Cook, B E Pope, J D Etheredge, Allen Ivey, L 11 Dickens, Gideon Lamb, J G Edwards, J L Keeter, J J Cullom, J M Butts, J B Wood, J L Medlin, Reuben Snow, A L White head, W D Wileox, W A Safer, K Jen kins, Jacob Dickens, J N Judkins, W F Butterworth, John O Burton, H B Harrell. Second week : W R Miles, Wm Stansbury, W T Vaughan, J K Darden, W E Davenport, C W Dunn, J B Edwards, J E Condry, M G Leggett, E E Powell, John Couirhenour. G W Gav. R II White, W A Staton, JL JudkiDS, A B Mingea.J W Thornton, M F Minsiiew. Surprise Party. A most enjoya ble surprise party occurred at the residence of Dr. II. B. Furgerson at Halifax on Wfduesday night of last week. A num ber of young people stormed the Dr. aud his good lady and were received tru st cordially. A handsome supper waa spread for them which with the hospitality of the host aud hoste.s, was thoroughly ei j.iyed. A German was danced, lead by Air Gilliam and Mi-s Jessie Gregory. The following participated: Miss M innie Carraway, white Chin silk and diamond jewelry, with Mr. D'Arcy Magee, of Norfolk. Miss Maud Gregory, red China silk, diamouds, with Mr. T. McMahon. Miss Jessie Gregory, white Chin i silk, ptarl jewelry, with Mr. Jule Gilliam, of Lewiston. Miss Bettiii Gregory, pink Chiua silk, with Mr. J. Stepheusou. Mis Nettie Gilliam, lilan China nilk, with Mr Whitakir. Miss Effie Sater, blue and white China silk, with Mr. Norwood Hill of Oxford. Miss Kate Ousby, red silk and black velvet, with Mr. Nowell. Miss Batchlor, bin" China silk. Miss Mattie t'.irnway, Nile green, albatross lace trinnnin-g, with Mr. 8. Hill. Miss Mag Ousby. blue silk. Miss Florence Nelson, black silk. Chaperones Mrs. H. J. Carraway, black silk. Mrs. S. Gary, black silk, assisting Mrs. Dr. Fennseo Stags- Messrs. Grimrd, Gilliam, Sater, Reed, Edwin Greg v. J. Gregory, Fer guson, of Idaho: lr ')Hrien,G. Mullen and Whitehead CONSUMPTION CUKED. An old physician, retir ' tice, having had placed i( an East India mission"'' of a simple veet,vV speedy and pi tion, Bronc all throat c positive and rai. bility and all Nervi having tested its wom . ers iu thousand of cases, had felt duty to make it known to his suit, fellows. Actuated by this motive anu . desiri to relieve huuiaD suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it. thU recipe, iu German. Frem-h or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail l adibessing wiih stamp, naming this (i.per VV. A. Noyes, 820 Powers' Block, Rochester, N. Y. apr 30 ly. 7, 1892. POPULAR PEOPLE. SOME OF TIM FOLKS YOU KNOW AND riiEin dolxus. Mr. Charles Emcy returned to Horner school Monday. Mr. S J. StaHings, 0f Littleton, wrs in town last nigbr. Dr. J. E. Shields returned from Scot land Neck Tuesday. Dr. R. M. Johnston, of Scotland Neck, was in town Tuesday. "ir. l.o. oarratt, of fetersburg, was u town a few days ago. Miss Kate Prescott left Saturday to vin friends in Tarboro. Mr. M. A. Hamilton, of Baltimore, speut Friday night in town. Mr. Henry Blount, of the Wilson Mu-ror was iu town Monday. Misses Eva and Estelle Edwards left Tuesday to enter school at Oxford. Mr, Cranmer Harrison left Tuesday 1 to renew his law studies at the Universi ty. Mr. S. B. Pierce left Tuesday forTrin ity College after spending the holidays at home. Gen. Mahona, who has been in town 1 1 ii n a lew aays, lelt Ihursday lor a trip to rlorida. Mr. J. M. Mullen, of Petersburg, was in town a few days ago on professional business. Mr. Raleigh T. Daniel, who spent the holidays at home, returned to Wake For est College Tuesday. Col. A. J. Burton, who has been visit ing relatives and friends in town return ed to Reidsville yesterday. The Rev. J. A. Green left Tuesday to attend Rutherford county Superior court as a witness in a civil suit. Miss Kate Fenner, who has been spend- ing the holidays in Scotland Neck, re turned to Baltimore Monday. Miss Eleanor Smith, who bai been on a visit to relatives in Scotland Neck, re turned to Greensboro Monday. Miss Mauie Snead returned to this place Monday after spending the holiday! with her parents at Fork Union, Va. Mr.F.S. Faison, of Northampton, has. we learn, rented Mr. W. II. Capell'g house, and will remove his family here. Mr. J. M. Sliger and wife left Tuesday to visit Mr. Sliger's mother in Knoxville, lenn., and will be absent several weeks. Mr McM. Furjerson, who has been sojourning at Moscow, Idaho, for some months, returned to Littleton a few days ago. Mr.W. A. Dunn, of Scotland Neck, has been appointed by Judge Whitaker receiver of the suspended bank at Clin tin. Miss Sallie Collins Smith, of Scotland Neck, returned to St. Mary's school, Raleigh, Saturday, after spending the holidays at home. Mr. J. R Anderson, who has been a salesman iu the store of Col. W.A.John ston, Littleton, will this year have a posi tion with Lawrence and Edwards, of Soot land Neck. Goon resolutions have beeu flying through the air this week. Most of them however, will fail to hit the bulls-eye. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Anion authe first d this ' envery. All late are rei payment, J. M. Grizza Attorney Board, op Commissioners. Thej Board met Mouday and adjourned the same day, all the members were present. The cart way leading from Union) Church to Herbert Sledge's, in Brinkley ville township, was declared a public road, and the township supervisors were direct ed to allot hands to- work it. The treasurer was directed to pay ta J. T. Gregory 810, less eummissious, it) being: the amount overpaid on fines due the school funds. S. Johnton was authorized to furnish R. T. Jenkins and family necessaries not to exceed 810 per month. The Rev. W. J. Smith was allowed 8ti for use of needy family in Scotland Neck. A. II Green filed his bond a constable, of Weldon township,, which was accept ed. Other constables were allowed until the first Monday in February to renew theit bonds. Jesse Rawlings, att ex-Confederate soldier, was allowed 84 per month. The Supervisors of Brink ley villa township were directed to confer with the authorities of Nash county in regard to repairing Ramsom's Bridge. S. M. Gary was directed to purchase grate for court house stove. The following were allowed to list taxes: J. W. Wilson, S. Carman, Ned Daniel, Weldon township; Jesse Carter, Littleton; C. H. Pinder, Scotland Neck; Wm. Gunter, Susan G. Simpson, Enfield; F. W. Watson, BrinkleyvillejC. B. Brick ell, Faucetts. J. L House was allowed a rebate on $500 of personal property. The following aocounts were ordered paid: Dr A B Pierce, supt. health, 20 83 T L Whitaker, recording orders, 136ft Willeox Bros , whiskey for county, 4 5ft Dr W O McDowell, examining Innntin 500 L D Browing, supt county home 45 34 Dr J O'Brien, visiting jail, 2 00. J N Brown, drugs 8 25 j J E Daniel repairing bridge, 7 00 Wesley Falcon, building " 65 00 B C Dunn, " 45 00 Wm Applewhite, " " 8 00 R G Reid, jail account, 97 28 Jno Fenner, work at courthouse .75 J B Brickell, tobacco, 7 20 A J Jackson, repairing wagon, .25 Roanoke News, publication, 23 00 JasMcGeecorn 30-00 P N Stainback & Bro., goods, 5 98 Jim Morris, work 1 00 R W Browp, J year's salary 25 00 A H Green, taking prisoner to jail, 2 Oft W R Shaw, work at court house, .50 Dr A R Zollicoffer, drugs, 6 75 B I Alsbrook. takinsr lunatic to Raleigh. 1955 Emry and Pierce, goods, 73 15 J A Johnston, corn 28 00 Forgive your enemies at the begin ning of the New Year. Give every one a chance before you speak or think evil of him or her. ADVERTISEMENTS. BECKWITH'S AiMTI-DYSPEPTIC PILLS. As a family medicine these pills are un rivalled. As an Anti-Dyspeptic Pill tbej bar stood the test of 75 years, aud maintained their reputation. THEY REG ULA TE the BO WELS and LIVER. They will relieve Colic, Sick Head, ache, Acid Stomach, and all the evils at tendant upon iodigestion. They are the cheapest and best remedy offered fet Dyspepsia in all its forms. For sale bj W. M. COHEN, Weldon, N. C. . E. P. BlCKWITH ii Co., Wholesale agents, Petersburg, V my 28-ly. Wamo Borrow, Ittormey at lw. t Wnrtioa.M.C..8p,tW,18L f Jit. Wnm, (scc'r.WMhlBctaara C.i Dm 8i-I hT feca iuIdc am of n BntrafoiM tor f oar r !, upon llttb valk'w, wbo b btra aAfotad with roabla v drotaieftlti-ndrar .lei 'or ' Uv 4 A. 1