1 i THE ROANOKE NEWS, BY lhU & SLEDGE. PUBLISH UD EVEllY THURSDAY RATES OK HUIWCUIPTIOS IS ADVANCE. One Year (by Mail), Postage Paid $1.50. Six Months 75, A Weekly Democrat ic journal devoted to the material, educational, political and agricultural interests of Halifax and sur rounding counties. 8-Advertising rates reasonable and furnished on application. THURSDAY FEBRUARY 18, 1892 Lets have a bank. Politics looming up. The canal looks like a river. The farmers arc hard at work. Shad havo uot yet reached here. ; This will be a great political year. Last Sunday was St. Valentino's day An early spring is very much desired. We have had some real March weather. Spkino seems to be near, but be not deceived. Come to Wei Jon and see the great water power. Did you see the rod light in the north, Saturday night ? The great mill will probably begin operations March 1. The Aurora Saturday night frightened a great many people. A bank is needed here and would be a profitable investment. The water falling over the dam at the oanal looks beautiful. Go to the play Tuesday night for the benefit of the rectory. ' Renew your subscription if you haven't already doue no. The Superior court will convene in March, Judge Brown presiding. If there are any Cleveland men in this county we have not yet found them. Now for factories of various kinds. We have the water and the sites. Look this way. , Weldom can now supply water power in any tjuautity for mills and machinery of all kinds. It is time tu begin the work of planting and sowing in the garden, taking the risk of a late frost. Those farmers who make their own supplies arc mre prosperous than those , who buy them. . ' " The c.mal now affords twenty five hundred horse power which can bo se-, curedbyanyonewhowanw.it;.. ,' . The machinery at the mill is ready for work, the water is there, and it is expected that work will begin about March 1. The railroad tax case has been argued before the Supreme court, and the decis ion of that tribunal may be expected at any time. ' ' , , Subscription to the Roanoke News is payable iu advance. Send along the uioney and get a good paper for yourself and huaily. , .-. , . , In few days the people of this place will be c;t led upon to say if they will take stock in a bank and how much. Kuch onis.sh mid do his best. Many a man has found good (invest ments by reading the local columns of his home p:iper. He wise and subscribe to the Nkws It may jay you handsomely in the near future Tiik mails mi the several railroads are h.'ing weighed daily for a period of thiny aHys prior to making new contracts be tween the government aud the companies for the railway, mail service. Hajxroad Changes. Mr.. 11. 0. Whitaker, who has been conductor of passenger trains on the Wilson and Fay c'ti'villn Short Cut, has resigned to enter other buiuess, and Papt. W. J. Hill, who hs been conductor on the Albemarle & aleiuli road will take his place. Mr J. Pierce will Micceed Capt. Hill on the ' A & 11. between Hooky Mount and Ply- WUat Shall I Takel derS 01,uuod kier regulator, of who' I' a't be beat in any attack of tirshWition, Biliousness, Sick Headwhe; Anjltipation.' , It gives ' quick relied ntinued fur a while will com- ON i'1,rt,nese x'luetitj. The Regur as iu iiijuiu . ana powuer lorni; 'der is Wonderfully convenient ist pocket. A pinch of the id swallow of water leaves no SO A works tfloctually. Mission at Ghack Chub.ch. A niisiioo will begin at Graeo Episcopal Church here on Wed nosday of next week, when there will bo services and sermons twice a day. It will continue several days, possibly a week It will he conducted by the Revs. G. 11 Hchbard, and C. J. Wingate, of GokUboro. The public is invited to attend each service. Married. Yesterday, the 17th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, near this place, Mr. VV. L. D. Ivey, of North ampton county, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Miss Carrie Ivey, daughter of Mr. R. W. Ivey, the Rev. P. N. Stainback officiating. The happy pair has the good wishes of the Roanoke News for long and happy lives. Job Printing. Job printing of nil kinds can bo dono at this office at low rates. Tho best material and the latest styles of type used in all jobs. Letter heads, bill hoads, envelopes of all sizes. receipts, posters and all other kinds of printing done at short notico. Rates fur nished on application. Address Roanoke News or E. L. Hayward, for samples, prices and other information. All work warranted to be satisfactory. Entertainment Br theIUflemen. The Scotland Neck Mounted Riflemen will give an entertainment to-morrow (Friday) night which will be a most ele gant affair. It begins with an oyster supper and ends with music and dancing. Handsome invitations havo been sent out and the entertainment will doubtless be well attended. The military boys know how to do things exactly right and they spare neither pains nor expense to do it. We know those who attend will enjoy the occasion, and those who do not attend will wish they had. " ' " 1 ,- Theatrical Entertainment. The young ladies and gentlemen, or rather some of them, will present at Literary Hall, now tho club room, on Tuesday night, the 23rd inst., the pieco "The Flower of tho Family," a comedy in three acts. There are five male and three fe male characters in tho play and they will be excellently rendered by home talent which has heretofore distinguished itself in histrionic art. As the purpose of the eutertainment is for a good cause and the price of admission very low we hope a largo audience will greet the play when it is presented. Alliance Lectukku's Appoint ments. Mr. J. M. Mewburne, Alliance lecturer for tho Second Congressional district, is now canvassing the district in the interest of the order. He will soon deliver a series of lectures in this county as follows : Aurelian Springs February 18th. linfield February lath. Scotland Neck February 20th. Hobgood March 1st. Mr. Mewboruei.ia fluent speaker aid his addresses will be most interesting. Tin so lectures are open to the public and every body, especially the ladies, is invited to attend them.. We bspeak for Mr. Mewborne large audieuoes at every ap pointment. District Delegate On Wednes day of last week delegates from the vari ous County Alliances in the Second Con gressional district met at Rocky Mount for the purpose of electing a delegate to represent the district at the St. Louis. convention to be held next Mouday. The Rev. J. T. B. Hoover, of Elm City, was elected delegate and Dr. J. E Per son, of Wayne, alternate. The Rocky Mount Argonaut nys the convention made no mistake iu selecting these ueu- tlemen. Mr. Hoover is a man of brain-, and also conservative and piudeut. Such men are needed because this couventiun will be one of t he most important ever held in the country. With good, par triotic, wie, conservative men to compose it, it wilt result iu g kh1 to the people. Railroad ComiuisMmittr Bd,linf(idlJ is also a delegate from this Mate. Dyspepsia and l.Iver Complaint Is it not writi the small price of 75c. to Iree yourself of every symptom of these distressing complaint, ir'yuu think so call at our store aud get a bottle of Shi loh's Vitulizor, every bott-ehas a printed guarantee on it, use according and if d es you no good it will oust ,yu nothing. Hold by W. M. Cohen. Everybody ou;ht to witness the play Tuesday ni-ln presented by home talent. Every oue of us should work to secure a bi.nk hero by taking as much steuk as we can, and by inducing others to do so. We have a speeiiy slid positive cure for catarrh, diphtheria, canker 'mouth and headache, in ftHJLOH'S: CA T AllH U RE M KDY A nasal inject. free with each bottle, Use it if you desiie health and sweet breath, price 6t)o. Sold by W. M . Cohen. THE ROANOKE NEWS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 18.92. The Tobacco Crop. From all re ports the tobacco crop in the eastern counties will bo much largor than ever before. There will bo a largo increaso in the acreage in tobacco in Nash, Halifax, Wilson, Edgecombe aud Pitt counties, and some authorities estimate the crop in these counties this year at from thirty five to forty millions of pounds. Wayno aud Lenoir will also increaso their acreage. The Southerner says that Edjrccombe alone will produce ten million pounds of tobacco this year, We are very cortain that the ncrea-o will be larger in this county than ever betore, but tho prevailing prices are not very encouraging. What About the Bank? We again call attention to the importance and benefit to this eommunity of a bank at this pluco. It would not only be a great convenience to our own people and those in this section of country, but it would bo means of attracting here business which does notnow come bore at all. It would be a magnet which would draw to it from every direction trade which is now promiscuously scattered about. Of oourse, this is what is wanted here; there caunot be too much business brought hero. It would afford facilities to our business men which they have never had before, putting at their very doors a medium of exihango which they have had to find in some distant city. The stock would be profitable property. One institution of this kind returned a net profit to the stockholders of about fifteen per cent, the first ycarj it did business, twd is now increasin'g its business. Tho dividends the soopiid year will prove much larger. But it is.uwlcs to enlarge further upon this. ; Every man in business kaows as we do what a bank will do for the place, and we hope they will offer every encouragement possible to the gontleman who wishes to open a bank here and who will confer with them upon the subject in a few days. Episcopal Visitations. Bishop Lyman has made the following appoint ments for this section of tho State:. March 27th, Sunday, Wilson. Mareh 28th, Monday, p. m'.f JJattle boro. March 29th, Tuesday, Rocky Mount. March 30th, Wednesday,, p. m., 'St. Luke's, Tarboro. March 31st, Thursday, Calvary church Tarboro.' April 1st, Friday, St. . Mary's, Edge combe. April 3rd, Sunday, Scotland Neck. April 5th, Tuesday, Enfield. , April Gth, Wednesday, Kingwood. April 8th, Friday, Halifax. April 8th, p. m., Weldon. ' . . April 10th, Suuday, Jackson. . April 12th, Tuesday, Gaston, April 13th, Wednesday, Littletou. April 14tb, Thursday, Ridgeway. April 15th, Friday, Middlcburg. April 17th, Easter Day, Williams boro. April 10th, Tuesday. Henderson, Con secration. The Fast Mail Mat be Discontin ued. It is announced that . Postmaster General Wanamaker in his annual report to Congress did not recommend an appro priation to continue the fast mail service to the South, and Assistant Postmaster General Bell has written to the several railroad companies that this "special fa cility" appropriation would not be asked for after the first of July next. The present oontract with the Postoffice De partment will expire at that time, aud the fast trains' discontinued unless on gress makes the appropriation regardless of the Dcpartmeut officials. The result of the discontinuance of this service will be to put Northern mails into Southern towns a day later than they are reached at present. This will be a hardship and a retarding of business to which the gov ernment should not submit the people who hare bcuoma accustomed to the extra facilities afforded them for some years past. The volume of business is uot of itself enough to justify this fast service and on that account the special contraotg which will terminate on July 1 were made. Oh, What a Cough. Will you heed the warning. Th signal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Consumption. Ask yourselves if you can afford for the aake of saving 50c, to run the risk and do not nothing for it. We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure your oough. It never fails. This explains why more tban I Mi'lion Bot tles vere sold the pst yeai. . It r-lifve croup and whooping Cuu.:h at onre Moth' rs, do not w. with nt it. For lame back, side or ulirat use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Sold by W. M. Cohen, Druggist. The Aurora Borealis. T he great northern light was seen -hero for the first time in some years last Saturday 'light. It was first shoo a little after seven and lasted until about eitiht o'clock The heavens were illumined with a soft rediah light which grew moro and more 1 1 tirilliant and gradually extended toward the zenith. Then the ruddy huo began to soften into a rosy pink, aud as it did great broad bands of white light spread vertically irotn the horizju to thozjnitb. Not for a single niinuto did tho color remain unchanged. In the middle of tho illumined part of fie heaven it grew blood red, while on the edges the pink tint was so delicate that tho stars were istinetly visiblo throughout. The rest of the sky jn comparison seemed dnrker. and on this background tho phenomenon n lormcd a spectacle 1 f marvelous beauty. These phenomena always awaken iuter- et in those who understand that they aro the effect of electricity; but many of the negroes were frightened. Some thought the Aurora Saturday night was tho beginning of judgment day. others thought it a sigu of war, while others did not know what to think. They had un pointed Saturday night for a festival, but when tho Aurora appeared it was aban doned on account of superstition. Inferior Court. The February term of the Inferior court for Lhis'iumnrv j convened at Halifax Monday. Presiding Justice Hill and Associate Justices Rob ertson and Norman, Solicitor E. C. 1 borne and Clerk S. M.Gary were sworn in by J.T. Gregory, clerk of the Superior court. The grand jury was charged by Jus- tico Hill. They were as follows iii. v . tiyman, foreman; A. M. Inge, Colin Grav. J. A. Smith. J. W. Butts J. J. W. Mitchell, C. V, Andrews, G. K. Moore, W. H. Anthony, John Medford, Lafayette Manly. Amos Cherrv. (1 f!. Alsbrook, H. L. James, W B. Stamper. iur. j . rj. uaniel was soru in as of ficer of the grand jury. There wera on tho docket twenty-four cases, of which four were for larceny, five for asssult and battery, two for releasing prisoners, ono for affray, one for trespass one for disposing of mortgaged property. 1 ho docket was called over and the following was disposed of: State vs. Totu Hawkii, failure to list property for taxation, continued. . btate vs. Laura Tillery, affray, contia- ucd. Stato vs. Sarah Jones, A. & B ; alias capias . State vs. G. W. tucker, A. & B., nol. pro. State vs. E. II. Miluer, larceny, nol. pros. State vs. Jones Richardson, assault, jurj uot guilty. StHte vs. Mourn) Robinson and Maria Lone, 110I. pros. . State vs. Edward Walker, A. & B., continued. Statu vs. Alex Bradley, trespass, di.- charged on payment of costs. State vs. Alfred Goooh, larceny, plea of of nolle contendere eutered; judgment suspended on payment of costs. State vs. Jamas Avent and Mourning Hedgepeth,nol pros. State vg. Lou Massenburg and James Hicks, nol. p'roi State vs. James Williams and Eliza Hill, alias capias. State vs. Simon Russell, and Annie Day, continued. State vs. Richard Brown and Martha Gilia, alius capias. State vs. Thomas Sullivan and Charles Hurley, larceny; jury, guilty, judgment suspended on payment cf costs. State vs. Rose Crowell, jury, guilty; fined five cents aud costs. Court adjourned Tuesd ty afternoon. Stato of Ohio, City of Toledo, J Lucas county, j !' Frank J. Chcnev makes oath that hn is the senior of iho firm of F. J Cheney & Co., doing business in the U'y 0! loledo Uouuty ana otate ator saiU, ami thatsn d firm will pay tho sum of ONH HUN DK.KD DOLLARS for e.,li n,t Amrv ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by tho use of Hall s Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and Niihsnrihpii in my presence, this (3th day of December, A. D. 18815. , , A. W. Glrason, !SEAI.' -v-' Notary Pub ic. Hall's Catarrh Cute is taken internal ly and acts dir.ctly upou the blood and mucous surfaces ot the system. Send for testimonials, free. -Sold by druggists, 75o. F. J. Cheney & Co , Props., Toledo, Ohio. Why do you ' w.ar the Patent Pole .hoe? Because it excludes dust and water, and wears better than .others. John, try the Patent Sole Shoe. They are the best I ever saw. ' , v v , . Rice. Complaints Cpmo from many ,Jirt!l;,i that the farmers do not know what 1,. plant. The prevailing price of cotlon tenders a large crop impossible, and tobacco is also low, which will iu all likeli- hood uffen the a. r.-ago in that crop. Thero is a great quantity of land in Halifax and Northampton counties and of the bit quality too, which U not adapted to cotton and cannot bo cultivated in com because the annual freshets are liable to dotroy it. Ou iheso bottom lands lice can be success fully cultivated. The State farms last year demonstrated that fact beyond doubt. Overflows do not hurt rice, and the price is good. It ousts no more to prepare the land for it aud cultivate it than it does to mako corn, and the yield per acre is sum cieut to yield good profits.. It would bo wise for those who have this kiud of land to cultivate a few acres in rice, if no more, and satisfy themselves as to its advantages as a market crop. As soon as we can got tho necessary information wo will give through these columns tho manner of cultivating and the probable value of rice. Why the Farmer was Poorer. Sometime since tho Raleigh Chronicle stated a case of a farmer who was made poner by the building of a railroad to his community and offered a prizo for the best reason for his becoming poorer, the prize to be awarded by a committee. The case was this: A few years ago a certain farmer lived fifty miies from tho nearest town. He had no market in which to sell or buy. It did not concern him what was the price of wheat, or corn, or pork in the markets of the world. He raised a supply of bacon, muttou, beef, poultry and vegeta bles. He raised his own horses and cattle. The family picked the seed with their hands from the cotton by the fireside after supper the good wife spun, wove, cut and made the garments for a dozen children. Once a year a load of hides, horns, turkeys and other valuable track was carried fifty miles to town and sold in return for Coffee, sugar and a new dress or two. The farmer used to relate, with satisfaction, that he owed no man anything, that he had laised a largo fami ly of sons and daughters, that his land was in good coudition and that he had a fine lot ol stock. One day a railroad came along in a couple of miles of the farm, and a town was built within six miles. The old far mer was now in contact with the outside world; the result was that in ten years his farm was mortgaged, he ceased to raise cattle, hogs, horses, theep, corn and wheat and kept well informed about the markets of the world Our question is this: "Why was this farmer made poor by beiug brought into contact with the world? There erj numerous answers, and the committe awarded the prize, which wis 11 year's subseriptinii to the Chronicle to Mr. U. D. Cari.r, of Asheville. His r'oHM.n was as follows: YoU have iriven the oulv reason tlmt ean lie iiivtn for that particular farmer's cnango ol tortune, iu your statement of hboa.it lie was certainly not ''made noor by lit inir broualit into cuntui-t with the worid " That fact ou.'ht lorieallv to hare improved his condition "His larm was mortgaged heeau "he ceased to rais-d cattle, hosis. horses. sheeD. corn and wheat," and sought rather to keep himself "well informed about the markets of the world." He simply did the re- verso ot the scriptural injunction, "cease to do evil and learn to do well." and his "being brought into contact with the world had nothing whatever to do with it. That farmer was simnlv an unwigA one who did not know how to make the most of his improved opportunities. No man is made poor by being brought into contact with the world if tie has a good unencumbered Well .stocked farm as his capital and hard horse sense in his head. ftUO. jr. UARTER. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Is. fc 9f BWB IHH IjBlk Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strength. Latest U. S. Gowrntmnit Fuoil Report. NOTICE.. Thos. F. Maguirk) vs. ) ATTACHMENT AND SUMMONS. Wm. Hines. $7.13 by account warrant of at tachment retiiriiHlile before A- E. Carter, a justice of the peace for Hulitax txmntv, at thecflieeol W. K Rprnill, Ewj., in' the town t Littleton, in mM county, on the 14thil:iy of March lS!i-2, wheu and where th-Hefnl.iK i r-onir'd to appear snd anwr the co'iiiUiiit. . This the !2th duy f February, 1WM. ' THOS. F. MAGTJIRE, 218-6w. riaiutiff. 6 POPULAR PEOPLE. SOME OF THE FOLKS YOU KNOW ANIM THEIR DOINGS. Mr. J. B. Batchelot, of Raleigh, wan at Halifax Monday. Mr. J. W. Northington, of Littleton. was in town Monday. Miss Julia Gay, of Wilson, is visiting her sister, Mrs W. T. Shaw. Mr. K S. Rooke, of Northampton, was in town a few hours Monday. Capt. T. W. Masoi returned to Ral eigh this week after a short visit homew Sheriff and Mrs. Alsbrook, of Scotland Neck, spent Tuesday night in town with relatives. Major J. II. Rogart, Superintendent of the Albemarle Steamboat Company, was in town Monday. . Capt. W. W. Carraway.ofthe Newtb Observer, was in town a few hours last week. He is always welcome in Weldon. Mr. Henry Wood has been appointed mail weigher on the Wilmington shoofly train and began his dutiss yesterday. He will bo an efficient official. Mr. Richard Moseley, formerly of this county, but now of Goldsboro, made this office a pleasant visit yesterday. Mr. Moseley is one of the mail weijjhcrs on the Coast Line between this place and Wilmington. Gratifying to All. The high position attained and the universal acceptance and the approval of the pleasant liquid fruit remedy Syrup of rigs, as the most excellent laxative known, illustrate the value of the quali ties on which in success ig based and are abun&mtly gratifying to the California rig Syrup Company NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. BECKWITH'S ANTI-DYSPEPTIC PILLS. As a family medicine these pills are un rivalled. As an Anti-Dyspeptic Pill they hav stood the test of 75 years, and maintained their reputation. THEY REG ULA IE the B 0 WELS and LIVER. They will relieve Colic, , Sick Head- ache, Acid Stomach, and all the evils at tendant upon indigestion. They are the choapest and best remedy offered for Dyspepsia in all its forms. For sale by W. U. COHEN, Weldon, N. C. E. P. Beckwith & Co., Wholesale agents, Petersburg, Va, my 28 ly. ITOTIOB. By vh-tue of the power of sals contained in n Weed of assignment executed to the iimtersignml as trustee on the 10th day ef .Mourner, iron. y it. j. Mayo, ami Laura L. lus wife which w as duly iwrdej in the ollice of the Register of Deeds, for Halifax county, in book 1)4 page UOS.to secure cer. tain iudehtednuM mentioned therein, I will sell at puMie auction for cash on Mondays the 7th day of March, 1803, at the court house door iu Halifax. One tract or piece of land situate, in Weldon town ship, Halifax county, Same being that tract upou which said Mayo now resides, for a more accurate description reference is here made to book 91 pate 591 in the office of the Register of Deeds for Halifax couuty. This 6th day of February , 1 892. S. O. DANIEL, Trustee, jjXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Havinff thin dav nualiftail aa .takhIai of the last will and testament of William H. Arrington, deed, before the clerk of the Superior courtof Halifax county notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against the estate of the said Wm. n. Arnngton to present them duly authen ticated to the executor on or before the first dav of Januarv. 189.1. Othnrw iflA thin notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. f ersons indented to the estate an requested to make immediate paymtqt. WM N.SHEARIN, fcecutor of Wm. H. Arrinctun. dae'd. J. M. Orizzard, Attorney. 1-14-90 ISTOTIOB. The undersigned, having this day qnalU fled before the Superior court of Halifax county as administrator of the estate ff Jesso A. I'vwrni, decaaed, hereby tmtifjta all persons holding claims anmin.it his sulil ; ' intestate to present them in Weldoh, N fj., J dnly vc rilled within twelve months from y the duie of thin notice ur luo Miura w ii w-jt pleaded in bar thereof. All persons indebted to said etf hereby requested to make immedr ment. This the 11th dav of J-:.: , W. E. DAT" Admr! of Jess A jan-14-6t A GOLD WATCH That is what every agentv', gets np a club on our $1 per w Onr 14-karat gold-filled cnA ranted for 20 years. Fin? Elnfi tham movement. .Sum' wind at Lady's or Gent's size. Equal to ariy. watch.- 'To seenri; agents where wet ha none, we sell one ot the Hunting Case Watches for the cluh:piice $28 and . send C. 0. D. by express with privilege of examination before paying for same. ' Our agent at Durham, N. C, writes: "Our Jewelers have confessed they don't .(' know hw you can furnish such work Ibr the money.'' ' . - One good reliable gcnt wanted for eack place, Writs for purtknlars. EMPIRE WATCH CO., 48 and 50 Maiden Lane, New York. oct-15-ly. " V A INi