Q THE ROANOKE NEWS, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 12. ..1 I i hiica salve. I the world for Cuts, lie -ws, oait iiunuin, l'evcr Id hands, Chilblains 'sjruDtions.anrl nositive- , l , r i pay required. It is perfect satisfaction, or 1'rice 25 cents per bos;, ists at Weldon, Brown as, Dr. J AMcGwigan, !ohen, Weldon. ioo is faithful to the omen," asks a writer, fellow?" that's easy. ilieusness. . Troubles are cured by .P.IP.iF. i'rickiy As li, Puke lluot and Potassium) Rhi'Uinatii m is cured by V. V, P. ins and u&hes in the back, shoulders, ccs, ankle nd wrists are all attacked d connueri'ii by P. P. P. 11ns reat odicine, by) blood cleansing properties lilds un aid strennlitens the whole My- . .. Nothing i M efficacious as r. 1. 1 this seasotiind f"r toninp; up, invi;o tinj;, and a a strcnthener and appo tizer take P. " P. It throws oft tin malaria and rims you in good condition. Abbott's E;ist Indian Com Paint cures all Corns, Warts and Buuions. For s-.lt by' IV. M. Cohen, Druggist. Weldon, N. (f. It takes jut 27 notes much as a 52) gold piece. to weigh as A clock male in 1GT1 is still in going order. ..A.r- i After the Grip i. And after typhoid fever, diphtheria pneumonia, or ),ther prostrating diseases TT.-j'. a in. ; ,! ed to resture tlieutrength and vigor so much desired, nd to expel all poison from the blood. I' has had wonderful success in many such cases. Hood's Pills act especially upon the " "'IfvirrmMZ it from torpidity to its nal al dutiSsurc constipation and as sis; ..lgeslion. , (HIT cents' ma ) lOOnenni .vorth of ' copper will 0 military .lruuis are made of iDCTVr VOURSELF. AiisirpiUim- tft PeoPle wil1 use a WrdTwJ .Al when they can se- . a iluable Ensrlish one for the same oey. 1 Dr. Acker's English pills are a ilive Lrefor6ick headache and all liver ubles. They are small, sweet, easily an. and do not trrioe. For sale by W. M. Cohen, druggist pldon, N. C. tliE weather prophet is now getting to rk, o 1893. f' heii is a sinking sroJe near IIam Onn. U'M Girl's i :pericnce In a Light- house Mr. and Mrs. Loren Trescott are keep of the Gov. Lighthouse at Sand sch, Mich., and are blessed with a lighter! four years old. Last April she s takeul down with Measles, followed h a dreLrfful Cough and turning jo level B'.H'turs at honiewi ajfDe it treau l1 lu r, luV'in' vain, she grew rse pijby-; 'until she was a - mere andfvf- bones." Then she tried Dr. ' s New Discovery and after the use of 1 half bottles, was completely cured ,aiy Dr. King's New Discovery is jots weight in gold, yet you may get i Mottle free at W. M. Cohen's drug- ! 6to 1 ats will be cut longer. 1 Spring sleeve has fallen. : Philadelphia boy has a pet abbit Avliich he has trained to draw a raall wao"n'. t- I A CHILD KIL1ED. Another child is killed by the use of pistes given in tho form of Soothing lyrup. Why mothers give their children uch deadly poison is surprising when hey can relievo the child of its peculiar M flips by using Dr. Acker's Baby contains no opium or mor- mlehv 'W. M. Cohen, druggist, i, N. C. !N reason directs and appetite here will be fewer dyspeptics in Strength and Health, l are not feeling stronz and try Electric Bitters. If La as left you weak and weary, use Bitters. This remedy acts di- the liver, stomach and kidneys ling those organs to perform their . If you are afflicted witu sick you will find speedy and per '.ief by taking Electric Bitters. will convince you tbat this is f you need. Large bottlea only . M. Cohen's drugstore. is the staff of life, but mott pking for a "puddin'." . v'.S lod. MAN." AVas Hi'avo When 1IU Unarmed. Opponent Wan THE -BAD lie was a good man to keep away from; practically everyone admitted that. Ho was a kid man to have nny tvoulilu with; nil seemed agreed on that at least nil except the quiet little stranger. The stranger had heard all the ac counts of the man's deeds; of his won derful marksmanship; and finally he met the "bad man" himself. "I was jest tellin' the stranger, Bill,". said one of the bystanders, "of the time when you made that younfr eastern feller stand on a table, and then shot some of his toes off." Yes," returned Bill, "the kid was too sassy, an' I jest wanted to show him that 1 was a bad man to fool with." "That was a pretty good shot, too," commented another of Bill's admirers, "when you stopped your pony In the street, made Big-Foot Jake back up apfin a wall, and then let him have it in the shoulder, losin' his arm for him." "Fair," admitted Bill.' "Jake was frettin a bit too fresh, an' I had to call him down so's he'd remember it." He looked at the quiet, little stranger, but the latter did not seem to be suf ficiently Impressed. Tho "bad man" (flowered at him for a moment, and the bystanders thought ho was beginning to look wicked. "But that ain't my best shootin', stranger," he said. "A fresh tender foot gave mo some gvt once, an' I told him to throw up his hands. He did and I turned loose once with this here Colt's, an' put a bullet through tho palm of his right hand at twenty yards." "That was a pretty good off-hand re volver shot," said the stranger, appar ently wakincr ud a little. "Well, it was some good," said the. "bad man." "Could you have done it if the other man had been armed?" "Look here, young feller" ; The quiet little stranger had one hand in the pocket of his coat as he went on: "No, sir; you couldn't have hit the side of a house if you'd thought the, other man had a gun, and you'd have been afraid to try. I have one." Tho "bad man" backed off, keeping his eye on tho pocket that the quiet lit tle man had his hand in. The "bad man" said he would see him some other ,tirae, and by rare good luck the quiet little stranger got out of town without being shot at from an alleyway. The "bad man" was like most other "bad men." Chicago Tribune. A Horse In a Hrv Mow. A horse belonging to U. J. West, a baker of IlaoUettstown, N. J., got into tho hay mow the other day and Mr. West had an awful time hunting. Of course, he looked everywhere in the neighborhood except his own mow, and when he Dually found him he didn't know what to do about it. lie thought first of taking off the roof of the barn and raising him out with a derrick, and then of building an elevator, but neither of these plans seemed feasible, and he, went out and pressed Aaron Marlett into his service. Aaron took a view of( the surroundings ind led the horse to: the head of tho stairs. Placing his back against the side of the barn and; his feet against the haunches of the, horse, he gave a sudden shove. There was a great clatter, and in a very few; seconds the horse found himself down! stairs without knowing exactly how he got there. Chicago Post The Holler Hurst. Gallant Cowboy (after a soul-wearying performance by pretty hostess) Er what was that you just played? Miss Pianothumpp "Impromptu No.; 970," by Poundowhiski. Did you like it? ' i Gallant Cowboy (with an effort) Oh,' yes, yes, . ey" 'bote of it, as you play it; yes, indeed. I was entranced by yeflr er lovely touch, you know. But, if I ever catch that composer, I'll shoot him. N. Y. Weekly. i A Uliastly I'uu. I The Maid How did you like the' prima donna? The Lieutenant I have seen men on the yard-arm for the same offense on shipboard. The Maid What offense? The Lieutenant Murder on the high C's. Truth. Ciettini Even. Bull I hear that Lambkin made frood thing out of his Wall street deal. Bear Why, I thought he lost all his money. Bull He did. But he married the daughter of the man who got it. Puck. Charity and Fashion. "I suppose you still pursue your charities and visit the poor?" sad her uncle. "Oh, dear, no!" was the answer "Slumming isn't considered good form now, you know." Washington Star. The lord mayor of London, who had been in communication with the prince of Wales as to the disposition of the wedding gifts from the corporation intended for the Princess Mary of Teck, is said, "on the best authority," to hav? f(ofivA i nn int.imHtion that it will be best to do nothing in the mat-, tor at present; and the rather practical explanation is given that the engage ment of Prince Georgo to an English princess will shortly be announced. What becomes of the tail of a tad pole when the animal becomes a frog?" Prof. Bickmore explains that the grad ual formation of the legs is accom panied by a corresponding decrease in the size of the tail, and when the legs are suffiiiently grown to enable the yonug frog to climb out of the water tho tail has been absorbed into the rest of the boiy. Elder Brother (who has to do the work for tho family) "Ed, did I hear you say the other day that ycu wished you knew how to milk acow?" Younger Brother "Yes." Elder Brother (be nignly) "Well, if r u will black my ghoes for me I will let yon milk the cow to-night" The arrangement was made and performed. Buff alo Courier. IU-, l",i,,-l,lAiim i.tftii.'n., rt fr Stores, Dwellings against loss by fire. Rates Low. Rates Low. Low rates in the Standard Companies given on STEAM, WATER and HORSE POWER GINS. For further Particulars Apply to If"' A NATURAL REMEDY FOS iplleptic Fits, Falling Sickness, Hyster ics, St. Titos Dance, Nervousness, Hypochondria, melancholia, In ebrity, Sleeplessness, Diz zlness, Erato and Spi nal Weakness. This medicine has direct action upon 'it nerve centers, allaying all irritablli- .t:s, and increasing tho flow and power f nerve fluid. It is perfectly harmless loaves no unpleasant effects. FREE" ' A Valuable Ilixik a Norvoai imeatei .rut fr. e w ut adarrvv .ud poor pfttienu can alto obtain una luaaicuw im ut 1:1 r St.. Ilila remedy hai boen prepared brtlie Kevoreno Paator KoeniK, ot Fort W.vnf. Ind.. sines kJHaui Ibhow prepared underbii Uirootluu bj the KOENIC MED. CO., Chicago, 111. 8oldbrDraKTlta at SI per Bottle. 61or8!i IJe,riceSle,1.75. 6 BotUoe for 9. aug201y This - Space - be longs to the Weldon Racket STORE, II. C.Spicrs, , NEW ADVERTISEENTS. I I I 8 nl,'.ii.J,.v.;....:-va..:., and other buildings insured in the LOSSES -:- BY - FIRE LOSSES -:- BY :-FIRE o -mmmmmmmnvmaimaitt O GINS A SPECIALTY. -mmmmmoimmmmmmaimOainiaimaimiiirotammmmni- IE -STOP AT- HALIFAX. IT. O CLEAN ROOMS. SPLENDID TABLE VOLITE SERTAKTS. Fare always th beat "the market can af ford. SERTICE NEAT AND PROMPT. JSTNEAR THE COURT HOUSE, ta Bagjagf jken from and to the railroad station. NICE ACCOMMODATIONS FOR L-AJDiES. KATES $2.00 A DAY. Special arrangements forhnarrl week or month. R. G. REID, Proprietor. i mar Wtf. Son Hotel, lern J IB1H Ui -:- PROMPTLY -: PROMPTLY mmmmmmmmmmmmmm- ROME M PROFESSIONAL CARDS. B. 0. BCETON, JB., 0 EWD. L. TRAVIS. BURTON AND.TRAVIS, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, HALIFAX, N.C. Practice in the counties of Halifax and Northampton, and in the Supreme and Federal courts. Claims collected in all parts of North Carolina, aug 14 ly. JAMKS X. MULLEN, 4 ULLIX 4 WALTIB I. DAH11L DIXlltL, 1TJ. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Weldoh, N. C. Practice In thocourts of Halifax andNortrwmp ton and iu the Uupreiue and Federal courts. Col Jul- lections made in allparts of North Carolina "Branch office at Halifax, N. C, open every Hon day. Jau 7 ly rjHOMA8 N. HILL, Attorney at Law, HALIFAX, N. C. tJPractlcet In Halifax and adjoinmr ooontlet aad federal and Saoreme courts. ang. n V Qli. E. L. HUNTER, iSURGEON (Miakk. DENTIST. Can be found at his office in Enfield. Pnre Nitrons Oxide Gas for the Painless Extracting of Teeth always on hand. fell 27 ly. T. W. HARRIS, D. D. S. LlTTLBTON, N. C. Teetn Extracted without pain. 430-6m. AHAKESIS"jrlveninstBnt reiK'i ami is an lmtiimua Care for l'll.a. Price SI. 11 aDrutfBistsormnil. Sninplits B V fro. A ilOrr"AN A K lCSlS," xyuox. sua, Kow Votit ULjr. in llnnbntn.L !i'0licuini,it Pr". Si. atora It M.ViK)l,LKV.U.I). I? tin nil iZf?h i ILL 1 fZ n best companies - : PAID. -:- PAID. Rates Low. Rates Low. L IQUORS AND GROCEMES I have a comple stock of Family Gso- cfiriea of allkindi which I will sell cheap for Cash. I have also on hand and am constant ly receiving a large variety of LldTJOBS. Such as whisky, brandy, wine, bear, ale, porter, carbonated waters, io. Call and see me on 'Washington Ave nue at the tSfoU stand of B. W. Daniel. W. D. SMITH. ' octl81y CMS. M. WALSH, Soui u Sycamore st., Petersburg, Va. OFFICE. 1 L v - vrtf J Lowest rash jrices guaranteed. All . ,' work wanaoted aatipfactor . : CMAItLi:8M.AVALSH.V oot 11 ly. J", 1

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