WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 1G, 1892. NO. 11 VOL. XXIII. A 1J VKKT IS EM ENTS. ItUF PirnPI P'S PARTV I III. I L.V1 h h. V I fill I I IN CONVENTION 4i . perfect ax ougaxiza tiox ix the couxty ax i) si: xi) delegates to the cox guessioxa l cox yextjox. 1 ONU ENJOYS Both the method and results wlieu Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs ia the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable sulwtances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have mads it the most Donular remedr known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and 81 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliablo druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAM FRANCISCO, CAL. lOHISVILLC, M. HEW YORK, H.T. mar 2(1 ly THE QUESTION OK NOMINATINII CAN DIDATES KOlt TIIK I.KCISI.ATUUK AND COUNTY Ol'Ttl'F.S POSTl'ONKI). READ !5LREAD ! LIQUID ENAMEL PINT. HAS I!EENT IXTIIE MAEKET22 YEAKS MIXED EEA D Y FOR USE. AXV OXE CAX ATI'LY IT Wilson, N. C, Sept. 8, 1876 Mr. C. P. Knight, Baltimore, Md.; i Dear Sir: In reply ti yon r letter as to the merits of the Liquid Enamel Taint, it ntt'onls me pleasure to say it hasten en tire satisfaction, so much so it has conver ted the painter that applied it. In fact the opposition to it was so intense when I was about to hny, I should have likely bought lead and oil had I not have known you so many years and having great confi dence in, your integrity. Yours truly, ( K. It. COTTEN. ARMSTRONG, CATOR CO., WHOLESALE MILLINERS, Baltimore, Md., 1SS4. Mr. C P. Knight, Sole Agent, N. J. E. Taint Co., Baltimore: Dear Sir. In January 1878, our store was painted with the Liquid Enamel Paint made by the New Jersey Enamel Taint Company. We used tiuts that generally sb-w the etTects of exposure, but the paint hi , retained its color, gloss and freshness. We shall take pleasure in using it in the future. Yours truly, , ARMSTRONG, CATOR & CO. Ctaap.1 Hill. N. C, Jan. , 1884.- Mr. C. P. Knieht. Baltimore: l),,ar sir: I takepli'dsurainstntinEtlintl have used, with much tisfnetion, your Liquid Kna mel l'ainton our dwelling home In this town, ,! ..an onntirit'iiLlv TfV.t 'IliniL'Ud It to all WHO would like to use a beautiful and durub e paint for any purpo.-e. Very respectiuiiv, ' E. B. MARTIN. John Robinson, J. A. Leak, 1'renklent. Treaa. JuHN T. rATRH'K, Secretary. DIXIE AGltlCl'LTURAI.A MECHANICAL FAIR ASSOCIATION. Wadebor, N. C , Nov. il. 1:!. Certificate of merit awarded to C. P. KnlRht, Baltimore, for heat prepared Paint, bctu Ill" New Jerwy Enamel Paint, exhibited at th Dixie Pair of November, 1C71. Petersburg, Va Dec. 16, W9. Mr. C. P. KDlfht, Baltimore : Dear Slr:-We have used the Liipild Enamel Paint made by the New Jersey Enamel Paint Co., which I purchased through yuii.and yc fmitid il hna cittwi in every parlHMiiir, ami il jiibO wrven all that Is claimed fur It as to beauty, dur al.l'lty andeennomy. Yours, etc., LKROY ROPER 4 SON. Wowisworth, N. C. (let. , 1". C. f. Knl.M, Esq : The Paint, Liquid Enamel, readied me prompt ly. 1 will Uinta that II has irlven HltiH sallstac- li'in tn both myself and painter. I rcsnrd it as "ic uesi in use as to quauiy nn cciiihuuj uu Ivan unhesitatiuely r eoinmend It as such. Very rwiwetnilly, R. H. READ. Baltimore, Dec.l8,lSS9. C P. Knight, Esq., Baltimore : It eivps lln ixrpnt nlpflftllK! t e.ertifv tQ the ffood qualities ol your Liquid Enamel Paint, made by the New Jersey Enamel Paint Co. After using the old style paint for a number of years we were induced to try your paint by those who had used U. We have ntiw been iistnp- It some six or seven yuars, both for Inside and outside work, and it Hues enure satisfaction. Youra respectfully, DEEOKD & CO. C. P. KNIGHT, ""LKUFNEUAT AGENT, No. lfr South t., oncdnrr nuiitii Lombard St: HALTI MORE, M D. (Sample Catli famished by mall gratis.) ep-H-am. The People's Party held a convention at Halifax on Monday and was called to order by C. P. Simmons, who had liecn appointed provisional chairman of the Executive Committee. Mr. Simmons nominated Capt. K. A. Tliorne for tem porary chairman,' and Y. K. Harvey emporary secretary. Capt. Tliorne explained the object of the mcetini'to be to elect delegates to the Congressional convention aud it presi dential elector and advised harmony. He then announced the next business to be the appointment of committees on credentials aud permanent orgauizatiou. The roil of townships was called and each named a member of the committee on credentials which was constituted as fol lows : Brinkleyville, J 11 Shearin; Butterwood, II N Clark; Conoconaia, J A Pope; Enfield, C A Camp; Faueetts, J J Goodwyn; Halifax, Geo. Skinner; Littleton, V M Martin; Palmyra, W. T. Kufiin; Roseneath, J C Hass; Scotland Neck, J A White; Weldon, C I) Hem mings. On motion of II J Ilewlin the tempo rary ergauizaliou was made permanent. While the committee was preparing its report the reporter had leisuro to look over the convention. There were about oue hundred present and all of them seemed in earnest about the business which had brought theui together. There was no excitement; in fact do emotion could be observed save a grim determina tion to proceed aud succeed, if possible, upon the lines marked out. They did not seem to see the difficulties in the way, n;r the dim results from which they, too, would suffer should the movement which they advocate fail of success. They were oonftdent of success. Faueetts, Enfield and Littleton town ships were not represented bj delegates though there were gentlemen present from all of them. Id Enfield, ouly two persons attended the primary, in Faueetts five or six were present, and in these two townships no action was taken. In Lit tleton we were informed that no meeting was held. The failure to hold meetings in those townships and send delegates was explained by the statement that the notice gave such shoit time the people did not know of it. Among the duly accredited delegates were W R Harvey a white Republican and R J Mayo, H J Hewlin and Georgo Powell, colored, and the three latter had a good deal to do with the business in hand-Ex-Senator J J Goodwyn " was also present and took a prominent part in the proceedings, and his cxpenenoo in such matters was very useful to the convention. The colored brethren were also well up in parliamentary tactics and showed famil iarity with the rules which usually govern deliberative bodies. Rut the committee was ready to report by thi time, and our observations were cut short. The committee reported nil ''' lown- thips represented, and the chair stated that the convention could allow townships to be represented by those who were present, or the vote could be apportioned among them. Mr. Simmons said owing to the short ness of the time given, meetings were not held in every towuship. l? .T Mnvn thought the names ot v O delegates should be reported. II. J. Hewlin moved that those deta eates who were duly elected bo admitted and that those in attendance from town ships which had held no meetings should elect delegates to represent their town ship' This nrti'M) bting adapted the chair ruied that the commit! creden tials should prepare a ' v s pates and also report the representation allowed each township. Mr, J. II. Wood stated that he had been appointed n delcgato from Weldon township without his knowledge and asked that lie be excused and sonic one else put in his place. Mr. Wood was excused, and a delegate retnatked as he left the hall that Mr. Wood had been put. ou the delegation at his own request. W. M. Martin for the committee ou credentials repotted that the committee reconimeuded that each township have seven delegates and submitted their names, as follows : Brinkleyville IF 11 Harvey, E 11 Davis, II J Hewlin, R J Harvey, J R Shoarin, T II Harrison, Z Pcrkinson. Buttcrwood II N Clark, E A Thome, J R Rowers, )i E Bowers, ll'm Alstou, J R Patterson, J P Shearin. Couooouara IF W Pupc, James Allen, John Barkley, IF B Barnhill, James Pope, John Lawrence, D J Millikin. Enfield C A Camp, R L Flemiuing, J II Kig-s, J II Ethercdge, IF P IKb.it- aker, J 1) Food, C P Simmons. Faueetts Henry Pair, J J Cullom, J T Dawson, J M Dickens, J E Anderson, J J Goodwyn, A G Green. Halifax W E Barkley, J K Flem iuing, T L Vick, George Skiuuer, IF T Euro, J T U'hitfield, J II Batchelor. Littleton B I) Hamill, B F Moore, IK JI llartiu.JLIvev.'G W Morgan, W E Fletcher. Jesse A Carter, W H lative ticket to-day aud wait until R J Mayo moved, seconded by II J Hewlin, that a coumiittuo of live bo ap pointed to prepare a platform, which being amended so as to include the chair man on i ho committee, was adopted, aud the chair was directed to name the committee and was given further time to make his selections. The convention then decided to elect a eliainm.n of tho county executive com mittee and tho following . nominations were made: E A Tliorne, Dr II A Patterson, W E Bowers, C P Simmons, W M Martin. The names of E A Thome and C P Simmons were withdrawn at their request, as was also Dr Patterson upon the statement of Mr Bowers that the Dr was not present and it was not known whether ho would accept, lie said ho would favor the election of Dr Patterson if ho was certain he would accept. The ballot by townships resulted iu the election of Mr. Bowers, he receiv ing 75votes and Mr. Martin 2. Mr. Simmons said ho had thought up on the question considerably and had concluded that the convention ought to make nomioations for the Legislature to day and make no other nominations, and made a motion to that effect seconded by Mr. J. A. Pope. Mr. Johu Patterson offered a substi tute that all nominations be postpoued till some future time. Mr. llemmiugs favored Mr. Simmons' motion, lie wanted to nominate legis- the Glasgow. Palmyra R W Ilyman, J U Bell, J B Boll, C C Alsop, R H White, W T llufiin, F J Savage. lloseneath J L Dcbrule, W II Hackney, M B Pitt, G R Moore, A Maddry, J C Bass, George Powell. two old parties had acted before going further. They would then know what to do. Mr. Pope opposed postponement. They would be stronger after doing something. (Applause.) Let the iron jacket Demo crats know what wo would do, and if they Scotland Neck J H Harriss, C E wanted anything they could come to us. Pope, W T Askew, A A White, W P (Applause.) Robinson, J A White, J S Moore. Georgo Powell favored nominating Weldon C D Hemming, It J Mayo, candidates. He said we have fished with W S Iloekaday, James Adams, W F both parties; they had eaten all tho fish Hudson, W R Carpenter, Jesse Rhea. and left us nothing. (Applau-te ) Now On motion of J. J. GoodwyD, seconded is the time to mako a ticket. I have been by George Powell, the report was received told that the big niggers and big white and adopted. mcn aro togetherand the poor niggers ana Tho chair stated that the next business whites are together. Let the poor niggers was the election of a couuty executive and poor whites stand together and win. committee. A great work was before Ho came hero to represent not whites them, and they should be well organized, alone nor blacks, but tho people of his A motion was made by Mr. Goodwyn, township. What under Heaven's sun seconded by George Powell, that the do you poor whites want to stay in the committee be composed of one from each Democratic party for? What do I want township, and was afterward, on motion to stay in the Republican parly for? of W E Bowers, amended so that the The best lawyer in Eastern Carolina says committee be composed of tho chairmen there is uo difference betwecu them. of the several townships committees. The (Applause.) We don't propose to strike names were handed in and the couuty the property or color line. I don't sec executive committee is as follows. five men here who have not been whipped Brinkleyville, J R Shearin; Butter- to the polls by tho party lash, it we wood, R A Patterson; Conoconara, J A make a part of the ticket let us make it Pope; Enfield, C P Simmons; Faueetts, all. If you don't make all, make none, J T Dawson; Halifax, G II Skiuuer; and let the Democrats and Republicans Littleton. W M Martin: Palmyra, W T have their way as they have done. I Ruffin; Roseneath, J C Bass; Scotland don't keep up with political issues, but Neck, J A White; Weldon, C D Hem- I know one thing, I know I and Capt, min"s. Kitchin are tho smartest men in North Nominations for delegates to the con- Curoliua and both of us say there is no gressional convention to meet on the lGth difference between the old parties. Star being declared in order the following vatiou has brought the poor niggers and wire put in nomination : J R Shearin, poor whites together and we propose to E A Thome, G n Skinner, C P Sim- stop it. Blood may run but we intcn mous, W T Ruffin, B F Morse, J A to stop it in spite of all creation. If you White, W E Rarkley, II J Hewlin, W do not mako a ticket here to day you wi! R Harvey, W E Bowers, C D Ilemmings, never see me again. J C Buss. Powell's speech was applauded several R J Mayo was also put in nomination times and caused consider ;Mh nu rrinietit but asked that his name be withdrawn as He seemed especially pleased to ring tho he could Uot bosoiblv attulid. chaujii s oU tho "pool bicla uud pou! W M Martin moved that four names whites." Doubtless he was looking b be selected from those nominated as yond to a time when he hoped he would delegates. be admitted to terms of social equality J J Goodwyn objected, saying that with the ''poor whites," as hi called when a new revival was iuaugurated they them. needed all the shouting they could get, Hewhn thought it was too early to and moved that all those nomiuatcd Le make uominatioos. Give the people elected, which motion prevailed. time until July or August to think about Hewlin moved that in voting for dele- it and a satisfactory ticket could be made gstes the roll of townships be called. This then. was ruled out of order, as tho election Mr. Goodwyn favored postponement. had already been niado. He thought en nth had already been The chair announced that it was in accomplished to day to give satisfaction order to appoint a committee on platform to the people. By waiting the two ele on State matters to report at the next ments which now divided the Anglo meeting, as there were State affairs which Saxon race might get together by coneil were nut auiiiiuucd iu tl.g St. Louis ii'inr TTe favored making no nomination platl'crm. or elsj putting a full ticket in the fijld, By waitiug somo unity of action might be arrived at, which would be satisfactory to nil, besides it would be better to wait and sec what would bo done at Omaha. Powell said if you make legislative ticket and do not nominate bonded officers the negroes will get out of tho movement. 11. J. Mayo thought another conven tion should be called to make noininatior s in order that tho people could have timo to consider the matter. Mr. Ruflin thought it would be better to postpone action until after the Omaha convention as a uiatter ot prudence. Mr. Simmons itoistcd on his motion. He had no selfish motive iu making the motion, but thought it would be best to nominate a legislative ticket to-tlay, and d.:fer action on other nominations until another time. Mr. Patterson again opposed (he n o- tion and urged tho convention not lo pass it. Mr. J. Jv. Shearin said all the tovn ships wero not apprized of the convention and were not fully represented. He urged patience and advised delay ai d come lure later and do our duty. Powell said if au executive comiuittu and delegates to 'the Congressional co. ventinn could be elected to-dav when t the townships were not fully represents i he could not see why nominations cou'a not be made also. Mr. Shearin said it was necessary to elect delegates to day because the Con gressional convention would meet next Thursday and there was not time to wait for another mectiug. Powell said thero was only one negro in Congress and he would not like to go home and tell his people ho had voted to send delegates to a convention to name a man who was to kill the only negro in Congress and did not make county nomi- r n 1 .1 r 1 nations. II you you qo one tning iair uo all fair. George Morgan thought the sooner a legislative ticket was made the more con fidence would be inspired. ADVERTISEMENTS. Is life Worth Living? " That depend upon the Liver. If tho Liver is inactive the whole sys tem is out of order the breath is had, digestion poor, head dull or aching, energy and hopefulness gone, the spirit is de pressed, a heavy weight exists after eating, with general despondency and the hi ues. The Liver is the housekeeper of the health; and a harmless, simple remedy that acts like Nature, does not constipate afterwards or require constant taking, does not interfere- with Imsiness or pleasure dur ing its use, makes Sim mons Liver Regulator a v.lical perfection. met r i Iu:. Thi cin otnc 1 lii i it thv.; .i:i Uo' iuiy t.-Klol .is v,rt;i(3 personally, ami till t I ! 'llOV, tor i! i'ca.l. o!w. ;t is ths bust nicvH-- i fiw it ie tiiouiorrr u.'rM.s liolore fimmons Liver - none of them gave mow- v n lief. lmt tlio Kegululor :ll l.nt Cli'Vll. It. il. Junes, iilaeon, Ca T . iim . 11 l it I BPamiPMHlioe, wmi no tacKsur wax. uinw Mr, J. A. Ulte COUlU not See any to hurt tbofect; made of the boit uuecnlf, utTllab 1 nn enav. anil htfmujM tr maks more thoet or thtt advantage in postponement. The peo- a'aC'SS.ta14"' pie who are not here take no interest in $5'I$5&SIL ii a il ,i: J U J imporien 8 noes wu en com rmn yi.mnof is.im, tl)C movement li they (lid they WOUld 00 Hand-Sewed Weir hhoe, line ml!, , , . i i i i i i i AtvlieU, comfortable nud durable. The beat liaVC been liere Or hllU delCgatl-H here tO shoe ever offered at thl price i name grade OA cua- tom-maito shoes cost In a from $fi.0U to to.OO. rrrirpspnt thorn ICQ 50 Pollen Shnet Farmori. Kallrmut mm ripitatui nam. J(0. andLctterCarrlersnll wear them; flnoealf. Mr TInmin(Ta nnwl li lind hpon in Beamless, smooth Inside, heavy three solei, extcu r. iieinmiDgs Sdiu uo nuu uet-u iu Blone(ie, one pair will wearayear. favor of immediate action but because I S)a this price; one trial win convince tuias Home of the townships were not regularly S as ami .oo Vorkingmon' bo 1 a J are very trong and durable. Those wtu ronrocnnfml lm hid cl.iino'pd Iik nmninn have given them atrial will wt-ar no other makev repreeentcu no naa uiangcu ins opinion. DnvC i.oo mid 8t.5 aehooi sh am aV J w Woru ny lliu iM)yst'vrrT VTurnr; iucj man ou thu-Tr merit, flat lie iurrt'iwlnn Bales show. aI aePi -HU iinuti-aevrea gnoo, nra Lntl ICS ln.itL.oln v,rvlvlih-f.,lllRlKnll1-l Imported shoes eotlnhffrnm t.Ou to $6.01). Ladle' 12.50. tt-J.ftO and ft 1.93 hoe for Hisses uro the best fine Lumgola. Stylish aud durable I nut ion, See tnat . j,. Douias- nam aou price ore stamped on the bottom of each shoo. tlTTAKE NO SrHSTITUTE.J x Tnaiaton loeal advert IsM dealers sUDDlvlnu v-ntf. W. L. DOlGLAtS lirocktou.IUaai. Buhlltp Why IS ThE L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE CCNEH THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONET? Mr. Thad Bowers was in favor of pent poneiuent to keep the other siuo from knowing what was going to be done. They hud men ought watching. Mr, W. E. Bowers thought a week ago that a full ticket ought to bo made but he had concluded when there was any doubt to wait until it could be ascertained what ou"ht to be done Mr. l'ope said he had been thinking about it and bad changed his opinion He now thought the beat way was to do nothing until later, Capt. Thome being called upon for his opinion said it was on y a question of expediency. The matter had not been c: nSiud sufficiently and it required prudence und forethought There was considerable discussion for und againi-t the proposition. It was evi dent that when the motion of Mr. Sim uions was liret made a larjie majority was iu favor of immediate action, but after discii'Miii .he iiiirniion. and rosfiblv O 1 . - little luidMiiuury work by those wl o wanted delay, the t("titte of Mr. Pa" tersou to the cfl et that no nominations be made until a future meeting was adopt cd by a vote of 11 to 31. Mr .1. T, I y offered a resolution en- djrsiug Col. L. L. Polk for President Mr. Goodwyn offered a resolution en dorsing the St. L mis platform Both resolutions wero unanimously adop ted, and on motion convention adjourned to mnot H';ain ou the call of the chairman of tho Eiiicuiivo committee, the several towi, ships or any of them being author ized to hold new primaries if it should be dtenied best. IF Yf1rK BACK A BKfl, Or you uro nil worn f ..-.. . .'i'!;- gMMt f'trnnth-?r.-. tt t t;.-.- i -'"iiiiitv. ' rv i! .v ; . V iijVrffftfc It wlU vur. you, olMnw your Urtr, and tvo goud i.pK:U'.. W. B. 1ILLEHY, Weldon, N. C. DKAKEKS IX COAL, RIOHMflNn UA. S. H. HAVVES & CO,, -Dealers in- PLASTER, CEWtn Richmond, Va. li V J 1 v'