' " '"" "" " VOL. XXIII. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1892. NO. 13 t r AI)l,Al J. STKYIiXSON. T1IK VllK&A AT Till. OIN. AN AHI.K HKI'KKSESTATIVE AND I'Ol'l I.AK l'l'III.IC OFFICIAL. AN INVENTION THAT I EXI'KCTKI) TO KEVOI.ITIONI.E THE COMI'UEesISO ML'KIJJESS. Hull! mure m,i. The nominniiun of ficn. Adlui E. Stcvonsoii, lit' Illinois, iur Viue-Prusidt'fiti cunnut lint be u mpuiiir one, mid ruiint adtt t-truii'jt.. to tho ticket. Mr. Steven sod whs born iu Christian county, Ky., The Charlottu News in un artiulu ro ffrrin" to the "roller cotton prow," says "the invention is expected to take the place of both the plantation pr-n of to day and the big compresses scattered over on the 2!iJ day of October, lSlii), but 11U wunlry- fciibstituteu lor th orui- belong to an old North Carolina family. nary plantation press, it will take the In 1852 Mr. Stevenson's family moved Ct'ma fro1" K"' mi lurn out a to Bloominuton, 111., where he had ex- 500 pound bale as small as, if not smaller Jl0nt ,.,l,.,..,i;n.,! ,.,K.,..,(,.c IT. i..a than, a bale that lias been crushed in the for some time a student in" the Illinois Pwful hydraulic presses that are loca Weslevan UnivcMtv. but completed bis d at various sl.ippiu- points; and a bale education at Ceiilro College, Danville, Ky. He was admitted to the bar in 1858 and immediately began the practice of law at Mutnmorii, III , where he remained untd 18C8. In 18(il be was appointed Master in Chancery and held the office for four years. In IStU ho was elected District Attorney, which position he also held for four years, at the end of his term moving to Bloomington, 111., where be formed a partnership with his cousin, iion. James S. Kwing. The firm soon attained the first rank at the McLean' county bar and enjoyed a very largo and lucrative practice. Mr Stevenson was married in 18f!i!to Miss L"titia Green, daughter of Dr. Lewis W. Green, nn eminent Presbyterian minister, who was president of Center College, Dauviile, Ky, at the time of his death. In 18G4 Mr. Stevenson was a Presidential Elector ou the Democratic ticket. Ia 1874, in a district reliably Republican by about 3,000 majority, he m was nominated for Congress and defeated the Republican candidate by 1,2S5 ma jority. Ha was renominated in 1S71, but this being a Presidential year the party lines were closely drawn, Bnd he was beaten by about 250 plurality. In 1878 ho was elected to congress, carrying every county in his district, his own coun- SIIE IIHAItl) HIM CKYING. HOW A MOTHER DISCOVERED HER LOST CHILDREN. TIIHNKXT SKNATH THE TERMS OF THIRTY-TWO SENATORS EXPIRE ON ELECTION DAY. from the roller compress is ready to put on tho ears and be shipped direct to the mill, savin;;, of course, the charge and expense of uuloading and reloading, an doing away with one set of middlemen altogether. The amount of money that is paid out annually for compressing the bales after they have left the country gins is very large, and this, it is claimed is by this apparatus saved to producers and consumers alike. "The News happens to know that this idea of the press at the gin was worked out by Major P. F. Duffy, now on tho Wilmington Star. When ho was edit ing the old Observer in this city eight years ago, Major Duffy submitted his plans to several machinists and mill men, and they pronouueed it not only practicable, but a great invention, and one destined to levolutiouiw cotton pressing. From one cause and other, Major Duffy delayed having his inven tion put to a practical test, aud now some other fellow is in the field ahead of A curious cae of second sight is re ported from New York. Mrs. Kurnow's two little boys, one of them but a baby, weet out to play last Monday morning, and, not returning at noon, search was made for them. Nothing was heard from them, though search was continued all through the day aud night. Toward morning, Sir. ivarncw persuaded his wile, worn out with fatigue and grief, to lie down and take a nap while ho went to the police station to send out a general alarm. He had not got out of the house when his wife called him and to'd him that she heard the baby calling her, and that she saw him in his brother's lap in the closet of a vacant house across the street. The husband did not believe her, but to satisfy her, accompanied her to search the bouse. The children were fouud in the exact situation she bad seen them while she was asleep. FACTS ABOUT FEVEK. PANTS. NeiciOlserver. The following is a school hoy's com position ou the above subject. The boy was expelled from school: Pants are made for men, aud not men ty in 187(i gave Hayes 2,000 majority, for pauts. and iu 1880 gave Gai field over 2,000 Women are made for men, and not majority, casting its vote for him. for pauts. in 18S0 ho was renominated for Cou- When a man pants for a woman, nnd guss. Although this was a Presidential woman pauts for a man, there arc a year, ho was beaten bv but little more Pt oi pants, buen pants don t last. than 200 votes. Before the next clec- Feverishness varies from 98.4 degrees to 100 degrees. Slight fever varies from 100 degrees to 102 degrees. Moderate fever varies from 102 degrees to 1015 degrees. High fever varies from 102 degrees to 105 degrees. (Immediate danger.) Intense fever varies from 105 to 107 degrees. (Fatal issue.) The normal temperature of the body in adults is hijiest on awaking in the morn ing and lowest at midnight. One degree rise in temperature corres ponds with an increase of ten beats of the pulse. Convalesence is established where the normal temperature, 98.4 degrees, is maintained throughout the day and night. "THE DYING PLACE." Kern York Advertiser. There are now thirty-nine Democrats and forty seven Republicans in the Sen nte, also two Farmers' Alliance men Pefl'er, of Kansas, and Kyle, of South Dakota. The terms of eight Democrats will expire on the 4th of March next Bate, of Tennessee, Blodgett, of New Jersey, Mills, of Texas, Coekrcll, of Missouri, Faulkner, of West Virginia, Gray, of Delaware, Paco, of Florida, and Turpie, of Indiana. It is hardly probable that the Repub licans can elect successors to any of these except, probably Mr. Turpie. The terms of 24 Republican Senators expire at the same time, all from North ern States. The Democrats have a good prospect of electing the successors of Davis, of Minnesota, Fclton, of Califor nia, Hawley, of Connecticut, Hiscock, of New York, Paddock, of Nebraska, San ders of Montana, Sawyer of Wisconsin Stewart, of Nevada and Southridge, of Michigan. A gain of four seats would make a tie between the Democrats and Republicans, and there is no good reason to doubt that three of these gains will be secured in New York, Michigan and Wisconsin. Another would be certain in Connecticut if the popular vote could elect a Scuator. MATRIMONY. lion the state was rcdistiicted by a Legislature which had a Republican majority. On account of Mr. Steven si a's popularity he was placed ia a dis trict every county of which was Repub lican, Garfield's majority therein having been over 2,700. In 1882, in this new district, without a Democratic county in Pants are liko molasses, they are thin ner iu hot weather and thicker in cold. The man iu the moon changes his pants during an eclipse. Don't go to the pantry lor punts, you may be mistaken. Men ara often mistaken in pauts. Such mistakes make breaches of promise. There has been much discussion as to it, Mr. bteveuson yielded to the desire ot ffllctuur ..paDts" ja singular or plural. his party, and once mora made tho race Seems to us when men wear pants f ir Cufi'-ress. He came witfciu 350 they are pmral, and when tuey dou t votes of carrying his district. This was "cur anv 8'nuli,r- . '" " WUJluauJ ,U1 vuu6,u- turrit- hut whfln the nants eet on a tear Hollowing election hu old opponent was :a ..n wrnn c-clcctcd by over 2,7(10 majority, ihese '(lections not pnly demonstrated Mr. Stevenson's great strength with his own party, but his ahility to win votes from his ojipoueuts as well. In 1881 he was a delegate to the Democratio National Convention, and alter the election he was pressed by his friends for the position of First Assistant Postmaster-General, to which he was pointed by Mr. Cleveland, and served throug! jut his administration with gt oat efheieney. It is said that Mr. Stevenson has as many warm personal friends in HISTORY OF APIIKASE. The phrase ''Robbing Peter to Pay Paul," is supposed to havo originated in an incident which occurred in London during the sixteenth eeutury. About the year 15 10 tho Abbey of St. Peter in Westminster was elevated to the dignity of a cathedral, but ten years later was again joined to the diocese of London and its property appropriated to pay th exiieuses ul'sume neccsaiv repairs to th Cathedral of St. Paul. It was evident that to do honor to St. Paul the estate of The guanacos auimals of the camel tribe which have been largely domestica ted in South America havo a "dying place" at the southern extremity of Pata gonia. It is a spot to which all of these beasts inhabiting the neighboring plains repair at the approach of death to depos it their bones. Darwin first recorded this strange instinct of theirs, and his observations have since been fully con firmed by others. Accurately speaking there are several of these dying places, the best known being on tho banks of the Santa Cruz and Gallcgos rivers, where the valleys are covered with dense thick ets of bushes and trees of stunted growth There the ground is scattered thickly with the bones of counless dead genera tions, the animals in most cases having crawled, before dying, beneath aud among the bushes. Star. When Theodore Parker was married he entered in his journal on his weddin day the following resolutions : Never, except for the best reasons, to oppose my wife's will. To discharge all duties for her sake freely. Never to scold. Never to look cross at her. Never to worry her with commands, To promote her piety. To bear her burdens. To overlook her foibles. To save, chciish and forever defend her. To remember her always iu my pray ers, luus, Uod willing, we snail ne blessed. NOT AV ANTED IN CHINA. Ncwnansville, Fla., June 5, 1891. Messrs. Lippman Bros., Savannah, Ga. Dear Sim: I wish to give my testi monial in regard to your valuable medi cine, P. P. P., for the cure of rheuma tism, neuralgia, dyspepsia, biliousness, etc. Iu lHtil I was attacked with bilious muscular rheumatism, and havo been a martyr to it ever since. I tried all medi cines I ever heard of, and all the doctors in reach, but I found only temporary re lief; the pains were so bad at times that lid not care whether 1 lived or died. My digestion became so impaired that everything 1 ate disagreed with me. My wife also Bum-.red so intensely with dys pepsia that her life was a burden to her; she would be confined to her bed for weeks at the time; she also suffered great ly from giddiness and loss of sleep. Some time in March I was advised to take 1 . P. P , and before we (my wife and 1) had finished the second bottle ot I . 1. r our digestion began to improve. M pains subsided so much that I ba'J j been able to work, and am feeling like doitur what I haven't done in a number of years. We will continue taking P. P. P. until we are entirely cured, and will cheer fully recommend it to all suffering hu inanity. Yours very respectfully, J. S. Dupriss. ADVERTISEMENTS. The business methods of the mosquite are at least just, for he but rarely presents his bill until after he has sung to you. FOR OVgPEI'SIA, Indigestion, and Stomach disorders, ate BROWN'S lllOY BlTTEnS. All doalen keep it. il pnr bnttlo. Genuine ha trado-iuarlc and ciuused red llucs on wrapper. row ii mini iiiiii iihi imaww ADVERTISEMENTS. k NEW I OA 1 AH VALUATION OF EACH. ! .1 t ue Mr. ueveiami SuIL0,... Catarrh Remedy. lou-miinate Mr. Stevenson for jus- m,rvelouseure for Catarrh, Diphtheria, ice ut the Supreme Court of the District Canker mouth l,nl,l St. lVier hud to su.Ter. nn 1 hence the fficc inlho District r.f One expression which has become proverbial. f tliu Inst ollieial acts of aud Headache.' With I Columbia, but the Republican Senate ea-h bottle thers is an imrenwis nasa . ,;t . . ,. ... e. Injector for the more successitil treatment "cd to net on lua nomination. Since 1;J'-,,"'J' ..,! Ot luCSO COUipiaiuis wuiiom eiii.i 'a retirement from the Postofiice av'ment he has been engaged in Li'tice of law at Bloomington, III. Do- the Remember that Ayer'g Sarsaparilla is stractcd from the Honduras root, which nly of Sarsaparilla has the true altera ive proper' i s Also, that it is a highly 'ucei:triiteii ;nd rowerfdl n 'diciue, and 'vom its wonderful results in all forms cf Price 50c. Sold by W. M. Cohen. When Baby was tick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried tor Castoria. When eho became Mls, she clung to Castoria. WTn she had CWldroB, she gave tiioni Castoria. In most oriental countries amongst the poorer class girls are at a sad discount And gallantry is a flower that is choked to death by tho abject struggle with pov erty. The cirls bring but little "rist t the mill, but eat as much bread, as much, in deed, as their brothers; they aie therefore undesirable. In China this is not widely and lament ably nppnrent; it is said that ia every large city there orphan asylums are to be fuiind, established and supported every one by foreigners who save from outright Ipated t murder thousands and thousands of fe male infants. But alas! these are only a proportion of those who at 1 irth are doomed to a cruel fate as useless and in convenient. Anwser tliis (iucstliin. Why do so many people we see around ua seem to prefer to suffer and be made miserahlo by Indigestion, Conslipati-m, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Coming up of the food, lellew skin, when 0r ie we will s?!l tb'-n Hh'lli Vi'-.lir-r. guar ant-od to cure liiuui. Jswid W. M Charlotte Observer. The list takers look liko they have a "mighty poor time" as the girls say, but a funny incident now and then relieves the monotony of the hours. Yesterday an old negro walked in the back parlor of the ''Temple," aud said ho came to make his retnrus. "Well, what have you got?" asked one of the listers. "A wile and child," said the darkey. "What do you value your wife at?" was asked. "Three hundred dollars," was tho answer. "And your child?" "Oh! I wouldn't take a thousand for him," said tho old man, while his face beamed with joy and pride, as he gnzed on his "hopeful." "Well," said the list taker, "I'll put you down fur $000. Make your mark." The negro took hold of the pen and did as directed, be'.iijving perfectly that the form gone through was binding and good. After a timo, the listers could not keep the joke any longer, and cxplaiued to tile old negro that hi- wi!.- and el, lid were non tax-ib'e luxuiies. Tho differ- cue; iii valuation, ot wite ami ciiuu, brought down the houc. I ill; THE ONLY PERFECT Bend fur circular and priee list to WHEELER & WIL.-ON URi. CO., nitiy 111 ly. Aiiauta, (la. l!ie Old Hay is to take pills when you are consli- biiious, but easy, aud the l!'!1 t down easy, au'l wncn tuey get down there's a shudder. The heiier wjy is to take Simmons Liver Reg ulator, nature's own remedy, purely vege table, in H'juiil cr powder form. You can take a pinch of tho powder on the tongue and wiih a sup of water swallow it without taste. Tho Regulator tones up the digesti vo organs and prevents In dices'.'! ;a and Constipation. How's Your Liver? Is tlic Oriental salutation, knowing that good health cannot exist without a healthy Liver. When tho Liver is torpid the Bow els are tiluioh and con stipated, tho food lies in tho stomach undi gested, poijoniiiji the blood; frequent headache ensues; a feeling of lassi ii tude, despondency and nervousness indicate how the -whole system is de ranged. Simmons Liver lvegulator has been the lrieana of restoring more people to health s-.nd happincr-3 by giving them ahealvliy Liver than any agency known on earth. It wits with extraor dinary power and efficacy. t.CVn BEZU DISAPPOINTED, As .-i pcnfral family romcily fur dyspepsia, Torp. I Liver, Coustiiutiiiu, etc., I hardly ever ufo i .tbinir else, and have never been dis-appoiu-ed in Hie cfiuct produced; it seems to he iilnumt a perfect care fur '.11 diseases of tli liUiuiucli and Bowi-K W. J. HcEleov, Slacon, Ga. WHY IS THE . . L DOUCLAS S3 SHOE cPeVh THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY? It Is a wanness Riioo, vttli no ihpkh or wax xnreaa to burt the feet; niaild or the bi'fct Hue calf, stvllsH nod easy, and beeaute ue make more shoes of thi prade than anv otlu r manufacturer, itcquulB oMitl iwwed shoe costlnn from iM.OO to fift.tiO. CC UUlienimie lliiinl-sewt'ti, tnenneittcait P 9a shoo over offered for S'Jij equals Freiwh Imported shop which cost front SHto $liMO. d? Jt uu iinnu-t'Trcii vii nnwr mho vnn, Btylli.li, comfortable ami durable. The best; shoe c vpr ofTtTtnl at thia price ; panic Krado as ciu tcin-madc shop coming from jw.'JJ to $!f.iv. CiQ J I'olice Nhnet Farmers, Uailroad JTcti ami Ltfttcrfarncrsall wunrtbem; nuocalf, Soaniless, smooth inside, heavy three soles, execu tion ed?f One pair will wear a year. A ou floe cull no better itioe ever onereaK SDcIt tbU prlee; one trial will convince tuow who want a shoe for comfort and service. CO 5 nnd tH'i.OO WorkhiumnnN shoe 9mi are very btroun and uurubU'. Those wbo have given them a trial will wear no other make. I3MIC' nnd 1.7.1 fcuooi uoe are EjUTO worn bvthti bovscver? where: uieygtill ou their merits, na the iurrt'aimr sales show. MfJlAC Ki'OU Iiniltl-fttMVt'll HUIIB, IH!!lw ftYrl I J IcB lutni'nln vt-rv ut v Kali: n mils French Imported Bboosetat Inn from $l.uJto46,0U. Blisses are the best flue boiigola. Stylish aud durable. rniiilnn fceo that W. 1.. LxjukIus' namu autl price art stamped oa the bottom uf uacb. shuo. fFTARK Ti hi liMn TTr.Jn Insist on h-cal advt rtlrJiv! (It-jileMBiiTiidyiUK you. , L 101 ULAS, Ilrocktun,iua!9s. Suldby W. B. 1ILLEIIY, WelJou, N. C. DKAl EltS IN Co!.o.i. Elan;- Persons ue fatten fl'iwii fmm overwork or hoiviL-lioM earei. Mr.-'ii'i fron I-itturs Rn,uUJ tlw v v.;-t ; i'biiwi, rcmkTecwftriMlv, mid Cm (mi uuiiaria. Uct tho m 'u;. GROCERIES Confectioneries. CIOAKS andTOHACCO. IR. IB. FUIITEXjXj WeKlon, N. C Fresh lireml and cakp slii;i!l to any oiut. Orders hy mail promi't I v tilled. MY COAI 5 B A E Hi. is in tlie rear end of the same hiiiMing. THRKE DOORS from BKOWM'S COU NT!; Muin street, Weldon, N. C. oct 1 ly. S. H. HA WES & CO., IVaVrs in UfilE, Hichmoxid, Va. a, j 5 1 , -if P Vd disease.