the roa:;ok news ,M is ;-!:vi!( n uu ticket. K R p,;K :-.NT: GP0V:,'5 CL'Vfcl AND, t ' ik. fi !i . - ' : I km : A. E. STLVSON, . i.rx k. (.MTtlN, - ia i v: Kl'., ..FR 1 TAIN, 1 H IN A ' kkt KM AN, F'M: -r?F.'::v: M: mi1-' !;'::. I'' ivsTmvTios ' JOHN C. SCA !:!'.! iKOl'Gll, if J. i:n-:.. IV. P. ' I'l.-:'.; V i.FSEKAI. J FKANK I. OSI.OKXE, i..'M'-ck:enl..iirg. ri'ii " 'i Et i t:ik Tvr: mi wsTitin: i.EOKiiE A SiMl FOHD. ( 101. . ('. .-Fri ND rJl-Tl:IT: F. A. WOOIUHD, of Wil-or, KiR tl.lnuU S.-.CfcND 'DISTRICT : N. J. MOUSE, of I.onoir. p.ii: i nt; i. v.i.y.. Tor.- fi-:: the htat; -at-i.akof. 12 OB MKT B. GLENN, of Forsyth. CHARLES H. AYCOCK, of Vayue. CIII VTY COM ENTION. The Democratic convention of Halifax county having on tin' 1 oth day of May adjourned to meet upon the tall of the chairman of the Pcmccratie Executive Cnmmittoe I do, by virtue of such au thority, hereby call the said convention to assemble at Halifax, on Monday, the 13th day of August, at 12:30 o'clock, P. M., lor the purpose of nominating can didates for the Legislature and the coun ty offices, and to transact such other bus iness as may properly como before it. I. E. iRKKN, Chair. LVm. Kx. Com. Halifax Co. Weldon, X. (', Air,'. -2nd, ISWl. mki:tix(;s of tohnshii COM- mit i i;i:s. The Democratic Executive Committees of the several townships iu Halifax coun ty are rcUested to meet at Halifax on Monday, the 13th day of August, at 12 o'clock M., fur the purpose of electing a County Exceutivt oniuiittce for the cn smnz, two years. 1. E. TiRKEN, Chair. TViu. Ex. Com. Halifax Cc. WeMin.X. C, Aug. 2, 1892. JIUTTbKWOuO l'ltlMMtY. The Democrats of Butterwood town ship are hereby called to meet in primary convention at. the- pulling place of the tnwn-hijmn T),i:r-'hy. August 11th, at 1 1 ii'c'.'iik. a. in.. !:v tl.e purpose of elect ing 1'i.ur deley.ti-s to represent the tnwi -ship in the e ei ,ty nm'.entim to Ik; held at Halifax on :!k l.Vli inst. at 12,-:i(l 0 clock. 1. iv ClIKF.N, (lair. Dem. Ex. Com. Halifax Co. r.ll.n.N. (.'.. A i.-.2. 1MVJ. The New York Uemhl has announced a nevel plan for tit" present piesidential campaign. To the person who most nearly predicts the popular plurality of cither CL-v-laudor H irrisnn. it will givn & free trip around the world, paving all expenses ; to tr person makin'.' ihe o'jeou'i ut-e jufiieuuii u wiii provide a trip to Loudon, Pari and return, mid the third best prediction will he rewarded l y a trip to London and return. Com petition is open to nv identM of all parts of the i'uited States, the ouly conditions t-'iug that the prediction must he made ou a baiiot which is printed in the li ruld every morninz. Any one can make as many predictions as he has ballots. . . .. ...1 1 .,. . .. :. ;n . . . Dyspepsia aud l.lver Complaint. Is it not worth the small price of 75c 1 1 freeymirwlf ot every symptom of these distressing complaints, if you think so call at pur store and get a bottle of Shi IoIi'b Vitalizer, every bottle has a printed guarantee on it, une according and if does you no good it will cost you nothing Sold by W. M. Cohen. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS Cures Dyspepsia, In digGotion & Debility. IM POIITAM'. l'roiu the call elsewhere published it will be seen that the several Democratic township committees will meet at Halifax on the 13th day of August for the pur pose of electing a county Executive Com mittee. Usually no thought is given to this very important work. When it is remembered that the whole campaign and con erpiently the success of the party rests largely upon the county committre it will be at once seen that the utmost care should he taken to select men as .. , ...I,.. llicuinors ol Hie coliuty eoumiuiee no" are experienced, energetic, and willing to give some of their time and thoughts to their work. This is always true, but it is doubly true now, when the party is as sailed on all .-ides. Wesineerely hope that the members of the several township committees will cive due consideration to the work of e!t cling the county committee and have due 1 1 gai J for special adaptability ami times-, of the men who are to compose the committee. 1 . . ( 1 A It II. The Democratic convention at Scotland Neck last week selected as its standard bearer in the Second Congressional dis trict Mr. F. A. Woodard. of Wilson. Mr. Woodard is not unknown to the people of the district. He was the nominee of the Democracy for Congress in 1SS4, and became thoroughly and well known to the people. Mr. Woodard is a native of Wilson county and has there growu up to successful manhood. lie is a lawyer by profession, rauking among the best, and he is a strong debater, a good speaker and fearless in upholding the principles which he advocates the principles of true Democracy, Reared up ou a farm he retains his love of the country and is thoroughly in sympathy with the tillers of the soil. Being himself a large aud successful farmer he knows the needs of the agricultural classes and appreciates the causes which tend to render farming so unprofitable under a system of legisla tion enacted for the benefit of others than the agricultural interests. If elected lie will do all in his power to remove the burdens and advance the prosperity of the clpss upon which rests the success and glory of this country the farmers. Of Mr. Woodard's personal and moral character nothing need be said. He is without reproach, leading the life of a refined Christian gentleman. Let us all work shoulder to shoulder to elect Mr. Woodard, knowing well that his election means the election of a friend of the people and such a friend as can and will do much to improve the condi tion of the people of the Second district and the State. The Republican State Committee met at Raleigh last week to determine whether a State ticket should be put in the field. Dr. Mott, Judge Russell and others are oppose d to putting up a ticket. They say that the Republicans should fuse with the People's party, supporting the People's party candidates for Congtess and in return ucttim; the aid of the People's party toward the election of the Republican electors. Chairman Eaves and his followers are in favor of a straight out Republiean State ticket. The meet iug of the committee was therefore looked upon with more than usual interest There was much discussion upon the ipieMiun of calling a convention, and finally the committee pas-ed a resolution to the effect "that the convention be called to take such action as should be deemed wise," and September "th was fixed upon as the day. It is reported that Mes.-rs. Russell, Harris and Mott wrote to headquarters at Washington sometime ano, advLiny against a State ticker; that they were sniffled iha' without a State ticket they could carry the State for Harrison. In response to this, it i said that Secretary Fo.ter of the treasury wrote to Mr. Eaves urging that he make a compromise with tin Third patty State ticket thus reliev ina the white people of any fear of negro supremacy in local government by this means expecting the Third party electoral ticket to draw largely from the Democra cy, thereby weakening it, while the Re publiean party polls it full strength, and powibly cive the State to Harrison. It is thought in some quarters that this advice will largely govern tho action of the Republican eonvention, if the ac tion of the people's party convention this month affords an opportunity to uicser. Fa have a speedy and positive cur for catarrh, diphtheria, canker Mouth and headache, in SHILOH'S CA TARRH REMEDY. A nasal injector free with each bottle. Use it if yoa desire health and iweet hreath. Price 50c. Sold by If. M.Cohen. rorlfalaria,LiyrTrou ble,or Indigestion,use BROWN ' S IRON BITTIRS THE ROANOKE NEWS THURSDAY, AUGUST irwtwiiwg Tn K first election this year was held iu Alabama on Monday. The conditio s there were similar to those which now exist heie. The Republicans had no candidate for liovenior. The Democrats nominated Thomas G. Jones, while Kolb was the nominee ol'the bolters and Third party. The Republican leaders threw their irflueuce to Kolb. Alabama w; S one of the Soutli'Tii States claimed by the Third party as at least doubtful The Democratic majority approximates 3H.IHIU. There are no charges of fraud nor in;imi dation, and the election thnmghoiir. the State was remarkably ii'iiet. Kolb di not cany over fifteen of the sixty . six counties in the State. The Livis'ature will also be ownvlclniiugly D.'iii.icr.itie Telegrams say that the negroes every where refused to follow the Kolb banner and voted in great numbers openly with the Democrats. In many cases tiny were actual workers at the .l!n. iiuiMJi ljlii iiiiiTiTirmnrrin t"vjjuw NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. King of JMedicines Scrufuloun Humor .1 Cure ' Almimt Miraculous." " When I w.n H years ot age I liait a severe attack of rheumatism, and after I recovered had to po on crutches. A year later, scrofula, In the torm ot white swellings appeared on various farts ot my body, and tor 11 years I was an invalid, lieing confined to my btd years. In that time ten or eleven sores ap peared and broke, causing me great pain aud uttering. I feared 1 never should get well. " Early In lSStl I went to Chicago to visit a lster, but was confined to my bed most of the time I was there. In July I read a book, 'A Pay with a Circus,' in w hich were statements ot cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla. I was so Im pressed with the success of this medicine that I decided to try It. To my great gratification the sores soon decreased, and I began to feel better and In a short time I was up and out of doors. I continued to take Hood's Sar aparilla for about a year, when, having used six bottles, I had become so fully released from the disease that I went to work for the Flint & Walling Mfg. Co., and since then IIAVS KOT LOST A SINGLE DAT on account of sickness. I believe the disease Is expelled from my system, I always feel well, am in good spirits and have a good appetite. I am now 27 years of age and can walk as well as any one, except that one limb Is a little horter than the other, owing to the loss of bone, and the sores formerly on my right leg. To my friends my recovery seems almost miraculous, and I think Hood's Sarsaparilla li the king ot medicines." William A. Liue, 9 N. Railroad St., Kendallville, Iud. Hood's Sarsaparilla oldbralldrugEliti. l;ilx!or5. I'nptrad only fcj C. I. HOOD CO., Apothtnrlei, LoweU, Uui, 100 Doses One Dollar Ridgeway High School, FOR o BOYS AND GIRLS' l'AM, fKSSION OP 1S1IJ UKiilNS AI'dl'ST TOTAL EXPENSES: lioard. ?.")) mi Washing. :i (iu Tuition, Si'il lid ev :'.") Oil Music on Piano, 12 50 L'se of Instrument, 2 50 Incidental Charge. 1 00 No extra charge for any language, or special study. For catalogues address the principal, JOHN GRAHAM, S4 1m Uidueway, N. C. Suliscrilie to the State Chronicle, Kalei-h, X C. DAILY lAND.'WKKKI.Y. Latest ti'erniiliie news from all iiartsnf me worm, i i;v I ni , u 1' :u,i n,-vi:A v ire ) lias the lamest dailv circulation in tl.e State Mas more State correspondents than anv other dailv in the Male. Twelve months, no Six months, y Three months, -o Weekly, $1.3.) per year, in cluhnof live or over T. K JKRNIGAN, Editor. II- W. LITCHF0l;l), MauaKer. liAuFnTvorxfr, SUPERIOR COURT. John P. I.encli anil James M. Leach, part ners a J. P. Leach & Co., plain tills, A)iainst W. K Cnrtin and Florence L. Cuitin, U wife, anil B. K. Browning and How ard Browning, partners as B. R. Browning & Son, defendants. ACTION TO FORECLOSE MORTGAGE ON LAND. To the defendants W. R. Cnrtin and Flor ence L. Curtin, his wife: In pursuance of an order made in the above entitled cause at Spring Term 1882 of the Superior conrt of Halifax county you are nereoy notinea to appear at t!.e term of said Suprior court to be held nt the Courthouse in Halifax on the 10th Monday after the first Monday in September 189'2, and answer or demur to the complaint. Witness JohnT. Gregory, Clerk Superi or Court at office in Halifax this 21st day of June 1892. JOHN T. GREGORY. T. N. Hill, Attorney. 6-30. Ot. j ADVERTISEMENTS. r f sr. -it? ozzn ENJOYS Both the method and results wheu Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels cold, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its etlects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and'$l bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAH FRANCISCO, CL. IWISVILIE, Kf. HtW YORK, M.t. mar 2(i ly SEE HERE! You can save from 15 to 2."i per cent. Bl'YIXG by Fruit Trees and other Nursery Stock from the OLD NORTH STATE NURSERY- J. Y.SAYAt.l-., Agt, Scotland Neck, N. C. JtayWill canvass Halifax and adjoining counties this season, may " oiu. READ SEAD ! LIQUID ENAMEL PINT. HAS I'.EKN INTHEMARKET22 YEARS. .VIXEfl UFA HI' FOR ISK. A.XV OXF. VAX APPLY IT. Wilson, N. C, Sept. 8, 1870. .Mr. C. r Knijsht, Baltimore, Md.: Pear Sir. In reply to your letter aa to the merits of the Liquid Enamel Paint, it nllords me pleasure to say it has given en tire satisfaction, so much so it has conver ted the painter that applied it. In fact the opposition to it was so intense when 1 was admit to liuy, I should have likely bought lead and oil had I not have known you so many years and having great confi dence in your integrity. Yours trulv, li. If. COTTEN. ARMSTRONG, CATOR a CO., WHO EES A LE MILLINERS, Baltimore, Md., 184. Mr. C. T. Knight, Sole Agent, N. J. E. I'aiut Co , Baltimore: Dear Sir: In January l,, our store was painted w ith the Liquid Enamel Paint mane liv the rscw .lersey hnamel Taint Company. We used tints that generally show the e fleets of exposure, hut the paint has retained its color, gloss and freshness. We shall take pleasure in using it in the future. lours trulv, ARMSTRONG, CATOKACO. Chapel Hill. N. C, Jan. 9, 1SSI. Mr. ('. P. Knight, Baltimore: IH-sr sir: 1 tKkeplertsura in stHtinKthat 1 have U9eu, witumuena tismeiion, yonr Liqina mel Taint on our dwelllinr house in this town, and ean confidently reet mmend It to all who would like to ikc a beautiful nnd dur ib'e paint lor any purpose, verv TeMeeuuuv, . I). MARTIN. John Robinson, 1. A. Leak, President Tieaa. Jons T. Patrick, Secretary. UIXlKAIiltlt'l LTrRAI.A M KI'll ANICAL FAIR ASSOCIATION. TVadeaboro, N. C, Nov. Jl, 1879. Certlilrate of merit awarded tt C. P. Knhrht BrtHiuiure.fur tnt rri-iyirfd Paint. Mnc the New Jprni y t namel Paint, exhibited at th Dixie Fair ol MovcniDer, le.'J. Petenhnrg, Va., Pec. 16, ISM Mr. C. P. Knliht, lUltlmora: Di-ar Slr:-We have used the Liquid Knaipel Paint made hy the New Jersey Knamel rnlntCo.. which I purrhanisl throuih you, and we found It Unit clasa In every particular, and It Justly de serve Kit iDHi ia ciHiiui'a lur u as to Doauiy, au aoi'iiy aim HTonomy, Y"iirs, etc , I.EROY ROPFR A SON Wuudawutlll.N. C Oct. it, laii, C. P. Knight, Esq.: The Paint. Liquid Knamel. reached me prompt. It. I will atata that it has given entire aatisfae. the beat In uae as to quality and economy and i i-au uuui-Hiuuiuieif n eouiineua u aa anen. Very reapectmlly, H. It. HEAD. Baltimore, Dec. II, 1889. C. P. Knight, Ksq., Baltimore : It rlvee us treat pleasure to certify to the mod Kialltieaoryour Liquid Knamel Paint, made by e New Jersey Enamel Paint Co. After union the old style paint for a number of years, wewero Induced to try your paint by those who had used It. We have now been uatnt; It some aii or seven yean, both for lnalde and oatalde work, and It (ivea enure damracuon. Yours ruaneet fully, DEFORD CO. C. P. KNIGHT, OLIGINERAL AGKNT, No. 1W Soath St., one door South Loin sard St: BALTIXOKI, MD. (Sample Cards fcralihsd by Ball gratis.) sep-Ma. 4. 1S2. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. What is Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates tho stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Costorin Is an excellent liicdicln for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told mo of lti good effect upou thtlr children." Da. O. C. Oboood, Lowell, Mass. " Castoria Is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope tho day is not far distant when mothers will considor tho real Interest of their children, and use Castoria in stead of theTarlousquark nostrums which are destroying their lovod ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing nyriip and other hurtful agents down their throat, thereby sending them to premature graree." Da. J. F. KnicHiLOi, Conway, Ark. The Csntanr Company, TT WELDON m Weldon, N. 0., FOB BOYS JL1STJD C3-IK-ILS. Ol'FKRS THOHOrc.n IXSTHl'CTION' IN LATIN, FRENCH German, Knglish, Mallieiuatics and Natural Science. Full and efficient corps of Instructor:!. Advantages not surpassed lv those of any other school in the State. BOARDING DEPARTMENT. Undci direct supervision of the Head-Master for the bencCt of si hi lars from a distauce. TERMS REASOlsTA BLE. For further particulars, ad(!r ss, William Holmes Davis, A. B., Head-Master 1'iiiversity School, Weldon, N. C. fi :;o 2m. a ":s?jc HORNER MILITARY SCHOOL, OXFORD, N. C. Modem buildings, hot and cold haths, Kuuuasiuiu, henlthlul climate, beautiful sur roundings, numbers limited. A modern home si h sil for b ys. Catalogues sent ou application. 400 KlfiDS Of PUMPS ETC SoleAg'ts for Rife's Hydraulic Ram. Hand Power and Steam Pumps. Iron, Wood and Terra Cotta Pipe. DIR-AJI2T TILE- SYDNOR & SHEPARD, 1445 Main St, RICHMOITD, VJ5l. ARTESIAN AND DRILLED WELLS. PROSPECTING HOLES DRILLED. mj 12 601. E f 1 I j I Castoria. " Castoria Is so well adapted to children that I recommend It as superior toany prescription known to me." H. A. AacHin, II. D 111 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. " Our physicians in the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence In their outside practice with Castoria, and although we only have among our medical auppUes what la known as regular products, yet wo are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon It." United Hospital isn Dupissiht, Boston, Mass. Alum C. Smith, Pre:, Murray Stroct, New York City. n 0 . ,--'-:l'--il... lUj.-i'i.'St'srJ'' 4Jf n WIND ELS, US,

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