' ' l mill him iiiMninmii.M. i. i iiMiiiuM nnniiniilMium iiiiiliinimili null n in ;iiiiiiiiiimiiii 11 . ... .... n ii ;vol. xxiii. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1892. T0. 32 A I V E HT I E .' i i ; N "V . Is Viv,:t misery experienced when suddenly nude :ivare that you possess u diabolical iuvangcrucnt ciilli.'il stomach. No two dyspep tics have Him tame prcdominaut symptoms, but whatever form dyiprp.-ii'. lakes T'ic audi vlijhig cause in hi f.'x LIVEli, and one thing U certain no one wil: r-;. la a dyspeptic who will ti. It will correct A!!v. y Irritation, 1 ? . . . "r'X"-1'.iT tt same Start fin- JJvit irnrlhiff and df.l ((ftifif ailments irf:!- ( i .; jrear. ".r nittu thnu thrtt; y-':irri I sufTered with Pyspepsh i.i its worst fr-vm. I nii-d several iiu.-t..rs, 1.;m iiiuy : ! n. '.'-. At !.iit 1 tried Simmirii' l.ivr :'.c; .':.:'n . .irjl nic in a sliurr lime, ft r. y t r.i-iliuiw.'. 1 would not vitl.v.it it." Ja:.::;s A. Uoani:, Philad'a, 1'a. Sec that toa- f;H the Genuine, wish n-d t;i froi.t of wrapper. Vli'.-I AK ! J ONLY LV J. li. .! CO., i'hiludcijjliiii, Tii- "IherIff'ssrleoflabb. Under ami by virtue of the execution in my hnmtf) Usuiiig from the Superior court of Halifax rami l, v. X. C, liotli in lavorot'Car doza, AI.sop, Jlosc!cy 'c Co., and against J. 0. Ileptinstall, 1 have, levied upon mid will sell at pnlilie auction for cash at llu court house door in Halifax, X. C, on Mon day, November Mth, lSihi, that being the 1st day of November Superior court, all the right, title and interest of the said J O. Hoptinstnll in the following real estate situate in said Halifax county, to-wil; Ih all that tract of land known an the homo tract of the lute J. W. Hcptinstall, contain ing 20!IC acres, save and except 100 acres, thereof allotted to t he said ,1. O. Heptin stull as a homestead Kiid land afi.joiiiiiij the lands of W. V. ISutts, J. X. Morris, K. A. l'atteison and II A. Laveniler. 2. In all that tractknown as the Jackson tract adjoining tho lands of Suiter et als 3. lu the tiact known a.s the Murphy place, and ml joining the lauds of Win. Travis and U. J. liovd. 4. Tho l'owell l'lantation of 714 acres, adjoining Xoruian l'owell, (ieorgo Massey and J. If. Wood, deceased. 5. Tliu John Fnuleou place of 217 acres adjoining Janics Fauleoii and James 1C, Glasgow. (i. Tho I'iney Fork placo of 81 acres, ad joiniuR liuck Hnx and K. J. Lewis. 7. A tract of U5 lu res, near W. L. Mc mill. 8. Tho place where T. J. Hamill lives, of 111 acres. !). The J)r. (ireen placo now connected with the Winterer place, olMIll acres, neiir lioper's Springs, udjoinin", the lauds of John Thomas and John l.'illehay. 10 The p'.me where Henry lli;;gs, .las. 'Alston and others lived, of ;VI0 mrcs, ud joininc W. li. Ilowers, and II A. ratlerson. 11. Tho tract bought of John M Thorne and wife. A tract containing 10-50 acres, lying near Gaston, purchased from Ida I'illehay. 13. A tract containing ;ilt acres pur chasi d from 'anhy and wife, and the re Tcrsionery riglitol'sstid J. 0. Heptinstiill to tho Ferry J!oad. B. I. VLSIIKOOIC. Hheril'f of Halila.v county, Per A. 11. Green, D. S. sep 15 td DEALERS IX R1CHMGND, m, S. H. HAWES & CO,, -Dealers in- T ' V PLASTER, CEpEfJT. Richmond, Va. COIL, my 5 ly lie Fair. A GREAT riNAXCt.VL AND SOCIAL SfCCKSS. tiik Kxiunrrs hood, the citowns I. A lui K. Til K HHP AM) (U'.UMAN l.AUCK AXIi KI.KIiANT. The We'doii fair lias uonie and gone. It whs a remarkable Miceesn in every particular, as nil its prcitcceesois have been and as its .successors will be. Kv eryibin; passed off smoothly ami ho untinvaul circumstance occurred to mar the pleasure and enjoyment of visitors mid residents. There was a good crowd on Wednes day and on Thursday, the big day of tho week, tho grounds were filled with the people who had come from far and near to take in the fair. Tho grounds presented a gala appear ance truly. The many tents, flags, music, horse races, well mounted marshals, handsome women, all tended to mako a spectacle well calculated to pleaso and entertain the people. The cadets from tho Scotland Nock Military School presented a handsome appearance under the command ef Major Rarraud, and attracted much attention. They wore especially . complimented for their accurate drill, quick and successful execution of orders and the perfect exe cution of the manual in inarching order as well as at attention. Tho drill and man ual would have done credit to any compa ny of the State Guard, and shows the excellent training they have had in a comparatively short time. There were many things on the grounds which we would like to notice at length, but the demand on our space forbids. We must, however, mention some of them, md will take them consecutively by de partments. DEPARTMENT A. Among articles on exhibition in this department were seed cotton, potatoes and navy beans by Mrs. Ida Wilkius; po tafoesand cotton by John D. Shaw; po tatoes bv Mrs. C. F. Rodwell; tobacco peas and seed cotton by J. II. Wood; J, A. Johnston, bread euro, stock corn aud Irish potatoes. DEPARTMENT B. Ill this department, which is devoted to hones and stock, we noted many hand- tome entries, among them the followin attracted tho most atteution for their many excelled! points: T. Y. Lippett, saddle horse, J. T. Evans, siugle harness horse and two-year old not thoroughbred; J. 11. Summerell, Northampton, stallion, not thoroughbred; T. II. Taylor, pair carriage horses; J. W. Thornton, stallion and single harness horse; J. E. Cos, Tryon City, 2 eing harness horses; S. D. Black, Raleigh thoroughbred stallion, stallion not thor oughbred, siugle harnese horse; W. 11 Miller, llocky Mount, two stallions not thoroughbreds and singlo harness horse M. Wilson, Littleton, stallion, not tbor ougbbred; J. H. Wood, light draft horse A. Merrilield, Durham, two-year-old colt not thoroughbred; Geojgo Harrison saddlo horse. DEPARTMENT C. This department for domestic animals was well Giled, and the show in it would do credit to any fair. Among the most prominent entries were the following : 0. P. Keeter, Jersey bull, game chickens; T. A. Cooper, Brahma chickens, Toulouse aud Spanish creese; J. W. Vinoent, Gas ton, native bull; Mrs. J. T. Evans, wyan dotto chickens, Aylesbury, Pckin and Rouen ducks; E. M. Perkins, Rouen ducks; W. S. Holdford, Berkshire pigs, bogs, black Langshan chickens, Mrs. C. P. Rodwell, wyandottes, W. K. Pittmao, game chickens; J. II. Wood, white tur kevB, domestic turkeys and fat hogs; S Trucblood, native cow and sheep, whita turkeys, Pekin duok, Bremen geese; W H. Alsbrook, Plyuijuth Rock chickeus; W. H. Holdford, white and browo leg lorn and black Spani .li ehicken-i and f.it ox; J A Whitehead, yoke oxen and i'at ox.; 3 W Pierce, Jersey bull; lilt Fit, lit ox; J K Heptinstiill, game eliiekens, DKI'AKTMKNT li. Department 1) includes fancy work both in wearing apparel and in good things to cat, and if there wis any one at tho fair whose fancy could not be tick. by the numinous things on exhibition which attracted the eye and the appetite we don't want to see hiiu. It would seem a little incongruous to group edi bles and "wearables" together, but it must be remembered that some go inside and some outside aud so really there is but a skin's dii'ereiice idior all. If we get them a little mixed this inoruiii"; we hope we will be pardoned as there is al ways considerable mixing fair week. For instance on looking over our notes we found wo had written "one embroidered child's cloak." Now nobody wauts an embroidered child, leastways nobody in this section has one that we know of. It' there is any child of the kind she ought to have been on exhibition so it could havo been told what kind of a stitch it was whether satin stitch, cat stitch or stitch in tho side. We say "she" be cause no boy child would be embroidered if be could help it. There was in this department hand some exhibits by Miss Mary A Collins, Norfolk; Mrs Geo Lehman, Miss A Rives Norfolk; Miss Rebecca Ilardwiek, Rich mond; Mrs L L Marks and Miss Mollie II. Harrison, Peicr.iburg; Miss Jaoie Ward, Raleigh; Mrs 11 15 Brickcll, Mrs I B Brickcll, Mrs S F Ivey, Mrs J T Evans, Miss Kato Long. Miss Z'phia Jones, Petersburg; Jrs J F Liveeay, uarysuurg; .lrs lung Vi lute, Jrs Isa dora White. Jrs Walter Lucas, J7iss rVnnie Joreeock, Jrs Ida Wilkius, Mm Laura Powers, Jrs E 1 1 Jellichauipe, ,1rsA 1! Zdlieoffer, Jrs J B Lee, Jiss Nannie Staiuback, Jrs C L Clark, Jrs U W Brown, Jrs J L Williams, W II Holdford, Trinity Church sewing Society, Scotland Neck; Jrs A L S'ainback, Jrs C P Rodwell, Jrs P A L.-wis, Jrs II B llarrell, Jrs W E Daniol, Jrs W R Smith, Jiss C 15 Ellis, Jiss V Adams, Jrs P N Stainhack, Mrs R C Freeman, (ioldsboro; Miss Annie Pierce, Mrs L F Tillcry, Mrs W T Shaw. Mrs R W Brown bud forty articles on exhibiti m. They were all for table use, lightest bread ind biscuit, beautiful eako of every kind, dried fruits, pepper, jelly, aimed fruit:., catsup, vegetables, garden seeds. Her exhibit was a fair in itself and did great credit to Mrs Brown's already well known housewifely qualities. It would have made a dead man hungry to havo gotten, a glimpse at all these good things. Then there w.;s Mrs J T Evans' largo aud beautiful exhibit of noodle work, which would adorn a New York bazar. Mrs J L Williams showed great skill in tho preparation of her exhibit of table prod ucts. A large quantity of fancy work, was made by Trinity Church sewing so ciety, Scotland Neck, some of which, we are sorry to say, was damaged by tho rain Thursday night which was beaten into the building by the wind. There were several beautiful hats also ou exhi bition, but the palm was awarded to Miss Bean who is now with Mrs P A Lewis. Mrs W E Daniel's exhibit added very hargcly to the success and beauty of Floral Hall and was really handsome aud well selected. Mrs. W. 11. Smith showed lovely taste in the articles sent out by htr and they displayed great artistic merit Mrs 11 C Freeman, of Goldsboro, had fi fty-one articles ou exhibition which attracted the attention of everyone for excellence and tho skill shown in prepar ing them. There were many other beau tiful things on exhibition in this depart ment which we would be glad to mention specially but space forbids. We only had room to notico the larger exhibits. DEPARTMENT E. The art department was moro than usually attractive. There were many ex cellent specimens of handiwork which would have been a credit to th se who have attained higu position as profession al artists. Wo are diffident of our judg- meiit in art, because we cannot be artists, and try nut to be artful, but we will give an artless opinion on some of tho works of art wliidi wc saw in floral hall, any way. If we miss anything which should ii.it have been ini.-.'ied, it was our misfor tune rather than fau't. With this pre lude we will enumerate: First there was tho exhibit of the Henderson College. Mrs. 15, 15. Phillips, who was at one lime a resident of this place, principal. There was a screen done in oils lovely to look upon. It is the work of a young lady, Mrs. Philips' daughter, wdio is only Heventeen years old. When this young lady was only lil'teeo years old she se cured a scholarship in Vassar College by a competitive examination. Tho .study in poppies is also by her and soeme 1 to the critical the perfection of art. The Cranio of the screen is a beautiful specimen of North Carolina wood aud was made in Henderson. The crayons are the work of two other students of the college, each under thirteen years of age. They have received no other instruction than that giveu in free hand drawing gratis, by the college. Tho water color sketches and mechanical drawings were most excellent and will be exhibited at the World's fair. These specimens of what Henderson col lege accomplishes in tho way of education ought to make that institution very pop ular with parents. Among other exhibits in this depart ment which received high praise were paper flowers, fancy drawing, fancy writ ing by Mrs. A. P. Rives, Norfolk; panels in water colors and in oil and etching, by Miss Janie Ward, Raleigh; boquet design iu flowers, basket of flow ers, vaee with (lowers, oil painting, map drawing, by Mrs. J. T. Evans; lustre painting and etching by Miss Kate Long; fish scale work, by Miss Zcphia Jones, Petersburg; panel iu oil, pastel, painted bauuer, mineral painting, by Miss Laura Powers; collection of native woods by J. W. T. Young; oil painting, by Mrs. W. T. Shaw; pastel by Miss Jeunio Gay; pastel and crayon by Mrs. J. F. Engle, ot Elizabeth City; panel in oil, crayon, oil painting by Miss W. M. Crump, Suf folk, Va., bouquet aud vase of flowers by Mrs. J B Lee; dried grass, shell work, moss design, paper flowers, fish scale work leather work, by Miss Nannie Stainhack; etching by Mrs.H. A. London, Pittsboro; crayon drawing by Miss Landis, Hender son; crayou drawing by Miss E C Curriu, Henderson; growing flowers by W H tloldfoid; four oil paintings and pencil drawing by Mis Berniee Williams; hair work and penmanship by Mrs A L Stain back; water color, two crayon drawings and four paintings on glass by Trinity Church Sewing Society, Scotland Neck; three handsome eentre tables, by D L Fillyaw, Wilmingtou; hand painted dress and oil paintings by Mrs II B llarrell; oil painting, panel in oil, crayon painting on satio, hand painted plaeqae, by Mrs W R Smith; oil painting, four pastels, paintings on velvet, Mrs W E Daukl; wax flowers, gioiviug plants varigated leaf plants by Mrs A R Zollieoffor; Miss Mabel Zoliicofie.r, oil painting; Mrs Ad ams, Keiisiugioii pamtiug, painting on velvets, pniutiug on satin; Mrs W T Whitfield water color paintiug ou mats; MrsG W Cougheuour, Spring Hill, two panels in oil; Thompson School, Siler City, fancy penmanship, plain aud orna meutid peiiinaiisliip, scroll work and cray- onj Miss Annie Moreeock dried grass. DKPAKTMENT V. In department F there were mauy agricultural uiei mhor i ne'eioeui.-, most of which were included iu the exhibit of S. 11. White & Br-, , Noii'.d... a handsome and attractive appearance. There was also a peanut puller by B L Furgersuu, Pleasant Hill, and a peanut planter by B Hicks, Franklin, Va., which attracted attention. DEPARTMENT 0. There was comparatively little in this department, which includes manufactures other than domestic, such as farm belie, mowing machinery, etc., to be exhibited by the manufacturer. DEPARTMENT II. In this department which, is peculiarly for the farmers there wi re not as many entries as there should have been. Hor ticultural products ought to receive more atteution from the farmers, and they should diversify their crops, thereby be coming more independent. The exhibits showed what could be done in this way, if proper elfort were made, and we hope that great improvement will be made in this section in this icspcet by the opening of the fair next fall. The principal exhibitors here were Mrs J T Evans, Peler Siainback, Jr., Drew Stephenson, Mrs II W Brown, W II Ilolford, Mrs J L Williams, John Duke, T L Emry, J Y Savage, Sam Harris, J H Wood, Miss Audio Pierce cud Garrett & Co. OARllETT fi CO. Among the most attractive displays in the building was that of Mc-srs. Gar rett & Co., which decorated tho first fleor of Floral Hall. It contained native wines of various kinds tastefully arranged, to show the many good qualities of their several vintages. Their scuppernongs, Catawba, blackberry etc., were especially admired by visitors. The firm is now doing a large business, aud ha' receutly enlarged their plant hero cons'..: rably. THE HOP AND GERMAN. The hop at tho Coast Line Ib.'el Wed nesday night "vas well intended and was highly enjoj i by all who attended. But tho soci d event of the week was the grand German Thursday night. It was tho most elegant ever held in Weldonand was panicipated in by numbers of dancers, some of the ladies being from distant States. The music was the very best that could be procured, and that means everything- The costumes worn by the ladies on this occasion were particularly handsome. We recall some, and if any are omitted or any mistakes are made in descriptions we beg forgiveness, for amid such au array of loveliness, such charming faces and sparkling eyes who can help being bewildered? We notice the following: Miss Mary Bu'nn, Rocky Mount, wore white silk and pearl ornaments. Miss Lucy Leach, iditlcton, white cashmere, Persiau trimmings. Mrs. Elizabeth Stockdale, of Texas, white silk and handsome diamonds. Miss Sallie Parker, Enfield, white nainsook, ehill'oo and ribbon. Miss Timberlake, Raleigh, a striking costume of crimson satin and black lace. Miss McGuire, of Suffolk, yellow silk, chilf ju. Miss Lucy McGuire, pink silk, chif fon. Miss Starke, of Richmond, black lace. blue ribbons. Miss Sailie Smith, Scotland Neck, black lace. Mrs. T. H. Chavasse, Weldon, white silk, asters. Miss Lizzie Battle, llocky Mount. pink silk, diamond ornaments. Mi.-s Jessie Gregory, Halifax, white silk, diamonds. Miss Kate Prescott, Weldou, blue silk mull, pearls. Miss Naomi Larkiu, Missouri, white silk. Mrs. John Arriogton, Rocky Mount, china silk, blue ribbons. Mrs. R. T. Cuchriiu, white silk, gold ornaments. Miss Holland, Charlotte, white swiss, lace and riobous, diamonds. Miss Marsh, a charming debutante of Louisville, w'.iite lk mull. Miss Mamin Morris, Wilmington, crimson sili;. Miss Nellie Gilliam, Halifax, white M.tt, .;.-tcr. The chaperons were: MrsT L Emry, Mrs J T Gooch, Mrs A Prescott, Mr W R Smith, Mrs Mary P Battle, Mrs J 11 P Leigh. The german was led by Mr. Frank M Parker, Jr , of Riuhruoud, who us voted by all the dancers nud i ihers a charming and successful leader. H' have a speedy and positive cure for catarrh, diphtheria, tanker mouth and headache, in SEIILOIPS CA TARRH REMEDY A n.n.l injector 'V-owiib :,. .1 bottle. Use ii if- you uiue Ik a m and sweet bru.iu. l'uce 50. Sold by W. M. Cohen. KM KNTS. Alii'lt'K mid AliSnI.l.'T!-: (THE for the TOBACCO HAB'.T! Next to tho whiskey trallie, it is the most expensive and loathsome hnbit of the American people. The annual cost tuuk up into million. The average tobacco user pays to gratify this unnal un.l appetite from live to ten times moie than he gives to support the Church. Shame on us. This Cure has not yet failed where the party was in earnest about quitting and followed directions. Thousands have ben cnicd of chewing, sihoUiug and dipping. Here are samples ot certificates: BiKMixiniAJt, Ai.A., March 1G, 1892. Jimx liritzra! & d.: GKX'ri.RMEN' I used tobacco foi nine teen years, mid (hiding it injurious, decid ed to ijuit it. About seven months ago, with the liose Tobacco and .Snuff Cure, I quit it, and now lind my health greatly improved, and tliut I have gained 30 pouudc iu weight. A. T. Bakek. Messrs. Kit ax e a r. a Co. : Dear Sirs The tobacco tablet bought 9t you December 30, has giveu perfect sutisiaction. It has cured two persons of the tobacco habit- mysell anil another. J smoked cigarettes lor four years, and had been chewing fourteen years. Since the use of the tablet I have no desire whatever either lor .smoking or chewing. It did the work in four days. Yours truly, K. T. Oiiom, Gadsden, Ala. Rocky FoKD, Ga., Jan. 12, 3802. ilissrs. Jlraxru! C- Co., JUrmiiiiliuni, Ah. Dk.U; Kill1-. I have used one of tho tab lets for cigarettes, and it has cup-il me. En closed fii.d .-HO. l'lease send me amonnt iu tablets. Will take agency or territory. Give me full particulars. Kcfer to uny business house of this town. Yours truly, G. K. Head. Mis. J. F. Judd, of Fayette C. II., Ala., writes : "I received my box of Snuff Cure and am delighted with it. There is no donbt of its curing any one who will give, it a fair and honest trial and really has th" desin to cease using the weed, and exercise tho willingdenire- I think I can so' many boxes for you. I do want to brlp those who want to help themselves." PRin-: pi-:r taht.kt, tobacco ctre, ji no BliX.KNlTKCl'KH, 1.0 . 0Hiii:i: of BRAZEAL & CO., . 1HKMIXGHAM, ALA., General Agents for Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia. Florida, North and South Carolina. sep 8 ly h THE GREAT PEMEDY - FOR ALL BLOC!; AMD SKIN DISEASES - !l8lif,n: t.ii.i-,,ii;::e-t!-:,,,l l.ypm i:it't:t i,;,v..i i.ii-i ' lit! ,i e th-.'.1o fm- sil j-t.M-,, iciii in-, r fiula to ciireiU'ailu i.il 'r.-uii:.ally SCROPULA, ULCERS. ECZEMA. RHEilMATISU. PiMPLES. EHUPT10N3, ..... .1. . . vtww k"k:. vi -!NO end l;l'vNINo sours. Tnvnrir.ljlr imiivh the most l.iiiilltouss liloo.i illsonmis If liirwllona lire fui- I nw(d. lM,v tl per bolllf, 6 buttli-3 lul-5. ur Biuo by orU(rri"t-i. SENT mi wosifSoiu BLCC: iALM CO., Atlanta, Ca. Nli'A ADVE'lTIS llokeo Enrol Saw ? Elf B BDTffl i & am ir S S nirnn null vi

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