OL. XXIII. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1892. NO 38 ADVERTISEMENTS. ta called the "Fat her of Diseases." t is caused by a Torpid Liver, ind is generally accompanied with LOSS OF APPETITE, SICK HEADACHE, 'If BAD BREATH, Etc. To treat constipation successfully t is & mild laxative and a tonic to ;he digestive organs. By tak. ng Simmons Liver Regulator you iromoto digestion, bring on a reg ilar habit of body and prevent Biliousness and Indigestion. "Myvife was forely distressed with Constipv ion and coughing, followed with Ileedi:ic i'lks. tfter four months use ot Simmons Liver kLt.nil.iit he U almost entirely relieved, piimnr urciij ,od flek." W. H. LnEntK, Delaware, Ohio. ''Take only the (retrain' Vhich has on the Wrapper the red f mark and Signature of PROFESSIONAL CARDS. K3TICE OF DISSOLUTION. be partnership of Burton & Travis ji day. dissolved by mutual consent. ; ROBT. 0. BURTON, I E. L. TRAVIS, itks, N. C, Nov. 25, 1892. i)S. J. LOC'KHAKT, attorney and Counsellor At Law, ; WELDONi N. C ffio in Evans building, rantlcesin the Superior andotber courts ue State. rompt attention given to the collection laitai. nov 3 ly . KS . MITLLXN, WALTKB I. DANIEL U it LIN A DANIEL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, , t Weldon, N. C. w actio In thecourta of Halifax andNorthamp ind in the Supreme aud Federal courta. Col on! made in allpartsof North Carolina, uca office at Halifax, N. C, open every Mon V. Jan 7 ly H0XA8 N. HILL, Attorney at Law. HALIFAX, N. C. lotioes In Halifax and adjoining counties and inland Supreme courta. aui?. 28 1 BL E. L. HUNTER, sTJRGEGN flpA DENTIST. ") be found at his office in Enfield. ur Nitrous Oxide Gas for the Painless '"flting of Teeth always on hand, b 27 ly. r.W. HARRIS, D. D. S. -,tE?ST?V U. y Littleton, N. U. 'eeth Extracted withtut pain. 4 4-20-6m. huuumii tuy taey wilt wear No Other Shoe. ",r this Shoe during the Summer Month. Q NUT SUFFER Willi TIRED or TENDER FEET, MW liXPANDI CVniY MoTIOS of I ADJtlSl'ARl.tk ttaluri inatu it k..im-u tuI uarntwer turn. , THE PERFECTION ait no mora, leold better, woura looser, no fiwv uo tnncH mure oomiori I.ii.i any ilivr iiitike. Prlnai CO rV MA 1 ntl Cfl Kl ONSO LI DATED SHOE CO, MTn, Lynn, Man. ir sale by the leading shoe dealer in Littleton, N. C, S. JOHNSTON, W B TIILERY. Weldon, N.C. j. B- CURTIS tS CO., Entield, N. C. iES KADI TO MEASURE A SPECtALTT. 3Agents wanted io all "actions. J r aug 11 3m. Old Snnta Claus. 1893 will here. be Will it be a white Christmas or a green Christmas ? The Roanoke News wishes all its renders a merry Christ, mas. In this season of peace on earth and good will toward men may nil pleasant anticipations be realized. How many changes have taken place tince Inst Christmas ! How many will occur before next Christmas 1 Old Christmas falls on January 6th. That day is known as Epi phany, or the Manifes tation of Christ to the Gentiles. Christmas should be observed as something more than a season of merriment. It should be celebrated as the greatest anniversary known to the world. Christmas ! How many memories mingled with joy and pain, pleas ure and regret. Yet withal it is a season of hope for all alike, be cause the event it com memorates gave hope to the whole world. . Christmas times. Hang up the baby's docking. The days of Christmas turkey getting short. the are "What will I get?" is a question which will agitate many minds un til Sunday morning. With each succeed ing Christmas time flies with increasing speed and the years grow shorter. When eating your Christmas turkey don't fail to remember those who aro not so blesst d in this world's goods as youare. Do you know what Christmas means? It means that eighteen hundred and ninety-two years ago God was mad man that He niigl save men. It inear ths fatherhood of Got and the brotherhood c. man. Christmas is a sea son of joy and merri ment; but deep down in many hearts there is such a thing as Christ mai sorrow, planted there in years gone by, there to remain and be felt each succeeding Christmas until the seo, ond coming when all sadness shall disappear THE "HOLINESS" PEOPLE. HAVE COME AND ARE PREACHING THEIR PECULIAR DOCTRINES HERE. Ens. Roanoke News: You would do me and perhaps others of my people a favor by enquiring whether this professed preacher who is now io Weldon withalot of women is the same who created such a stir in Raleigh and later on in Wilming ton. Loncy was the name in Raleigh but ho has perhaps changed his name now, they have been after him so hot. I would look into the matter myself, but I am confined to my bed. I understand his methods are the same as Loney's; if so he ought to be published and run out of the town. You had a long article in your paper this week concerning him and I think he is the same man. If he is, you would take a manly stand by warning the col ored people against him. Hoping you will think the matter worthy of investiga tion. I am, Yours very respectfully, R. J. Perry. As far as can be ascertained these are the same people who first began to preach aud practice their peculiar tenets in Ral eigh and later in Wilmington. In the latter place they were at first given the use of tho colored churches, but it was soon found that they were immoral and the colored preachers closed their church es against them. They then hired the tabernacle erected for Sam Jones several years ago, but failing to pay the rent were ejected and left Wilmington to avoid legal entanglements of somo kind. Erorn thcro they came here and began to preach last Thursday They were given tho use of the First Baptist church which they still occupy. There are eighteen men and women ia the crowd that came hero, but at this writing no converts have boon made so far as con be ascertained. The colored people seem to be averse to dis cussing the now soct. It is evident, however, that the colored people arc di vided about them, some favoring and some opposing them. They preach the doctrines here which they preached in Wilmington and Ral eigh, an account which was published in last weeks's isi ue of this paper. These doctrines are ooatrary to all received opinious nud our colored friends would be wise to be slow and careful in accept ing them. On Tuesday a warrant reached here from Raleigh by virtue of which Chief of Police Day arrested and tcok to Ral eigh Burvin Snipes and a woman whose name we could not learn. Snipes is a follower of Louey and went with bin from Raleigh to Wilmington, carrying with him a neighbor's wife. Tho two later came here with Loney and were with him when arrestod. THE GUEATEST TRUST YET. PROBABLE COMBINATION OF GREAT CORPORATIONS. TWO A Winston special to the Richmond Dispatch says : The Southern Tobacco Journal pub lished this afternoon claims to havo au thentic information that the American Tobacco Company bus absorbed the Lorillard Tobacco Company, of New Jersey. The Journal says : "This is a sad reflection and will be read with unu sual interest by the trade. The Journal predicted months ago that it would be an easy matter for the trust to absorb the Lorillard people, and it now looks as if this had been accomplished. It will only be an easy matter for them to go a step further and take in a St. Louis fac tory or two. What this will mean to the tobacco trade can easily be seen. It is now hinted that as the whiskey trust, which is about to get control of all tho whiskey business in this country, is per fected the two corporations will combine, making the largest money corporation in the world." WHAT IT WOULD MEAN. Such a corporation would simply mean ruin to tho balance of the tobacco trade in this country. The combiued value of the two enterprises would be nearly 8100,000,000 enough, it is uid, to in fluence legislation in every Stnto iu tho Union. For many years the Lorillards have beeu aiming tilt! lil'gi st buyer t,f Nonh Carolina nud Virginia leaf, buyiug from speculators aud commission men iu the various markets, but chiefly from stocks held in Richmond. Only recently their agent made large puohascs of leaf held in Richmond warehouses. If thii big fuutory has joined the trust, all this buying will be thrown into the hinds of tho trust's various aueuts. The joints and muscles am ..u iubricated by Hood's S ir;utmrii!.i t'.M u Kheumn tisui and stiffness soon disappear. Try it. RAILROAD COMMISSION. A REVIEW OF ITS WORK SINCE ITS OR GANIZATION IN APRIL, 1891. The law providing for a Ra;'road Commission for this state was passed by the General Assembly of 1891-92. The commission is composed of three commissioners, and the gentlemen elected by said General Assembly to this office are, J. W. Wilson, T. W. Mason and E. C. Beddingfield. These gentlemen have not yet been in office two years, and a brief review of their work may be of in terest. When the commission was established the corporations of the state were assessed for taxation at 812,321,700, but a revis ion of the assessment warranted the couin.ission io increasing the amount by $7,820,000, making the sum now assessed for taxation 820,141, 760, which increased the revenue as follows : State taxes, 819,550.14; pension taxes, 82.346.01; school taxes, 811,730,08; counties and towns, 844,574.32, showing an increase in the total tax of 878,200. 56. Before the commission was established Pullman cars had never been assessed for taxation, but they are now taxed on a valuation of 8130,000, and steamboats, heretofore not taxed, arc now taxed on a valuation of 8290,000. While the work of the commission in the direction indi cated shows an increase in tho assessed valuo of certaiu property, and, conse quently, a corresponding increase in revenue, it should be noted in this connection that the reduction in passenger rates alunu will amount to 8200,000 per annum, in freight rates to 8250,001) per annum, while telegraphic rates have been retimed nearly 50 per cent. It is under.-toud that nearly 150 complaints have been made to the commission for uVtrcLai-te and various gripvurnv, hut that these Iihvu generally been amicably and satis factorily adjusted, aud iu addition many orders havo been mndo pcrtainieg to the convenience of the public, "Eueh as causing dcpotB to be erected, trains to make cuu neeti'tn, cars to bo kept comfortable, eto. An effort has been mndo at different and many times for the past ten or fif teen years to compel the Wilmington and Weldon railroad company tu pay taxes, hut if hits never bivn reached and for a itfUij t d!' ) oars the company has enjoyed immunity from taxation, claiming exemp tion under its charter. The commission, after a thorough investigation and exam ination, came to the conclusion that the exemption clause in the charter did not extend to the branch lines, a different view from any ever taken before, and placed the main line from Halifax to Weldon, and all its branch lines on the tax list. Tho U. S. Supreme court af firmed this decision. In all these matters, the corporations which have been represented before the commission have only manifested the de sire to stand upon their legal rights only, and the investigations have been con ducted on both sides with the sole aim of finding the right and then doing it. To-Dat Hood's Sarsaparilla stands at the head io the medicine world, ad mired in prosperity and envied in merit by thousands of would-be competitors. it nas a larger sale than any other mcdi tine. Such success could not be won without positive merit. Hoods Pills cure constipation bv re storing the peristaltic action of the ali mentary canal. They are the best fami ly cathartic. Clothes may not make the man, suits make the lawyer. but Mr. Henry Hnins, of Webb City, Mo., writes: "I am firmly convinced that Dr. Bui's Cough Syrup is the best reiuedv in the world. My grand daughter was seriously attacked with croup, but a few doses of the syrup entirely cured her." It never tails. What women talk about about all tho time. BROWN'S IRON 3 I TIERS Cures Dyspepsia, In digestion & Dcbi lity . In Bn'msh i-otneo prupomi to men. As a remedy for accidents common to every day life, atiJi iiS tuts, brt:irs, sprains, burn, scalds, frost bites, and bite of poisonous insects, Salvation Oil has no equal in tho market. It kills pain, gn iug to the seat of the trouble, and caus ing an i ffcolual eure. 25 cents. tort rivsrT-.r.sM, Indigestion, and Stoiaach disorders, usa BROWN'S IltOX UlT'iliRS. All dealers ktwp it, 11 per bnt'i Genuine ha trade-mark and cruued red lluea on wrapper. JSTSFvn all sic'.; ,, idles to GraDv's Horolouical Sanitarium, Halifax, N.C. 10 13 if. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J Tobacco Cure ! A QUICK and ABSOLUTE CUKE forthe TOBACCO HABIT! Next to the whiskey traffic, it is tho most expensive nnil loathsome habit of the American people. Thu tiiimml cost runs up into millions. Tho average, tobacco user pays to gratify this unnatural appetite from live to ten times moie tliun he gives to support the Church. Slntine on us. This Cure has not yet failed where the party was in earnest about quitting and followed directions. Thousand. have been enicd of chewing, smoking and dipping. Here are samples of certificates: Birmingham, Ala., March 16, 1892. Memrn. lhazeal & Co.'. Gentlemen I used tobacco for nine teen years, and liiiding it injurious, decid ed to quit it. About seven months ago, with the Hose Tobacco and Snutf Cure, I quit it, and now find my health greatly improved, and thutlbavcgained30poundp in weight. A. T. Baker. Messrs. Brazeal & Co.: Dear Sirs The tobacco tablet bought ot you December 30, 1K91, has given perfect satisfaction. It has cured two persons of the tobacco habit niysell and another. I smoked cigarettes for four years, and had been chewing fourteen years. Since tho use of the tablet 1 have no desire whatever either lor smoking or chewing. It did the work in four days. Yours truly, E. T. Odom, Gadsden, Ala. Rocky Ford, Ga., Jan. 12, 1892. Messrs. Brazeal it Co., Birmingham, Ala. Dear Sirs I havo used oneof the tab lets for cigarettes, and it has cured me. En closed find $10. Please send me amount in tablets. Will take ngency or territory. Give me full particulars. Refer to any business house of this town. Yours truly, G. K. Head. Mrs. J. F. Judd, of Fayette C. H., Ala., writes : "I received my box of Snuff Cure and am delighted with it. There is no doubt of its curing any one who will give it a fnir and honest trial and really has the desirt to cease using the weed, and V-xercisc thii willing desire. I think I can sell many boxes for you. I do want to help those who want to help themselves." PRICE PER TABLET, TOBACCO CURE, 81.00 " BOX, SNUFF CURE, l.N OBDKR OF BRAZEAL & CO., BIRMINGHAM, ALA., General Agents for Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Florida, North and South Carolina. sep 8 ly B.B.B. Save (Paying 'Doctors' Bills BOTANIC BLOOD BALM : THE GREAT REMEDY FOR ALL BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES . Ila. bean trioroutrlily wkkki by em inent ph) ntctans and tlie p.-ople for in yean;, and DPTer falls to cur. qulukly and permanently , SCROFULA, ULCERS, ECZEMA, 1 RHEUMATISM. PIMPLES. ERUPTIONS, I and all manner of EATINO, BPREAMNO and KUNN1N0 SOKES. Invariably cures tlie most I iMth-im. hliwut rilHAoM.it If directions are fol lowed. Frlce II per botue, buttles for &. Fur ' aale by aruirRisu. 1 SENT FRCC WONDMIULCCKEB. 1 BLOOD BALM CO., fltlintl, til. W1 july 28 ly. W . 13. 11 WELDOIT, !N C. Dry Goods, Notions, Dress Goods, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots Shoes. All Goods New, iVllgoodslatest Style, all goods Cheap. Kver thing wa r:iottti a., r piesented. Call ami i -rune quality and price, No troul)!.- iy b"W no: fjs lIik! In have V'OI see tilt. HI. ifcj-rt ILL NOT UN i)ICK.OLD. y ii) tf. wtfVKsai afe&iaMat-.ift.: jilMl Mlajaati mnaV.-Jatte j

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