?-'Xz l r-f vkSs-JL I I If sir4: I Mife& mW$5& vCS"" i IL. XXIII. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 1893. NO 40 A D V H ItTIS K M E N Ts . DYSPEPSIA I that misery experienced whoa ddenly niiido aware that you Sssess n dialxilieal urrangenieut died stomach. No two dyspep ifcs have the same predominant jrniptoms, but whutever form .yspepsia takes I The underlying cause it I in the LIVER, pi one thing is certain no one fill remain a dyspeptic who will li' will correct Acidity of the Stomach, Expel foul gases, Ally Irritation, Assist Digestion MO) riTiJr"7."Tfirana at tho same l&J&mS time ! fAi? irer working and f W botlihj uihnents I disappear. f'For more than ihrec yean 1 suffered with fyspepsia in iis worst ibrm. I tried ?;vera, 9cmrs, but they afforded no relief. At last 1 tried (Tuitions Liver Utt'iii'ator, which cured, we in a ort time. It is a good medicine, I would not without it. jambs a. kuanb, rnuau a, ra. See that yon get the Genuine, with red J2 on front 'of wrapper. PHUFARCD ONLY UY ' . u. XKtLIN & CO.. Philadelphia, Pa. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. W. ,.1. ! f t M Tnifin fcia day dissolved by mutual consent. ROBT. 0. BURTON, E. L. TRAVIS, Slax, N. C, Nov. 25, 18U2. fuiCKlIAHT T. C. ITABKISON OFFICE OF LOCkllAKT HARRISON, .torneys and Counsellors At Law, weldon, n. c . te-Offlcc In Literary Hall."a Practices ia the Superior aud other courts Restate. rorupt attention giveu to the collection Claims. nov A ly. LMKS M. MULLEN, WALTER 1. DANIRL vniDi ds DANIEL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Weldon, N. C. Sactice in thecourts of Halifax audNorLnamD taud In the Supreme and Federal court. CoU nuns mane in anpansoi Norm Carolina. pocti omce at naiii&x, M, C, open every Hon jan 7 ly H0MA8 N. HILL, Attorney at Law, HALIFAX, N. C. W'tices In Halifax aud adjolulugcuuntlei and era laud Supreme coima. v.. aug. W t V R. E. L. HUNTER, SSURGEON DENTIST. an be found at his office in Enfield, 'ore Nitrons Oxide Gas for the Painlew trading of Teeth always on hand, feb 27 ly. IT, W. HARRIS, D. D. S. i i Littleton, N. C. 'eth Extracted withaut pain. 4-20-Gra. 'nnu,,i, , ,:, Wln , No othtr Shoe, Wr thli Shoe during Oil Sumner Monthl. ,00 NUT SUFFER WITH TIRED or TENDER FEET. rill, s-i . EXPANDS iM KVKUY MOTION of AOIIM Alll.fc liuun uiki 11 ihm.iIiiu ui tt ii.rr.itri.nr. THE PERFECTION Oo.u no inor. look, hotter, wnri lonfor, X'"a loo UaitB more oomion tlikii any . tnr mike. Prifei, Ii.00. SJ.iO. S3. 00 SS.tO. CONSOLIDMEO SHOE CO, MTrs, Ivnn.Masi. or sale by the leading shoe dealer in Littleton, N. C, S. JOHNSTON. W- B TILLERY. Wdon, N.C. 0. B CURTIS t CO., Eutield,N.C. OKS UaDK To MEA8UB1. A IPIOIALTT. SAcnts waDted in all saetions. ug 11 3m. s mm? DKFIKI) Till: CUSTOM 31 KX. "I was ci uiin;', acroi-sthu St. Lawrence liver tliu other day," remarked Samuel H. Wiiltsuti, ''and witiuwcd a tliin; that in iilc a CiifitoiJ) lliiuse (illieer blush, and I'il lrt i hut hit istliu only onn who ever hud Midi a gcnsatioi) in his life. On (ho boit was a beautiful ymii' fiirl, who had u laro i:ickii)je in her lap. The inspec tor detired to see it, but the jiirl refused. " 'But I must,' insisted the officer. " 'It is nithii) but a' dull L'll pay the duty, but you eau't see it.' " 'I liiite tu be rude, my younf; lady,1 said tho inspector, but unless you open tho package I thall be forced to take it from you.' " '1 will not open it,' she said, defiant ly, it's uothin; but a dull, I tell you, aud it has no clothes; it's stark naked, sir, and you shall not see it.' "The officer tried to laugh, but he couldn't. The other passengers applauded the young lady's nerve aud the inspector passed on." St. Louis Republic. A NEW KOAD.' The Atlantic Coast Line has made preliminary survey , for a new i railroad from Wadesboro, on its Cheraw aud Salis bury branch, to WinstoD. The road, says the Baltimore Sun, will be ninety miles bog and penetrate tho Valley of the Yadkin river, which has one of the most remarkable water powers in the country, the fall being 200 feet to the mile. At Winston the now road will connect with the Roanoke and Southern road, a branch of the Norfolk and Wes tern, which has its terminus at that place. The building of this connecting line will ive the Norfolk and Western southern outlet for the products of the Pocahontas coal fields, and therefore the Norfolk and Western is iu close sympa thy with the enterprise and will aid in its construction and operation. It is said that the Coast Line and Norfolk and Western endorse mutually for a term of years the bonds for the construction of this new link. When completed the road will bo owned and operated by the Atlantic Coast Line. The work of con struction will be commenced as soon as the locating surveys are completed, and will be pushed to a rapid completion. 3IADE POLITICAL. At the meetiug ot the Populists held at Indianapolis last week the constitution of the Industrial Legion, adopted at the Memphis meeting, was amended to meet the demands of Gen. Paul Vandervoort who was elected couiuiunder in chief. The committee appointed to revise the constitution in accordance with the Van dervoort view made their report to night. and it was adopted. Through the changes thus made the order is shorn of all but a semblance of its military complexion although Gen. Vandervoort's title remains commander-in-chief. The ritual is also abolished; a pledge takes the place of the oath that was prescribed; the classes are abolished; all members are admitted on the same basis, and all who subscribe to the Omaha platform are eligible to mem bctship. These ohanges being made, General Vandervoot signified his aooeptanoo it) a formal address iu which tho purposes of the industrial leuion were set forth detail. Tonorrow tlnonnnii'rii for the various States will be announced, and plan of organization wi l be adopted. As a result of tho changes made in the constitution the industrial legion becomes a political, instead of a semi-political organization, the objcot of it being to have the charge of the political interests ol tho Farmers' Alliuueo and the Indus trial Union. he Advertising Of Hood's Sar parilla is always within the bounds of ieason because it is true; it always appeals to the sober, common sense nf thinking people because it is true; and it is always fully substantiated by endorsements which in th" financial world would be accepted without a moment a hesitation For a general family caihnrtio we con fidently reoommend lloous I'll Is. REV. DR. BRICGS, Whote trial for bereiy it now occupying the attention of th religioua world. AN ATTACK ON DK. MACUNE THE "ALLIANCE ADVOCATE OF KAN- SA8, makes 8KRIOUS ci.'ARUKS i AGAINST IIIM. Duriugthe past month the Alliance dvocate, Kansas organ of the People's party, has been making a bitter war on Dr. C. W. Maeuue, the Alliance leader at Washington, who, it charges, sent out Democratic campaign documents to Alliance men, and afterward . tried to l'astcn it on Gov. Tiilmau, of South Carolina. The Advocate charges that Macune's pursuing and houudiog of Col. Polk was the cause of the national president's death. The Advocate says: "Dr. Macune has never been in a council or conven tion yet that he did not have to bo vindi cated from some charge. He has been a supporter of the National Union Compa ny, and is responsible for the victimizing of Alliance men in different parts of the country through that rotten concern, for which he has undoubtedly been well paid. Col. Polk never trusted him. As officers of the Alliance they necessarily had to confer together concerning official mat ters, but Dr. Macune never missed an opportunity to annoy Col. Pulk or reuder his poi!inn pri'iilint of tltH Nuliotiiil Alliance as unpleasant as possible Col. Polk's death may even in a measure be attributed to this annoyance, and the ex tra labor and anxiety imposed upon him by this hypocrite A greater faroe was never enacted than that of Mneune standing up at Omaha uud Memphis pronouncing eulogies on Col. Polk." Salvation Oil d-es aot assuage pain; but, by quickly finding its way to the scut of the disease allays tho swelling and inflammation, und by removing theivtuse of the disease effects a permanent euro. It is without u doubt a great liniment and ought to be kept in every family. Pi ice 25 cents. At all dealers. lTltV PcM-n s..-o broken flovTi .Toti otuivriri: M- W.-.aol.l i; .res "-"""IA ," Iillll'r!l ! ,:,', ; ilV," ijrjtem, aid digestion, removes ot bile, . aud curea maluriu. Uet Uio gcuukio, DK. BRICGS WINS. Pr Briggs has beeu acquitted of her- ey by the New York Presbytery. There suit was a surprise, foi on all t,he six couois the vote was against sustaining the charge. On the first charge, accusing Prof. Brills of teaching that tho reason is a source of divine authority, the vote was as follows: To sustain the charge GO; against sustaining the charge, G3. On the second charge, which accuses Prof. Briggs of teaching that the church is a source of divine authority, there were 55 votes cast in favor of sustaining the charge and 71 against. The closet vote was on the third charge, that Prof. Briggs taught that the Scriptures contained errors of history and fact. On this charge the vote was as follows: To sustain the charge 61 against OS. On the fourth charge, accusing Prof. Briggs of teaching that Moses was not the author of the Pentateueh, the vote was: To sustain the charge, 53; against 72. The vote on the fifth charge, accusing Prof Briggiof leaehi'ig ilrit I"iiinh did nut write many of the chapters in the book bearing bis name was iu favor of sustaining the charge 40, apiiiml 70. The vote on the si li elnrjro. accusing Prof. l'Bi.ii''S of teaching that suutitiuatiuu is progressive after df-ath. was as Wow To sustain the cb.ii fe 57; itgiinst litf. The case will ii'j appealed to tho gen eral assembly, which will meet in Wash iugton early iu the spring. The assem bly will appoint a commission consisting of fourteen unprejudiced members to net on the appeai. For affections of the throat and chest, and lungs, it has no equal. Mr. II. J. Uuduian, Ivy and Wheat Streets, At lanta, Ga , writes: "Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup has proved a very great blessing T' lii-''Mt;r''v eur.d n bad case of Larrn- I giiio i' long standing. Success to ii al 3 I Ways. PURELY PERSONAL. " ii Mr. A. J. Groves, of Hansoms, Va., was in town a few days ago. Miss Estelle Williford, of Rocky Mount, is visiting friends iu town. Mr. Lcc Gunter, of Knfield, was in town Tuesday, en route to Richmond. t n t it n it i t 1 Dir. it. o. nun, ot mucign, mauo a short visit to friends in town last week. Mr. E. L. Hny ward returned Friday frum a visit to relatives near New Bern. Mr. E. G. Cheatham, formerly of this place, now of Portsmouth, was in town Saturday. Dr. J. E. Shields, who has been spend ing the holidays in Scotland . Neck, re turned Tuesday. Capt. T. W. Mason returned to Ral eigh Tuesday after speeding the Christ mas holidays at home. Miss Lucy Leach, of Littleton, spent Sunday and Monday in iown, the guest of Miss Kate Prescott. Mrs. B. F. Sledge, of Manche.-i r, Va., who has been visiting friends i.i town, returned home Monday. Messrs. Wm. Holmes Davis and Hee- ry Davis have returned from a visit to their parents and other relatives durii g the holidays. , j ) Messrs. Cola Harrell and M. T. Law rence, representatives respectively from Northampton and Martin, went up to Raleigh Tuesday. Mr. W. W. White, who has been a clerk in Mr. J. T. Evans' store is now clerk at the postofiice and hands out mail to the public. Prof. W. C. Riddick, of the A. and M. College, returned home Monday after spending a few days with his many fiiends in this place. Sheriff Alsbrook and deputy Sheriff A. H. Green spent Monday night in town. No county has a better sheriff and no sheriff a better deputy. Capt. Kitchin went to Raleigh Satur day and Mr. F. H. Taylor Monday We are glad to say the latter has recoV' ered from his severe attack of the grippe. Messrs. J. J. Lockhart and T. C. Har rison have formed a co-partnership for the practice of law, and have fitted up an office in the Literary hall building. Suc cess to them. Mr. Charles F. Divine, one of the old est and best known engineers on the Wil mington and Weldon Railroad, is to take charge of the railroad shops at Rocky Mount. We regret to learn that Mr. W. T, Shaw and family will remove to Rocky Mount to live. Mr. Shaw has accepted the position of night yard master at that place and will enter upon the discharge of his duties as soon as his heaith will permit. J. W. Yates, Tullahoma, Tenn., writes: ,-It does me good to praise B tauic lilood ISalm. It cured me ot no abscess on the lungs and asthma that troubled me two years and that other remedies tailed to beneht. Rinuwood Items. The holiday passed quietly. There were services al the Episcopal church uud a sermon by the Rev. Mr. Vandcrbogart. The Christ mas tree Monday night w well attended, thougn toe weather was extremely cold. The tree was a tiiit u ol'biimt.V und was ladeu will) gifts. Tho children noted splendidly, showing fine 'riii-iiiiir l.ii'lo Ruby Vinson showed a lUUlai'ajiilj Voice iu two songs. Dr. John fl. Harrison, now iu Balti more, is much improved and will return home in a few days. Masters Bennie Bobbin of Oxford school, and Paul Matthews, of A. and M (Vllene. p"tit the holidays at home aud luiurneu to sen Hil ys'erday. G. E. M. Scrofula, whether hereditary or ae quired, 1 thoroughly expelled from ii biood by Hood's iNirsupunlia, the pvti blood purifier. .. . . . , , ic v'ir.': j , Oryoi : . . '-.i.i swi fornotb : . -. ..!. .. u'Liilty. Try BROIfA'.'. "ITTKim. It will cure you r '., ui, .. jr.ur liver, and give a fuod appetite. NEW ADVE11TLSEM KNTS. Tobacco Cnre ! WHAT IT IS DOING, I received Tablet about six days ago and commenced using according to directions, and can say now Unit I am cured of the habit of chewing and smoking, contracted about thirty-seven years nno. What are your terms to agents? I want two counties. Cleveland, Miss. E. C. Hopkins. I have used the Knse Tobacco Cure with happy results, Please give mo all the particulars in re gard to agency, for one or mora counties. Yours respecuully, Valdosta, Ga. W. 1). Braswell. I sent to you a month ago for a Tablet of I?ose Tobacco Cure. It broke me of the habit after using tobacco for fifty-seven or fitty-eight years. lours, Travelers Kest, Ala. J. C. Powell. I purchased a Tablet of Rose Cure some twoweeks since and it has cured me. Please let me know if you will let an agent have as much territory as a State. Tibbee station, Miss. , J. H. Kyland. Eevi Mr. Oulland, of this city, has used yourliose Tobacco Cure and he says it has cured him of the habit of tobacco using. I have been chewing and smoking for 45 years and yctam determined to quit. Please und enclosed If 1 .00. Send me a laoiei. Jacksonville, Fla. onrs, W. E. Hatter. Sometime ago I ordered from you a box of the Hnnft'Ciue for myself. It gave per fect satisfaction and completely cured me of the Snuff habit in a few duvs. I would like to secure the agency for this section. Summit, Ala. Mrs. Carry Haden- AN OLD CASE. All that want to quit the use of tobacco, use the Eose Tobacco Cure.- I am a free man after using it 55 years. " Give terms to agents. Yours, Valley Head, Ala. R. S. Price. I write this to say to you that the Hose Tobacco Cure is a wonderful stuff. I have used tobacco iu all shapes for 45 years, and after usiDg one Tablet all desire is gone. I used two Tablets to be sure ot a cure, Bin one did the work. Dr. K. M. Tucker. PRICE PKR TABLET, TOBACCO CVRE, J1.S0 " BOX, SNUFF CURE, IM , ORDER OK BRAZEAL & CO., BIRMINGHAM, ALA., General Agents for Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Florida, North and South Carolina. sep 8 ly save ; ; Paying uuwiuia Bills n fi ii ku Amu li-li-li- Dinnn dmu if 10 mm ULUVJU Unum THE GREAT REMEDY FOR ALL BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES -Hu been thoroughly tested br em inent phTidcl&n. and the people for M year., and never fail, to A eureqi UlCaij ana pennaaeutiT SCROFULA, ULCERS, ECZtntA, i V RHEUMATISM. PIMPLES, ERUPTIONS, t ernncin i. M tnd all manner ot EATTNO, SPREADING and RUNNING BOltES. InvarlaMy cores the i mort loatlMOme blood dtoeaaee It direction! are fol- iottedV Woe per bottle, t bottle, for 15. For ale by droewUU. SENT FREEwoNDnMtTEEs. BLOOD HALM liU., mi.nia, va. -July 28 ly. w.B. May, WBLIDOlT.Isr. C. Dry Goods, Notions, Dress Goods, Furnishing , v.: Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots Shoes. All Goods New, All goods latest . , j Style, all goods Cheap. Evfryiliinp wa'rVuiiiiil is rcprmMcd. ('all nr. varuine quality und prian. No iro bie t" .Ii" fctd!, fllsd t" lrve v"ii set ihM awV'TL'. NOT UK TJNDKl;." OLD. tt tf. ? 1 ....