1 THE ROANOKE NEWS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1893. We return thanks to Congressman Win. C. Oatcs for copies of various re ports on the Torrey Bankrupt Bill. The Herald gays among thoso promi nently mentioned for positions in Mr. ; Cleveland's cabinet is Senator Ransom i for Secretary of War. i Among North Carolinians spoken of t for positions in the cabinet and as foreign s ministers are Julian S. Carr, T. J. Jar- i vis, W. W. Robbins and Governor Holt. ' - j Last week Senator Ransom said that of ten men he met on tb train between Petersburg and this place on coming j office. Reports from Raleigh say that Capt. ;( Leach and Mr. W. V. Long will certain- ' ly be seated as Senator from Vauoe and Warren and as Representative from Warren respectively. A dispatch in the Richmond Times says tho internal revenue collectorship for the eastern district of this State is said to lie betwoen Capt. Kitchin,Marmaduke Hawkins, of Warren, Jacob A. Long, of Graham, and V. B. Sharpe, of Edge combe. a oonsoiiaatea group ot silver mints in Colorado will close down becaust of the low price of silver and high wages paid to miners. It is understood that other operators will follow suit and if so thousands of men will be thrown out of employment. On Thursday night last the Argonaut omce at Kocky Mount was burned to the ground, and only the press and some of the material saved. The paper will continue publication, however. We heartily sympathize with the editors and proprietors in their loss. T . n i I RESIDENT HARRISON UaS JUSt ex- teuded the civil service rules to include seven or eight thousand more office holders to emphasize his approval of civil service reform and a desire to keep in office as many Republicans as possible under a Democratio administration. It seems to be definitely settled, by the newspapers at least, that Mr. Cleve land will appoint Senator Carlisle Secre tary of tho Treasury, Daniel S. Lamont Secretary of the Navy or Postmaster General and Mr. Bissell, of New York, his former law partner, as Attorney-Gen eral. X Superintendent Porter says he will finish the work of the last eensus by the last of the year and go out of office. He Biys the there will be twenty five volumes of a thousand pages each. He evidently will not resign on the 4th of March and has no fear that Mr. Cleve land may remove bim. John Wanamaker's father was a brick maker. Wheni the present mer chant piince began business he found it hard to get a little credit. He made his firt bij ni'ini-v by investing in blue flan Del at the beginning of the war and imw employs fn m fifty thousand to seventy five thousand people. For the quarter ending November HO, it cost $24,27") 57 more to run the pen' tentiary than it earued. The expenses were. 94i,oyy.tSl ana t lie eatinnns 87,611.8-1 This deficiency is probably owing to the faot that the authorities have uSt beeti able to hire out convicts and many of ihein have been employed in diking the (arms, which work while advantageous does not, of course, show any earnings. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, ) Lucas Cuuuty, j 8. Frank J. Cheuuy makes oath that he ' the senior partner of the firm of r". J. Choiiey & u0i doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State afore 8id, and that said firm will pay the sum of One Hundred Dollars tor each and every oase of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Cmrnet. . Sworn to before me and siibmtrihed hi presence, this 6th day of December, A. I 1886 W. Glkason, Notary Public. skal Hall's Catarrh Cure i tuken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous unaoes ot the system. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Proprietors, Toledo, 0. 9-8old by all Druggisto, 75o. Testimonials free. ISknd all sick watches to Grady'h "OKOLoaiL ' Sanitarium, Halifax, " . 10 13 if. THE ROANOKE NEWS. BY HALL & SLEDGE. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. BATKS OF BUuSCRIPTION IN ADVANCE. One Year (by Mail), Postage Paid $1.50. Six Months 75. AWeeklv Democratic journal devoted to the material, educational, political and agricnltural interests of Halifax and sur rounding counties. BgAdvertisinc rates reasonable and famished on application. THURSDAY JANUARY 12, 1893. HOME AFFAIRS. Agent at Enfield. Mr. S. Meyer is tho authorized agent of the Roanoke News at Enfield and vicinity and any business with the paper can be transacted with him. He will receive and receipt for subscriptions and attend to any other matters entrusted to him. He will also take new or renew old subscriptions. Bills 1 The huntsmen are happy. How does this weather suit you ? Are those new resolutions keeping? We have had two big snows already. Most of the land around town is post ed. We have had a pretty hard winter thus far. Who will attend the inauguration on the 18th ? All trains have been out of time for the past week. Some of our .town subscribers have not paid up as yet. The county Board of Education will meet next Monday. Several gentlemen have had falls on the slippery sidewalks. How many times have you dated your letters 1892 this week? You must pay your subscription if you wish your paper continued. The boys have enjoyed skating on the canal this cold weather. TomGatlinu and Tom Fields both secured places in the Senate. The weather prophets hit tho cold weather pretty well this winter. Tins is the most prosperous season tho coal men have had for years. We prcseut the picture of Speaker Crisp, on onr first page, this week Fortunately there'll be no politics to bother the people next summer Ouu farmers will plant more cotton this year than they planted last year, False teeth are now made from paper and are said to wear well and last a life time. Have you noticed that the days are lengthening. It issearc ily dark at (Tp in. now. Bad colds with a decided tendency towards the "grippe" is the chief com plaiut ar-iund town ti KKEAt'l'EK a registered letter wil only coit 8 cants. Th price was reducei. begin linn January 1st, from 10 e-.-nts. A one armed man has a great advau tage over other people during this cold weather be only has one arm . to warm. This is uot. original keep It is siid that the sight for the new cotton factory lias been settled upon W learn from good authority that it U to be put opposite the mill and elevator. When you think of taking advantage of our clubbioi; arrangement, you intiv be oertain to read the conditions. You must pay up your back dues and one year iu advance or you caouot have the benefit of the clubbing. Romaine Captured. The accom plished Bwindler, Romaine, who played bis donfiilenoe game here and at Halifax also Heeped u Methodist minister of Wil mington out of a small amouut. It is reported that he has beeu arrested and it is piobably true as such bold faced fraud could uot go long undetected. Lkuislative Committees. We noiicii that Halifax oouu'y is represented on the Legislative com nil tees as follow: Capt. Day is on the following: . Inau guration ceremonies, Judiciary, Privileges and Eleoti his, fen d Institutions. He is chairman of the first named. Capt. Kitchiu: Insane Asylum, Penal Institutions, Judiemry, ntern il Improve men's, hwhir charii)in oi' the first named Mr. Taylor: Omoties, cities u id towns, Engrossed Bills, Privileges and Elections, Military affairs, Library. Stock Moved. Mr. Henry C. Spiers has removed from the brick store and consolidated his stock of goods with the stock he had in the next door below, where he can be found with the cheapest goods imaginable. His stock is constant ly replenished and he always has every thing called for. If tie has not he gets it. Entertainment at Seaboard. An operetta, "Little Nell's Surprise Party," will be rendered at tho male academy at Seaboard to-night by a number of young people of Garyaburg, for the benefit of the M. E. Church at the latter place. Doors open at 7 P. M., performance begins at 7:30. Admission, grown people 25 cents, children 15 cents. An opportunity to pass an enjoyable evening and ut tho same time help a very laudable cause. The Weather -The weather this winter has been much voider than usual. Tho minimum registered by the thermom eter was two degrees above zero on Fri day, the 30th of December. One day it was eight degrees and several days it ranged from eight to sixteen. The snow which fell on the night of December 26th was ten inches deep on a level and was said to be the heaviest kntwo here since 1857. Snow fell again on the 3rd inst., to a depth of three inches and some of it remains yet. For a week past the canal has been covered with ice heavy enough to skate on. Tho river at Gaston was frozen over Monday and a passage had to be cut through it for boats to cross. Railroad Rumors. It is reported that the Seaboard Air Line will on the first of February put on a fast train between Atlanta and the northern cities. The train will arrive here going South at 5:30 in the afternoon and going North ut o.M in tho morning, vat rumor says these trains will run solid over the At lantic Coast Line route between this place and Richmond, another says they will run to Norfolk but will take a sleeper from the Coast Line train here for t South and leave one here for it for the North. It is also reported that the shoofly trains on the Seaboard and Ral eigh and Gaston roads will be discontin ued. If the schedules of the new fast trains are to be as reported above the shoofly on the Seaboard road could be discontinued without inconvenienee, but the fast train would not take the place of the shoofly on the Raleigh road. It was put on to accommodate people who wished to spend the day in Raleigh ou business and the now fast train would not enable then to do this. Hood's Calendar Hood's Calen dar fur 1893 is out, and like its predeces sors is the daintiest of its kind for the year, embodying the best results of the att of the designer, engraver and painter. It is appropriate to the World's Fair year, being entitled 'The Young Discov erers" and presents the bright faces of two youog children locating Flood's Sar- saparilla on the mnp of North America It is a unique and tasteful design, beau tifu. in color and expressions aud will make a bright picture on the wall of many a homo and office, while the plain figures attractively printed on the pad will be of great utility ali the coming year. Copies of Hood's Calendars may be obtained of the druggists, or by send ing six ccuts in stamps for one, or ten oeuts lot two, to C I. Hool & (Jo , Low ell, Muss. To Our Scbscribehs We send out more bills this week ati I hope they will receive attention. VVe will be compelled by necessity to discontinue sending the paper to those who do not respond. No one need bj sjrprised if he fail to rvecive his puper, unless he remits promptly. The Roanoke News will be made as attractive in every respect as possible duriug the routing year. The pictorial feature is already becoming popular, and our fashion plates and notes please the ladies, for whose especial benefit they are printed. This will be a permanent feat ure of the paper, and can be relied on for accuracy and correctness of disrup tion. Another advantage offered to subscri bers and .others is opportunity to club with some of the best monthlies and weeklies in the country at greatly re duced rates, thereby enabling them to get the News and another paper at ut most tho price of one. Ex inline our clubbing pr-tpositim on the last page, and in reniittins for (he News add on enough to psy for the -titer piper which you may prefer. We m ik in money out of iliis'irruri.'e iient, but have made it to benefit thoso who may care to take advantage of it. MUTINT AT THE PENITENTIARY Farms. A few days ago a plan to break out from the penitentiary buildings at the convict farms near here was dis covered. There were four or five leaders and they had with them about fifty con victs. They had perfected a plot by which they would at the proper time at a given signal rush upon and overpower the guards, and seize their guns. They were then to take possession of all the arms and ammunition and murdering all who resisted them, turn the doors open and liberate every convict on the farm and arm him. They were then to set lire to all the buildings and go their several ways before assistance could be obtained or before they could be captured. One of the convicts who had been let into the plot, disclosed the whole thing and it was frustrated. The leaders are now in irons. The prime mover in this attempt at murder and arson was the man who abducted a girl in Chatham county, took her to South Carolina and was arrested there and brought back, convicted and sentenced to the peniten tiary for fifteen years. Two Wrecks on the Coast Line. On Thursday last the first section of tne southbound freight tram troru men- mond which passed here about 6 o'clock in the morning was wrecked at Buggies' statiou, four miles below Halifax. Ouo man, Willis Furgerson, was killed. He -was on top of a box car and when the wreck occurred jumped to the ground breaking his leg and receiving internal injuries from which he died in a few hours. The train was going about six teen miles an hour. The locomotive passed over the switch safely, but the spring in the frog which held the rail in place broke and twenty-one cars were piled in a heap. Seventeen of them were in a space of 150 feet and broken into kindling wood. Some were on th side of the track, bottom upwards. Oth ers were across the track and some piled up on others. They were loaded with various kinds of merchandise. All trains were blocked and bad to go via the Scotland Neck and Greenville road, via Hobgood and Tarboro to Rocky Mount, which is twenty-five miles out of the way. A wrecking train reached the scene of the wreck at 3 o'clock and a large force at once put to work removing' the wreck under the superirtendenoe of Major Morrison Divine, but the track was not cleared until tho day. Four hundred feet of track and a trestle 25 feet long were torn up. The cars were a complete loss to the company. T. C. Davies, con ductor, and J. U. Ward, engineer, were in charge of the train. I he second section ot the same train was also wrecked near Jarratts on the Petersburg road on tho same morning and fifteen loaded box cars were ditched No one was hurt in this wreck. THE MOST PLEASANT WAY Of preventing the grippe, colds, head aches, and fevers is to use the liquid lax ative remedy Syrup of Figs, whenever the system needs a gentle yet effective e'en using To be benefited one must get the true remedy manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co only. For sale by all druggists in 50c and $1 bottles. Brings down the house A Western i-yelone. Husband I here 8 a man going through my trousers. Wife He won t find anything. I am not afraid to say what I think, exclaimed Inland; 1 always express my views. They are two heavy to go by mail, I suppos--, replied Loriuier. Ethel (excitedly). He has known me only two days, and he put his arm around me. Eva Puu mean, I supioso, that he has known yov two days and only put his arm around you. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Cureii Conomptlonp t ourIih. Cronp, 8.r Kor Laiiw Si.la, Back or Che-t Shiloh'i Porous Pla.tor will fire pr natufaciion. aj cents. c.HILOH'S V1TALIZER. " Wtalue'r'PAVKD MY LlfK) J trmrtdrUttoltdremtlyforadtMnaMim I evrr urea. ' r or Dyspcrwin, iavur or hjuuuj trouble It esccJS. I'ricovscts. PHILOH'S, CATARRH REMEDY. Have yon Catarrh? Try tVs Rcreedr. Hwil mwltlveiy relieve ana lure you. iticu mm This IniMi-ip inr it stii-T-K-ul lr"iU4ic:l. ' rurnisliB.1 frtm. Hememiicr. Shiirl.'s KemuOi po sold oil a .uareuU: . u ave auiw.mw'n For sale by W.M.COHEN, jan 12 ly. WeWoo, N. (J. yjjPv CURE. II is r-ni PURELYPERSONAL. Mr. James S. Brittle, of Warrenton, spent Sunday night in town. Mr. Richard T. Arrington, of Peters burg, was in town this week on business. Rev. J. A. Green left Tuesday for a visit to his father, in the western part of the State. Miss Nannie Long, of Henderson, spent Monday and Tuesday in town with Miss Lillie Daniel. Master David Stainback, son of our townsmao, Mr. D. h. Stainback, has been appointed a page in the House of Representatives. Capt. H. M. Faucette, of Raleigh, made a short visit to town this week. His many friends here are always glad tor bim to come and sorry for him to leave. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Shaw left Tuesday afternoon for a visit to Scotland Neck, whunco Mr. Shaw will leave in about a week for Rocky Mount to resume his position with the railroad. The Rev. W. L. Grissom, of Enfield, occupied the pulpit of the M. E Church nero aunuay morning and night, lie will sail in a few day for Palestine where he will travel for several months. We learn from our Enfield correspon dent tnat ut. ii. u. Hunter will live in Fayetteville in future. We very much regret his departure from the county. He was a genial man and one of the very best dentists in the country. Everybody will miss him both on account ot his social aud professional qualities. The reason why the sales of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup continually increase and its popularity extends, is to be found in the fact that its oldest friends are the most appreciative of its exoellence. They stick to the old, reliable remedy because they have often times experienced its worth in the cure of sough, cold, and in flammation of the bronchia and lungs. A machine for sharpening razors is a lute invention. ADVERTISEMENTS. We have used Dr. Bull's Coujrh Syrup in our family for years and find it to be $ 5 the best remedy for croup 5 ana cougn. we nave usea it for our children who are all subject to throat trou- ble, with excellent results. i iir ti. t" ti j we prize u very mgniy. j Mrs. rRANK H. YORK, ) uneonta, in. y, PUrW LANGE'S PLUGS. Tht Srttt Taiteee vnCTTAntidstti-PrieclOCti. At til stelar. oooooooooo o TTTTT'S o STiny Liver Pills? " .nH.hlllnnr. mm! anti-malarial 0 remedy are wonderful iu their a flaota f In freeing- the eyntem of bUtouMtW H malaria. Mo ono lmna- la A Malarial Keationt o .ithmt them. Thnlr aaa OprerenU altarki of chllU and farer, A dumbaaua, blllout eollo, n4 rlraatj the irltaca trenrth ta raUt all tho arils of BUnneann7na rmpurw VUiahen. Elefnntly nrr-coated. a o o o o o o o o o mm aaak umce. v rvit risen fM ly NOTICE. The undersigned having this day quali fied as executor of the last will and testa ment of Mrs. Kiizaheth A. Johnson, de ceased, late of Halifax county, N. C here- nv (lives uotice Unit all persons holding claims against said decedent s estate must present the same duly authenticated to him on or before the ;th day ot December 1893 or this notice will be plead iu bar of their recovery. All persons indebted ta said estate are expected to call on said executor without delay and settle thos une. Thin Ilia ftth dnv ol December 181)2. THOS. H. TAYLOIt, Executor. 1 13 6t. NOTICE. The undersigned liavinjr this tiny quali fied a adminitrnt.or of Mrs. Mury M, Piirnell, Into of Hiilil'.ix enmity, hereby gives notice th.it nil p-Mons holding eliiime agiunw said decedent estate, must present the same duly itutlient tented to him, on or before the 3rd day of January 1894, orthn notice will he pie id in bar ot a recovery. All P'-rsons indebted to the said estate are hereby notified to enme forward and makeimuie iatepiyment. This the 3rd day or January 1893. M. P. I'UKMELL, admr. 1 12 Ct. LAND POSTED. All persons are hereby forbidden to hunt or fish by niiiht. or day with or without sun or doa, enttinr wood or any other depredations upon my binds adjoining the lands of the Knannke Navigation Comnnny M r. Bass, T. L Emrv. J. T. Gonch, .the Ferrall e-tat and others. The full iwiinltir of the law will in flicted lor any trespass of the above nature. MHS. H. T. PONTON, dee 98 5w. VDVERTISEMENTS. PAC-OIMlLE O BOTTLE WrUPMft, UCIPT LETTIHIHQ, FOB' PILES fATARRH! RHEUMATISM, AMfi AIL I V n 11 -al INFLAMMATPj us ITS EXT tit. dbnAf .....ute so'hti Extract lll. Pg,Jfl h t&Mnt nude. MiW TA A COLD IS INFLAMMA I TION. POND'S EXTRACT WILL REDUCE INFLAMMATION. V J Vt C Directions s IF A COLD IK THE HEAD, apply A Pond'. Extract (dilated one half) by a naaal douche, ar vaporize It orer a lamp, Inhaling Ofii it lhe fnn,e' W &al bythenose. IF HOARSE, gargle with Pond's I EV1 Kxtrac T"J tlmee dully. lFTIIUTHItOATISSORE and NECK STIFF, rob tho lieck EASIEST".' Extract, and, on retiring, wrap the Uf A neck In a woolen If r I bandage saturated with Pond's Extract, and protect- APPLY ed by anontef wrapping. IF THE LUNGS ABE SORE, POND'S spoonful of Pond's Extract faur or five times a EXTRACT'S THE LIMBS ACHE and are sore, f gV ruo them vigorously I with Pond's Extract.' FOR CHILBLAINS, " with ff) II B Pond's Extract r f I and bandage with clotb saturated with Pond's AFFECTED Extract. Itching qnlekly stopped. BUT do not purchase some cheap' substitute and expect It to da what Pond's Extract will. Be sare yo have genuine article, made only by Pond's Extract Co., New York. IsTOTIOE. ( In pursuance of the following deeds of trust executed by K. P. Harvey and Sallie G. Harvey his wife to me as trustee to se cure certain indebtedness to C. W. Grandy & Sons to-wit: One executed January 1. 1890; one executed 24th of December 1890 and one April 27, 1S92, I will on Mon day the lith day of February 1693, sell for cash to the highest bidder at public auc tion the following land to-wit: Two tracts of land lying in Halifax county and State of North Carolina, one called "The Marsh Place" adjoining the lands of W. w. Dan iel, deceased, T. L. Emry and John T. Gregory and containing about 532 acres; another tract called "the Slashes" tract bounded by the lands or W. E. Fenner, Duvid Kcyuolds, deceased, and tho River Mad leading from Halifax to Tillery's Mill containing about 440 acres in order to pay said indebtedness. bald sale will take place at the Court House in Halifax. This January 2, 1893. THOMAS N. HILL, 1-5-td. Trustee. NOTICE. " STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. HALIFAX CO UN TI TO WE03I IT MA Y COXCERN : Notice is given pursuant to the Consti tution of the State of North Carolina that application will be made to tho General Assembly convening on the first Wednesday in January, 1893, for a charter for The Bank ot Weldon. This the 29th day of January 1892. W. E. DANIEL. 1 5 30J LAND POSTED. All persons sie hereby forbidden to hunt. with dog or gun by day or night, or fish, or graze stock or commit any trespass whatever upon the lands belonging to the estate of N. M. Long without written per mission. T. N. HILL, 1 j Executors. dec 8tf ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF UNO. In obedience to an order of the Superior court of Halifax county in the special pro ceedings in the case of J. T. Dawson, ad ministrator ot Jotin r. Willey, deceased, against the the heirs at law of said Willey, to sell real estate for assets, to pay debts, the undersigned administrator will sell to the highest bidder at the court house door in Halifax on Monday the 6th day of Feb ruary .1S93, that tract of land upon which ft. mj -m vivsb w ha... v" m it tbe eaid John P; wuiej resided at tho, time of bis death, situated in Enfield town ship adjoins the lands of the late D. B. Bell, N. E. Faucttt, Peggy Hyan and oth ers and containing one hundred and thirty one acres. Te-msof Sale: One-third cash, the bal ance in equal installments of one, two and three ears. Bonds with approved securi ty bearing interext ut i igbt per cent, from day of sale will be required of the pur chaser, and the title rt-taned until all tho pnrchare money Is paid. j. i. iiAtia, aamr. or John P. Willey, deceased. J. M. GrizJitd, atfv. 1 5 4t Halifox, N. C, Jan. 2, 1893.

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