VOL. XXIII. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY JJ, 1893. NO. 42 ADVERTISEMENTS. CONSTIPATION '$ eallod the "Fnthur of Discuses." it is caused by u Torpid Liver, stJid is generally accompanied with 10SS OF APPETITE, ' SICK HEADACHE, BAD BREATH, Etc. To treat constipation successfully ' is a mild laxative and a tonic to s digestive organs. By tak. jig Simmons Liver Regulator you iromote digestion, bring on a reg ular habit of body and prevent jiliousness and Indigestion. i'My wife was sorely distressed with Constipa iafln and coughing, followed with Weeding 1'ilcs. tcrfour months me of Simmons Liver Uefpilatoi ilte is almost entirely relieved, gaining strc'l,i &jd flesh." W. B. Lbbpkk, Delaware, Ohio. J Take only the Geuuhtr, Which has on the Wrapper the red ETj '! ' mark and Signature of 4 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. 'Ae partnership of Burton ft Travis pis day dissolved by mutuul consent. ROBT. O. BURTON, E. L. TRAVIS, fax, N. C, Nov. 25, 1892. Jock it art T. c, Harrison. j OFFICE tIK I I.OCKIIAHT.fc HARRISON, jtorneys and Counsellors At Law, 'I WELDON, N. C fe-Oniee in Literary Hall.8 gacticesiu the Superior and other courts jio .State. fiompt attention giveu to the collection jflaiiiis uovlily. Utr M. Mri.LEN, WALTER I. DANIEL U U h U. X ot UAallL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Weldon, N. C. fractlce in thecourtB of Halifax andNorthamp Saitd in the Supreme and Federal courts. Ool I ions mane in aiipartaot Nona Carolina, inch ollice at Ualifax, N. C, open every Mon Jan 7 ly HO MAS N. HILL, Attorney at Law, HALIFAX, N. C. J-actlces In Halifax and adjolninROountlei and Jural and Supreme cnurta. aug. 28 1 IT. W. HARRIS, D. D. S. Littleton, N. C. Teeth Extracted without pain. 4 30 f!m OAUV4TB. TPana- nnl. DC&IDM RATtVTl. font,. .. COPYRIGHTS, etoJ Mi nn i ; ff?" S"a.Ire Handbook- writ to I iwft?.U.r '"D Pa'on" m America. I ffl S ,kf" 0"' br " brmidht before Lii!" by auuiloo given free ot ohargo tu the rantniifit aramnm te''f?1 9 o'onUDo paper In ttva f3t WSJ l"out Weekly, 3.0U a uauauiua, 301 Broadway, New York City. NOTICE. OA' 71 CAROLINA. HALIFAX COUNTY. f W0.Vr iV4 K CONCERN : Take notice that application will be ?' tne General Asaemhlv convening 'He flrat Virlniil.ir ii. I... luin f ,c"rter for the Wilkins River j-. rnwraofl Land Improvement Com- Ihta the 30th day of D ce.nber, 1892. I T m Ti i -vrrt flB 30d ". i: Solentifio American WipiL DC&IDM RATtVTl. IT WAS BABY'S CKADLE. THE CRADLE WAS EMPTY AND HER HEART WAS BROKEN SHE COULD NO LONGER LIVE IN THE HOUSE THAT BABY HAD LEFT. Detroit Free l'rcst. There was a resting spell with the auc tioneer, and the reporter standing by bis box looked at him. "Gone!" inquired the reporter, as the auctioneer sat down, tired. "Well, I've been going all the morn ing and I ought to be," respouded the' auctioneer. "You ought to be a funny man, a great American humorist, or something of that sort,'" suggested the reporter. "Josh Billings waa one and he got bis start at the block," said the- auctioneer, reflectively, "and some auctioneers are gyen to that sort of thing yet. I icus that way myself when I first begau, but I had an experience that cured uie of the habit before it bad fixed itself perma nently." The reporter turned a face of interro' gation points on the auctioneer aud he vnt on. "I was called on once to sell by auc tion a lot of household furniture belong ing to a man and his wife who hud ben married fuur or five years All I knew about it was that a death homcwhere ne cessitated their removal from my town and, as they had no money were com pelled to sell their effects to get enough to move on. Well, I was having a pic nic in my young and foolish way, guying and banteriog and mukiug brilliant and witty side marks on the articles as they came under the hammer so to speak, though. I don't remember ever having used a hammer or seen any other auction eer use one. After I bad disposed of a lot of stuff a cradle was put up. There were several young men of my acquaint ance in the crowd, aud I smiled at them as I turned the cradle around and began to rock it, humming a lullably as I did so. 'Empty is the cradle, baby's gone,' I said, and was going on to say something else to got a laugh, when I happened to look down into the face of a woman close to the platform I was standing on. She was dressed in faded black, evidently given her by some woman larger than she was, and there was a look in her eyes and a tension ol the lines across her forehead, a pitiful weakness about her quivering lips that made me stop. She stood close, and the crowd was all at her back, so they had not noticed. She did not speak, but as I stopped she looked up Ht me with the tears starting, and lift ing her bauds in a mute appeal ol re monstrance no words could describe, she gave a great sob of agony and turned away. " 'I didn't know,' was all I could stammer in apology. And I didn t know that it was her baby's cradle I was sell ing, and because the cradle was empty her bpx-t was b- jLen and sb eould no longer live in the house that baby had left." The auctioneerwas feeling bis story visibly. "No, my boy," he went, "I didn't know, nor did the crowd, but they all did pretty soon, and I told them a story that had no fun in it for any heart there but it took just the same and I got (150 for that cradle before I was done with it, and then gave it back to the poor young mother.1' A CAIt LOAD OF WIVES. IRISH GIRL8 PREFEnnvT), AND MEN AND FARMS WAITING IN SOUTH DA KOTA. The Rev. Father Callaghan of tin Mission of Our Lidy of the Rosary has received a novel request . from Hotel Keeper Dineen of Huron, South Dakota, through Father Brnwn of St. Vincent's Church, at Springfield, South Dakota. Mr. Dineen said he and his neighbors wanted a car load of marriageable Irish girls shipped to Huron. Mr. Dineen said that husbands were as abundant as blackberries in July, and land could be had for the asking in South Dakota. Those who were uot anxious to marry at once could get employment and pxid wages for an indefinite period. New York Suo. THE ROAD COXGUESS. The committee of arrangements of theRaleigh Chamber of Commerce will recommend to the road congress whioh meets in Raleigh today the following programme for discussion. 1. The benefit of good and permanent highways and tho values saved by their use. 2. Is there any need at this time for the improvement of our public roads ? Tbo special reasons therefor. 3. The kind of roadways needed in various parts of North Carolina, and the best manner of keeping them in repair. 4. Ways and meaus for building good permanent public roads and maintaining them. The committee hopes that delegates and others who have given these matters particular thought will come prepared to submit papers before the congress under cither of these heads. It is expected that the proceedings of the congress will bo published, including all papers of value prexented. Everything now points to a large and interested assenibluge of those who desire to see our public roads improved. i In chronic oases of neuralgia, rheuma tism, or gout, where the disturbinu' cause is a certain acid which poisons the blood Salvation Oil should be used in connec tion with the alkaline treatment usunlly prescribed by physicians, which dissolve and neutralizes the poison. The linimeut has the most soothing effect in hoaling the inflammation aud relieving the pain. BROWN'S IRON 3 LITERS Cures ivysp; i u. j In- digestion & Debility A STKAXGE LAW. HOW SOUTH CAROLINA WILL DISPENSE LIQUOR TO HER CITIZENS. Ashcville Citizen. South Carolina legislation ought not to astonish anyone these days, but the remarkable law just signed by Governor Tiilinan, by which the State becomes custodian of the whiskey appetites of the people is certain to attract a great deal of attention. The central idea in the bill is that the State buys and dispenses all intoxicating liquors used in the State. It does so too, at a profit of 50 per cent, on whatevei the liquor costs the State. There is to be a State dispensary which sounds better than saloon at Columbia and a head dispenser. The law requires as might have been expected, that he shall be a temperate man and v;ive a bond of 810,000 for the faithful performance of bis duties. The liquor purchased by the head saloon keeper (or dispenser) is put up in half pint bottles (nice business for the officer of a sovereign State!), "and when so bottled cannot be unsealed by the county dispensers without violating the law." County dispensers are to "be appointed upon petition .of more than one third of the freeholders of the ooun ty, and before assuming the office he must take an oath fur th4 faithful per formance of his duty. The State charges as has been said, fifty per cent, mora, "which is equally divided between the county and municipal corporation in which it is located." Nor is this all. There are to be "county boards of control" who appoint the county dispenser aud fix his salary Their salary is two dollar per day when supervising the dealing out of liquor by tho county dispenser. At least one dispensary will be estab lished in every county in which licenses are now granted. In couutics that are now dry it will require a petition sijned by one half the people to put the new law into operation. In counties and towns iti which prohibition is now in force that law is not reppeuled by this Act. In other wurds, some parts of the Statu have one liquor law aud others another. Fifty lliou.-.m I dollars is up preprinted from tho iitato treasury, which sum will constitute I lit: capital imcsicil iu the business until it is increased by the profits. When a South Caiuliuiun wishes to purchase whiskey from u dispi-usarr lit will be required to prep u o a written cer tificate, contain in;.! his name, age, rr.si deuce, kind of liquor wauted and for what purpose. These will be entered in a book, which will always be kept open for inspection by tho public. There arc ii inuliitude uf other provis ions in this law. li is not believed that it euu stand the test of constitutionality, in which cme Tillman St Co will proba bly uive to change the constitution. "Handsome i that huudsome does," and if lined' S-tf"parilla doesu't do v-ud-o A ilmi nothing does. Have you tried it? 3IRS. CLEVELAND. HER CHIEF CHARM IS HER NATURAL NESS AND UNSELFISHNESS. New York Herald. Many people have asked me, "Whai is the secret of Mrs. Cleveland's univer sal popularity?" It is not at all a hard question to answer, and I am sure thai all who will know her will agree with me that it is Mrs. Cleveland's utter un selfishness which gives her a popularity which no other woman has so fully at tained I think more completely than any other woman I have ever met. Mrs Cleveland possesses those indefinable qualities and cbaracteristeristics which go to make the perfect woman. The maternal is so fully developed in her na ture that she cannot see a little child anywhere, no niotter how poor or ragged it may be, but she will, if possible, stop and say a kind word to it. There is one duty Mrs. Cleveland never permits anoth er to perform, and that is to her the sweetest pleasure in life rocking ber baby to sleep every evening. No matter who may call or what may happen, the evening hour is devoted to Baby Ruth. Mrs. Clcvela d's sweetness and tender ness toward old people is always noticea ble. Her patience and self possession are remarkable. I have seen her under circumstance of tho most tryiug nature, where most women would have shown signs of being annoyed where an ill mannered crowd of people iu their eagerness to gain a closer view of her would almost trample on and crush her aud yet she maintained a calmness of demeanor that was marvelous, Mrs. Cleveland is fond of her home, kind to servants, gentle to all, and yet with this sweetness of nature she posses es great firmness and individuality of character. Her word is law iu ber household. She hns the courage of ber convictions aud noihing will induce her to break the rules she deems nccessaiy to make for her daily life. Mrs Cleveland is devotedly attached to her her husLaud arid always says the sweetest things about him One evening I heard some ladies in her presence, who ivere great Iriends of hers, discussing tht reswiililaiice of little K ut h to her pareuts. Ouu of them said Ruth is h lovely baby and is just like her mother. Mrs. Cleve land turned mil said: "RiiiIi is u lowly baby, but is just like her father. She ! o i e. w. look like uie. I am suu I should not love her half so well if sl.e did uot limk like her father." A Busu ix of I'ii.ls, and every one wants to stick fast iu the throat, and feels .-is tin ii. h i hey did stiok somewhere. Away with thum and lake Strumous Liver Regulator. One half tablespoonfu is a dose, and it goei down ploassnily. You'll find it a milder laxative, with no griping and does not debilitate It quick ly relieves the system ..f malarial pi isou and Cons ioation, iudigestioo, Bitit ur- ' ness and Sick Headache. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I Tobacco Cure ! WHAT IT IS DOING. I received Tablet about six days ago and commenced using according to directions, antl can say now t lint I am cured of Ike habit of chewing and smoking, contract about thirty-seven years ago. What are your terms to agents? I want two counties. Cleveland, Miss. ICC. Hopkins. I have used the liose Tobacco Cure with happy results. Please give me all the particulars in re gard to agency, for one or more counties. Yours respectfully, Valdosta, Ga. W. I). Braswell. I sent to you a month ago for a Tablet of HOso Tobacco Cure. It broke ine of the habit after using tobacco for lifty-seven or fifty-eight years. Yours, Travelers Rest, Ala. J- C. Powell. I purchased a Tablet of Rose Cure some two weeks since and it has cured me. Please let me know it you will let an agent have as much territory as a State. Tibbeestation, Miss. J. H. Kyland. Rev. Mr. Onlland, of this city, has used your Rose Tobacco Cure and he says it has cured him of the habit of tobacco using. I have been chewing and smoking for 45 years and yetani determined to quit. Please find enclosed $1 .00. Send me a Tablet. Jacksonville, Fla- Yours, W. E Hatter. Sometime ago I ordered from you a box of the SnuffCure for myself. It gave per fect satisfaction and completely cured me of the Snutf habit iu a few davs. I would like to secure the agency for this section. Summit, Ala. Mrs. Carry Harien. AN OLD CASE. All that want to quit the use of tobacco, use the Rose Tobacco Cure. I am a freo man after using it 65 years. Give terms to agents. Yours, Valley Head, Ala. K. S. Priee. I write this to say to you that the Rote Tobacco Cnre is a wonderful stun". I have used tobacco in all shapes for 46 years, and after using one Tablet all desire is gone. 1 used two Tablets to be sure of a cure, bnf one did the work. Dr. R. M. Tucker. PRICE PER TABLET, TOBACCO CUBE,1.H " BOX, SNUFF CURE, l.N OKDKH OF BRAZEAL & CO., BIRMINGHAM, ALA.,. General Agents for the UNITED STATES. sep 8 ly Save Paying Doctors' Bills BOTANIC BLOOD BALM THE GREAT REMEDY FOR ALL BLOOD AN0 SKIN DISEASES - Hm been thoroughly tested by em inent phyniclfciis aud the people for 10 yean, and never failt to euro quickly and permanently SCROFULA, ULCERS, ECZEMA, RHEUMATISM, PIMPLES, ERUPTIONS, and all manner ot EATING, SPREADING an4 RUNNING BORES. Iovarl.blT cure, tha rnort loAttoome blood dlum. it dtroctloni are fol lowed. Price 1 per bottle, buttle, (or &. lot ale bydnigfrlu. SENT FREE wovnV h i . l .tues. BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, ua. July aa Ii. r j i . D. TlllOT, WBLDOU, IsT. O, Dry Goods, Notions, Dress Goods, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots Shoes. All Goods New, All goods latest Style, all goods Cheap. Everything wai laiii! d as repruacrtedi Call and examine quality and pria, No trouble to ihow goods, jtlid to hove you set them CS-WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. 9 29 if. ? Dill.U

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