S (1 MA 3 kS!vl s 1 13 - -'xr.i?-Tr WELDON, N. C., TIIUHSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1893. NO 43 fera A?y Vte&L I MmMMm 1 G) . ()L. XXIII. JL - - f ADVERTISE M 1-3 N VS. -I Is Life j'orth Living? I That depends upon tho I Liver. "If tho Liver ia I inactive tho whole pya- tem is out oi order tho breatli is Imd, digestion poor, haul dull or aching, energy and hopefulness gone, tho spirit is de pressed, a heavy weight exists after eating, with general despondency and the blues. Tho Liver is the housekeeper of the health; and a harmless, simple remedy that acts like Nature, does not constipate afterwards or require constant taking, does not interfere with business or pleasure dur ing its use, makes Sim mons Liver Regulator a medical perfection. I havo tested ltd virtues personally, and now thai for PvsncDsia. fllliousiuiw and f hrobbinir Heartache, It la tho boat medi fflae the world over saw. Havo tried forty Other remedies before Simmons Liver ReKUlitor. nml none of them gave more mn teraiKmry relief, but tho ltegulutor rot only rolluved but cured. H. H. Jonks. Macon, Oa. TROPESSWNAL CARDS. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. f lie partnership of BtiiTox & Travis his daydissolved by mutual consent. ICOBT. O. BUKTOX, E. L. TRAVIS, Wax, K. C, Nov. 23, 1892. UK'KIUKT. T. C. IIAKKISOX. OFFICE Of 1,(C Iv II A l T Hi H AHRItOX, Lttorneys and Counsellors At Law, WELDON, N. C ta&Office in Literary Hull.'ft 51 'radices in the Superior and othe r cou rts the State. Prompt attention given to the collection claims. nov J ly. Fames h. mi'LI.ks, Walter e. Daniel ULLIN a DANIKL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Welrux, X. C, I'rartleeln thceourtBof Halifax audNorthanv iiandinllhetiupremcand Federal court. Col. uur.f nmne in aiiimruoi fiorin uaroima. ranch iBice at Halifax. N. 0.. open every Mon jan t ly H0ilA8 N. HILL, Attorney at Law, HALIFAX, N. C. Practices in Halifax and adjoining cocottta and fderaland Supreme oourti. aiur. a i T.W. HARRIS, D. D. S. 'Littleton, N. C. Teelh Extracted without pain. 4-30-Cm. Scientific American AQenoy for , ARKt, OWr?.. tuv M Boai,wav, Nnw YilHK. ""I, 301 Broadway, Maw York City. NOTICE. NORTII CAROLINA. HALIFAX COUNTY. ToU'iioirrrfrAir concern Take nOt! PA that- nnnKnntiAn will Via .etinrrttii Assembly convening f"the fit Wednesday in January, WOS, ty . w!i kit mo tvuMuis Hirer wr Pow,.r and Land Improvement Com- "ww theaoth day of December, 1892. U 304 J. T. EVAX8. J?! olat!oinf any aelanUDo paper In tho ....,i1.0.1i4 tw wllhuul it. WecklT. S.1.00 a ,.lx.P"ntll- Artdrana MIINN A CO- in: got thuik passoud. WHEN 11 E TKIKS TO USE IT THERE WILL HE SOME I UN. This happened in a little ' town in Southern Illinois not many days ago. It U in a section where the Farmers' Alliance h stroll;,', and n lo!p of that qraniatinn cxi.'ts in the town. Ihey meet Monday nights. There is only one lodnc room in the to .vn, and on Tiies-day nights it is oeeupied by the local branch of the Knights of Pythias. The president of one of the country sub-Alliances came to town one Tuesday. He had visited the town Alliance, and t. ' wheu he saw lights in the lodge room concluded he would go over and condole with the brethren over the defeat of Buchanan. - v He gave the proper knock at the outer door. The wicket was raised and an car was placed at it to hear the pass word. "I plough, I hoe. I spade," whispered the Alliance man. The ear was replaced by an eye, and it in turn gave place to a mouth, which whispered in reply : "The h 1 you do," and the wicket dropped with a bang. The indignant farmer shortly after ward met a "brother," to whom he told his tale of woe. "Why, dad blame it," was the sharp comment of the brother, "them's Knights of Pythias, and you've given 'em our password." "Dogged if I ain't," was the response, "but (brightening up) "durn 'cm, I've got theirs." HARD OX TIItiKOYS. Some of the ladins of Arkansas City have organized a female prohibition society. The members pledge themselves not to associate with or entertain young wen who use tobacco, liquor, play cards, or have other bad habits. The young ladies have issued cards summarizing their war agaimst these vices as follows : The man who drinks the red red wine, Can never glue his lips of mine. The man who chews the nasty plug, Will in our parlor get no hug. Who smokes or drinks or cuts a deck Can never bite us on the neck. So don't you monkey with the cards, Or we can never more be pards. The man who guzzles lagor beer, Can never, never chew my far. Drink nothing stronger thau red pop, Or in your lap we'll never flop. The man who smokes a cigarette, Cn never get a squeeze, you bet. If the young ladies of this town would organize a similar club and adopt the same kind of rules, they wouldn't have a beau until the new generation comes in. Humboldt (Arkansas) Her aid. A GOOD IDEA. Wilmington iitdf. It is s.tid that there is a tribe in cen tral Africa who have n horror of being talked to death, atid compel their public speakers to stand on one foot while do livering a speech, and to speak ouly so long a? th'y can uiaiutaiu their ono foot nosiiion. This nrevents rnmblinc dis- i coition and beatin" around the the bush as it were. The one' foot idea wouldn't be a bad one in moat of our deliberative assemblies, but the dcliberators would hardly stand it. To the excruciating pains of neuralgia Salvation Oil gives almost instant relief. Mr. Chas. E. Norris, Bee Camp, Ind., writes: "I had such a sevoro attack of neuralgia that I could not rest live min utes durins tha day or night. I was ro quested to use Salvation Oil and must say, I obtained instant relief." OT.niy Person' n.-e broken flown from ovorwork or houeliu.J caret Brown's Iron Bitters uetmtids the iTitem, aids dtrertion, removes excess of Ula, tad curaa malaria. t Uia genuine. ' ' . ... .ifaf.,....i,. " w yer comes de conductor an' i din't got no ticket. 3. ButHasd string iied todetat THOUGHT SIIK SAW SATAN. ESIHA, AN ESQUIMAUX, PALLS UNCON SCIOUS AT THE SIGHT OF A COLORED MAN. In Labrador they . have no Wagner cars and consequently no Wagner porters. Neither do they have barbershops. The game of policy is unknown. It is too cold for white vesU Estba, having grown to plump maidenhood, had never seen any colored people. Kstha is the Esquimau girl brought all the way to Chicago to live in a sealskin tent at the World's fair grounds. The other day she was sitting on a bearskin, rug, enjoy ing the icy breeze that came in under the flap. While she was thus engaged a colored gentleman with fur on his coat went into the special exhibit to see the people from the north pole. He asked an attendant if he could look into one of the houses. The attendant said: "Sure." The col ored gentleman ducked his head and crawled in, coming face to face with Eatha of the round and buttory face. There was a shriek of mortal terror and a colored man came scrambling out. They found Kstha in a dead faint. After she had partially recovered she beeuine hysterical, weeping and shivering and talking hot Esquimau to the excited little natives who gathered about her. In Labrador she had never seen an ebony. fShe thought the innocent man with Cur on his coat was Satan. In tbe last stages of consumption, when tubercles have formed, and tho disinte gration of the lung tissue goes rapidly on. nothing can be done but to smooth th, unfortunate sufferer's wav to the erave. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup the old reliable remedy, promotes easy expectora tion, thereby giving relief and comfort to the patient. He wh' is ii.it ou se:ikio terms with his neighbor is not withiu speaking du i tance of heavon. Remember that. ijj k.ONDucTORJ'Wetrsymir ticket winder1 vvd ticket in an don yeffcj! if. Talk about yer Edisonsl ONE OP DEPEWS STOKIES. One of Chauncey M. Depew's political stories is as follow: The teacher of the district school up at Pcckskill called up the three brightest boys iu his class ons day and said : 'Tom, you are a Republican?" "Tei sir." "And, Jim, you are a Prohibitionist? ' "Yes Mr." "And, Sain, you are a Democrat?' "Yes sir." "Well, now, the one of you that can give ait the best reason why he belongs to his party can have the woodchuck I caught on my way to febool this worn' ing. Now, Tom, why are you a Repub lican?" "I am a Republican, ' said ' the boy, "because the Republican party saved the country in the war, abolished slavery and brought about the resumption of specie payments and has done everything for the good of the country." "That's very good," said the teacher. "I am a Prohibitionist," said the Pro hihition hoy glibly, "because rum is fill inir the iaiis and fillins; th. poor houses and ultimately it will ruin tlm country and if wo could have prohibition wo would not neod any prison or poorhouses, Kvuijbuily would b" " "f-" "Now what is the runnou you ar Democrat, Sam?" "Well, sir," was the reply, "I aiu u Democrat because I want the woodchuck." N. Y. World To Prevent Grip Or any similar epidemic; the blood and the whole' system should be kept in healthy condition. If you feel worn out or have "that tired "feelini;" in th" morning, do not be guilty jf neglect. Give iuituodiato attention to yourself. Take Hood's Sarsaparilla to give strength, purify the blood and pre vent diseases Hood's Pills cure liver ills, jaundice, biliousness, sick headache, constipation. Kluber tires are now being generally used on carriages. UATHElt STARTLING. OEN. OUANT8 UNEXPECTED APPEAR ANCE AT AN ARMY POKEll GAM E. St. Loutx Glolif-DnwM'iat. 'Gen. Grant once interfered in a uiest unwarranted and arbitrary manner with a poker name lhat was paying mo a big profit," said Andrew Danner, one of the old vets who were fighting the war over a";ain in tho comdersof the Lindell. "It was shortly after the battle of'Shilob, atid we Conftds were feelingpretty badly down in the mouth. I was on the ad vanced picket line one bright moouiigbt night, and the Yanks had a post only a few hundred yards away. We shot at each other until we got tired of the spoit, thon we swapped newspapers, coffee and tobacco. A daredevil young Yankee corporal walked right into our post, ml down on a log as unconcerned as you please and asked us if we knew how to play draw poker. Did we ? We rather thought we did. Had we any green backs? A few. Then he pulled out a deck of cards, and we sat down to pla Protty soon another Yank came ovu then another, until there were six of 'cm and we all joined in and played a wid. open game, forgetting that the cruel wai was not over. Luck came my way and I soon had everybody but the Yankee Corporal broke. The rest were squatted around, blue and gray, watching the game, when there came that ugly "click-ick-ick' so familiar to the soldier's car. We looked up, and there stood a Yankee Sergent with 4 men with muskets cocked. Members of the Forty-ninth, consider yourselves under arrest,' said the Ser geant. 'Oh, come, now, Sergeant,' the Corporal began, when a horseman reined up behind the guard, and he concluded: Gen. Grant, by hoky.' "The blueeoats got up looking like a lot of whipped school boys and saluted their commander, who eyed them as stern ly as a sphinx. They filed in front of the guard and started for camp. When their backs were turned on him Grant removed the cigar from his mouth and, with a cynical smile, asked tho Confed erate nearest him: 'Who's ahead?' 'Oh, we're ahead,' replied the defender of the stars and bars. 'Those chumps you've brought down here can't play poker a little bit. But they can fiht, General, I remarked. 'Have to sometimes,' said Graut, dryly, and rode away." DIDN'T TAKE QUITE ALL. Senator Carlisle is comparatively a poor man. tie was never able to save money and the pay of a cabinet officer, $8,000 pays about one third the expenses of the secretary of the treasury. When Senator Lam ir, who had just married a young wife, was appointed Secretary of the Interior by Mr. Cleveland his bride spent a week house hunting, and finally found what seemed to hi a suitab'e residence for a cabinet officer. She drove to the senate, of which Mr Lamar was still a member, to tell her husband the news of her discovery. His first question was : "What is the rent, dear ?" "Seventy-five huudred a year." The senator lapsed into deep thought and tho young wife said, rather nervous '.v: "Do you think it extravagant ?" "It is uot that," returned Laninr, slowly. "I was wandering what I should do wiih the other S.VlO of my sa'ary." Tho Washington. A PttAttp Practick you call it whuu leuu.ug an interesting article and find at its c'o;c that you've read an ad vertisement, lion t condemn (lie adver tiser. Yo i won't read tho ordinary ad vertisemcnt. All advcrtiseis feel this in common with the writer who takes this means uf telling you that Simmons Liver Regulator is the best medicine for Mala ria, impure blood, and a poisoned system. Equally as good for Indigestion and Bil ioumeis. If you reel weaw. and all worn out taka BROWN'S IRON BITTERS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I Tobacco Cure! WHAT IT IS DOING, I received Tablet about six days auoaud commenced nsiiiK according to directions, and can say now that I am cured of tie hubit of chewing and smoking, contracted about thirty-seven years n(j. Wh.'it nrc your terms to agents? 1 want, t wo counties. Cleveland, Miss. K. C. Hopkins. I have used tbe Hose Tobaceo Cure with happy results. Please give me nil the particulars in re gard to agency, for one or more counties. Youcs respectfully, Valdosta, lia. W. D. Braswell. I sent to you a month ago for Tablet of Kose Tobacco Cure. It broke me of tbe habit after using tobacco for lil'ty-seven or fifty-eight years. Yours, Travelers Rest, Alii. J. C. Powell. I purchased a Tablet of Rose Cure some two weeks since and it has cured me. Please let me know if you will let an agent have as much territory as a State. Tibbee station, Miss. J. II. Ryland. Rev. Mr. Oulland, of this city, has used your Rose Tobacco Cure and he says it has cured him of tbe habit of tobacco using. I have been chewing and smoking for 45 years and yetani deterniiued to quit. Please find enclosed $1.00. Send me n Tablet. Jacksonville, Fla. Yours, W. E. Hatter. Sometime ago I ordered from you a box oftheSnuffCure for myself. It gave per fect satisfaction and completely cured me of the Snuff babit in a few davs. I would like to secure tbe ageucy for this section. Summit, Ala. Mrs. Carry Haden. AN OLD CASE. All that want, to quit the use of tobacco, use tho Reie Tobacco Cure. I am a free man ufter using it 55 years, (live terms to agents. Yours, Valley Head, Ala. K. S. Price. I write this to say to you that the Rose Tobacco Cure is a wonderful stuff. I have used tobacco in all shapes for 45 years, and after using one Tablet all desire is tone. I used two Tablets to besureofiv cure, but one did the work. Dr. R. M. Tucker. PRICK PER TABLET, TOBACCO (TRK.Sl.W " BOX, SNl'l'K CUKE, IM : ORDER OF BRAZEAL & CO.,. BIRMINGHAM, ALA., . General Agents for the UNITED STATES.' sep 8 ly Savo (Paying n -1 i uociura Bills a. mm, nnriiiin I.Ll.U. BLOOD BALM THE GREAT REMEDY FOR ALL BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES - Hu bew, Uinrouij My terta bj em lneot phynielani and th peP19 for 40 TMin,, and neTer fail! v cure qolckiy and permanently SCROFULA, ULCERS, ECZEIM, 1 RHEUMATISM, PIMPLES, ERUPJ'N. I d all mann.r ot EATING BraPWO an RPMT FKttwOXDFlilTLJTBES. BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. july 28 ly. . iiiisry, WELDOIT, IT. O. . Dry Goods, Notions, Dress Goods,. Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots Shoes. All Goods New, All goods latest Style, all goods Cheap. Everything warranted ns rapreiamWt. Call and examine quality and pri. No treubla to ihow gts.li, lad t Have you e than. Mr WILL NOT BE UNDKHSOLl). 1 C f.B

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