rOK XXIII. WELDON, N. C; THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1893. NO 45 ADVEUTISHM TINTS. How's Your Liver? Ib the Oriental salutation, knowing thatgoml health cannot exist without a healthy Liver. AVhen tho Liver i.s torpid tho Bow els are tluxish and con stipated, tho food lies in the eto:r.aeh undi gested, poi::-on inpt tho Mood; frequent headaclio ensue?; ii lce!in'5 of lassi tude, despondency and nervousness indieuto how tlio who'w systi'.: i.s do ranged. Simmer. 5 Liver Legr.'ator has Iven tho mean i tf rc-torim; r.'.oro peoplo to health and hapj:nc?5 17 ftivimj them a health;.' Liver than any agency k;:o :r. c:i eurth. It uet j v;:th extraor dinary power and. elhev-.-iE.'ia udtu d;;.-.:j;-oi:itd, A enriil f.uni:.v ro-we'tr fir ririwirda, Torpid I.ivur. enni-iijwonii, tic, I hunlly ever imi mivihini.' ,!e. in; 1 ii-i". y never bi'i-ii din. appointed in' Oiiicd-H prii-JiC'i:; ltgccintu No almost a nnrfoct cure i'.ir -ill Uijiuuscii uf tho Stomach and Itmveis. W, J. McEleot, Mcron, On. rUOFlXSlUXAL CA 111)8. W. J. WARD, DENTIST, Enfield, N. C. ttivOHiee over McGnigau's store. 1 I 2iu. OS. J.LOCK1IAUT. Attorney and Counsellor At Law, WELDON, N. C Practices iu the Superiorandether courts the State. Prompt attention given to the collection claims. novlllv. 1MKS H. MULLKN, WALTIH I. D1NIKI. , U L L E N & DANIEL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Wei.dox, N. C. Practtreln thecourtsof Halifax andNorthamp jauain meoupremeand Federal courts. Col- "u.iBmaue in ullpartsof North Carolina, ranch office at Halifax. N. C. onen everv Mon PJ- Jan 7 It I'HOMAS N. HILL. Attorney nt Law, HALIFAX, N. C. Practices In Halifax and adlntnlmrmnntlea and . ra leoeraiand Supreme courti. uk. 28 1 T. W. HARRIS, D. D. S. -... . Asm k ft V.VilJr KmJr Littleton, N. C. Teeth Extracted without pain. 4306m. 300OOOOOOO 0 TTTrp7fi90 mm J Jim Ji, KJ i niBil-O o i iigf Liver ras0 HOWELL 13. JACKSON. I NOMINATED J1V THE PRESIDENT TO SUC CEED JUSTICE LAMAR. I an Klltl.tilllnna nnJ anf l.trinlnrlal IAfomcdy aro womlorful In tlmlr effect a 'n freeing; the xyntom of blllouoe W nd malaria, Nu ono Uvlnn In I HAltU I ... ... " ,u w wmiouc mem Miieir um APNvjnta attacks of chills and fover, a waumbaguo, bilious colic, und clveaW inp hthI . a. 1. nir ,1.1, "Us of an unhealthy and Impure t- A , EJ'Phjre. Elegantly nuirnr-cnatrd. V 1ce,5o. Offlco, 38 Park Place, N.r. 0,0 0000000 The President last Thursday nomina ted IIowo'l K Jai'liHon, of TenncRoe, to Lbe Asaooiate Ju.-tice of the Supreme court of tho United State?, vice L. Q. C. La umr, deceased. Howell Edmunds Jackson is an ex- Senator, andii at present Judae of the United States Court for the district em bracing Tennessee, lie is a native and life don" resident of Tennessee. He is remembered at the Capitol as a nmn ol quiet, unassuming manners, generally well liked, and distinguished for fairnets and judicial consideration of the questions arising there. Inquiry about the Capitol shows that the appointment is considered from a ju dicial and not a political view, as a splen did one. President Harrison has shown once more a great deul of judgment in his selection of a man for a placo on the bench of the highest tribunal iu the land. It is stated that Mr. Jackson has made a tine circuit judge and that no doubt is entertained as to his making a good justice. The appointment was a great surprise to the Tennessee delegation in the House. The two Republican members felt sore over the selection of a Demoorat and a States tights man, but when asked as to Mr. Jacksoa's fitness conceded that his ch tractor and abilities were all that could be desired. The selection was political'y Dot more pleasing to some of the Demo cratic represrntaiives, who recall the fact that Judge Jackson was a leader of the "Pay School" Democrats of Tennes see an element which made a warm but unsuccessful fight within the party in favor of the payment of the State debt dollar for dollar substantially as demand ed by the bondholders. These men said, however, that the new Judge was strong, clean and able. Representative Ileuk, of Tennessee, when asked about the appointment, said : 'I think President Harrison has followed his inclinations and has betrayed the Re publican party and committed a crime against the Constitution by appointing man who by birth and schooling is States richts Democrat. But, barring his belief in a strict construction of the Con Btiiution and the supremacy of the State over the liatioD, I havu nothing to say against Jude Jackson. As a man he is just, able, and humane. Representative Enloc said: "It is an excellent appointment. Judije Jackson is able, industrious, pure in character, and a good judge. I have never heard his Democracy questioned." Representative Pierce said: "It is fine appointment." judge jackson's careek. Howell Edmunds Jackson was born in Paris, Tennessee, April 8, 1832. In 1840 ho removod with his parents to Jackson, Tennessee, was graduated at the West Tennessee College in 1848, and tbon passed two years in the University of Virginia. In 185G ho was graduated at the Lebanon Law School and began nractioe at Jackson, In 1859 he re r moved to Memphis, and was twice appoint' ed judge of the State Supreme Court H ret it rued to Jackson in 1876, and was elected a representative iu the Lej; NOTICE. ihe nndersiim i,....: j. is. Q M Meeutorof tlm W. will niiil ftmru- ptofMrg. Elizabeth A. Johnson, de- kTvl. 'Me?fH1ir county, N. ' give notice tw u i.,.i.ii pwwnt th "Wt Suid decedo"t'8 'stlte ,nust' "ill on k "uiy auuienticuieu mj I883 nr ti ore the 5th dav of December ''itrecover01'09 W'U be "P'e;"1 h!"' 1' e!K!!sons indebted te said estate are to can ... ,, ..,.. del, st-ll I- ,1 n 5th day of December 1892-. 1 12 atf n TAYLOR. Executor. isluturein 1880. He was elected United Slates Seuator from Teunt'ssee for the term beginning March 4. 1881, but re signed in 1886, and in March of that year was appointed by Presidont Cleve land United Statcg District Judge for the Western District of Tonnossee a tion he still holds. The childish tirattle is hushed, the happy haunts of baby's toddling feet are deserted, the funeral bells toll their fare well dirge, home is desolate. Had the young mother not been indifferent to the. warning of that little coujjn, wnen we rooked the babv to sleep; but had given it op" "r two 'mps of Dr. lVl's Cough fcyrup, thu relentless oroup would not have appeared, and then bitter tears would not now be shed. 1 C tOST ONE.PLt9t. ka: Vmat Good will that bo? MiuYl want anOTUEH. . WOnV . J MOMISJL YOU. OljI-TntH YOU CANT HAVE IT. from Utf KALAKAUA. HE 18 DESCENDANT OF A NATIVE OF THIS COUNTV. Tho Sandwich Islanders, who killed Capt. Cook iu 1778, are now knocking at our door, and there will bo a pretty strong commercial influence, particularly on the Pacific coast, favoring their ad-mission. Hawaii contains 4,000 square miles, being larger than AVako county, while the others are insignificant, and some are not inhabited. About one hundred years ago one of the savage kings got poss esion of the entire island, and in 1825 the missionaries got a foothold there, and a dozau years kter the king allowed a civil constitution to the people, which was followed in 1852 by grant of free suffrage. Iu 1872 the Legislature elect ed a king for thu first time, and two years like Kalakaua,who was said to have been a descendant of Saracusa, an Indian chief of Halifax county, in this State, was elect ed King. On his death there were etn eutes, and tho present Queen gained the throne, now to be displaced by tho pro gressive party who are iu favor of mote civilized methods of administraiiou than the semi barbarous people of the Island desire. Tho polities of tho Island hinge on the sugar iutorest, and on the relative influence of Great Britain and of this country. Great Britain will not desire to see the annexation now proposed take place PICTURES FOK STAMPS. A 1'iiSTMASTER NEAR ASIIEVILLE DOES- N'T UNDERSTAND COLUMBIAN STAMPS Charlotte Observer. Ten niilo fruiu Asbevillo ic a postoffice known as Chandler. Mr. J. S. Henry, of this city, sends a good many letters there, aud lately has been using the Co luuibiau stamps. Yesterday ho received a letter from his correspondent there say ing that the postmaster at Candler had made him pay regular letter postage on every letter he (Mr. Henry) had sent with a Columbian si imp on it and com pelled hitii to state who it was sending letters - with them pictures on them fir stamps," so he could "have tho man in dicted." In vain did Mr. Henry's eor- respondeut explain and remonstrate but tho loiters with I lie Culuinbian stamps on them wcro not furthcoming, until, us the postmaster said, "the postage was paid." A NOTABLE GATHERING. ToDav Hood's Sarsapariila stands at the head in the medicine world ad mired in prosperity und euvied in merit by thousands of would-be competitors It has a larger salo than any other inedi oino. Such success could not be won without positive merit. Hood's Pills cure cons'ipaiion by re storing the pi iisuiuo " "f the ali mentary canal. Tbey are tho best tami ly cathartic. THE ANTI-OPTION HILL PASSES THE SENATE WITH AMEND MENTS. The anti-option bill which passed the House last summer passed the Senate last week which takes it back to the House for concurrence. Tho main pro visions of the bill are as follows: The first section defines the word "option" to mean a contract or agree meiit for the right or privilege to deliver at a future time or within a designated period any of the articles mentioned in section 3. The second section defines "futures" to mean a contract or agreement to sell and deliver at a future time or within a designated period any of such articles whon the party so contracting was not the owner of such articles or had not agreed for a right to their future posses sion, i lie act, however, is tot to apply to any contract to supply national, State or municipal governments with any of such articles, nor to contracts by farmers and planters for future delivery, nor o agreements to pay or deliver a part i the product of land as compensation I r its use or as compensation for work 1 1 labor done or to be dono on the same, ) ' to agreements with farmers or plant i to furnish such articles for use or coi. sumption; provided that such contracts t r agreements shall not be made or settled fur ot any board of trade or exchange. The third section specifics the articles to which the bill i.s to apply, as cotton. (raw or manufactured), hop?, wheat, corn, oats, rye, barley, pork, lard and ba con. The fourth section imposes special tax es as follows: Dealers in "options" or "futures" at $1,000 a year license fee and 5 cents a pound on cotton, hops, pork, lard or bacon, and 20 cents a bushel on grain. Sections 5 to 14 relate to the details for enforcing the tax, and section 15 pro vides that the act shall take effect ou the 1st of July 1891 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SALE OF LAND. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Halifax county rendered at the November term 18!)0, in the cause thereiu pending wherein Spencer Ward is plaintiff, aid Letitia Audertou ct ills are defendants we will ou Holiday the C day of March 1893 expose to public dale to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court House door in the town of Halifax, tho following real estate to-wit: That tract or parcel of land ou which the defendant Auderson resides, in said county of Halifax, adjoining the lands of Ed. Smith, Isaac liobbins and others containing 10j acrea more or less, ono oth er tract contaiuinii twenty nine acres, ad joining the lands of W. D. Bustin, K. An derson, and others and known as the Susan Anderson laud; one other tract adjoining the .kinds of J. T. Bellamy, Isaac Kobbins, and others, containing 55.56 acres and ac curately described in ino pleadings in said cause; ono other tract bounded by the lauds of Margaret llradshaw, John lieid and others containing six acres, more or less, being apart of Martha Nichols tract. This 30th day of January 18i)3. li. O BURTON, DAVID BELL, 2 9 td I Tobacco Cm! WHAT IT IS DOING, I received Tablet about six days ago and commenced using according to directions, and can say now that I am cured of the habit of chewing und smoking, contracted about thirty-seven years ngo. What are yourterms toagents? 1 want two counties. Cleveland, Miss. E. C. Hopkins. I have used the liose Tobacco Cure with happy results. Please give nie all the particulars in re gard to agency, for one or more counties. Yours respectful v, Valdosta, Ga. W. D. Braswell. I sent to you a month aj;o for a Tablet of Kose Tobacco Cure. It broko me of the habit after using tobacco for fifty-seven or fifty-eight years. Yours, Travelers Best, Ala. J. C. Powell. I purchased a Tablet of Rose Cure some two weeks since and it has cured me. Please let me know if you will let an agent have as much territory as a State. Tibbecstatiou, Miss. J. H. Ryland. Rev. Mr. Oullaud, of this city, has used your Rose Tobacco Cure and he says it has cured him of the habit of tobacco using. I have been chewing and smoking for 45 years and yet am determined to quit. Please find enclosed $1 .00. Send nie a Tablet. Jacksonville, Fla- Yours, W. E Hatter. Sometime ago I ordered from you a box ofthcSnivffCure for myself. It gave per fect satisfaction and completely cured me of the Snuff habit in a few davs. I would like to secure the agency for this section. Summit, Ala. Mrs. Carry Hadcn. AN OLD CASE. All that want to quit the use of tobacco, use the Rose Tobacco Cure. I am a free man after using it 55 vears. (live terms to agents, lours, Valley Head, Ala. K. S. Price. I write this to say to you that tho Rose Tobacco Cure is a wonderful stuff. I have used tobacco in nil shapes for 45 years, and after using one Tablet all desire is gone. I used two Tablets to be sure of a cure, but one did the work. Dr. R. M.Tucker. Mr. Robert S Oi.iu. i, uf Mt. Airj gave his friends quite, an enjoyable as well intui'ustiug entertainment on ih 'JSdi ult , the oecasi'in being his 84th birthday. Notable am u ' hi guest Wei Messrs Winston Fulton, 71 years old; H.J. Moore, 77; W. K I'.iay bli; U . il Mitchell, 81; Rev. Miles I'Vy, 82; Ger man 1 1 o more, Sli; Hubert Hines 86; Jaeob McCraw !)2; William McCraw 97; William Roark, (J3 and Rv. James Ncedham, 98. The repast was elegant and wan enjoy ed iiiHiinn.M'ly by the guests, all of whom were able to walk from their homes to that of Mr Gilmer. Mr. Gilmer wss very happy over tho affair. No flowery rhetoric cau tell the merit r.f FT m's STn ar"!:t as well as fbp eurm '-accomplished by this excellent luid- lCine. SHERIFF'S SALE OF LAND. Vnder hikI by virtue of six executious against E. B. l'crry now iu my bunds, aud heremulter enumerated, 1 will on Monday tha Gthday of March, 13!).'), at the Court house in Halif.ix, sell at public auction for cash the following dcseiibed tract of land, to-wit: All that tract of land which was on tile iiOlli day of March 1H74, laid otf and set apart to I he said H. Perry ,-u a kouiesuud bounded as IoIIuwh ; Beginning at Price's corner on Iho pub lic road and rnniomr nioiiisilid load south f w. to the run ol'l'ii e branch thence down said run to a poplar on the soulii side thu tiianeh then sonlli 47 w. 7 poles to red oak N .hi W. I t poka i Iinl.'x to I' N H '''. to White O.ik N. V. 3o LOivs to liiunoiy and whitcoak pointers N 19 E. 204 poles and 12 links, N. 77 V. 42 12 links, N. 21 W. !I0 poles to Hickory . 21 v . u poles to Hickory in Bcms line, S. tiH E. 112 poles 14 links to a stone, Price's leiner, N SJ h. HI poles 3 links post ;in and hickory, then stiiulit to the hist sta tion containing IC! acres. The s.iid l.uul will tie sold to satisfy tin following executions: Three, in I.ivor of I'odd, Schenck ii Co , to use of 1. Oarrcit Onciu lavorof.I. W. Hiptinstall to us, oi Paul Garrett. One in favor of G. Branch Alston to usui Paul Garrett. One iu favor of M. K. Ncwson, w i. Paul Gnrrett, all ist E. B. Perry. This .'ci.u.iij o.i.. 1--493. B.l. A LSI! ROOK, sheriff, Per Kuox E. Kilpatrick, D. S. PRICE I'ER TABLET, TOBACCO CURE, 31 00 " BOX, SNUFF CUKE, 1.00 OKDKR OF BRAZEAL & CO., BIRMINGHAM, ALA., General Agents for the UNITED STATES. sep 8 ly B.B.B Save J Paying Doctors' Bills BOTANIC a BLOOD BALM : Tur ftRFAT RFMCDY FOR ALL BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES - tnent phvsicians aud the people tar 40 years, und never fails to mm onictlv and Derm&uently 1 erinnpiii i III CCDC rP7Plla. RHEUMATISM, rlmrLtS, tnuriiuna, I and all manner of EATING, SPREADING and i loathsome blood diceiiws it (lirwtioriH are fol- I t lOWtXl. rriOT i f w"v, - t ' sale Dy aruKKiu- SENT FREEWoNDnMrEE8. BLOOD BALM tu., wiama, ua. LW j illy 28 ly. Dry Goods, Notions, Dress Goods, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots Shoes. All Goods New, All goods latest Style, all goods Cheap. Everything iwnumed ns repreststedi fall and .mine quality and prioi. No trtmli m to how goods, glat fcvo yon sie thn i-WILL NOT BE UND1RIOLD. tf.