j i VOL. XXIII. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH .9, 1893. IsO 49 NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. j Tobacco Cure ! 4 YEARS MORE. GROVER CLEVELAND AGilN PRESh DENT OF THE UNITED STATES. WHAT IT IS DOING, I receive!! Tablet about rix (lava :i(!oanl comment-fid .twing according to directions, ami can Ray -now that I am cured of the habit of chewing ami smoking, contracted about thirty-seven years ago. What are your terms to agents? I want two countiw. Cleveland, Miss. E. C. Hopkins. I have uecd'itrlie Rose Tobacco Cure with happy results. Please givcitue all the particulars in re gard to flgeny, -for one or more counties. i Years respectfully, Valdosta, G. W. D. Braswell. IUent to yoiui month ago for a Tablet of Rose Tohaoeo-Cure. It broke me of the habit after iiwug tobacco for fifty -seven or fifty-eight year. Yours, Travelers Rest, Ala. J. C. Powell. I purchased a Tablet of Rose Cure some two weeks since and it has cured me. Please let me knew it you will let an agent have as mueh territory as a State. .Tibbee station, Mass. J. 11. Ryland. Rev. Mr. OuIUud, of this city, has used your Rose Tobacoe Cure and he says it has cured him of the habit of tobacco using. I have been ch-wiug and smoking for 45 years and yetam determined to quit. Please find enclosed $ltfl. Send me a Tablet. Jacksonville, (Fl. Yours, W. E Hatter. Sometime ago (I erdered from you a box oftheSnuffCure.for myself. It gave per fect satisfaction and completely cured me of the Snutf habit in a few davs. I would like to secure tteatjeticy for this section. Summit, Ala. Mrs. Carry Haden. AN OLD CASE, All that want to quit the use of tohaoco.iuee the Rose Tobacco Cure. I am a free man alter using it 55 years. Give terms to agents. Yours, Valley Head, Ala. R. S. Price. I write this to say to you that the Rose Tobacco Cure is a wonderful stuff. I have used tobacco in all shapes for 45 years, and after using one Tablet all desire is gone. I used two Tablets toibesure of a cure, but one did the work. Dr. R. M. Tucker. PRICE PER TABI,KT,C'BACCO CUKE, $1.00 " BOOC.SNUFFCURE, 1.00 OKDBBOK BRAZEAL & CO., BIRMINGHAM, ALA., General Agente fortheiDNITED STATES, sep 8 ly n n n '.VL " WkUA T Paying Doctors' Ills BOTANIC nmnn DilM 'iHJfBaU'l 0LUUU DHUII THE GREAT REMEDY FOR ll.L BlfKW ANO SKIN D'SEASES -llh been iWuu ly tested bj" em inent pli.vMiu uil tl.e IMopl (or 40 yi-ai. anil never rntti 0 cure quldtly ami permanently srnnsiii 1 ULCERS. ECZEMA. BuriiMBTISM. PIMPLES. ERUPTIONS, I ,d .11 manner of KATINO, SPRINa nd iowelT Prlre 1 por bottk, t bottle for A6. For ante by drUKSi"- nwr w SENT FREE wotobrfitCccbml BLOOD HALM CU.( nuaniu, ua. July 28 ly. THK INAUGURAL ADDRESS. "My Fellow CinzENs: In obe dience to the mandate of my countrymen1 I am about to dedicate myself to their1 service under the sanetton of a solemn oath. Deeply moved by the expression ofconfidenue and personal attachment which has called tuo to this servioe, I am sure my gratitude can make no bettor return than thn pledge I now give before God and these witnesses (if unreserved and complete devotion to the interests political party pledged in the most posi tive terms to the accomplishment of tariff reform. They have thus determined in favor of a more just nod equitable system of Federal taxation. The agents they have chosen to carry out their THE WOMEN OF HAWAII. THE MOST BEAUTIFUL OP ALL DARK SKINNED RACES. THE "The women of Hawaii are dark skin- purposes nro bound by thair promises not nt)l but they are beautiful. Their eyes less than by the command of their runs- re glorious, their lips are rounded, but ters to devote themselves unremittingly xnely too full. Their arms are absolute to this service. ly matchless, with dainty wrists and "While there should be no surrender biceps simply luxurious in their delicious of principle, our task must .be undertaken curves. Their ankles are perfect, and wisely and without vindieMveness. Our their feet are small, with hisrh arched in mission is not pun.snmeui, nut rectinca- steps, Their hairis far from beiu,r roade tion ot wrongs, it, in lilting burdens e , , . . , . . , . toni the aaiiv lite ot our rieon e. we " ' reduce inordinate and unequal advantages caDS seetn to iraaKine- Women are fre- too long enjoyed, this is but a- necessary quently seen among the natives with hair incident ot our return to right and jusi ice. long, rich and closny. TP . i- :n:;. .. Hi nu CAAlil 1UU1 uuniiiiu UllUUS ilU ,,t . . . M and welfare of those who have honored auieseenen in the thnr nf hanest di,. Uut the Sreatest charm ot the Ua' me. tribution ufthe fund of governmental " maiden is her ever present grac "I deem it fitiin on this occasion beneficence treasured up for all, we but of movement. I have never yet seen a while indicate the opinions I- hold 'wp Vr p,u Hawaiian woman make one awkward concerning rmh i- nH,t5.,n, rf .T 'T 8 ' , We 8esture- Whether they are riding their toncernmg public questions ot present a81cle the delusions and misconceptions , , , , ,nnrt,m la K,i.,fl i,ii. kii.ij in uiirrow Bun uoarus on uie crest or a . 7 I .If II 1 y rt .A existence of certain conditions and ten- their condition under vicious tariff laws curllnK ocean reilKer or seated penectiy am menace the lnteuniv and usetulness ot 1 .1 , n .1 , , I J..l.. .!! I dfin,.ieS amonr m nnnlu ,,1. 00m tn we snow tuem now iar tney nave Decn mouesuy, 1001 astnae a norse two re& .i .. led away from paths of contentment and rnationH nf which tliev nr nBSSinnnt(.lv iim 1 .1. l . J J their government, w lule every American necessity for revenue to support the prosperity When we proclaim that the foDDdthey are the essence of graeeful. uuuwcont? iui icicuug tv puuijuiu viio I mt TT i TT 1 1 citizen must contemplate with the utmost, covernment furnishes the onlv iustifioa ULas- luo Lluu nu,d' or lne nlSnt prido and enthusiasm the growth and tion for taxing the people We announce a dance, whatever its moral eftect may be, o .. m . truth so plain that its denial would seem is one of the most beautiful exhibitions .ajm.ou m uu. uuuuujr, iub sumceucy ... - . , . , , of our institutions to stand against the ;Amunt mk;flQj k.f.iiii.(. rudest shocks of violence, the wonderful with perversions of the taxing power, "Hawaiian women are tond ot music thrift and enterprise of our free govern- and when we seek to reinstate the self- an(1 (luick t0 cateu Dew airs 0u ,heir ment it behoove n tn nnnstimilv wnih confidence and business enterprise of our guitars, the favorite instrument here, 7 . ' :.: u.. u: . j j I .... . for every symptom of insidious infirmity l"l,icu" ulBKleu "u i i hey make tascinating sweethearts and that threatens our national vigoj. The J. th deZi fAh?' A H girjs fal.s in strong man, who in the confidence of character which support the hope of love but once' the object of her at- . i. . .. i ! . : j j.if..i.i;. sturdy health courts the earnest activities American achievement. lecuous uoes not, responu, sne simpiy uies, THE PBNITENTIAKY BILL. ' GKESHAM A POPULIST. TEUMS OP THE BILL AS FAVorablv re- Lonerning Judge bresliam and the ported by the legislative com- People's party the Journal of the Knights mittehton penal institutions and of Labor, says this: passed. "All. or nearly all, the comments in the newspapers upon the matter are corn- Wednesday night the Committee on plimentary to tho Judge, and the Journal Penal Institutions reported the Peniten- does not wish to introduce any discordant tiary bill. It provides for a board of note. It is as well that one fact should five directors, to have general superyis- not be lost sight of. When ihe commit- ion. The Governor shall appoint a su- teo from the Omaha convention waited perintendent of the State's prison to held upon Judge Gresham to urge him to ac- office four years from March next, with cept a nomination from the People's par- 82,000 salary. He is to give a 830,000 ty, the Judge, after carefully reading the bond and to have charge of the internal platform of the party, cordially approved police and general management of the of and endorsed its every plank, declared prison; to employ the convicts in the biinself in hearty sympathy with the new prison or on farms; to purchase at whole- party and its principles, and only declined sale rate supplies; to sell the products, 'he nomination, as he said, because of preferring the Slate's charitable institu- reasons personal to himself. How he tions in making such sales; l.j appoint all can, while believing in the principles of under offices of the prison, guards and the People s party, accept office in a Gov- employes; to make an annual statement ernment with a policy diametrically op- of the accounts between the State and posed to every plank and principle of the penitentiary. The board of directors which he approves, must be left to Judge is to annnint, nlork nf th iAoL uresham to reconcile with his own con- ly inspect all works. The o(!i ers of the architect, warden and stewarn are abol- isnea. itie superintendent may erect shops in the prison and lease uud equip farms, using only the funds u. ready appropriated. THIUTY YE AB8 UNBUKIED. of life and rejoices iu the hardihood of This is literally true. The way thee l.'i. If. , mi h hn III. I -f , , . II.. . . , constant labor, mar still have lurking.. -H'- people have ot calmly lying down in the near his vitals an unheeded disease that nt mv -ntnH T kinilu !, ttnU, if ,ace of a wsappomtment, or a conviction dooms him to sudden collapse. It cannot it were not my lot to bear unaided the that their lme hascome, however ground- be doubted that our stupendous achieve- responsibilities which await me. I am, less, and simply waiting until they really ments as a people and our country's nowevSr save,a aiscouragement do die, is, l think, the most remarkable , , . . . , , when 1 remember that 1 shall have the nf nii v,fi strnnP nt,a,pa nf i;fft ;n ,!, robust strength have given rise to heed- j . j oi an me strange pnases oi me in me of those laws srovernin.- our ""."'V", .".UDC' uu ,, , J Sandwich Islands. They are fatalists to OI muse laws EOVerDluE OUI wicflonH nntrintin man nnn mill nt and nt. I national health which we can no more my side in Cabinet places or will represent aD exteDt that would be ludicrous, were evade than human life can escape tho 'he people in legislative halls. it not so pitiful. What is to be, in their laws of God and nature "Above all, I know there is a Supreme minds, will be, and they cannot be in the currency question. TDg r???, uced offer the slightest resistance." wuose iioouuess auu uiercv uave biwuvb juauitestiy, notniug is more vital to followed the American people, and 1 our supremacy as a nation and to. the know tie will will not turn troui us now beneficent purposes of our government f we humbly and reverently seek His than a sound and stable currency. Its I 1 exposure to degradation should at once arouse to activity the most enlightened statesmanship, and the danger ot deprecia- A Henry C0UDty negro wag discovereo; the extension of the Wilmington, Onslow tion in the purchasing power ot the wages carrvin a verv iare amful uf booke & East Carolina Railroad from Jackson --tl O IP ' I ville, Onslow county, to New Bern, Cra ven county. Mr. H. A. Whiting, general manag.r of the road, informs us that be expects to have the extension completed by paid to toil should furnish the strongest which brought fortb the . incentive to prompt and conservative legislation. "Id dealing with our present embar rassing situation as related to this subject, we will be wise if we temper our confi dence and faith in our natioial strength and resources with the frank concession f . B. Tillery, WELIDOILSr, 1ST. O. Dry Goods, Notions, Dress Goods, IjI nr -i rT- 1 Try X Ui. IXXOXXXXiJj Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots Shoes. All Goods New, All goods latest Style, all goods Cheap. Everything warranted m reprMitea VMll tnd aunii nii.lit .nd nriu. N trouble to how gooi, flad t live ju w mem. WILL NOT BE UNDKMOLD, 9 29 tf. FAB ADVANCED. THE V., O. & E. C. 11. B. TO BE SOON EXTENDED TO NEW BERN. Work is now rapidly progressing on "Gt.ing to school?" "Yas, sar, boss." "Do you study all those books ?" "No, sar, dey's my brudder's. Ise a May, so that Wilmington and New Bera ignorance kind 'er nigger side him, boss, will then be directly connected by raiu Yer jest ought'er sen dat nigger figgerin'. The grading is now completed to within He done cone an' clean cyphered through three miles of New Bern, and the track that even these will not permit us to defy addition( partition, substruction, distrao- has alread been laid to Starkeys' Onslow with impunity the inexorable laws of (jistinction) abomination, justifies- county, eleven and a half miles beyond hnance and trade. At the same time, in derivatioll) orcation, amputation, Jacksonville. our enorts to aajusi a.nerences oi opimoo, and adoption Atlanta Constitution. The extension will add thirty-eight we should Deiree irom intolerance or miles of track to the road, so that when passion, and our judgment should De j p Watkins, Blakely, Ga., writes: unmoved by alluring phases and unvexed "Old sores covered my entire person and v selfish intm-f.st. itched intensely night and day. For "I am confident that such approach to several months I could not work at all. if, is completed the mileage between Wil mington and New Bern will be eighty eight miles. From Jacksonville to New t j .), o f Rontn Ttinni uem the road runs througn coitions oi , , , , . . ill. WlUUlCUbCU VltJ UOU XJM. UUVUUJV MIV I u the subject will result in prudent auQ jjalm, and began to grow better the first Onslow, Jones and Craven counties, and cuccu.c ,cu.cu.m .uuu, k d g0UI)d ad wtJ ,Iom . ... JBVnn ht , -J L. tUp r:U i ' . j i.t.! j i. :: r CIVIL SERVICE REFORM.. sores and itching and at work again.' "Our mode of misappropriating publio LET WELL ENOUGH ALONE. funds is avoided when appointments to office, instead of being rewards of partisan activity, are awarded to those whose efficiency promises a fair return of work fai the cuttcensation paid to them. To ' i secure fitness unJ competency in ap- I've got a tongue-tied child, doctor. Can anything be done for it ? Boy or girl? Girl. Humph ! I think you'd better not pointecs to office, and to remove from jDlerfere witu the workings of Providence, political action the demoraliwng madness jjaam, for spoils, civil service reform has found place in our public policy and lavs. Ihe A reckless disregard uf the laws of the est and best track growing region in the Southern States. The region of New Hanover and Onslow counties through which the line runs from Wilmington to Jacksonville, is oijaully as well adapted to truck farming and this indusUy has grown to large proportions along the line in the last two years. Even lust year three car loads ol truck arrived here per day from points between Wilmington and Jacksonville and were (hipped -Suuli by the Atlantic Coast Despatch. The buildiug of the extension has al- NOT TILL THE MOTHER DIED WAS THE BODY OP HER SON INTERRED. science and with his ideas of what publio men may honorably do. "advertisements!""""" How's Your Liver? Is the Oriental Balutation, knowing that good health cannot exist without a healthy Liver. "When the Liver is torpid the Bow els are sluggish and con stipated, tho food lies in tho stomach undi gested, poisoning tho blood; frequent headache ensues; a feeling of lassi tude, despondency and nervousness indicate how tho whole system is de ranged. Simmons Liver llegu'ator has been the means of restoring mora peoplo to health and happiness by giving them a heailhy Liver than any agency known on earth. It .et3 with extraor dinary power and efficacy. KClCn CCEN DISAPPOINTED, As a f en6rul f unily remedy for dyspeplis, inuiil Liver. Conetiiution. etc.. I hardly ever iiifo uuything elite, ttnd have nerer been dis iippninted iu the effect produced; it seemi to lie alaioBt a perfect cure for 411 diseases of th stomach and Bowels. w.j. Mcelroy, Macon.ua. Mr. Edward Drane, of Nashville, Tenn., who is at present in the city, told a most remarkable story about a double funernal which took dace in Rock Island, Tenn., while he was hunting in that section during the Christmas holi days. All the neighbors attended it, he said, and the affair was the talk of the whole country. Tho dead were an aged woman and her son, and strange feature of the event was that the son had been dead and had remained unburied for thirty years I Mr. Drane says that the truth of this statement was vouched for by numerous people, who claimed to have occasionally been treated to a sight of the body during the period indicated. The story is as strange a one as any ever conceived by the fertile imagination of a novelist. It goes back to the civil war, when the lady's son, a mere boy, and a Confederate soldier, was killed at Murlreesboro. He was an only son, and the grief stricken mother passionately declared that she could not and would not part with her boy; she meant to keep him as long as she lived, and he should not be buried until death came and claimed her also This was before em balming was common, and so she had him sealed in a cedar case, which was made as nearly airtight as was practica ble, and was constructed with a glass top to allow a view of the face, &c. This, with its precious conteuts, she deposited in the chamber, in a room assigned to that purpose, whither she not infrequent ly repaired to commune with the dead. Occasionally friends of the family were admitted to the apartment. It is said that the body did not decay or putrify, but gradually became mummified. Thirty years it waited thero an uncanny occu pant, that gave the house a queer reputa tion but finally it was brought down and was placed in the hearse beside the 1 edlTin of the devoted mother, whoe affection had manifested iti-elf so strange ly. An immense cortege accompanied ' p H O M A 8 N. HILL, tho 'wo to the country churchyar I, where tlia bodies were deposited side by side in one grave. St. Louis INt-Dispateb PROFESSIONAL CARDS. w. cr. WABD, DENTIST, Enfield, N. C. IOffice over McGwigan's store. 2 9 2m. JOS. J. LOCKHA11T, Attcrnoy and Counsellor At Law, WELDON, N. C Practices iu the Superior and other courts Of the State. Prompt attention given to the collection of claims. nov 3 ly . JAM E8 M. HDLLKN, WAI.TSB I. DANIKL LLEN 4 DANIEL, benefits already gained through this health stamps the character of many a instrumentality and the further useful- man. ltus temerity orops out on every ready giveu impetus to true growing in occasiou. Aim mu uc.c. ouw. the counties between Jacksonville and man unaerstanu mi . ouugu New B and in ,nticipation of having monition of consumption and a standing . , . , i . I, Jr. UP1. fPkl nfmiao eia fifuf transDortation for their DroUuct, itie meUUCC W Uia inc. nil ovtiJiwa am uidu . . the ordinary cough, then the stubborn, farmers are now planting extensively hackini: cough and last consumption. With the Wilminuton, Onslow and Let him heed the friendly warning and Eagt Carojin, openin,, up the fine coun learn iu cure iumura with Dr. Bull's Cough hyrup. nei-s it promises entitle it to the hearty support and encouragement of al) who rlnuirH to see our Dublio service well performed or who hope for the elevation of political sentiment and the purification of political methods. TARIFF REFpKM. "The people of the United States have Jeered that on this day the control of jtSend nil iok watches tn Ok my' their government, in its legislative and HorolooiCaU SanitaRiMi Halifax, nil h i- ven to a I N. U. try from here to New Bern, we anticipate a rapid and substantial development of what i d Wined to be the garden spot nf iorth Carolina. Wilminguu ilesseu ger. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Weldon, N. C. Practice in thecourta of Halifax andNorthamn. to land iu the Supreme and Federal court. CuU lecuona mane in anpartaorNortn Carolina. Bnneh office at Halifax, N. C, open every Mon day. Jan 7 ly Attorney at Law, HALIFAX, N. C. Green Goods Don't be tempted to invest in them. You will get into trou bin every time and in the end poverty uud disgrace. Ihe genuine Uncle ham S green goods are the ouly ones : uf value. They make you rich; especially when used to purchase Simmons Liver Regula tor to cure yjur Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Constipation or Biliousnew, or to drive nwav M:t! ivci Don't be ti'ninted to take anything else in the place of the liega lator. Practices in Halifax and adjoining eountiea and Federal and Supreme court. aug, 28t T. W. HARRIS, D. D. S, Littleton, N. t). Teeth Intruded without pain. 4-30 Urn.

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