VOL. XXIII. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1893. NO 51 AUH YOU HKA1) V? HILL AK1 AND HO It VANCE. ' THE OUTLOOK. TOTTtf u . . OATf iiiKTKUMI'ETWIM.BLfiW THE I'HII.OSOI'IIKR CAM.8 THE (IENER- SIIOHTLY AND THE MILLENIUM WILL AL "ZEH. VANCE'S BROTHER." START. The Atlanta Constitution of Wcdncs- In speaking of hi work. Professor dy prints tin? following interview with Gotten siiitud in an iiiti-rvinw thnt 1,,. Imd "Bill Arp." The "brother of't'li. AN' INTRICATE DEVICE. COMMISSIONER JOHN ROHINSON OIVEfl HIS VIEWS ON THE AGRICULTURAL OUTLOOK. Anuther harvest has closed, and from indications we are approaching another Dot a shadow of a doubt as to the accura-1 Vance" referred to is (!en. Gen. Hubert year of usual activity nnd progress. cy of his ehr iihil(i"icil work uor as to - Vance, one of Buncombe' ltepre- There is much in the agricultural its particular accuracy within the neccs- rosentatives in the Legislature. situation to encourage and stimulate. Bary personal qualifications of all humane ''I have but little of tlie emotional in Farming is a better business today than efforts. The renort uiniuniitw tlmt my make up, but smnehow or other I at anv time during: many years past, from are actually in the midnight hour speci- found the tears trickling down my old the fact that more thought and study is fied iu the parable of the "Ten Virius." 'feather-beaten cheeks like rain the other being given the subject and the applica "The clock," said the professor, is still ay, aD ''e't t?00('i toui an J'cs lt 'on ' science and intelligence to the The tenth stroke will end its t,HI" when tried. management of farm economy. "It was Col. Charles Smith, of Carters-1 Diversified agriculture is more practiced ville, (Bill Arp), who spoke thus. than at aDy time within the past quarter 'Y'ou see,' he went on to say after of a century. At no time has the intro- moment's hesitation, 'I was up in North duction of improved and high bred horses, Carolina lecturing over the State; just cows, sheep and hogs been so great as at talking to the good Tarheel people here the present. and there about the good old days of Men of large means and intelligence yore, and while in Italeigh the Legisla- are giving their time and investigation ture of the State came to to consider a liberally of their means in the propaga bil' to appropriate $ 15,000 to the erection tion of all the best known breeds of stock of a monument to the Confederate dead in many sections of our State. of the State. The ladies had raised All this great increase in stock growing 810,000 and left it with the Legislature indicates greatly increased acreage in to give enough to make out $25,000 clover and the grasses, which is a sure needed. There were some few watch precursor of more independence and dogs of the treasury in the Legislature to better and more prosperous times to the cry down the sentiment that attaches to a husbandman. cause like this, but the sentiment would With more food supplies grown upon sinning. sounding at the coming March equinox ol the current year. "After that none of the 'Virgins' nn d i, :.. i.-.L I,. .... " iu lunner uouut as to the 'time, or as to what or who is at hand.' "Many facts," he continued, "assure me that we are at the midnight hour of the Christian dispensation, and I am sure that the seventh angel of the Savior's revelation to St. John is soon to sound the seventh aud final trumpet, which lifts the veil from the mystery of God, but which is not to be confused with the 'final trump,' as commonly understood. In spite of misrepresentations to the contrary, I do not anticipate the end of .the world, but the beginning of a new ana better dispensation. 1 anticipate a tn . Turin!' henrts in .nit of the farms, meat. corn, notatoes. etc.. than crisis 'tomorrow' and the millenium 'the k A brother of Zob Vance had the for many pe&rs past; with more land uayaiter. i expect tne nrst resurrec- floor and the ,adies ffho had raised the seeded to wheat than has been upon uon very soon, out not tne seconu until $10,000 filled the galleries. They could North Carolina soil for 25 years, if ever a thousand years of golden age have nu, ai get in the galleries, so chairs were before, and with a large oat crop also sped away. placed iu the aisles on the floor of the seeded, we believe, and do assert, that The professor set forth with great . , , . the farmerg of our Commonwealth are in 1 I the emergency. He is one of the most condition than at any lime within many iuipassioued orators I ever listened to, years past. and when he began to tell a thousand If oar farmers, in the cotton belt of IT should have the united sup- little incidents that had happened around the State especially, will only profit by the camp fires or out on the field where the experience of the past year, and not the hot smell of smoke and battle came increase their cotton acreage, but be sure stifling with the breeze of war, so first of producing a sufficiency of food pathetic, so caressing were his words and crop and then what cotton they can tone that I found myself as helpless in they-will continue to prosper. I don't my tears as a baby. believe there can be an over production '"But Lawdy me, how good I did of cotton, if the farmers of the South THE H03IE PAPER. PORT OF THE HOME PEOPLE. A man should always get the best in the newspaper line, but where a man cannot really afford to take more than one newspaper, we say in all can dor that one should be his homo paper. whether it be daily or weekly. Weui'an what we say. A mans first duty is to build up and sustain the enterorises which contribute to the feel. I was intoxicated with joy.' "'Did the appropriation pass?' I asked. '"Did it? Well, I reckon it did. It passed like a greased flash of lightnin i .... ..r l. I.. :. ' growtn oi me eouiuiuuuy u, u ne auJ ,he man who moved to alleDj by a part, and of the local enterprises the iD8erting 85,000 instead of 815,000 was newpaper is the best; no town can enjoy will first produce an ample amount of food crops. There can be no permanent success with our farmers unless they make their farms self-sustaining. This is a matter of even more impor tance to us than the increase in the number of our industries, for it means hissed to shame. A people without sentiment is a people without courage, independence and prosperity to the hulk and Tarheels were never without courage, of our Deode . ..... ... I. .... I. i liab aia it paec .' well, ratner ! TA-KA-KA ABROAD. AFTER THAT APPLE AGAIN. perfect prosperity without a represent! tive paper loyally sustained by appreer tive citizens. There is not a weekly newspaper in the smaller towns of this State which has the catronaue it deserves. With few Bl'Ml" prtus. Mary Belle Freeley says that the em- execptions the testimony of the editors "Ta ra ra Boomde-ay" has circled the U'cm ur tue worms fair woman is that they are working "up hill;" their globe. It finished the circuit when it building be an apple, nnd she adds: "But labor in great and its rewards small. And reached Sierra Leone recently. There it for Kve the men would be to this day, I yet the weekly newspaper does more for touch the natives in their most susceptible suppose, mie, nasca, sun-ournea waters a town and people than any other agen- spot. At a recent concert, attended by "te Aaam, no Detier, man tne neasie , arse free list gallery audience of na- the serpents and the insects. But she " 1 . ... . . I 1 l.t If the citizens are wise, they will stand mostly clad in shirt only, one of the courageous., app.e, rescuea tne i ,i;,, ,! fim,H nil M offnrts singers gave -la-ra-ra, wun me usuai UT MICH VVilW vvvv - I - I . 1 IT. .1 t .11 . ...... ;fln nf 1,U n,wSn,nPr- BvmnMtio accompaniments. "The effect y ana mtea tne numan race to a level w..bi,iUv.n.,.. r-i - I .... , ,.m. i ,v .i hi n.i . was mai'ica . ' savs tUe renorts. "ina mucwi:riuuu luciuccis. vjuuu mr native audience rose to their feet, kicked Mary Belle ! Put the apple right there. up their legs and howled their "Boom de- and let it be a Belleflower. av's" in their vernacular. The more .: : P ,1 . LIKE A THIEF IN THE NIGHT, IIIUUIUU3 JJUIHUU U VUU HUUIUU .Vbl.U, and just here let us say another word to subscribers who assert that they can take one newspaper only. Newspapers are now published at rates which are within reach of all, and we do not believe there is a man in any kind of business who is not fully able to pay for "Ta-ra-ra." two or more great educator his money would be well iuvestcd. The nioro papers with which he surrounds himself, the greater will be tho benefits derived. But the Constitution, for rea sons aiven. repeats that if there be a man The young women of the little town . ..ir,ni. anv ntW of Estherville, Iowa, have taken a decid- ' . . ,,11.1 I I than his home paper, that is the pa. ed stand against me noopuin. the concert was stopped, and the whole Consumption comes. A slight cold, with place was given up to the devotees of your system in the scrofulous condition "Ta-ra-ra." The seals ottered no obsta- that's cased by impure blood, is enough e newspaper. Tho press is a cl.i to the performance of the dance, and to fasten it upon you That is the time , . V . the veils of singers were heard all over when neglect and delay are full of dau- alor, and on that line alone J.. . . , n . . , the vicinity. At ast reports "Ta-ra-ra ger. was in possession of the coast. WAR ON HOOPSKIRTS. Consumption is lung scrofula. You tau prevent it, and thit and you can cu it, if you haven't wailod too long, with Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discov m i ... I ..II ery. Unit is tne most potent oiou' cleanser, strength restorer, and Be: builder that's known to medical scicnt For every disease that has to be reaclu A call 1 I ! t 1 I 1 ( (It'll ter for hi mnrnw and mav fortune in- for a meeting to discuss the matter was through the Diooa, ior scrotum in an it . ...i . I P..niiintttiin toiiqIt limiia Ki.i iuaiinrt nnd t in iMriscamo out, in iorce. ""ui vjuuouu,f.wu, o i .1 - l -ll i: n i i . J J ci t s, ASiuma, uuu an severe, iiugcnii'j Formal resolutions were adopted de- ' . . .' . , i i , : ,i VjUUiis, ii is inu uuijr j;ui uuirruM ik,-iii:uj you crease his store! Atlanta Constitution. Stronolt Endorsed The adver tising of Hood's Sarsaparilla appeals to the sober, common sense of thinking peo ple, because it is true; and it is always clanng the hoopskirt a snare and a de- If k doesn.t beIlutu or have SYSTEM OK SECRET TELEGRAPH CALL FOR RAILROADS. lusion, a relic of barbarism and an un worthy garment, and asserting that any fully substantiated by endorsements which young woman in Estherville who donned -in thfi financial nnrli wnillcl bo accepted Vinrmakirt. atioilld hfi SOfiiallv ostracized. . ; . . .. - without a tu iiuents limitation. iuey , r tna aiv nQAa mor. o j o l!r;r"n .T: ;,,n,W chants of the town agreed not to order uuuu r ins cure uici mo, 1 , , biliousness, sick headache, constipation. any of tho denounced garments. your money back. The proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy know that their medicine per fectly and permanently cures Catarrh. To prove it to you, they make this offer: If thev luu'i cure nx atarrh. no nvtf"r wW. vnnrcnan U thi v'll w von SS.iOn I dcsiicd iu call a certain station .. J- . , J - r v The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad com- uiv has adopted an ingenious cuntriv- nc lur use in the telegraph department ml workmen under the direction of Su- H'rinteudent Charles Seldon have jiut in little plant in the basement of Camden atioti, where tho men employed at head quarters can become familiar with its use. I here are along the various lines of the great Baltimore and Ohio system scores of offices where the agent is also the teiegrapn operator. I lis duties as gent frequently call him so far away from his instrument that it is impossible under the present system to make him hear this call when it is desired to com municate with him. The new device is so arranged that in all offices where these circumstances ex ist a bell will be placed, and the operator at terminal or division headquarters can call the operator wanted without inform ing any office on the line, no matter how many offices there may be which have these bells iu them. As telegraph lines are operated at present, if, for example, the Baltimore office desires to call th Wheeling office, nearly 400 miles away the call passes through nearly every in termediate office, but under the new sys tem the turning of a switch will out off all the offices except the one wanted. The system will also be applied to those effices where the amount of business done at night is not sufficient to justify the employment of a night operator, and whero the day operator resides in the depot building, there being instances when it is desirable from various causes to communicate with the operator after the close of the regular business hours, The invention is the result of over 20 years of experimenting, and the combina tion of more than 20 patents. The contrivance is the New York elec tric secret service system. The trans mitter at tho central point is operated by an ordinary telegraph key. This trans mitter can send out any combination of dots, dashes and spaces. At each station there are instruments so arranged that they will respond only to the particular combination for which thev are arrang ed. When the operator at the central sta tion desires to call up a station along the ine, he places the key where it will mak the necessary combination that cuts out all other .stations but the one he wauts This causes a bell at the station he wants to ring, and at the same time operates i i . . magnet wiucu causes an answering sig nal to sound iu the central station. II thus knows that his call was audible at the station he desires to communicate with. The bell at this station will con tinue to ring until the operator answers. and if no answer is made the bell will ring all day. The system may be likened in some respects to the system of the combination lock. For instance, if to unlock a door haviug a combination lock it be necessary to turn three points in one direction, two points in the opposite direction and one point in the first direction certain bol must fall in certain positions. If these turns be made on another lock having different combination, tlu-y will huve tffect. In like manner, when a certain comb D ition is made at the central station thu corresponds with the i-miihination ol a certain slatiou along the line, the obstruc tions fall and the electric current i. uLsid between that station and the central sta tion, while the obstruction to the closing of the circuit with all the other stations still remains. The transmitter is composed of a rub ber tube about the sizo of an oruiuaiy lead pencil, which nerves as an hxh for 20 or IW small metallic wheels which are fastened to it. A metal finger projects over each wheel. Each wheel is provid ed with teeth, but no two wheels have th same nnmbi r of teeth. When it is the key causes the axis to turn and the metal nger to fall upon the wheel which has the number of teeth corresponding with the number of dots iu the combination of the statiou. As the wheel revolves its teeth strike at given times the metal finger. This auses tho making of the combination, ml the two stations are in cominunica- lon. i he station can be called and the return signal received in 10 seconds. This system can be used to great advan tage in the railroad signal service, in the telephone service and in the lighting and NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 obacco Cure ! WHAT IT IS DOING, I received Tablet about six days ago and commenced using according to directions, and can say now that I am cored of tho habit of chewing aud smoking, contracted about thirty-seven years ago. What are your terms to agents? I want two comities. Cleveland, Miss. K. C. Hopkins. I have used the Kosc Tobacco Cure with putting out of electric lights. Baltimore happy results, American. MOTHER. DR. K1XUSBUIIY WRITES BEAUTIFULLY OF THE SWEETEST NAME IN ALL THE WORLD. Please give nie all the particulars in re gard to agency, lor one or more counties. lours respectfully, Valdosta, Ga. V. D. Braswell. I sent to you a month ago for a Tablet of Kose Tobacco Cure. It broke me of tho habit after using tobacco for fifty-seven or nlty-eight years. l ours, Travelers Rest, Ala. J. C. Powell. I Durchased a Tablet of Rose Cure some This writer was so unfortunate as to two weeks since and it has cured me. I ... . . . ft !1l 1i l., .I,,,. , ..:.i. i.i.... j i .... i Please let me Know n you win iei, au nave uu luuiuci iu uumc. uitss uuu luvo i . . , . ,,, u v, m.v o uuu .u agent have as much territory as a htate. him after he was about eight years of age. Tibbec station, Miss. J. II. Ryland. And yet that sainted mother for she Rev. Mr. Oulland, of this city, has used was indeed a Christian woman of m..,t your Rose Tobacco Cure and he says it has cured himoi the habit of tobacco using. I devout nature and purehfe, forGodb .d have been chewing and smoking for 45 touched her soul and she believed is c y yea and yctara determined to quit. Please - I ti.irl ann I II I Nund ma 'l I n IIPL Jacksonville, Fla- Yours, W. IS Hatter. Sometime ago I ordered from you a box nfiha flnnft'fliira fni mvapl f Tt. irjwfi TM soul as spice ladened zephyrs from Aral y fect satisfaction and completely cured me thphUt tonliBPt if rim sl.t onA iiff..rii, , of the Snulr habit in a few davs. I would T . I nice io seenre ine agency lormis secuuii. it is a most precious inestimable blessing Summit, Ala. Mrs. Carry Haden. to have a mother. God bless the faithful AN OLD CASE. All that want to quit good mothers of our land and the worldl he U9eTof tohllf - U8e th" Eo?e To.bfac , . , , Cure. I am a free man after using it 55 iiiesainteumotnerscannotreturntoearth, years. Give terms to agents. Yours, but their faithful believinsr children who Valley Heiu5. Ala- B- s- rrice- i;v,i I:- ,i. i iiu-i '.i m . I write this to say to you that the Rose live holy hves that are "hid with Christ Tobacco Cure is a w'ond rflll stllff. i have in God," can go to that "Beulah land" used tobacco in all shapes for 45 years, and and rejoin them after "life's fitful fever" aftef "sin!;. ,D,e ?Aff a11 dTe is go0nelJ used two Tablets to be sure ol a cure, but enus. is mere any other word in all our one did the work. Dr. K, M. Tucker. language so sweet, so tender, so dear as precious to him in 1893, although she "id on sleep" in great peace and resignati n and hope in 1830, and as sweet to tl.e mother? Around it gather the most touching memories and the most fondly cherished associations. It is a very depraved and unnatural creature who does not love tenderly and deeply his mother When all other claims have failed with the prodigal the voice of mother has pos sessed still a charm and potency to bring him back to reason and duty. Like the tones of a maiden's voice to the ear of the lover, the accents of a mother's tongue have ever been sweet and entrancing to the true son in whose heart remained for ever the image of the dear one who bore aud nurtured him. We see this grand pas sion of the soul illustrated most beautifully in the life of our Saviour. How lovingly He remembers His mother even amid the agonies of the cross, when Ho commits her to the tender charge of the disciple to whom He was so deeply and specially attached: "When Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the disciple standing by, whom He loved, Hesaith unto Ilismoth er, "Woman, behold thy son!" Then said he to the disciple, "Behold thy mother!" And from that hour that disciple took her unto his own home." Men love their moth crs more than any other beings' with whome they are connected by the ties of blood, because they know how deep, inex haustiblc, undoing is a mother's love for them. The love of othets may fail, but that of mother is perennial and evcrlast ing. Young maidens, young, men cherish obey, honor, love your mothers, and in after years when they are sleeping the last sleep aud you standing over their graves you will find no cause for bitter self-reproach, for poignant regrets for your short comings. Thi ir memories will rctresh the smil nnd thi'ir pimis example will be so mauy continued incentives to i i ,, ' i .i .... "ti iiim.g in., s rugged pattiway. i lie must precious treasure of the soul next to the supreme love of the Saviour is the memory of a mother now in Heaven. r ft- 1 o . I . n umcers ami men ot tne ponce iorce. especially mirhtwatchmcn who have to run tiio gauntlet of the damn, chilly air every niirht, will please take notice that Dr. null s Cousin yrup, the great cough cure is just suited tn ineir needs, it per fect adaptation to the cure of all diseases of the head and chest makes it indispen sable to them. PRICK I'KH TABLET, TOBACCO CURE, $1.00 BOX.KNUKD'CUKK, l.W ORDER OF BRAZEAL & CO., BIRMINGHAM, ALA., General Agents lorthe UNITED STATES. sep 8 ly J BoclorfJ m m m BOTANIC &MB BLOOD BALM THE GREAT REMEDY . - FOR ;'.!. BLP0D PVD S!'!N DISEASES ' Ha. I,ei" l',.-(, lv U"t,.Uiy f!ii- v ii i.-. i ;.'--1 una ti.e iR-'pIo I o.rt- (Uu iv an i ik-ri!i.uM.'ntly . snRii7ill.fi. ULCERS. ECZEMA, hMEUMAIiSlf. PiMFtES. ERUPTIONS, 1 ..... ..ii ,..., riTTVi;. fi!nKTNli and I nCKtilSOSnltrs. InvumMy ihiim tli- luiti I ,,,u,s,in-i" W.-.1 .HK-nit: If ittiv.-u.me "TO f" I ' ii 1-iic M wr LvlUi;. li bt.ttl,. lul l.i. ior SE'iT FREE w.N;-iTrni , ) PI.00D BALM CO., A:Ui:!a, Ca. f july 28 ly. w. B. lillery, in cash. i is placed at the proper point, which WELDOIT, 2nT. C. Dry Goods, Notions, Dress Goods, Furnishing G-oorlct Hats, Caps, Boots Shoes. All Goods New, All goods latest Style, all goods Cheap. Everything warranted as rcpraaentcdi Call and examine quality and priee. No trouble tn show goods, glad to hnve BXP .. (w. watches to Urapy yn sec tnnn Horolooical Sanitarium, Halifax, ttWTLl, VOT BE UNDERSOLD. N. C. 10 13 tf. I a 2y tf.

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