VOL. XXIV. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1893. NO 3 (JOLORKI) UAIN. THtfttKAHON WHY 11V A. S. DUANB. Tlwie have boon traditions for centu ries of miraculous rains of blood, stone.', animals and fishes, but even in ibis Nineteenth century we are constantly hearing of red and black rain, only now adays science has held up the glass and the analysis, and told us the reason why. The first memorable example of red rain fell in The Hague in 1G70. People awoke in the morning to find that the streams had seemingly all turned to blood, and the miraculous fluid was still falling from the skies. High and low dropped upon their knees praying, thinking that a plague had come upon them. But there happened to be a scientific man with a small microscope, even then, lie took some of the red water and ex amined it, and found that instead of its being a warning sent by Providence to foretell war and bloodshed, it was colored by minute red insects. The man with the microscope told his discovery all over Holland, but when the war came by which Louis XIV., devasta ted the country, there were mauy who believed that the "red rain" had been sent us as a warning. The red insect was a sort of water flea, known in science as Pulices arborescents. On the 14th of March, 1813, the inhabitants of Gcracc, Calabria, perceived a terrific cloud advancing from the ses with a violent wind, At 2 o'clock in the afternoon this cloud changed to fiery red, and totally intercepted the light of the sun. The town was enveloped in darkness and people rushed to the cathedral, thinking the end of the woild had come, j The fiery red cloud increased in inten sity, thunder pealed, and with vivid flashes f i lof lightning sheets of red rain fell, which 'the inhabitants took to be fire or blood. Tho rain finally grew lighter and ceased, having done no harm to anytnin I Colored rain of a similar character to tithe Calabrian downpour, which has since I alien, has been proven to contain a red if iust, which, when heated, changed to 1 .brown, and then to black. In it could . be discovered small particles of mica. An analysis provod that the dust consisted of i silica, alumina, lime, carbonic acid and . 'oxide of iron j It is probable that in all these casus it " p.ad been blown from some active volcano, Carried a distance through the upper air, ' i And finally descended with the fall of rain. 1 , A similar raiu, or rather deposit of 4 dust, as it was not even wet, took place in i the valley of Oneglia, Piedmont, during : the night of the 27th of October, 1814, j It covered the leaves and grass, and where it mingled with the dew made what seemed ' to be blood stains, a phenomenon which caused great excitement among toe peasantry. The blue rain has been found by analy sis to be caused by a deposit of cobalt. Sometimes the colored raius are tinted by the seeds of plants, which have been caught floating in tho atmostphero. On the 9th of November, 1819, a black raiu fell at Montreal, Canada Some of the liquid was collected and sent to JNew lork tor aualysis. it was found that the water was colorod by soot Owing to the dryness ot tue season an immense counagration ot some larj;e forests, situated south of the Ohio river. had taken place; the wiud blowing steadi ly north for somo time, had conveyed these sjoty particles into Lower Canada At Birmingham, Eugland, in May, 1S8G at 11 in tho morning, tho town was enveloped in darkness. Gas was lighted everywhere, and a black rain fell, which blackened all tho linen put out to bleach 1 lOWKHIt VAN CK FIX1'I IT. COLUMBIAN LUJHltTV HULL FUNNY SCKNK AT TUK NATION H CAPI TA L. MILS. CLEVELAND WILL START THE MOLTEN METAL HY ELECTRICITY. Trusts and Combinations Aro unpopular. But there is one form of trust against which no one has anything to say. That is the trust which the pub lie reposes in Hood's Sarsapnrilla, and the best of it is the trust is fully justified , by the merit of the medicine. For, remember, Hood's Sarsaparilla Cures. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, and do not purge, pain or gripe. Sold by all druggist). The newspapers have told the story of how diked States Senator Zeb Vance recently introduced to President Cleve. land at one time, two applicants for ap pointment to tho City of Kanagawa, (pronounced Kan-a-gow-ah.) Japan, but did not tell the story in full. Col. Jas. G. Martin, of' Asheville, was with Sena tor Vance, when the introductions were given, and recently detailed the incident to the Asheville Citizen: Col. Martin while seated in the Senate restaurant last week met a Dr. Harrell, from the State of Washington, who wish es the appointment for which the Colonel is applying. The Doctor, having come from Washington, had no Democratic friends who sought tho President in be half of their constituents, consequently he was in a quandary. The Colonel pro posed that, as the Doctor had no one to introduce him, he should go with Senator Vance and Col. Martin. The proposi tion was eagerly accepted, and the trio went Groverwarde on their mission. When they had reached the President's presence Senator Vance introduced Col. Martin in these words, or words nearly the same: "I want to present my friend and fellow townsman. Col. Jas. G. Mar tin, of Asheville, who wishes to go to Kanagawa as consul general. I can hear tily endorsa him for tho position." Col. Martin bowed, shook tho President's hand and stepped aside to allow Dr. Har rell's introduction. "And hero is Dr. Harrell of tho unenlightened Stato of Washington, a State where they do not know how to elect a Democrat." The President smiled' "And," continued the Senator, 'he also wishes to go to Kana gawa." This was a little too much for the President. He did not see how two ap plicants for one place could call on the President together. He looked puzzled noting which Senator Vanco said, "It is rather funny, isn't it? I feel very much as did the man who was giving an illus trated lecture on sceucs from the Bible, and, showiug a picture of Daniel in the lion's den, was asked by a boy in the audience, 'Which is Daniel and which is the lion? You pay your money and you take your choice." A number of politicians from every where were standing near and heard the whole thing, and a hearty laugh followed the Senator's unique introduction. Dr, Harrell took advautage of this and, re gardless, of the fact that ho was there by Col. Martin's courtesy, began talking to the President, in an endeavor to make a case for himself. There was one reason, he said why he should be appointed. That was, he had lived in Japan, and spoko tho language of the Japs. Tho President evidently saw that tho Doctor was overstepping the bounds of propriety and turned to Col. Martin with the re. mark: "And I suppose, Colonel, you would like to no there in order to learn the language of the people?" The tolonol replied that ho knew nothing about the language, but aug' gested that, as tho Doctor was acquaint ci with it, he might b s'nt along ns in terpreter when he (the Colonel) wont as consul general. Everybody laughed and felt satisfied except the Doctor. Tho story got out and before the Colonel left Washington he says, tho question "Hello, Jim, do you speak Jap?" had become so common as to be a nuisance. The Colonel says if any man can got a better endorsement for the place than he has, that man will bo welcome to the appointment, and he added, "If I don'i get it I'll be sure tho man who does get it will get it because ho is a better man. Be tho kind of man that you would like to have your boys become., Enouuu seed can be bought for five oents to produce 1000 cabbage plants. If you gut mad go to the looking glass and wntoh yourself growl, and sec how quick you will quit it. Mrs. Grover Cleveland sent an auto- rapli letter on Saturday to Miss Mary Desha, vice-chairman of the Columbian Liberty Bell Committee, accepting an invitation to release the melted material frmu the furnace in the mould, casting the Columbian Liberty Bell, by touching an electric button in the White House conuected by a direct wire with the fur nace at Troy, N. Y. Contributions are coming in from every portion of the globe. Robert Lincoln Minister to England promises a link from tho chain bis father wore at the time of his assassination; Mrs. Schuyler Hamilton, Jr., will givo me mentoes of Alexander Hamilton and Gen. Schuyler. The lock from Jeffer son's gun has been received. Mrs. Gov. Prince of New Mexico, gave a copper kettle made by Indians long before the discovery of America and a piece of na tive silver. Idaho promises silver from every mine in the State. Thousands of such specimens will be melted into the bell, which will ring at sunrise and sunset on the anniversaries of the great events in the history of the world. Mrs. Pembroke Jones, of Wilmington, will be the representative of North Caro lina on the occasion of the moulding of the bell at Troy. ARE YOU LEFT-EYED. A TOUGH GOOSE STOKY. There are but few ambidexters, either in the matter of feet, hands or eyes. It may sound rather queer, but it is fact, nevertheless, that ninety-five out of every one hundred human beings are right handed, left legged and left eyed. Felix Ilenient, who knows more about eyes in a minute than half of the opticians and oculists of the country have been able to learn in a lifetime, remarked that it is an established fact that we all use one eye more than we do the other, which establishes as clear a case of "left and right eyedness as though the same terms were used to denote a preference in the use of hands and feet. If you want to decide as to whether your friends or relatives are right or left eyed, give them a small telescope or spy glass to look through or have them take "aim" with a gun. We all take great in terest in ascertaining the color, size, shape and visual powers of our children's eyes, but how many of us stop to consider whether they are "right" or "left-eyed?" N. Y. Mercury. YOOltmCE'S MAN BUHKE. there seems to be a mistake some. where. Sprt'ngjtdd Republican. No one who knows President Cleve land will tako any stock in tho story that he is using the public patronage to buy tho favor of Chairman Voorhces of tho Senate finance committee for the admin istration's financial and tariff' politics, Kin it is none the less certain that in naming Voorhee's man Burke for United States district attorney for Indiana h has made a blunder which should not be allowed to stand. Not only do tho indo pendent and many of the Democratio papers of the State and the reform ele ment denounce tho appointment, but the labor organizations arc passing resolutions stating that Burke "as a legistator proved to be a tool of the corporations." and that "we denounce said appointment as an in suit to labor and acquit President Cleve land ot intentional wrong m the matter believing he was grossly imposed on by Senator Voorhecs and Congressman Jason B. Brown, and we express the hope that he will rectify the wrong by removing the appointee." This comes from a mass meeting of Democrats and laboring men at Indian apolis. It is not tho first time Voorheeg has deceived Cleveland in such matters. but the western woman, who had also seen queer thintis, believed IT. She was a Western woman and had been eutertaining a room full of guest in an uptown hotel with some extraordinary tales. She had just finished one particularly wild and woolly border romance, when a young Southerner present drawled: 'Madam, if any one else in the world had told that story I should have been compelled to doubt it, but, of course, I cannot ret use to believe you. "Now," he continued, as if by way of taliation, "you cannot fail to appreciate a most unusual occurrence in my btate. The past winter, as you know, has been unusually severe in the South. Well, in November, when the wild geese were flying past us, a flock of them stopped to drink in one of our Carolina ponds. "Being so much pleased with the water they loitered for a day or two. But one time while they were paddling around a sudden cold wave swooped down with out any warning. A crust of ice formed over the pond in less than a minute, and there were the geese stuck as fast as if they had been nailed to a board. "For several days the geesethere must have been a thousand of them fluttered and squawked trying to ex. tricate themselves, but to no purpose. The people in tho neighborhood watched their struggles with more or less curiosity, and finally a mountaineer and his wife ventured ou the iee to capture some of the game. "The geese made one tremendous effort in uuison, and lifted the whole sheet of ice into the air, slowly flyiug away with it. Slowly the ice floe ascended until it became a mere speck in the sky and finally disappeared altogether. The neigh, bors are now watching every day when the weather moderates to see the old man and his wife drop from the clouds," The Western woman looked up at the speaker and remarked: "Well, that cer tainly does seem incredible, but I don't doubt it, tor 1 ve seen too many queer things myself. AN AMUSING INCIDENT The Charlotte Observer relates the following: An amusing incident occurred at Try- on street Baptist church Sunday night Rev. Dr. Pritehard was preaching on "Sampson," aud as he was coming in on the home stretch of a very able sermon, after rounding up several heads,he spoke of Sampson's faith. "And now," said the speaker, finishing up this head, "let us pray" here he paused for a moment bo fore going on to say, "for such faith,' when, to ins surprise, the congre gation dropped on their knees in the pause, and fell to praying. The doctor taking in the situation, with his natural astuteness took tho cue, and led the pray er, bringing his sermon to a close before ho intended or expected to. Tho occur rence was so ludicrous a one that preach er as well as people could hardly repress their laughter until tho final benediction The doctor will be careful hereafter, not too make too long a pause when inviting Ins coiiyn'L'ulloi! to pray lor any of th cardinal virtues. STATE ITEMS. THE NEWS FROM ALL OVER THE STATE IN A CONCISE FORM. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Look at the size of tho ordinary pill Think of all the trouble and disturbance that it causes you. Wouldn't you we! eome something easier lo take, and easie iu its ways, if at the same time it did you more good; That is the case with lr, Pierce s Pleasant Pellets. I hey ro Lk: smallest in size, the mildest in action, but the most thorough and far reaching in results. They follow nature's methods, and they give help that lasts. Constipa tion, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, Sick and Bilious Headaches, and all derange ments of tho liver, stomach and bowels, aro promptly relieved and relieved and permanently cured "If we can't cure your catarrh, no matter how bad case or of how Ions stand ing, we'll pay you $500 in cash." That is what is promised by the proprietors of Dr. Saee's Catarrh Remedy. Doesn't it WirSEND all iek wn'ches to Grady' rVl hotter thai, uuv words could, that HoROLOfllCAL Sanitarium, Halifax, this is a remedy that euros Catarrh N. C. 10 13 tf. I Coats only 50 cents. Henderson has a canning factory. The potato bug has struck Durham. Raleigh is to have another savings bank. A Concord man has named his son "Grover Adlai." A 840,000 cotton factory will be built near Shelby, N. C. Strawberries are selling in Wilmington at 20 cents a quart. Mrs. T. P. Jerman, wife of Dr. Jur- man, of Ridgeway, is dead. Wilmington has a gold cure institute for the treatment of inebriates. Henry Watterson did not lecture in Wilmington last week as announced. The new opera house at Raleigh will be completed about the first of June. W. R. Kindly has commenced the erection of a cotton factory at Mt. Plea ant. Tho police ofReidsvillc are making raids on barkeepers who sell liquors on Sunday. The Second Presbyterian church has established the brotherhood of Andrew and Phillip. Over fifty fish weighing 100 pounds each were caught at Swcpsonvillo in Haw river recently. The hotels in the various watering places in tho State are being fixed up for summer season. There are now 300 notaries public in this State, as appears from tho list in the executive office. There were 1,819 North Carolina Confederate soldiers buried in Hollywood cemetery, Richmond. New Hanover county has just com pleted her new court house. It is said to be a beautiful building. All the girls that were hurt at Raleigh in tho switchback disaster, will recover, says the Raleigh papers. The contract has been awarded for tho extension of the Eastern hospital for the colored insane at Goldsboro. Will Wynne, the well known bicyclist and ball player of Raleigh, will play with the Washington. D. C, club this season, Governor Carr was greatly pleased with the delightful hospitality shown him and the other North Carolinians at Rich mond. In a few days the Postal Telegraph Company will have an office in Durham. It will extend its lines to Greensboro and Winston. Governor Carr has issued a requisition on the Governor of Texas for Charles Williamston, who is wanted in this State for murder. Rev. Dr. B. I. Dixon, President of the Greensboro Female College, has ten dered his resignation to tako ctl'eet in June next, Hev, !r. I' L K"id, of the Raleigh Christian Advocate will succeed him. Col. John D. Whitford is contributing a valuable addition to our war history by writing up an account of the attempted recapture of New lljrn by the Confeder ies duaug Lie latter part ot the war lie tween the States. Col. Whitford is i graphic writer, and his reminiscence will be very interesting. There is a "haunted" house on Seeoud street, about which blood curdling stories are told of mysterious noises at all hours of the night, of crockery thrown around promiscuously and furniture ovcrturnr of the apparition of a woman which glides noiselessly through the rooms, and of other unoanny happenings that so dis turbed the family lv ng in tho house that thoy have been forced to leave it. Wiu Star. Tobacco Cure ! WHAT IT IS DOING, I received Tablet about six days ago and commenced using according to directions, and can say now that I am cured of the habit of chewing aud smoking, contracted about thirty-seven years ago. What are your terms to agents? I want two counties. Cleveland, Miss. K. C. Hopkins. I have used the Kose Tobacco Cure with happy results. Please give mo all the particulars in re gard to agency, for one or more counties. Yours respectfully, Valdosta, Ga. ' V. b. Braswell. I sent to you u month ago for a Tablet of Kose Tobacco Cure. It broke me of the habit after using tobacco for fifty-seven or fifty-eight years. Yours, Travelers Rest, Ala. J. C. Powell. I purchased a Tablet of Iiose Cure some two weeks since and it has cured me. Please let me know if you will let an agent have as much territory as a State. Tibbee station, Miss. J. H. Ryland. Kev. Mr. Oulland, of this city, has usei your Kose Tobacco Cure and he says it has cured him of the habit of tobacco using. I have been chewing and smoking for 45 years and yetam determined to quit. Please find enclosed Jit. 00. Send me a Tablet. Jacksonville, Fla. Yours, W. E. Hatter. Sometime ago I ordered from you a box oftheSnuu'Cure for myself. It cave per- j feet satisfaction and completely cured me ol the Snufl habit in a tew davs. I would like to secure the agency for this section. Summit, Ala. Mrs. Carry Haden. AN OLD CASE. All that want to quit the nse of tobacco, use tho Kose Tobacco Cure. I am a free man after using it 55 years, (tive terms to agents. Yours, Valley Head, Ala. K. 8. Jfnce. I write this to say to you that the Rose Tobacco Cure is a wonderful stuff. I have used tobacco in all shapes for 45 years, and after using one Tablet all desire is gone. 1 used two Tablets to be sure ot u cure, out one did the work. Dr. R. M. Tucker. PRICE PKR TABLET, TOBACCO (.TRli, S1.00 BOX, SNUFF CURE, 1.0 ORDER OF BRAZEAL & CO., BIRMINGHAM, ALA., General Agents for the UNITED STATES. sep a ly Save Paying Doctors' Bills BOTANIC BLOOD BALM ! THE GREAT REMEDY l-OK ALL BLOOD AMO SKIN DISEASES - y I..,;h fit UtoroiH'Mvu'M1'11 uyvm a f ; i , t. piivn'iniiH suiil ilio iH-opIo ivr vi iii-, tnul 'n'ver fails to ((,,' -itiickiv an 1 1-i-viuanently T SCROFULA. ULCERS, ECZEMA, .' "(.-!! vatisV. PIMPLES. ERUPTIONS, r..i ,...,...,. nr vrti FPltKAlUNG and i i.uvi,; moil's, liivHi-inblv eitrw the more a -t ' ll""'i iMm'SM'S it ilin't'lioHP nro fnl- W ' l.vc.i. ('. fi )HJi' bott.'i'.ii bi.itlt'tifurif'. Fori '" SENT FREE won r7:"t" "cures, f i BLOOD CALM CO., Atlanta, G. f july 28 ly. OJICE. STATE OF NORTH CAIWLIXA, HALIFAX COUNTY, JX THE SUPERIOR COURT. Isaac Foote, plaintiff ajiainst Annie l'oote, Defendant. This is an action tor divorce a vinculo niatiimonie upon the irounds of adultery on the part of the defendant and it ap pearing that the defendant is a non-resi dent turn cannot alter due uuiirence ne found in this State. This is therefore to command the said defendant to appear at the next term of the Superior court of said county to be held at the court house in the town of Halifax, North Carolina, ou the 10th Monday after the 1st Monday in March IH'Xi, and answer or demur to the complaint or the relief asked for will be granted and a decree against said delend aut made. Given under my hand and official seal at mv office on this the Hist day of March 1893. JOHN T. GREGORY, Clerk Superior Court Halitax county. Tom V. Hawkins, attorney, mar 2tt 6w.

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