THE ROANOKE NEWS, THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1893. THE ROANOKE NEWS. BY HALL & SLEDGE. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. BATES OF SUBSCRIPTION IK ADVANCE. One Year (by Mail), Postage Paid 11.50. Six Months 75. A Weekly Democratic journal devoted to the material, educational, political and agricultural interests of Halifax and sur rounding counties. aT Advertising rates reasonable and furnished on application. THURSDAY MAY 4, 1893. HOME AFFAIRS. Agent at Enfikld. Mr. S. Meyer is the authorized agent of the Roanoke News at Enfield and vicinity and an; business with the paper can be transacted with him. He will receive and receipt for subscriptions and attend to an; other matters entrusted to him. He will also take new or renew old subscriptions. May. Time for picnics. Bad season for colds. Politics are now quiet. Kerosene oil cures colds. Fish yarns are being spun. Cool nights and warm days. That tired feeling is prevalent. The girls are wearing pan-cake hats. Garden vegetables are growing nice- iy- The weather is now warm enough for all. May apples will soon make their ap pearance. Are wo to have a baseball club here this aeason.. A few days hence and vegetables will be plentiful. Monday is the most popular nights for lodge meetings. The tails of cutaway coats are quite long this season. ' The leaves will be grown this year by the 10th of May. Invitations are out for a gorman at Literary Hall to night. Several very large rock fish were taken from the river this week. There's many a pretty face beneath an ugly poke bonnet these days. , Why is a kiss like creation ? Because it's made of nothing and the Lord knows , it's good ! Ex. Tits latest idea io cradles, is a self rockiug one with a phonograph attach ment that sings lullabies. The snow is gone and the human boy Now seeks the river's brim, To see if yet the water Is warm enough to swim. THEtimn honored adage has it that "boys will be boys," but according to the latest fashion plates girls will be boys, too. Last Sunday was a beautiful d;iy and the Spriug buuuct was iu fVrce revealing soma wonderful creations in the millinery line. Sale of Real Estate The resi dence west of the Methodist parsonage has been sold by Mrs. Ida V. Suinbaek to Mr. It. J. Bond. The prico paid was $1000. General Ransom on Crinoline. Four young ladies cornered our popular Senator in Washington and interviewed him on hoopsk'ris. The Senator said the "fair sex" should wear what they please and the maligners of hoopskirts should be imprisoned. Halifax Postmasters. It has been announced that R. .1, Shields ha oen appointed postmaster at Hobgood, vice J. M. Parker resigucd; R. H. Smith, Jr , Scotland Neck, vioo J. J. Wood and G. L. Branch, Dawson's X Roads, vioe P. E. Fleming resigned. A Good Selection. The Governor has appointed Mr. Frank S. Spruill, of Franklinton, formerly a resident of this county, a State director of the North Carolina railroad, to succeed W. H. Pace, of Wake, who died Inst week. Mr. Spruill is a rising young lawyer and we are always glad to see Halifax county boys honored. N. C. Lumber Co. The North Car olina Lumber Company has about com pleted their plant at Tillery. It is the finest plant of the kind in Eastern Caro lina and the company will carry on a most extensive lumber business, giving employment to a large force of bands. We learn that they will erect quite a number of residences at that place and that the town is to be greatly improved. Town Election. The municipal election for mayor and commissioners for the town of Weldon pasted off quietly Monday. There were two tickets in the field, and when the polls closed the following gentlemen were declared elected for the ensuing two years: Mayor J. T. Gooch. Commissioners T. F. Anderson, W. R. Smith, W. B. Tillery, A. S. Allen, John Howard, Bug Parker, and J. A. Alston. Never Sulk. Never Sulk. Better draw the cork of your indignation, and let it foam and fume, than wire it down to turn sour and acid witbin you. Sulks affect the liver and are still worse for the heart and the soul. Wrath driven in ii as dangerous to the moral health as sup. pressed small pox to the animal system. Dissipate it by reflecting on the mildness. hnmilit; and serenity of better men than yourself, suffering under greater wrongs than you have ever been called upon to bear. The Weldon Churches. The services which have been going on in the Methodist Episcopal church for the past two weeks were closed last Friday night. There were two accessions to the church during the meetings. Rev. Mr. Walker, of Raleigh, preached morning and evening in Grace Episoopal church to very good congregations. At morning service there was a celebration of the Holy Communion. Rev. G. W. Harmon, the pastor, oc cupied the pulpit of tho Baptist church, and his sermons were quite good at both morning and evening services. Home Enterprise. We take great pleasure in directing the attention of our readers to the advertisement of W. R. Vick, to be found in another column. Mr. Yick announces that he has severa 1 new buggies and road carta on band of his own make, also one Columbus buggy painted London smoke. He can make as good a vehicle as can be obtained any where and his establishment is a homo enterprise and should be patronized. He deals in all kinds of carriage materials which will be sold as low as they can be obtained north. Mr. Vick is also in the undertaking business and can furnish coffins and caskets at the lowest possible prices. We would also call attention to the advertisement of Mrs. II. A. Vick, who deals in fine confectioneries, fruits, tobac cos, and snuffs. She also carries a nice assortment of toys and fuuey goods. Also cheap and standard litorature by the best known authors. Read her advertise ment and then visit her store. A Good Report. The statement published elsewhere is one calculated to aid materially iu the development of our town. The impression abroad is that Weldon is a sickly place. But the (own exhibit shows that this place is unsur passed as to health, morality and great natural advantages. That erime has rapidly decreased here is shown by the fact that in 18!)0 there were 113 cases before the mayor. In 1891, 96; 1892, 69; and only 54 for the year ending May 1st 1893. Tho death rate for the year past was 17, two of those bsing non residents, or about 10 to the thousand. The rate of taxation is 33 J to the hun dred dollar valuation, which ii perhaps much lower than in most places possesaiig equal advantages. This being a great railroad centre, with its magnificent water power, unsurpassed facilities are offered all who may be seeking a place for investment. Assignments. Mr. T. T. Gaskins, the largest lumber-mill owner in this county made an assignment last week with Captain J. M. Grizzird, of Halifax, assignee. Mr. Gaskins' mills are located on the Coast Line, near Halifax, and gave employment to a largo number of hands. He carried on an extensive saw mill business and owned about twenty miles of railroad over which he handled his logs to the mill to be converted into lumber. We also regret to learn that Mr. S. B. Holloway, dealer in general merchandise at Enfield has made an assignment for the benefit of his creditors. Assets and liabilities not known by us. Mad Dogs. In view of the fact that there is some excitement in some parts of the State about mad dogs, we give the law upon the subject, as follows: "When the owner of any dog shall know, or have good renson to believe that his dog, or any dog belonging to any per' son uuder his control has been bitten by a mad dog, and shall neglect or refuse immediately to kilt the same, be shall forfeit and pay the sum of $50 to him who will sue therefor; and the offender shall be liable to pay all damages wiiieb may be sustained by any one, in his prop erty or person, by the bite uf any dog belonging as aforesaid, and shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and fined not more than $501), or imprisoned not more than 30 days. The New Train. The fast flyer to be put on the Seaboard Air -Line next Sunday will be the fastest train in the South. It will leave Washington daily at 10:57 A. M. Richmond at 3:25 p. ., and Weldon at 5:50 p. m. Going North the train will pass here about 9:30 a M. A Marriage. Another Virginia oouple in search of connubial bliss came down to Weldon to have the matrimonial knot tied last Thursday. The contract ing parties were Mr. Joseph S. Mfunier and Miss Bettie M. Traylor. Justice B. F. Gary, who is always happy nn wedding occasions, very eall; tied the knot. Peculiarities of the Year 1893. A study of the calendar of 1893 will have some peculiarities. To begin with it commenced and closes on Sunday, and contains all or part of 53 weeks. Each of the seven days of the week has the honor of being the first day of at least one month. Three of the months being on Wednesday, while Sunday, Thursday and Saturday are each the natal day for two months There are three months, Aprd, July aud Deemiiber, that cover part if six weeks each. Washington's birthday came on Wednesday, und Deco ration Day and the glorious 4th of July full on Tuesday. Thanksgiving, Day will fall on Thursday, the last day of Novem ber, and will bi the latent Thanksgiving celebrated iu the last decade. In fact it can never be any later in the year. Old Santa Clam will visit us on Monday. As this 14 the World's Fair year, all the peculiarities are excusable. Meeting of the Board of County Commissioners. The Board of County CommisMoners met in regular session at Halifax Monday, all the members being present. ine following business was transacted: The following were allowed to list property: W A Johnston, Littleton township; Mrs M E Cousins, Fautetts township; R O Burton, trustee Snow heirs, Littleton township; W C Harper, Brinkleyville township; Dr J T Nicholson Butterwood township. W E Daniel attorney for county pre sented statement of taxes collected from W4 W RR. W S Biggs was appointed list taker for Conocanara township upon petition that Mr L A Mullen, who was appointed at April meeting, was not a resident of the township. John T. Gregory presented his wh )le account i fee report for March term Su perior court which was accepted and ordered recorded. W E Daniel, county attorney, allowed $200.00. The following parties were chosen as a committee to meet the sheriff at Halifax Ma; 26, 1893, in settlement of accounts, R W Brown, M H Clark and W E Dan iel. Clerk of Board instructed to purchase book for the names of pensioners properly recorded in the Register of Deeds office. The following accounts were audited aud ordered paid: B F Gary, holding iuquest over Rc etta Redwood, 21 70. L D Browning, supt county home, 44 86. . W D Lewis, coffins for paupers 4 00. Sam Hamlet, " " 2 00 John T Gregory, books purchased for recording names, etc., 12 10 J Frank Brinkley, recording orders, 9 60 J II Burtt, meal for county 30 00. J A Harrell, printing, 616. F W Gregory, burying pauper 2 00 J F Cullom, conveying prisoner to jail, 3 25. P N Stninback, goods for county 27 66 J T Gooch. goods for county, 6 00 John N. Brown, goods for county 1 30 " " " eourthouse, 3 98 " " " jail, 13 30 S Johnston, goods for Jenkins family 10 00 Tom Lynch, removing rafia from Ran som's Bridge, 1 20. E C Biggs, serving summon's 60c. Charles Froelich and Co., goods, 1 60 W R Shaw, work at court house 2 00 Jim Morris, watching bridge 50c. II S Price, repairing bridge, etc., 1 50 Eiury and Pierce, goods for county, 37 96 W M Cohen, drug, 17 36 W B Tillery, goods, 46 25 B I Allsbrook, cost case Clark vs Com missioners 3 00 R G Reid, jail account for April 76 35 B I Allsbrook, conveying lunalio to Goldborol2 30 B I Alltbrook. repairs on count; fence 161 86. S J Clark, conveying prisoner to jail, 1 50 Oscar Dick en's widow was allowed to draw 0 F. Dickens allowance for May. J H Vinson, rebate on taxes, 1 40 J 0 Heptiustall heirs, rebate on taxes 22 66. A J Staton, rebate on taxes 1 06 There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. - For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease, and proscribed local remedies, and b; constantly failing to cure with loc&l treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a con stitutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall s Catarrh Cure, manufactured b; F. J. Cheney & Co , Toledo, Ohio, is the onl; cure on the market. It is taken internally in doi from 10 drops to a teaspoontul. It acts directl; on the blood mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for an; case it fails to cure. F. J.CHENEY A CO., Proprietors, Toledo, O. BSold b; all Druggists, 75e. Testimonials free. PURELY PERSONAL brief mention of the movements of your friends and acquaintances. Dr. J. J. Summerell, of Salisbury, is here this week. Mr. H. M. Robinson, was in town Monday. of Henderson, PANACEA SPRINGS. My old friend Berry Manning, of Hen derson, father of editor Thad Manning. of the "(jo!d Leaf," is on a visit to "ye correspondent" and we are having some glorious old chats about times that have passed and gone and old friends that have passed over the river lo, these many yoars. As we have no officer from this part of the county, that holds a paying office, 1 would respectfully suggest that Mr. Ivcy Allen, of LittletoB, be elected Su perintendent of Public Schools for the county to fill the place of the late lamented Judge Daniel. Mr. Allen is fully com petent and worthy in every respect. tapt. lorn Wiggins, alter an extended commercial trip, of four months, has re turned looking as fresh and lively as a "three year old." Mr. Joe Thornton the genial proprie tor of the Bon Air has returned from Richmond with half dozen fine horses to work in his hacks that go between Lit tleton and Panacea Springs. 1 be raus of Saturday night and sun day night have done great good to the farmer in bringing up his seed and for warding vegetation of all kinds More would not be injurious. Dr. ricot is adding quite a pretty front to his already eommodious dwell ing. ENFIELD. Mr. F. M. Parker, Jr., of Richmond, spent Sunday night in town. Mr. J. M. Mullen, commonwealth's attorney of Petersburg, was here Tuesday, Mrs. C. P. Rodwell, who has bean on a pleasant visit to friends in Warren county, has returned home. Mrs. Lee Johnson, of Portsmouth, here on a visit to her parents, Dr. a Mrs. A. B. Pierce. wr. J. JN. reterson,ot unariotte, is here on a visit to his sister, Mrs. Mur doek, who is quite sick. Mrs Moseley has resigned her position as cashier at the Coast Line hotel and is succeeded by Miss Nannie Stainback. Rev. A. J. Yandorbogart, of Rocky Mount, preached an excellent sermon in the Episcopal church here, last Friday night. Messrs. P. N. Staiuback, W. E Daniel, W. B. Tillery, and Major T. L. Emry were witnesses in a law suit in Oxford last week. M;gor W. B. Whitehead left Monday for Wilmington, where he has accepted a position as night clerk in the Pun ell House, of that city. Miss Tempio Hamilton, one of Balti more's lovely daughters, who has been on a visit to the family of Col. A. Preacott, returned homo Monday. Mi-s Alice Hawley, of Fayetteville, who hasbeon here nn a visit to Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Clark, led tor home Saturday, much to the regret of her many friem's hare. The election went off very quietly. The following ticket was elected : For mayor, R. B. Britt; for commissioners, David Bell, John A. Collins, Simon Meyer, J. J. Whitaker. The commissioners have made the last payment on the fire engine and have ordered 300 feet of the best rubber hose. Balance in the treasury $209.00, which will be turned over to the new treasurer. Miss Mabel Curtis is visiting friends in Alexandria, Va. Mr. S. Mitchell spent last week in town, and was looking after the interest of the Enfield Lumber Co. Tho members the M. E. parsonage aid society gave an ice cream supper in Par ker's hall on last Wednesday night. It was a big success. A mule on Mr. Powell's farm went mad a few days ago and had to be killed. A buzzard with a bell around bis neck visited Mr. J. W. King's farm, near Crowells, one day last week. We had a nice shower on Sunday even ing and the gaidens are looking very nice. We have the best prospects for a good crop this year and the farmers are smil ing. The young men of this place have or ganized a base ball club with Prof. Heatley as captain and Benjamin as clown of the club. M. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PAfl-tfMlll Of bOTTLl WRAP-MR, UCEPT LITTII1NO. r FOR PILES CATARRH RHEUMATJ) INFLAMMATION Alii J! , not pWchoM l'1 av. i -"raci win. v?-. ony h WILL HE WAS TOO GOOD, "You say you don't drink, George? "No." "Nor smoke ?" "No." "Nor gamble?" ."No." "Nor stay out at night ?" "Never." "Well, wh never could be man and wife, Georgo. I happy as have been brought up in New York, not heaven." Bishop Gulleui - Miss Autumn, I hear you are an earnest student of the Bib's. What, in your opinion, is the most in teresting lino of Holy Writ ? Miss Autumn (promptly) Behold, the bride groom oomethl ADVERTISEMENTS. SHILOH'S CURE. Cure OoJiminiptlon, Coach. Cronp, Sore Threat. Sold by ll Dnnuu on GuataMa. Tor Unit Sirf, Back or Chart 8hllh' Peroua Plaatar will fi trn aaiiitaciioa. 1 nta. SHILOH'S VITALIZE!?. Mm T. 8. Hwk1n,ftattnooa,Tonn.,yst " ShilV VUflW ' SAVD u&utt! 'I trmtidtr it Ih4 brM rrmfdyiw a itHMMtartf I tvtr wed." For Iapepal, Ltvor or Kidney trouble It excels. FrtoeWota. CATARRH REMEDY. we vou Jatarrur Try tMS rieraeay. iiwm pnatU rely relievo and Cure you. Price so eta. Thle Injeotor tor Its aurreaaiul trmiment I rurQlahod free. Ronorober,hlloh'irliirm-Ile n told ou a guarantor giro auttef action. a a a a a a IT fT nmuwnv ftfttT . r,i if SaTT,liT - For sale by jan 12 ly. ,W, M. COHEN, Weldon, N. C. Joe Whitaker Says, when you see an "ad." in big head lines GREAT - - - -REDUCTIONS! Slaughter Sales! Aud tee urn an SOUTH OF NEW YORK. That it is a "fake." TO MY FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC : I SELL goods to make a living, bat claim that my prices are right and tbe same to all. IN o "baits, no "mon keying," no "selling at cost" with 25 per cent, added to original. You are too well informed. Prices and quality talk: A COLD IS INFLAMMA J TI0N. POND'S EXTRACT REDUCE INFLAMMATION. Speeifle Directions i IF A COLD IN THE HEAD, apply A Pond' Extract (diluted one half) by natal douche, or vaporize It over a lamp, Inhaling NB f the fume LmU bythe.oae. IF HOARSE, gargle with Pend'f Eztraet eeveral tlmea dally. IF THUTHHOAT 13 SOHli and NECK STIFF, rub the neck EASIEST-vl: Eztraet, and, an retiring, wrap the lfif A neck In weolea V W aT bandage aatrated with Fond' Eztraet, and protect APPI V,lb7"!,,,' r I I Li I wrapping. IF THE LUNG ARE SORE, POND'S:;"-;:; Pond'e Eztraet four or Ave tlmee a EXTRACT'." THE LIMBS ACHE aud are eore, SP dftt rub them vlgorouely I with rond'o Extract. TOR CHILBLAINS, bathe with ID A ETl T" Foad'e Eztraet rMfl I d bandage with eloth eaturated with Foad'e AFFECTED Eztraet. Itching quickly atop pod. BUT do not purchase mm cheap aa botllnto and expect It to do what Fond .Extract will. Be oar yon have genuine article. Mad only by Pond Extract Co., Now York. Dress Goods I Henrientta, Chashmere, Bedford Cords, Beiges (Jhevrous, (.Dallies, etc, etc. Wash Fabrics, Zephyrs, Cham brays, Ginghams, Cords, Sat teens, Crepes, Outings, Flannels, etc, etc. White Geods! In great variety un necessary to mention prices of different kinds of Domestics, etc. GENTLEMEN'S Fur nishingsl Embroidered, Pique Plaited Dotted Swire and Shield bosom shirts. My line of Negligee shirts is unsurpassed for beauty, quality and price. NECKWEAR. The most "utter" and "out of sight" ever brought to Enfield. Fonr-in-hiinda, Oxford Bows, made-nn Goods and Windsor Ties to suit all, at less than city prices. Standing and turn-down collars in tbe latest spring and itimraerahapes, cuffs, &c UBUKKWKAKI UNDERWEAR! Of all grades and kinds to aait the trad. Examine bit prices. E. P. Reed A Co-'s Fine Shoes. HATS' Fur, wool and straw. Don't buy until yoa hare aeen my draw goods. The nobbirat on the market. "So say wo all." Furniture, Family (jrorerir, Crtwkerr, Glaes, wood and tinware, etc , etc., . JOS. J. WHITAKER, ENFIELD, N. C.

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