eu. i r ?r die!, 'sponsi. "siness care n with od, so that I )ly in 'pood Night ?r. I fliich rued, iiiess set and the ac- ' ned pMENI OF THE SOUTH. NERVE FORCE OK THE V4H SEWINU SOCIETIES. WE L DON, N. C., THURSDAY, JUNE 2.9, 1803. U ieRey. Dr. Storrs, in aa anniversary ss before a Massachusetts nmVwn,. jkt a returned prisoner told him iimi wmie at the South he could fre the taunts of the men, but never Had lie realized how terrlhln I , " fl Ui3 Wing hate ot woman, and he hud oacic with one additional n.Pr f, h to thank God, namely, that the ! was not u woman. That nl,i;Ur hot alone in his experience. lie women of the South furnished may be called the nerve-fnrpo nf war. From the very beginning they n uisgracelul tor any man of fi.du. go to stay at home without sufficient ana tliough it mi-lit rack th.-ir it strings they sent their fath. mas, Drotticrs, and lovers to the 1 heir earliest organizations were lers sewing societies and it (ierlulto observe how soon they eu to cut and stitch, and knit, and and roll bandages fur the boys in p. let not all oftheladipu nf tU th at the beginning of the war were 'tsin fashioning men's attire, and times curious results followed. kings wouldn't match, and the ions would be sewed on the wron of a man's shirt. In one instan 'respected side partner, who was then "U"S Klni turned over to the matrun 'dent ot her society in Charleston a ui trousers witn one leg. "Why, in the world did vnu m.ilrn th,.t ng lor ! was asked by tho old ladv Li ., ., . . ' I", mats lor a one-icgged soldier, of irse, gasped tho young lady, in her ' usion. l nat all right, M iss Georgia; thoughtful, very thoughtful, hut " , - c iug at them quizzically through her ue, iuiss ueorgia, you ve got em toned up behind. HINDU BEAUTIES. THESKI.VI.SDAHK, THE EYES BLACK, THE KEET ARE SMALL AND ELE GANTLY FORMED. 1 Many of the wrm.n T.i:.. - iuuia, anu CS- ' pmally those of Kashmir, are very beau tdul. Tho worst of it is, that not only are they the most beautiful ones seldom B-'en, but even their portraits are difficu't uu. JMtlier they or their husbands appear to look with rooted distrust oji the photographer, and evon .i,:. - - t.n iwuir Photograph, are taken they rarely give permission for copies to be sold. In typi cal Hindu beauty the skin is just dark enough to give a rich, soft appearance to the complexion. rl fr.,!,,.., . . ' ' regu lar, the eyes mild and hind.- -,1 i,.i.i by long silken lashes; the hands and feet ari small and ele-'antlv formed il, ,L. meanor is modest, the manners gentle, the voice low and sweet. Such a cotubi' uation of good points may not often be uui wnea it is. whn &ho what havoc is wrought amnn hn t ot the male beholders? Th looking women OCCasinn.illv omrtM,. iL. iiiuvug mu middle claw Hindus, as well as among the upper ten; and even am.- tU I ) V lJ YJ castes tho faces are sometimes very pleas- JIanva Hindu ,,,., i... ... , , nllu Ilas per haps little pretensions to beauty of face, has nevertheless the sten and enrna J n rrmonuc- n...l :r ' "u "no is not too fastidious about perfection of eyes and mouths and noses, her figure, as she waits d,,, street with her load on her head, is truly a beautiful object. Jewelry is nftm. wnm j u Vl T t. excess in louia, as among other Orientals, and tho horrid nose ring is sometimes so large that it has to be fastened back to the ear iy a chain to kei.n it fr.mi ;,,i,c...: with the mouth. Xew York,.iul Advertiser. NO ' 13 THE SHERMAN LAW. A POLL OF CONORESS SHOWS THAT THE REPUBLICAN SILVER LAW WILL PROBABLY BE REPEALED IN EXTRA SESSION. HIS OWX DAUGHTER. Hit' IX THE STOMACH. hilt BRANCH, THE PRINTER RE- I OKEDTO HEALTH HOW HE EATS. 1 flr.Clias. W. Hraneh. , f..u.k. Sfi lhlJ,,rl,, . .....II : i . . .uiiuud jii onmiuniug a large J f of hartshorn last wiuter, thereby l-Dira Btrinl.irn r.C . 1, ...I J ! 1. . 1 j c- "-..v..cui luu niuuuiKe, anu . fm life was several times desnair,.d ,.f I Foed last night from Atlanta where jus been in the Gradv rinsnitnl f.xr 8 "ins, restored to health. Mr. Branch nil unable to swallow. He ean tnt. thing but liquids, and these only r,Jgh a tube in his stomach. The be has a StODDer wllic-l h romnnna If . . en feeding time comes, and pours in a " oi soup, milk or whatever fluid food wav care to take. Mr. Krnnc i ighs more than ho has for years, and wis perfectly well and strong Chiir. ie Observer. On last Saturday while Jud was quietly readinjr on the front Ma of the Davis House, some one called tn him : "Run for God's sake and snv.. . little child that has fallen nv-rl The Judge hastily ran for the wharf where some little children were nnintin in tne water, he at.once lumnodin. PUth,- and all, and the first, r.u.ulw ,,,, un seated itself to him was the face of his little daughter Irerlrud ', 6 years old The World . UTJlUIV Ul I. I n u.e memoers ot Congress by telegraph on ...v lu.iuwiug questions: i Do you. with the nrosont tion, favor the repeal of the Sherman nnvur law. 2 Do you favor an income tax? O. Vo VOU favor thn ronn-.l rf State bank tax? The World in reporting their answers i yc .uany answers devmtn e,.m pia.a -yes' or 'no,' and involve so many (lualificatinnis that - uiuuiiH niiau- meut would fairly represent the opinions tln. mi egress. important facts shown are mat to the hrst question.' To you, with your nrpspnt. inf.,..: e r .ululuiau .u, Javur Ile repeal oi tne bnerman silver law?" there are8G representatives who say practically 'yes' while only 18 rest many who qualify their answer so &...nnli. .1 . . . . ujey cannot tairly be placed in the affirmative column, show plainly that their inclinations are in favnr nf . .. I mi epeai. ine sentiment of tho lower house on that i i io uu uver whelming. The World has already poll ed the Senate on the . w tuaiuu sixth last printed a table showing that the body stood for repeal 39, against re peal Jd, non-committal 1G. It will be noticed that several who were non-committal then are now in favor of tho r..,.! There seems to bo no doubt that nearly two-thirds of tho Senate will voto that way. "The newer question of income tax de- velopes an interesting situation.. Many who speak freely as to the Sherman bill, evade or ignore this question, but 4,rsay squarely that they favor it and 42 that 1. ... 1 uieyuo not. southern and western Congressmen are the most numerous ad vocates of such a tax. On llm S.t bank question opinion is as almost one- Mueu, as in regard to the Sherman bill. Many dodge it entirely, but GO to day are positively against repealing the tax, while only 31) favor the repeal." THE WALDENSES. SOMETHING AS TO THE NEW CITIZENS WUOM N. C, HAS ACQUIRED, Readers of the Observer have been informed of the fact that a colony of the Wa Metises, for whose removal tn T(a comity from their homes ou the French side of the Alps arrangement om ,., time ago perfected, arrived th There were 39 iu tho colony, of whom imuc me eurpen ers. tnnr stnno and tho balance farmers nnd . b..r6lu,. ert. P if teen of the colonists am m six women, and balance are MiiM Four men got separated from tli n,m,n,. ny in New York in making the transfer ueross me river and have not since been ncard ot. The Waldenses are Piiltrinita ana a minister of their chm-eh T?o n A. Thron, who speaks Enslish IIS xxraW as French and Italian, came with il.lo toiony. ihis emigration is a church movement, decided upon bv the Wnldnn. o i . ' "v" oynou, ana it, alter a fair test. ths r,in. neers find here conditions of m,nnM health and happiness, 2,000 of their fe!-' lows will follow them. The ers, under whose auspices they come, bought for them 12.0011 touchias the West. - ""tin vaiuuua railroad between Connelly Springs and Morganton, but the bulk nf if south of the railroad; and when this ad- rance guard arrived it found cottages Daut, gardens planted and a cow provided for each family all this done by the u.buUUU auu anu improvement w-uujjuuui wmcu tne property had These immigrants aro a godly, virtu ous, intelligent, thrifty people and the people of Burke baso high hopes upon this preliminary movement. It is, indeed, one upon which the whole State may be congratulated. SEND THEM BACK. BISHOP TURNER SAYS THAT LIBERIA IS THE PLACE FOR THE NEGRO. I HIS DYING WIFE gling very faintly with the water; he AX AWFUL' ME VJ3XGE OKA WRONGED HUSBAND UPON HIS WIFE'S LOVER. A BItlOHT WITXESS. H An eminent judge who was trying a f lot of wav oaso in Korland had li.f,im a witness an ulil tarmnr relm nui oceeding to tell the jury that ho had Miuwed the nhu 11 for NlVtv Vlinr ami ' r -- j j-") ("y ."ther nnid lne lu hecrcd my grand her say ' "Stop!" cried the judge. "We can't ve any hearsay evidence here." 'Not?" exclaimed Farmer Giles, hen how dost know who thv father fa, 'cept by hearsay?" I After the laughter the judge said tLa courts of law we can only be by what you havo seen with your 1 ejes, nothing more or less." Oh, that be blowed for a tale!" re J the farmer. "I ha' a bilo on the f of my neck, and I never seed one, ' b reaoy to swear that he there, I rescured her from tho cruel ,.,.,1 cairied her duicklv to the ..v. , MULIB the little girl's mother and friends ti - restoratives and she was soon out of danger. The little one remarked " water was so dark, aud I could tint: lepon it out of my face." The Jud riiinpd - o - - a fine gold watch by its coming in con tact with the salt water. Bcauford Herald CHLOItOFOn.MED. jp ee to suffer! Your nervousness, lche, heart burn and general disor is the result of the excessive use of fooo, Opium or Drink. Hill's pride of Gold Tablets, sold by all lead f'f'iSgUts, will put au end to your tad make B new man of jou. 1 t t While coming from St. Louis to Cincinnati Mrs. John Hermes wax. Mil... roformed and robbed in a most daring wanner. Mrs. Hermes had $325 of which 8125 was iu gold. This she wrapped in a haudkereliief aud tied it aronnu "r right loir just below the knee. The stocking was then drawn over this. During the eveoinir Mrs. Hermes sudih.n. ly crew very sleeulv and notiml th,. man and two women who sat behiud her in tho coach had thrown a damn Irv.L-;..,. r ".0 haudkereliief over t lin hact .f Lr v, ..... otau She paid no attention to this but tried to fight off the desire to sleep, but she could not. When she awoko it was daylight and the train was pulling into the depot. She then discovered that her money was gone. For sometime past Dr. John TT,.,i r Aden, Tunn., has suspected that im proper relations existed bet Wfpn hid iriP.. and illiam l'iper. Mond Hood left home ostensibly on a visit to a patient, but instead hid in an out building near the house. In less than an hour l'iper entered the house. Dr. Hood forced his way to his wife's bedroom aud u. ,! i,nu rlper 1Q U0Ulnr uiisiog situation. The Doctor attempted to shoot Piper, but the pistol snapped. Snatching a coal oil lamp burning on the u.u,0 near oy, the wronged husband dashed tho missile at Piper's head, the glass horribly cuttinir his !; Tl, lamp exploded. The oil ran in streams of fire over Pipei'a body, burning bis right ear off, destroviuL' the Slfilt nV h,.(l. eyes, literally cooking his breast and i i.i . . . . . suuuiuers, ana buiiiiug Ui luir and beard. Ho died in less that an hour. The unfaithful wif ,.,, Ml.IOl.ll UjMJII the body of charred flesh and cried for death to take her with her lover. All the parties are prominent people in this section. A shocking story of a husband's brutality is revealed in ri.rln.. this State, by the death,' of the man's' J-.J. .t nomas and his wife were exceedingly poor, aud the man was verv shiftless. It is said that fchen he made any money he purchased food and made ..i.e cuu u, out would not permit her, although she was starvin... f.i Three weeks ago the woman gave birth to a child. Her condition became serious. While she lay ill her husband tortured her in every way he could, even putting led hot coals on hnrnrm ... . ,u ic uui, as he said, a practical illustration of hell. He confessed to iho v!i..,wr ..,i . ..!... cian who wtnt to examiuo the body, that ..vv..UJluulcuul(. mmcity, but said ho did not make her religious. The woman's arms were horribly burned. Her body was buried by the county, nd her child is heinsr cared f ir i..ii,n,.;i i i . ble neighbors Thomas will be prosecu ted it the indignant populace do not lynch him. Raleigh A'isitor. Bishop H. E.Turner, of the African M. E. Church, the leading advocate of returning the black man to Africa, ar rived iu the city on the ITmliri,, . day. He left Africa on May 3rd. He Tresents tne Libenan Government and will go to Washington to-day to see Mr. Cleveland. He will then go to his home m Atlanta. The BishoD has norm vitutirw. 1, f '"'""n Bfl- Uement of the Cambria River, Sierra Leone and Liberia. On M, r;.,,i,.:.. and in Sierra Leone, he says, most of the black men from this country are doin "Thousands of them." hn L-m'.l 11. ... , ...III, keeping stores, raisiiio coffee flllM fit. gaged in all the occupations of the country. "Those Who do not .nmunJ M ... v i till I'l Jack the physical activity and atwimil. ,.. compete with the nativn LI - .vro vi mgfc, self-reliance. Such men go there expect log to lively menial norvlna , A . I .1 - ' "c to nire them as they were hired hen . They can't compete in that market with the natives. I can hire men them f- i,i. :. cents a day who will do twice' as much worHnadayas one of our negroes. I a man tho proper payment to deliver a letter for you and he will run 100 miles with it in twenty four hours it t :i ... xaoenais not making the progress i"ai i C0U1U Wish. It nendu nn. Kl 1 UbM UI1.IUU and blood ought to 20 from tl,;u .u. iud reason rnnr knniu.. ..uicuu uaiious havo parcelled out African r,m w..i. to bouth among them, and T,IKn,; ; it. 1 1 la me oniy place on the face of the globe ieu iortne black man tn hmld 1,:... t mill- self a civilized and enliirhted St,t a demonstrate to the world his nhiMtv rn. le. .... J -."-government. 1 believe he has it. In the United States he has no fnt,, meniui. iew lork gun. K W ADVE RTIS KM KNTS. How's Your Liver? Is the Oriental salutation, knowing that good health, cannot exist without a healthy Liver. "When tho Liver is torpid tho Bow els are sluggish and con stipated, the food lies in the stomach undi gested, poisoning tho blood; frequent headacho . ensues; a leeling ot lassi tude, despondency and nervousness indicate how the whole system is de ranged. Simmons Liver Eegulator has been tho means of restoring moro people to health and happiness by giving them a healthy Liver than any agency known on earth. It acts with extraor dinary power and efficacy. Rkv. R. G. Wildkr, Princeton, N. J.,siyj ' l find nothing helps so much to keep me in working condition as Simmons Liver Regulator." See that you get the Genuine, with red 2 on front of wrapper. prhpakbd o.vr.v nv n- & VO., rhUadelBMa, p. MK. FERGUSON'S PItAVEtt. HOW TO PLACK THE 1JE,. Summer Weakness And that tired feeling, loss of appetite and nervous pros tration are driven away by Hood's Sarsa parilla, like mist before the morning sun. To realize the benefit of this great med ; .;,.i ..-n .. ii-iuc, 11 in-" nun jou win join me army of enthusiastic admirers of Hood's Sarsaparilla. o ir ; . tt it ... aur , emeieui, easy ii iou s rills. Tl..... uUuM ka in ..... ll. ' X ucjr duuuiu u .u ..jr .la.cllcrB grip and every family medicine chest. 25o. a box. The most stubborn Skin and Scalp diseases, the worst forms of fifrnfiiln ull blood ta'ints aud poisous of every name anu naiure, aro utterly rooted out by Dr. Pierce'n Golden Medical Discovery. For every disease caused by a torpid liver or impure blood, it is the only remedy so certain and effective that it can be guar anteed. If it faiJs to benefit or cure" you nave your money back. Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, .Kryaip. elas, Boils, Cnrbuncles, K-iWcd Glands luuioiB, uud dwelling,, Jilvj cVory kindred ailment, are completely and permanently oured by by it. "The first tiling I do when I m.r. m hotel is to see how my bed stands in re- gara to tlie points ol the compass," w,id rreuncK Mltmr, who is at tho Laclede "It is usual iu fixing up a room to put the bed where most convenient, without regard tn the direction in which the head points, and this is the priucipul reason iravjicra steep wMly in no town d lie awake grumbling ,,.l ui-l.t iu the next. To obviate this I take uiv hearim with a littl.- eompaf-N, u.l if my bed is not iui.inucd with the bind either noiili r south, I swing it around right away and make it face the no.ili ;r ....... :i.i ing the south as a compruiniso. Some people think it all nonsense to It. 1 ta.h. aoout a current ol magnetism passing steadily from pole to pole, but a telephone operator or Oxer will show you in a few miuutes that this is actually tho case. If you sleep with your head to the east or west you do not -ret this l,.,.!,: current, while if you lit- in proper position through the body during the night aud has a southing, recuperative elket Tr ill experiment, and you will Innoh ,.. tho. h i ta'iu i.i.i .-..j mid. .. ..: .. ..r...w.. ...i.. tt .low tn wooing retreshingslecp.-St. Louis Globe Democrat. Away back in the 60s Mr. Ferguson was defouding a man accused or belting his wife. The case was on iril h.C.Z justice of the peace, nrobablv ilm ,,m.. justice who decided that stealing of potatoes out ot a canoe in the river was "piracy on the high seas." The ne,l was convicted and tho iud.n. r ,i i sen tenced him to be hao"ed. "But you cau't hane a mnn C,r ng his wife," expostulated Mr. Fer-uson "The devil I can't," said the justiee, bridling up. "Ain't he guilty? Ought not any man to be hunc whn wm,U lli a woman aud that woman his wife? And mnt 1 the only Judge in this country? If I haven't got the power to hang a wan, who has, eh? I will hang him within an hour: won't w h,?" i, .. ' - tic UUU- eluded, addressing the crowd Handing around, whose sympathy, wereevisdently nun tne wouiau. "That we will," touted the crowd. Seeing that the was beginning to ioos serious tor Ins client, Mr. Furgerson said: r "Well, your honor, before tho man is hanged I Would like to mL. hi v.. hind that hi- fr..(. ,) (,l. ,lin ., "All right," miid th,. jus,;.,,, n,i ,a went the prisoner and Fur.-nson U l,. they got behind the tree Femismi kii,l iu an umiertone: V . . V gci, voud d hound " A.l I1C got. TO THE LADIES OF WESTEUX HALF OP IiALIFAX CO. I know Dr. J. A. XfoCHW, nniunr Dinccniu . t unHiiut DLUOdUiYI to be a very great blessing to our sex. We have long needed some lhin which we could use ourselves and which could conquer the stubborn forms of chronic inflammation and congestion which he at the foundation of all female troubles. That. Ttr uv,ua meets the demand nf i liis 1,. t.,u . , . , "'"8 : waul u HhowD by the fact that many which Lava bnHlml tlin ut;n .,f ' i , t i..v, 011.111 vi uur uest r v ...... .u, , uclu;, ny u 1 have Dledced mvsn f tn 1... , , in the above Counties know ithis simple ....... n.m-, wonuertul cure. To aceoin r ilisli tliiu T ,,. . 1 i. . i i i ' ii.ivo mo neip ot wmiegootl Christian lady in each township. There are not less than one thousand ladies 111 enc llif tlw. ..h., n , . . . , , , ""; vuuuiiesiowiiomthis f nrv wmil.l l..w.r: ...... .. .,: " "laiuniaiiio value, mauv ol them iiiotliei-s who need strength that ....... uicir nine ones; then there ae so liinnv vfiimir i,iu ...i . , , not coiisiHiT..,! u..,;,,.,.. i.... , . i ........,, ,,,1L ncvertneless need attention, as onl.v, i little time will oe i it l re I lnr it .tub,. (1... ...,i. r ., cheeks and nil tin. r . . . .... rv ,,, mcir (Ma(t young lives as it has done in thousands ot cases. S.i.inl I. t.,. ...... , "" I "i .iianip lor tree Sample I ox. I will also send Township',, Agent s terms to those who will assist me MISS LIZZNC Ii. DAVIS, 4.o., y Art'01'', Warren Co., N. C. THE TALK OF -i THE TOWN 'fea " NOW IS -ibb Have YOU Seen The pretty ;oods at Tilery's Ml Dress Goods of all Kinds; And trimmings to match. EVERYBODY It Won't Do.-You may bridle the ....... :4 . 1 . m .1 . ,',iuMie 01100 tne liver to do its work well. You must be honest with it, help "aiong a little now and then with a dose of Simmon, Kvor Rt.jrator. xi,e jiv,r bwutm-i. s.ugish sometiines nnd n ) snme stimulation to keen ff thorn, ' of IndiL'i'ytion and niiioii.,i..s V ,,,.,,,1 acti-.e liver promotes digciiuu and ;. e. vents Midaria. rSKvn8.i'-..t.t.hM,oGllA1)V.H IIOBOl.uUtOAt, &A.H1AUIDM, Maliliu N'C .10 13 if . IVS thi'V aro, tllO ttrntfi.isf in a nobby line of Gents' Furnishing A large line of sample goods to be sold at NEW YORK WHOLESALE PRICES, and if yoU r i , - 1- ... 1.101 ues in stock you can select a pattern and the ht is fiuaran.eed; it takes only five days to make a suit. J HA TQ. A big line of the -4-.JL. -L kj. Newest Htvli. Ui.o and lelt hats just opened. I am always glad to show goods, and l'l'lcs sha 1 1111111. .1,. will. .1... 1 .. .1 r urn lowest mat good gixids cut, oe sold at. iw-fpcotfu'ly. W. U TILLERY, Weldou, N. C. 0 2I tf.

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