THE ROANOKE NEWS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 17. 1893. ADVERTISEMENTS. DO YOU KNOW That you can have your eyes tested ac curately, and fitted with glasses by a practical optician at YOUNG'S JEWELRY STORE The finest set of test lensesin thestate, and there will be no charge for testing your sight. More eyes are ruiBed by glasses sold by incompetent persons than any other cause. Therefore, we advhe you to be .careful with your sight, ard have your eyes examined by a 1 .COMPETENT OPTIC 'AN Silver goods for bridal presents, dia monds of the finest quality, watches in gold and silver cases, clocks of the best makers and good timers, gold thimbles and Christmas goods, gold headed canes and plain gold rings, opera glasses and fancy hair pins, and of the latest styles of goods, at the L 0 WEST POSSIBLE PRICES. . , J. W. YOUNC, Co Syca. & Bank Sts. Petersburg, Va. WHERE'S JIM RILEY? - Mitwuwiiarinffl irriraBE vtr i NTS Wkwttr. S. C, Pec. so, i$Ct Sin; I wih 1 . ul.: lit uif mIio are sulfei nig Irum ithjf ( if iWji' know just 1(.w Koouyoitrrcmeiiy m. Mvsi.uiisul it on. ami is luiw Hie Mimicst child I huvc. many Uui;lis, I ruinm joins, II. A. TATE. 0rsr5i. Pa.. 1c ?i, jPdt. I have cot hail i.f my UiJ spells uic I commenced taking 5 our tm-rlirinc. s jrt' iiths WO. 1 IIVKSV 1.1..MCKL. Pini.Arri.pniA. ?A. . J.-in, 7. tfn. I prrrmttttht lnnnr of two c.T.s of JVfj where the pnlicnt had given up 11 hope, Unit werccurtd by this remedy. c. A. Wood, TreMiircr Atiieric. m 1'ublithing House. 1TJ? K.VOlr our rir,!y CVltEH the I niiuxr t-All:. j tii.t yon nuiy try it, ( wilhimt i j',uf, we Hill semi ymi One lMitus rt ve. All rlltltniH 7,(1,', l y u, uivc tz, rohi-ui.iee mm biate. Ai drew Hull Chemical Co., WEST I'lIII. VIF.I.11MA. PA. lew ' Millinery. -0 MY STOCK OF -0 SPRING And SUMMER I wonder where Jim Kiley is ? It's been a month or more oince last ne said "uooubye to us a staodio' iu the door An' peltin' him with roses that were redder than the mouth Of the sweetest girl that eyer kissed a sweetheart in the south ! I wonder where Jim Riley is ? I think o him at night, When the whippoorwills are singin' an' the dew's a fallin' light On the sweet, old fashioued roses that are coverin' like snow The gardens dreamin' dreamin, of the one that loved 'em so. I wonder where Jim llilcy is? I think o' him at morn, When the first, breath o' daybreak conies a keein' thro' the corn, An' the lark's wet wings are lifted, an' he skims across the gray, An' the swamp thrush is a siDgin' of his soul into the daj. The mockiu' birds remember him; on every rumpled tree I hear 'em singin,' siDgin' of his melodies to me; An' they set my soul to sighin', an' I am sayin' half aloud ! "Now, don't them Georgia mockiu' birds do Mister Kiley proud !" It can't be he's forgot us? Yet, he's keepin' still so lonal Here's a garden full o'., roses; can't we swap 'em for a song? An' they're whiter than the cotton blooms, an redder than the mouth rw.v ..-i.i. vi me sweetest gintnat ever kissed a sweetheart in the south ! ADVERTISEMENTS. OUSTS BOTTLE JOHNSON'S Chill and FEVER ionic. Millinery. Is arriving, and I will display the finest line of foods ever shown in this town. Come and see toe NEW STYLES. COME AND SELECT THE NEW EST NOVELTIES. MRS oct 4 ly P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N. C. Chas. M. Walsh, South Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va. 1 fr7iffi J mm 0 1 n m TOO LATE; DEATH WHEN FORTUNE SMILED STIIANCIE T111NOS HAPPEN IN MIN ING CAMPS. 1 lie number who huvo worked aud delved iu following a prospect until their money or their patience became exhausted are many, says the Auburn, Col , Herald And it is not infrequently happens that such parties live to learn that thev abandoned their claims when a few more days' work, or possibly a few more strokes with the pick, would have revealed the lead which they had worked to find. A story was told to us by an old miner a few days ago of an Eastern college professor who came out here in early days and started to prospect on some of the quartz leads around Grass Valley. When he arrived here had 870,000, and he bought up quite a number of claims and spent his money freely in prospecting them. He worked with a bouyant heart, confident that his labor and investments would be remunerated. He had a charming wife and four bright children. One thousand after another of his money was sunk into the ground until finally his last dollar was gone, and from outward appearances he was no nearer gelling it back than he was when he started. Ho became despondent, and while laboring under a fit of mental depression ho prepared a draught of deadly poison, gave a drink to his wife and to each of his children, and then, after waiting long enough to satisfy himself that they were past recovery, be partook of the poison and laid down to die with those he loved. Before their bodies were cold they were found by a man from one of bis mines, who had oome to inform him that a largo vein of rich rock had just been uncovered. He and his had passed be yond the cares of this world, and had no further use for earthly treasure, but the lead that was struck the day of his death turned out a rich one, and yielded gold enough in subsequent years to have made him independently rich. . All rree. Those who have med Dr. King's New Discovery kuow its value, and tlmse wlm have not, have now tbe opportunity to try it free. Call on the ndveitised Jrug Kist and cet a trial bottle, free. K prill your name and address to H. E. Bucklun 3C to., Vhicaco, and get a sample box of Dr. Kinsr's New Life Pills fre. as a copy of Guide to Health and House hold Instructor, free. All of which is guaranteed to do you good and cost you nothing. : Wm. Cohen's drugstore. Cures permanently OTCTTT! PAHA nf Chill and Fever, Bilious or Tv- 1 1 T.S Tf . . J pnoiu fever, Hemorrhagic or Swamp j-ever, or money returneU. Price 50c. NORTH CAROLINA TESTIMONIALS. Holiuood, N. C. I have used and sold Ifl bottles ftf vnnr uieuieine aim 11 nas Eiven satis act on irmi ny. J. r. ELLSWORTH. Cronley, If. C. Johnson's Chill and Fever Tnnie line given perfect satisfaction. 1). HAND. Beaufort, N. C. hend me two dozen Johnson 'a Tnnin T have sold out and need it. I have not had a bottle returned. Ship at once. ALLEN DAVIS. Edeivton, N. C. Please shin me 4 doz. Jnhnsnn' filiiii and Fever Tonic at once. I think it gives saxisiacuoii. . I. LEAliY. Crontaa, N. C. Enclosed fiud check for K7 fill ease Jotinson's thill and Fever Tonic. I think it the best medicine ever introduced into eastern North Carolina. F. has proved as guaranteed to me, so please seuu out one more case immediately. B. B. MALL1SONT. Aurora, N. C, I have sold twentv-twn hotlles nf it. nnrl none have been returned. I think I shall get a good trade on it. A. J. McINTYKE, M. D. Eniul, N. C. It is as represented. Have not failed in caseol lever when taken nrconlint; to di reetions. J. A. ASKINS. Marines, N. C. The medicine is Hiving general satisfac tion. LEWIS MAKINES & CO. 10 merenants or others who have access to commercial reports, please investi gate ana see that the above indorse ments are from hu.-iness men all rated in liradstrei't s and easily aeeessable. If you sellJohnson's Tonic, sell it on a guar antee. For circulars address :a. bcirardeau, Savannah, Ga. Uf EEKLY J,, If EEKLY III SPATCH, EEKLY MISPATCH. BY THE DISPATCH CO., Publishers, The Great Southern Newspaper. OXLY $1.00 PER YEAR. Best Condensed News, I Best Stories, I Best Miscellany, K j Beet answers to correspond I dents Department, J Best Editorials. .A. S T IT GIVES AWAY MANY VALUABLE PRESENTS. Samples conies of the Werkt.v Dm. patch will be sent free to any address, Write to THE DISPATCH CO., Kiehmond, Va. 1893. THE NEW YORK 1893. . During the reign of Numa I'ompillius 700 B. C., an experiment was made with wooden money. Lrwest oash prices guaranteed. All work warranted satisfactory. CHARLES M. WALSH, oot 11 ly, F. H. Hiekev. 1203 Main tn.t Lynchburg, Va., write": "I was broke out all over with sores, and mv hnir wan falling out. -After using a. few bottles of xsotamc iiiood 15a I in my hair quit fallin" out and all tbe sores got well." WEEKLY HERALD AT ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. During 1893. the AVeeVlv TTnM be without question the best and cheapest family journal published in America. It will be profusely illustrated W tl,o lu.t artists in the country, and will be n maca- Kine nf lilpot,. ..J:....J - i . , unrivaled in its excellence. THE PRESIDENTIAL INAUGURAL will be cranhicnllv ly piotnreil, while the great feature of the raining year s History, tile World's Fair, Will be lrivcn twrtien nr nt(,n( c comtilete will be the dmu-rmtinn. f t.... thins connected with the great Exposition uim su uuu to me rciUiiy lue inuny illus trations, that n perusal ot the Weekly Herald next summer will be nlmuka.bnt isfactory as a visit to Chicago. PRIZES EACH' WEEK Will be awarded for the best original arti cles on agricultural subjects, Jach issue will contain a page devoted to practical and scientific (arming. The Woman's Denurtment will bo . celled iu practical suggestions to niuke the home more attractive. Every week will be a number of special articleson all topics of human interest. Among the novelists who will write stories for the Weekly Herald are Jerome K. Je rome, Stepniak, Mrs. Grimwood, Edwin Arnold, John Strange Winter, Marie Corel li, Helen Mathers, Florence Warden, Hume Nisbetand Hamilton Aide. SEXD FOR PREMIUM LIST. Address: JAMES GORDOH BENNFTT. N. Y. HERALD, , New York City. WTSubscribe dow.j NEW ADVERTISEENTS. THE PLACE TO GET EDQUQS asp MEDICIflES -AT THE- LOWEST PETCES, IS .A.T PR A. It. ZOLLICOFEER'S, WEST SIDE WASHINGTON AVE. OPPOSITE E. R. SHED. WE L DON. N. C. STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT FILLED WITH THE BEST SELECTED MATERIALS PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED AT ALL HOURS WITH GREAT CARE. PERFUMERY. STATIONERY, FANCY SOAPS, BRUSHES, FANCY ARTICLES. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. hewtT weloomealway. await, you .1 ZOTJJCOFFER'R. liifl If f'iMi WELDON", K 0. The Cheapest Printing House I! i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. wTTwTfl rTbr anch E8i AND FLORENCE RAILROAD. Condensed Sohedule. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. HATKI1 Julv 2nd w.a. S it 6 a o f, P.M. I'.jr I'.M. Leave WcMiin, 18 85 8 Si! Ar Knrky Mnunt 1 l 10 44 Ar Turliori) 2 M l.cavt'Tarlioni, 1 'A I.v Roekv Mniiiit, 1 48 in V Leave Wiln 8 W 11 :io Lv Selma, Lv Knyetleville, 1 n Arrive Florence, 10 Id II K7 1'. M. Lv 'Wilson , 8SU I.v Goldsburo, :i ?n Lv MllKHIlljH, 4 Ar Wilmington, 0 lo A.M. fi (10 6 2(1 r. m. 0 fO 7 oa 8 40 II IMI 5 15 R 30 A.M. P.M. 7 (Kl 7 47 8 M HI 40 TRAINS (iOING NORTH. V. ,1 Lv Klorenee. Lv Ki'.yettevlUe, Lenve Selnni, Ar. W'ilxon, Lv Wilmington, Lv Mnirnolia I.V (Jnldsliol'O, Ar i Isoii , Lv Wilson, Ar Rocky Muuiit. ArTortKtro, 2 Lv Tarliorn. 12 Lv Rocky Mount, 2 On A.M. A.M. P.M. u IU Ar Weldoii, (i :i 11 in 12 50 1 HI 1 10 2 III! r.4 ii :a 11 2'i 11 2") 11 so 12 08 A.M. (i 811 !l 60 11 4IK 12 ftt S HO P.M. li 40 7 47 8 84 8 M II 15 8 OK P 18 m (i in i on in nr. M. P. M. A. M. P.M. B"Scnd jour orders to us when in need of Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Packet Heads, Statements, wveiopes, Business Cards, Posters, w uuamg ana Pic-nic Invitations, p Tags, Circulars, Etc., Etc. EXECUTED AT SHORT NOTICE. c n n inn "liniir Tin iioi IfLUUIIlll 111 V I I II I IIIIVA I Say, young man, if you intend get ting married, have your tickets printed by us. Write for samples 100 drafts, padded, onlylScents SEND FOE PRICES & SAMPLES. Address All Correspondence To Excelsior Printing Co. Dally exeept Sunday, Trnin on Scotland Ncek Branch Road leaven Welilon at " III p. in. lhilifiu 4 no.nrrive Scotland Neck at t 1H p.m. Greenville (I 2s p. m Kinston 7:mp. rn. Itetuniing leaven Kinstoii 7 20, a. m. Greenville K8ia in. Arriving at Hulilax 1100, a. in., Weldi.ii 112') a. in dailv except. Sunday. Trains on Washington brnncli leave Washing ton 7 no a. ir. arrive s I'lirmcle Kin n. rn., Tarboro !i fid; relurniiiK leaves Tarbnrn4 40 p m. l'armele (i (III li. 111., arrives Wi.liiiK,tnn 7 ,, . i,..n- except Siindiiy. Connects with trains on Beot- land ."seek uranch. Train lcKveTarloro N. C via Albemarle and RaleiffllK. U Ilnllv erent fi,1u., f. Eunday :i 00 p. m., arrive Williamston N. C.' 7 li ,'. in.. . ' 'i'. in. iiyiuoutii ynprn., r80p, m. Returnini; leaves Plymouth dailv except Sunday &:iua. m.Ktiiulay in oo a. m. Wil'linmston. N. 0 . 40 a. HI. HAS a m Arrive 'r,,r).,.r ' 1120a.m. Trnfn on MMlnn.l V P in., f..u. i! ' 1','"I1' Sunday 0 00 a. m., arrive Smith old X I' .'II u . V..,. i..-' i Rmlthtleld, N. C., 8 00 a.' m.," arrive N c., 0 30 p.m. Train nn Vnnhvlllo Rr.,.,..t. ..., Mount at 4 30 n. m .rrlv... r,! J ,, . r - - - .." ... "rii,,ic ,, u, n, m.,SprmitHope 5 .10 p. m. Retumfnir leavea priniriiope sou a. m., Nashville 8 sft m ar Rocky Mount I) in a, ni. dailyexceptSunilav " 1 rams on Latin Iirnneh Florence K, R leave Lntta 8 ) p. m.: arrive Dniilmr 9 :in n HirninB leave liunliarft Ml a. m., arrive La'tta7 00 a. in. Dailyrx 'cptsundny. Train on Clinton Branch leav(e Warsaw for Clinton, daily except Sunday at 7 00 p. m. and jAv"1, Ret,lrll"'K 'five Clinton at 8 80 a m 40 .41 l,a5nd'78OU"0t,ti"gat Wars,lw wlth Nos- Train No. 7K makes close connection at Weldon for all points North daily. All rail via Richmo.d AJ l',vcxPt.,s"nrtay via Bay Line, also at Ro ky Mt daily ; with Norfolk and Carolina Norfolk ""d 411 P0'1"8 North "li J.'r.KENLY J. F. DIVINE, T If FwtXnST81.,,, General Sup't, i . i . EMLKSON , Gen'l Passenger Agent. TLANTIC COAST LINE. PETERSBURG & WELDON R. R: Condensed Schedule. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated July 2nd, 1893. No. 23 Daily. No. 27 Daily. Leave Peterghurg, Leave Stmiv ....!, Leave Jarratts, ' Ceave KelliehL Arrive Weldon, 10.10 am 10.52 am 11.11am 11.32 am 12.15 piu 3.51 p ra 4.23 p m 4.53 p m 5.20 p m . p IU i0. Jl), tOUILrHnntli Imv.. D.i ... ataiH, p. ni., arrive at Weldon 9.52. TRAINS GOING NOETII. Leave Weldon, Le lie! field. Le Jarrfttts, Le Stony Creek, No. 14 No. 78 Daily. Daily. 1.01a.m. 3.27 p. m 4.10 p. w 4.34 p. m 5.00 p. ra 2.32 a.m. 5.43 p. m Nl). 134 iroii,, V .1. , i , :,;' 'raves weldon du ¬ ly at 9:20, nrrtve at Peterahurf; 10.55 a. in. E, T. D. MYKL'S t m t.... TO THE PATRONS OK THE . ALBEMARLE STEAM NAVIGATION CO o o QUICK TIME fe" NORFOLK ana r.ASfLKN N. CAKOI.1N On and nfter fj.. CHOWAN, Capti w" ,v' w 1 LEA E FRANKLIN on Momtavs Wed reach Fmnklin on Tnesdav, Th 1 and ftntnnl the South. ' tem '"in foi river, will point on the REACH NORFOLK- 1 1 ,-. . .. and thus have the entire dav for ii, ' artion ofbusinesg in tbatcitT 'us iiuuxE A TRIAL. Respectfully, Franklin. V t,.. ,.J'.!f- BOGART wilj lays to Bnpt